When the Kundalini is freed, it rushes up to the brain through a hollow tube in the spinal cord called the “sushumna.” On its way to the brain: “The energy unlocks layer after layer of the mind and the yogi is freed from the bondage of his ordinary earthly identity and achieves `samadhi or complete union with the divine consciousness.” The Anointed One, a humble man, only through His Grace, was able to take the sword out and proclaim himself the rightful owner of the title of King. It was through him, the Anointed One, who was a channel for God to radiate His truth and Grace, that the other mighty men became unified and the Round Table became possible.
The Kundalini process, once awakened, can be a blissful shift into higher consciousness, a step towards the realization of the Higher Self. Misguided, however. it can also cause insanity and can be the source of much desolation and psychic and physical discomfort.
An old Indian sage once said that we are imprisoned rays of light from an intelligent sun. Mind and consciousness are not synonymous with the brain, they are elements of creation. Mind and consciousness can not be located by science, they are imperceptible to the senses. They are a part of the intelligent energy of the universe. This energy gives us life and is responsible for the awakening of kundalini.
We are an imprisoned ray of light from a divine sun. And this imprisoned ray of light is held captive by this all-intelligent life energy, known as prana shakti . . .
Kundalini is Sanskrit for ‘snake’ or ‘serpent power’. It is an energy and lies like the serpent in the sakral chakra at the base of the spine. In Tantra Yoga Kundalini is an aspect of Shakti. the divine female energy and consort of Shiva. Kundalini is a psycho-physiological energy for higher consciousness.
It resides within the sleeping body. It is aroused through spiritual discipline and practice but it can also be activated accidentally or spontaneously. Kundalini is a means to an end and not an end in itself according to Gopi Krishna. Kundalini is a mechanism for obtaining higher consciousness.
Usually concentration and many years of spiritual practice are required for attainting higher consciousness. Deep study, meditation and contemplation, a purification of the body, heart. soul and mind are required.
Meditation is a synonym for concentration. When the center of the brain is activated, that is kundalini. It is a new consciousness. the stepping from one world into another. The kundalini mechanism begins in the sacral chakra and moves up the spine to culminate in the crown chakra. Sometimes it also descends along the face. throat and into the stomach area.
When the kundalini mechanism awakens both the center of the base of the spine and the center of the brain must be ‘open’ simultaneously for the energy to move or there is the danger of becoming insane. The energy moving to the brain is known according to Gopi Krishna as the `dripping of nectar’, it is likend to the movements of the river Ganges.
This nectar flows into the brain and helps neurons to develop. A luminous ether enters the brain. It is like being in an ocean of light, a living conscious light. It is a profoundly inner experience and inner luminosity. It is the luminous matter of the mind and brain. It is a biological transformation of the body. Light is an invariable aspect of higher consciousness.
Ideally with a kundalini awakening is a more lucid and clear state of mind than before. Visions of Christ, Buddha and other sages and prophets are expanded. A deep insight into spiritual truths abounds. Love, or Agape is felt with all living beings and the universe. Higher consciousness is a state of being.
Kundalin is a science of the soul and can not be understood intellectually.
Cardinal virtues such as love, compassion, honesty and truth, the nobility of character are essential to the kundalini process. Are these cardinal virtues not developed barriers to kundalini may develop. Kundalini is not just a mechanical process, the heart qualities must be paid special attention to during the awakening period.
“The energy unlocks layer after layer of the mind and the yogi is freed from the bondage of his ordinary earthly identity and achieves `samadhi or complete union with the divine consciousness.”
Kundalini Energy is spiritual power programmed for growth and spiritual evolution. It is ‘feeling’ energy, clearing the communication line between one’s physical and spiritual parts. Ideas come from out of nowhere.
The Phoenix bird has also represented kundalini.
The bird head means that he has completed the great work by raising the kundalini energy to the mind. The missing ankh feathers cleaned the mind to polarize the mind towards the spiritual resting place of choice. Hence, he sits seated upon the top of the pyramid. He achieved this feat by using the key of life, ankh power, or kundalini sexual tantra to do so. Hence, the circle upon his head is the root power energy glyph surrounded by the kundalini energy serpent. The bottom of the bird mask has three tassels which represent the threefold or triangle paths of the one whom knows, or of him that possesses the all seeing eye. “If thy eye be one”, and to see the glory or mystical halo! The kundalini when raised up or cultivated through the sexual system carries the root chakra energy to the crown. This crown chakra is comprised of the ankhs lower bar going inside of the oval which becomes surrounded by the cross bar. Hence, the concept of the conception or rebirth of oneself It may be related to the mythology of the mystical phoenix.
The totem pole on which the thunderbird is perched, like the phoenix on the obelisk, with its wings outspread, is very similar to the caduceus, which symbolizes the kundalini-chakra system. The sacred bird, of whatever sort, represents the ascended soul of a person, which has risen through the seven levels associated with the material world.
The sword itself symbolizes the spine from root/coccyx/tail bone up to the crown chakra.
The conquest of each vertebra in the dorsal spine signifies fights to the death against the shadow’s adepts. _ Fortunately, those who work with the Kundalini receive the flaming sword and they defend themselves with it.
The sword here stands for the array of psychic powers and magical abilities (siddhis) that come with the awakening of kundalini (the gods’ fire, in Greek myth) illuminating the chakras in an embodied human with free will.
The sword which is used in the medical logo has the same symbolic meaning as the sword — Excalibur — mentioned in the story of King Arthur. The sword of King David is shown to be inserted inside a stone. The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit.
Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One.
The kundalini, which is the spiritual force in the human, is like a sleeping serpent within the first spiritual center (controls solid factor, stone) in the human body. This first center is the very bottom of the central energy current (passageway) which is connected to the two other currents in the spine. When the kundalini has not been raised, no spiritual realization can be gained, and man is a rational animal.
Therefore the sword of the spirit (Excalibur) cannot be used. This process has been symbolized by Excalibur being planted inside the stone (latent spiritual forces).
The kundalini should be raised, which is symbolized by taking the Excalibur out of the stone.
Then the two-edged sword of spirit can be used for a great purpose or His Will. Such a person be-comes an instrument for God or King Arthur.
As the intention (spiritual energy) is directed toward mundane life and the external world, the sword is useless and is engrossed into the stone (first chakra). But when intention or spiritual energies are directed to-ward things higher than mundanity, then the sword, with His Grace, will be loosened up (raising of the kundalini) and will become a double-edged sword of truth which will cut through the falsity, and its owner will become a Knight (Elect).
As it was said, to take the sword out of the stone and to become the King was offered to all. That is why man mighty men answered the call and took up the challenge. But none of them succeeded.