Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, and it will fall again. West is marked by the anglo-saxon ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing. Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sacrifice honesty for profit , if necessary. Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions. Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits

Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, and it will fall again. West is marked by the anglo-saxon ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing. Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sacrifice honesty for profit , if necessary. Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions. Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits.

The ephah was a basket and the lead cover or a weight represents a unit of measurement and symbols of commerce. The woman in the basket is associated with wickedness and personifies greed and materialism; dishonesty for profit.

Mechanical materialism viewed nature as a billiard ball world of actions and reactions in which one particle transmitted motion to another and in which humans were cogs in a capitalist machine that transformed nature into profits.

These materialistic values are based on greed, selfishness, dishonesty, corruption and on making inhuman profit. Materialism distracts humans from knowledge, wisdom and spirituality, which are the foundations of harmonious Ego-centered societies.

West is marked by the anglo-american ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing.

Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sac-rifice honesty for profit , if necessary. Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions. Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits.

Profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”.

At the center of the assault on morality and ethics is profit maximization, although using this concept as a focal point for organizing human and business life is flawed.

First, the idea of profit maximization is addictive especially when seeking profit is often without any limit or upper bound. As noted by Heinrich Pesch in his Ethics and the National Economy, profit maximization may mean the pursuit of maximum commercial activity, the lowest price, and the greatest riches, in line with the proverb fiat quaestus et peat mundus, or “strive for profit and let the world be dammed”

This zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”.199 Profit maximizers may become “reckless in dealing with those who use up their vital energies as salaried workers and wage earners in the service of capitalistic entrepreneurs; reckless toward competitors whose downfall adds to their profit—profit which in all too many instances is extracted by all kinds of unfair tactics; reckless toward the consumers, who instead of being provided with good merchandise at fair prices, are victimized into serving the exclusive interest of producers and merchants; reckless toward one’s own nation, one’s own state who most vital interests are then forced to take second place behind the internationalism of big capital”.

Unscrupulous profit maximization can be easily converted into parasitical profit extraction from virtually any situation, business, and human alike, which may be achieved through deception, dishonesty, corruption, immorality, irresponsibility, or other means.

Additionally, “once profit-making becomes unconditional, things are important only to the extent that they can be made to serve economic needs”.’

Secondly, a further flaw with the pursuit of profit maximization is that it becomes unconditional and absolute. In this respect, individuals matter to the extent that they can be used to seek profit maximization. In the end, human life is redefined as a massive, moral-free business operation.

A third issue is with the inevitability of profit maximization converting into get-rich-quickly patterns. And lastly, the most powerful negative testimonial

Economics based on false assumptions can only lead to disastrous outcomes, and indeed, dishonest, unethical, and immoral commerce creation is harmful to a nation.

The breaking of trust in individual and business interactions ultimately leads to problems within larger human social structures, such as community, family, and society, and ultimately severs one’s love of his homeland, the basis of human solidarity, unity, trust, and strength, which detrimentally impacts morality.

The dangers are clear; “where cashiers, administrators, merchants, manufacturers and employers are swindlers, or even where this applies to even just a majority of them, all trust will gradually vanish; the economy itself is doomed”.

In simple terms, “the dishonest producer and merchant do damage to their country”. Therefore, when “morality becomes privatized”, it is similarly subservient to modem economics.

People talk about businesses needing to be responsible as if it’s something new we need to do on top of everything else. But the whole essence of business should be responsibility. My philosophy is “We don’t run companies to earn profits, we earn profits to run companies.” Our companies need meaning and purpose if they’re to fit into the world, or why should they live or exist at all?

Materialism is defined as “attention to or emphasis on material objects, needs, and considerations, with a disinterest in or rejection of spiritual values.”

Materialism puts profit before people. It treats matter as being of ultimate significance, and creates in its adherents the thirst for more and more. It lifts the joys of having to greater heights of value than the challenge of being. It reduces the duty of sharing to a form of self-centered activity.

It makes no mistake about the conviction that one’s life does indeed consist in the abundance of things which one possesses, or can acquire. It feeds on various manifestations of greed and avarice. It preys on the base instincts of human weakness – gambling, theft, dishonesty, envy, and lust – and it brings into the

It must be said too that the Bible is against ill-gotten wealth. It matters a great deal to God how we make our money. Prov. 13: 11a says: “Dishonest money dwindles away.” God is against any wealth obtained by swindling others or by dishonesty. Prov. 10: 2 says: “Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.”

Mammon was used to describe dishonest profits gained from the exploitation of others, synonymous with what Jesus called “unrighteous mammon” (Luke 16:9).15 Slavery was common in ancient times, and slaves had to be completely devoted to a single owner. Jesus’s original audience would have been cognizant of its implications. In Jewish culture, the worship of money functioned as a reductio ad absurdum; the consequences of such idolatry were absurd.16 In other words, it is ludicrous to put your trust in money. It’s plain stupidity. In fact, even the Gentiles would ridicule a person who worshiped money.

God first demonstrates his authority over evil, and then removes the wickedness from Jerusalem. God will cause this evil, materialistic spirit to be returned to its starting-place–Babylon, where it will eventually be destroyed. This is a preview of commercial Babylon (Revelation 1g:9-20).

This list of costly merchandise reveals the reason for God’s wrath— self-centered and self-glorifying materialism. … realization that the large profits of their trade are a complete loss with the fall of Babylon in a single hour.

This wealth, the envy of the world, is used to control other governments and empires, including for a period of time the empire of the antichrist. This wealth represents and creates the worst attributes in man. This global materialism creates a system of perverted wealth, prestige, greed, haughtiness, arrogance, and abuse of power.

This materialism has always been the root of evil in the world, originating in the distant recesses of mans history. It has always been with us in some form, in the past it may have been represented by the ancient kingdom of Babylon. In the tribulation period it will reach new heights, and will be represented by a place and system called Babylon the Great.

It will develop to such an extent that all nations will depend on it and hate it at the same time.

This place or system is so indoctrinated with the drive for materialism, that she becomes completely devoid of God, thus allowing demons and every unholy practice to flourish within her. This drive for wealth and power will become her obsession and will result in an abuse of her power over the nations and peoples of the world.

This system of unequal wealth will be loved and hated at the same time. Loved because people want to be a part of her, and hated because they can’t and are excluded.

This abuse of power will manifest itself in godless, persecution of Gods people, idolatry, and becomes the perfect example of completely satisfying the lust of the flesh.

They now are in the world of Babylon . Babylon is the city of death . In Babylon , there is alienation and hardness of heart . Babylon’s gods are power, greed, materialism. In Babylon , religion is used to justify and camouflage Babylon’s motives . In Babylon, the people of God feel cut off from their roots, their God, their source of being, their memory, and their, hope.

Wickedness, lies, unemployment that brought poverty among the helpless, and corruption by government officials caused people working hard in slavery to be swept away with the broom of destruction and devastation.

Revelation 18 shows that everything that tries to block God’s purpose will come to a violent end. The city of Babylon, with extreme materialism of a society that became self-indulgent and were willing to use evil means to gratify their greed, fell and was destroyed, and no one remained unaffected.

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