Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. Their higher functions remain dormant until activated by the inflow of energy from the soul. The solar electromagnetic fire is also the PROMETHEUS mysterious, called THE ARCHEUS OF THE GREEKS. THE ARCHEUS, is trapped in the chakra COCCYGEOUS in the MULADHARA electromagnetic center and awake through the action of the HOLY LAW, which creates. The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.”
In the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries the Serpent was the symbol of Divine Wisdom, when extended at length, and with its tail in its mouth forming a circle.
The world in which man lives depends on the state of his Consciousness. He changes his world as his state of Consciousness is changed; and his state of Consciousness is changed when the Serpentine Fire is raised up to the brain and illuminates the Mind by awakening millions of dormant brain cells.
As the Mind was thus illuminated, it revealed to the Masters the amazing fact that the Kingdom of God is neither here nor there, but within man (Lu. 17:21)
The conserved Divine Essence invigorated the body and illuminated the Mind, exalting the Masters to a higher plane of Consciousness, in which space and time vanished, and past and future became the Eternal Present.
So the Masters taught that “the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink,” nor a place in space, “but righteousness and peace” (a state of the Mind). So man is transformed by the renewing of his Mind (Rom. 12:2; 14:17).
With a Kundalini awakening the energy is always with us and is always doing something. It is a permanent spiritual process that has been started and will never stop. A Kundalini awakening is like a full volcanic eruption.
Strictly speaking, the awakening of kundalini signifies a sudden or gradual change in the whole function of the brain. This involves the activation of a normally dormant area to add another channel of perception to the already existing senses with which our brain maintains contact with the outer world.
The opening of this new supersensory channel, in turn, involves a transformation in the activity of the whole cerebrospinal system, culminating in a change in the very pattern of consciousness. The existing evolutionary process working in the brain is aimed to arouse the dormant area to activity and to create conditions of the body and the vital organs conformable to it. In other words, the body and the organs performing the functions of digestion, blood circulation, oxidation, elimination, etc., have to be adjusted to maintain a tempo concordant with the demands of the new activity in the brain.
The solar electromagnetic fire is also the PROMETHEUS mysterious, called THE ARCHEUS OF THE GREEKS.
THE ARCHEUS, is trapped in the chakra COCCYGEOUS in the MULADHARA electromagnetic center and awake through the action of the HOLY LAW, which creates.
When the human being the active force (Male), joins with the creature or force passive (Female), awake by electrical induction a third force, bringing to them the authentic SUPER-MAN, to awaken the solar electromagnetic fire breaks the membranous bag in which is enclosed and penetrates through the lower opening of the spinal cord or Channel of sushumna, the Seminal vapors open this hole, so that the solar fire to penetrate there.
Prometheus under commission by God (Zeus) awarded the gods’ unwearying fire (self-aware consciousness coupled with kundalini) to a freshly created humanity. The hollow fennel stalk or narthex tube is the Emerald, the structured container for Absolute Light of consciousness. The Emerald, within the human form, is an electromagnetic doorway, to the right of the sternum, and the esoteric part of the threefold heart chakra. The gods’ fire is fully dilated and awakened cosmic consciousness. The fire is also kundalini, the primal life-force energy that, when awakened, irradiates and illuminates the seven chakras along the spine and their minor subsidiaries throughout the body, affording divine awareness—reality as the gods’ see it. It also, potentially, facilitates the acquisition of godly powers, called siddhis, which are akin to magical, psychic powers, such as levitation, clairvoyance, and others.
Prometheus gave the gods’ fire (consciousness) to the second generation of humanity in the form of the Emerald, a structured container that allowed gradual release of the Absolute Light into human awareness and the physical body. This was to counterbalance the excesses and imbalance of how the first generation of humanity had handled the gods’ fire (especially the kundalini aspect) and free will.
In order for it to be used for transformative purposes , however , it must be raised up internally , which is equivalent to a transmutation of the energy . Thus , the serpent fire of kundalini is said to rise up through the body .
When kundalini is fully awakened, all dormant areas of the brain are awakened and divinity is manifested through the individual! When kundalini awakens and reaches the Sahasarara (Crown Chakra) Nirvikalpa Samadhi (unfluctuating) the highest level of consciousness, unfolds. The Siddhas referred to this as Union of Shiva Parvati Shakti, in which the seer, the seeing and the seen merge as one. When the kundalini awakens, the physical body begins to undergo changes as well. Its cells, becomes charged and rejuvenated with high voltage energy. Hormonal secretions may also change.
A process of complete trans-formation is set in motion. According to the Siddha Master’s Science of Breath and Visualization, Kundalini Shakti (Nature) is raised by the aspirant from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra by means of these practices, where it unites with Shiva, the Supreme Vivaciousness Consciousness. The body’s Two Poles are “United” and Cosmic Consciousness emerges! The aspirant enjoys Heavenly Bliss and an Ambrosial Nectar begins to secrete into the bloodstream, rejuvenating cells, and prolonging life.
A vast reservoir of latent force is waiting to be discovered. The human body, with its psychological and biological functions, is a vehicle through which the dormant psychic energy, Kundalini Sakti, can be awakened to finally unite with the Cosmic Consciousness that is Siva.
The Kundalini Sakti. the coiled and dormant cosmic power, is at the same time the supreme force in the human body. According to tantra, this coiled-up energy remains unmanifest within us and is said to be a latent reservoir of psychic power. The Kundalini Sakti (`coiled-up energy’) is the central pivot upon which our psychophysical apparatus is based. A transformation and reorientation of this dormant energy is only possible through what is called the arousing of the Kundalini through the psychic centres in the human body, by activizing its ascent it transcends our limitations.
When the Kundalini sleeps. man is aware of his immediate earthly circumstances only. When she awakes to a higher spiritual plane, the individual is not limited to his own perception but instead participates in the source of light.
Thus in her ascent, the Kundalini absorbs within herself all the kinetic enery with which the different psychic centres are charged. By awakening the Kundalini’s dormant force, otherwise absorbed in the unconscious and purely bodily functions, and directing it to the higher centres, the energy thus released is transformed and sublimated until its perfect unfolding and conscious realization is achieved. Kundalini’s rising, in the language of modern science, means the activation of the vast dormant areas of the brain.
The neurological capacities of the human being are incalculable : according to recent findings each individual possesses around ten billion brain cells; a single brain cell may be in relationship to 5.000 others: the number of possible associations is astronomical, therefore. being a quantity larger than the number of atoms in the universe.
At each second, the brain receives approximately too billion sensations and it is estimated that it fires off around 5.000 signals per second. In contrast to the vast reservoir of our potentialities, we are aware of only one millionth of our own cortical signalling.
And so vast areas of the brain, which the neurologists call ‘silent areas’, remain ‘wasted assets’, untapped and unutilized. Once these areas are completely active, we have begun to communicate with our own higher consciousness.
The opening of this centre to its fullest capacity enables the Kundalini to ascend to the highest psychic centre. Sahasrara, the place of the Cosmic Consciousness, symbolized by a thousand petalled lotus located just above the head. In the process of Kundalini-yoga it is said, even the pattern of the electrical impulses in the brain is altered.
Through tantric disciplines, the ascending Kundalini vitalizes the psychic centres in the human body, technically called chakras, until it finally reaches the Sahasrara where mystic union takes place. The aspirant thus realizes, in a transcendental experience, his union with Siva-Sakti.
The Kundalini Sakti can be aroused through various meditative techniques and processes including the practice of yogic Pranayama the control of the vital cosmic life-force. Rhythmical breathing makes all the molecules of the body move in the same direction in order to gain control of the mind. If the air in our lungs at any moment contains 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, atoms. we can imagine what current is generated by the movement of all the molecules in the system, bringing the restless mind into single– pointedness. In this state the vibrations of the body become perfectly rhythmical and the nerve current is changed into a motion similar to electricity, generating a power so tremendous that the Kundalini is aroused.
The attainment of supernatural powers. known as the Siddhis, is considered to be the indirect result of this practice.
There are considered to be eight great Siddhis among which the following are best known: Anima, the power of becoming infinitely small so that one can see things of the minutest size. even the inner structure of the atom; Mahima, the power to become immensely large so that one can perceive enormously vast things, the functioning of the solar system and that of the universe: Laghima, or weightlessness,
The power to control the earth’s attraction on the body by developing in each cell the opposite [centripetal] tendency’.
Others are the power of leaving The the body and entering into it at will, mastery over the elements, and supernormal hearing so that one can hear ‘the grass as it grows’. ascent of Kundalini is accompanied by an experience to a mystical light of various colours. The colours of the division of Prana do not correspond on what we ordinarily associate with the, solar spectrum but are the arrangement of colors on a supernormal plane.
The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. Their higher functions remain dormant until activated by the inflow of energy from the soul. The flow of soul energy to the brain awakens new brain cells and stimulates our optic nerve, which makes it possible to register the etheric realm. Eventually, this downflow will result in a light, both within and around the head—a light so bright that it can look like a halo, as in pictures of the Christ and other religious figures. When the head center is open, the kundalini rises from the base of the spine. This leads to the final integration of soul and body, what the Bible calls being “raised into Heaven” (Eph. 2:6). The serpent pictured on the brows of the Egyptian pharaohs depicted this state of consciousness. This stage of “perfected humanity” is the goal of the seventh race.
In his commentary on the book of Revelation, D. H. Lawrence writes, “The famous book of seven seals . . . is the body of man . . . of Adam; and of any man. … And the seven seals are the seven centers.. .. We are witnessing the opening and conquest of the great psychic centers of the human body. The old Adam is going to be conquered, die, and reborn as the new Adam. But in stages. In seven stages, or in six stages and then a climax, seven.”5 The book of Revelation is usually read as an apocalyptic tale about the final battle between good and evil.
The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.” The true battle between good and evil—between our lower and higher natures—happens within. When our higher centers are fully awakened, the energies of divine love will flow through us from the spiritual kingdom to the subhuman worlds. When the spiritual and physical worlds are united, the “new heaven and a new earth:’ mentioned in Revelation, will be revealed.