What did chat-GPT answer on these questions? What does 1000 petals mean? What happens when these 1000 petals opens? What…
What did chat-GPT answer when I ask if there is any connection between kundalini, the philosopher´s stone and Jesus and is Jesus the philosopher’s stone?
What did chat-GPT answer when I ask if there is any connection between kundalini, the philosopher´s stone and Jesus and…
The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out from under the veil of secrecy because the collective consciousness of humankind warrants moving into higher states of evolution. The kundalini being the nuclear energy of the psycho physical system, when awakened stimulates the physical, vital, mental and spiritual senses of the human body.
The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out…
The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx, near the Triveni. Then, the Kundalini awakens. The igneous serpent of our magical powers emerges from the membranous pocket where it was enclosed and rises through the spinal canal toward the chalice (the brain). Certain nerve filaments that connect the seven chakras, or sympathetic plexus, with the spinal column, branch out from the medullar canal. The sacred fire activates the seven magnetic centers
The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in…
The heart operates outside of time and space because it is connected to the cosmos. As such, it functions similar to the Universe: It moves through spirals, vortices, and portals. The heart can access information through interdimensional means and provide us with answers our minds cannot imagine. The brain is limited by its programming whereas the heart has access to the infinite source of wisdom. Since the human heart generates the largest electromagnetic field of the body, it receives information in the form of electromagnetic signals before the brain. It acts as an information clearinghouse that decides what information is important. Not only is it a clearinghouse for information, it also connects us with the energy of creation, the primal spark that glows within every star or heart
The heart operates outside of time and space because it is connected to the cosmos. As such, it functions similar…
The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the meeting of the six chakras. It would be a hollow space, on the edges of which there would be a thousand nerves. Sahasrara, the consciousness chakra: When this opens, you become fully aware of pure consciousness as the sole reality and underlying substance of everything in the universe. Sahasrara . Therefore , to awaken the life principle or consciousness from Muladhara and let it merge in Sahasrara has been described as ‘ liberation ‘ by Vedanta
The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the meeting of the six chakras.…
For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we need to do is search for it. The greatest spiritual power lies in Sahasrara and not in Ajna chakra. The Sanskrit translation of the word Sahasrara explains everything – “Thousand-Petal Lotus”. The yogi is finally free, because once the yogi’s worthy spirit has touched the subtle energy of Nirvana’s plane
For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we need to do is search…
The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One. The sword is the symbol of the raised kundalini. The sword Excalibur is the threefold flame of the individual. The caliber of the sword is the x factor. According to the individual’s initiation and his attainment, so is the power of his sword. Jesus has spoken of the sword and its meaning:
The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the…
The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram that holds memories like other computers; this ram has a lot to do with us remembering who we really are. When Mary arrived she saw the angel sitting on the rolled stone and Amen was no longer inside. The angel in verse Matthew 26:32 where he went. Matthew 26:32 But after I am risen again. I will go before you into Galilee. Galilee comes from the word (gelila), meaning circuit, boundary or territory. The feminine noun (gulgoleth), meaning skull or head. The reason why the tomb was empty when Mary got there is symbolic that once the kundalini arrives, the Amen (Christ) that was in the tomb has now flooded the well-being of the individual. The energy in the fornix of the brain is called foramen. The impulse within has symbolically rolled away the stone allowing the crown psychological center to open as the chemicals are released from the pineal flooding the brain circuitry. Amen has risen is symbolic of the opening of the Crown chakra
The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram that holds memories like other…
London Harlot 666 – THE MASTER PLAN OF THE ILLUMINATED ROTHSCHILD’S: Ron Patton interviews Marion Knox The Illuminati is a…
After this, Ishtadewata is again transformed into subtle Kundalini when samprajfiata samadhi is attained. Finally, Kundalini absorbs the mind and all other things and remains alone, and is then absorbed into Supreme Consciousness in samadhi
Concentration Concentration is not focused thought (bhawana) but is the process consisting of dharana, dhyana and samadhi. It does not…
THE SECRET GOVERNMENT OF ILLUMINATI There are still 13 Illuminati bloodlines ruling the world today which hold their origins to…
AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy, perhaps more so than most people; this may be due to the much-advertised dissolution of the American nuclear family with its associated emphasis on the individual over the group. At the same time, they expect perfect transparency in their government. It has been the (sometimes pointless) secrecy of American government institutions that has contributed to the paranoia and cynicism of the conspiracy theorists
AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy, perhaps more so than most…
Baptism by Fire- The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises to the crown chakra, the crown chakra opens, and the blessings of Spirit pour forth for the personality and all in its vicinity. It’s the rise of Kundalini, energizing of the shells of the body. Bodhisattvas remain just in such state. The Matter within their bodies occultly “rises”, “is saved”.
Baptism by Fire- The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises to the crown chakra, the…
The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey takes place when this serpent wakes up and starts to split and dance around the spine, ionizing the spinal fluid and changing its molecular structure. This action causes the opening of the midbrain and the door to the subconscious mind. Once Kundalini enters into the Brahmaandra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated and a new pattern of consciousness is born.” The journey kundalini puts you through is the journey of unification. When the webs that separate chakra from chakra are dissipated, the realization of yourself as a spirit is accomplished.
The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey…
The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter
The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful…
Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini. The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul
Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became…
‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience
‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom…
What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The answer can be found in one word —ego. Imagine what it would be like to live only in the kitchen of a I5-room house. The life-giving connection between heaven and earth is the cross, the world-axis on either side of which two gigantic vines spiral upwards. The work has a similar sense to that behind the Indian Kundalini and the two energy-spirals that twist around it in opposite directions
What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The…
Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?
Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored…
The 10 Stages of Artificial Intelligence
The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED! 369 could be the key to free energy!
The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is Finally REVEALED!
The field is there, Contact with it releases power. “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are not ready to mutate beyond the lower, robot circuits. One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. The Epsilon – Lambda – Gamma brain waves
The field is there, Contact with it releases power. “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are…
The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilise our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom
The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. Current research has revealed a…
Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.” The true battle between good and evil—between our lower and higher natures—happens within. When our higher centers are fully awakened, the energies of divine love will flow through us from the spiritual kingdom to the subhuman worlds. When the spiritual and physical worlds are united, the “new heaven and a new earth,” mentioned in Revelation, will be revealed
Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.”…
Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five senses of passions (mass consciousness is desires of the ego and the five senses of passions). Mass society, mass media, mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communication, mass education, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and finally all these parts is the Matrix. Waking up from the Matrix, breaking the bondage (of) false consciousness (the dreamworld) and wakening up from the illusionary reality, is done when people are shown the true workings of the Matrix-system
Mass Consciousness is the desire consciousness of the ego and is formed through the five senses of passions (mass consciousness…
The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in fact, you have the power to create worlds or be a co-creator of your own life. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benefit higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement of the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they remain ignorant of their own power. Once human through practice or “yoga” are fully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing future is arriving . Humans are all facing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom
The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a…
Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three. SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformation, for further evolution of our human potential
Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the…
We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher conscious mind demands a more powerful line of communication. Compare it to more sophisticated fiber optic cables that increase the carrying capacity for data and information to be communicated all over the world. We have that technology now within our computer and phone systems. These advanced systems require better grounding fields; and thus, as they change, so do we
We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher…
Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil war were money war’s started by the international bankers of Europe, in an effort to gain control of America money systems. There is a powerful force today. They are an unseen government behind the scenes, who dictate and control our governments today. These men stay behind the scenes, and they use their financial influence in political life. These men are the international bankers. These men now control the governments of the world. The reason for their secrecy becomes clear when you consider their major goals, which is to establish a one world government, consisting of a world economy, and a world religion. You can see the beast, and the religious whore rising up to rule this world system today
Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil…
KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening of Kundalini, which symbolizes the Serpent Power without the lengthy meditation and the years of spiritual training. The serpent is normally asleep while man is awake to the outside world, and is coiled up around the axis of the body. According to the Tantric texts, Kundalini is a mysterious psycho-spiritual force, a conceptual and practical mainstay of Tantra, which originally served as a road map to awaken the Kundalini power. If it is uncoiled and raised to the thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head known as the seventh chakra, which represents spiritual unfolding, it obliterates the sense of individuation and floods the body with divine nectar, the Kula-amrita, thus allowing you to have inexplicable beatific state of experience. When Kundalini begins to ascend through the chakras, it brings increasing powers into play, until it reaches the highest point of total awareness and realization. To awaken and uncoil it is to break the ontological plane and attain the sacred center or enlightenment
KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening…
And so the battle continues. The worldly people around us say that the most important aspect is survival, and to assure it one must be streetwise, powerful, and cunning. But if we were to look at it from the heart chakra’s viewpoint, we would see that with greater awareness we would not be influenced by the power of the lower chakras and the survival forces of the mind. Literally, this is a battle in which we can truly lose ourselves. It’s as if we are being forced to make a choice without being aware of it—do we go with survival and power or do we choose the more subtle feelings and knowings?
And so the battle continues. The worldly people around us say that the most important aspect is survival, and to…
William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he died to reveal. The late William Cooper said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. I’m not into mysterious things, or witchcraft, or disappearing ships, or anything like that. My only purpose, and the only reason I even began to do any of this is because that sometime in the near future we’re all in danger of losing our personal freedoms and becoming somebody’s slave in the New World Order, and that’s the only thing I care about
William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he…
When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and future, ability to read other people’s thoughts, as well as many occult powers, depending upon the Chakra one is meditating on. The aspirant, however, does not stop at this, for although he posses all these occult powers, he brushes them aside, aspiring to the highest degree of knowledge : the realisation of the supreme -self, the ultimate truth. Once the aspirant has achieved the ability to direct the Kundalini by the power of concentration to the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara (the seat of pure consciousness), and has united himself be it, he has attained the true goal of meditation; the state of superconsciousness or Samadhi. It is the stage of confluence of the supreme Lord Shiva and his source of energy : Shakti.Sahasrara means “thousandfold.” The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, it is the center of divine union, integration, and spiritual enlightenment
When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and…
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The bitterness in the belly (the solar-plexus chakra, seat of the desire body) is the alchemical sign of the transmutation of human desire into God desire — a prerequisite for all who would reenter the Mystery School
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The bitterness…
Where several nadis join together, the conduit is larger, like a bigger fiber-optic cable. In the physical body, the main nerve conduit running from the brain down to the base of the spine is the spinal cord, a great bundle of nerve fibers that connects the highest centers in the brain to the entire body. In roughly the same location in the subtle body there is the main conduit of Kundalini, called the sushumna nadi, which runs from the head down to the base of the spine. The sushumna nadi is seen as not only the major channel the creative energy of consciousness flows through as it manifests the universe of personal experience; it is also the repository for all the past impressions left by our actions, both mental and physical. To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This is the work of the awakened Kundalini. She does this in two ways. First, the Kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi “erasing,” if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them
Where several nadis join together, the conduit is larger, like a bigger fiber-optic cable. In the physical body, the main…
The illuminati go by the name Council of Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies in the world. Their main goal is to CONTROL the world and it’s people through a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT where they are in FULL-control. The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global 1 World Order is no longer a secret
The illuminati go by the name Council of Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies…
Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created by the superimposition of two circles representing the two opposites. Jesus, the ‘anointed’ and christed one’ symbolized by the fish, is sometimes shown inside the ru symbol, the portal between this world and the next, revealing that the shaman is ‘the Way’ and therefore the door or gateway: for Ru meant “doorway” or “secret entrance” — and Christ is also “The Way”. Christ, like the Ru, is the entrance to the Spiritual world, the guide of the modern initiate.’
Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created…
ANCIENT MYSTERIES – The union of the self in man with the Self of the universe is called yoga, the yoking or joining together of the finite self with the Infinite Self, and the process or method for attaining this union is also called yoga. The name given by the Hindus to the highest state of consciousness is called Samadhi; the Zen Buddhists refer to it as Satori; in Taoism, it is known as the absolute Tao. Thomas Merton calls it transcendental unconscious, while the Quakers label it the Inner Light, and Gurdjieff calls it objective consciousness. Jung describes it as the process of individuation, and in Western metaphysical traditions, it is called the fifth state, cosmic consciousness, illumination, and the mystical or religious experience
ANCIENT MYSTERIES – The union of the self in man with the Self of the universe is called yoga, the…
Chogyam Trungpa put it simply when he said, “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” In other words, enlightenment is the end of the ego. The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it. Once enlightenment meant to bring the light of insight that liberates the self from suffering and death through the experience of anatta or no-self. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom
Chogyam Trungpa put it simply when he said, “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” In other words, enlightenment is the end…
From the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head, Divinity descends to the Ajna chakra, located in the centre of the brain, behind the junction of the eyebrows. Here the soul makes its entry into the physical body through the negative pole, the medulla oblongata, of the ajna chakra. It is here that the individual soul has come into existence, distinct from God
From the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head, Divinity descends to the Ajna chakra, located in the centre…
BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and the attainment of enlightenment. The platinum body is available through the seventh seal and chakra, the location of the pineal gland. The platinum body is best activated from the divine pathway, but it can be awakened after the seals are set on the power pathway. In fact, the Bible says that Christians will be persecuted by the Antichrist during the great tribulation.
BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and…
The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed
The Shining Ones: The World’s Most Powerful Secret Society Revealed The notion of an inner spiritual self and the ability…
The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is the fact that each human is a divine spirit operating a physical body and is capable of creating matter, energy, space and time out of nothing. They are gods in their own right! We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods of our own universes, but now we are fallen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw off our chains. We’ve only been given inhibitions. No one has allowed us to know our true potentialities. We’ve been oppressed and mind controlled by alien beings for the purpose of making us unknowing slaves. We are entertained and defrauded by television each day while the alien agenda relentlessly unfolds
The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is…
Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment of the coveted Philosopher’s Stone, described in ancient alchemical texts. Halligan showed how the raising of Kundalini to the crown chakra at the top of the head essentially equates with alchemical “conjunctio”, the mystical marriage of opposites in any spiritual journey which makes union with the Divine a subjective reality, where the Self is fully formed. “A conjunctio metaphorically creates the Philosopher’s Stone, the Self, unity with the Divine. Therefore, for many Jungians the experience of Kundalini awakening is the Eastern version of individuation [coming into Self-hood].”¨
Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment…
The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of the Self. Its goal is to move forward along the trajectory of our unfolding lives, to help us manifest the theme “from fragmentation to wholeness” so that we can actualize our full potential. It is the first psychology (because it includes the work of Carl Jung) that explains the client’s process as being a hero’s or heroine’s journey, an inner awakening or pilgrimage back to our spiritual source. This journey has been known throughout history by many names: The Tao, The Way of the Christ, enlightenment, the shamanic journey, kundalini awakening, the middle path, the Royal Road, the path of Initiation, the hero’s journey, or simple ‘going home,’ to name only a few
The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of…
The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group. (The American writer and historian Christopher Lasch has dealt extensively with these Billionaires’ Clubs’ in his book ‘The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy’).
The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this…
The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the spinal vertebrae canyons or pyramids. Each canyon is related with certain esoteric powers. There are 33 spinal canyons. When the Kundalini fire has already risen through the 33 canyons, then within the Astral Plane, the Staff of the Patriarchs is delivered to the Gnostic. High Initiation is received when the Staff of the Patriarchs has been received. High Initiation is the fusion of the Spiritual Soul with the Innermost
The Kundalini descends one or more canyons (vertebrae) according to the magnitude of the fault. In Gnosticism, we call the…
When the kundalini awakens, it travels in a snake like fashion awakening or activating the above listed chakras. As you see these chakras have a purpose in our personal development and the more activated, they are, the more positive our human characteristics. When asleep or dormant, we cannot live to our highest potential. A Kundalini awakening is the process of all parts of the body necessary to be our best selves becoming alive and aware through a power source we are already born with
When the kundalini awakens, it travels in a snake like fashion awakening or activating the above listed chakras. As you…
The last shall be the first kundalini. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that becoming aware of the pull of gravity—and opening yourself to the actual electromagnetic power of the Earth all around you as it participates in your individual power—is an essential step to first-chakra awakening.
The last shall be the first kundalini. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that becoming aware of the pull of gravity—and…
`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught in its own web the ‘Self gets caged in its own BMI. And when that happens the BMI has to work hard to set the, `Self free. This process can be compared to NASA sending space shuttles. Assume the, ‘Space shuttle’ is the, `Self and everything else within Earth’s gravitational pull is the BMI. A tremendous force has to be applied to throw the Space Shuttle out of Earth’s gravity and send it to the space. To push anything out of Earth’s gravity, force from the Earth itself has to be used. Similarly, to set the, `Self free from BMI the BMI has to utilize all its power. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi the BMI frees the, ‘Self, and then pulls back the ‘Self into the BMI exactly same as a Space shuttle is pushed out of Earth’s gravity, and pulled back into the gravity
`Self is the creator and, `BMI’ is the creation. But like a spider gets caught in its own web the…
To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This is the work of the awakened Kundalini. She does this in two ways. First, the Kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi “erasing,” if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them. This extraordinary purification process then releases us from the patterns in our lives created by those impressions. Second, she opens up states of consciousness that give us access to unbounded awareness, awareness of the transcendent self, what some call God-consciousness, Buddha mind, or Christ-consciousness, totally free of ego-mind
To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This…
The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies
The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies So, what is Kundalini yoga all about? At the…
Pawns in the Game – Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romances, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the like of which has never been written before. It is the story of how different groups or atheistic-materialistic men have played in an international chess tournament to decide which group would win ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world
Pawns in the Game – Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romances, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the…
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the Brahmarandra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated and a new pattern of consciousness is born.” From its repository in the reproductive organs, a fine stream of living energy filters into the brain as fuel for the evolutionary process.
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the…
The Central Banks established by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in NO WAY similar to the neighborhood banks that we all use to manage our money. The agents of the Jesuits created the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR]. The CFR would control the Empire’s finance, government, industry, religion, education, and press. No one could he elected to the Presidency of the United States without the Council’s consent
The Central Banks established by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in NO WAY similar to the neighborhood banks that…
This ‘global showdown’. The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. … A global elite? The Battle of Seattle shocked and awakened the world. Most of the major newspapers and TV stations headlined the Battle of Seattle event. David had just defeated Goliath. The world was informed about how activists had just shut down a global organization that many showed was more important and powerful than the United Nations itself.
This ‘global showdown’. The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. … A…
The capitalism that fueled America’s unrivaled economic growth began to take over your democracy. David vs. Goliath means capitalism. Today the United States has become the goliath of brutality, the goliath of imperialism and capitalism. When politicians feel impelled to manipulate the economy, it is done with the force of a Goliath, not the artistry of a piano tuner
The capitalism that fueled America’s unrivaled economic growth began to take over your democracy. David vs. Goliath means capitalism. Today…
The master cell held in the pineal gland, upon receiving the higher frequency information, activates all other cellular behaviors. As we move through our transformational work and are able to receive and metabolize the higher frequencies, this also changes our physical DNA
At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating…
Alchemy reveals what is shrouded in mystery. It mirrors deep life processes, providing a symbolic language of perception for some and a vehicle through which to engage with mystery for others. In 1945, in Upper Egypt, a collection of 13 ancient codices was discovered
Alchemy reveals what is shrouded in mystery. It mirrors deep life processes, providing a symbolic language of perception for some…
Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the primary momentum creating events on the global stage. The Golden Age will unfold naturally as the mass consciousness shifts from fear-based into love and trust-based ascendancy. When people are truly in tune with their hearts there will be a paradigm shift in mass consciousness. The collective heart will be activated and it will influence reality. At present collective fear, pulsating and active, is weaving the tapestry of reality. The personal fears of individuals on both sides of the fence, across borders, feed the collective fear
Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the primary momentum creating events on…
One can´t reach Christ Consciouness without alchemy and meditation. Meditation activates transformation, and transformation is alchemy, and alchemy removes and purifies, and transmutes lead into gold. Meditation and alchemy enlightens and strenghtens the inner lamp-Christ Consciounsess. The letter is the Philosopher’s Stone which is the elixir to Immortality. It is symbolized as a substance that can turn lead to gold. The lead symbolizes man’s basic dense self. The Philosopher’s Stone is the knowledge to transform the basic self to awaken to Christhood. Gold symbolizes the Christhood of being Awake. Alchemy is the alchemical-spiritual process that activates the light within us
The Philosopher’s Stone is the Divine Name, in contact with which the soul in lead is transmuted into gold which…
Subconscious mind created the Matrix / Time Loop as a predictable , familiar ‘ world ‘ , but it had lost control . Both subconscious and conscious ‘ five – sense ‘ mind were subject to the manipulation of this now self – aware ‘ entity ‘ that the Matrix had become
Subconscious mind created the Matrix / Time Loop as a predictable , familiar ‘ world ‘ , but it had…
The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest of cravings, actions and expectations. Meditation short-circuits this loop of head-banging by cooking the seeds in the fire of Kundalini Shakti until they no longer can be germinated. It happens in this way: The deepest samadhi is a purely selfless state. This inner ambiance of selflessness is completely devoid of selfish, egotistical cravings. The empirical self no longer feels needy of appropriation to fill up its emptiness. The individual lives in the world fulfilled by the ever-flowing fountain of inner love, spontaneous joy, and serene contentment. In this way, no mind is paid to the residual impressions that will wither, die, and never again bear fruit. Purpose has been attained, destiny has played out and free will has remembered the bliss of being
The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest…
The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes deeper understanding of the end of duality that approaches. The cross shows two opposite energies coming from two different directions. The center, where those energies meet, represents illumination. It is in the center, where opposites meet, that the divine spark begins, for divinity and unity are the same. (It is the clash of opposites that creates the divine spark. We will speak more of this when we speak about the Divine Couple.) The symbol of the cross illustrates how opposites meet in the center and spark illumination. The end of duality is represented by the coming together of polar opposites at the center of the cross
The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes deeper understanding of the end…
The logical brain will cancel out the intuitive information because it is illogical and inconsistent with the preconceived notion. Get out of your “Ego space” since your Ego is 100% non-intuitive. The stronger the ego, the less the intuitive information will flow from your Higher Self. The ego wants us to create divides and it will find anyway possible to do that, because if we stay divided the ego can live on as a powerful guidance of our lives; our fear becomes our inner guidance system. The intuition, with its symbols, is a gateway to the inner unconscious, source of our most powerful thoughts and urges. Earth are still locked in the embrace of the ego
The logical brain will cancel out the intuitive information because it is illogical and inconsistent with the preconceived notion. Get…
Planet Pluto is excluded as a planet in same way the Pineal Gland is enclosed. The human pineal gland is small in same way the dwarf planet Pluto is. The pineal gland is powerful because of its third eye psychic properties. Pluto is associated with the Sixth or Third Eye chakra, the energy point located at the center of the forehead, which is where we consciously direct our will
Planet Pluto is excluded as a planet in same way the Pineal Gland is enclosed. The human pineal gland is…
Talk about being in the dark, today’s people are worshiping shadows projected into a shadowbox. We are still in Plato’s cave
Talk about being in the dark, today’s people are worshiping shadows projected into a shadowbox. We are still in Plato’s…
The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest of cravings, actions and expectations. Meditation short-circuits this loop of head-banging by cooking the seeds in the fire of Kundalini Shakti until they no longer can be germinated. It happens in this way: The deepest samadhi is a purely selfless state. This inner ambiance of selflessness is completely devoid of selfish, egotistical cravings. The empirical self no longer feels needy of appropriation to fill up its emptiness. The individual lives in the world fulfilled by the ever-flowing fountain of inner love, spontaneous joy, and serene contentment. In this way, no mind is paid to the residual impressions that will wither, die, and never again bear fruit. Purpose has been attained, destiny has played out and free will has remembered the bliss of being
The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest…
Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It visualizes the purging of stored anger. Baring fiery emotion and extreme passion occurs before the rebirthing. That confrontation with a base nature is the true meaning of a baptism by fire. It is the moment the real self faces reality. Burning away conceptual thoughts cannot occur if the fire of emotion is stunted. Metaphors are flashlights beamed on inner life. The methods that make us human are twisted by misinformation and misdirection. It is a trick to keep reality at a safe distance
Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It…
That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept of the Second Adam. That Kundalini in man is typically dormant normally. Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the grand task of the previous incarnations. Indeed, the opening of the fontanel bone at the top of the brain) by the thing Kundalini is the opening of the egg’s shell: the new man, the new Adam is born. Redemption time occurs when the Kundalini pierces the fontanel bone at the top of the brain
That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept…
The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres. Communication courses through conferences and supercarriers who channel concepts between spheres. Content comes from public intellectuals. Their glue is like-mindedness. Their strength is patience. Their method is piecemeal social engineering. Their scalpel is the shock doctrine. Their final success is ensured by the ratchet. This is all employed in obeisance to the agenda: one money, one world, one order
The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres.…
The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In short, today we are under the DICTATORSHIP of the ILLUMINATI’S “UNITED NATIONS. Page after page addresses-controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild
The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In…
The ego discovers that it is not the unchallenged master. The ego fears the reality of life and the Master. It is innately endangered by the prospect of the Truth. Deep down in its psyche, it is acutely aware that reality lingers as a threat on the horizon. In Christian and Sufi mystical literature, “wine” is code for “living water,” the alchemical spiritual substance that transforms our consciousness to realms beyond the ordinary. Jesus’s first “miracle” is the turning of water into wine at the wedding at Cana
The ego discovers that it is not the unchallenged master. The ego fears the reality of life and the Master.…
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the Sahasrara or Crown chakra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated, and a new pattern of consciousness is born. The flow of kundalini into the brain has been described by mystics as “ambrosia” and “nectar or manna from Heaven
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the…
The serpent is more than a symbol of the force of gravity which draws us back to Earth; it can also represent the ascending Earth force, the Kundalini. And although the initial goal in Kundalini yoga is to raise this force to the crown chakra, the second and complementary phase entails letting the nectar thus produced flow back down through the entire body, to the base of the spine and the soles of the feet. So in addition to symbolizing the elemental Earth force, the serpent also stands for the rising and falling energy currents on the axis mundi, the Tree of Life which both separates and unites Heaven and Earth, source and manifestation, and which, in terms of the microcosm, is the human spine
The serpent is more than a symbol of the force of gravity which draws us back to Earth; it can…
When the Pineal gland is normal and stimulated by the Serpentine Fire, it becomes the Inner Eye of the Brain, the All-Seeing Eye of the Masters, the Light of the World Within. Ye are the light of the world. The light of the body is the (All-Seeing) Eye. If thine Eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light (Mat. 5:14 ; 6:22). BRAIN POWER – The top secret of the Masters was their discovery of HOW TO INCREASE BRAIN POWER. Modern men may think all this is new. The evidence shows that the Ancient Masters discovered these things thousands of years ago. While we are only beginning to learn that man has these Brain Powers, the Masters knew how to develop and use them, and performed what seemed to be miracles
When the Pineal gland is normal and stimulated by the Serpentine Fire, it becomes the Inner Eye of the Brain,…
Extraordinary Powers in Humans – To get into the transcendental state in meditation, this serpent power has to reach the brain, piercing all the plexuses (sacrum, lumbar, thoracic and cervical). Then it enters the ventricles of the brain (sahasrara chakra) and settles down there. When the serpent power becomes concentrated in the ventricles of a person’s brain, the velocity of the electrons present in the cerebrospinal fluid and around the brain accelerates, giving a pleasurable sensation to the sadhak. This produces a state of thoughtless mind where a sadhak experiences bliss and he wants to continue in this state of mind for a prolonged period
Extraordinary Powers in Humans – To get into the transcendental state in meditation, this serpent power has to reach the…
Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your creations, then those in power such as religion, government, businesses, family, and friends, lock you into a consciousness that only results in everyone and everything outside of you becoming your master in what you will manifest for your reality. This is what you are asleep to! What you don’t realize is that your human consciousness becomes owned and controlled by everyone around you as if you are a slave to them. These groups and more will keep you locked into repeating your creations over and over, all because of you are a slave to your belief patterns. You will do it by following their “will” and not your soul’s “will.”
Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your…
SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions. Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity. Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World
SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social…
Awaken World Within. “Man has become so earthly and outward,” wrote Gichtel, a mystic of the 17th Century, “that he seeks afar, deep in the starry sky, in the higher eternity (as modern science is doing), for that which is quite near him, within the inner center of his Soul.” The more the Soul penetrates within itself, the nearer it approaches God, until it finally appears before the Holy Trinity, where it reaches the deeper and hidden knowledge
Awaken World Within. “Man has become so earthly and outward,” wrote Gichtel, a mystic of the 17th Century, “that he…
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The Bible describes God as “a consuming fire”, so it is not surprising that fire often appears as a symbol of God’s presence. There is only one answer to this question: Lightbearers must determine to put the capstone on the pyramid of civilization. Lightbearers must raise up the All-Seeing Eye of God. If you are one of the components of the capstone, you must know this: that to enter that capstone and be a cell in that All-Seeing Eye of God, raising up the ensign of God in the people, you must have overcome your dweller and seen to it that it is bound
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The Bible…
If there is enough fuel in the rocket and it gets far enough away from the Earth, it can eventually get beyond the gravitational field of the planet. Once the rocket is beyond the gravitational field of the Earth, the Earth no longer has the power to pull it back down. This process is the same when people break away from the ego-consciousness of earth, time and 3D perception. Here is another secret; Kundalini Energy: Kundalini is actually the power of consciousness, whether it’s in our body or in the universe at large. The awakening of kundalini is the greatest enterprise and most wonderful achievement in front of man. That inner light is the kundalini. In most of us it’s only operating at 40 watts. In great saints and tantric masters, it functions at a thousand-gigawatt amperage.
Like a NASA rocket that needs a sustained powerful force to blast through the earth’s gravitational pull, a person must…
Nikola Tesla already mention Kundalini in a interview from 1899; I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough electricity to become a second sun. Light would appear around the equator, as a ring around Saturn. – NIKOLA TESLA. Each nation has its own ray in what great light source we see as the sun. And remember no one who was there did not die they only transformed into the light, and as such exist still. The secret lies in the fact that the light particles restore their original state
Nikola Tesla already mention Kundalini in a interview from 1899; I wanted to illuminate the whole earth. There is enough…
The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began a program of secrecy and deceit that involved feeding a lot of propaganda to the humans. The Illuminati will be able to use a war of this magnitude as an excuse to suspend many liberties and freedoms, thereby increasing Illuminati control over Earth, and out this creates their One World Government. The only way for the humans to be freed from the grip of the Illuminati is for true spiritual teachings to be made available to the masses
The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began…
The Federal Reserve and federal income tax on labor are nothing more than an instrument to transfer money from the American people to the Fabian socialists’ international investment bankers. In other words, the American people are funding the Fabian Society one-world government police-state control grid. Tesla gave us alternating current, hydroelectric dams, and a plan to provide the world with free energy. But to the cabal, free energy could not be allowed, and eventually Tesla was financially destroyed by these powerful men. Although J. P. Morgan died one of the wealthiest Americans, he was a mere lieutenant to the Rothschilds. Tesla died broke
The Federal Reserve and federal income tax on labor are nothing more than an instrument to transfer money from the…
Tree theories why TITANIC could be a INSIDE JOB?
Tree theories why TITANIC could be a INSIDE JOB? JP Morgan was the front man for the Rothschilds around the…
Kundalini is the higher evolutionary force hidden within you that has the ability to unfold your spiritual potential. Awakening kundalini energy can be experienced as the awakening of the treasure within. It is your most Creative potential waiting to be discovered by your heart. It is the source of your truth and energy, and the universal consciousness within you. The awakening of kundalini energy is the process of your own awakening and liberation
Kundalini is the higher evolutionary force hidden within you that has the ability to unfold your spiritual potential. Awakening kundalini…
The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to describe a principle of control known as “ordo ab chao” which translates into “order from chaos.” They use discord and conflicting ideology to divide and confuse. Where there is confusion there is susceptibility. Leading up to our Civil War, it is alleged that the Rothschild family had representatives stir up tensions between the North and South. When war broke out, the Rothschild Banks loaned money to both sides. From London, Grant’s troops were funded. From Paris the Grays under General Lee found their funding
“The Knights of Malta comprise what is perhaps the most exclusive club on earth,” Sovereign Military Order of Malta enjoys…
The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance. The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.
The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The…
The battle of Armageddon in Book of Revelation – Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and your inner Christ consciousness. Hence Apocalypsis means a taking away of a veil (as when a statue is said to be unveiled), and thus bringing into view that which had been before hidden as by a veil. The veil of ignorance. The word apocalypse comes from the Greek prefix apo and the verb kaluptein. The verb kaluptein, from which the name of Calypso is derived, means “to hide,” “to conceal,” or “to veil.” The privative prefix apo, when joined to a verb, marks “away” or “off.” The word apokaluptein therefore means “to do away with” or “to take off that which” “hides,” “conceals,” or “veils.” Following from this philological development thus: the word apokaluptein, and consequently apocalypse, means “to unveil,” “to disclose,” and hence “to reveal.” In this sense, apocalypse means “revelation.”
The battle of Armageddon in Book of Revelation – Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and…
The Sanskrit word taraka means “cross over,” “liberate,” or “deliver.” What is being liberated? The goal of all yogic practice is to liberate your soul from the bondage of this relative world—the dualistic field of suffering and ignorance—and to realize the true self. The symbol of the cross illustrates how opposites meet in the center and spark illumination. The end of duality is represented by the coming together of polar opposites at the center of the cross
The Sanskrit word taraka means “cross over,” “liberate,” or “deliver.” What is being liberated? The goal of all yogic practice…
You have a higher mind. Everyone does. It is located in the upper prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience. The cure is in your hidden mind.” Notice these wise words, “The cure is in your hidden mind”. In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today
You have a higher mind. Everyone does. It is located in the upper prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we…
When we’re in a state of fear, our alpha bridge disappears (this is the bridge between left and right brain hemisphere).When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The belief system is a very convenient tool for those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emotional bondage. The Controllers who set themselves up as the gods of man have been siphoning off the creative energy of humans for eons. Beliefs are very creative. Beliefs call up the power of consciousness to transfer a potential held in the quantum soup of the implicate—unexpressed potential—over to the side of expressed consciousness—manifestation into form. Beliefs are very creative
The inner power of divine theta brain waves and lifting the veil of ignorance and fear Lifting the Veil of…
The Higher Power Within Us. Once we accept the reality of a higher power that is channeled to us through our intuition, it becomes clear that many of our personal problems and the ills of the world are actually caused by not following our intuition. Our rational mind is like a computer — it processes the input it receives and calculates logical conclusions based on this information. The intuitive mind, on the other hand, seems to have access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom — the universal mind. It is also able to sort out this information and supply us with exactly what we need, when we need it
The Higher Power Within Us. Once we accept the reality of a higher power that is channeled to us through…
Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, andit will fall again. West is marked by the anglo-saxon ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing. Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sacrifice honesty for profit , if necessary. Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions. Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits
Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, andit will…
The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza. “Unbridled capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to receive, of exploitation without looking at the person”. “The results of such attitudes can be seen in the crisis we are now living through.”
The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza. “Unbridled capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving…
THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been lost in pursuit of the illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found the wisdom to truly behold it because it is a process and not an end in itself. David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia and other countries around the world. He was unable to do so in the USA. The patent application fell foul of standard US Department of Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national importance. Another explanation is that the process simply did not work, although this is normally not a basis for rejection. A convenient conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might have rediscovered the Philosophers’ Stone and concluded it was far too important for humanity to allow any individual a patent. An X-Files variation of this conspiracy theory holds that the US military does not want anyone else in control of the substance
THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been lost in pursuit of the illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found…
What are the 5 stages of consciousness?
What are the 5 stages of consciousness? Body Consciousness A human being is a unity of five beings – the…
For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” The Nirvana refers to the transcendent state and it has 100 petals and is the end of the sushumna nadi. Sahasrara in sanskrit means 1000 lotus petals. These 1000 lotus petals could be connected to the 96 tattvas and these represents the original 96 cells at the base of the spine, which holds the blueprint for the individual’s life. 96 tattvas in base of the spine and the Nirvana state at the crown has 100 petals, so 96 tattvas and 100 petals (960) may refer to the thousends lotus petals opening of enlightment.
For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son…
Our 3D Self can lock us out of our soul gift capacities and anything that might elevate us beyond the body/mind reality. We are then blocked from reconnecting to Golden consciousness and remembering how powerful we actually are when we are expressing as our most authentic selves with an expanded consciousness. Third dimensional (3D) frequencies are of separation, isolation, competition, sense of survival and lack (scarcity). 3D is five sense reality processing (only what the body and mind can see is ‘real’), logic dominating, attachment to religious and other belief systems, with a focus on differences
Our 3D Self can lock us out of our soul gift capacities and anything that might elevate us beyond the…
Rising from chakra to chakra, the Kundalini Fire awakens each of them in turn, endowing a person with supernormal forces inherent in the corresponding chakra. In the area of the brain, Kundalini must merge with the highest chakra – Sahasrara – the center of cosmic Consciousness, thereby transforming and transmuting a person into a cosmic Being. When the kundalini reaches the last and highest center, sahasrara chakra (thousand-petaled lotus) in the brain, he be-comes perfectly detached from his body and mind and his soul is freed from all limitations caused by time and space
Rising from chakra to chakra, the Kundalini Fire awakens each of them in turn, endowing a person with supernormal forces…
Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States. In this account, resembled the conduct of a school yard bully who randomly assaults others, steals the lunch money of weaker students, and generally makes life unpleasant wherever he goes. If America is a Goliath. it is a benign one.
Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States.…
The Pluto Initiation – We should study the Pluto vibration closely, for this power planet can be our liberator and Spiritual Protector. We must use his energies carefully and cooperate with his forceful rays. When Pluto is used properly, his energy can instill direction and the willpower to accomplish great things. Pluto has the power to transform humanity into something new and wonderful. Pluto represents the salvation of mankind, the spiritual and evolutionary advancement of humanity. Pluto and Bible Scriptures. Pluto and Norse myths. Planet Pluto and evolution (Omega Point). Pluto is associated with the Sixth or Third Eye chakra. Pluto rules transmutation, transformation and regeneration. It is the process of renewal, of new pathways, and the planet which rules the process of Alchemy
The Pluto Initiation – We should study the Pluto vibration closely, for this power planet can be our liberator and…
FOUR STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS – EGO’S FAILURE. Man’s attachment to matter keeps the soul confined to the body prison and prevents it from finding freedom in God–in the realm of eternal Bliss. The fall of consciousness and our regression in awareness took place, a veil of darkness was constructed within our collective consciousness that acted to conceal the knowledge and power of the Universe from us for a time. We are kept within its boundaries to experience, expose and eventually exorcise the potentially destructive elements of our nature. The darkness of the Abyss reflects back to each of us the weaknesses and fears of our own egos. It is an illusory barrier that we compose by the fears we project, and on the other side lies our spiritual awareness that works to compel us forward and through (calling us forward)
FOUR STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS – EGO’S FAILURE. Man’s attachment to matter keeps the soul confined to the body prison and…
Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.’ Early alchemists are best remembered for their attempts to transmute lead into gold. Over the centuries, the concept of alchemy has grown from its foundation in metallurgy to encompass psychological and spiritual transmutation. Dr. Carl Jung’s work, for example, focused on the alchemical transmutation of shadow into light, or the transformation of leaden aspects of the self into enlightened, golden aspects of the self
Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a…
At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating our DNA we gain greater access to our full potential. Humankind have been learned to believing that power is outside him and not within. The ego-self and mass consciousness with its feelings of dualism is really the biggest obstacle to our spiritual progress. The golden key to becoming conscious rather than merely maintaining horizontal growth is the willingness to open our hearts, no matter what it takes or what we may have to sacrifice. We may have to face fearsome tasks as we dig deep into ourselves. But through the use of alchemical tools, we can free ourselves from fear, and the result is that our hearts will open to our very own shining Philosopher’s Stone!
At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating…
The soul thus transfigured becomes the light body. … feelings we build the rainbow bridge of light that unites our physical brain to our immortal self, the divine presence within us. Bridges were an important alchemical symbol of the conjunction of opposites. Bridges neutralizes opposites and its structures of duality. These bridges are the electromagnetic energy streams that weave a web of consciousness through the trilocular being of man. These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They are not destined to build a physical bridge over a body of water, but rather they will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. By taking our hands, they will gently lead us to a life engulfed in Christ consciousness
The soul thus transfigured becomes the light body. … feelings we build the rainbow bridge of light that unites our…
The Book of Genesis, the Garden of Eden is actually a metaphor for the Supernal Triangle, or Divine Consciousness. The Creation of Adam and Eve is the creation of Duality. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, it is a symbolic depiction of Man’s falling from Divine consciousness into the Ego consciousness, the mind of Duality, where we are separated from the eternal bliss of the Unity of God
Fear had a much different purpose before. It actually was created as a function, not a state of being. This…
The Superman is one who has gone beyond good and evil (beyond the state of duality),” who has shaken off from his nature and character elements that are human. To be unaffected by the collective mindset and unconscious behavior, the programming that turns people into compliance automatons within the social trance, we must become masters in our own houses. Then we can create the hidden stone within us. The stone that is not a stone but a state of consciousness, the Buddhahood or Christhood. Alchemy and meditation is the central key.
The Superman is one who has gone beyond good and evil (beyond the state of duality),” who has shaken off…
Alchemy – The Art of Transformation
Alchemy – The Art of Transformation Solutio The night sky’s translucent skein – your raised face and eyes. Pure smoke…
A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that that which you seek is somehow above you or outside of you. It is the reason why the mind is never satisfied and the body is never satiated. It is constantly assuming that its salvation will be from “above” in some form. What an ironic paradox, then, when this is flipped onto its head 180 degrees–literally! Everything each of you, on a soul and spirit level, truly desires originates beneath you. It is beneath your feet, a deep and lasting connecting to a current that raises up through your body. A sense of power, vitality and well-being–all of these have their roots underground
A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that that which you seek is somehow above you or…
Kundalini -freedom from elitism. Kundalini – freedom from the matrix. Kundalini is part of the transdimensional awakening which leads to verticalization, to a vertical state. There is an inborn evolutionary power that awakens during one spiritual development and brings the ones concerned in a vertical state. In yoga tradition this force is called ‘kundalini’, in the kabala en with the Essenes ‘ruach hakodesh, in Christianity ‘the holy spirit’.
Kundalini -freedom from elitism. Kundalini – freedom from the matrix. Kundalini is part of the transdimensional awakening which leads to…
Anti-gravity and the World Grid. Sleeping within Gaia is the Goddess Kundalini, the tremendous creative, evolutionary spiritual energy that transfigures, when activated, the entire 7 chakra system—of the human, the Earth, the solar system. Kundalini, the Indian Tantric texts inform us, is “She who maintains all the beings of the world by means of inspiration and expiration and (who) shines in the cavity of the root Lotus like a chain of brilliant lights.” Moreover, Goddess Kundalini “is the receptacle of that continuous stream of ambrosia which flows from the Eternal Bliss. By Her radiance it is that the whole of this universe and this Cauldron is illumined
Anti-gravity and the World Grid. Sleeping within Gaia is the Goddess Kundalini, the tremendous creative, evolutionary spiritual energy that transfigures,…