THE ALTA MAJOR CHAKRA The alta major chakra is a major factor in accelerating and expanding consciousness. The anchor for the multi-dimensional energy structure known as the lightbody, it has to do with metaphysical sight and intuitive insight, enabling you to put together the bigger picture. With its base in the cerebellum, it holds valuable information about our ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that have governed human life and awareness. This chakra contains your past life karma and the contractual agreements you made with your Higher Self and others before incarnating in this life time. Activating it enables you to read your soul’s plan (Part 2 of 3)

THE ALTA MAJOR CHAKRA The alta major chakra is a major factor in accelerating and expanding consciousness. The anchor for the multi-dimensional energy structure known as the lightbody, it has to do with metaphysical sight and intuitive insight, enabling you to put together the bigger picture. With its base in the cerebellum, it holds valuable information about our ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that have governed human life and awareness. This chakra contains your past life karma and the contractual agreements you made with your Higher Self and others before incarnating in this life time. Activating it enables you to read your soul’s plan (Part 2 of 3)

Once the Power of Guru is mastered, we discover that we do not have to go anywhere in order to experience the interconnectedness of all things, however. ‘Absolute Oneness’ is instantly available. As is the Akashic Record. It is within us, permeating every cell of our being – and the intercellular spaces in between that are higher consciousness. A new world has literally been opened to us. We are a manifestation of divine, sacred consciousness on earth. Everything is possible.

The Akashic Record is the ongoing story of the soul, the ancestors, the planet and All That Is. Holographic, each tiny piece encompasses the whole. Our souls are connected to this hologram, each carrying a fragment that contains the whole. Reading it gives you an overview – or a microscopic thumbnail. The Record is not fixed. It is fluid and transmutable. Functioning rather like a cosmic computer program that runs in the background, it holds the memory of everything that ever has been, could be, or will be. All possibilities, probabilities and improbabilities are woven into its fabric.

THE ALTA MAJOR CHAKRA The alta major chakra is a major factor in accelerating and expanding consciousness. The anchor for the multi-dimensional energy structure known as the lightbody, it has to do with metaphysical sight and intuitive insight, enabling you to put together the bigger picture. With its base in the cerebellum, it holds valuable information about our ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that have governed human life and awareness. This chakra contains your past life karma and the contractual agreements you made with your Higher Self and others before incarnating in this life time. Activating it enables you to read your soul’s plan.

The horse that needs wings suggests the individual whose lack of wholeness is centered upon the matter of creative staying power and, therefore, that chakra which we call the Alta Major. This centre, mentioned by the Tibetan, rotates sagittally with its axle lined up between the angles of both jaw bones. Very little has been given out about the Alta Major Chakra, which is one of three that are indispensable to the opening of the Third Eye.* The Alta Major Centre forms a triad with the Ajna Chakra and the Sahasrara Chakra. All three must be wakened and progressively unfolded simultaneously for there to be safe and fruitful spiritual development. Anatomically and spiritually the Alta Major stands as a gateway to two kingdoms and, in a peculiar way, is the link between them.

Alta Major Chakra (inside the skull): Opening the alta major creates a direct pathway to your subconscious and your intuitive mind. It is an anchor for the multi—dimensional energy structure known as the lightbody and for higher dimensional energies. A merkeba—like shape, the Alta Major links the endocrine glands in the skull with the upper chakras and controls metaphysical sight and intuitive insight. It holds your soul’s plan and information about the ancestral past, karma and contractual agreements made with the Higher Self and others before incarnation. A blocked Alta Major causes feelings of confusion, `dizziness’ or `floatiness’, loss of sense of purpose and spiritual depression. A fully functioning Alta Major allows you to know your spiritual purpose and access the divine, drawing down information from higher dimensions.

The Alta Major Chakra also has the effect of sensitising, indirectly through the sinus nerve and more directly by its:, etheric radiations, that region of the medulla oblongata which we call the Respiratory Centre. It is through the sensitivity of this region that the Master ultimately is able to make direct -contact with the chela.

The Celtic archetype of the Green Man represents the open, sensitive, vulnerable, artistic, aspect of male consciousness that has been so repressed in Western culture. In Celtic Lore the Stag King and the Green Man combine to form a complete picture of male consciousness. The Green Man is depicted as the champion of innocence, the Goddess and the natural world. He is the gentle keeper of the Sacred Garden of Earth. He is the singer of the Mysteries, celebrant of the Goddess, inebriant of the God. He honours and communes with all life equally. His sensitivity is the hallmark of the return to balance intemally and externally that is so desperately needed now on Earth. -Ariel Spilsbury

The pituitary is the kingly gland that rules our threefold mental, emotional and physical being. When stimulated by the down pouring fire of spirit, it discharges elixirs into the blood stream. This is the elixir of life, the healing promised to those who find the Grail.

These elixirs purify the blood. The blood will carry them to stimulate all other glands in the endocrine system. The secretion of those elixirs signals the endocrine system to set in motion a process that will open the chakras and raise the kundalini.

The greatly increased activity of the pituitary gland begins the opening of the alta major chakra. The carotid gland governs the condition of the alta major, which rules the spine. During the process of initiation, the alta major projects the fire of down-pouring spirit into the channel situated on the right hand side of the spine known as Pin gala.

As the fire of illumination penetrates deeper into the chakras, the psychic refuse of our ancestral lives is gradually discharged upwards, flowing up the channel on the left hand side of the spine known as Ida. The alta major is the gateway to the emotional astral world. It is the back door to the unconscious.

The next chakra that will open is the solar plexus, which is the seat of emotion. When the fire of illumination penetrates the solar plexus, our emotions are raised into the heart. They pierce the heart from below, rupturing the hearts etheric web. The heart now begins its full awakening. Acting as a magnet, it begins the slow and painful turn of direction that will draw primal energy of the lower chakras up into consciousness. All the energy of the lower worlds must be transmuted through the heart. —Niamh Clune, The Coming of the Feminine Christ

All the time, the embryo grows. What physical organ bears the main brunt of these fiery intrusions and assists, more than any other, in turning them to creative use? It must be an organ that will express something of Atma, Buddhi and Manas as they flow into his Head, Heart and Throat centres, opened and secured by the initiatory experience when the Rod of Initiation was applied on the Mountain Top.

Only one tissue in the human body fulfills this function adequately, and that is the Vagus Nerve. Through its origin in the medulla, the vagus nerve forms part of the brain as a cranial nerve and is thus closely related to the Head chakra, to the mental body and to Higher Manas. Through its ramifications in the roots of the lungs, it is related to the breath, to prana, to the peripheral nerves, to the etherico-physical body, to the Throat centre and to Atma.

Through its nerve endings in the heart, it is related to that organ, to the Heart chakra, to the circulation of the blood, to the blood elements (especially the leucocytes), to the astral body and thence, via the astral permanent atom, to Buddhi. As spiritual inflow progressively increases, changes occur continuously in all the bodies of the lower triad. Nerve endings ramify in the brain and all regions closely connected to or energised by the higher centres.

The sutures of the cranium remain patent, even in old age, allowing the re-shaping of the brain. The pineal and pituitary glands become highly activated as new tissues are brought out of atrophy or latency into full function resulting in inhibition of certain organs and etheric mechanisms below the diaphragm and growth and hypertrophy of other organs and etheric mechanisms above the diaphragm.

By correspondence, the tissue of the vagus nerve may be likened to the Seven Sacred Planets of the Solar System in their physical states. They are the bodies of the Seven Heavenly Men, the Seven Spirits before the Throne. They are the vehicles for solar devas, for high cosmic forces at this time. Not so with the Earth, the Moon, Mars and Pluto which are still ‘Non-sacred’.

The latter, in their etheric states, represent centres in the Logos which lie below the diaphragm. They are not yet the target for the Spiritual endeavours of the Solar Logos, though the Earth is very much the focus of His ‘Will-to-be’–a personality facet. In highly developed Man, the vagus nerve takes on added functions of an esoteric nature.

It attracts, through the initiating action of the physical permanent atom, material of the highest possible order–but within the limits of the karma of the individual–into its structures which are numerous and ramify in many parts of the body. In initiates, these attracted atoms might even possess highly activated spirillae of the fifth and sixth order which have qualities identical to the planes of Atma,

Buddhi and Manas, and with which they would be in resonance. Hence, the description of the vagus nerve as being the ‘psychic aerial’ or ‘antenna’. Of all the parts in the physical vehicle, this nervous tissue would be composed of more of such transformed atoms than any other. Furthermore, the region of vagus would be the main site in nerve tissue where transformation of atoms of low order, under the stimulus of fohat, into atoms of high vibration, i.e., atoms with the highest orders of spirillae functioning, would occur.

From the spiritual gynaecium which is the vortex of the Third Eye, there issues upwards a stigma, a constant stream of energy that interacts with descending Electric Fire of the First Logos and with which it is in dynamic equilibrium, thus creating a crest over the head, like the brush on a Roman centurion’s helmet. This is the crest of the spiritual crown, Sahasrara, the thousand petalled lotus.

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