Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource base needed to support their world domination. In other words, there is not enough reality to support their money illusion any more. That is why the mafia controlled Western economic and financial systems are slowly imploding. The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating. The economic, political and social concerns we struggle with today are the result of a plan that was systematically put into practice as of 1776, with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati

Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource base needed to support their world domination. In other words, there is not enough reality to support their money illusion any more. That is why the mafia controlled Western economic and financial systems are slowly imploding. The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating. The economic, political and social concerns we struggle with today are the result of a plan that was systematically put into practice as of 1776, with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati

Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.

We have individuals in banking who are never satisfied and want to grow bigger and bigger, and bigger banks beget bigger banks and bigger ban s beget bigger banks.

“The fact is the BRICS know that time is on their side because the Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource base needed to support their world domination. In other words, there is not enough reality to support their money illusion any more. That is why the mafia controlled Western economic and financial systems are slowly imploding. This can be seen with the fall in stock markets, commodity prices etc. and the des-perate move to negative interest rates.”

The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating.

“The economic, political and social concerns we struggle with today are the result of a plan that was systematically put into practice as of 1776, with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria. This group networked, infiltrated, consolidated and enacted plans that had been in place for much longer periods of time. They created the hidden infrastructure, secrecy, membership, documentation and blueprints necessary to effectuate what they had hoped would be a global takeover in the hopes of declaring a New World Order.”

Another modern secret society, linked to the Knights Templar and hence nthe Illuminati, is the Knights of Malta, reportedly one of the most powerful of the modern societies, with members reaching into the highest levels of Catholicism, governments, and intelligence agencies. These Knights survived medieval persecution by allying themselves with the Vatican and even participating in the persecution of its enemies.

Likewise, many of Europe’s royal families, themselves usurpers of the thrones of the Merovingians and others, worked in partnership with the Vatican to maintain the status quo. These royals are referred to as the “Black Nobility.” With the papal condemnation of the Knights Templar beginning in 1307, many Terri-plars simply doffed their distinctive red-cross mantles and secreted themselves within other orders, such as the Knights of Christ, the Teutonic Knights, or the Hospitallers, an order that mutated into the Knights of Malta.

Today, the Knights of Malta are headquartered in Rome under the direct supervision of the pope and are recognized by more than forty countries as a sovereign nation. A British offshoot, known as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, is a Protestant order headquartered in London and headed by the queen. Prominent Americans connected to the Knights of Malta include the late CIA directors William Casey and John McCone, former Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca, columnist William F. Buckley, Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. ambassador to the Vatican William Wilson, Clare Boothe Luce, and former U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig. Dr. Luigi Gedda, the head of Catholic Action, was decorated by the Knights of Malta for his liaison work between the Vatican, the CIA, and the European Movement of Joseph Retinger, the “Father of the Bilderbergers.” The Knights of Malta are believed to be one of the primary channels of communication between the Vatican and the CIA.

President John F. Kennedy who opposed the Vatican popes who wanted to influence America in their altruistic ideology. President Kennedy wanted to dismantle the CIA, and the Federal Reserve which is run by banking cartels, Rothschild and the Vatican. President Kennedy also wanted to dismantle the secret societies as stated in 1961 “Secret Society Speech.”

Both Israel and the CIA leadership work for the secretive, Freema-sonic, Zionist, Rothschild controlled, international tankster families. Kennedy, while being in office only several years, had run onto a collision course with many of these families.

Robert Kennedy was murdered for he, and his brother were actually following the moneys which led to the cabal within Europe. This cabal didn’t want Robert Kennedy to follow in his brothers pursuit of the dismantling of the secret societies and had him assassinated.

The Black Pope is the head of the Jesuits, which is the Society of Jesus created by Ignatius of Loyola in August 1534, whose logo is I. H. S. These initials are based off the Egyptian pagan cult belief in a triad of gods. The current Black Pope who heads the I. H. S., known as the Jesuits was elected Oct.14, 2016 is Arturo Sosa.

It is crucial to remember that Israel was created because of the machinations of the Rothschilds and their perception and interpretation of Zionism. One may refer to Israel as a Rothschild state or the Rothschild outpost in the Middle East.

You may also think of it as a Roman outpost of the New Roman Empire, with the Rothschilds as Emperor. The Kennedy clash with Israel was also a clash with the Rothschilds and other international tanksters’ who own Israel. The CIA, Zionist Israel, and the Mossad have the same master and the master had turned against Kennedy.

Since both Mossad and the CIA work for the Rothschilds and international tanksters’, the involvement of both in the Kennedy assassination is not something that should surprise those who truly study these matters. Also, it is important to remember that the Rockefellers were key to the founding and organizing both the CIA and FBI in America.

Kennedy was very firm that Israel must not become a nuclear power. Once the USA found out that Israel had secretly con-structed a nuclear reactor at Dimona, JFK wrote to Ben-Gurion demanding that the USA be allowed to send its inspectors to check whether, or not, the reactor was being used for peaceful purposes. Ben-Gurion did not like this at all and was reluctant to al-low USA inspectors to inspect Dimona. This reluctance led to a serious exchange of letters that were so intense that they were kept classified for decades after the JFK assassination.

JFK warned about how secret societies had infiltrated America. Both Bush and Kerry members of Skull and Bones and meet at Bohemian Grove worshipping an owl. We see the Illuminati symbol of eye and pyramid on the American dollar and roman numerals which is date Illuminati formed with one long term aim A New World Order for Rothschild `s to control. Illuminati are behind every war since French Revolution. Rothschild Central Banks crashed money to start World War 2 then financed Hitler. How many people died just so Rothschild does can get rich? They own Fed Reserve, Washington DC, City of London and Vatican. Even CIA top agents are picked by Jesuit order. Rothchilds controls FBI, CIA and Pentagon.

Both I – AM and MA are names of Christ hence MA-Sons. But Freemasonry is a Satanic Order that only Grandmaster at high levels like 33 know. They know names of all below them but novice freemasons would not know another Mason of a higher rank even if they bumped into them in town.

It should not be forgotten that the most powerful financial syndicate in the Western World is that of the European Rothschilds. The Rothschilds, because of their power base inside the City of London Corporation, have a controlling membership of the London Crown Temple syndicate, and they also have executive control of the Vatican and the Mafia though the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy.

The financial affairs of the new UK coalition govemment in London are also Rothschild- controlled. The line management here is understood to be Jacob Rothschild > Nathaniel Rothschild (N.M.Rothschild & Sons Limited, New Court, St Swithin’s Lane, London EC4P 4DU) > Oliver Letwin > George Osborne (British Chancellor of the Exchequer).

Queen Elizabeth II fronts for the Rothschilds. She is the largest landowner on Earth. She is Head of State of the United Kingdom and of thirty one other states and territories, and is the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the Earth’s land surface. A conservative estimate of the value of the Crown Temple syndicate’s land holding, under the Queen’s signature, is £17.6 trillion.” This is why it’s called : ”REAL” ESTATE meaning ”Royal Estate” from the Spanish word REAL!

Your home belongs to the Queen! Your land and property are NOT really yours they belong to the Royals and the NWO!

You may slowky begin understand why the NWO wants create a One World Government. They really think planet Earth belongs to them.

You may slowky begin understand why the NWO wants create a One World Government. They really think planet Earth belongs to them.

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History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court! And propagation of Western Civilization is coming to a halt. Not propagation of the species homo sapiens, but propagation of civilization. Until the sheep of the world awaken, we are falling headlong toward world totalitarianism under the name democracy. U.S money democracy is like A Wolf in Cheep Clothing”. It pretends to act as world democracy (the cheep), but actually is ruled by the “Deep State or the “Shadow Government (the Wolf).

What next? “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers” President Thomas Jefferson. who. apparently, didn’t trust banks or new yams. We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” -David Rockefeller at a UN Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept. 23m, 1994

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