You have a higher mind. Everyone does. It is located in the upper prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience. The cure is in your hidden mind.” Notice these wise words, “The cure is in your hidden mind”. In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today

You have a higher mind. Everyone does. It is located in the upper prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience. The cure is in your hidden mind.” Notice these wise words, “The cure is in your hidden mind”. In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today.

The limitations of the unnatural separation of right brain from left renders us disempowered and irresponsible at the same time. The belief system is a very convenient tool for those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emotional bondage.

“The cure is in your hidden mind.” Notice these wise words, “The cure is in your hidden mind”. In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today. This is a form of mind and body teaching. To be able to restore the whole body-energy system one need to connect to the inner-movement of vibrations.

The ‘vibration’, ‘inner-movement, or any similar word for any culture is fundamentally meant as frequency. The only invisible thing in our bodies that moves is our energy. To be able to use this energy (the mind power), our brains need to work at the right frequency — namely Alpha, Theta and Delta. It is like the engine of a car using the correct spark-plugs to generate energy that moves the wheels.

The explosive pure energy in you is buried deep inside. Only the right brainwave frequency could trigger its release.

There’s no coincidence — many holy scripts say that human being is a spiritual-being. The scientific way to explain it is, we are all energy-beings. But this energy in us is intelligent It knows how to absorb other forms of passive energy to prolong its existence. This affects our bodily health and life-force. And it also gives us super-mind ability.

If you check the history, many spiritual fathers discovered this ability. They knew the way to tap the divine power. Probably, they were afraid of public scrutiny and denied it openly. Besides most followers lacked understanding in this matter. Therefore, the society did not allow this seemingly unconventional wisdom.

Meditation Is for All

Meditation is the best way to speed up the process of spiritual evolution, regardless of the stage a person has reached on the long staircase to enlightenment. The goal is to use all sides of the brain simultaneously and the whole body as an integral whole.

Normally, when we slow down our brain waves by relaxation or meditation, they eventually settle down to Delta, which is the unconscious or sleep state. However, if we can slow down or reduce the frequency of our brain waves without falling asleep (which is one of the keys to understanding its powers), then a person can perform certain mental tasks at one brain wave, which he cannot do at other brain wave levels.

For example, at the Alpha level, one can project his consciousness or awareness into the future and know what’s going to happen before it does (technically called precognition). He can project his consciousness into the past and know what happened without being there (called retrocognition). He can project his awareness to another person and know what he is thinking of (through telepathy). He can project his awareness to a distant place he has never been to before and describe it accurately (through remote viewing or travelling clairvoyance). He can also heal himself and others through mental imagery or visualization.

Why is this possible? Because at the Alpha level, the brain waves, both of the left brain hemisphere and the right, are synchronized. And when this happens, the person is able to tap the tremendous powers and knowledge hidden in the subconscious mind consciously. Therefore, training ourselves to think at the Alpha level without falling asleep offers tremendous benefits and powers for everyone.

The Alpha rhythm is important not only because it enables us to perform some incredible things with our brains but also being in that state can boost our immune system and thus keep us healthy. Going into Alpha also removes stress and increases mental ability. When we are in meditative state, we are at the Alpha level of our brain waves.

There are as many definitions of meditation as there are commentators on it. To one, meditation is simply quieting one’s mind by focusing on only one idea or object. To another, meditation is just being silent and thinking of nothing at all, if that’s possible. Meditation means to emptying of one’s self and focusing completely on one’s highest ideal. Zen masters do this when they meditate. They completely forget anything connected with the mind. The end of Zen meditation is “having no mind” at all.

The Supermind, unlike the mind, is not shrouded by Ignorance. Its knowledge is not confined to narrow ego-sense. The integral knowledge at the Supramental level is not veiled within the dark chamber of inconscience. The vision at this level is cosmic, all comprehensive, all extensive, all inhabiting, the subjective timeless, spaceless static self-awareness and the objective dynamic knowledge in space and time are simultaneously present at this level of consciousness.

The development of this faculty or “Heart Awareness” is not of the lower mind or conditioned mind but of an acutely awakened mind or super mind, which is in sync with the lotus chakra of the heart and the sixth chakra or the third eye. The lower mind cannot observe itself beyond the limits of its own accumulated conditioning; but can observe the process through “self-introspection;’ from the stillness of the heart, which awakens this faculty. This faculty of “self-introspection;’ is already embedded in our DNA or the evolutionary urges of our lower mind. This faculty slowly “awakens” the higher mind and like divine alchemy turns the “intellect” into “intelligence”. This is the alchemy of mind, brain and consciousness.

Our consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Just as light exists independently of shadows and darkness, consciousness is independent of matter. The consciousness of each human being has the potential of going beyond the limitations of material sense perception, even beyond the limitations of the body. The awakening process is a shift of consciousness and perceptions; from to be a body with a soul to soul with a body, and it is a shift from a body/ego perception to Universal Spiritual Perception of the real Divine.

The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain.

When we move away from our limited self-identification, we open a wider window to our brain, and activate larger parts of it. This process of expanding the use of our brain may lead us to experience phenomena that are perceived as unusual, like knowing about events and actions before they unfold, commonly known as intuition.

Through the practice of meditation we exploit a larger portion of the unused brain. The end of this development process is when the mind realizes itself. If we utilize the full potential of our brains, we can expand our perception to its maximum. This is when we start to see reality as it is, beyond time and space. This state gives us the power to know, even before we process any empirical information. This is intuition! We tap into a spontaneous flow of events beyond logical reasoning.

The intuitive mind has access to information that lies beyond the reach of rational and logical abilities. Our intuition, or sixth sense, frees us from our thinking mind which is designed to conceptualize, analyse and interpret our experience. Learning to dowse is one way to develop intuition and connect more deeply with the gift of inner knowing.

Developing an intuition of what lies beyond opposites is the beginning of a deeper understanding. This is the shift from ego-reality to meta-reality, its a shift from the ego-lens to begin to see through a multiversal lens. Yet we do not perceive the world as through a giant magnifying lens, but through the limited ego-lens of the three dimensional world. Human consciousness is limited due to dense material of physical body. Consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Consciousness is independent of matter.

Following the guidance of the non-rational, intuitive wisdom of the instinct is the royal road into the realm of soul. Then the third eye intuition is non-rational and non-local it is not limited to the three dimensional world – space time reality and discover other dimension the physical realm, where the body-ego is limited through the rational brain and is limited in the local three dimensional world. So ego experience reality both rational and local, and third eye experiencing reality non-rational and non-local.

This is certainly a gift and ability of a certain spiritual maturity, re- finement. The power of Third Eye can shift the vibration of one´s energy field in ways that enchance one´s ability to act powerfully from a place of gentleness.

The third dimension forms an original element of all our space-sensations. In the eye it is subdivided by various discriminations. The more distant subdivisions are often shut out altogether, and, in being suppressed, have the effect of diminishing the absolute space-value of the total field of view.

Spiritual empowerment is the personal awakening to its power. We have all the opportunity to awaken to the reality that we are spiritual beings in a biological body. Humans is a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. The body likes to be in control (through five senses) and the spirit has to be awakened to its power. That is the process of becoming aware that we are more than humans with bodies. Once we become aware, we start a process of transformation that requires us to set up our sights on the intention of heightened awareness.

The fifth dimension has a higher vibration. It is two octaves higher than where we are in now When humanity reaches the fifth dimension, will be on the first level of this dimension and will be preparing to start on this level. Consequently, in order to live in this higher dimension, we must also vibrate at a higher level of being. This means our physical bodies need to lose their third dimensional denseness, and become much lighter than they are at present. Some spiritual teachers say, “Although we still live in the third dimension, we can start to prepare for the fifth dimension now.” This means, because we are beings from another dimension, living in a third dimensional reality, we must relearn to become light beings again, by striving to live our lives from a higher octave.

MEDITATION – “Is the emptying of ourselves of all that hinders the creative force from rising along the natural channels of our physical bodies to be disseminated through the sensitive spiritual centers in our physical bodies. ‘Is attuning our mental and physical bodies to their spiritual source.

Of all spiritual practices, the oldest and most complete is the science and art of yoga. The yoga tradition contains many systems, all of them with superconsciousness as their final goal. Yoga means “union.” Implied, of course, is the concept of divine union.

Superconsciousness takes human awareness outside the brain. We may say even that the brain is only a filter for superconsciousness. It can serve as a window onto superconsciousness, much as windows themselves reveal the scenery lying beyond them, but the brain can no more produce superconsciousness than a window can produce scenery.

Subconsciousness lies, as the word implies, below the level of conscious awareness. Its physical seat in the body is the lower brain and the spine. The more our energy and awareness are uplifted in the spine and projected forward through the brain toward the frontal lobe, the higher our level of awareness will be. Concentrate in the frontal lobe of the brain, at a point midway between the eyebrows. The spine is the tunnel through which consciousness ascends to enlightenment. It begins from the dimmest awareness at the base of the spine, and ends at the seat of superconsciousness between the eyebrows.

The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex. This led researchers to suggest that the frontal lobes act as the controller to the rest of the brain as much as the rest of the brain is the controller of the body.

In emotional attachment to Maya the whole world is asleep. It forgets its true spiritual nature and is asleep to it, but is awake to material consciousness. It is from this Maya, the enticer, has captivated the whole world.

Through the process of maya, of dualistic thought, we introduce illusory dualities or divisions, “creating two worlds from one.”

Throughout our Duality-based life-times, we have accumulated numerous heavy thought-patterns in the brain. This has influenced our decision-making and polluted our mental and emotional bodies. This heavy debris has knotted the links, causing a type of sluggishness within the Chakra board which prevents a clear flow of energy throughout the system of the human construct. All connecting lines must be cleared before the final switch can be activated.

The platform of non-duality brain waves exists outside of the dualistic matrix of the nervous system. and communication with the higher vibrational realities can now proceed. Reaching this station stimulates the high platform of the Merkaba, which is the Merkaba configuration that initiates the ability to navigate the multi-dimensional highways. This is the realm of the ascended Masters who are entering the higher dimensional vibrations, after releasing all ties to the human personality and immersed themselves into the energies of non-duality. This is a high place of functioning and it enables the Master to ascend into the realms of Light Consciousness where the Over-Soul resides.

One of the biggest challenges people have when they meditate is switching out of high-range (and even mid-range) beta and slipping into alpha and then theta brain-wave frequencies. It’s absolutely vital to do so, though, because when they slow down their brain waves to these other frequencies, they are no longer paying attention to the outer world and all the distractions they’re so used to thinking about when they’re under stress. And since they’re not analyzing and strategizing, trying to prepare for the worst-case scenario in their future based on their fearful memories of the past, they have the opportunity to become present, to exist only in the now. Wouldn’t it be wonderful during a meditation to disconnect your association to all the elements in your outer environment, to get beyond your body, your fears, and your schedule and forget about your familiar past and your predictable future? If you do it right, you will even lose track of time. As you overcome your automatic thinking, your emotions, and your habits in meditation, that is exactly what happens: You get beyond your body, your environment, and time. You weaken the energetic bonds with your past-present reality and find yourself in the present moment. Only in the present moment can you call your energy back to you. This does take some effort (although it will get easier with practice) because you’re living by the hormones of stress most of the time

For many people, relaxing is watching TV. This is not true relaxation. They are still in a beta state, unless they fall asleep in front of the television. Becoming a conscious healthy being requires the ability to choose which state of brain activity we want to be in. From looking at the given definitions, it may become clear that some brain states help us to connect with information that cannot be perceived with our five senses. Both the theta and the delta states help us to do this. In order to get there, we need to learn to relax in the alpha state. Once we master the different states, we are able to access information other than through the active logical mind—the beta state, which is connected with our five senses.

Connecting begins with the realization that there is more to this world than we can perceive through our five senses. In order to access insight from our Higher Power, we need to switch our mind’s attention from the rational to the intuitive. The rational mind uses our five senses to gather information. It is through the elusive sixth sense that we gain entry into the intuitive mind, bringing us the inner guidance we desire.

The brain wave frequency of Alpha is the open channel to our subconscious, our imagination and creativity and to our sixth sense.

When you are in the Beta Consciousness State of mind that uses a faster frequency, you are unable to transmit on the necessary brain wave frequency for directing your subconscious to make changes. It is analogous to radio reception. First you must be on the correct radio station channel frequency to get clear reception. Then you can call and reach that channel to offer your comments and someone is there to answer the phone and respond.

When you are in your normal Beta Consciousness State, it is like being unable to tune in to the correct radio station for effective subconscious communications.

When a person becomes more spiritually aware, they are more in tune with the connection of mind, body, and spirit. There is a greater sense of universal awareness. The person understands concepts and ideas beyond the scope of earthly intelligence.

Yoga teaching one thing; to tune in other brain waves than the beta brain waves. Yoga teaching to turn off the beta state mind by lowering, stilling, quitening or emptying the brain on brain waves.

There is no satisfaction and pleasant in the domain of “Beta”, in same way there is no peace of life in the “Beta” state, and there is no oneness in the beta state because duality cannot exist in higher realms of oneness, and ego cannot exist in oneness, and the”rational” beta brain wave cannot acccess the soul.

When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness, we have not access to other dimensions, we have not access to other realities.

The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain.

Beta brain waves dominate the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards the outside world. Meditation is the art of switching attention from the outer “beta” frequency of the world, to the inner world through alpha, theta and delta brain waves.

Because the beta brain waves is anchored in outer world it creates a error; The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, and this creates the error of limitation; Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Its the intellect and ego that binds him to “The Matrix”.

When you are in the Beta Consciousness State of mind that uses a faster frequency, you are unable to transmit on the necessary brain wave frequency for directing your subconscious to make changes. It is analogous to radio reception. First you must be on the correct radio station channel frequency to get clear reception. Then you can call and reach that channel to offer your comments and someone is there to answer the phone and respond.

Our priority at this time in evolution is to move on from the fixation of Beta left brain and the finite mind – and tune into infinite brain waves other than the “beta” radio station.

One can think at the different levels of brain waves as different radio channel frequencies one can tune into through mind/mediation and receive very powerful divine knowledge and universal wisdom of existence.

Beta brain waves splits reality into two; its creates two worlds out of one and then make humans believe the power is outside him and not teaching that all divine power is within. Beta brain waves is part of the concept of duality and mass consciousness. The whole idea is built up around duality and the matrix; it creates two worlds out of one, or it splits one world into two worlds, and the Matrix world is the computer created “dreamworld”.

The remainder of our consciousness split into our subconscious and super-consciousness. Our brain function also split into two parts, losing its connection through the tunnel found within the corpus callosum to the Pineal Gland, our third eye, which enables us to see our ‘soul’ members and the unseen worlds. The vortex within our Tree of Life stopped moving.

Through the evolutionary history we were isolated in one dimension of our total world, the rest of us cut adrift in the void or the Matrix. Our self-conscious being could only use the five physical senses and ten percent of our brain.

Man thinks with the conscious mind, Beta brain waves, but it’s the intellect which decides – discriminates favourably or unfavourably, approves or disapproves — in situations. This is why the intellect needs to be resolute. Theta brings about this resolute intellect — the capacity to make profound and powerful decisions, decisions which are filtered through consciousness-based knowledge: understanding formulated of divine nature. Understanding that can change not only your own life but the entire planet.

Beta — is a functioning of the left brain and deals with the ego personality, the intellect, logic — being constantly engaged. It’s the so-called thinking, analytical mind which functions mainly through known facts, subconscious conditioning, or through learned, societal behavioural patterns, good or otherwise. Beta interprets in a chronological, sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past. The higher the oscillations of Beta, which can extend into Gamma frequency, the greater can be your anxiety level. Beta doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past, which includes parents, society, religion and national identity, all of which form left-brain personality, the perceived as normal persona, from which you perform in the world.

Duality cannot, and does not exist in the higher dimensional states of consciousness; therefore, it is impossible for the Ego to survive within the higher realities. So the ego must keep humankind separated from Oneness, divide their minds by using fear, controlling the past (by controlling the history), and by fueling opposite forces. This is how Ego-Duality stays in control of the Matrix.

As we reach the higher platforms, a broad band of frequencies penetrate the auric fields and our maturing light-body begins to exude more and more light from the heart and crown centers. Its pulsing brilliance will eventually over-light the shadowiness of the Ego when our spaceship engages the hyper-drive that propels us out of the Duality realms.

Keep in mind that shadows cannot exist in beams of radiating light. Seven locks were created within the human construct as part of anchoring the system in the field of Duality and each is wired to all layers of the body. The locks or “three knots”, that which causes separation, abandonment and rejection within the Root Chakra, which is imprinted upon each human at birth.

The human body uses the five senses as a means of receiving information. The conscious mind reasons information with logic, and the body reacts to the mind’s directive. Commonly, most people have full use of the conscious mind but not the subconscious or super-subconscious mind. With practice, you can learn to slow down your brain waves and become aware of information in your subconscious and/or super-subconscious while still maintaining a conscious state of mind. This means you can remain deep in meditation and still be aware of everything happening around you.

When beta brain waves creates two worlds out of one, it creates the computer “dreamworld” in the Matrix. Beta perception — conscious mind — transmutes reality into illusion (and mass consciousness).

The beta state and the matrix means control.

This veil and the matrix holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA software programming and the coding structure of the DNA to actively integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to activate aspects of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or partition. This partition is also what holds you in third-dimensional linear time (time as a past-present-future loop) and creates major restrictions to knowing yourself.

The logical, left part of our brain has its own safety mechanism that does not necessarily want any intrusive or outlandish right-brain possibilities to have their unlimited expression. It would disturb its sense of security. It has an inbuilt defence mechanism that protects its current understanding of the world; the nutshell of its existence. Thus it sometimes labels incoming psychic impressions as silly, made up or just the workings of the imagination.

Cracking this nutshell is therefore something that is usually done slowly and safely in order to protect our delicate psyche. Opening to the possibility of channelling guides from the inner planes is mostly a creative exercise that promotes communication across the Corpus Callosum, the neural information highway located between the two hemispheres of the brain.

The brain and Beta waves suppresses theta and delta waves and creates beta waves mind is conciously active and thinking. Our modern lifestyle is about fast thinking and controlling our thoughts, and its difficult to relax and get in a calm state. As a result we get to many beta waves and not enough delta or alpha waves.

Slowing down brain wave activity and adjusting brain chemistry increases serotonin levels, positively influencing mood and behaviour, and switches on endorphins, easing the nervous system and improving healing responses.

In fact it is proven that meditation stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, creating significant positive physiological and emotional changes. Stress, on the other hand, activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an ongoing flow of cortisol into the blood stream,’ diminishing immune system function and inhibiting neurogenesis.

In yogic theory it is believed that if the mind can be stilled it is then open to influence by the universal power. The maximum efficiency of brain/body, leaving the mind to attend to other things such as healing and universal awareness. When the seventh center is quickened, the man is able by passing through it to leave his body in full consciousness, and also to return to it without the usual break, so that his consciousness will be continuous through night and day.

In meditation the meaning of Samadhi, Nirvana or Satori is to achieve full consciousness in all brain wave levels. When the mind and brain not is divided into different levels of consciusness one have access to universal knowledge and then living in the present “now” in everything.

In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness – it is the gateway, the entry point that leads into deeper states of consciousness.

When we are in an “alpha state” of brain activity, our mind becomes receptive to esoteric wisdom by facilitating perception by the sixth sense.

“The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science of liberation), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil of ignorance” that’s been set in place around us for eons and thousends of years. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil of tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path of enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitations of ordinary reality.

When the five senses are thus drastically subdued, the psychic receptors can function without interference.

When we are consciously connected to the Field everything appears much brighter, the colors more intense and everything is more deliciously real. To achieve this we have to dampen all those left-brain thoughts that take-up so much of our inner space. Their attachment to survival distracts us from the most intimate aspects of living. The moment the left-brain slides into the middle of a process, the connection between the frontal lobes and the heart, running through the right-brain into the limbic, becomes disturbed. Activity in the left-brain distorts the transmission [of the Field].

“As a result of eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve gained a double-stranded DNA, or a physical body that housed parts made of light and dark. The firmament, or veil, runs down the middle of the DNA strand, and is essential to our existence. Without it, the two DNA strands would cause us to self-annihilate. This veil acts a lot like the Mirror, and keeps us from seeing half of who we really are.

Our fears need to be cleared in order to fully integrate our spiritual body. The biggest road blocks are set into motion through fear. The way fear diminishes our powerful connection to our spiritual body is through reactions. The opposite of fear is love with faith. Embracing the fear with loving faith creates purity of the heart. Having no fear moves us to a new awareness of understanding. The complete elimination of fear creates authentic freedom. Beyond fear is freedom. This freedom transcends our connection to the Universal energy. As this shift from fear to true freedom occurs we empower the spiritual body. The spirit begins to reflect power, which also impacts the DNA within our physical bodies. The instrumental DNA strands starts to enter into a new process of healing. The wisdom is encoded within the DNA strands. We awaken from the illusion. Once the veil is lifted we will begin to hear the truth within our seed. It allows the Wheel of Light Energy into your heart, so you can start flowing into the direction of manifesting your dreams.

Awakening from this illusion brings us closer to our inner wisdom. This allows us to evolve away from fear, and into divine love. When we embrace this change we allow our egocentric mind to shift into the spirit. When this occurs, the invisible less dense matter instructs us to move in peace, and harmony with nature. This moves us forward through every piece of our unique Wheel of Light Energy. This is our personal step to listen to God within. If we continue to live in fear we become disempowered, and vulnerable. The fear distorts the divine essence creating a poison that can hurt our spiritual body. The goal is to allow the visible fear to change into invisible unconditional love. Once the fear diminishes, the spiritual body can be embraced in pure divine love. This is a goal that leads us to the peace we have within the Wheel of Light Energy. We are all like shattered mirrors trying to fit all the pieces back together in order to embrace our spiritual body. This can take a lot of time, and hard work. True patience, and perseverance will lead to many divine gifts. Never give up on your spiritual path.

When we are consciously connected to the Field everything appears much brighter, the colors more intense and everything is more deliciously real. To achieve this we have to dampen all those left-brain thoughts that take-up so much of our inner space. Their attachment to survival distracts us from the most intimate aspects of living. The moment the left-brain slides into the middle of a process, the connection between the frontal lobes and the heart, running through the right-brain into the limbic, becomes disturbed. Activity in the left-brain distorts the transmission [of the Field].

The Nervous System

As you slow your brain waves down and become less aware of your body, your environment, and time, consciousness flows out of the neocortex and toward the limbic brain—the seat of your autonomic nervous system (represented by the dark arrows moving toward the middle of the brain).

At the same time, as these two systems intersect, the autonomic nervous system—whose job is to create balance—steps in and creates coherence in the neocortex, the seat of your thinking mind (represented by the lighter arrows moving out toward the edge of the brain).

In other words, when you are in the present moment, you get out of your own way. As you become pure consciousness, pure awareness, and change your brain waves from beta to alpha and even to theta, the autonomic nervous system—which knows how to heal your body much better than your conscious mind does

While the beta brainwave is associated with sympathetic system, the alpha, theta, and delta are associated with the parasympathetic state.

Beta is the dominant brain wave when the sympathetic nervous system is active

Beta — is a functioning of the left brain and deals with the ego personality, the intellect, logic — being constantly engaged. It’s the so-called thinking, analytical mind which functions mainly through known facts, subconscious conditioning, or through learned, societal behavioural patterns, good or otherwise. Beta interprets in a chronological, sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past. The higher the oscillations of Beta, which can extend into Gamma frequency, the greater can be your anxiety level. Beta doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past, which includes parents, society, religion and national identity, all of which form left-brain personality, the perceived as normal persona, from which you perform in the world.

Sympathetic nervous system Stress: Fight, flight and freeze

Negative emotions: fear, anger, etc
Limiting beliefs/doubts
Focus/tunnel vision
Lonely and separate
DNA wound up: light
Small and limited
Duality rights and wrongs
Struggle upstream
Effect: Life happens to me I am a victim of circumstances Life is unfair
Rapid. shallow breathing
Three-dimensional world of form

Parasympathetic nervous system Relaxation and creativity

Positive emotions: joy, peace. etc
Creativity. imagination. infinite potential
Health and youthfulness
Expanded awareness
True self/heart/feeling
Lighthearted. fun
Connected. an is one
DNA unwound: unlimited potential
Magical. infinite. unbound
Unity – beyond duality Just is – an expteleolCe
Flow with life eflodiessly
Cause’ I create my Oval reality I feel empowered and take charge Life is an adventure
Deep. slow breathing
Energy world of potentiality

It’s necessary to move out of day-to-day beta consciousness and into alternative consciousness because it moves beyond polarity of either/or to either/and and links with Source energy where all possibilities exist. Beta state is the state of duality. The rational brain can´t access the structures of the soul.

The beta state and duality cannot, and does not exist in the higher dimensional states of consciousness; therefore, it is impossible for the Ego to survive within the higher realms of the mind.

Man thinks with the conscious mind, Beta brain waves, but it’s the intellect which decides – discriminates favourably or unfavourably, approves or disapproves — in situations. This is why the intellect needs to be resolute. Theta brings about this resolute intellect — the capacity to make profound and powerful decisions, decisions which are filtered through consciousness-based knowledge: understanding formulated of divine nature. Understanding that can change not only your own life but the entire planet.

Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Both intellect and ego using fear- based programs and concepts to gain control of humankind.

Mankind’s dominion lies within awakening to Theta vibration, and our conscious connection with Infinity. Man is an eternal awareness, a forever consciousness. Man/woman, in essence, is not the vessel which houses awareness; the outer body skin is not the limit of your being. Man/woman in essence is the transcendent “experiencer”, existence itself, not the experience, and Theta, when activated, facilitates direct experiencer status.

The intellect and ego is the enemy to intuition (theta/delta divine powers), and therefore suppresses these levels of consciousness by inducing fear through subliminal programming of the brain. Beta waves suppresses alpha, theta and delta waves from expanding in consciousness through the power of intuition. Intuition opens a wide window for the light of superconsciousness to shine through our subconscious into our conscious mind. The unconscious mind receives information as intuition, then passes it to the conscious mind. Fear is what keeps the third eye of intuition closed, and fear keeps the “alpha bridge” to the intuitive mind (theta state) down, and fear keeps the real present “now” closed through illusions.

Beta — is a functioning of the left brain and deals with the ego personality, the intellect, logic — being constantly engaged. It’s the so-called thinking, analytical mind which functions mainly through known facts, subconscious conditioning, or through learned, societal behavioural patterns, good or otherwise. Beta interprets in a chronological, sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past. The higher the oscillations of Beta, which can extend into Gamma frequency, the greater can be your anxiety level. Beta doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past, which includes parents, society, religion and national identity, all of which form left-brain personality, the perceived as normal persona, from which you perform in the world.

Duality cannot, and does not exist in the higher dimensional states of consciousness; therefore, it is impossible for the Ego to survive within the higher realities.

When beta brain waves creates two worlds out of one, it creates the computer “dreamworld” in the Matrix. Beta perception — conscious mind — transmutes reality into illusion (and mass consciousness).

Throughout our Duality-based life-times, we have accumulated numerous heavy thought-patterns in the brain. This has influenced our decision-making and polluted our mental and emotional bodies. This heavy debris has knotted the links, causing a type of sluggishness within the Chakra board which prevents a clear flow of energy throughout the system of the human construct. All connecting lines must be cleared before the final switch can be activated.

The platform of non-duality brain waves exists outside of the dualistic matrix of the nervous system. and communication with the higher vibrational realities can now proceed. Reaching this station stimulates the high platform of the Merkaba, which is the Merkaba configuration that initiates the ability to navigate the multi-dimensional highways. This is the realm of the ascended Masters who are entering the higher dimensional vibrations, after releasing all ties to the human personality and immersed themselves into the energies of non-duality. This is a high place of functioning and it enables the Master to ascend into the realms of Light Consciousness where the Over-Soul resides.

We can use the intuition we are born with. Intuition can be activated by vibrating energy to certain strands of DNA, which lie dormant within us. The eight dormant strands are located within the cellular DNA of the pineal gland and can be accessed through thought. We were born to communicate intuitively, but technology such as computers, mobile phones, and thoughts of the collective groups of people, may interfere with our ability to do so. Negative thoughts block the receptors in our cells and prevent us from receiving love and manifesting that which we desire. By being positive and accountable with your thoughts and actions, then you can activate the potential within your dormant DNA strands and receive wise messages that can come through the endocrine system, glands and body.

By accessing the Universal Library, we can communicate with many cultures in places where knowledge is kept sacred.

Theta needs Alpha to carry the codes, carry the healing waves throughout the body, but particularly to the conscious mind to achieve calm, balance and perspective. Theta is natural, for you go through the four brain speeds while sleeping. But it’s while you’re awake that the brain needs to become familiar with its full range of speed possibilities, and with regular, properly practiced mantra meditation such becomes your everyday state.

The current to supply the transformation of the sacred geometric vessel has to be channelled via the chakra panel and directed from the Heart core through the biology of the brain. The bioelectric fluctuations coursing through the brain synapses and the nervous system operate from a dualistic template. There are many junction points in the brain that have been kept dormant until the human vessel is ready to remodel this template.

It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. Over time, as we project our attention upward, these threads and cables fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. This experience has produced many of our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built. It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.

The delta state is the doorway into higher consciuousness and therefore our connecetion with the Infinite Source.

Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

Its through meditation one opens up the heart chakra, third eye, and pineal gland, and by lowering the brain waves from beta to theta brain wave one also access the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix.

The theta brain wave is sought after most with meditators and mystics, mainly because, with the right conditions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

Many cultures conceptualize the third eye as a mystical inner eye that can access intuition, clarity and insight. It is said to expand our awareness and inspire high ideals; connecting us to a higher consciousness, leading to a transformation of the soul. It symbolizes a state of enlightenment. It is not determined if these states are related to dimethyltryptamine, a hallucinogenic substance, thought to be secreted by the pineal gland.

Those that learn to exist with Superconscious awareness in Superconscious Mind live in a free, infinite, and Universally expansive Higher consciousness of illumination.

The Superconsciousness Mind has a kind of complete separation or difference in vibration than the Conscious and Subconscious Mind. This is indicated on the Mind chart by the horizontal line between Subconscious and Superconscious

You have a higher mind. Everyone does. It is located in the upper prefrontal cortex of the brain.

Spiritual Vibrations are sent out and received through a certain physical organ located in the upper part of the brain behind the Pituitary Body and called the Pineal Gland. The continual, conscious rising within our own selves of our highest emotional vibrations, stimulates more and more the Pineal Gland, that organ of our Super-consciousness, which is also the most sensitive organ in our body. The Pineal Gland then begins to function with increasing power, and in that way acts as a physical channel through which are contacted Spiritual Vibrations, the highest we know of in our present state of consciousness.

Your instrument for doing this is the ever available Power of Universal Life Energy Itself. The more you direct that Force to the promotion of a fuller contact with your own Superconsciousness the better you will develop your inner channels for bringing it within your conscious reach. Your Pineal Gland, the organ of Superconsciousness in your brain, will develop and function with growing ease, strength and efficiency as constant use and the invigorating current of Life Force give it the exercise it needs. As it has been explained before, that Gland is the physical door through which all the Infinite Knowledge and Power in your Superconsciousness.

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