Spiritual awakening – illumination and intuition. You must play, and those who not play will be played and fooled by this world.  The more awakened you become to your inner light, you will realize that intuition illumination , and spiritual enlightenment a are pure joy, pure creation, and play. Tavistock Institute controls the first and second level and prevent people from reaching the third level; illumination and intuition

Spiritual awakening – illumination and intuition. You must play, and those who not play will be played and fooled by this world.  The more awakened you become to your inner light, you will realize that intuition illumination , and spiritual enlightenment a are pure joy, pure creation, and play. Tavistock Institute controls the first and second level and prevent people from reaching the third level; illumination and intuition

Knowledge has three degrees: opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition. Tavistock Institute controls the first and second level and prevent people from reaching the third level; illumination and intuition.

Spiritual awakening – illumination and intuition.

You must play, and thoose who not play will be played and fooled by this world.  The more awakened you become to your inner light, you will realize that intuition illumination , and  spiritual enlightenment a are pure joy, pure creation, and play. We all play differently based on our interests, talents, and skills.

You do not conform to the expectations of those around you, not because you are a fool, but because you have begun to awaken to your own inner guidance. You have experienced the awakening of a spiritual spark in your heart. You are responding to a call which will take you on a long journey of inner discovery. You have come to see me because you seek the way to yourself. “Who am I?” you ask. You have come here to find the answer to this question.

Give yourself. Give yourself fully to the guidance of your heart. What I say is an echo of what your soul is constantly whispering to you through the lips of your own spiritual heart. Listen. Look within. Be quiet. Hear what is being revealed to you by your own soul. Turn inward. Discover the guidance there.

For most people, the crust of personality and the many layers of mental conditioning are so hard and thick that they are quite unconscious of this child of light in the garden of the heart. But for a long time now, you have been making the crust of dullness and convention thinner and thinner. It will take time, but soon you will feel this harmonization of all parts of your being around the divine spark within your spiritual heart. This is the reason you were born, and took up a human form, to accomplish the great work of building a human temple. You have been busy in all your lives and through all your learning experiences building up a column of light by which spirit could pour itself into matter. This temple is an image of your own being as you have developed it by your choices and by your will to progress.

When you become aware of this inner being and claim it as your very own, you become your eternal Self, for it links the human to the Divine. When the two parts of your being are thus yoked, you will embody the Light and Wisdom of Spirit in all that you do and say, and you will be continuously anchored in its poise and power.

The outer ego-energy of this world

This/He is the energy from outside yourself by which you submit to obsession He is the experience of temptation, bondage, enslavement. He makes you forget your spiritual heart. His wizardry causes you to be taken in by outer appearances. He weaves a web of ignorance, and brings on clouds of depression, doubt and hopelessness. He darkens the path of those who would push forward into the light. He is the sum total of all false notions and paralyzing fears. But he has no hold on one who embraces the light.

You have been teached and programmed to believe the powers is outside and not within. This outer concept is the ego.

The Reptilians are  master´s  of illusion. They tempts and tests those who would progress beyond their control. But they can only delay their ascension, never prevent it.

Many suffer because in the eyes of the world they are considered a fool. They would like to be accepted and appreciated by all and sundry. But I tell you, the only validation you require is your own soul’s blessing. This you have.  You may proceed with every confidence that you are well sustained and loved and supported, and you are also embraced by the powers that lend support from within. And I predict that you will make new friends who will see you for who you really are, and share their wisdom with you, to enable you to continue on and to find that which you seek. Thus it is written in the stars. And so it must come to pass.

Gradually, by deep concentration, an extremely brilliant white star occasionally glimmers in the center of the blue. The star is the gateway through which the consciousness must pass to attain oneness with Spirit. It requires time and calm practice to steady the light of the intuitive astral eye. It takes deeper and longer practice to see the star. It requires greater realization to hold the perception of the star. And it takes mastery in meditation to march the consciousness, valiantly triumphant, through the starry gate of light. After the devotee is able at will to see his astral eye of light and intuition with either closed or open eyes, and to hold it steady indefinitely, he will eventually attain the power to look through it into Eternity; and through the starry gateway he will sail into Omnipresence.

Progression through the spiritual eye, experienced by advancing yogis, unfolds first the wondrous perceptions of super consciousness, the region of rays of light out of which all matter evolves. The creative cosmic rays hide like veils the presence of the immanent universal Christ or Krishna Consciousness, the Lord omnipresent in creation. By deeper concentration and meditation, the spiritual eye of opens, and through the wisdom star the yogi becomes united to the Christ-Krishna Omnipresence; and thence, in deepest ecstasy, he reaches the Cosmic Consciousness of Spirit.

Be not satisfied with anything less than Spirit and the bliss of Spirit. Pay no attention to variations of the inner light, but practice concentration on the light of the spiritual eye.

The pineal gland, also called the pineal body or epiphysis, is a small endocrine gland in the brain. It is located in the center of the brain, behind and just above the pituitary gland, which is called the seat of illumination, intuition, and cosmic consciousness. They work together, connected to our intuition and reason, activating light consciousness from the love emanating from the heart.

Since our cellular structure is transmuted and uplifted to a lighter energetic design, people are awakened, choosing a consciousness of the heart—although, every human being has the choice to embrace that flow or not. It is a painful place to deny your true nature and not welcome the natural evolution and awakening of your beautiful spiritual Self.

When the heart opens, recognizes, and embraces all aspects of God or qualities of God, we are led through twelve doorways of light. Walking through these twelve doorways of light and living within their energetic frequencies, invites with unconditional love the emanation of the divine feminine (aspect of God), activating the portal to our God-Self. This divine portal of light invites Heaven on Earth—unity consciousness and peace on Earth.

True Spirit says: “You dwell in the heart of God, radiant, luminous, and joyous. You are a being of infinite grace and glory. You are filled with the light of God’s love, and you are exalted. Trust in yourself and know that you are the source of illumination. Turn within and touch the feet of God’s love. Allow God to touch your heart with the holy presence. You are beloved, lifted, and supported by God’s love.”

Awaken Your Third Eye, you will learn how to develop supersensory perception, and how to use your third eye in your everyday life to receive guidance, healing, wisdom, inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

Intuition is the highest octave, and opposed to intuition is illusion. The Rulers, The Reptilans and The illuminati keeping mankind in a state of ignorance filled with illusions and projections into the mind. Therefore, people´s ignorance is the Illuminati´s safety valve.

Understanding, illumination, and love are the three qualities of intuition, which is an inner wisdom and reality. Opposed to intuition is illusion, which can imprison a person’s mind that prevents him from discovering his inner and higher realms of awareness or consciousness. The progressive understanding on behalf of humanity, the law of the spiritual life, and of the ways of God in the world is through intuition.

“An intuitive person attunes to the bigger picture and is spiritually wise with love and perceives supernatural possibilities from higher dimensions.”

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There is two kinds of powers in this world; one will world for total enslavement of mankind, and the other work for spiritual liberation. Knowledge has three degrees: opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition. Tavistock Institute controls the first and second level and prevent people from reaching the third level; illumination and intuition

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