Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly secular and unites whole humanity. Kundalini is the basis of all spiritual practices. It knows no religion, region, race or colour…! It is the simplest liberal secular gateway to a happy life and spiritual salvation…! Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid.

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly secular and unites whole humanity. Kundalini is the basis of all spiritual practices. It knows no religion, region, race or colour…! It is the simplest liberal secular gateway to a happy life and spiritual salvation…! Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid.

The Kundalini awakened from its slumber and propelled you, not only through your own chakras, but through the seven planes of existence above. All the knowledge contained in the Kundalini and the seven planes was thrust upon you.

The serpentine fire (kundalini) coiled along man’s spinal cord symbolically represents the trunk of the tree, thus the kundalini is associated with the serpent. To awaken the serpentine fire and raise it through the spinal column (tree) means liberation from the sensorial world to a higher level of consciousness; this is confirmed by the fact that the Bible states that once they eat of the Tree their eyes will open. Precisely the ultimate purpose of some mystical schools as well as of Indian Yoga (meaning union) is to seek the raising of the Kundalini which is located at the base of the spinal column to the Pineal Chakra, situated on the forehead and connected with the mystical Third. Eye, to obtain enlightenment.

If one great lesson is to be learnt from the life of Jesus Christ, it is that you have to remain contented in the state in which the Almighty has placed you. Jesus did not change his mission.

He did not separate himself from the society, but actively involved with all norms of the society. He attended marriage ceremonies and even made the arrangements. He never showed his helplessness. He was much more dynamic than most kings.

Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid.

Whatever He had to say he said it. He was not afraid of crucifixion or of any such so-called punishment. It is only the human beings who have these false ideas about life and want to impose them on God. God is not concept at all because concept is a thought.

As soon as the Kundalini crosses the Agnya Chakra, the thoughtless awareness is established. It is the power of Jesus Christ which is instrumental in opening the subtle door located above the Agnya Chakra. For that purpose you are to recite the `Lord’s prayer’ composed by Jesus Christ. After crossing this door, the Kundalini power enters the limbic area of the brain. It is after the Kundalini enters this area, which is also termed as the Kingdom of God, that the state of thoughtless awareness is established. In the limbic area of the brain there are Chakras which activate the seven main Chakras and also the secondary Chakras in the body.

The Kundalini is the Truth. When you will merge into the Truth, when you will get absorbed in it, only then you would understand that you are but an instrument of God. If the Agnya Chakra of any person does not open, Kundalini would not rise, because the Mooladhara Chakra would also remain constricted till the Agnya Chakra remains constricted. If a person’s Agnya Chakra is too much constricted, the Kundalini power would not rise, whatever efforts you may make. For removing the catch on the Agnya Chakra, we apply “Kumkum”. This has the effect of reducing the troubles of the ego as also other troubles. When the “Kumkum’ is applied on the forehead above the Agnya Chakra, the Chakra is opened and Kundalini rises. Such is the intimate connection between Jesus Christ and the Kundalini Power. Shri Ganesha, who is stationed at the Mooladhara, and protects the modesty of Shri Kundalini, also opens the door at the Agnya Chakra, for the Kundalini to pass through it.

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