The story of Santa Claus comes from this inner science because Santa is bringing spiritual presents down your chimney. From the cerebrum/claustrum, it is then differentiated in the pineal gland and pituitary gland.  Then Christ (ted ) = anyone who has had a kundalini = Resurrection, (Santa Claus ) brings the gift of the gold of Ophir. The “oil ” in this story is an actual oil which is secreted in the cardia , the home of the Kundalini Fire . This is the holy oil that is called “Christos” in Greek. This is the story of the Christ within all of us. The oil is secreted by the cerebrum from the holy claustrum or “santa” claustrum

The story of Santa Claus comes from this inner science because Santa is bringing spiritual presents down your chimney. From the cerebrum/claustrum, it is then differentiated in the pineal gland and pituitary gland.  Then Christ (ted ) = anyone who has had a kundalini = Resurrection, (Santa Claus ) brings the gift of the gold of Ophir. The “oil ” in this story is an actual oil which is secreted in the cardia , the home of the Kundalini Fire . This is the holy oil that is called “Christos” in Greek. This is the story of the Christ within all of us. The oil is secreted by the cerebrum from the holy claustrum or “santa” claustrum.

Kundalini, extending from muladhara to anahata, shining like molten gold, is called Fire Kundalini.

This body of ours, for all its suffering nature, contains the most valuable of natural resources: kundalini gold, kundalini oil!

When the alchemist claimed to be able to change base metals into gold, he had first to change his own nature so that he could develop that kundalini shakti, and, through that shakti, he was able to affect the prematter behind any element he liked—be it gold, silver, or whatever. That same power is innate within everyone. You have it and I have it; but because of the tremendously difficult task of regenerating the personality, not one in ten million people should ever try to be alchemists. It is a very arduous path.

There he concealed the whole formula for transmuting base metal into gold. We carry a lot of potentiality within us. The laboratory of the Holy Ghost abides in the center of the planet. The fire of life circulates through the entire globe and comes out at the sacred centers in great gushes of power.

The golden kundalini enlivens all the power pathway bodies, and, in turn, provides the spiritual understandings required to allow full acceptance of one’s powers, as well as generic human and divine qualities. Golden kundalini begins with a downpouring of energies from over the head through the ninth chakra.

At this point, the golden beam, which looks like honey butter, streams through all the chakras, exits through the feet, moves through the tenth chakra, and then rises back to the ninth chakra to add more heavenly energy and, thus renewed, circulate again.

The red and golden kundalini processes can occur simultaneously, and you can even have the golden ignite before the red. Everyone is an individual, as are their kundalini awakenings.

Kundalini, or the serpent’s power, will not be content to stop at this stage of our collective and personal evolution. She will continue winding her way through each one of our psychic learning centers (chakras), stimulating and exciting every cord of our being until she pushes us to our final release. The fourth chakra energy of loving compassion and expression will be the serpent’s next destination in our collective growth journey.

The olives, which contain the oil, are the reservoirs—the relay stations, of course, which furnish the oil for the lamp, the pineal gland, at the top of which is the flame or eye.

When the Kundalini, the serpent fire that lies concealed within the sacral plexus is awakened, burns up the dross within the spinal cord, and reaches the conanurn, it sets fire to this oil and thus lights the “perpetual lamp,” which “Gives the light to the whole house.’ Santa Claus is thus the giver of the supreme gift in the human body, the oil for the perpetual lamp—the gold of Ophir, the quintessence of richness.

A total lack of oil in the body will, in itself, cause death. Santa Claus brings his gifts when the Christ-mass is celebrated. The Greek characters that stand for Christ are X P I, and the word itself (Christ) means oil, in Greek. The seed is the bread of life, and when anointed with oil (Christed and crucified) become the Christ-mass—the bread, eaten in the Father’s Kingdom.

The father first anointed him with the oil which he had taken from the tree of life , and because of this ointment he is called the Christ . * It is said by Esdras of these who are to be saved.

Then Christ (ted ) = anyone who has had a kundalini = Resurrection, (Santa Claus ) brings the gift of the gold of Ophir.

The “oil ” in this story is an actual oil which is secreted in the cardia , the home of the Kundalini Fire .

This is the holy oil that is called “Christos” in Greek. This is the story of the Christ within all of us. The oil is secreted by the cerebrum from the holy claustrum or “santa” claustrum.

The story of Santa Claus comes from this inner science because Santa is bringing spiritual presents down your chimney. From the cerebrum/claustrum, it is then differentiated in the pineal gland and pituitary gland.

These glands are known as Joseph and Mary. The pineal gland releases a masculine electrical portion which is known as “honey,” and the pituitary gland releases the feminine magnetic portion, “milk.”

The sacred heavens are also in the holy portions of our brains. This is the land flowing with milk and honey. The pineal gland is connected to the Pingala nerve. The pituitary gland is connected to the Ida nerve. These are known as the kundalini and the kundabuffer. These nerves extend all the way down the spine and “tree of life.”

These nerves go down to the sacral plexus and sacrum areas of our body and lower vertebrae. The sacral plexus holds very strong sexual energy that is a beautiful energy, that when harvested, can turn into an electrical energy that rises back up to the brain. The solar plexus and sacral plexus area is known as Bethlehem.

Christ upper and lower Self

It is important to abstain from the release of any precious fluids when the time comes for the seed to be implanted in your sacral plexus. If we waste it we have to wait another month. We are supposed to return some of that energy up.

Death occurs when the oil dries up. Alcohol and acid producing foods are also detrimental to this precious oil that comes from the cerebrum. We have four sections in the brain.

The first is cerebrum is the God brain.

The second is cerebellum is the “man” brain which is connected to the lower mind.

The third brain is the medulla oblangata, which is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing heart rate and blood pressure.

The fourth brain is the solar plexus chakra which has to do with the lower mind, greed, animalistic behavior.

Most people are stuck in the lower mind. When you return the oil back up, the frequency rises, and the vibration increases. By the time it reaches the 33rd vertebrae it is crucified as the pneumogastric nerve “crosses” over and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands. That oil of the Christ lights up the optic thalamus gland which is otherwise known as “the light of the world,” at the point of “crucifixion.” Then it stays in limbo for 3 days this takes place at the 33rd vertebrae. This is speaking to the higher self.

At this point when the oil speeds up to hit the pineal gland, all of our billions of dormant brain cells are activated and we are now operating at the God brain level from the cerebrum. This would be activation of your true spiritual self.

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