When our energy is limited and connected to your limitations, we know it as the ego. When your energy is universal, we call it Kundalini. This opposite force is similar to the action and energy of a rocket. When a rocket takes off, there is a tremendous thrust of energy downward which shoots the rocket high into space. This is the force of the root chakra. When you look at the seventh-chakra mandala, you will see that the petals are both “transmitters” of kundalini energy into the universal consciousness and at the same time “receivers” of universal energy into your personal body. This is how it should be. Two into one

When our energy is limited and connected to your limitations, we know it as the ego. When your energy is universal, we call it Kundalini. This opposite force is similar to the action and energy of a rocket. When a rocket takes off, there is a tremendous thrust of energy downward which shoots the rocket high into space. This is the force of the root chakra. When you look at the seventh-chakra mandala, you will see that the petals are both “transmitters” of kundalini energy into the universal consciousness and at the same time “receivers” of universal energy into your personal body. This is how it should be. Two into one

W(THIN THE ROOT CHAKRA is the basic release of life-force energy through the body. We will refer to this energy as kundalini (from the Hindu tradition) or life-force, but it is also known by many other names, such as qi or ki, in various traditions.

This life-force is released from the root chakra and travels up the spine, awakening all the other chakras. At the same time, a grounding-force energy moves down the sciatic nerve from the root chakra through the feet and into the ground.

This opposite force is similar to the action and energy of a rocket.

When a rocket takes off, there is a tremendous thrust of energy downward which shoots the rocket high into space. This is the force of the root chakra.

When this chakra is fully enlivened, there is a thrust of energy down the legs into the ground, giving a feeling of tremendous stability and solidity.

At the same time, a rush of energy shoots up the spine and out the top of the head, giving the feeling of flying. This energy experience is the gateway to experiencing many levels of awareness at once. You are firmly grounded in physical reality, yet traversing many higher levels of awareness at the same time, fully aware of the energies at each of those levels.

The chief purpose of the kundalini energy is conscious awareness—an awareness of the self and the way the universal life-force moves through us, as well as an awareness of our personal connection to the universal life-force as it creates and maintains all that exists in the universe. We access the kundalini through the first chakra.

Kundalini is essential to the spiritual journey. Only when the kundalini is flowing freely throughout our energy systems can we be fully aware of our experiences and the lessons or opportunities for growth that are being presented to us.

The ability to awaken the Kundalini is held by only the most potent gurus of any tradition. There have been great Christian saints whose touch or words inflamed the souls of those who followed them.

When our energy is limited and connected to your limitations, we know it as the ego. When your energy is universal, we call it Kundalini.

The body of the practitioner becomes the entire cosmos, as the cosmos and the practitioner complement each other. The practitioner experiences a unified, eternal flow of life force or energy circulating between he/she and Universal Consciousness.

The physical limits of the practitioner are now extended to the cosmic level and all distances come within his/her reach; the third eye is opened, other dimensions can be seen and travel to higher realms becomes a reality.

Not only is the “fear of death” gone forever but also one begins living fully, totally awake for the first time. At this level the Self-realized person can do anything on earth except the Divine processes of creation, preservation and destruction. A kind of “mechanical switch” develops enabling the persons to live either in this world or others, as they wish.

When you look at the seventh-chakra mandala, you will see that the petals are both “transmitters” of kundalini energy into the universal consciousness and at the same time “receivers” of universal energy into your personal body. This is how it should be. Two into one.

Some scientists have reduced seventh-chakra experiences to a sudden hyperactivation of the pineal or pituitary gland in the brain. Certainly this could explain many of the blissful states we enter into when we merge with the Universal Consciousness. Biochemistry is part of the infinite dance of the universe as it manifests in our bodies and minds. But the experience itself is an affirmation that there is more to life than deductive scientific reasoning, and there is more to kundalini awakening than biochemistry, the biochemical dimension being but one finite way of viewing infinity. Without further words, turn to the seventh-chakra mandala and explore your own deepening awareness of the divine. . . .

This potential energy put in us since the birth is similar to the potential energy of the big tree put in a small seed. Awakening Kundalini is a shoot of this seed, beginning of the way to full Self-realization — to realizing by the person of his true “I”.

The key to spiritual development lies in the ability to raise that spark of the Divine within, called kundalini, and activate its creative properties in accordance with Universal Law.

As our mind force works in harmony with Universal Law and at-tunes itself with Divine Will, our physical self is brought into harmony with the soul. As the physical body becomes spiritualized, the veil imposed by the material world is lifted and we begin to see with the eyes of spirit and become more receptive to spiritual phenomena.

During meditation, the kundalini energy is raised within the gonads of the root chakra and released through the lyden gland which opens the door for this energy to move through the system. At this point, the subconscious mind of the soul rises to the pineal, the Christ Conscious-ness.

As the kundalini energy rises to the pineal, it joins with the uni-versal energy entering through the crown chakra. This energy is then directed to the pituitary, and from there it passes to the adrenals. Fol-lowing that, it is distributed to the remaining spiritual centers. As it passes through the chakras, it cleanses and illuminates them, bringing them into attunement with the Creative Force. Just as the process of fetal development creates a new human being, the consistent practice of the meditative process creates a new “spiritualized being within:’

Spiritualization as an Agent of Change

It is important to understand that the process of spiritualization as described above is more than a tool for attaining personal spiritual enlightenment. It is also a mechanism by which evolutionary change—physical, mental, and spiritual—occurs. It is a mechanism which works subtly, however, and it was seldom recognized for the evolutionary agent it truly is. After all, if meditation was the practice of the few, how could spiritualization be a driving force for evolutionary change? The answer is that, although meditation is the most formalized means by which this process can be advanced, it is not the only one. Each time an individual chooses the spiritual over the physical, spiritualization occurs.

Those who are aware of the species-wide ramifications of spiritualization must continue to pursue this path and encourage others to join in the effort as well. Each time one person moves toward the integration of body, mind, and soul, whether it be through meditation, positive thinking, or simply a kind word to another, we all, as a species, move that much closer to overcoming our physical nature and reclaiming the birthright of our soul.

Every time that we meditate we are lessening the selfish and evil in-fluences in the world. The degree to which evil seems to be lessened may be of minute proportions, but once Spirit is loosed, there are no limits to its far-reaching effects.—Joel Goldsmith.

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