Both economically and militarily, or both since the political arm of the Rothschild is the USA, the council for foreign relations. Today, Hegel’s dialectical theory can be seen clearly in the machinations of the U.S. Government and agencies of U.S. Intelligence especially the Central Intelligence Agency. The promoters of the New World Order in the United States have used the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool to promote their globalization ideals in the United States. “… again and again … using the theory of the Hegelian Dialectic to bring it about. They are manipulating events, creating conflicts, creating wars, and destroying the lives of untold millions …The New World Order is the desired synthesis of the controlling forces operant in the world today

Both economically and militarily, or both since the political arm of the Rothschild is the USA, the council for foreign relations. Today, Hegel’s dialectical theory can be seen clearly in the machinations of the U.S. Government and agencies of U.S. Intelligence especially the Central Intelligence Agency. The promoters of the New World Order in the United States have used the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool to promote their globalization ideals in the United States. “… again and again … using the theory of the Hegelian Dialectic to bring it about. They are manipulating events, creating conflicts, creating wars, and destroying the lives of untold millions …The New World Order is the desired synthesis of the controlling forces operant in the world today.”

George Wilhelm Frederick Hegel was a professor of philosophy at the University of Berlin. He believed that man is subordinate to the state and finds fulfillment in obedience to the state. He rejected religion and any sense of morality or notion of right vs. wrong Hegel himself was a member of the Freemasons and likely also an Illuminist.

He espoused the Freemason rationalist theology that reason is “the candle of the Lord”. Hegel believed that history is determined by the resolution of conflict. What became known as the Hegelian Dialectic was his theory that a force (thesis) dictates its own opposing force (antithesis). These forces in conflict result in the creation of a third force: a synthesis.

Secrets societies, including the Illuminati as well as well known figures such as Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, Meyer Rothschild, Wilhelm Wundt and Weishaupt came to believe that they did not have to wait for a crisis to present itself. They could create a crisis and use it to achieve their goals. In other words, in the world of ruthless power politics, one can apply the Hegelian Dialectic in a perverse manner.

Simply offer a draconian solution to a problem you have engineered, which, after compromises, still advances the secret agenda of those who created the problem in the first place.”

History reflects the outcomes of the use of the dialectic by the wealthy and powerful using it to advance their own agenda. Mayer Rothschild and his ilk were known to incite both sides ofa conflict and then finance them both profiting greatly from it.

The Reichstag fire is seen as the creation of a crisis to advance the NAZI agenda.

Today, Hegel’s dialectical theory can be seen clearly in the machinations of the U.S. Government and agencies of U.S. Intelligence especially the Central Intelligence Agency. The promoters of the New World Order in the United States have used the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool to promote their globalization ideals in the United States. “… again and again … using the theory of the Hegelian Dialectic to bring it about. They are manipulating events, creating conflicts, creating wars, and destroying the lives of untold millions …The New World Order is the desired synthesis of the controlling forces operant in the world today.”

Today, Hegel’s dialectical theory can be seen clearly in the machinations of the U.S. Government and agencies of U.S. Intelligence especially the Central Intelligence Agency. The promoters of the New World Order in the United States have used the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool to promote their globalization ideals in the United States. “… again and again … using the theory of the Hegelian Dialectic to bring it about. They are manipulating events, creating conflicts, creating wars, and destroying the lives of untold millions …The New World Order is the desired synthesis of the controlling forces operant in the world today.”

Countries leaving IMF World bank must rally themselves and first, own tons of gold bullions, which would be used to secure their new currency on. Then they must build their own SWIFT, an electronic bank to bank email secure communication platform controlled only by member states.

These countries must be prepared for USA sanctions. Both economically and militarily, or both since the political arm of the Rothschild is the USA, the council for foreign relations, CFR, Trilateral commission and it’s the one that controls the things that the government operates on in the USA, things such as, PENTAGON, CIA, FBI, NASA, THE MEDIA, FACEBOOK, major Pharmaceutical companies and as well as the foreign police of USA.

It’s not the president of the USA that controls the foreign policy of the country. So, no matter any changes at the presidency, the US foreign policy always remains the same. CFR is called the shadow government or simply the deep state. If the shadow government decides to overthrow the president of a foreign country for any reason, there’s nothing American citizens can do to stop it. To begin with, nobody can be president without the approval of the shadow government CFR since The CIA is where the CFR will make their first call, to initiate action on removing such a mission overseas.

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Some historians and writers charge that the Rothschilds fabricated their history and their achievements to ascend to power. This shadow government called the Council for foreign relations CFR. It’s funded by the owner of the UN, IMF World Bank, NATO, and Pentagon European Central bank. ECB, the name is Rothschild, when the east rejects the dollars, the Rothschild will have nothing to use as money to lord the world anymore as if it’s their property. As such the destiny of the world isn’t in the hands of the shadow government, though they might want us to believe so

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