The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies: Conspiracy. There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are in trouble. They want people to basically believe that they are powerless. When we see this giant build-up of police/state control is a good indicator that the system is desperately trying to get humanity back on the reservation. The prime reason for this massive imposition and escalation of the Orwellian state globally is that they’re trying to get more power
The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies: Conspiracy. There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are in trouble. They want people to basically believe that they are powerless. When we see this giant build-up of police/state control is a good indicator that the system is desperately trying to get humanity back on the reservation. The prime reason for this massive imposition and escalation of the Orwellian state globally is that they’re trying to get more power
They lock onto people at the electromagnetic field level and then begin dictating certain agenda through that — including the perceptions and behaviors of the possessed people. They talk about the Gnostics where the Archons are able to create something that they call Hal. It translates as “wait for it.”
What are virtual realities? They have the ability to make people see things that aren’t actually there. How do they do that? By manipulating the way that people construct reality in the few cubic centimeters at the back of the brain, that’s how.
They’re turning women into men and men into non-entities; everything is upside down.
This is the force of hybrid bloodline which is why these elite families are so obsessed with bloodline. They are forming a hybrid energetic field, which is much closer to the energetic field of these Archontic entities. People who are at the top believe they are a separate species.
In fact, they are separate species, because they have been creating bad energy or frequency closely related to these Archontic entities that operate outside of human sight. The possession of these bloodlines is far more powerful than it is of the general population. So when you look at the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s and all these British Royal family people, you are looking at these Archontic entities incarnated into human existence. It would be like if you had a remote robot, or when they send the Mars Rover to Mars, it’s being run from Houston. They have no empathy. They have no conscience. They are running this whole society to bring a total human control.
We need not to play the stadium of violence and stuff that we are talking about, because that’s the stadium, that’s what they want or that’s their game. We need to play this awakening transformation out in the stadium in which it’s actually coming from. It is another human perception of reality. This is why it’s so important when we put this information out about what the plan and the agenda is. We never give the impression that it’s a done deal and it’s going to happen. It’s just information to alert people so they can act appropriately at the right moment.
One without the other is an imbalance. This is why people say, “Oh don’t talk to me about the conspiracy, it’s negative.” No, knowledge is never negative, ignorance is negative. That’s not about ignoring or not wanting to hear negative stuff. It’s about escapism from what was really going on. Your will to change and improve as an individual has to be stronger than the will of the globalists to control you in order to free yourself from their invisible force of manipulation.
The so-called spirituality wouldn’t talk about negative conspiracies. That’s an imbalance, but if we talk about only the five sense level of the conspiracy, and not that the deeper levels of the nature of reality from which that five sense level can be understood from a much great understanding, that’s an imbalance as well.
There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are in trouble. They want people to basically believe that they are powerless. When we see this giant build-up of police/state control is a good indicator that the system is desperately trying to get humanity back on the reservation. The prime reason for this massive imposition and escalation of the Orwellian state globally is that they’re trying to get more power. As the human mind awakens and expands its sense of the possibility. Instead of living your life looking through the wrong end of a telescope and seeing everything as “I can’t, it’s impossible and everything is limited” you start to expand your awareness of possibility and when you do that everything changes.
If you’re looking through the wrong end of a telescope will have no alternative to the official story because you haven’t got any alternative. If you expand your mind and your awareness to the problem to offer a solution, becomes a byproduct of the attack on gun ownership. Then you do have an alternative to the lie and suddenly the lie is under a challenge.
Text Source: The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies by Greg Norton.
Weishaupt wanted to destroy Christianity and replace it with Deism, the religion of reason. Some de intervenes ists some Deists believe that God never intervenes in human affairs. The Illuminati don´t anyone to