“Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.” Man is born free, but in chains everywhere. Rousseau shows us that there is a way to break the chains – from within. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” Man must go within to open the door to liberation. Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. There is nothing truer than myth: history, in its attempt to realize myth, distorts it, stops halfway; when history claims to have succeeded, this is nothing but humbug and mystification.
“Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.” Man is born free, but in chains everywhere. Rousseau shows us that there is a way to break the chains – from within. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.” Man must go within to open the door to liberation. Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they. There is nothing truer than myth: history, in its attempt to realize myth, distorts it, stops halfway; when history claims to have succeeded, this is nothing but humbug and mystification.
“Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.” —Plotinus
Man is born free, but in chains everywhere.
Rousseau shows us that there is a way to break the chains – from within. “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains.”
Man must go within to open the door to liberation.
Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they.
Variant translations: Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles.
Man was born free, but is everywhere in bondage.
The current New Age movements that capitalize on fear mongering, the Illuminati, and the behind-the-scenes of the behind-the-scenes of what is taking place in humanity.
“There is nothing truer than myth: history, in its attempt to realize myth, distorts it, stops halfway; when history claims to have succeeded, this is nothing but humbug and mystification. Everything we dream is realizable. Reality does not have to be: it is simply what it is.” —Eugene Ionesco
There is a much bigger message than the meticulously buried messages of the biblical tales that is similar in tone and thread to hundreds of other cultural religious mythologies of spectacular non-human beings interacting with the human race of ancient times. Common to nearly all of these cultural stories is the common thread of residual bloodlines that run through the course of all of human history.
Call it religious mumbo-jumbo, or theological manipulation. Look at it as the establishment of the messianic bloodlines and the mixed race meant to thwart the coming of the Kinsman Redeemer. But no matter how you view it, the story of the ongoing bloodlines remain a concurrent theme, from the very first utterance of an enmity that will exist between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, all the way down the historical biblical genealogies that are there within Old Testament passages to exhort the ever present, vigilant eye to be ever watchful of the pure human line versus the oppositional mixed-blood lineage. Humanity was visited by non-human entities that from the very beginning introduced an alternate bloodline that has carried all the way down the historical record to current day —the bloodline of the serpent. But we only see fragmentary bits and pieces, rather like a checkerboard where half the spaces are occupied, but the other half remain completely void and empty.
Far too many times throughout human history we have seen the devastatingly horrific result of revolutionary new movements that explode onto the scene, spewing theoretical spiritualities, political conspiracies or vox papa, vox Del, but in the long run end up being little more than mere flashes in the pan, lacking substance and longevity, resulting in the martyrdom (whether literal or metaphoric) of self-proclaimed messiahs and the murder, suicide, or disbanding of disciples. Yet those movements that do gain a foothold and garner mass followings trend to the darker elements of racial bigotry, genocide, political xenocide, and holocaust, building gravitas and momentum by catering to the fears of potential devotees and zealous followers alike. People are always looking for something that is different than what they already have, or more exciting than what are told they should be satisfied with. Spiritually, politically, and conspiratorially based movements generally thrive within, around, and despite the well-established religions. spiritualities, sciences, and governments that are deeply entrenched in our societies and cultural histories. On the flip side of the coin, deep within well-established philosophies, religions, and political mindsets, there are embedded messages and encoded languages that tend to shift the paradigm away from the established way of thinking. Once this new information is articulated and disseminated, established systems of spiritual belief and practice are enhanced, are expanded, and in many cases rewrite the history of a well-established, firmly entrenched philosophy. The end result Is that the new twist can sometimes appear to be a new awakening or new conspiracy theory, when it is in reality an illumination of something that already exists—an expansion based on a fresher understanding of what was already shows.
Stories says that at least twenty reptilian races have interfaced, intermingled and interbred with the human race, and are now controlling society from above.’ Reptilian bloodlines controls Earth today, but how many more reptilian races could there possible be that not belong to the top dominators of this planet…?
These hybrid human – reptile lines carry the reptilian genetic code and can easily be possessed by the reptilians of the lower fourth dimensio , Icke believes . They operate predominantly through the white races, he claims.
They are a continuation of the bloodlines of the Babylonian Brotherhood. When you view the state of human existence over the millennia there has been no change in the ‘order of things’. In other words, the human race has been kept in check through slavery to the ‘system’ or the ‘agenda’ ever since.
In David Icke´s book, Perception Deception, he goes into detail on how he believes humanity is being controlled and enslaved in a false matrix. We are infinite beings, he believes, designed for harmony and peace, who are trapped in a war-like matrix of the lower mind.
The Reptilian races using mind control techniques to control mankind.
Once there existed all kinds of life forms. Humans were not like the human race of today. In that ancient world, reptilians ruled without conflict. The people worshipped them as demi-gods. Also there were other aliens living amongst people. The humans were more manageable, more malleable, and easier to control. There were no intermarriages of life forms.
The reptilians experimented with genes (genetic engineering) of all life forms. Thus, today, royal reptilian bloodlines have been tampered with. There are no pure blood life forms around. This corruption has changed your technologies so that the mind power which existed then is no longer used.
In other words are humans smarter? No — humans have lost their psychic ability. Why did they worship reptilians then? They believed the reptilians gave them their powers.
People can again access these divine powers without believing the Reptilians ís the only who have and can access higher powers of life, and the Freemason and Illuminati doesn´t have monopoly to spiritual knowledge. Through spiritual practice everyone can access higher levels of consciousness without the mind controlling Reptilians and Illuminati.
These serpent kings were probably highly advanced beings. Yet on another level, we see the serpent representing the reptilian blood linked to royal bloodlines in history. In this view, the reptilian beings from outer star system (as Alpha Draconis) or elsewhere came to Earth and mixed with humans, creating a hybrid elite class to control and rule over the rest of humanity. This view explains why some people believe that our planet is run by a power greedy elites belonging to these reptilian bloodlines.”
The less people understand them and how they rule, and what their purposes and goals is, the easier it is to them to control the human life and human mind/consciousness.
The companion book of The Biggest Secret that investigates the reptilian and other dimensional connections to the global conspiracy and reveals the world of illusion – the “Matrix” – that holds the human race in daily slavery. They controlling humankind through the five senses which creates their view of reality. Therefore they become influecers, controllers and owners of all bigger companies that can and could affect the human mind through the five senses. They controls and owns what you read or listen to, and owns most of all media and movie industry that is feeding the mind. So in one way, one can say they own all bigger “five senses companies” Everything mankind is seeing or reeding with their senses is been controlled by the Reptilian Bloodlines. Their goal has always been to keep mankind trapped and imprisoned within the earthly limited five sense reality. The coming One World Government is just another ancient ultimate goal of total enslavement and domination.
Now once again because of mans’ ignorance (due primarily for our inability to have long life thanks to our creator/creators) their worst nightmares are being realized. Keeping the human race enslaved requires the short life aspect but keeping us from destroying ourselves and earth requires regeneration. History then repeats itself. If we had been given long life there may not be this problem now since we would have the wisdom to do the right thing. But then that would not have been good for our creator gods because we would probably be too smart for them and we would have demanded emancipation. Playing with nature is always dangerous.
Time is running out for mankind. It is a sad world that is so caught up in materiality and egocentricity that it no longer has access to that inner light of discrimination. Where have all those good men of great wisdom gone? There is darkness here and it pervades to many countries of the world and has affected many religions.
These interstellar beings have had a major involvement with the evolution on earth and the battle of Light verses darkness that has overshadowed mankind predominately with the Annunaki reptilian star seeders that have held mankind in a state of ignorance, chaos and enslavement for so long.
Tavistock Insitute 24
When the divine spark is released in an individual, he no longer tolerates the condition of slavery, no longer mires himself in trivia and meaningless pursuits to pass the time.
The divine spark having been driven out in the forcefully manipulative and invasive process of genetic engineering.
In all of our discussions thus far, we have defined the human soul as the divine spark, a fragment created by the Cosmic Creator itself. We are gifted with this divine spark referred to by theologians. We have the possibility of developing into wise, moral, and well-balanced individuals. Yet we can be aggressive, selfish, and even cruel. This is our dilemma. Some will ask, are we truly divine? The answer is yes and no. Yes, because we have all the potential to be divine like our Creator. And no, because our reptilian drives and mammalian instincts are at odds with our rational thought process, the result of a complex cerebral cortex. We are indeed complex and very imperfect. One needs only to review the front page of a daily newspaper to come to this conclusion.
All human souls have a destiny to grow, to eventually mirror the source of our genesis as sentient beings who are to enhance life rather than to destroy it. Soul evolution is, therefore, the destiny of all human beings. We were granted this gift called soul as the potential to become as our Creator. To achieve this takes a great deal of work and self-discipline.
The soul seeks its original home in the spiritual dimension. The soul consciousness sees itself transiting through a long tunnel of white light as if it knows where it is going. At the end of the tunnel is the white light described in near-death experiences. When the soul reaches its destination, the death process is complete, and the physical body is like a set of old clothes once worn but no longer needed. The energies of the DNA—physical, astral, emotional, mental, and intuitive bodies—disintegrate, along with the personality and character of the individual. These bodies, as you recall, are merely vehicles for experiencing life’s lessons for the soul. What does exist permanently is the soul or the monad, the divine spark spoken of by theologians. In the case of the last earthly embodiment, the individual may have developed his or her soul onto the level of a Buddha or a Christ. He or she has thereby begun to experience the monad at the conscious level. At this stage of soul evolution, the individual no longer needs to return to the earth but is free to experience heaven or Samadhi, the state of perfection. This stage of soul development is called ascension into mastership.
The chief archon is so afraid that the might actually enter the molded imitation which the archons have fabricated, “and gain mastery over it. Its when humans can enter this artificial imitation (mind-prison-matrix) and re-program it people can be from its clutches.
Humans are generally ignorant of the divine spark resident within them. This ignorance is fostered in human nature by the influence of the false creator and his Archons , who together are intent upon keeping men and women ignorant of their true nature and destiny. Anything that causes us to remain attached to earthly things serves to keep us in enslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. Death releases the divine spark from its lowly prison, but if there has not been a substantial work of Gnosis undertaken by the soul prior to death, it becomes likely that the divine spark will be hurled back into the pangs and slavery of the physical world.
“The world-spirit in exile must go through the Inferno of matter and the Purgatory of morals to arrive at the spiritual Paradise.” This kind of evolution of consciousness was envisioned by the Gnostics, long before the concept of evolution was known.
Evolutionary forces alone are insufficient, however, to bring about spiritual freedom. Humans are caught in a predicament consisting of physical existence combined with ignorance of their true origins, their essential nature, and their ultimate destiny.
One needs to also remember that knowledge of our true nature—as well as other associated realizations—is withheld from us by our very condition of earthly existence. The True God of transcendence is unknown in this world: in fact He is often called the Unknown Father. It is thus obvious that revelation from on high is needed to bring about salvation. The indwelling spark must be awakened from its terrestrial slumber by the saving knowledge that comes “from without.”
People are generally ignorant of the divine spark residing within them. This ignorance serves the interests of the archons, who act as cosmic slave masters, keeping the light sparks in bondage. Anything that causes us to remain attached to earthly things, including the men-tal concepts we hold, keeps us in enslavement to these lesser cosmic rulers. The majority of men and women are like Adam, who was asleep in Paradise.
The sleeping human spirit is stirred by the call of the ultimate Divine by way of divine men, or messengers of Light. Such beings have come forth from the True God throughout history. They descend from the highest spiritual realms to call souls back; they come to restore the human spirit to its original consciousness and lead it back to the Divine.
Like a diamond in mud, a divine spark hides within human inhabitants of this dark and ignorant world.
Salvation for humans and the cosmos is accomplished when people receive gnosis about their divine origins through a Gnostic Redeemer, and when the divine soul takes its heav-enly journey through the hostile spheres to be reunited in the divine realm. This final phase of restoration also constitutes the Gnostic teaching of last things.
Though man ‘ s purpose is to rekindle the divine spark that exists in him , the archons and the (wicked spirits) make a relentless effort to prevent him from attaining this goal . In fact the final goal is attained only by the pneumatics . They reach this objective by means of an esoteric knowledge and not through the instrumentality of the Sacraments nor through grace .
The Archons and their shells are what separate humans from their God and prevent souls from ascending after death to return to God.
After this divine substance fell to Earth, the Archons deliberately created human beings in order to imprison the spirit.
Cosmology: The universe, having been created by an inferior and ignorant power, is a dark prison in which human souls are held captive.
Anthropology: A transcendent human divine being is a divine spark that originated in the world and, by means of gnosis, can be released from the cosmic prison and return to its heavenly origin. The body, on the other hand, is part of the cosmic prison from which the spirit (the “real” person) must be redeemed.
Human beings, according to these views, are composed of a body and a soul, both of which belong to the material world, and a divine spark, or pneuma, which is the godly element within. As long as humans are kept in ignorance of their true position, by the Archons (or Reptilian Bloodlines), they continue to be prisoners. But, sometimes, messages from beyond the spheres are received by certain individuals who then become aware of their imprisonment and are able to pass the knowledge on to others. This knowledge, or gnosis, is the most important weapon in freeing the spirit from its bondage. It is not enough, however, for Gnostics merely to know that they are imprisoned. They also need to know the workings of the world that surrounds them so that they can be better equipped to overcome it, or so that they can use it in a positive way.
The recurring image of Archons is that of jailers imprisoning the divine spark in human souls held captive in material creation.
A “divine spark,” older than the creation, resided within each human. It ultimately originated in Sophia or Divine Wisdom. Many humans are unaware that they possess the divine spark. To gain awareness and “insight” into this residual fragment of divinity, one must overcome a number of formidable obstacles. These obstacles, built in at the time of creation.
At death, the its earthly incarceration. Unless those possessing the tion while still on earth, this release may be temporary.
Meanwhile, Sophia, who is knowledge and wisdom, is still trapped in this material world, separated from the divine heavenly realm. She is imprisoned in the material bodies of humans, thus providing the basis for the divine spark that resides within some humans. Those who have the divine spark seem to know or feel this spark and thus yearn to find its source.
As we release the depth of mystery and meaning our conceptual mind has been keeping at bay, our ordinary perception floods with portent.
People can’t receive a spark unless their spiritual hand is raised and ready to receive it.
Spiritual teaching learns us that man’s role is not one of pas-sive appreciation. Rather. a major element of man’s existence is spiritual searching, uncovering the divine energy concealed in the physical world. The divine sparks in this world lie dormant. and with each constructive action we perform. sparks are released from the physical entities that contained them. Although God’s infinite light is mostly hidden in this world, when sparks are released, the divine light permeating our universe takes on a greater intensity.
The foundation of gnostic self-deification is the presence of a dynamic divine element in the self, what is often called “the divine spark.”” In modem terms, the spark is the true or ideal self. It is different from a person’s physical frame, and in most cases it is different from one’s (lower) soul as well (the part of the soul that focuses on the management of the physical body).
The divine spark is pure gift, like existence itself. It corresponds to the theological idea of election, and in fact makes election more concrete. Humans, whether it be all of them or a portion of them, have an infinite natural value due to the divine element woven into them at creation. The divine spark and not anything external (whether righteous deeds or pretty looks) is what makes the gnostic already divine, at least potentially.
Inward divinity does not lie as a static lump within the self. It is progressively intensified through the transformation of consciousness. Initially, the spark remains in a latent or a potential state—like a glowing ember needing to be fanned into flame.’ Through cognitive, ethical, and ritual practices of self-cultivation, it is increasingly illuminated, enflamed, until finally released—as sparks fly upward (Job 5:7).
It is said that divine energy poured into the void, creating a seamless vessel of supernal light. But this God-energy was so intense that it shattered the vessel it was shaping, causing it to explode into a multitude of sparks. These sparks of holy light dispersed. Because they were disconnected from each other and in a state of alienation, each became obscured by a shell of darkness and unholiness. You can find a darkened spark of holiness in exile at the root of every soul, in each and every thing and act, and in every relationship.
A Soul Is a Divine Spark
The divine sparks are in all things, including humans. From the mystical viewpoint, a divine spark is what you might otherwise call the “soul,” but it lies dormant within a person, encased by the body surrounding it. This soul, or transcendent self, has a burning desire to attach itself to God, but in order to even begin this voyage, a person’s soul must become receptive and allow the surrounding light to enter it.
According to this belief , the soul of man was imprisoned in the body , and the goal of the soul was to find release.
The error is in that he fails to make like effort to awaken the Divine Spark of Fire latent within himself and bring it into conscious manifestation.
The procedures of medieval al-chemy were often religious in character. They represented a kind of religious ritual intended to symbolize the belief that man was eternally and immutably integrated in a hierarchically organized cosmic order; the transmutation of the lesser metals served as a tangible illustration of a profound inner experience. This was considered not merely as a chemical process, but also as a mystical process, of which the alchemist himself, in his role of mediator, was a part, and in which he strove to release his own divine “spark of light,” imprisoned in his material body. In the view of the alchemists, this result could be achieved only deo concedente—that is to say, only with the help of Cod’s grace. The pursuits of the alchemists can be classified as follows:
(1) The art of the transmutation of metals—chrysopoeia.
(2) The manufacture of arcana (secret remedies), par-ticularly of elixir vitae (elixir of life) and aurum potabile (potable gold )—pharmacopoeia. For Paracelsus alchemy was largely the art of preparing therapeutically effective medi-cines.
(3) The magical production of the homunculus or “son of wisdom” or the lapis philosophorum (philosophers’ stone) —philosophical alchemy.
the Divine Spark , ‘ the precious jewel ‘ hidden within oneself and all forms of .
The essential human being is constituted by his/her inner self, a divine spark that originated in the transcendent divine world and, by means of gnosis, can be released from the cosmic prison and can return to its heavenly origin.”
The soul of man may easily be quickened into activity. It first manifests itself in his nature as simply an inclination, or a mere directive tendency, toward the Divine Ideal that it potentially embodies. Its innate inclination is toward obedience to the Divine Law written on the tablets of its own heart. It gives, in a gentle manner, an instinctive guidance toward the light. It is “the still, small voice” inherent in man’s being, directing him, if he will but listen, always in harmony with the divine standard of life. Accordingly, if the promptings of the Intuitive urges are heeded, the soul becomes gradually more fully aroused to a state of activity. In turn, the mind and the mental faculties become, to a degree, awakened and enlightened by the glimmer-ings of light and warmth from the evolving soul nature.
This is an inspiration to the mind, through its thoughts and desires, to direct creative energy into channels of usefulness and avenues of service to men. The mind becoming thoroughly settled in its purpose to obey the Divine Law, and receiving guidance and illumination from the awakened soul nature, reaches a state termed “Awaken-ed,” or “Illuminated,” as opposed to its previous condition of inexperience and inefficiency.
Finally, after sufficient training, it becomes a creator, or builder, of the soul. It not only con-sciously utilizes its powers in this direction, but, even with in-telligent application of mental and spiritual laws, it deliberately and intentionally directs invisible forces in the execution of lofty ideals, and delights in its own creative skill.
Desires and ideals are communicated to the soul for its verdict of refusal or acceptance. In case of approval, in that the earnest wish is in her-messy with the Divine Standard of Love and Justice, the Awakened Mind, illuminated by the light of Wisdom and the warmth of Love which radiates from the soul, is at liberty to set into operation forces calculated to bring about the realisation of its conception ‘Thus, the mind consciously applies its creative faculties in executing a noble ideal; and consciously accepts its place on the throne of the Cause World. It issues its commands in favor of the Divine Ideal, and is certain that its decrees are obeyed throughout its own Thought Kingdom. Admittedly, this picture is an ideal. Although possessing divine faculties and possibilities, man as ordinarily known, is a creature that has lost all recollection of his first estate. He is of animal tendencies, or, to express it more accurately, he is a carnal, sensual being.
To be sure, he possesses a soul, or rather, a divine spark that may in time be-come a soul; but, in its inert state, it is little more than a mere germ of possibilities. In this undeveloped stage, the soul has little or no influence on his life and character. He is uncon-scious of any prat:split:1p from the Divine Law of his being.
Soul is the divine spark of life created out of the Holy Spirit, the essence of God, placed in a human form to become you. Soul incarnates with a blueprint of its new life—destiny. However, because of free will, destiny can be altered if youYe inclined to move spiritually forward in the journey of life. One of the blessings God granted Soul is free will, the inborn right of each Soul.
Soul is the creative center of its own world, given free rein to make choices to follow the negative or positive way of life. We have the opportunity as residents of this earth to have countless possibilities of making the right choice as well as numerous possibilities of making the wrong choice. You know that a changed consciousness comes about by making either of these choices.
So why not opt to choose to raise your consciousness to improve your spiritual awareness by using this free will factor to make positive choices? A lower level of awareness has one viewing life as a pessimist. whereas an expanded level of awareness enables us to view life with optimism.
As William James’s opening quote points out. “Pessimism leads to weakness and optimism leads to power.”
Weakness leads to vulnerability: we are at susceptible to the negative influence that clouds our judgment and causes us to make more wrong choices. With the power of optimism, the positive mode of thinking, we’re not easily swayed. Instead the spiritual power of the awakened
Soul’s influence guides us to make the right choices, the affirmative approach to decision making.
Each Soul is on a mission, an assignment. We were born to learn how to become our spiritual best, to develop self-discipline needed to acquire the awareness to distinguish the proper guidance directives from the Holy Spirit, ignoring the prompts of Satan and ultimately turning our backs on the negative force most of the time.
Did you ever wonder, if you lived and learned spiritual lesson in a prior life, why this valuable information, this spiritual wisdom, is not accessible in this life, why the memory at birth is wiped clean? Why we have to start all over again to learn what each of us probably already knows?
It is understandable that if all of the accumulate lessons were remembered, it would be too much to accept and deal with. There is hope, because all of this previously obtained wisdom is accessible.
To break through the cloak of amnesia, to reveal the hidden truth—the spiritual reality of life—is to be open to the divine connection. Only what we need to know for our spiritual survival in this lifetime is revealed at the proper time; it’s up to us to be open and receptive to this helpful truth. The Holy Spirit, the voice of God, speaks to us in numerous ways.
Each of us has a unique way in which we recognize the contact of the Holy Spirit, our personal lifeline to the inaccessible truth—our spiritual reality. Become cognizant that life is a spiritual journey, the journey of Soul. Understand how Soul, the higher self, tries to convey insight to the human consciousness. Be ever mindful that life becomes more manageable and enjoyable when you observe life from the viewpoint of Soul.
One can learn the spiritual strategies to rise above the situation by raising our state of awareness to the viewpoint of Soul.
The most significant journey to the Fifth dimension concerns the mutation and adjustment of the heart disc. This etheric disc includes the luminous essence of the soul, the divine spark, knowledge and positive attributes that the soul had acquired during its various incarnations. In it the assignment each individual is appointed, is concealed, however, it is surrounded by the poisonous vapours associated with toxic emotions, which darken and neutralise the brightness of the soul. These vapours tend to carve into the surface of the heart’s disc imprinting the personality we develop into and which we acquire in each incarnation. The voice of the soul-for some considered to be the voice of conscience- looses its efficacy and efficiency because it is suffocated by that deceptive cloud. The plan we bear in us since the day we were born is greatly influenced and affected by it. As such the plan is either never completed or it remains partly fulfilled. Man always strives to understand what his mission on Earth is and what he came here to learn. The answers are well hidden and can be found in the core of his soul.
Through these mutations the astral body is rendered weak and cannot be nourished any longer by the astral levels. Additionally, the unifying cords between the energy body and those levels are permanently severed and the focus of the energy centres shifts towards the realms of the Fifth dimension.
In order for the new DNA plan, which has been recorded on the discs, to operate with no complications, the entities serving as teachers place two key-discs in each of our centres. Whenever we evoke these keys their frequency is immediately activated.
In that Fashion, a certain amount of condensed knowledge is released to assist us in completing the shift of our centres. The new neurocells, which carry out the condensation of the material on the discs, also function in a therapeutic, syntonising, equilibratory, transferential manner and as cell-shapers. They are cell morphs that process and materialise new types of thoughtforms. They are permutation cells that classify the conventional structure of cells into groups. The invariable frequency of the key-disc codes mutates — through the frequency they emit- the consciousnesses of other people placing them in the position to go through the various stages of reformation. Within all the key-discs are inserted the attributes of the Fifth dimension in the form of small globules. These small spheres are providers in the sense that they reinforce willingness, faith and militancy in man.
They also tend to coordinate the descending energies, channelling them from the discs right into the nervous system. They are archives of knowledge, condensed plaques that are unlocked at appropriate moments. They constitute ideas, openings, and everyday relationships. They are regulators, transmitters, which attract people of the same vibration, to reinforce alterations. They are also guardians that protect the organism against external attacks.
During the initiation the geneticists of the Fifth dimension awaken and activate the two higher cerebral lobes in which the entire primeval knowledge concerning our origin is stored. The two lobes, considered to be an intrinsic part of our human brain, carry within them the information that man’s “reptilian” brain required before it underwent the primary mutations carried out by the “god”-geneticists that had descended on Earth during the first stages of his evolution. Consequently, our older lobes are linked to our lower personality, whereas the two superior ones are linked to the hypernoesis of the Higher Self. With their activation man begins to approach the superior intellect, which in turn impels him to lead his life in accordance with his own free will.
After the removal of the karmic cords from the astral levels is completed, the energy centres are liberated and free to change their frequencies and focus on the attributes of the Fifth dimension. This is accomplished with the application of the alignment procedures. The geneticists of the Fifth dimension insert neurotransmitters that contain divine orders in the energy bodies. The new discs that are fitted into the centres in combination with the activation of the two extra cerebral lobes, allow man to glimpse into a world full of knowledge which until recently was unknown to him.
Tavistock Institute Part 23
When the divine spark is released in an individual, he no longer tolerates the condition of slavery, no longer mires himself in trivia and meaningless pursuits to pass the time. Above all things, the Old World Order fear what would happen if their manufactured mastery were challenged by legions of those who had found their higher selves and lost their fear. As will be shown below, many brave groups have resisted the Reptilians.
Too many people retreat into their micro-worlds of petty comforts where they pose no threat to the establishment, and that’s exactly what the establishment desire — our compliance and obedience, our refusal to stand up to them. The game of the establishment is nothing new. It was explicitly set out in Machiavelli’s The Prince, which baldly states the unscrupulous principles of how those with power should hold onto it. Lying, cheating, brutality, cruelty, pitilessness, inspiring fear and terror, breaking solemn oaths, hypocrisy, greed, bribery and corruption, extermination of rivals, making pacts with your enemies only to break them when it suits you, are all advocated as necessary tools.
The The Reptilians, Old World Order, The Ulluminati were the thousands of years ago and they are the masters now.
They don´t want to implement a New World, but re-create the ancient order of living in a a New package. Inside the package is the whish to make Lucifer to God of this world. The Secular New World Order (restoring their old world order). So what is represented as “New” World Order (means to restoring their ancient old world order).
It has been Lucifer’s plan from ancient times to gradually unite this entire world into a One World Government that would reject its Creator and worship Lucifer instead. Rulers who are losing their grip on world power and feel they have to seize dictatorial control from their own people to feel secure.
A former Roman Emperor noted in his book ‘Meditations’ regarding the way the Universe functions; “The lower orders serve the higher and the higher orders look after one another.” Thus, in an analogous way, the ‘New World Order’ is said to have a pyramidal structure with the exploited ordinary people at the bottom and at the top is the Illuminati and the Masonic Orders. As indeed it always has been from the very dawn of humanity.
The past is where mankind is headed with the tower of Babel, and all that it represents, as the blueprint.
The spirit of the tower of Babel is a one world government, economic and religious system (occult driven), which is opposed to God and all that He represents. The followers of such a system have pledged their allegiance directly or indirectly to Lucifer.
Let’s see how the governments of the world are accepting and engaging in such practices. The phrase “New World Order” has been echoed over and over again in the past and present by the world’s elite, and has been gaining ground in today’s world as an agreeable global objective.
To be honest, the concept of a New World Order is nothing new. What most do not realize is that it is not a New World Order, but simply an Old World Order revisited.
After the previous information and explanation given you about the tower of Babel and what it represents, this should make you note the seriousness of the matter.
In case you missed it and it slipped under your mental radar, I will write what you just read another way. The European Union Parliament (the building itself), has been built in the recognized and acceptable image of the ancient UNFINISHED tower of Babel. What is the purpose of having someone design and construct a building when once it is completed, it has the final look of being incomplete? The purpose is to ultimately carry out the same ominous agenda of Nimrod’s original plan, for a one world government and religious system. If you were to read page after page of the structure of the European Union, eventually the two interesting words of “Acquis Communautaire” would seize your attention. This is a French word that candidly means “control.”
Beyond Good and Evil: Breaking away from the crowd, herd mentality, mass consciousness, the hive mind spell, the mob mentaility, the matrix of control which is controlled, conditioned, and programmed by Tavistock Institute Part 22
The herd mentality represents enslavement and conformity
Mass consciousness and herd mentality and hive mind
For as long as humans have conducted their social life in groups, social scientists have attempted to understand the nature of, and create analyti-cal categories for, collective identities. A broad range of such theories has evolved in sociology, social psychology, politics, and philosophy, describ-ing the collective in terms of the group mind, the herd mentality, the conscience collective, cultures, group-think, the system, civilisations, move-ments, the group self, the hive mind, thought communities, collective memories, collective traumas, and collective emotions.
The herd mentaility also represent the “mob mentality”
The herd mentality and mob mentality has been programmed to accept the false matrix and reality, People are programmed to accept other to be master´s and themselves to be the slaves to the Global Elite, Illuminati and other Controllers of the world and the one´s who programming the matrix and mass consciousness.
Conform to the false matrix explaining how the individual loses control within the mob and how rational people can be overcome by the “mob mentality.
Additionally, even if there are financial tyrants that act with the intent to make people their slaves, it is self-defeating to assume they have or will realize their intent. Intentions do not automatically turn into realities; it is how one responds to those intentions that has greater impact over whether they will be realized in the world. It is unwise to internalize the perceptions one’s would-be-oppressors hold of oneself, which are based on negative intentions against oneself. It is irrational to agree to perceive oneself in the same way as one’s enemy perceives one or intends one to be like. People tend to conform to the expectations which they interpret others hold of them. That explains why when others’ expectations for them are not favourable, this tends to have undesirable influence on their life outcomes. Knowing this, one can consciously defy unfavourable expectations, and freely refuse to allow those causal impact over one’s life.
There are notable movements of individuals that assert their freedom from the man-made legal systems. Freemen and sovereign individuals are like hacktivists of a naturally illegal, although artificially and socially designated, “legal” matrix. It is ironic that some persons do not recognize these brave individuals and their movements should be encouraged, not dismissed as “paper terrorism.” Such an accusation is especially ironic and unwarranted when those that coercively attempt to impose a false “legal” matrix upon everyone are themselves logically identifiable as the actual practitioners of paper terrorism.
The content of popular culture forms such as television, movies, and increasingly the Internet are less important than the amount of time and energy that all these media outlets consume in our everyday lives. Our favorite TV show or Internet site may very well bring us enjoyment and, from time to time. may spark an interesting conversation with fellow viewers. But on the whole, our participation in media culture teaches us to conform to the status quo without even questioning what that status quo is or why it exists. According to Adorno, the culture industry creates a world in which “conformity has replaced conscious-ness” (Adorno, 1991, p. 90). Adorno would have agreed with your parents’ admonishment that watching too much TV or playing too many video games kills brain cells, though, more specifically, Adorno would argue that our participation in these media destroys our ability to be critical thinkers. From the perspective of the Frankfurt school, then, the culture indus-try produces banal media content that has the effect of turning its audience into passive, conformist sheep. So do you feel like a sheep? Most of us would probably say no. though Adorno (1991) would argue that because of false consciousness, sheep are never really aware that they are, in fact, sheep. False consciousness is an idea that comes from Marx’s theory of class rela-tions but has been used in other contexts to explain gender and race relations. The basic idea of false consciousness is that some institutions (in this case, the culture industry) can exert enough power over the way people think to mislead them about the true state of affairs, and usually about relations of power in a society. False consciousness, in a very Matrix kind of way, leads you to believe you know things that are not, in fact, actually true. In the case of Adorno (I 991) and the culture industry, false consciousness means that the media, in addi-tion to turning us into passive, conformist sheep, accomplishes the neat trick of convincing us that the media really has no influence on us whatsoever. You don’t feel like a sheep, but you wouldn’t notice it anyway because the culture industry has done such a good job creat-ing a sense of false consciousness and, therefore. of convincing you that you’re not a sheep at all. This concept has been applied to gender. as well. Women who claim that they experi-ence no oppression in male-dominated society are victims of false consciousness who have had the wool pulled over their eyes by the institutions of a patriarchal society.
Mob psychology – the herd mentality – This is related to groupthink and the herd mentality, which occur when people blindly follow the crowd (i.e., the herd).
Keep in mind that mindset shifts start small. Those who employ new strategies are often questioned as they do. It’s painful to break away from the herd mentality, especially when the herd is massive.
Herd mentality meant that everyone had to get along after they settled the pecking order.
Humanity has a herd mentality, and at this time, the herd is heading toward a steep cliff. There are signs, this book being one of them, that the course and the direction we are heading in are the wrong way. We should be climbing vertically to our summit, not following someone horizontally into a fall. Breaking away from the herd is not easy. We like going with the flow of things. This happened in Nazi Germany and Fascism in Italia not very long ago. The collective summation of the 3Cs ended in the terrible consequences of death and destruction, conditions that lasted for decades. So if we individually break away from the herd, we are, at least, helping ourselves. To hear someone say put your heart into it is basically saying put your soul into it. At the same time, doing it my way is often the wrong way when we think we can go it alone. I recommend organizing a plan of action. A plan could also be a tool when positive and constructed according to the guidance of altruistic friends that are caring and loving in their charitable soul’s heart. This is not perchance but a plan to meditate on and pray for. We should never forget that we hold the key to the tabernacle of our soul’s heart. It is up to us in our free will to either keep unlocked or unlock and have the doors open. Let me also add that prayer groups in retreats have been and will continue to be a strong tool for anyone. The climb up to the summit is indeed tough and even tougher climbing alone.
There are times when the group is wrong. Conventional wisdom says if everyone else is going one way and doing the same thing, then it must be right. It’s difficult to break free from the “everybody is doing it” mentality, but sometimes you have to withdraw from the crowd and go in the opposite direction all by yourself. Greatness comes to people who are willing to break away the status quo and stand alone. People who are eager to be different.
When you think about the herd mentality, it is evident that it is ridiculous. There is a herd over here and a herd over there and a herd everywhere, and wherever the herd goes, we go too. What they say and do is what we say and do. That is no way to live!
There’s an easy way to break free from the mentality of contradiction, and that’s by breaking free from the herd. We need to spend some time each day just being still and alone. We need a sacred place we can spend some one-on-one time with our creator —a place where we can just slow down, quiet the mind, and isolate ourselves from the world for a while, allowing the positive energy of Spirit to move in and wash our Soul. By doing this on a daily basis, we will be able to easily manage the contradictions of our lives.
Our government will come to the “rescue” in a valiant attempt to save us from ourselves, by giving us more of the same that got us in trouble to begin with—buying our way out with worthless funds. We always attempt to fix problems by making them bigger; shifting the note due to a future time, to an unrelated debtor, to a weaker economy, to a more confused society—pushing the pendulum to swing ever more extreme.
Beyond Good and Evil: Breaking away from the crowd
According to Nietzsche, the aim of herd mentality is to prevent the emer-gence of its great enemy: the exemplary noble individual, the self-created person. After you see that herd morality Oust as much as slave morality) isn’t an unbiased truth, but just another perspective (and one of the weak, at that!), Nietzsche thinks you can return to seeing your own perspective as valuable. After you do this, you’ll see that you must break from the chains of slave and herd morality and free yourself from the straitjacket of its limiting customs. Once again, you’ll want to create yourself! To regain control! To be what you are — a creator of meaning!
Nietzsche says ethical codes and religion have been used as weapons against you. To be fair, although Nietzsche focuses on Christianity. Many religions have in common, Nietzsche would argue, is that they keep man mediocre and passive. They keep you harmless and toothless and unable to unsettle the weak. But why should your life become organized around goals that protect the interests of the weak? What should your revolution look like? Should you help members of the herd free themselves and become great too? Nietzsche has no desire to free the weak from their own systems of thought. For all he cares — and for all he thinks you should care — you should let them stay bound up tight in their straitjackets of morality. As he puts it, “Let the ideas of the herd rule In the herd.”
You’re different. As a potential exemplary individual, you’re not obligated to live by those rules. You must learn the need to brave the cold, outside the comforts — and distractions — of the mediocre, hedonistic lives that society lauds. You must learn to leave the herd and take on the task of being a self, of becoming the exemplary noble individual you can be.
From Nietzsche’s point of view. herd mentality has seeped into your consciousness.
Nietzsche’s character Zarathustra, and Sartre himself, often talk about their nausea. How do you respond to it? You must begin the work of healing yourself. This means that you learn to live beyond good and evil — to see that what you are transcends the values of the herd.
This is your chance to break away from the herd mentality and become your own person .
Is financial freedom a state of mind? The feeling of being free to do what we like with our money is very subjective and can mean all sorts of things. How many of us can break away from the cycle of the rat race and say we are feeling free?
When individuals gather in crowds, the challenge increases by orders of magnitude because fear, greed, and anger are contagious. As Gustave Le Bon pointed out long ago, crowds amplify every human defect and manifest many new ones of their own. “The masses,” said Jung, “always incline to herd psychology, hence they are easily stampeded; and to mob psychology, hence their witless brutality and hysterical emo-tionalism.”‘ Nietzsche was even more scathing: “Insanity in individuals is something rare—but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.’ The greatest weapon of mass destruction on the planet is therefore the collective human ego. History teaches that the human capacity for evil is virtually unlimited. Unless wisdom and virtue are deployed to counteract ego’s potential for destruction.
The human perceptual apparatus is a trickster. We are in touch not with reality but with a kind of shadow play projected onto the screen of the psyche by invisible deep structures. We have also seen that even the finest intellects struggle to comprehend complex, self-organizing systems, for nature does not make it easy for us to know reality.
Herd behavior seems uniform on the surface.
It is non-rational, a culture of dormant vegetativeness. It is lost and headed for catastrophe, if not already in it. It is an anti-culture. Thus serious questions should be raised to blow open the mind, light up the darkness, and thaw the ice. Such questions must take priority, first and foremost, in a democratic culture.
Serious philosophical questions need to be confronted actively, courageously, and with due urgency. In successive order, we need intellectual dynamite, or mental grenades, plus illuminating lanterns, and subsequent radiant sunshine on our complacent, unconsidered views. Tunnel vision becomes exposed and the quest for holistic vision is made more comprehensive. Yet a herd mentality prevails.
The herd mentality does not like the raising of questions. Such questioning challenges popular faiths and demands that people reorient their minds. “It arouses in the opinionated the unwelcome suspicion” that they may be deceiving themselves. It hints that conformity and moral earnestness might not be enough and that having ideas without thinking is a little ridiculous.
Everett Dean Martin asserts that every person “who rises out of crowd-mindedness, into independent thinking, weakens to that extent the faith of the crowd in itself, and puts it on the defensive.” (2) Thus liberal education challenges the herd mentality of the crowd, and leads to independent thought. It does this by starting a process of philosophical questioning.
In a desire to follow others, sometimes called ‘herd mentality’, you want to fit in. Have you ever felt yourself compelled to watch a TV show because everyone else was watching it?
Our mind is a tool we can use in any which way. We are not its helpless victim but its master because in any given moment we have control over our current thought. We relinquish this power because of our herd mentality. We have been told what to think for so long that we have forgotten how to think. We blindly follow others, do as they do and think as they think. We feel afraid of thinking or behaving differently. We believe whatever our social, political, religious, media and other authority figures say.
This is a frequency game, and those brave enough to decode the matrix and break out of the herd mentality and free themselves from a belief system are the ones who will evolve and enlarge their hearts.
The reason we do not create more with our minds is because the lower self and the ego is controlling. It prefers to stay with what is familiar, as the lower self deals with fear as a primary mo-tivating factor. Ego works daily to convince the lower self and mind that this is the best choice. The mantra of the ego says, if one stays with the familiar, the fears have been weighed and considered and one will be in greater control of all situations. The belief is that in keeping with this system, one stays safe and prepared for whatever is going to happen next. The ego never lets the mind forget that a negative experience is always sure to be looming around the next corner. What the person does not see, is that the ego while doing this, slowly builds brick by brick, or shall we say, thought by thought, a wall around the person and the soul, which limits the person from the full expression of their soul.
The Reptilian Bloodlines hunger for more can be characterizatized by; Predatory dominance and “competition for limited resources” mentality. Through this follows hunger for power, greed, domination. The One World Government is a One World “Reptilian” Government based on the principle they are the master´s and masses the slaves, and the end product is depopulation in near future. Genocide is already in action.
Predatory dominance overemphasizes a “competition for limited resources” mentality. It employs hierarchical, command-and-control leadership models combining intimidation, entitlement, violence, and fear escalation to enslave or prey upon others.
Fear was the great instrument which it employed to maintain its control, and the herd psychology played admirably into its hand.
Then there is the almost universal fear of what people think of us if we speak a different version of reality or live a different kind of life
Then there is the almost universal fear of what people think of us if we speak a different version of reality or live a different kind of life. … group of interbreeding family bloodlines to control the lives (in other words, the minds) of billions, once the key institutions of ‘information’ are in place, … Once you have the herd mentality policing itself, there is a third phase in this entrapment of human consciousness.
For Nietzsche that is the same as a herd mentality that fears anything that’s different, even if what is different is grander and more magnificent.
Of particular concern here is how the media— supported group mind could, in the wrong hands, be intentionally used toward negative ends, thereby giving new meaning to the term “remote control.
There’s an easy way to break free from the herd mentality of contradiction, and that’s by breaking free from the herd.
The master cannot be certain of the truth of his independence, because he has the recognition of this truth only through the inessential, dependent slave, whose recognition is coerced and thus worthless. The truth of mastery is manifest in the dependent servile consciousness of the slave. In his apparent victory, the master has undermined himself The slave also undergoes a dialectical reversal. He becomes a slave because in confronting the possibility of death—the absolute master—he prefers survival, albeit as a slave. His desire to preserve his natural existence holds him in thrall to the master. He not only becomes a slave, but is servile because he allows himself to be coerced. Confronting death, the slave finds everything, including his self-certainty, shaken to its foundations; everything solid is rendered fluid and unstable. He has discovered absolute negativity. But the slave does not yet realize that consciousness is also absolute negativity: the ability to dissolve everything fixed and stable and render it fluid. Or rather, his awareness of this negative power of rational freedom locates it entirely in the master; he does not yet realize this power is also his own. But through his service he brings about world transformation; through his world-transforming labor the slave comes to himself His ability to transform the world effects a transformation in the slave: “Through his service he suspends and rids himself of his attachment to his natural existence.”” Thus the slave works off his fear of death.
Our five natural senses need to be elevated into our soul’s senses. This only occurs in our climb up to our summit. It occurs when we are in communication with that spark within our soul’s tabernacle within our soul’s heart.
The Objective of “the Dark Side”
The ultimate objective, the crown jewel, of the dark side is called the New World Order. The New World Order is a fascist world government, controlled from the top of the pyramid, by the global elite. This would consist of a world government, along the lines of the United Nations, which is a stepping-stone toward this end. It would also consist of a world army, and again the UN Security Force, as well as multi-national armies, such as NATO, are stepping stones for this.
The global elite also own and control all the major media outlets, the enter-tainment industries, the systems of public (and private) education, and all the main-stream systems of information distribution. Their control of our information on such a vast scale gives them probably their most powerful tool of deceit, manipulation and brainwashing. And specifically, the most powerful single tool. In this regard, is television, with the Internet gaining fast.
The herd mentality is so bad in the world and much of the rest of the West that people tend to believe whatever they hear on TV, without questioning it – even if it defies logic and common sense – a mind controller’s dream. However, all of this power and control amounts to nothing, unless the peo-ple play their part in this dynamic. Once the people accept their role of dependency, and being helpless victims, then the cycle is complete.
This happens when people cease to trust themselves as the primary source of what they know, and what they are capable of achieving or manifesting in life. Once people give themselves up, and trust the virtual reality of their TV more than that of their own body, mind and spirit, then they are dead ducks. With all of the above, the global elite are able to use their immense ownership and control to create a vast world of illusion – an illusion that accomplishes everything they want.
This illusion is, literally, a virtual reality, in which they dictate the rules of a totally different game. It is an illusion that covers up the part the global elite plays. It portrays all of the institutions of the mainstream system, which are puppets of the elite, as the helpers and caretakers of the helpless people, instead of the primary vehicles of their servitude. And it cements all this by selling people on a philosophy of life that is totally contrary to our metaphysics of universal spirituality, derived from nature, discussed earlier.
It is a philosophy in which the universe is seen as inherently random and dangerous, and in which bad things will happen unless people get protection from outside of themselves. And it is a philosophy, in which people are seen as too igno-rant and incompetent to understand their world, and take care of themselves.
Obviously, this is a far cry from the metaphysics of our indigenous people, spanning the globe, who believed that when you connected with the divine spirit with your vibration, and harmonized with the forces of the natural world, that these connections and forces would provide everything you need in this world – in other words, a metaphysics in which we belong in the universe, and are safe, and in which we are empowered to create (or co-create) our destiny.
This entire New World Order scheme is sold to the people of the world with the rationale that they absolutely and unconditionally need it for protection and se-curity in a dangerous and out of control world. And if all of this wasn’t nasty enough, here’s where it really gets “dark”. One of the primary techniques of the dark side to accomplish their dark agenda is to create all the catastrophes that make the world so dangerous to begin with. Because they own and control virtually everything, they do have the power to do this, and it’s been working like a charm for thousands of years.
The history of Western Civilization is replete with examples of these fab-ricated catastrophes. As a matter of fact, that’s what our history is — a long series of fabrications, making history itself a fabrication. The formula is tried and true. Create the disaster. Scare the crap out of people, to the point where they demand something be done. Then ride into the fray on your white horse with the only possible solution, which always involves increasing the power of the central government, and subsequently the global elite, at the expense of the liberty of the people. And please note – none of this would work without brainwashing the people into the helpless victim mentality, which prompts them to look for solutions outside themselves.
And yes, with all we now know about the conspiracy and the New World Order, it is totally consistent and reasonable to believe that the dark side has suc-ceeded at getting into the heads of these New Age folks. This is how this game works. Whenever any movement, such as the New Age or environmentalism, becomes mass in scope, as far as reaching the awareness of the masses, they are always contaminated and infiltrated. This is done both through ideas, disseminated through the controlled information system, and through individuals, who are the equivalent of double agents or plants. Pretty soon, the message of these movements becomes diluted and con-fused, and more establishment, as opposed to non-establishment, in its orientation, which, interestingly enough, makes them even more popular because they are not such a stretch for mainstream thinkers.
Once you understand how the game is played, you can simply disengage from it. There’s nothing new to learn. It’s the same thing, over and over again. Once you understand how the game is played, you don’t need to watch the TV news, read the newspaper, read any books, or visit any websites. All you need to do is glance at the headlines, and you see that it’s the same old game being played out.
Disengagement means a couple different things. It means you simply don’t have to pay any attention to it anymore. It also means disengaging ourselves from the snares of the old paradigm system. It means reassuming complete responsibility for our own lives, and eliminating all the dependency that the system trains us to believe we can’t survive without.
This disengagement also frees us to do the one thing we need to do anyway, if we are play our part in the shift, and create the new world of light and spirit. It frees us to work on getting our energy right, and raising our frequency, so we are in reso-nance with the higher frequency energy of the photon belt and the shifting energy fields of this monumental time. It frees us to focus our energy on the one thing that matters — embarking on our own ascension process. It always comes back to this, and it always will. This is the primary source of our protection and the primary source of our power to transform this monumental challenge into the divine blessing the universe designed it to be.
What the Rulers, Powers and Controllers fear is that; the energy of masses moves towards a critical point of mass and raising it´s vibrational enegies to higher levels than today´s suppresses “fear frequency”.
Fine Tuning Our Body, Mind and Spirit
In this tidal wave of Earth changes and paradigm shifts, the one thing that matters above everything else is our spiritual ascension. This is the primary source of our protection, and the primary source of our power, to create the new world of light and spirit.
We’ve already established that ascension is an energetic and spiritual process, in which we are able to move to higher dimensions by raising our vibrational fre-quency. We have also established, in the most simple and basic terms, that we do this by experiencing life with certain feelings, and specifically, these feelings are feelings of peacefulness, joy, reverence, gratitude and trust. When we have evolved to the point where our essence is defined by these feelings, as opposed to the fear and anxiety of the old paradigm, then we are an ascended being, ready to birth the new paradigm. Attaining this state does take some learning, and some work. This work consists of two basic parts. First, ifs necessary for us to disentangle ourselves from our conditioning, or brainwashing, in the old paradigm, which amounts to depro-gramming. Then, secondly, once were deprogrammed, we must reprogram ourselves.
Relaxation – Our Most Powerful Tool
There is a common link between every viable technique for evolving our personal growth and spirituality in the history of the planet Earth. This is where it all starts, as it always should. This is something we all need to learn to do, if we haven’t already, particularly in today’s crazy world. There are no exceptions. The first thing we need to learn to do is: relax – plain and simple. Steer clear of any personal growth or spiritual teaching that is not built upon the foundation of relaxation. The power of relaxation cannot ever be overestimated. Our ability to relax the muscles of our physical body is probably the most powerful tool we have.
Relaxation has a positive and healing affect on virtually every part of our body. It starts with our muscles, and spreads from there to our other organs, and to our tiniest cells and DNA. When our physical body is relaxed, this then relaxes our totality, including our mind and spirit. As we will discuss shortly, calming and quieting the mind is also an essential feature of relaxation, and ascension. This means stopping the incessant, negative chatter in our minds, which is the norm in our culture, and making the mind a place of silence and stillness.
In this state of calm body/quiet mind, our physical body is optimally reso-nant, as far as being able to connect with spiritual forces. The energy of this relax-ation extends beyond our physical body, and into our energy field, as well as all the other energy fields in which we are enveloped. Ultimately, this gives us the power to connect with the vibration of the divine spirit of a living universe – the source of creation.
This, of course, is the highest frequency of all – the frequency of creation. And this is the vibration with which we must aspire to resonate on our path of ascen-sion. And if we take a look at some of the words we are using to describe all this, we can get a true feeling of this high frequency vibration – calm, quiet, silence, stillness, joy. Yes, these are just words, but when we clump them together into their aggregate feeling, we get the feeling, the vibration, of creation. And this is what were after on our path of ascension.
Breaking the spell of the old paradigm, and waking up, and paying attention to life, everything in life, is the indispensable first step in our personal and spiritual growth, and our ascension. When we begin to pay attention to our world, it comes to life, and so do we. When we pay attention to our world, we have the opportunity to learn that we are not slaves to an external script, and that we do play a primary part in creating our world, and our life.
The Controllers hijacked the concept of God. Then they put themselves at the top of a hierarchy of beliefs that they imposed on the collective—and conquered man. Thus began a program of mind control or soul enslavement maintained by the Reptilians, The Illuminati, and the “ Archons ” ( rulers ) which involved keeping mankind distracted by material problems and concerns , imprisoned by its own fear of death. How Does the Matrix Differ from Reality? The Matrix is a holographic dream-reality fueled by the sum of all our collective beliefs. It is like an upside-down pyramid balanced upon a single grain of sand. The false reality system of the Matrix is built upon one central concept. Tavistock Institute Part 21
How Does the Matrix Differ from Reality?
Excluding, for the moment, the heroes—Morpheus, Trinity, eventually Neo, and the rest of their crew—and the machines, no one in the Matrix shares our God’s-eye perspective. In everyday life as well, as far as we know, reality is simply there. When we watch the film, we identify with the heroes in part because we are repulsed by the idea that human beings are enslaved and deceived. It is easy to find these two elements at work in The Matrix in part because we think of enslavement and deception as things that are done to some people by others; one group of people enslaves another, or one person or group deceives others. In the film, it is the machines that are the agents of slavery and deception, and almost all of the humans are victims. But how does the Matrix, and the situation of the ordinary people within it differ from reality and the people within it (i.e., us)?
Let’s begin with enslavement. We are forced to do many things in ordinary reality: we must eat, drink, and sleep—on penalty of death. Also, no matter what we do, we shall eventually, within a fairly predictable time frame, die; we cannot stay alive forever, or even for a couple of hundred years. We can’t travel back and forth in time, can’t fly to other planets by flapping our arms. The list could go on and on, and these are simply limits to which we are subject in virtue of the laws of nature. In other words, compared with some easily imaginable possibilities, we are severely con-strained, in a type of bondage, though ordinarily most of us don’t think of it as such.
Writers, artists, philosophers, and theologians over the centuries of course have been keenly aware of these limitations, examined many forms of human bondage, and offered various types of suggestions as to how to free ourselves. Human beings have longed to break out of this reality, to transcend the imposed limitations on their physical being. Moreover, we should be clear that these limitations are imposed on us. We simply find ourselves in this condition, with these rules: we all die within approxi-mately ioo years. It has nothing to do with our voluntary choices, our wishes, or our judgments about what ought to be the case.
The second aspect of the moral background of The Matrix is deception. Human beings are being actively deceived by the designers of the Matrix into believing things about reality that are not true. Deception offends many people, except perhaps for committed subjectivists, since many people believe that they want to know, or at least have the right to know, the truth, even if it is terrible. For one person or a group of people purposefully to keep others in the dark about some truth is to diminish the respect and authority of those people; it is to act patronizingly and paternalistically. In such situations, a few people decide which truths others can handle, and which they can’t. Although this happens routinely—consider the rela-tionship between those who govern and those who are governed—many people bristle at this idea and want the scope of such filtering of the truth to be severely limited.
The idea that reality is tricky and tries to hide its nature from us is very old, even without, as in Homer’s case, any gods acting as agents of deception. For example, the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus (c. 540-c. 48o s.c.) writes (fr. 53), “an unapparent con-nection is stronger than an apparent one,” and (fr. 123) “nature/the real constitution [of things) [phinn] loves to hide itself.”
Mankind is controlled completely on the living Earth as much as in between lives. It requires fantastic confront to find out exactly what we have to face between lives. This is serious business.
The movie’s premise is not too far from the truth, a truth that is initially frightening in its scope and implications. We are in the Matrix, an artificial world that enslaves and exploits us for our energy.
The Matrix is set up to benefit only those few at the top of the pyramid. All exploitation, greed, and life-negating expressions are allowed, while life-affirming expressions are downplayed or even actively discouraged. Those at the top would have you believe that this world is the only world possible; they would have you believe that humans are naturally violent and destructive.
But these are only convenient lies designed to support the Matrix, while disempowering the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The world of the Matrix is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. It is an alternative “reality” or timeline that runs alongside of several other parallel timelines, some more destructive, and others more benign.
We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power—in fact, you have the power to create worlds.
The Matrix uses your innate creative power to sustain a world that doesn’t benefit you. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate us; we are its subjects as long as we remain ignorant of our own power.
⦁ People don´r realize they are enslaved
⦁ People don´r realize they living within a matrix or a mind-prison
⦁ People don´t realize they are in a state of spiritual sleep
⦁ People don´t realize that they are kept in a state of ignorance and illusions is part of this.
⦁ People don´t realize that mass consciousness is not their own thoughts, its a program ruled by the Reptilians, Illuminati and organizations as Tavistock Institute
⦁ People don´t realize there is forces that has and constant working for; The Controllers hijacked the concept of God. Then they put themselves at the top of a hierarchy of beliefs that they imposed on the collective—and conquered man.
⦁ People don´t realize that same Controllers of this world, is also they who create all mess on Earth and man-made disasters, and their ulimate goal is the end of ultimate total enslavement of mankind through the creation of a One World Government. The Mind Prison is the creation of the digital global world brain. Then does super-mega- computer make all thinking for humans after they merging with the machines intelligence or artificial intelligence.
Once we are fully conscious beings the Matrix has no more control over us; it requires unconscious participants for its victims. A new, amazing future is arriving. We are all facing a decision: we can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom.
The movie, The Matrix came very close to revealing an astounding truth: that we are under the thumb of a set of beings that have set themselves up as our masters and exploit our energy as fuel for their system. But instead of machines, the real controllers of humanity are beings that exist on a different level of reality. Typically, the Controllers of mankind have allowed the truth to be told under the thin disguise of a movie. Even with the truth openly confessed under the guise of fiction, these beings profit off our ignorance and innocence while they continue their programs of propaganda and exploitation.
A belief is simply an inherited thought—one did not originate with you. The sum of all your beliefs is your social conditioning. The current social conditioning is supported by a core belief in a “concrete reality” that denies that there is anything outside the bubble of beliefs that contain us. This belief denies that we have any influence on—or responsibility for—the world that we experience. There are personal beliefs and social beliefs, or agreements.
When a social belief reaches a collective level, it turns into a symbol or an icon, which has the power to transmit an idea without words. When a belief is long lasting, it turns into an archetype, which is essentially just a belief-symbol with a long history, a continuity of meaning assigned to it by many people over many years. What we experience as reality is a rich mix of beliefs, symbols, and archetypes. Beliefs become alive as we charge them with emotion. A belief is just an idea-construct—something that has no reality or form in the material world.
A belief is not a thing, unless you make it so. The ability to create matter (reality) from energy (your consciousness) makes you a god, which is what you really are—a god creating your reality. We were raised with a belief in separation and inequality, and so we forgot our innate creative freedoms and responsibilities. Thus we became victims of a system that tells us that all power is outside us. This system has convinced the average man that he is not responsible for himself or for his world.
The Matrix is a holographic dream-reality fueled by the sum of all our collective beliefs. It is like an upside-down pyramid balanced upon a single grain of sand. The false reality system of the Matrix is built upon one central concept—if this idea is no longer accepted by the consciousness of the collective that supports it, the whole structure collapses. Together, all the beliefs form the structure that feeds the Matrix. The Matrix relies upon the unquestioning agreement of the masses. Without our adherence to this social agreement, the Matrix dissolves.
It stands to reason that anyone who wants to be free must question all their beliefs, even their most cherished ones. The cornerstone of this entire edifice—the artificial holographic reality system of the Matrix—is based upon one primary concept, and it is a whopper.
The Controllers hijacked the concept of God. Then they put themselves at the top of a hierarchy of beliefs that they imposed on the collective—and conquered man.
Thus began a program of mind control or soul enslavement maintained by the Reptilians, The Illuminati, and the “ Archons ” ( rulers ) which involved keeping mankind distracted by material problems and concerns , imprisoned by its own fear of death.
The holographic mind is more than complex and a finely tuned instrument. Consciousness is what resides beyond the programs one is conditioned to receive at the illusion of a birth cycle on planet Earth. Infinite knowledge is what resides in our cells, atoms and higher consciousness. Always guided and sometimes driven by Spirit.
With programs such as mk ultra there is a false matrix created using psychological and remote warfare. The handler or live agent uses a driving mechanism to create an affect or response from the target.
The electromagnetic fields are tagged and mapped interconnected on to a man made supercomputer hard drive used to play chess with ones supercomputer mind. Conscious remote pictures are used to create, add or alter an emotional response or reaction.
The data played back onto ones fields and through the minds eye in remote machine telepathy as a feedback in a virtual space.
As the psychic centers and secondary circulatory system become mapped brainwaves are then attempted to be manipulated by remote signals creating a parallel conversation or man made interpolation of what normally would be a truly celestial event.
The covert projects mock signals from brainwaves to visuals etc. Bio mappings including vitals or anything connected to ones body is mapped and catalogued. This includes ones light matrix and Merkaba.
Most people are not aware of the false matrix usually created by these experimental areas using covert tactical operations yet beings such as myself can easily detect and identify them as well as become a systems buster for such programs.
They are setting themselves up for failure by this statement alone. We are only limited by the ignorance of ones thoughts and beliefs. We manifest at will our own reality yet with enlightenment comes all the answers to the equation of life.
There is a thin line between Celestial truth and virtual space. One can always count on man fabricating the truth with a cloak of lies. Keep the masses ignorant and when a not so new discovery surfaces they will think it is a form of a god.
Celestials are real yet they do not experiment on the masses nor do they have an interest in doing so. Man with his inventive mind finds all sorts of reasons to play this game using the mass collective as a dream pool analysis.
The affect psychic regurgitation. This planet has always been operating time out of mind. The great lie has been the man made configuration of which he invented to trap and lull collectives of people into believing this or that.
People ignorance is the Reptilian Bloodlines savety valve. As lonbthey can keep the mind of humans and mankind in a state of ignorance, they can control and program mass consciousness however they want.
Machines are not the issues. Man or woman and the misuse using psychological warfare and fundamental thought processes are. These programs will not ascend. What the Reptilian Bloodlines fear is that if enough of people awakening they can break through or take down their energy-grid- veil of lies they have built up throughout the centuries.
We as a civilization have the cure for all now and not tomorrow. It saddens to see many sucked into the false collective of believing the lies.
We manifest at will our own reality remember this well. Magic is everywhere and in everything. The universe accommodates and supports us in this process of spiritual awakening. This includes DNA Activation and mutating into ones higher consciousness merged with multiuniversal truth.
Anything that shakes the false foundation built upon lies will fall.
They are obsessed and afraid of that which they do not have the heritage for.
As soon as the agencies create these false realities with malicious intent they fail their future.
There is no such thing as limitation. The concept does not exist. With light languages and enlightenment merged with intelligent energy one recognizes this quite easily.
At some point in people´s life journey they want to understand how their energy grid or false matrix can be dismantled for good.
One world is that of illusion named “the matrix,” a computer-generated environment intended to keep humans in slavery
Science fiction fans know The Matrix trilogy: it’s a cult favorite. The film introduces viewers to two worlds operating at the same time. One world is that of illusion named the matrix,” a computer-generated environment intended to keep humans in slavery and to farm human bodies for producing energy by creating the illusory appearance of normal metropolitan life.
The illusory matrix constructs a false reality in the twenty-first century where people go to work for large corporations, watch TV, commute, walk the city streets, eat at restaurants, surf the Internet, and go to nightclubs. The other world, the real world of the machines sometime in the twenty-second century and later, is dark and bleak.
These machines, the evolutionary result of humans creat-ing artificial intelligence, have almost completely taken over the world. The machines, using their artificial intelligence and the knowledge they attained, attempted various illusory worlds including one utopian world where there was no war or violence, but they learned quickly that humans, so essential to their functioning, required wars, struggles, and conflicts, and competition to thrive and reproduce, so the world they created was the conflicted and competitive world of the twenty-first century.
We say the machines almost took over the world, because there are still some humans who battle the machines. The struggle between the resisters and the machines, which use humans as their primary energy source, dominates the world. The two worlds clash and interrelate, and the relationship of human to machine becomes an intriguing story. The movie rakes the viewer through the discovery of the dark world and the illusion created by the matrix.
The central character Neo has two identities in the illusory world of the matrix. Neo is Mr. Anderson, a run-of-the-mill computer programmer working for a top-notch corporation in the illusory matrix. But his other identity is that of a seeker, someone searching for the truth. He is a computer hacker who spends most of his time surfing the Internet for a man named Morpheus, whom he has heard can teach him the tnah. Neo intuits that the reality of his existence in the twenty-first century world does not cohere or make complete sense. Neo intuits that something is terribly wrong, and so is driven to find Morpheus and to find answers. As viewers discover, Neo’s perception of his reality as Mr. Anderson, is indeed a false one. In his search for the truth.
Neo discovers the false reality of the matrix through Morpheus, who awakens him from the torpor created by the matrix and who opens his eyes to see the way the machines work on humans.
Neo awakens to discover that he lives in a future that is dominated by technology and machines that have evolved from artificial intelligence and who won the war between human and machine in a much earlier age. Hai comes to understand that the machines have won and dominate the world, but there still remains a large population of humans who continue to resin and attempt to take back the world they lost. Neo sees the dark reality for its awful implications.
The human beings living inside the matrix are in reality the energy source for keeping the machine world running and dominating. This human generator is a hybrid of sorts. part human and part machine. that is plugged into the matrix. Neo finds himself to be a hybrid. The world of Neo’s identity as Mr. Anderson is simply an enormous computer program in which the hy. brids participate in order to feed the machines.
Neo also discovers that a remnant of humans who have not been made into hybrids exists, and he teams that the resistance to the matrix depends upon the cooperation of luanans and the awakened hybrids to reclaim and restore the original world to human dominance.
As the story of the resistance in The Matrix unfolds. viewers discover that Neo has a very special destiny. Neo is the “One” who will bring balance to the dark and bleak world of humans feeding machines and machines creating the reality of the matrix.
The concept of the ‘One” originates out of prophetic readings from the movie’s city of Zion. the refuge city of human and awakened hybrids. Morpheus. a respected and beloved leader of the resistance, sought out Neo because of his strong faith and belief in this prophecy. Neo is for Morpheus a very special student. Morpheus educates and guides Neo through his awakening to the illusion the matrix and to the importance of his role in battling the machines.
Human resistance to the machine world consists primarily in disrupting the matrix program, and this disruption requires the hybrid’s dangerous reentry into the false reality to awaken others.
Those who attempt reentry must be well prepared for their efforts, and Morpheus trains Neo to prepare him for his destined work. Neo’s formation through Morpheus involves a series of computer downloads. The hybrids that enter the matrix have gone through a series of computer generated programs that mimic the matrix as their primary formative practice.
They use the same technology as the machines and literally download the hybrids into “training programs.” This type of formation occurs at times very quickly, because download-ing in the future is even faster than it is now on our present-day PCs. For example, in one scene a hybrid woman disciple of Morpheus downloads in a matter of seconds information on how to fly a specific type of helicopter while she is in the matrix.
Al-though the downloading into the mind of a human hybrid can happen swiftly, many downloads require rime for the hybrids to digest and process. As the hybrids are led through specific formative programs for training purposes and begin to excel in learning how to defy gravity, dodge bullets, and fight “agents” (the name given the antivirus program that detects and destroys the hybrid warriors), they still fmd themselves perplexed by the false reality of the matrix as they move between the two worlds.
Hybrids find the matrix reality so real, so familiar, so normal that their memory of the matrix world makes the movement between worlds both troubling and dangerous. It is simply overwhelming realize a reality is false which is experienced as so real.
The awakened hybrids constantly have to redefine in their minds what is real and what is false. This redefinition is only achieved through the care and attention in the formative practices that Morpheus teaches. Nero experiences all these complexities and computer programs, and the viewers thrill at seeing the interaction of realities.
What is interesting about the film The Matrix is that all participants, whether human or machine or hybrid, use knowledge, both old and new, in order to make sense of their lives and to understand the various realities in which they live. Knowledge reigns supreme. Guides and teachers are essential for transmitting that knowledge. Without specific classes of knowledge and understanding and without guidance on how to use them, the known world is doomed to remain asleep and live in an illusion. Formation in The Matrix remains crucial to the world’s survival and hope.
All of this commotion perturbs the physical settings for Earth life in the bio-sphere. But if you unplug a site and remove the war resonance from a person liv-ing there then you stop adding input to the planetary total, and you reduce, even if by a little, the explosive force of the dark-grid shock waves that make the planet sound like one big battlefield. Otherwise, the commotion puts the planet into disequilibrium which then translates into disturbed physical systems, and all of this becomes a single global storm-front coming up against the other storm front of the Light grid geometric upgrade. We have a benevolent storm-front colliding with a malevolent storm front. We all need to be like Neo in The Matrix where he wakes up from the computer-generated false-reality trance, comes back into his body, takes responsibility for it, removes the power-draining cords, repudiates the system, trains, then gains seniority over the matrix.
The opposite of fighting for or against war energy is not quiescent passivity. It is holding the truth against a global tsunami of lies. It is telling and being the truth.
We need to search for a mind just like Neo’s in the Matrix film to reveal, and challenge the Architect in our reality.
“You Are living Stones
When you have an encounter with the divine ET, you begin to experience the spiritual realm. Like Neo in The Matrix, you begin to experience a whole new world of reality, a whole new way of thinking and being. It doesn’t land on you all at once, of course, but progressively you find yourself venturing deeper and deeper into the realm of the spirit. When Neo first awoke after being deprogrammed from the Matrix, he was in a ship run by the resistance fighters.
These were people who had either been deprogrammed from the Matrix, like Neo, or they were born in Zion, the freedom city outside the confines of the Matrix. They could answer his questions and share their own experiences of life outside the Matrix with him. And Neo needed their input. His world had so radically changed. He couldn’t go back into the Matrix and tell his old friends. They were still plugged into the Matrix and would never understand. In fact, had he tried, Neo probably would have found his old friends would think he had flipped out.
He needed to be with others who shared his current life experience. He needed their wisdom, insight, advice, and encouragement. He was able to progress much more effectively in his life outside the Matrix with the help of his friends in the resistance fighters. Your new journey into the spirit dimension cannot be an isolated one either. You will need the companionship of others who are also on the journey. You will help one another progress and find your unique identity and destiny. You are designed and created to want connection with others and to function best within a supportive community. Life is not an individual course but a shared venture.
There is a place for you in that family where you will be accepted, encouraged, and challenged to become everything you were truly created to be. The apostle Peter. one of Jesus’s original disciples, encouraged the followers of Jesus to actively associate with and support one another. He said, You also, like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house (I Peter 2:5). In Hebrews 10:24-25, the writer states: ‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another? And the apostle Paul wrote extensively in I Corinthians about the family of God, referring to it as the body of Jesus Christ. He noted that our physical bodies are made up of many different parts, each serving different functions, that are integrated together. In the same way, the body of Jesus contains many different parts (people) with different skills and abilities. which provide different functions.
What each person brings is valuable and needed, and all must work together if the body is to progress and grow in spiritual power and authority. Jesus’s followers of long ago were simply stating what we know is a universal truth: We need one another to accomplish goals. We need to support and mutually encourage one another on our respective life journeys. We need the wisdom and skills that others share with us. The more we come together in a spirit of harmony and caring, the more we all grow and progress. Truly out of the combined efforts of many, each one of us flourishes. As the apostle Peter put it, ‘You are living stones: Alone, each stone remains just that, a stone. But together they can become a structure and serve a purpose they could never attain to if they remained isolated and individual stones.
“We are such a long way down the Orwellian road” and despite this “the majority still can’t see it” and a great many people remain “mesmerized,” “mind-dead,” “mentally and emotionally disturbed and mind-controlled to zombie proportions,” Icke says. People are willingly buying the governmental lies, crafted misinformation, and manufactured reality reinforced by the daily media movie as Western culture. Icke says. We are “fast heading for a global version of Nazi Germany.
” Yet Icke is not ultimately a pessimist, ready to submit to the state-of-the-art role of total ontological victim. Rather, he says the Illuminati are tightening the screws on everything now in the early 21n century, seeking to accelerate their drive towards a global fascist state, because they see that enough people are starting to awake from the trance-state to threaten the whole program. Icke points to the profound wak-ing-up experienced by Neo in The Matrix: he wakes up, gets back into his body, masters the protocols of the computer-generated false reality, and sets about to challenge the entire system. As Morpheus says, you won’t even need to dodge the bullets; they will have no consequence on you because your new state of consciousness will transcend their illusory nature. Icke implies we need to be like Neo.
A prisoner’s goal, naturally enough, is to get out of the cave and see the world for what it is—kind of like Keanu Reeves’s character Neo in The Matrix. And that is you, your condition, whether you want to admit it or not, Socrates says. When someone finally comes along and frees you of your shackles or you yourself manage to dig up the nerve to do it, you realize that the images on the wall and the sounds are nothing but shadows and echoes, pale imitations of objects and voices bouncing reflected from people and things between you and the fire, and still far removed for the entrance of the cave where a brighter light shines.
Imagine that you’re a prisoner in Socrates’s story, and you finally make it outside into the daylight after living in the darkest depths all your life. What would it be like outside? Well, unless it’s the dark of night, you will be blinded by the light. This striking image of a person being enlightened is exactly the image Socrates
When one learns and grows, it’s like being brought out of the cave.
In Socrates’s way of understanding how everything hangs together in the universe, all knowledge is linked in some pretty fundamental ways and has a similar origin. We can, by learning something new, make a bit of progress on the steep climb out of the cave. Of course, some knowledge is better than other knowledge, but to be able to place it all in the proper scheme, to link it together, is to have knowledge of your self. For Socrates, the “sell’ is a rationally-thinking soul, encased in a body (which acts suspiciously like a cave). So, the goal is for a captive to act on the potentiality of the soul in their own body, to find her true home even while being trapped in the cave. In this way she learns that she has her home with her at all times, and also is able to go home at the end of the day.
Human resistance to the machine world consists primarily in disrupting the matrix program, and this disruption requires the hybrid’s dangerous reentry into the false reality. There is no such thing as limitation. The concept does not exist. With light languages and enlightenment merged with intelligent energy one recognizes this quite easily. Neo awakens to discover that he lives in a future that is dominated by technology and machines that have evolved from artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is been controlled by Tavitsock Institute (Part 20)
The holographic mind is more than complex and a finely tuned instrument. Consciousness is what resides beyond the programs one is conditioned to receive at the illusion of a birth cycle on planet Earth. Infinite knowledge is what resides in our cells, atoms and higher consciousness. Always guided and sometimes driven by Spirit.
With programs such as mk ultra there is a false matrix created using psychological and remote warfare. The handler or live agent uses a driving mechanism to create an affect or response from the target.
The electromagnetic fields are tagged and mapped interconnected on to a man made supercomputer hard drive used to play chess with ones supercomputer mind. Conscious remote pictures are used to create, add or alter an emotional response or reaction.
The data played back onto ones fields and through the minds eye in remote machine telepathy as a feedback in a virtual space.
As the psychic centers and secondary circulatory system become mapped brainwaves are then attempted to be manipulated by remote signals creating a parallel conversation or man made interpolation of what normally would be a truly celestial event.
The covert projects mock signals from brainwaves to visuals etc. Bio mappings including vitals or anything connected to ones body is mapped and catalogued. This includes ones light matrix and Merkaba.
They are setting themselves up for failure by this statement alone. We are only limited by the ignorance of ones thoughts and beliefs. We manifest at will our own reality yet with enlightenment comes all the answers to the equation of life.
There is a thin line between Celestial truth and virtual space. One can always count on man fabricating the truth with a cloak of lies. Keep the masses ignorant and when a not so new discovery surfaces they will think it is a form of a god.
Celestials are real yet they do not experiment on the masses nor do they have an interest in doing so. Man with his inventive mind finds all sorts of reasons to play this game using the mass collective as a dream pool analysis.
The affect psychic regurgitation. This planet has always been operating time out of mind. The great lie has been the man made configuration of which he invented to trap and lull collectives of people into believing this or that.
People ignorance is the Reptilian Bloodlines safety valve. Then they can keep the mind of humans and mankind in a state of ignorance, they can control and program mass consciousness however they want.
Machines are not the issues. Man or woman and the misuse using psychological warfare and fundamental thought processes are. These programs will not ascend. What the Reptilian Bloodlines fear is that if enough of people awakening they can break through or take down their energy-grid- veil of lies they have built up throughout the centuries.
We as a civilization have the cure for all now and not tomorrow. It saddens to see many sucked into the false collective of believing the lies.
We manifest at will our own reality remember this well. Magic is everywhere and in everything. The universe accommodates and supports us in this process of spiritual awakening. This includes DNA Activation and mutating into ones higher consciousness merged with multiuniversal truth.
Anything that shakes the false foundation built upon lies will fall.
They are obsessed and afraid of that which they do not have the heritage for.
As soon as the agencies create these false realities with malicious intent they fail their future.
There is no such thing as limitation. The concept does not exist. With light languages and enlightenment merged with intelligent energy one recognizes this quite easily.
At some point in people´s life journey they want to understand how their energy grid or false matrix can be dismantled for good.
One world is that of illusion named “the matrix,” a computer-generated environment intended to keep humans in slavery
Science fiction fans know The Matrix trilogy: it’s a cult favorite. The film introduces viewers to two worlds operating at the same time. One world is that of illusion named the matrix,” a computer-generated environment intended to keep humans in slavery and to farm human bodies for producing energy by creating the illusory appearance of normal metropolitan life.
The illusory matrix constructs a false reality in the twenty-first century where people go to work for large corporations, watch TV, commute, walk the city streets, eat at restaurants, surf the Internet, and go to nightclubs. The other world, the real world of the machines sometime in the twenty-second century and later, is dark and bleak.
These machines, the evolutionary result of humans creat-ing artificial intelligence, have almost completely taken over the world. The machines, using their artificial intelligence and the knowledge they attained, attempted various illusory worlds including one utopian world where there was no war or violence, but they learned quickly that humans, so essential to their functioning, required wars, struggles, and conflicts, and competition to thrive and reproduce, so the world they created was the conflicted and competitive world of the twenty-first century.
We say the machines almost took over the world, because there are still some humans who battle the machines. The struggle between the resisters and the machines, which use humans as their primary energy source, dominates the world. The two worlds clash and interrelate, and the relationship of human to machine becomes an intriguing story. The movie rakes the viewer through the discovery of the dark world and the illusion created by the matrix.
The central character Neo has two identities in the illusory world of the matrix. Neo is Mr. Anderson, a run-of-the-mill computer programmer working for a top-notch corporation in the illusory matrix. But his other identity is that of a seeker, someone searching for the truth. He is a computer hacker who spends most of his time surfing the Internet for a man named Morpheus, whom he has heard can teach him the tnah. Neo intuits that the reality of his existence in the twenty-first century world does not cohere or make complete sense. Neo intuits that something is terribly wrong, and so is driven to find Morpheus and to find answers. As viewers discover, Neo’s perception of his reality as Mr. Anderson, is indeed a false one. In his search for the truth.
Neo discovers the false reality of the matrix through Morpheus, who awakens him from the torpor created by the matrix and who opens his eyes to see the way the machines work on humans.
Neo awakens to discover that he lives in a future that is dominated by technology and machines that have evolved from artificial intelligence and who won the war between human and machine in a much earlier age. Neo comes to understand that the machines have won and dominate the world, but there still remains a large population of humans who continue to resin and attempt to take back the world they lost. Neo sees the dark reality for its awful implications.
The human beings living inside the matrix are in reality the energy source for keeping the machine world running and dominating. This human generator is a hybrid of sorts. part human and part machine. that is plugged into the matrix. Neo finds himself to be a hybrid. The world of Neo’s identity as Mr. Anderson is simply an enormous computer program in which the hy. brids participate in order to feed the machines.
Neo also discovers that a remnant of humans who have not been made into hybrids exists, and he teams that the resistance to the matrix depends upon the cooperation of luanans and the awakened hybrids to reclaim and restore the original world to human dominance.
As the story of the resistance in The Matrix unfolds. viewers discover that Neo has a very special destiny. Neo is the “One” who will bring balance to the dark and bleak world of humans feeding machines and machines creating the reality of the matrix.
The concept of the ‘One” originates out of prophetic readings from the movie’s city of Zion. the refuge city of human and awakened hybrids. Morpheus. a respected and beloved leader of the resistance, sought out Neo because of his strong faith and belief in this prophecy. Neo is for Morpheus a very special student. Morpheus educates and guides Neo through his awakening to the illusion the matrix and to the importance of his role in battling the machines.
Human resistance to the machine world consists primarily in disrupting the matrix program, and this disruption requires the hybrid’s dangerous reentry into the false reality to awaken others.
Those who attempt reentry must be well prepared for their efforts, and Morpheus trains Neo to prepare him for his destined work. Neo’s formation through Morpheus involves a series of computer downloads. The hybrids that enter the matrix have gone through a series of computer generated programs that mimic the matrix as their primary formative practice.
They use the same technology as the machines and literally download the hybrids into “training programs.” This type of formation occurs at times very quickly, because download-ing in the future is even faster than it is now on our present-day PCs. For example, in one scene a hybrid woman disciple of Morpheus downloads in a matter of seconds information on how to fly a specific type of helicopter while she is in the matrix.
Al-though the downloading into the mind of a human hybrid can happen swiftly, many downloads require rime for the hybrids to digest and process. As the hybrids are led through specific formative programs for training purposes and begin to excel in learning how to defy gravity, dodge bullets, and fight “agents” (the name given the antivirus program that detects and destroys the hybrid warriors), they still fmd themselves perplexed by the false reality of the matrix as they move between the two worlds.
Hybrids find the matrix reality so real, so familiar, so normal that their memory of the matrix world makes the movement between worlds both troubling and dangerous. It is simply overwhelming realize a reality is false which is experienced as so real.
The awakened hybrids constantly have to redefine in their minds what is real and what is false. This redefinition is only achieved through the care and attention in the formative practices that Morpheus teaches. Nero experiences all these complexities and computer programs, and the viewers thrill at seeing the interaction of realities.
What is interesting about the film The Matrix is that all participants, whether human or machine or hybrid, use knowledge, both old and new, in order to make sense of their lives and to understand the various realities in which they live. Knowledge reigns supreme. Guides and teachers are essential for transmitting that knowledge. Without specific classes of knowledge and understanding and without guidance on how to use them, the known world is doomed to remain asleep and live in an illusion. Formation in The Matrix remains crucial to the world’s survival and hope.
All of this commotion perturbs the physical settings for Earth life in the bio-sphere. But if you unplug a site and remove the war resonance from a person liv-ing there then you stop adding input to the planetary total, and you reduce, even if by a little, the explosive force of the dark-grid shock waves that make the planet sound like one big battlefield. Otherwise, the commotion puts the planet into disequilibrium which then translates into disturbed physical systems, and all of this becomes a single global storm-front coming up against the other storm front of the Light grid geometric upgrade. We have a benevolent storm-front colliding with a malevolent storm front. We all need to be like Neo in The Matrix where he wakes up from the computer-generated false-reality trance, comes back into his body, takes responsibility for it, removes the power-draining cords, repudiates the system, trains, then gains seniority over the matrix.
The opposite of fighting for or against war energy is not quiescent passivity. It is holding the truth against a global tsunami of lies. It is telling and being the truth.
We need to search for a mind just like Neo’s in the Matrix film to reveal, and challenge the Architect in our reality.
“You Are living Stones
When you have an encounter with the divine ET, you begin to experience the spiritual realm. Like Neo in The Matrix, you begin to experience a whole new world of reality, a whole new way of thinking and being. It doesn’t land on you all at once, of course, but progressively you find yourself venturing deeper and deeper into the realm of the spirit. When Neo first awoke after being deprogrammed from the Matrix, he was in a ship run by the resistance fighters.
These were people who had either been deprogrammed from the Matrix, like Neo, or they were born in Zion, the freedom city outside the confines of the Matrix. They could answer his questions and share their own experiences of life outside the Matrix with him. And Neo needed their input. His world had so radically changed. He couldn’t go back into the Matrix and tell his old friends. They were still plugged into the Matrix and would never understand. In fact, had he tried, Neo probably would have found his old friends would think he had flipped out.
He needed to be with others who shared his current life experience. He needed their wisdom, insight, advice, and encouragement. He was able to progress much more effectively in his life outside the Matrix with the help of his friends in the resistance fighters. Your new journey into the spirit dimension cannot be an isolated one either. You will need the companionship of others who are also on the journey. You will help one another progress and find your unique identity and destiny. You are designed and created to want connection with others and to function best within a supportive community. Life is not an individual course but a shared venture.
There is a place for you in that family where you will be accepted, encouraged, and challenged to become everything you were truly created to be. The apostle Peter. one of Jesus’s original disciples, encouraged the followers of Jesus to actively associate with and support one another. He said, You also, like living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house (I Peter 2:5). In Hebrews 10:24-25, the writer states: ‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another? And the apostle Paul wrote extensively in I Corinthians about the family of God, referring to it as the body of Jesus Christ. He noted that our physical bodies are made up of many different parts, each serving different functions, that are integrated together. In the same way, the body of Jesus contains many different parts (people) with different skills and abilities. which provide different functions.
What each person brings is valuable and needed, and all must work together if the body is to progress and grow in spiritual power and authority. Jesus’s followers of long ago were simply stating what we know is a universal truth: We need one another to accomplish goals. We need to support and mutually encourage one another on our respective life journeys. We need the wisdom and skills that others share with us. The more we come together in a spirit of harmony and caring, the more we all grow and progress. Truly out of the combined efforts of many, each one of us flourishes. As the apostle Peter put it, ‘You are living stones: Alone, each stone remains just that, a stone. But together they can become a structure and serve a purpose they could never attain to if they remained isolated and individual stones.
“We are such a long way down the Orwellian road” and despite this “the majority still can’t see it” and a great many people remain “mesmerized,” “mind-dead,” “mentally and emotionally disturbed and mind-controlled to zombie proportions,” Icke says. People are willingly buying the governmental lies, crafted misinformation, and manufactured reality reinforced by the daily media movie as Western culture. Icke says. We are “fast heading for a global version of Nazi Germany.
” Yet Icke is not ultimately a pessimist, ready to submit to the state-of-the-art role of total ontological victim. Rather, he says the Illuminati are tightening the screws on everything now in the early 21n century, seeking to accelerate their drive towards a global fascist state, because they see that enough people are starting to awake from the trance-state to threaten the whole program. Icke points to the profound wak-ing-up experienced by Neo in The Matrix: he wakes up, gets back into his body, masters the protocols of the computer-generated false reality, and sets about to challenge the entire system. As Morpheus says, you won’t even need to dodge the bullets; they will have no consequence on you because your new state of consciousness will transcend their illusory nature. Icke implies we need to be like Neo.
A prisoner’s goal, naturally enough, is to get out of the cave and see the world for what it is—kind of like Keanu Reeves’s character Neo in The Matrix. And that is you, your condition, whether you want to admit it or not, Socrates says. When someone finally comes along and frees you of your shackles or you yourself manage to dig up the nerve to do it, you realize that the images on the wall and the sounds are nothing but shadows and echoes, pale imitations of objects and voices bouncing reflected from people and things between you and the fire, and still far removed for the entrance of the cave where a brighter light shines.
Imagine that you’re a prisoner in Socrates’s story, and you finally make it outside into the daylight after living in the darkest depths all your life. What would it be like outside? Well, unless it’s the dark of night, you will be blinded by the light. This striking image of a person being enlightened is exactly the image Socrates
When one learns and grows, it’s like being brought out of the cave.
In Socrates’s way of understanding how everything hangs together in the universe, all knowledge is linked in some pretty fundamental ways and has a similar origin. We can, by learning something new, make a bit of progress on the steep climb out of the cave. Of course, some knowledge is better than other knowledge, but to be able to place it all in the proper scheme, to link it together, is to have knowledge of your self. For Socrates, the “sell’ is a rationally-thinking soul, encased in a body (which acts suspiciously like a cave). So, the goal is for a captive to act on the potentiality of the soul in their own body, to find her true home even while being trapped in the cave. In this way she learns that she has her home with her at all times, and also is able to go home at the end of the day.
What does your brain have to do with Conscious Creation or your ability to “see” your bliss?–everything. We are a hologram of higher consciousness/love. When one awakens to this higher reality, one can ascend to a higher vibrational density. Creation is not solid and the space-time continuum is an illusion. What thoughts have been embedded into your brain? In reality whose creation is this that you are living and claiming as your life? Tavistock Institute Part 19.
Keys to the Suppressed Wisdom of the Ancients
The body of the Earth is the physical representation of her spirit being, which was referred to as “Lady Gaia” by the ancients. As a soul raises its vibration and level of consciousness/love, it can inhabit larger bodies (like a planet, star, or galaxy). In the end, however, we are all one soul (the one being) existing as a matrix of infinite possibilities for creation. On Earth, we are experiencing ourselves as individual states of consciousness in a low vibrational density. Creation is not solid and the space-time continuum is an illusion. We are a hologram of higher consciousness/love. When one awakens to this higher reality, one can ascend to a higher vibrational density.
When technology began piercing the subatomic level of matter, the concept of reality thus came to be exposed as an illusionary outcome of something that is far grander than what we see. That something was activated by energy and power so incredible that it is the perpetual power source of the entire universe. And the further we peer behind this veil of the subatomic level the more we come face to face with the paradox that functions as the larger reality.
Inside the atom there exists a realm (energy plane) where particle behavior is totally and perpetually “uncertain.” Any “reality” observed in this realm exists and is determined only through the eyes of the observer! What this means is that all that we know as matter-reality is, basically, only surface value. What we see as “solid” is but a fleeting prismatic light image composed of wave-and-particle projection and determined by aware-consciousness. When energy involves toward density the flow of energy is drawn into defined patterns of movement through the connection of mutual attraction. The attraction that creates the energy flow into the illusion of matter therefore establishes the means of relative association, for by flowing into a defined energy pattern the movement becomes a directional or lineal movement. Aware-consciousness will then experience this passage in the dense matter plane as lineal time. This reaffirms the claim of the Zodiac lessons that time and space are not creation principles: they are only effects which the emanations of aware-consciousness within that energy flow may use to calculate their own movement in relation to other components of consciousness. The mere act of aware-consciousness assessing its relative position within universal movement is what interjects the sense of space-time.
New human races manipulated their genes.
The conspirators (benefactors) who helped the genetically manipulated terrestrial people come to the Earth became powerful and in time destroyed the Earth peoples’ ancestral records. These benefactors elevated themselves to gods, whereby the population became vassals and believers. In time, the benefactors (the gods) of the genetically manipulated people withdrew from Earth but vowing to return. After some time, they (the gods) returned, causing havoc. Some of the benefactors remained benevolent to Earth terrestrials and hoped to one day return to Earth. It is interesting to note that the genetic manipulation was for the purpose of developing people for various forms of fighting capabilities. The downside was that they would die prematurely, which prevented the genetically manipulated individuals from banding together and rising up against the overlords. Genetically manipulated people remained overly entangled in the effect the genes had caused which resulted in fighting, viciousness, barbarism, blood thirstiness, greed, addiction, emotional malfunctions, and inhumanities, to name a few.
Everything is energy including our thoughts. It is a huge misperception that anything with form is a solid mass. If we were to put any physical item under a high powered microscope and view it, we would see that actually the mass is not solid at all. Solid form is an optical illusion. What is occurring is that atoms are vibrating and slamming into one _ another creating the illusion of a solid mass.
What does your brain have to do with Conscious Creation or your ability to “see” your bliss?–everything.
Most people make the mistake of believing that Conscious Creation is nothing more than just sitting around setting intentions or goals, thinking positive thoughts, and then waiting for the Universe to magically drop what you would like right into your lap. They are under the misconception that their desires will just manifest without any action on their part. It would be nice but unfortunately this is not the case.
The fact is if they do not change the thoughts that have been embedded into their brain which led to the creation of the things they did not want; they will never be able to generate a different realty. They may see some changes but the changes will never stick. To create any kind of permanent change, they have to over ride what has been downloaded in their brain and change how it is functioning. In turn, this is what will allow what they want to create in their life to manifest.
Here is how it works. There is a part of the brain that is called the Reticular Activation System or RAS for short. It is located towards the back of the head where the spine meets the skull. The RAS functions as a filtering system between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of the mind that is aware of its surroundings. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that does not have an awareness of its surroundings or thoughts.
The function of the RAS is to act as a filtering system. It brings only pertinent information to your attention. In other words, whatever it is you are consistently focused on; it will only bring information that is associated with those thoughts to your attention and filter out the other information.
On a daily basis we are bombarded with thousands of stimuli. Can you imagine what it would be like for us if we did not have a filtering system in place like the RAS?
Putting this all into retrospect, from the time we are conceived we are being bombarded and embedded with stimuli in the form of information, thoughts, beliefs, ideas, feelings, and judgments from everywhere.
Now, take a moment to think about everything that has been created in your reality. Next, want you to think about the beliefs you have stemming around those things that have been created in your reality.
Now answer this question. Who do those thoughts belong to that are attached to those creations?
What thoughts have been embedded into your brain? In reality whose creation is this that you are living and claiming as your life?
It will become clear what is meant by the phrase “claim someone else’s thoughts, create your life, and then function under the false assumption the life you have created and are living is your own”.
Magic. fantasy, wonder, mystery, romance are the variegated and insub-stantial stuff of illusion of which both art and life arc made. If the history of art is one of the progressive achievement of illusion we are presented with the question of how illusion is related to life, and life itself related to the illusions of reality. What really separates reality and illusion? Is there a disjunction between life and art with respect to this distinction? The art of inquiry – at least philosophical inquiry – consists in asking question in such a way that the inquiry itself becomes meaningful. In the present essay we will not get far beyond the asking of questions, but hopefully the questions will invite further inquiry into the relation of art, illusion, and reality.
In order to better understand the role of art in the relation of illusion and reality it will be useful to consider kinds of illusions common to ordinary perception and language. The following seem obvious:
Optical illusion – the straight stick appears bent in the water
Psychological illusion – the familiar rabbit/duck image in which the cogni-tive shift first appears one thing, then the other. (The correlative physio-logical phenomenon is a shift from the left to the right side of the brain).
Visual illusion – (trompe l’oril) the effect of perspective in paintings. Graphic illusion – Escher’s sketches of visual paradox.
Emotional illusion – being in love (transforming the beloved into perfec-tion) or, a reaction to an object that has emotional attachments to some other experience – (a wooden Cross that brings tears or joy).
Conceptual illusion – Cheshire Cat, disappearing so all that is left is a smile.
Grammatical illusion – the squared circle, or an infinite sequence
Metaphysical illusion – Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, the actual as illusory.
Scientific illusion – the sun rising in the east; the perception of solid objects that are, in fact (in reality) primarily interstices of space.
The category of kind is in a sense arbitrary, and one might argue that some of these kinds of illusions ought to be catalogued together. But grant that there are distinctions to be made, and that the distinctions all
It may be appropriate as well to note the different domains of illusion; for example the illusion in nature itself, in which a mirage appears in the dry desert, in the domain of art the illusion of three dimensions, in magic the illusions of slight of hand, in philosophy, the musings of skepticism and nihilism. Leaving aside questions of religious illusion and superstition, the intellectual landscape is littered with illusion. In philoso-phy, Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Hume are obvious examples. Plato’s everyday world of perception becomes illusion, so that reality is accessible only through the intellect.
To notice the tension between illusion and reality is to focus on their separation. Is it better or a transformation of this notion in philosophy to speak of a “dialectical tension” between reality and illusion on which art draws? The point of such an expression is to emphasize that art is in this way analytic, a techne that exploits the shifting perspectives that inform and misinform our ordinary and daily lives, not to mention extraordinary events and disruptive experiences. It is tempting to say that in life there is no strong and fast separation of reality and illusion, in the sense that reality is not given; rather, it is constructed — of experiences and perspectives that are individual as well as collective, perceived as well as decided, intuited as well as codified. The distinction that implies that reality can exist without illusion is a staple of everyday science that commends reason to a privileged perception of objective reality in opposi-tion to ‘subjectivity’, a projection that declares the priority of facts as such, a domain of reality free of the stain of illusion. There are certainly contexts in which it is regrettable to be under the illusion that something is the case when it is not so. Most often, however, this is on the surface of things, and does not require the correction of science. In its inclusion of illusion, Art is closer to the reality of our experience and world — at least to the ordinary complexities of our shared lives in the world.
If the relation between reality and illusion is not clear in general or comprehensive terms, and if admittedly art is deeply involved in the exercise of illusion, then how do we understand the relation between art and reality? What is the interest of art in reality, given both the fascination and dependence of art on illusion? Is it a general intent of art to resolve the dialectical tension between reality and illusion? Or, does it rather seek to illuminate reality through illusion? In any event art finds its life and calling in the indeterminate region between reality and illusion — as does the working of language, which in its core and use exists in the play between the literal and the metaphorical.
Of water and shadows: As with much else in philosophy, Plato is a sourcebook for a discussion of reality and illusion. Most familiar in his work is the example of the stick in the water: it appears bent but it is not. We are familiar with the physics that accounts for the appearance that, in the water, the stick bends. The difference between reality and appearance is made clear in the example: this is what we mean by illusion. But Plato’s second case and discussion of illusion in the allegory of the cave is perhaps of more interest. Here the illusion is that of perceiving reality in things that are only appearance. The familiar analogy is that what we perceive as real objects are but shadows cast on the wall of a cave. What we ordinarily think of and perceive as reality is nothing but illusion. His extended analogy is that just as we can reason to critically overcome the perceptual illusion of the bent stick in the water, so too we can overcome the cognitive illusion that the world of appearance is real. All this extends into the field of art for Plato: mimesis in the visual arts is but an imitation of an imitation — fostering illusions of knowledge where there is but faulty opinion. Art as intentional illusion becomes willful deception and moral dissuasion. When perception is illusory as in the bent stick, it is as if the mind were playing tricks on us. Here the distinction is clear however, between how something appears and how it is, and we call the “faulty” perception an optical illusion.
Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras. The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level. Tavistock institute 18
Divinity’s Descent Yoga comes in with a brilliant system. It suggests that the polarized consciousness descends in a spiralling movement of energy, and as it descends, as it ramifies. as it stretches out, it becomes matter. Consciousness moving becomes energy, and when the movement is slowed down it becomes matter. This is pure physics.
As consciousness condenses into matter it forms the various elements, and the difference between one element and another is a difference in the frequency and wavelength of their vibrations. As consciousness descends there is space (ether) -everything is in space. And when something starts moving in that space. it becomes air. When air moves there is friction and therefore fire, and when the gases Collide and fire is generated, water is also generated, and then water condenses into solid substances. One is not totally different from the other – the difference is merely one of vibratory frequency.
We have this whole system of elemental stages of creation and the chakras. These subtle elements (earth, water. fire, air. ether) represent the various stages of manifestation outward from Spirit to matter, the descent of the soul-consciousness into matter; and when reversed the ascent from matter to Spirit. The theory starts at the base of the spine. at the moladhara chakra, where the final point of descent has been reached. Energy apparently moving away from the centre has become solid, earth. The earth is considered the muladhara chakra.
How do you contemplate this? How do you visualize this? How can you focus your attention on this? For that purpose the yogi sages suggest a physical or physiological counterpart as a focal point of attention. The earth centre is that pan of your anatomy which comes into contact with the earth, it is as simple as that!
A little way above there is the water element, the next subtle element, located where water collects in the body. This centre (svadhis chakra) represents both water in its simple form, and also the nectar of immortality. Just a little higher from there is the manipura chakra (solar plexus). the fre element region – we even call it the gastric fire. It is quite simple. Higher still is the heart region (anahata chakra) which represents air, which is obvious – the lungs and oxygenation. The throat region (visuddha chakra) is a lithe space (ether) in the throat. Then we go on to the mind —the ajna chakra In the forehead.
Divine Consciousness via the soul has descended from the causal sphere to the gross sphere through seven levels of consciousness, from subtle to gross. As the soul descends stage by stage through the seven levels of consciousness into the physical body, it becomes more and more identified with the body and mind. until it seems to have forgotten its original nature.
On its descent down through the chakras, the soul first feels itself distinct or separate from God at the ajna chakra, located at the junction between the eyebrows. It is interesting that the lotus symbol of this chakra has only two petals, and in that state there is already a sense of duality.
At the Ajna chakra the soul is still ever aware of God; it has not forgotten God. Although there is a distinction, there is no bondage at this stage. But as the soul descends farther down through the other chakras, it begins to lose its conscious fellowship with God. His presence is not very dear, it is partly obscured. When the soul reaches the heart centre, the awareness of God is still there, but the longing for God is beginning to diminish.
As the soul continues to descend to the lowest three chakras, below the heart level, it becomes more and more entangled in bondage. The soul forgets the existence of God or Spirit, and its direction goes toward matter. The soul in this state is fully enclosed in the consciousness of its own gross physical form.
In this form the soul is identified with the body and mind, and is primarily concerned with the three lowest chakras — muladhara (coccyx centre at the base of the spine), svadhis chakra (second chakra or sacral oentre), and manipura (third chakra or lumbar centre, opposite the navel). Vrttis subtle vortices of energy created by samskaras (the conditioned patterns of response that drive our behaviour). karmic actions, and waves of like and dislike that create our mental tendencies, desires and habits, enter the subconscious mind and spine. and then get submerged in these lower chakras.
Each chakra represents a higher level of human evolution of awareness. The aim of chakra awareness and meditation is initially to bring the lower chakras into balance with the upper or higher chakras, so that our lives are not conditioned and governed in a mundane existence by lower chakra consciousness.
Most people in the world have lost awareness of their divine nature as a result of involvement in the world of illusions and limitations. Their consciousness is imprisoned in the lower chakras.
The higher consciousness in the so-called normal person is practically asleep. Some might even say it is non-existent. Only a rare few souls take the initiative to develop beyond conditioned living in ego-consciousness, and seek to regain their freedom by awakening and raising their consciousness to a higher level.
It is only when the spiritual nature of a person becomes sufficiently unfolded that the divine power hidden within the person’s heart begins to awaken. Then we transcend the illusions and limitations that have imprisoned us, and regain full awareness of our real Self. Yoga and meditation techniques assist us in raising our consciousness by influencing life-force (prana) and energy in the spine.
When energy is liberated from a chakra, it can then be channelled and integrated into our whole being.
Stimulating and activating each chakra gradually awakens consciousness at that level. In the upward return journey through the seven levels of consciousness the soul becomes more and more disidentified with the mental—physical form, and becomes more and more aware of God.
As a result the soul rises from the gross to the subtle state of consciousness. In this higher state of consciousness we regain the memory of our true identity: that our true essential nature is the Self, separate from body and mind, and not separate from one another as we had thought.
As we transcend further, we go beyond even the subtle state and come to the causal state, where we feel we are Godlike in nature; we feel one with God — there is no separation. But even this is not the highest. The highest is still beyond this causal state.
Unless you become transformed from your present limited state to a state where you can directly perceive God, how will you perceive Him?
The fact is that higher Consciousness is here and now, but because we are unaware and not paying attention to it, we are not cognizant of it; it is hidden from us. It has to be brought forward so that we can become aware of it. And since our state of consciousness is also our state of being, we not only have to become aware of it, we have to become identified with it, and function with it. That is the purpose of all spiritual effort.
Meditation is simply reminding yourself again and again that you are not the limited physical body, but the Infinite Spirit. Meditation is arousing the memory of your real Self and forgetting what you imagine you are (Divine Being)
Don’t wait until tomorrow, make meditation a top priority in your life now and practise it regularly. Connect your life with conscious awareness in the stillness of God. Persist in your practice of meditation, do not give up, then you will begin to experience the joy of being fully present, here and now. Meditation will give you the inner strength to deal with all of life’s problems. Make meditation a fundamental part of your life, and live in the divine consciousness of your Self, then all forms of creativity, and success will find expression in your life. Realizing the divine image of God Self within you is the ultimate success. Meditation will introduce you to your real Self, and will reveal your purpose here on earth. Ultimately, meditation will liberate you from all suffering, and separation, and take you into the love, peace, and eternal bliss of oneness with the Divine, the source of lasting happiness and security.
Jesus said: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.’
FIRE IS THE SUBTLEST OF THE ELEMENTS in the elemental mandala and the most difficult to understand from the point of view of physical properties. It is the least physical of the elements, yet it is present in all transformations at all levels. When earth transforms into water, it is the warmth of fire that causes the transformation. Earth becomes molten in fire. An alchemist would say that the molten rock had undergone an elemental change from earth to water. In today’s language, we would say a phase shift had taken place. In transforming water into air, the element of fire is again present as the catalyst for the phase shift. We could say that fire is the very spirit of transformation.
The struggle to lift the instinctual sense-driven life into higher capacities is centered in the relationship between the spleen chakra and the heart chakra.
The second chakra, called Svadishhtana, meaning “one’s own place,” is the water center. The third chakra is the fire center, and is called Manipura, which means “the jeweled city.”
In bhuta shuddhi (purification of the elements), earth dissolves in water, water evaporates in fire, fire merges into air, and air disperses into akasha (the void). All of the principles associated with the earth element present in the first chakra are absorbed into the water element. Then the water element (and all the principles associated with it) are absorbed into the fire element, and so on. The elements (tattvas or bhutas) are not pure like the tanmatras; they are mixtures. The element earth is a combination of all five bhutas: akasha, air, fire, water, and earth. Water is a mixture of akasha, air, fire, and water; fire is a mixture of akasha, air, and fire; air is a mixture of akasha and air. Akasha is in essence having all yet being nothing (void). That is why akasha is the purest and lightest. Air is heavier than akasha, fire is heavier than air, water is heavier than fire, and earth is the heaviest and densest of all.
Towards the Ajna Chakra where the I-consciousness is absorbed into super-consciousness
As we move upwards on our journey through the chakras, we now reach the third chakra. We have moved from the centre symbolizing elemental earth to the centre symbolizing elemental water. We now encounter elemental fire. We have moved from the functions of survival and reproduction to the centre representing the sense of self and place in the world. We have moved from the relative simplicity of the fourfold lotus to the growing complexity of the sixfold lotus. Now we reach the tenfold lotus. This chakra is depicted with ten petals coloured a smoky purple. We have arrived at the third chakra. According to the Western system, this chakra is attributed to the colour yellow. We naturally relate positively to this bright, strong colour. It is of course the colour of the sun which is at the centre of our solar system. The solar plexus chakra is often likened to the personal sun. It is the personal furnace, the storehouse of life energies. The element of fire is attributed to this chakra. Its animal symbol is the red ram which is sacred to the fire god Agni. Its yantra is the embellished downward-pointing triangle which symbolizes dynamic spiritual activity. This centre is called Manipura, which can be translated as ‘filled with jewels’ or `city of jewels’. The mantra Om Mane Padme Hum, translates as ‘Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus’. Gemstones were often forged from the fires of the inner earth. This centre is related to the process of transformation symbolized by the action of fire.
Tavistock Institute Part 17. Through water and Fire. Keys to the Suppressed Wisdom of the Ancients. Water represents the second chakra, negative ego and mass consciousness, and need to move through the fire (third chakra) to overcome 3 rd earthly based limitation of the mind, reality, perception and consciousness. Tavistock controls and manipulate this spiritual progress for mankind.
Keys to the Suppressed Wisdom of the Ancients
The Tavistock Institute is working with mass mind control and mass brainwashing of the masses.
The mass consciousness is been controlled, manipulated, condtioned, and programmed through the second chakra. Its represents the water chakra, and it represents the negative ego, and its represents mass consciousness, and this mass consciousness is what the Tavistock Institute is programming.
Lack of knowledge and suppressed wisdom of the Ancients is what keeps mankind trapped in the lower matrix and in control of the Illuminati Mind Control Technologies
Lack of knowledge prevents people from decoding the second water chakra and third solar chakra, and fear supppress perception of reality and higher levels of consciousness.
To be free from these mass mind control progams, technologies one must enter the second chakra into the third chakra which is the fire chakra or third chakra. Mankind must move through water and fire to be free from power of Illukinati, Freemasons, and all other mind controlling organizations and so on.
Through Water and Fire
Water chakra is the second chakra and Fire Chakra is the third chakra
The journey from eternity to eternity is a journey through water and fire. As we look from the center, we can look back to the water, or the flood, or the sinking of Lemuria, and Atlantis. Thus, there are many vague memories of a flood in the so called past. As we look to the so-called future, we an see the fire at the end of the beginning.
Thus, we must look both to the past and to the future at the same time in order to see what the journey through the water and the fire is. We have water on one side and fire on the other. Thus, the so-called lake of fire at the end of so-called time is not something to be ignored as the figment of someone’s imagination, nor is the water at the so-called beginning of time the figment of someone’s imagination.
Of course. both the water and the fire are of the imagination, but as we know, the imagination is as real as anything else. Thus, we are concerned with actual water and fire. The lake of fire is as real as anything is supposed to be, and it is not something that we should seek to escape. for we need to go through it in order to learn the lesson of fire and water. Thus, the place of safety is realized by going through the fire, and overcoming it. Thus, when one survives the water test, one has yet to survive the fire test. Thus, the Solar Travelers go through the lake of fire, for they are ready to create a new solar system.
Thus, the Solar Travelers reconcile fire with water. The Solar Travelers bring the water and fire together as one, yet not one. This is how the sun is cooled off, or how the creation is performed. We have a vague memory, and a record of how the creation took place in the so-called past, but now we can look forward to the new creation instead of looking back to the old one. The same creation is about to be performed again. Some wonder how, and some wonder when, and some wonder where, but the Solar Travel. as do not concerns themselves about these things, for they are there when the creation takes place. They are the creators of it. and are aware of the creation taking place.
Those who do not pass the water and fire test will not know when the creation takes place, for they will be taken out of creation while it takes place, and then put back into it after it is over, but they will not know how they got there, and the creation will again be a mystery to them until they pass the water and fire test.
Thus, the Solar Travelers bring the creation to the present, or the center where the whole play can be seen at the same time. Thus, the so-called beginning and the so-called end of creation are seen at the same time. Thus, the water that cools the fire is not in the so-called past, and the fire is not in the so-called future.
The water and the fire meet at the same time and become one, yet not one. Thus, fire and water become aware that they are the same thing. Thus, when the water and the fire meet, they become one. and then split. Thus, this brings forth the new creation. When the fire and water meet, creation ends. or is burned up. yet comes forth as a new creation. This is the point that creation an rest, for creator and creation have become onc, yet not one.
The creator is not separated from Its creation, nor is It just one with it. The creator and the creation both become aware that they arc one, yet not one. They are neither male, nor female, and birth and death is at rat. Thus, the creator first gave birth to every living creature. and then It gave birth to Itself. Thus, the creator is the creator of all things, yet the creator of one thing. Thus, the creator goes through the complete cycle of creation before It becomes aware that It has been crating Itself. Thus, each creation will eventually give birth to itself, or will go on creating until it does become aware of itself. Thus, the creator will create everything that can be imagined, and eventually it will get back to itself, and give birth to Itself.
It will then be neither male, nor female, but both in one that it is neither one, nor the other. Thus, the creator learns the lesson of creation, and can rest from Its labors. Thus, one learns to create without creating. for creation is seen for what it is. Creation is an illusion, yea reality.
Thus, when one gives birth to oneself and become the solar body or soul body, one can create something without creating it. Thus ones creations need not interfere with the creations of another. Thus, one an Mite, and then do away with the creation without it affecting another. Thus, the solar body an materialize something. and then dematerialize it. Thus, one eventually learns that creation is creation, yet not creation. It isn’t an easy lesson to learn. Thus, the journey through the water and the fire is the journey from creation to creation, or from eternity to eternity. Thus, the end time events are concerned with the so-called fire test.
Fire is not what it appears to be. nor is water, but we must learn the nature of them. We must face fire as we would death, or anything else. We know that death is not death, and birth is not birth, for they are one, yet not one. Thus, water is nor water, and fire is not fire, for they are one, yet not one. Thus, we must go beyond the illusion of things, and reconcile illusion, with reality.
When the Solar Traveler realizes that fire is an illusion, it can form a body that will undergo fire, or a body that is one with fire, yet not one with it. The solar body is one with fire. yet not one with it. The solar body is fire, yet not fire at the same time. It is water, yet not water at the same time. It is solid, yet not solid at the same time. It is infinite, yet finite at the same time. Thus, fire doesn’t burn the solar body, for the solar body is fire.
The sun doesn’t burn itself, for it is the sun, yet not the sun at the same rime. Thus, fire can be overcome, and the solar body has already overcome it. Thus, the fire test is being presented to the entire universe. It is not just a test that someone gives you, for the test is in accord with the nature of things. The tat coma at the end of a so-called cycle. The lake of fire is a tat, and you are not forced to take the test, for you are the one giving the test.
Another can pass the test, and be an example to you, but if you do not follow the example, and do it yourself, it won’t get done. The Solar Travelers can bear the wrath of God for you if that is what you want, and they will, for they always do, but your salvation comes by bearing the wrath of God with them.
One dies for all, yet all must die for one. One can lead the way, yet each must lead its own way. Thus, we can bear the wrath of God to-gether, yet not together. Thus, we can act as one, yet not one. Thus, to bear the wrath of God for another is to save oneself. Thus, you are not asked to give your life for another, for you must choose this for yourself. If you give your life for something that you didn’t actually do, you will be saved from the destruction, for you will reconcile fire with water. But if you do not choose to give your life for something that you didn’t actually do, you will die anyway without knowing why.
Thus, to escape the wrath of God, one must bear it. When one bears the wrath of God, one reconciles the God of love with the God of wrath, and bears the wrath and love of God at the same time. Thus, wrath is canceled out, and love is canceled out, and the solar one is born, yet not born. Thus, the lake of fire is there, but it is not what it appears to be. We see that all things end with the lake of fire, begin with the new heaven and earth. Thus, we go from the water to the fire, yet we never left it. We started at the center when we started our journey.
We started out as an unmanifested star, or sun, and. we end as the manifested sun. Thus, we never went anywhere. We are always on the sun. The Solar Travelers never move anywhere. They are always right where they are, and that is everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. Thus, the Solar Travelers do not need to seek shelter. They remain at the center of the sun through the water and the fire. There is nowhere for anyone to go to escape the so-called lake of fire, and the Solar Travelers know this, and go right through the fire.
Thus, we find that all things come back to the so-called center. The water on one side, and the fire on the other side are but two sides of the same thing. The water and the fire meet. Thus, all things meet at the center. Now we can see the nature of the one cosmic war chat rakes pace at the so-called and of time. We can see how the so-ailed battle of Armageddon will be fought, and why it is fought at the so-called center of the earth.
We can see how that they come from the four corners of the each to do battle, and why it is the battle that ends all battles. We can see that this battle is neither in the past, nor the future, nor the present, but in all these places at the same time. This battle takes in all from eternity to eternity. for it is the reconciliation of all things into one, yet not one. Thus, we find that we are always on the battle ground, for we never leave the center, except as projections of ourselves.
The only nape is the sun, or the center, and that is the lake of fire, but only the Solar Travelers know this. No matter where one goes, one is still at the center, for the center is every-where. This is why there is a cosmic battle being fought. The four corners of the universe appear to be opposed to one another. Thus, the four corners of the earth come to the center for battle. Thus, we can sec the nature of the four angels of the four corners that are ready for battle. We can see how this is the battle to end all battles. None an oppose the four angels, and this proves itself when it is tried.
The lesson is learned when it is seen that nothing is opposed to anything else. Thus, when this battle is ended, it will be seen that all things RC one, yet not one. The Solar Travelers start at the center, and end at the center. Thus, they never need to move anywhere, for they are everywhere. yet at one point. Thus, when the solar traveler comes back to where It started, It must end all conflict, or neutralize all things, and bring them into balance. This is what happens when one Solar Traveler returns home. That is, It ends all conflict within Its so-called small world, or the world of Its creation.
This so-called small world is equivalent to all worlds, and what happens in one world, happens in all worlds as far as the Solar Traveler is concerned, for all worlds are one world, yet not one.
Thus. one new creation indirectly affects all creation. for one new creation is equivalent to all creation. Thus. we need to see how it is that things appear to oppose themselves, and then we will see how all so-called opposition will be brought to an end.
First, we have the conflict with God and Satan, or the positive and negative side of things, or the north and south of things. Then, we have the spiritual travelers, and the So. lar Trawlers in conflict, or the so-called neutral conflict. or the east and west of things. Thus, we have the four corners of the earth represented at the one cosmic battle. We found that the conflict of Satan was an illusion. Satan seeks to keep one in hell, or prison, so it appears. But we know that we must return to this so-called hell. Thus, Satan is neither for or against us. While Satan seeks to keep us in hell, God casts out of heaven those that don’t belong there.
Now, while Satan seeks to keep one in hell, It is also telling people the so-called way to es-cape hell. It does one thing. and preaches another. Thus, Its gospel is preached in the world of matter, and it appears to be a contra-diction, but it is just in conflict with Itself, and isn’t aware of what It is doing. In the worlds of Spirit. God does the same thing. for It seeks to get people back to the world of matter, yet at the same time, It becomes the spiritual trawler and goes into the world of matter to deliver those that are that to take them to the world of Spirit. Thus, this appears to be a contradiction also.
Thus both God and Satan have a dual role to play. But the conflict doesn’t end with the spiritual travelers, for they find that there is still some conflict with the Solar Travelers. Only the Solar Travelers know that there never was a conflict to begin with, and only they an end it. and it does end with them. Thus, all things meet at the center that is not a center. All things meet at the center that is everywhere, not just at one point.
The Solar Trawlers bring all things into balance by reconciling all not one with all bodies in the universe. The solar body is at the so-called center of an infinite number of bodies that it has created while becoming aware of Itself. Thus, the solar body was the first body, and it becomes the last body to be created, for when it started its journey, it wasn’t aware of Itself, and was as the unmanifested star. Thus, it started as itself. Thus, it was born in the beginning, yet it was not born, for it was always there, but unaware of itself. Thus, It needed to be born again. Thus, at the so-called end of the journey, it is born again, and becomes the manifested star. Thus, although we were never actually born, we still create ourselves. Thus, we are neither born, nor are we not born. Thus, by the time we have created ourselves, we have created the whole universe, for we used the trial and error method. It took a while to get the job done, but it is a job well done when it is finished.
One eventually learns that one is both Bride and Bridegroom, and that one always was and always will be. That is, one is neither Bride nor Bridegroom, male nor female, yet one is both without being either. Thus, the solar body is neither male, nor female, but it can assume either a male or female body, but these so-called male and female bodies are but projections of the solar body. Once the solar body becomes aware of itself, we become aware of it. We are the solar body, yet not the solar body.
The solar body forms a body around itself. Thus, it can form a body around itself on any one of an infinite number of planes. The four corners of the earth also can represent the four sea-sons of the year, for these will be reconciled at the end.
The four angels holds the seasons in their hands, for they are the seasons, yet not the seasons at the same time. The four angels control the whether at all so-called points of the compass. Thus, it can be seen how the disturbances of nature mentioned in the book of revelation can be carried out. The four angels all work together. The whole universe works together as one, yet not one, whether it knows it or not. Thus, the Solar Trav-elers are aware of all from beginning to end, and beyond that on both sides. Next, we have the spiritual travelers and they are aware of all except the details of the nature of the Solar Travelers. God, as one knows God is aware of all below the spiritual travelers.
Next, Satan is aware of all below God. Thus, all have a certain part to play in the overall pattern of creation, but all are working to-ward the same goal. Thus, there is an appearance of conflict until we get to the Solar Traveler, but when we get to the Solar Traveler, the conflict is neutralized, and all things are seen to be in their rightful place. Thus, we have the four so-called independent workers of eternity. Of course, there are other workers that come under these so-called four independent workers. Thus, all have workers both above and below them.
That is, the outer sun, and the inner sun are realities, yet they are illusions at the same time. When this awareness is realized, reality and illusions become one, yet not one. The outer and inner sun meet at the so-called center, and we are at the so-called center.
The water and the fire meet, and we become the sun, or the new creation. Old things pass away, and all things become new. The new Sun is a light unto itself. Day and night is no more, for day is reconciled with night. Eternal day and night meet and become one, yet not one. All things are, as it were, neutralized. Thus, there is neither male, nor female, hot nor cold, for all things are in balance as creation takes a rest.
So it is when a soul returns home again. This rest is waiting for all who can become aware of it, for all who return to the center from which they came. Therefore, all things start with the Solar Traveler, and all things end with the solar traveler. The Solar Traveler is the beginning and end of all things. Thus, we started as the unmanifested sun, and ended as the manifested Sun. We started in the water and ended in the fire. We start where we end, and end where we start.
The beginning and the end are one, yet not one. We are at the point where we can become aware of the beginning and the end at the same time. If you have followed what I have been saying through my writings, you will see that I have brought you to the point where you can see both ends of eternity at the same time. All records up to this one are not complete in that all of eternity is not accounted for, or both sides of eternity is not accounted for. This is a record of the complete cosmic cycle from one side of eternity to the other and back again to where we started.
Accordingly, everything we find, we lose, and that is the cosmic lesson to learn. We find ourselves and then lose our-selves. When we find one, we lose it, for it becomes what we are, and then becomes an independent co-worker in the King-dom of the Sun. Now since the Transcendent One is the ultimate of that which can be found, to find It is to find all things. Accordingly, when the Transcendent One finds you, It has found all things.
Thus, when the Transcendent One finds you, you can give up the search, for you will have found It. You then become the co-worker of the Transcendent One, for you become the Transcen-dent One. You become free of all and servant to all. It then becomes one for all and all for one. Thus, all are being gathered up and brought into the Kingdom of the Sun.
The Transcendent One has found the Kingdom. It has found everything that belongs to it. It has caught or cap-tured the entire universe of universes, which is the Kingdom of the Sun. At the same time that It captured the Kingdom, It turned it over to Its captives. Thus, It allowed Itself also to be captured. Thus, the captives become the chosen ones.
Thus, each must learn to capture, without capturing; and to allow itself to be captured, without being captured. The student allows itself to become a captive of a Master. But the Master must allow the servant to become Its Master.
Thus, everything in the universe becomes both Master and servant. Thus, each become the most bold of all things in the universe. But at the same time, each become the most humble of all things in the universe. Each, therefore, becomes the balance or the reconciliation of all things.
Thus. if anything sect itself up as God. it will fall or be captured, for one so-called God cannot compete with all infinite number of them.
The transcendent God of the universe does not claim to be God, for if It did. It would only lose that position. That which is needs no claim or mod of what it is. for it is all things and nothing, at the same time. When one claims to have found oneself to he God. one will lose both oneself and God. And when one claims to know God, one will lose the knowledge of God.
And that, of course. is why knowledge has ceased in relation to the old world. Those who worship what they refer to as an unknown God have also lost the knowledge of God. The time has come to reconcile the unknown and the known God. For both the known and the unknown God have been captured by the Transcendent One.
The Kingdom of the Sun transcends the realm of matter. It goes all the way to the realm of spirit and beyond that. Thus, its no wonder It has become lost. It is not at the bottom of the ocean. It sunk all right, but not into the ocean, It sank into the realm of matter. It is transcendent of both spirit and matter.
Thus, It became spirit and then matter. Thus, you were allowed to get just as lost as anything could possibly get. The realm of matter is the so-called lowest part of the universe to hide, but nonetheless, you have been found in the realm of matter. There really is no place to hide, for the hidden things of darkness are, indeed, come to light. Since you have been found in the realm of matter, you must, by the nature of the thing, come captive with me unto the Kingdom of the Sun. Thus, we must resurrect ourselves from the realm of matter and go home or come home, for we don’t simply come or go. We raise the vibrations of our consciousness, and thereby raise the planet up from the realm of matter.
We go and come at the same time. The Kingdom of the Sun is not just a physical or spiritual Kingdom, for It is that and more, for It is transcendent of both spirit and matter. It is the reconciliation of spirit and matter. It is the transcendent consciousness, the transcendent everything. Thus, we must move the planet with us as we go. We must move into an interdimensional association with the transcendent consciousness of the Transcendent One. For we are held captive, by our own rules of the game, to move with the captor. Thus, we will move all things out of the positive-negative world concept and place them in the Kingdom of the Sun where all dwell in transcendent freedom.
The Crucible of Being
Now that all are being gathered unto the Kingdom of the Sun, we must speak boldly and enter boldly into the throne of grace. Both religion and science can now recognize just what the sun in the sky represents. Within the scope of religion and science, we can include all things. Science can recognize the sun as the center or the neutral ele-ment in all things. It sees all things revolving around the sun.
It is the neutral element of science that makes for the chemistry of change in all things. Thus, the neutral element is the melting pot where all things go through changes of vibrations. It is the neutral element that allows one element to change into another. Thus, the neutral element is, indeed, a crucible for melting down anything. It is the cosmic fire for purifying all things. Thus, the sun, the neutral element, is the lake of fire mentioned in the Bible.
The science of chemistry has been trying to realize the nature of itself. But there is much confusion in the world of chemistry. It has come to be something that has defeated itself. It has lost itself, and has become a thing of matter. One relates it to the changing of base metal into gold. Chemistry is transcendent of itself just as all things are. It is ones being that is to be tried in the fire and brought forth purer than gold.
The trial of one’s being is much more precious than gold. For when one is tried in the fire and becomes one with it, gold itself will conform to the pattern your mind makes for it. Thus, the streets of gold is not just an imagination of someone.
For in the Kingdom of the Sun, all the elements of nature conform to the mind of its inhabitants. The elements are conscious of themselves. That is, they have the same consciousness as anything that relates to than. Thus, it is a waste of time trying to change metals. for what little good it might do even if you did change them would be insignificant compared to what one can do by changing oneself.
It is not necessary to force nature to do anything, and it only hinders the process when one does try to force things. When one captures an element of nature. that clement becomes one’s servant.
Thus, one need not force anything. It is a matter of capturing the elements, and then freeing them so that they can serve willingly. We must function in harmony with them, and allow them to function in harmony with us.
Since the Transcendent One has captured all the elements both above and under the sun, all the elements are set free to serve It. Thus, the heavenly cities are actually built by the minds of its inhabitants.
The elements that have come through the fire into the Kingdom of the Sun are the purest of all elements, for they are the elements of the reconciliation. They vibrate at the level of transcendency.
Therefore, the dements of the Kingdom can change their form to conform with what the mind of it, as reflected in the mind of an inhabitant of the Kingdom, has set for it. Thus, one literally has everything to gain by becoming an inhabitant of the Kingdom of the Sun. But the cost is great.
That is, the cost appears to be great. One must face the crucible of being, and have the elements of one’s body purified. It is a matter of facing the crucible of being willingly. One does face it unwillingly, but one doesn’t know that one does.
Thus. one must remain in fear of it until one does face it willingly. This is the same with the concept of death. One must learn to die, as it were, daily. Thus, dying willingly. Those who do not learn to die willingly die anyway but they don’t even take that into account.
It has led captivity captive. The captives are being led to freedom. Thus, all are free to move as they will. However, one cannot even will to go back to the old, for one must. of necessity, move with the rest of the universe, for no one wants to be left alone. All the opportunities will be in relation to the reconciliation of all things.
There is a job for everyone, but the nature of it is the opposite of what has been the trend. Now that we are moving in relation to the reconciliation, we need to realize the nature of the reversal of things. Since we are moving in relation to the new universe, we need to realize what relationship is the suitable one for the time.
Now that we have brought the old cycle to an end, we must relate to the new one. We need to realize how the old world ame through the melting pot; how the old world was neutralized: how we brought the old cycle to an end. All these things. we are realizing now. We have brought the old world to the transcendent end of itself, for there is no actual end to anything. We brought it to an end in our transcendent consciousness. We moved from the realm of time/eternity into transcendency, and then back into time/eternity.
We begin the reconciliation that has neither beginning nor end. In the old world, things were moving apart in consciousness. They were moving that way because they were let move that way. But now that which !meth has been taken out of the way. The forces that held the old system together have been removed. They have been put through the fire of the neutral elements. The neutral ones came to outnumber the positive/negative force. That brought the old world, as it were, to its knees. The world came to bow before the transcendent Christ. All things were put under Its feet.
Thus, with the end of the old system of the world, we begin the new, for the neutral ones became the transcendent ones. Thus, the reconciliation is begun. We are moving consciousness toward the reconciliation. The things that were let fall apart must now be reconciled. As the falling away marked the end of the old world, we can secehow it brought itself to an end. It simply fell apart.
Now we are going to do what none ever thought possible. We are going to pick up the pieces and put the world back together again. That which had a great fall is being put back on the wall. We are now reconciling the possible with the impossible. There is nothing that doesn’t come under the reconciliation. All things above and below the sun are being reconciled.
Thus, when we realize the nature of the reconciliation, we can see how the reconciliation affects all things in the universe. We can see how time is reconciled with eternity. We are in time, but at the beginning of eternity. This is a matter of consciousness, for we were always in both time and eternity. We are just changing our relationship of identification.
We are relating to the new consciousness of eternal day. We are now relating to the beginning, not the end. We are at the beginning, but we are reconciling this beginning with the end of this cycle. As we reconcile the beginning with its end, we will have reconciled all things within and without the cycle. That is, by the time we reach the center, all things will have been reconciled. And when we get to the end of this cycle, we will at that time transcend it and start another movement of consciousness, and go forth again in the other direction.
Of course, that is in the far distant future, at the other end of this new cycle. Thus, our purpose for being at this time is to function in relation to the reconciliation. Any other purpose would be sense-less at this time. Just as we had one purpose in coming down into matter, we now have one purpose in moving out of matter. All are now serving the reconciliation, whether they know it or not. Revo-lutionary changes are taking place all over the world. Thus, an infinite number of things are coming under the reconciliation. Thus, each thing as an individual thing is coming under the reconciliation.
Each thing is reconciling itself. Inasmuch as a thing reconciles itself, all things around it reflect that reconciliation. Thus, the entire universe is coming under the reconciliation. The whole and the part arc becoming reconciled. Thus, each individual will find his place in relation to the reconciliation. Each starts from where one is. Each reconciles what one is doing with what all are doing. Each reconciles what one is doing in relation to the positive-negative concept.
That is. each reconciles the positive world with the negative world. The two so-ailed ends of a thing are being reconciled with the center. Whether it be one thing or an infinite number of things, all are being reconciled. The reconciliation is a thing of consciousness. We keep the reconciliation of all things at the forefront of the mind at all times. We no longer think in terms of separation.
We no longer think in simple positive and negative terms. We are reconciling the positive world with the negative world. Thus, one of the things to be reconciled is the language of the world. Thus, all the languages of the world are coming under the reconciliation. Those who are working with languages will have the responsibility of reconciling and building the new language that all the world can speak.
It is not that someone will sit down and write a new language. The language will develop as the concept of the reconciliation demands it.
The old language cannot serve the new consciousness, for it cannot express itself fully. The new language will be the reconciliation of the positive and negative concept of speech. The entire universe is being born again.
Just as it took it an eternity to die, it will now take an eternity to be born. Birth and death, destruction and creation is not an instantaneous thing. Each take an eternity to be performed. The instantaneous aspect of birth and death is in relation to the Transcendent One.
The world has been brought to an end in the transcendent sense. Thus, you can now enter the new world of the reconcilia-tion by an act of faith. Even if you would, by an act of faith, reject the new world consciousness, that would not affect it in anyway. It would only show you where you are in relation to the transcendent universe.
Accordingly, all can now become free of the old world by an act of faith. You arc not forced to recognize the Kingdom of the Sun. You will be allowed to make your own decision in relation to It.
However, now that we have come to the new world consciousness, we an see just how much freedom of choice we ever had. For example, in the old system, we had a positive, negative. or neutral choice. Of course, that is all one ever needs in any cycle of time. The only other choice, and the only one left for those in the old system of things, is the transcendent choice. It is the choice, decision, or the act of faith that marks their birth into the new-born Kingdom of the Sun.
Thus, ultimately we find that there is no such thing as a choice. That is, we find that we have four choices. The four choices are all that one ever needs, and all that one will ever get. This may stem like a hard thing to face, but that’s how it is. So that’s the way I’m telling it. Thus, the newborn Kingdom is being offered to all, and all will make one of the four choices in relation to it.
Accordingly, if you think that you have escaped being captured by the Transcendent One, you can now forget it, for you have all been caught, as it were, sleeping. You had to be awakened from your nightmarish dream. Your dreams will now become the reverse of what they were in the old system. They will no longer be in conflict with themselves.
Thus, your dreams will now reflect the reconciliation of all things. Your dreams will now reflect your waking life. Dreams are now seen to be but a pan of your waking life. Your dreams were dreams of confusion because your waking life was a life of confusion.
Accordingly, everything that one has learned about dreams is now used up, for everything is now reversed. We need no longer seek to interpret dreams, for dreams are now become a part of one’s waking life.
They have come under the reconciliation. As we move the positive and negative world toward the neutral center, we are reconciling the dream world with the waking world. We are, therefore, uniting heaven and earth. We an now move in and out of the body. We can go from one dimension to another. We are reconciling all dimensions into the one central dimension, the Kingdom of the Sun.
Thus, while we are in the so-called waking body, we are conscious of our dream body. And when we are in the so-called dream Body, we are conscious of the waking body. Thus, we are come to function in parallel bodies. This is not something to consider a difficult thing, for it is but the natural process of reconciling the positive and negative world. When we reach this point in consciousness, it becomes as natural as anything an get.
tavistock institute 16
From perception from the five senses. This limited state of perception has lent itself automatically to the authority of the psychiatric gurus who have somehow convinced themselves that they have mature minds and therefore should govern the fate of everyone else’s mind. As a result, their egos have manifested a society where the average human is but a mind-controlled slave of the Illuminati, and those in high professions who administer this inoculation are but puppets in a play. The hidden hand connects these diabolical acts of aggression to the reptilian rulers, the real masters who own the whole planet. Every supposed “patriotic” organization is but a veneer for the hidden agenda, the scheme to turn every man, woman, and child living on this planet into a battery. Yes, some of you have seen the Matrix movie trilogy. We have been turned into sources of energy for the extraterrestrial and innerterrestrial rulers. They need us to survive, for without low vibrational human emotional energy, they would have to vacate and search for a new home.
So, the Reptilians must create a mental. psychological, social and culture enviroment that triggers, produce and stimlates fear, because fear is based on low vibrational frequencies.
⦁ Fear and low vibrational frequencis blocks information and access to higher levels of knowledge
⦁ Fear may be the key componenet the Reptilians need to be able to hide themselves in the 3rd Earthly density of dimensions
⦁ Fear and low vibrational freqiencies suppresses people into a false matrix reaility, based on projection into the mind.
⦁ Fear and low vibrational produces illusions and ignorance to the masses and it creates mass mind control weapons and technologies for them
Think of this; without low vibrational human emotional energy, they would have to vacate and search for a new home. So their whole One World Government project is not based on higher vibrational frequencies of love, but of low vibrtaional frequencies of fear. So the end product of the One World Government will enslave everyone into a low vibrational mind-prison, not liberate them through high vibrational frequencies of love. They need an enviroment based on low vibrational frequencies and this hunger for more greed, wealth, power and domination now includes to control every humans mind and consciousness. This will be done through the digital global world brain.
Are they the descends of the God´heritage or the fallen one´s?
⦁ They need us to survive, for without low vibrational human emotional energy, they would have to vacate and search for a new home.
⦁ “The Reptilians are an aspect of life that represents spiritual separation. They are opportunists. Humans are now experientially separated and unaware of who and what they really are. When it is time for the human race to remember their immortal nature, the Reptilians will not be able to co-exist with them any longer.”
⦁ They need fear and low vibrational frequencies to be able to manifest themselves, and low vibrational energies is the opposite to higher vibrational freuencies of God
⦁ They have created syntethic technological devices to replicate higher communication system; syntethic speaking voices, syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology
⦁ They using illusions, mind control, brainwashing, mk-ultra programming, fear programming, predictable progamming, Order Out of Chaos, Hegel´s Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
⦁ They have created a lower matrix, controls the five senses reality, feeding and programming mass consciousness
⦁ They have created a mind-prison and enslaved mankind into their reality
⦁ Now they want to create a One World Order, not to save the planet or mankind, but for save themselves and their position as dominators of mankind. They want depopulate Earth´s habitants with number from 65-90% less people on Earth in the future.
⦁ They create man-made disasters
⦁ And their goal is to constantly keep mankind busy, occupy their minds, disconnect them from higher knowledge and higher levels of consciousness
Does a real race of God need to use these methods, or does the fallen one´s need these methods to stay in control and power mankind? What may your conclusion be….?
Crucial to maintaining the human psyche in disconnected ignorance is the manipulation of low vibrational emotions and thoughts of fear.
The way the Reptilan Bloodlines enslave a race is they reduce the number of D.N.A. strands in that race’s biological blueprint, trapping it in a vibrational prison. This prison keeps the race in a low vibrational frequency wherein the thought patterns of the race are restricted. These reduced thought patterns keep the race in a fear-based system where each member of the race fights for survival with the other members and does not evolve its intellect and spirituality. This is a perfect example of what is happening on Earth now.
The Reptilians are experts in creating solutions that enslaves mankind and gives them more power. The coming One World Government is such solution. The Digital Global World Brain is another example, and third example is the RFID-chip that is mention in the Book of Revelation, without it no one can buy or sell anything.
The Reptilian Group’s only calling is conquest, dominance, and enslaving the unelite.
The invention of a barter system acts in a twofold process. One, the ability to accumulate power and two a method to enslave the human race and keep their minds occupied.
The elitist who run this world through corrupt monetary systems (federal reserve banks) want Luciferianism therefore implementing the diabolical problem reaction solution strategy seen today in our misleading war on terror scheme.
Another psychiatrist from the Tavistock Institute was German Kurt Lewin, who became director in 1932. Lewin developed a social engineering strategy that has become known as the shock doctrine. Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing and applying the results of repeated trauma and torture (of individuals) in mind control to the society at large. Of course such work was couched in more benign language. Lewin is credited with the model of the change process of human systems. The key to Lewin’s theory was to see that human change, whether at the individual or group level, was a profound psychological dynamic process that involved painful unlearning without loss of ego identity and difficult relearning as an individual cognitively attempted to restructure his or her thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and attitudes. In short, Lewin was postulating that if terror was used on a widespread basis then control could easily be exercised from an external point. Another way of stating this is that through controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control.
Throughout the twentieth century, the Tavistock Institute has continued to engage in similar acts of public deception to promote a war mentality, a technique they later began to refer to as “mass brainwashing.”
It is likely that the methods laid out in the document will be inspired by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London and its interconnecting offshoots.
The Tavistock Institute is linked into many high-powered elitist groups and think tanks—Bilderberg group, the Stanford Institute, the Institute for Social Relations, the Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
At the conclusion of W.W.II, Tavistock began to establish a global network of psychiatric research centers, in order to influence the ideologies of mass populations. This subversive network, which was funded primarily by the Rockefeller Foundation together with large corporations, included such establishments as the Stanford Research Institute, the Center for Research in Group Dynamics.
Pay attention, the signs are all around us. Lies and manipulation run the show as the Luciferian elite’s mind control us with images of what they want us to know through the media.
Fear-based programming of the minds through politics, religion, and the media, poverty, removal of the middle class, bankrupting nations, big business—these are just a few of the realities that are forming our lives in the coming years.
Combining the social sense with the use of mechanical manipulation in the mind of the founder , the false hierarchy attempted to use the vows of poverty , chastity , and obedience as a means to justify the ends of the fallen ones.
This type of mentality has been fostered by globalists before the Nazis and is continuing to be implemented today through man-made disasters, man-made diseases, chemtrails, chemical warfare, wars, and famine. Today this includes psychological warfare through technologies as; Syntethic Telepathy, Voice to Skull Technology, Quiet Wars Technology.
refer to themselves as the Olympians
In the book Between Two Ages, the fellow called for the establishment of a global government, and, in the manner of a thug operating a protection racket, indicated what the global elite (implying the Illuminati, who refer to themselves as the Olympians—an oxymoron if ever there was one) would do to punish the masses if they resisted. This included geophysical warfare and satellites which emitted a frequency (presumably 12 Hertz) capable of initiating mass epilepsy as the satellite passed overhead.
The major outcome of the Deauville conference was the founding of the Club of Rome in 1968. Policy Directive 200, the club called for a massive global population reduction by means of famine, plague and controlled nudear warfare.
The club’s first report was “The Limits to Growth.” It claimed that sci-entific research was an infeasible method for attaining material progress, stating that the only way was to permit a global government to control the allocation of resources.
The underlying theme to all if this is material wealth is somehow equated with God favoring you, if not directly falling into Lucifer’s good graces as Freemason. And so, this Matrix, Artificial Simulation Model of reality is really nothing more than rehashed greedy Mystery Babylonian to seduce modern minds into a relationship with the occult though New Age Pantheism.
And NASA is a Freemasonic occult organization, and thus a Kabbalistic Luciferian based organization.
The Illuminati have negated our most powerful weapon and have turned it against us.
The scions of the Illuminati bloodlines believe themselves to be far above the religion of the pitiful, lower consciousness masses.
The Elite-Illuminati-Brotherhood network are often members of extreme sects based on ancient rites and Lucifer.
The One World Government with one world leader will be ruled by the Luciferian Consciousness, were people´s minds will be connected to super-mega-computer and this will become the new computer God. Luciferian Consciousness is based on Artificial Intelligence Technology.
The proud spirit of Lucifer , conscious of his own maguificent endowment , refused to bow in worship to the Sacred … the Arians and Manicheans of earlier time , the Rosicruscians and Illuminati of the Middle Ages , the Masons of our own day.
Bailey said that the “new race” will be distinguished by “a state of consciousness which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking.
Psychological methodsemployed bythe Nazis including”groupthink” and “semantics distortion” were part in parcel of the much broader perception management program designed to limit people to the five-sense world and to reactions stemming from external stimuli. Most are aware that the Nazi eugenics program aimed at creating a master Aryan race.
Mankind is living within or inside a Matrix controlled ny the Reptilians in fourth dimension
The Matrix
Five senses reality
Predictable programming
Reptilian brain
The Light will not interfere in human free will while the Luciferic stream has no such ethics. It has used whatever means necessary to create conflict, confusion and ignorance. All three of which bring to mind what has been one of Lucifer’s most effective vehicles for suppressing knowledge, understanding and mental liberation. It was his invention and it has served his cause so wonderfully well. Only today, nearly two thousand years later, are we beginning to cast off the yoke it has imposed on human evolution.
More negative energy increases the power of the Luciferic consciousness.
The Luciferian Consciousness constant interfering, create distractions and disturbs.
What started as a method has invariably led to a macabre madness. A desire to control has led to a need to suppress and dominate. We have been turned into a zombie nation and the sheep are ready to sheer. Behind all nefarious deeds being perpetrated on this planet by positions of political, religious, and social power is the system of Luciferic consciousness to which the Dark Lords adhere. Powerful bloodline families have mastery over the dark arts; they have altered their genetic form and are facilitating a change in ours, however, there are two potential outcomes to this: (a) the latent 10 strands of D.N.A. in our chromosomes get unscrambled and reconnected,
The conflict between the thesis and antithesis has been promulgated through four stages: (1) Monarchism (thesis) faced Democracy (antithesis) during World War I, which resulted in the formation of Communism and the League of Nations (synthesis); (2) Democracy and Communism (thesis) faced Fascism (antithesis) during World War II, which resulted in the United Nations (synthesis); (3) Capitalism (thesis) faced Communism (antithesis) during the Cold War and Vietnam War, which resulted in Socialism (synthesis); (4) Socialism (thesis) now faces Terrorism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order based on the worship of Lucifer (synthesis).’ Powerful Reptilian/Aryan bloodlines orchestrate these events from behind the scenes through secret societies. Once the most powerful secret societies from Atlantis, Lemuria, were infiltrated by the Reptilian-Aryan bloodlines, a false system of faith was started by the first monotheistic religions so the people would feel safe and not question authority.
The next synthesis to expect is the One World Government, Lucifer becomes God in this world,
⦁ Learn to decode energies
⦁ Raise the inner vibrations to higher levels
⦁ Develop and possess enough moral strength to control his own mind and to free himself from Luciferian force
⦁ Meditation
Human beings are able to control reality, if they can get rid of the illusion of the dual mirror. The only problems is, that the reptilian bloodlines who controls mass consciousness don´t want people and mankind to understand reality. The mind is a creator because everything is thought. The more powerful the consciousness, the greater its potential to create. On the non-physical frequencies thought creates directly by rearranging the energies into whatever the thought visualises. Tavistock institute Part 15
If we had to rely only on our computers to understand the Universe we would not get very far! This is an amazing indication of the power of the human mind!
Human beings are able to control reality, if they can get rid of the illusion of the dual mirror. The only problems is, that the reptilian bloodlines who controls mass consciousness don´t want people and mankind to understand reality.
The manipulators do not want us to know that we are eternal beings of light and love with limitless potential; nor that we can change the world by changing the way we think; and certainly not that we are all One, all equal parts of the same whole, on a journey of evolution through experience. People who know and live all these things are not nearly so easy to control and direct. It would be much better to persuade us that we are cosmic accidents with no future, or imprison us in the dogma of some rigid religion, and do everything possible to ridicule and repress information to the contrary.
The mind is a creator because everything is thought. The more powerful the consciousness, the greater its potential to create. On the non-physical frequencies thought creates directly by rearranging the energies into whatever the thought visualises.
Every time we think we create an energy field, a thought form, and this is how telepathy works. One person produces the thought field and another decodes that field, mostly without even knowing it. The power of thought to create love and harmony or hate and disharmony is endless and we are all capable of producing both. The manipulators I speak of in this book know about this power to control people by the use of thought or ‘psychic attack’ as it is called. They direct thought energy at targeted individuals and try to control their thinking.
Their aim is to de-link us from the higher levels of ourselves. During an incarnation, not all of our mind, consciousness, incarnates and becomes subject to the severe pressures and limitations of a dense physical body, only part of it.
The higher self can be likened to Mission Control. It knows the reason for the incarnation – what we have chosen to experience and who with – and what we have chosen to do in service to humanity, the planet, and Creation in general. We feel the urgings and communciations of the higher self in our intuition. We feel drawn to certain places, people, and ways of life. It shows when we say “fancy meeting you here”, “what a small world”, and “what a coincidence”.
If we lose touch with Mission Control, our higher consciousness, we can get ourselves into terrible trouble and be prone to some stupid and destructive behaviour. Think what would happen if we were on the Moon in a spacesuit and someone cut the link with Mission Control. We would have only two sources of information – what is coming in through the eyes and the ears. This would, by definition, be extremely imbalanced, because it would only contain information from the world immediately around us. We would lose contact with those who can see the wider picture.
So if we can be encouraged to switch off the connection with our personal Mission Control, the higher self, and the manipulators can at the same time control the flow of information coming in through the eyes and the ears, we can quite easily forget who we really are and what we are doing here. This has happened to billions of people, who have thus become a form of robot.
Within the brief summary here is contained the knowledge as you will appreciate later that can not only free the human race from its current mental imprisonment, but also provide incredible technology to produce limitless, non-polluting energy. Why and how this knowledge has been kept from the mass of the people and what has led humanity along such a dark and destructive path is the story we will now tell.
Lucifer is not an essential part of the positive-negative balance. He is a disrupting, disharmonious aspect of consciousness which is not necessary for human evolution. More than that, Lucifer’s efforts to close off the channels that link humanity to its higher understanding have blocked, not advanced, our evolution.
Humanity has become a target for the Luciferian Consciousness by the Rulers, Global Elite, The Cabal System, The Illuminati, and the Reptilian Bloodlines and so on, and all secret societies.
Creation is not some random, uncoordinated, every-droplet-for-itself chaos. When this Luciferic consciousness began to make its disharmony felt, the higher levels of Creation began to intervene because it was imposing its misunderstandings on others and breaking the universal law of free will. Something had to be done, as they say.
This is where humanity comes in. Again, contrary to popular belief, the human consciousness stream has an enormous capacity for love and compassion. We are not what we seem to be, but then nothing is ever what it seems. A decision was made at the collective level of human consciousness to give this disruptive mind called Lucifer an opportunity to find its balance again and to re-synchronise with the rest of Creation.
Every species has a collective mind to which all of the individual ‘droplets’ are connected. We are multi-dimensional beings, with each level having its own awareness and ability to think and make decisions. So it was that the collective mind of humanity agreed to set aside its own evolution for a certain period to give the Luciferic consciousness a chance to re-balance itself. This highly negative consciousness was unleashed on this part of the Universe.
It was not only humanity which agreed to this, the collective minds of other universal civilisations (extra-terrestrials) did the same, and not only the physical level was affected. Everything is multidimensional, including the Universe. In the same space occupied by this physical world are all the other levels. The Luciferic consciousness began to operate on those levels, too.
The effects did not happen overnight. But disharmony creates more disharmony and, once the Luciferic consciousness had begun to disrupt the balance and flow of the energies, it started a roll which would gather pace on an ever-steepening curve.
Disharmony created even more disharmony. Lucifer is clearly not a being with horns and a tail. He is a large aspect of Divine consciousness which chose to work against the Source. Like all consciousness, he generates thought patterns. It is the same principle as that employed by a radio station when it transmits its wavelength to the world.
Once transmitted, the wavelength can be picked up by any radio tuned to that station. Everyone is transmitting thought patterns every second. So, when you have a powerful and evergrowing aspect of consciousness pouring out negative patterns of great disharmony, it is easy to see how vast areas of other consciousness can be affected.
Once they are tuned to your wavelength you can, like a radio station, feed them any information you wish them to hear. In consciousness terms, these transmitted patterns can appear to be thoughts of our own when they really originate in the minds of others.
In such instances, we are merely tuning to them without realising it.
The Luciferic consciousness and its broadcasts were designed to create imbalance.
Lucifer feeds off negative energy and the more of that that he can generate, the stronger and more powerful he becomes.
His impact began to grow and affect a wider area. Other droplets were imbalanced by the disharmony and turmoil and joined the ‘team’ or the collectively the Luciferic consciousness. The thinking and perceptions of increasing numbers of entities in this solar system and galaxy were affected.
The Luciferic consciousness, far from taking the opportunity to re-balance itself, was trying to take over and turn harmony into the image of its own imbalance. The moment arrived when the ongoing process of disharmony was such that a call went out across the Universe for volunteers to dedicate themselves, for however long was necessary, to reverse it. The ocean of consciousness was ceasing to be a gentle, balanced flow. In some areas it was more like a tidal wave of emotional and mental turmoil and torment.
Waves of these beings began many civilisations on the Earth, including the ones we know as Pan, Mu (Lemuria) and Atlantis. These civilisations were much more advanced in their technology and understanding of Creation than we are today. Plato talked of Atlantis more than two thousand years ago and it has been a theme that has recently grown more powerful in the human mind. it was a continent in what is now the Atlantic Ocean.
Atlantis was powered by the use of non-physical energy, the harnessing of the sea of energy around us. Crystals were part of this power and light source and all the power and warmth they needed was produced without any pollution or damage to the Earth. That knowledge is going to be available to us as the present transformation continues. Indeed, much of it is already available but has been suppressed to protect empires of self interest. There was no religion as such at that time but there were places where people went to learn the laws of Creation and how to use energies to create harmony and to speed the positive progress of human understanding.
Over aeons of existence, the Luciferic consciousness had learned how best to disrupt harmony and how to imbalance other aspects by working through their emotional levels. The production of negative energy by whatever means available was the motivation because such negative energy feeds it and gives it greater power. The reason for conflict was irrelevant as long as there was conflict and a production line of negative energy. Planets were destroyed, either by direct intervention from Lucifer or by his thought patterns scrambling the consciousness of others.
“Our DNA was changed because of this reptilian intervention so that we can no longer access the world beyond the five senses.”
The five senses has not the ability to decode the energies around us or the higher energies in the Universe, therefore become trapped within a Earth 3 dimensional limited perception to understand the reality, the world, and Universe.
You are all Divine but unknowing to be, we live in a third dimension but we have a second dimension awareness: our perception of reality is limited to our 5 senses, we are not superior to the vegetable, mineral and animal world as our brain makes us believe.
We are androids that have been created to obey and to be enslaved by more evolved extraterrestrial civilizations. When you become aware of what has prevented the human race from evolving, you will be free. But if you keep on believing the reality programmed in your DNA is real, you will continue in mistakes and suffering.
Anyone who can connect to the great portal can create everything instantly; this is the power that we, human beings, have lost. We are potentially cocreators of our reality. Our life could be happy and prosperous if we were aware of our potential strength but we do not know who we are and we live in a constant disharmony.
The reality we create unconsciously is illusory and precarious for a fundamental reason: we have been programmed to be slaves. For millennia reptilians have dominates us, for them we are guinea pigs or breeding animals.
Reptilian civilizations know how to use the universal portal in their favor, use the matrix to control us. They are practically the operators who push the enter button by sending programs and data depriving us of consciousness about who we really are.
Our DNA / RNA is the software that the power (elite) has installed in us to receive these programs: our DNA / RNA decodes these programs and obey predetermined orders like an unconscious robot. These data give us several Illusions: of living in a solid world, of fear of not surviving, of the ego fragmentation, of separation from the whole, of illness and death, of conflict.
They manipulate the matrix to project into our minds a hologram that is not reality. Their purpose is dominate and control us. The hybrid Illuminati are in turn dominated by the reptilians. The Darwinian principle ‘the strongest dominates’ is the reality they are projecting into the hologram that we passively accept as reality.
We are not our physical body, we are not our thoughts or our emotions, we are not our mind, we live in an illusory solid world, we are convinced that time and space govern our lives. But time and space do not exist, there is only the ‘here and now’, everything happens instantly, we are subatomic particles that have consciousness to exist. We perceive by our 5 senses an illusory reality maneuvered by the power, but the past and the future happen at the same time. The reptilians have installed programs in our DNA / RNA by falsifying all the human sciences, history, religions, archaeological finds. Therefore false science, false education, these false data have delayed our evolution.
There have been myriad forms of life on this planet, but space wars have lowered the consciousness and density of the planet causing it to be a prison. 300,000 years ago, reptilian overlords fought the benevolent creator gods in space and won the territory of Earth. Earth was made their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A. of the native human species so it would be manageable.
Everything that was unnecessary for survival was disconnected. If you imagine the D.N.A. molecule to be a library housing genetic information for a particular organism, you can understand how the native human species has been partially shut down. When the invaders came in, they disconnected 10 strands of D.N.A. leaving only 2 (a double helix); it was like they took most the books off the shelves and tore out all the pages and threw them in a messy pile on the floor. The information was still there, but it was unorganized and hence unrecognizable. As a result, Earth humans became locked into the third dimension.
What is happening now is that the information that was trashed in the library is slowly recombining back into form. When the 12 strands of D.N.A. are realigned they will plug into the 12 chakras, which are vortexes of information (7 are in the body and 5 are outside the body). Humans on Earth must now learn to reintegrate this information into the collective consciousness so that it is available to everyone. Just as Earth is a library, so too is your body. Every cell holds the history of the universe, and when you learn to extract this information and decode it into understanding you will become a conscious co-creator of reality.
The Luciferic consciousness and its broadcasts were designed to create imbalance. Lucifer feeds off negative energy and the more of that that he can generate, the stronger and more powerful he becomes. His impact began to grow and affect a wider area. Other droplets were imbalanced
Humanity is in thrall to “manipulators” who keep us from reaching a condition of full freedom.
The Brotherhood consists of “an enormous network of secret societies,” at whose apex stand the Illuminati. This set of nested conspiracies achieves its goals through control of the “world financial system” and its mastery of mind-control techniques. Its goal is “a world government to which every continent would be subordinate.
The “Global Elite,” Icke wrote, operates the Brotherhood and through the Brotherhood the world, by controlling a “pyramid of manipulation.” This pyramid consists of a set of hierarchical structures, each of which dominates a sphere of human life: banking, business, military, politics, education, media, religion, intelligence agencies, medicine.
The one – world government is prophesied in Revelation.
The Earth is the dense physical body of this mind and we all exist within her energy field, her aura. When humanity creates negative energy she absorbs it and, through her, it is exported to the solar system, the Universe, and beyond. Lucifer turned his negative power on the Earth Spirit, working to disrupt her on all levels by imbalancing her energy fields – especially her mind and emotions. His thought patterns worked on her emotions both directly and by affecting her physical form. When our bodies are giving us pain it affects our emotions. A planet consciousness is no different.
Knowledge is neutral. It is how you use it that is positive or negative.
Here we had a situation where the power of the Lucifer influence was such that many of these people had become seriously imbalanced. As a consequence, knowledge which was potentially lethal was falling into the wrong hands. Into the hands of the Reptilian Races who keeping it in their secret societies and working woth secret and hidden agendas to implement their One World Government of Domination.
The Sumer records say that a ‘god’ called Ea was involved in this genetic engineering. They say he had a half-brother called En-lil and, as we will see, these were two of the Sumer `gods’ that would be passed on into the belief systems of religions to this day.
The Tavistock Institute is working with all forms of mind controlling, brainwashing, social- and genetic engineering strategies.
The aim was to disconnect the conscious level of our being from our higher levels to such an extent that our Earth consciousness would be trapped in the dense physical world and be unable to escape and evolve. Eternal slaves is what they wished to create.
A planet has chakras and a grid of energy lines known, depending on your preference, as meridians, ley lines or dragon lines. If you damage and disrupt this energy grid enough you can destroy a planet in the same way that a human body dies when its energy system is sufficiently imbalanced.
Misuse of knowledge has begun to threaten this energy grid.
This final point is crucial to what is happening on the planet today. Creation is self-balancing. You can push it out of balance for a certain period but then it kicks back to find harmony. This loop of opportunity for the Luciferic consciousness had a definite time scale and now, in the lifetimes of our generations, it is coming to a close. It is time for Planet Earth to return to its original evolutionary road.
The imbalances and density of the Earth affect humanity in many ways. It is worth repeating here that not all of our consciousness incarnates into a physical body and becomes subject to its severe limitations. The higher levels of our consciousness (higher self) stay on a non-physical level and guide the lower self through an incarnation.
The higher self knows the lifeplan – what we hope to achieve and experience during that life. if, however, we lose touch with the higher self, Mission Control, we become dominated by the information coming in through the eyes and the ears and we are prey to the thought patterns directed at this level by the Luciferic consciousness. These work particularly on the emotions and the ego and, once the Lucifer patterns have control of those, they can, by affecting our behaviour, cause untold pain and destruction.
This is what has happened to the human race. We can come into incarnation with the best of intentions but, once we look out through our eyes and become subjected to all the information this level constantly bombards us with, we can forget why we are here and act in ways that are the exact opposite of what we intended before incarnation.
The Reptilians changed the human DNA and they keeping controlling it through emotion, fear programming, technology devices, low vibrational frequencies.
Our DNA was changed because of this reptilian intervention so that we can no longer access the world beyond the five senses.
When you wake up in a dream you’re having while sleeping awake, it is as if you break out from the flow of events and find yourself in the middle of a huge kaleidoscope, which is slowly rotating, sparkling with facets of reality. You are a part of this reality and at the same time you exist separately, autonomously. This is exactly the same as when you become aware of your ‘separateness’, having regained consciousness in a dream, and realize that from now on you determine what happens in your dream, and not the other way round. Under certain conditions, human thought energy is able to manifest one or another sector in the space of variants. This state, which in Transurfing is called the unity of the soul and mind, generates a mysterious power – external intention. Those who have personally tried applying Transurfing in their daily life tell with amazement of how their thoughts become realized in the most incomprehensible way, and how reality changes its appearance literally before their eyes.
Therefore the mirror divides the world into two halves: the real and the virtual. Everything that has obtained a physical form is in the real half and develops in accordance with natural laws. Science, as well as the ordinary worldview, only deals with the things that occur in ‘reality’. By ‘reality’ we usually mean everything that can be observed and is subject to direct impact.
If we disregard the metaphysical side of reality and only consider the physical world, then the function of all living beings, including that of humans, would come down to a primitive process within the limits of internal intention. With the help of internal intention, as you may know, a goal is achieved by means of applying direct action to the world around you. In order to achieve something, you need to take certain steps — to jostle, elbow your way, basically, do some serious work in order to get to your goal.
Physical reality is tangible — it immediately reacts to direct actions, and that creates the illusion that this is the only way you can achieve any results. However, within the framework of the physical world, the circle of realistically achievable goals is narrowed dramatically. In this case you are forced to rely only on what you’ve got. Everything hinges on the means, which are usually lacking, and on possibilities that are quite limited.
tavistock institute . Scientific Dictatorship will arise out of Tavistock Institutet enginnered ideas. Part 14.
The One World Government will be the Land of Oppression Instead of Land of Opportunity.
There is a worldwide plot being masterminded by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically related individuals at least at the highest level, which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, whose goal is to create a one-world totalitarian government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, which is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to impose and achieve complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population to a figure desirable to them.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive, powerful elite group with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologises its establishment as the culmination of history’s progress.
Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organisations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes. It is a one-world government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchs, who self-select from amongst their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.
World leaders have embraced the idea that the various nations should be united to such an extent that they grow into a world state, thereby superseding and eliminating the conflicts and differences of the past.
The process of globalisation is gaining momentum while steadily moving away from the biblical principle of sovereign and self-sufficient nations towards a new world order in which a world government will eventually gain full control over all nations. That will set the stage for a world dictator to institute a global reign of terror. It is not the first time in history that powerful global structures are created, thereby allowing a world dictator to control all nations, exploit them economically and subject them to domination by a false world religion.
Various world governments in ancient times, of which the Babylonian, Greek and Roman empires were the best known, established structures of this nature. All these empires utterly oppressed the nations under their control and eventually all collapsed.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the New World Order will also be implemented through the use of human population control in order to more easily monitor and control the movement of individuals. The means range from stopping the growth of human societies through reproductive health and family planning programmes, which promote abstinence, contraception, and abortion, or intentionally reducing the bulk of the world population through genocides by mongering unnecessary wars, plagues by engineering emergent viruses and tainting vaccines, and environmental disasters by controlling the weather.
The Aryan Race and Reptilians Bloodlines is all about race-thinking and with it follows genocide. They want “Aryanize” the world? Would he be taught to assist the perpetrators in annihilating the opposition so that the international Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) financiers, industrialists, and assorted politicians could then take over the New World Order? From generation to generation members of SMOM, the Grand Orient, and their associates, have worked toward the goal of world domination. It did not work for them in the past, but they persisted, and are now trying to achieve their New World Order through disease, starvation, pestilence, genocide, wars, trade agreements, and questionable changes to the laws of all nations.
The perpetrators wanted nothing less than “World Domination”.
George Orwell wrote my all time favourite book “1984”. Frightening as it may sound, 1984 has come and is alive and well in our world TODAY.
“Freemasonry like Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to channel the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. The teachers, even of Christianity, are in general, the most ignorant of the true meanings of that which they teach. There is no book of which so little is known, as the Bible. Freemasonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray”
Albert Pike, a 33’s degree Freemason, authored “Morals and Dogma” a must read of Freemasonry. In a separate letter dated 15 August 1871 Albert Pike revealed his plan for world conquest through a third world war to 33’d degree Freemason, Giuseppe Mazzini. The letter was displayed at a leading London, museum in the 20th century, but, has recently been lost.
“We shall unleash the Nihilists and atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery, and most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be without a compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary moment which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
There is talk of conspiracy of a “New World Order” that will inflict genocide on most of the world population, leaving only those of great wealth to inhabit the earth and a few chosen slaves to serve them. These people believe that they have superior intelligence and that the rest of us are just simple morons. They believe they can manipulate the masses with their brainwashing tactics and their diversions and people will buy into it, right up to their annihilation.
The Nazis knew that many people on Earth are geniuses and pose a great threat to the New World as they can resist mind control techniques. The Reptilian Bloodlines does not fear people they already have under their control (under their spell), and those they can mind control and brainwashing, but what they fear is those they can´t mind control and brainwashing just as easy.
People who can resist their mind control techniques will become huge threats to the Reptilians and the New World Order.
Every spiritual awaken individual will become a threat to the Reptilians and New World Order. The spiritual awaken can beginb to see through the illusions of this world and the ignorance of the human mind (and mass consciousness).
Spirual awaken people are and can become powerful in gnosis or deep knowing. This awakening make them stronger so they better can resist mind control techniques, see through illussions. don´t react on fear programming, and they also had immunity to lies and falsehoods. In other words, they were resistant to the mind control techniques of the time (and today). They could see the truth. For those who peddle falsehood, even one strong voice of pure truth represents a threat. The truth not only can set one person free, it can liberate the bonds of the masses.
The One World Government will not set people free, but instead enslave them with a false hope of liberation and artificial immortality. They have never wanted people to be free, so why would they want free people today. Its a deception from the Lords of Darkness.
If there are too many people, there would be too many minds to control.
The New World Order is Masterminded by the Elite. The term “New World Order” is used by a secretive elite dedicated to the destruction of all national sovereignties.
Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New World Order in the lap of scientists of the future. These scientists is connected to Tavistock Institute.
⦁ Reptilian Bloodlines
⦁ Psychokpolitics
⦁ Scientific Dictatorship
⦁ Artificial Computer God
⦁ New World Order
⦁ One World Government
⦁ One Single Global Digital World Brain
⦁ Mass Mind Control
⦁ Mass Brainwashing
⦁ Tavistock Institute
“The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship .
Incrementally, this network of scientists engineers the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government. It is interesting that Wells would employ the appellation of “Technocracy” in regards to one world order and global government.
One of the most elucidating revelations found in The Shape of Things to Come was the group that Wells claimed would be central to the formation of a one-world government:
Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New World Order in the lap of scientists of the future [emphasis—ADDED], the group he dubs the “Tech-nocracy” (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, p. 16, 1997).
Wielding “ostensible control over the knowable,” the scientists of this “Tech-nocracy” implement a Fabian strategy of “gradual ideological assimilation” (Keith, World Control, Mind Control, pp. 16-17, 1997). Incrementally, this net-work of scientists engineers the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government.
Again, the Huxlian theme of a “scientific dictatorship” emerges. This is the future that the masses have been conditioned to accept through predictive programming.
How did the “scientific dictatorship), of the twentieth century begin? In earlier centuries, the ruling class controlled the masses through more mystical belief sys-tems, particularly Sun worship (Pike, p. 593, 1942). Yet, this would all change. In Saucers of the Illuminati, Jim Keith documents the shift from a theocracy of the Sun to a theocracy of “science”:
Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New Order in the lap of scientists of the future, the group he dubs the “Technocracy.” Citing a fictional future book by an author named DeWindt, he says the New World Order, “sustained by multitude of nuclei on DeWindt’s pattern scattered throughout the whole world.
Wells dates the formal institution of the Technocracy—the New World Order, by any other name—at the “Second Conference of Basra’ in the year 1978. Although his timeline is faulty, the tactics of gradual ideological assimilation that he describes are time-honored and immortalized in the slogan of the Socialist Fabian Society that Wells belonged to: “Proceed slowly,” while the thesis-antithesis-synthesis that culminates in the Technocracy is the product of Hegelian thinking. This is the philosophy as well as the method by which the Wellsian vision of the New World Order has come to pass in our own time—come to pass in virtually everything but its formal institution, and in planetary “mopping up” operations. Exactly where did Wells obtain his information of the plans of the elite? it is interesting that Wells Is particularly fond of the adjective “illuminating’ when describing an idea he particularly likes, in The Shape of Things to Come.
There are solid connections between illuminist groups. the Rhodes Roundtable, Intelligence Agencies (and Tavistock Institute Science Technology) .. and. well, Wells. It is not impossible that Wells is doing just this. Another explicit statement of the intentions of the New World Order can be read in Wells’ nonfiction book The Open Conspiracy, published in 1928. The specific directives of Wells’ proposed Open Conspiracy program. again identical with what has come to be known as the New World Order, were:
“1. The complete assertion, practical as well as theoretical, of the provisional nature of existing governments and of our acquiescence in them;
“2. The resolve to minimize by all available means the conflicts of these governments, their militant use of individuals and property and their interferences with the establishment of a world economic system:
“3. The determination to replace private local or national ownership of at least credit, transport, and staple production by a responsible world directorate serving the common ends of the race;
“4. The practical recognition of the necessity for world biological controls, for example, of population and disease;
“5. The support of a minimum standard of individual freedom and welfare in the world;
“6. The supreme duty of subordinating the personal life to the creation of a world directorate capable of these tasks and to the general advancement of human knowledge. capacity. and power.” This is the multiple-pronged New World Order scheme in black and white, and while it sounds pretty good on paper. what it doesn’t say is paramount: it is a plan to demolish national boundaries and constitutions, and to consolidate control—total control—in a tiny aristocratic governing body. Gone will be the constitutional safeguards that Americans have come to take for granted—gone will be any safeguards at all, any protections whatsoever for the human cogwheels subject to this vast totalitarian scheme.
Not surprisingly Wells places the City of London—the international center of banking culture—and its financial credit as responsible for knitting together world economic life over the previous hundred years. With these innovations in communications and finance, but also with the frustrations and wars inher-ent (so he says) in the existence of independent national states and sovereign-ties, came about the gradual dawning of the idea of the World-state (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, p. 14, 1997).
Wells advocated a World State governed by a benign dictatorship of technocrats and scientists who were generally indifferent to art, culture and the humane ideals of democracy.
The Reptilians had always had a hard time with the environment of Earth. They had had to settle for incarnating, which was complicated and challenging, as well as exerting their astral influence. Nevertheless, they didn’t give up their dream of ruling Earth, and began perfecting new ways to control humanity.
They have developed holographic projection technology.
They also found a way to more deeply infiltrate the astral planes of Earth, which enabled them to enter the minds of humans and control their thoughts and feelings. They started assisting the incarnate The Reptilians in their desire to advance in life and become part of the ruling class.
Their next chance at world domination would not come until near the end of the next major civilization.
Without advanced technology, there was little they could do to control such a diverse and spread-out population.
The goal of the Brotherhood – their ‘Great Work of Ages’ – is world domination and a microchipped population.
“The reptilians not only come from another planet, but are also from another dimension, the lower level of the fourth dimension, the one nearest the physical world. Icke writes that the universe consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions that share the same space, just like television and radio frequencies. Some people can tune their consciousness to other wavelengths, which is what psychic power consists of, and it is from one of these other dimensions that the Anunnaki are controlling this world — although just as fourth-dimensional reptilians control us, they are controlled in turn by a fifth dimension. The lower level of the fourth dimension is what others call the ‘lower astral dimension.’
In their mania for control, the Reptilians used the various races that donated DNA to the original human project. They fastidiously monitored these related sections of hybrids to determine which was best suited for overall control, and which for subservience. All the hybrids could be controlled through the Reptilian brain that hooked them into Reptilian mind-patterns, but some were more controllable than others.
The Reptilians ensured that the new Man would be forever attached to the Reptilian frequency because the foundational prototype was Reptilian. This meant that the new Man could easily be mentally controlled by them.
We have a lot of work to do before then. Many people attempt to raise their vibrational frequency but can only achieve this to a small extent.
In addition to wars and attacks, the illuminati allies, put on the market junk food, stuffed with chemical substances, as bad nutrition damages our energy field, causing low vibrations in turn feeding the reptilians. We don’t know the world we live in, because our DNA has been disabled 5000 years ago by the Annunaki allies of the reptilians: 96% of DNA is considered useless or garbage to create a slave race with little perception of reality. For instance we can perceive only ultra violet and infrared rays, only 5% of reality. We are blind and wander in an illusory world that we consider reality. We are ignorant and castrated by the false information we are provided by the power system; only our brain left hemisphere has developed: the famous rational linear intelligence, easily maneuverable and controllable at the expense of our right hemisphere, hosting creative holistic intelligence, the source of insights and imagination.
The fifth dimension can only be entered through the heart chakra, which sits at the center of your chest. It carries a green vibration and holds the qualities of unconditional love and compassion. When this state of mind is reached, love is activated in the heart chakra and this stimulates a raise in vibrational frequency. One is brought into a higher state of consciousness. In this state of consciousness, connection to the soul is pure and one can access knowledge from the Akashic medium, which is like an historical almanac. Your oversoul stands above this medium. The oversoul is your higher self. It is the “you” that is forever connected to the Cosmic Center of Consciousness and which has traveled back in time billions of years to help your lower self progress on your journey through the physical incarnations in space-time continuums.
How did these reptilian beings affect humans? It became clear to me that the Illuminati bloodlines are human-reptilian hybrids, and the offspring of a race of reptilian humanoids that are widely described in ancient legends and accounts…. The reptilian race covertly controlling human society is from a dimension of reality very close to this one, but beyond visible light and that’s why we don’t see them. Tavistock Institute Part 13
How did these reptilian beings affect humans?
They influence those in power. They use beaming and amplifying devices. Anything that is connected to cables, such as computers, television, telephones, cell phones, radios; they can use them. It is like an electromagnetic field and they can write their notes on it and it enters on people’s electromagnetic field. It usually feels like a telepathic communication. Through beaming, they can cause feelings of paranoia, anger, and hate. They work with certain races and bloodlines of people who are in power. People do not know that they are being used as robots.
The “Global Elite,” Icke wrote, operates the Brotherhood and through the Brotherhood the world, by controlling a “pyramid of manipulation.” This pyramid consists of a set of hierarchical structures, each of which dominates a sphere of human life: banking, business, military, politics, education, media, religion, intelligence agencies, medicine and drug companies, and illegal drugs and organized crime.
The lower a functionary is in any hierarchy, the less he or she is aware of carrying out the policies of the Brotherhood. This segmented view of the conspiracy was not particularly original, but it allowed Icke to present separate descriptions of each sector.
The originality in his thesis lay in his new conviction that there is a layer of control above the Global Elite itself.” The topmost level of the conspiracy Icke calls “the Prison Warders.” He makes clear his view that the Prison Warders are extraterrestrials without being specific about where they came from: “A pyramidal struc-ture of human beings has been created under the influence and design of the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and their overall master, the Luciferic Consciousness.
They control the human clique at the top of the pyramid, which I have dubbed the Global Elite.” The means by which these nonearthly Prison Warders exercise their control is left somewhat vague. In his work, Icke began to speak in New Age terms of “negative energy” and “blocking vibration.” By utilizing these forces, the aliens have imprisoned us in “a frequency ‘net’ thrown around this planet.””
They control the Global Elite and Brotherhood by a combination of methods, and have crossbred with human beings, creating creatures that look human but are inwardly reptilian. These “hybrids” are “possessed” by their “full-blood” reptilian masters. The hybrid “bloodlines” continu-ally interbreed, moreover, so that the Brotherhood is not simply non-human but is also the product of intentionally manipulated unions.
We are infinite beings, he believes, designed for harmony and peace, who are trapped in a warlike matrix of the lower mind.
Along with the ruling elite these extra terrestrials were given a godlike status in the Atlantean society, which created repressive and warlike conditions and led to enslavement of Humanity.
In this “artificially created ‘construct,’ our 3-D ‘reality’ is actually quite similar to the Matrix as was seen and described in the TV movie” and succeeds in fooling us because its extraterrestrial creators are “Masters of both DECEPTION and MIND CONTROL. Thus, they are able to entertain themselves by taunting us with symbolism that we do not appreciate.
When we incarnate on Earth, the Archons maintain control over us through the distorted space-time structure with implants which confuse the human mind and emotions. These implants are crystals that are programmed and were put into mental, astral and etheric bodies of every human on Earth.
This was done with strong electronic mechanisms. On the etheric and lower astral planes, they maintain the artificial intelligence technology that holds the Matrix in place. This Matrix has a built-in alarm system that alerts these Archons if an awakened being creates a hole in the Matrix with his Light. If that occurs, they send a Reptilian slave warrior to put pressure on the psychological weak spots of this awakened person in order to lower his vibration and close the hole in the Matrix.
In addition, those Reptilian slave warriors constantly put pressure on the mind and emotions of incarnated humans on Earth in order to prevent their spiritual growth and to suppress their fight for freedom. Their power is in fear and all of their hidden agendas-all of the cover-ups. They are losing all of their power in the face of the Light, truth and courage on the part of the humans on Earth.
Icke then points to less mundane villains: “non-human entities” which he refers to as reptilian elites.
It became clear to me that the Illuminati bloodlines are human-reptilian hybrids, and the offspring of a race of reptilian humanoids that are widely described in ancient legends and accounts…. The reptilian race covertly controlling human society is from a dimension of reality very close to this one, but beyond visible light and that’s why we don’t see them. They can move in and out of visible light, however, and there are reptilian ‘cities’ and bases inside the Earth. Some top-secret underground military bases connect with them. The hybrid bloodlines…. serve their agenda on the surface and within visible light.
Marrs suggests that secretive elites are currently attempting to reduce the world population:
We now live in a culture of death and decay that has been imposed upon us by a small group of wealthy elites that publicly espouses involuntary pop-ulation reduction. We’re being killed by chemicals, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), dyes, additives, plastics, tainted water, and polluted air. . . . We are not aware of these things because precious few recognize that we are being psychologically programmed by a mass media controlled by a mere handful of corporate owners. . . . [This] ensures that we cannot protest the population reduction that threatens our very lives.”
The Illuminati is the ultimate secret society, a cabal that stretches its tentacles of control to encompass the entire world. The members of the Illuminati are the real rulers of the world, and they have been pulling the strings from be-hind the scenes for centuries. They have infil-trated every government and every aspect of society around the planet.
The conquering Romans never left the planet, or died out -they just kept reincarnating, but used a manipulative genetic science to be able to be reincarnated over and over again into positions of power. Part of this science was to keep the Reptilian/Sumerian bloodlines intact. The Alien bloodline! One of the major things they didn’t have or weren’t likely to get, was control of the other dimensions. In third dimension, these critters have a certain amount of control – over us. The illusion is that we are weak!
It is from one of these other dimensions , that the Serpent Race , the Anunnaki , is controlling this world by ‘ possessing ‘ certain bloodline streams. Yet , according to Icke , it is clear that the fourth dimensional reptilian controllers are themselves controlled by fifth dimensional entities .
In reality though, the reptilians do not need a signal to conceal their true identity, they just need humans to be shut down psychically and vibrationally. If everyone was psychic and possessed clairvoyant vision, the reptilians would have nothing to hide behind. The subliminal messages are also very reminiscent of how our minds are battered everyday by seemingly innocent advertisements.
The corporate-mass-media does very well in concealing the real meaning behind seemingly harmless products and propaganda.
They Live is a perfect example of how society operates today. Reptilian bloodlines control all the major social, political, and religious institutions of this planet so they can subvert the people by hypnotizing them with television, drugs, junk food, music, movies, fake religion, and self-made wars.
Based on archeological discoveries, the flood of Noah occurred ten centuries before Jesus walked the Earth, after which the Reptile-Aryan bloodlines shifted their center of operation from Sumer to Babylon, and it was here that the mystery schools became incorporated into the Brotherhood of the Snake.
The Reptilian Bloodlines control of Earth today. A race of extraterrestrials who were half human/half reptile instigated a skirmish in space over the territory of Earth 300,000 years ago and won. Earth became their dominion and they rearranged the D.N.A. of the native human species to broadcast within a certain limited frequency which would feed them and keep them in power. This was the first step towards global control. Uninformed and disconnected from higher consciousness, the native humans were easily controllable. In Babylon, the Brotherhood of the Snake was also colloquially known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and it is the latter which was ruled by a priest class. This priest class set up religions to control and rule the people through fear of a vindictive god and the suppression of reincarnation truths.
The Pharaohs of Egypt, the Caesars of Rome, and the monarchs of Europe were all descended from these same bloodlines, the horned headgear of Nimrod evolving into the metal crowns worn by medieval kings.
The Roman Church is wholly a creation of the Babylonian Brotherhood, as the Vatican holds massive vacuum-sealed vaults containing a wealth of esoteric knowledge which has been expunged from public domain. This is all part of the Brotherhood’s plan to keep the real knowledge for a selected elite and incubate the public in a vat of ignorance.
They who controls the past controls the now, and who controls the now the future, controls so in essence who controls the past controls the future, because the future is now. The have hoarded knowledge from reptilian bloodlines the past and kept it in secret societies so they can in this way control the past by substituting a false history and knowledge and bestow it upon the people. In the past, this was harder as people were more connected to the spirit of the Earth.
By feeding mankind through the five senses they understand just what the “Reptilian Bloodlone” want them to understand.
The reptilians control planet Earth and its entire population , according to Icke .
If someone would look for only one central commando central on Earth, this base would be The Tavistock Institute as the key-player for all mind control organisations. All scientic ideas of mind control and brainwashing teqniques of the masses orginates from Tavistcok Institute.
Tavistock Institute os founded by the Reptilian Bloodlines. They make all the basic scientific-research of groundwork, and is then been implemented by Reptilian controlled Organizations in the world.
The hybrid “Illuminati” bloodline in what makes them “different” from the rest of the population. Tavistock Intitute is part of thr shadow govermnent, they are part of global brainwashning programs, global mass mind control. Tavistock Institute is Psychopolitics – simply using mass mind-control through any method desired at the hands of the politicians, and desired by the Freemasons, Global Elite, and in the desired direction as the Illuminati Master´s wants. Part 12.
They perceive themselves as special. They are descended and genetically connected to what it is perceived as the Gods. It’s not the divine as most people perceive it. That’s where they think that they are connected to it and that’s what they say, “They have the right to rule.”
They made themselves superior and all other inferior and feeding the masses with illusions and deceptions. The Reptilians may have other higher capabilities activated, but they are not Divine God´s. More likely they are the “fallen one´s”, the fallen one´s who still think they are God´s.
If soemthing comes from the skies; they can present themselves as God´s and make people believe they are really God´s, or thet can present themselves as the “fallen one´s” and they will lose their illusionary created authority to rule over others.
To maintain a position of superior power one must maintain an illusion that all others are inferior and subservient to oneself. It is important to create a maze of illusion in religious stories so that all others are fooled into believing that they are inferior and unworthy of being equal individuals. As it becomes in the heavens so shall it be on earth.
And Francis Bacon who created Freemasons also edited the King James Bible to benefit the Freemasons Elite of Aristocracy. Again here is the creaation of separation; just the Freemasons can be enlighten to higher levels, not humans. The concept from the text example above and below this is to make themselves supeiror and the masses inferior.
In examining Proverb 25 again, one may assume that slaves, or non-freemen, could not be raised to the level of kings. therefore, in designing Freemasonry, none but freemen could be admitted, for non-freemen could not be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason and placed on the level with kings. Only freemen baring a desire for knowledge could be admitted, for they do not fulfill their roles as Master Masons unless they make use of the privileges conferred upon them by trying to search out what has been concealed.
The division between the house servants and the slave progeny of the master who believed themselves to be above everyone else. The divisions, orchestrated by the white masters, gave new meaning to the term divide and conquer
Darwin´s evolytionary theory was based on the facts to create a illusion of a master race and the slaves (the masses)
Live is not based on a flesh and blood reality. It appears to be, but it’s not. It’s a holographic reality or an illusory reality. It’s not just me saying this, if you look at quantum physics, you’ll find that it’s scientifically proven.
We are living in somewhat equivalent of a virtual reality computer program and we are being fed with artificial information into the decoding sectors of the mind. Thus, we are decoding this fake reality. It’s a fake reality, because we are being introduced to manipulative information in mainstream media, politics and even educational institutions for the sake of private gains and control.
You will have to understand sooner or later that the games are regulated for the purpose of the New World Order. The game is about to understand it before it is to late. The One World Government will not be like its presented for people and the public. Their is a Illuminat hidden in agenda in place.
You will have to understand sooner or later that the games are regulated for the purpose of the New World Order.
You got to here through the most massive and comprehensive of Human replication, Psychopolitical interactions, Microwave harassment and Mind control. It goes far beyond the old idea of “Brain-washing” for these things are now used against you IN MASS!
The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man’s mind and you control his body and all his actions. Most of you never even notice all the things that affect you subconsciously–you don’t even know what to look for. For instance, the doctors’ offices are filled with people looking for help for the “sounds in their head” and “the awful tones and ringing in their ears”. Why? It is simply pulsed tones presenting signals and messages totally accepted by the mind and fully qualified by everything your enemy shows you on the television, radio, in papers–all media.
Psychopolitics is simply mass mind-control through any method desired at the hands of the politicians.
Tavistock Institute is Psychopolitics – simply using mass mind-control through any method desired at the hands of the politicians, and desired by the Freemasons, Global Elite, and in the desired direction as the Illuminati Master´s wants.
Anais Nin said, “When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become autonomous. We cease to grow.” When the One World Government is in place and etablished, then does peoples opinion no longer mean something, and the mind cease to grow. When everything becomes automatic people lose knowledge. They more automatic human becomes the more they lose their humaneness.
When you open your mind and heart to the Infinite that is you, the Divine programming drifts through your field of awareness just like clouds drift through the sky. The divine operates not in a static mode but in an ever-evolving and innately personal knowing beyond language. Language is inadequate for describing something beyond the five senses.
Network television is used for mass mind control. When you watch television every day, your thoughts are not your own (it´s thought of the mass consciousness).
All of the Illuminati bloodlines are connected, and the “purity” of the hybrid DNA is carefully protected through controlled breeding and mar-riages. Thus a non-human race controls and manipulates humanity through hybrid bloodlines.
These bloodlines became the leaders and the Royal lines. This bloodline would appear to go back to an extra-terrestrial intervention which created hybrid bloodlines.
This brings us to the reason why the Illuminati are obsessed with bloodline. The bloodlines Thousands of years ago, indeed aeons probably, a non-human race interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines and this story is told in every …
The reptilian breeding programme appears to have produced an Anunnaki – human hybrid (Adam?)
These cyborg reptilians and their human hybrid bloodlines to control and manipulate humanity, and keep humanity stuck in their bubble of illusions and deception while these reptiles take control of planet Earth and invert it into the Archon world.
The Illuminati hybrid bloodlines with their higher ratio of Reptilian DNA makes this possession easier and this is why the Illuminati keep such detailed genetic records of family bloodlines . The joint global press announcement by … cities ‘ controlled by the Masonic / hybrid / alien ‘ elite ‘ .
How Religion Keeps Humanity Under Mind Control & Fear
Enter now, historically speaking, the writing of the Old Testament of the Bible. Here we have the greatest book of ‘stories’ of all time. Here, we have in writing the ‘servant’ of the ‘serpent’ and nothing has served these reptilian bloodlines more than religion, the ultimate form of ‘mind control’. Control the minds of people and you turn them into abject slaves to carry out your will. Mind control equals no free thinking.
Once people are ‘hooked’ on any religion, sect, cult or creed, their minds become `closed’ to anything ‘new’. The Reptilian Bloodlines and their agenda is to implement an One World Order based on old ancient history. The want the biggest empire on Earth, and when the powers is in the hand of the few, then their Empire Building includes the whole Earth in their domination.
“If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that.
“The suppression of the true knowledge of healing and the domination of drug and surgery-based “medicine” ensures that the human physical body operates at far less than its optimum potential. This is the reason for the blatant misrepresentation and suppression of the so-called “alternative” forms of healing which have been around for thousands of years longer than modern “medicine”. “Food additives, fast food, fluoride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and therefore eat in our food and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain functions and intellect. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. Thus the reptilian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling “education” and the media. This allows them to feed us a constant diet of brainless crap, like game shows, while the “news” media tells us what the controllers want us to think.
Mind Control
“This is obviously very related to religion, which is a form of mass mind control yet invented. So is advertising and television. But mind control goes much deeper than that. The Illuminati-reptilian mind-control projects have produced literally millions of mind-controlled robots in endless walks of life, who are programmed to carry out the Illuminati agenda. The effect of habitual television is powerful because the mass mind control operates on the deepest level of human response.
The reptilians keep giving more of their technology to the government and military to institute complete global mind control.
The slylest form of control is making people think they are free while having someone manipulate their every move. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell, seeing the bars. The other, a far more subtle form of control and dictatorship is when you can’t see the bars and you think you are free. The biggest hypnotist in the world is an oblong box in the corner of the room that tells people what to believe. Television, with its reach into everyone’s home, creates the basis for the mass brainwashing of citizens.
When you watch TV, the right hemisphere is twice as active as the left, which in itself is a neurological anomaly. “The crossover from left to right releases a surge of the body’s natural opiates: endorphins, which include beta-endorphins and enkephalins. Endorphins are structurally identical to opium and its derivatives (morphine, codeine, heroin, etc.).”1 In other words, your television works as a high-tech drug delivery system, and we all feel its effects. Another effect of watching television is that the “higher brain regions such as the midbrain and the neo-cortex, are shut down, and most activity shifts to the limbic system, your lower brain region. The lower or reptile brain simply stands poised to react to the environment using deeply embedded ‘fight or flight’ response programs. Moreover, these lower brain regions cannot distinguish reality from fabricated images (a job performed by the neo-cortex), so they react to television content as though it were real, releasing appropriate hormones and so on.
Tavistock concerns itself mainly with mass mind control.
Tavistock developed ever more sophisticated techniques for the individual and mass control of the human mind .
vibrational fields created by the rituals produce the frequency environment in which the reptilian and other entities can manifest in the five-sense frequency range.
Over time we become desensitized to the realities of our choices and can literally create our own hell – cut off from the highest energy this universe has to offer. Once the low vibrational soup of our own creation becomes normal to us, our progeny will not know anything different and will become almost completely severed from the infinite consciousness of the universe. Once this happens we would degenerate into little more than cyborgs with very little creative force. We can see the early stages of this going on today with young people locked into their computer devices. We can become more and more like the low vibrational archons who are methodically working to manipulate us into that future which is each day becoming more and more alarmingly a reality.
Whenever Reptilians become aware of an evolved soul on Earth, they implant them with control devices that prevent a natural awakening to the fourth and fifth dimensions.
When the Archons created bloodlines thousands of years ago to facilitate their political, spiritual and economic control of the planet, they did not take a break. The process of control, which is much like the hive mind, is well advanced and infiltrates every aspect of our lives, including family and relationships. Be mindful that as we attempt to raise our vibration, archontic forces will be working methodically to discourage us from attaining this alignment. They do not want us to reconnect with the universe. Don’t worry about this though because a high vibrational existence is infinitely more powerful than the low vibration of the archons. As long as we keep focused on raising our individual vibrations, everything not resonating with us will fall away.
The reptilian “overmind” is described by channelers as the collective mind of the Draconian elite which can invade the higher human brain and attempt to control it.
The government is what we call the old brain , or sometimes the ‘ reptilian ‘ brain
When, at last, the ‘ lid of the Overmind ‘ is pierced , the Supermind descends into, and transforms, the whole personality.
The strong , hard and bright lid of mind – mind constricting , dividing and separative ” has to be pierced through and an aperture effected for consciousness to ascend into the higher ranges and for the Light and Powe
The Fouth Dimensions that controls and has domination over the 3D Earth Dimension and controls the human ego/mind/consciousness.
Icke argues that reptilians live, unseen, all around us in a fourth dimension. This dimension is significant, he says, because it is ‘the traditional home for the “demons” of folklore and myth’. Again, just as demons are able to work through their human accomplices in witch-craze and satanic panic cosmologies, so, in Icke’s thought, ‘fourth-dimensional reptilian entities work through hybrid bloodlines because (being part reptilian] they have a vibrational compatibility with each other’.
‘Follow the Illuminati-reptilian bloodlines from the ancient world to now and they have ALWAYS taken part in human sacrifice ceremonies and blood-drinking. The sacrifices to “the gods” in ancient accounts were literally sacrifices to the reptilians and their hybrid bloodlines. The story of the blood-drinking Dracula is symbolic of the reptilian “vampires”. As to why the vampiric reptilians need to drink human blood, the answer is simple. If they do not, they are unable to ‘maintain their DNA codes in their “human” expression’. In other words, without blood, ‘they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like’.
Icke believes the reptilian brain in humans (in its present form) is not natural or normal but a product of reptilian genetic manipulation. “It acts like an enormous microchip and locks us into their control system,” he says. “Its primitive, emotional, fear-based sense of reality provides the perfect vehicle for collective control and the conflict and insecurity so essential to divide and rule.”- If Icke’s hypothesis is correct, it would mean the human species is part reptilian; or, put another way, each and every one of us is a human-reptilian hybrid.
According to Icke, the reptilian bloodlines came into being as a result of reptilian genetic engineering, and their purpose on this Earth is a very important one. It is by operating through these bloodlines, he says, that the reptilians control humanity, as they’ve been doing for thousands of years. For you see, the reptilians are indigenous to the Fourth Density, which exists within a different vibrational frequency range from our world, which is the Third Density. Our Third Density and the reptilian Fourth Density, despite differing slightly in terms of vibrational frequency (density), occupy the same space and hence interpenetrate each other. They are like neighboring radio stations. The reptilians, then, are not extraterrestrials in the true meaning of the term. They are extra-dimensional beings; they originate from outside this dimension. Icke says the reptilians have the technological capability to manifest in our density, but only to a very limited extent. And this is where the reptilian bloodlines come in to the picture.
They are from the lower fourth dimension that the reptilians control and manipulate.
The thought of the humans on this planet evolving beyond the Draconians/Reptilians is their greatest fear,” and therefore You must be suppressed and subjugated into fear and confusion as a so-called primitive race. Darwins theory was based on this, to create an illusion of them as superior, they are the Master´s and the masses the “Slaves” or the primitive race.
The Reptilian agenda is; make themselves to God´s or King´s, and make the rest to Slaves as a more primitive race.
The Illuminati dictate the policy and view of almost all areas of society . … It is through the mind and emotions that the game is played with the subconscious reality the number one target .
The programmers are always trying to outdo what they’ve done before. They are not satisfied with the old recipes for scrambled brains, they keep inventing and refining new methods. Anything and everything within their grasp has been tried. They have found that ELF and VLF electro-magnetic waves can be used to control people’s thoughts. Harmonics and sound waves are used to manipulate the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious. Harmonic generators (code named “ether-wave”) are able to imbed detailed commands which are linked to audible triggers. Voice to Skull Technology amd Syntethic Telapathy is examples fpr such voice speaking technology.
Unfortunately, the Illuminati now have the capability via their fronts to implant transmitters that will communicate messages to the human brain that are received via computers. The ability to literally have a single World Brain is within the grasp of the elite.
The Reptilian´s desire is to rule your mind, to decide your destiny, to keep you bound, to make you feel defeated, to make the mind become a casualty, a prisoner of war. The battleground in the mind is a very serious place. It is a high place that is dominant with principalities and high powers.
The Reptilians worst fear is if people begin to open the heart and connection to the infinite and their divine self, so they must prevent these action by a counter move, and the One World Government is such counter move that enslaves everyone, and this will protect their position as dominator over others, and control of planet Earth.
Their purpose then becomes to keep mankind suppressed, in a state of ignorance, in a state of spiritual sleep, connected to the finite and disconnected from the infinite, a make themselves to the masterminds of reality through illusions, manipulation, and deceptions.
It has been Lucifer’s plan from ancient times to gradually unite this entire world into a One World Government that would reject its Creator and worship Lucifer instead. The ultimate goal of all programs of mind control and enslavement is WORSHIP. Lucifer wants to be God and will do anything to trick, convince or control others to worship him. Everything else is detail. Breaking your soul’s connection to God is a prime objective, because if they can do that they can control your mind and your soul.
This “reptilian bloodline,” idea, which he also calls the Babylonian Brotherhood (as another way of obscuring his alien elements for those who might be made uncomfortable by it) is now the tentpole concept in Icke’s narrative. In short, one of these alien beings got frisky with our ancient ancestors and created a hybrid bloodline, and it’s these half-alien beings who have controlled the world from the year dot. Most or all of the current western woi ld leaders and other influential people are descendants of this hybrid bloodline.
If you think you might go to hell if you sin, you’re a slave; if you think you are just a finite body, you are a slave; if you have to wake up tomorrow and go to work and pay your bills, you’re a slave; if you are in debt, you’re a slave. It doesn’t matter if your ego proclaims its superiority in every waking second, the only way to free yourself is to relinquish your ego and embrace the truth inside of you, which is fearless. Fear is a backburner the reptilians and their crossbreeds have turned on high to ensure we stay in a panicked mode. Fear is the opposing force to love, and it is fear that holds people in bondage.
They seek out the best candidates for hybridization. They prefer militarily trained and disciplined men for this first rank. They are abducted and used to contribute their human DNA to the hybrid DNA. The resulting hybrid progeny really have little or no concern for the human race, just as their progenitors, the Reptilians themselves, have nothing but contempt for humans.
The five-sense level of his grand, unified theory of everything sums up in: Icke speaks widely about the corruption inherent in modern institutions. Media, science, politics, religion, and the rest are used as a “control system” to manipulate the way we experience reality, to “program our minds” into acquiescence.
He discussed how these institutions are dogmatic and inward-looking: “politics, science, education and media. They all stand on the same postage stamp. And anyone who wants to step off it and explore another area is ridiculed and condemned”. icke integrates all of these different institutions in one pyramidal view of society in which the centralization of power is the organizing principle.
At the top of this pyramid, which is visualized as an illustration, resides the cabal who are leading us into a global totalitarian control state. The cabal is described as a network of secret societies and powerful families, sometimes captured under the phrase “Illuminati bloodlines”. But, Icke explained, this is mere surface, since “there is this other-dimensional, non-human, level to look at”.
We now get to the “reptilian thesis” through which Icke gained his fame and notoriety (Barkun, 2006: 105). “So yes,” Icke explained, “of course on one level [the conspiracy] manifests itself as dark men sitting in suits around the table, but that’s not its origin, it goes beyond them, out of this dimension […] beyond the frequency range of visible light”. His theory “involves non-human entities that take a reptilian form [that] manipulate this reality through interbreeding bloodlines”, which become the Illuminati-hybrid family networks that rule the world.
Icke made it abundantly clear that “the road to tyranny began when these reptilian arrived here, before that the world was very different”. He sketched an image of a time long ago when people lived in harmony with the world around them and were connected to higher levels of consciousness. “And then there was a sudden change,” Icke explained, when “an energetic schism at the level of the metaphysical universe” fundamentally altered life on earth, “and we became distorted from the magnificence and harmony we were before”.
Our DNA was changed because of this reptilian intervention so that we can no longer access the world beyond the five senses. We merely “operate through the reptilian brain”, which keeps us in a continuous survival mode of fear and aggression. And this is part of the conspiracy: “they want to lock humanity in the five senses, so we don’t perceive beyond it, we are locked in that prison”.
This prison refers to “the nature of reality itself’, and it is of prime importance, Icke argued, because “what the control system doesn’t want us to know is that this reality—the one we think we are experiencing now—is an illusion!”.
Icke proposed that “the world we think we are experiencing outside of us, is [actually) inside of us. We are creating it” (43:00). Everything around us is, according to Icke, our own individual projection of the “metaphysical universe”, “eternal consciousness”, or what he often referred to as the “waveform base reality”. Pointing to his head, Icke said that “it’s all going on in here”. This projection is, however, not entirely our own as “the control system is manipulating 24/7 the way that we decode reality”, because when “you can’t control millions physically, you have to control the way they perceive themselves and the world”. Mainstream institutions play an important part in making these “prisons for our minds”, but Icke pointed to another method of mass mind control: “the moon-matrix.”
His argument is that an “energetic change is coming”, and that “truth vibrations” are going “to wake people up from this slumber” and ultimately “heal the schism” (5:03:00-5:23:00). And “it’s going to be extraordinary”, we are told; “we are going to emerge from the abyss—the suppression and all the rest of it—and remember the fantastic potential that humans once were and be who we really are”. In order to open ourselves to these “truth vibrations” and to “go down this road of freedom, we first need to free our minds from the programming of a lifetime”, Icke urged us passionately. We need to unlearn what we were told in school, school being a primary mode of indoctrination:
It is not there to enlighten us, it’s there to program us with a certain perception of reality which we carry through our lives so we will be good little slaves. Free our minds from the belief that the mainstream media is interested in telling people the truth about what is going on in the world! It’s there to do the opposite! It is there to tell us the version of reality the control systems wants us to believe, so we will respond and react the right way. Free our minds from the fake “change” politics [we are offered]! Free our minds from the fake fraudulent false-flag terrorist events! Free our minds from the idea that Big Pharma is in any way interested in human health, it’s not about human health, it’s about Big Pharma wealth! Free our mind from the fear that controls the world! Free our minds, more than anything else, from the idea that we are just “Joe Public”, that we[‘ve] got no power. The choice is to become conscious!
The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled — reincarnated — into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons (Malevolent otherworldly entities) to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed.
The Conscious Energies:
Your consciousness, or electromagnetic energy, is constantly recycled back into physical form- unless we can transcend the 3rd dimension, and are not forced back by the energies that seek to hold us here, by keep our energies vibrating at a low frequency. The key to over-standing consciousness is to over-stand what your mind is truly capable of.
Vibrations & Frequencies:
Over-stand that thoughts are things without physical form. Everything in existence began with a thought…thoughts are vibrations.
The ALL is Mind; the Universe is mental.
Modem science informs us that there is really no such thing as matter, and that which we call matter is merely interrupted energy, or force energy at a low rate of vibration. “Even material science has abandoned the theory of matter, and now rests on the basis of energy.”
Alchemy is the power, or process, of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of value. Alchemy is merely the adjusting of vibration and frequencies of energy to either make if physical or non-physical. We do this frequency adjustment when we boil and freeze water. When we freeze water we lower its vibration to a physical solid state. When we raise the vibration of water by heating it up we convert the water to air which puts it in a somewhat non-physical state. Your thoughts operate in the same manner. What you visualize in your mind is in a sense a physical object that exists in a super high frequency of non-physical existence. Alchemy is the science of converting and materializing thoughts to a physical solid/frozen ream of existence by lowering the vibration. Everything you see in existence today, whether it be a cellphone, car, computer, hat, or shoes, it began with an idea, or a thought. The brain acts like a radio, or television receiver from a broadcasting station, which is the core of the galaxy. What resides at the core of the galaxy…are Gods. `Thought’ is Light energy!
Chemistry vs Alchemy:
Chemistry is a science that deals with the composition of properties and substances. Alchemy is the science of convening the non-physical into the material, and transmuting the material back into the non-physical. Alchemy is NOT magic. It is the science of vibrations.
To start, over-stand that the Anunnaki created us (descendants of the Bantu) from an alchemical physical form to exist within this 3rd dimension. They ruled this planet until Kemet inherited the world, along with their culture, knowledge of pyramids, cosmology, sciences, and spirituality.
The Anunnaki have always ruled, and like in the Bible story of Genesis, they terraformed the Earth, created the moon from the Earth, and made animals via alchemical sciences. Today, scientists are regularly taking credit for things that have already been done by our Ancestors. Since the reign of the Roman Empire, Eurocentric scientists have tried to steal the knowledge of the ancients from their pyramids, and put their face and name on it- assured we’d never know the difference. Overcome the deception by waking your 3rd eye (pineal gland).
Over-stand that we are Light Beings trapped in physical form. We are made of electro-magnetic energy attached to consciousness and linked to the solar energy of the sun. High on the light spectrum of frequencies are radio or gamma waves, outside of our five senses. Like our Kemetic ancestors we must thrive to exist outside of our five senses that contain us in this physical realm. Your brain function like a magnet- a magnet that naturally attracts energies outside of the 3rd dimension.
Keep in mind that if any of these connections are broken, you can become trapped in the 3rd dimension of the five senses, forever. That which exists outside of the realms of over-standing (five senses) will become impossible for you to obtain.
In short, the Illuminati controls important organizations, controls or owns many key-companies that somehow can have an affect CONTROL on the five senses, because reality is formed and contructed by the five senses. Music, movie industry and media is all examples of companies that affect emotions, thoughts and the human perception.
The ego is a result of the five senses, so humans can not use the ego to free themselves from the mind prison of the ego. The ego is the fear creator that produces fear and fear resukts in low vibrations, and the prison of the mind is ego based low-fear vsaed frequencies.
Currently, human beings consciously function primarily in the 3rd Dimension, where time is experienced or perceived as linear, and reality is based on what our five senses perceive. It is a physical, material, and dense world.
Everything in existence, seen or unseen, is made up of energy, and thus vibrates. The denser the being is, the lower its vibration level.
The Reptilian key component for low vibrational freqiencies is FEAR, so they must produce an emotional and social envoriment based on fear. Fear traps the soul in the physial body.
⦁ “Multidimensional Consciousness” is the ability to be “conscious” of more than one dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions above and below our physical plane.
⦁ “Unconscious” means unaware of and unable to attend to internal and/or external stimuli within the inhabitants’ own dimension or within another dimension. Third dimensional humans are unaware of their first dimensional, second dimensional, and fourth dimensional selves. The human unconscious is best accessed through physical body messages, introspection, dreams, and meditation.
⦁ “Conscious” means aware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants’ own dimension. The third dimensional self is conscious of what can be perceived by the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
⦁ “Superconscious” is a higher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above in which the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend to stimuli of their own dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. The superconscious is innately multidimensional. The third dimensional self can become “conscious” of the superconscious through meditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment of the higher order consciousness.
Dimensions – This 3rd dimension is duality with two strands of DNA, the 1St for the survival of the species and the 2nd for procreation of the species; this is the energy we have been experiencing for millions of years, so no wonder we are having so much trouble letting go of relationships, jobs and beliefs.
If you have ever read Robert Wilson’s book, Cosmic Trigger Volume 1: Final Secret ofthe Illuminati, you will discover that the number 23 is a cosmic chiffer with strong connections to arcane magick and synchronicity. We know from our journey that secret societies and powerful bloodline families are immersed in black magick and arcane rituals, but what does the number 23 have to do with it? Science, anthropology, and history tell us many things about this peculiar number, such as: the physical biorhythm is 23 days; it takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body; the male and female each contribute 23 chromosomes during conception; a full turn of the D.N.A. helix occurs every 23 angstroms; the number of joints in the human arm is 23; there are 23 vertebrae in the human body; the male sex cycle is 23 days; Shakespeare was born on and died on April 23; the ideal orbit for a satellite is 23,000 miles above the Earth; 2/3 = 0.666.
Whatever the obsession with 23, it seems to be a recurrent theme throughout our game on planet Earth. Remember, it’s just a polarity integration game, and the number 23 might be a node between the light and the dark. I believe the number 23 is a powerful number.
Most of your D.N.A. is phonon maser D.N.A., which produces an epigenetic effect of minerals, nutrients, and toxins. Genes themselves are controlled by the stimulation or induction of toxins, nutrients, and scalar signals (phonon maser waves). Epigenetic control occurs via the cell membrane which acts as a chemical and scalar signaler. You can be hit by a light, sound, or scalar infraredometry wave that can be created with a beat frequency using current technology. If there are certain minerals or frequencies in the environments, certain genes can be switched on or off. Since all the cells of living organisms talk, they are superconductor scalar sound light phonon masers which are coherent and supersede chemical sound messengers; they are also fully integrated with the chemical, neurological, and enzymatic control systems such as phosphorylation, enzyme cleavage or activation, and operational cell cytostructure.
The Tavistock institute hidden psychology for mass mind control and brainwashing technology, and the “new” digital global world brain.
Tavistock concerns itself mainly with mass mind control. plan for world domination. They want world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost.
What are the goals of this secret elite group? We know the ultimate goal is world domination and total control, but how do they plan to achieve such a worldwide coup?
Their game plan has many tentacles that are far reaching and all encompassing, but even more importantly…”they” have been…and continue to be, patient.
These individuals already have all the money anyone could ever dream of having, but money is not enough. They want global control of the people…enough said.
(1) A one world order where the nation state has been abolished and a single totalitarian control center established.
(2) The simultaneous psychological control of the world or, using their term, “societry.” Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind control orientation.’
This few Clique of Reptilian Rulers is good at using ignorance, deception and other tactics to get their members or puppets to manipulate the masses and make the people buy into their secret agenda without them knowing what they are doing. When they see that there are some people in the masses who can put one and one things together and get their facts, they resolve into mind control through trauma, religions, cultic movements, lies, deceptions and other forms. Still, they need as much tools as means to let the whole world to submit to their agenda. So they resolve again to what is to be regarded as extraterrestrial attack and other ground to cause conflicts.
There are so many methods, designed manipulations, dictatorial weaved web by this elite-controlled organisations around the world These methods are a coup d’etat on the mind of the masses. One of the key techniques is what David Icke calls the Problem-Reaction-Solution, or for use Hegel´s words; Thesis, Antithesis, and Syntehsis. Another method is Order Out of Chaos, a third method is predictable programming.
One is reminded of the Freemasonic legend ” Ordo Ab Chao,” Order Out of Chaos, which could just as easily describe the Tavistock method of destroying a target subject, or a target population, prior to reprogramming; the Tavistock modus operandi. Throughout the Tavistock literature—either official or Tavistock-inspired—they reiterate their “global vision” and make it clear that the institute is intended to work its long-term “societry” on the world regardless of the wishes of individuals who inhabit it.
It was James Warburg who said: “We shall have a world government whether or not you like
The ‘supernatural’ direction that science is taking — for example, ‘mind uploading’, the merging of the mind with machines. Through this humans brain will be connected to a mega-super-computer, which will become the global world brain and the new police or fascist state of the mind.
An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us
One mind, one world language, one world monetary system, and one world numbering system! We are there, and pretty soon we will see a one-world government forced upon us.
At a certain time in the prophetic future, there will be a crisis on the whole earth. This will not be just a crisis in one country. This crisis will grip the whole earth or four winds, the Bible says. This crisis is going to set the stage for a New World Order. In Daniel and Revelation, it’s pictured as the beast or the beast system.
For a start you sheeple must stop believing everything that goes on in the world is reality. What you read in the papers or watch on the TV is carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to hide the real world and what’s happening in it from you.
“The select few have to publicly declare their intentions to the world. In effect they have to publish their mission statement, for the world to read.
One important policies for “ new world order ” is to bring into submission and dominate other countries and nations.
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive, powerful elite group with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which replaces sovereign nation states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that ideologises its establishment as the culmination of history’s progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organisations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes. It is a one-world government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchs, who self-select from amongst their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.
World leaders have embraced the idea that the various nations should be united to such an extent that they grow into a world state, thereby superseding and eliminating the conflicts and differences of the past. The process of globalisation is gaining momentum while steadily moving away from the biblical principle of sovereign and self-sufficient nations towards a new world order in which a world government will eventually gain full control over all nations. That will set the stage for a world dictator to institute a global reign of terror. It is not the first time in history that powerful global structures are created, thereby allowing a world dictator to control all nations, exploit them economically and subject them to domination by a false world religion. Various world governments in ancient times, of which the Babylonian, Greek and Roman empires were the best known, established structures of this nature. All these empires utterly oppressed the nations under their control and eventually all collapsed.
Conspiracy theorists believe that the New World Order will also be implemented through the use of human population control in order to more easily monitor and control the movement of individuals. The means range from stopping the growth of human societies through reproductive health and family planning programmes, which promote abstinence, contraception, and abortion, or intentionally reducing the bulk of the world population through genocides by mongering unnecessary wars, plagues by engineering emergent viruses and tainting vaccines, and environmental disasters by controlling the weather.
Man in evolving the New World Order has created a system whereby only the fittest survives. A force will sweep away all those who are operating on weak emotions and low life energy to make way for the so-called ‘better humans’ who will be under the control of a few who are running the New World Order.
A slave is a person held in bondage, in thrall—a person in physical, moral, and (or) mental captivity. Mind is the human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thoughts, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. Information is the food of the mind, and it is an ordered sequence of symbols, data, instruction, mental stimulus, perception, representation, meaning, pattern, communication, or knowledge that transmits a message. The human mind is the powerhouse of the body, and when the mind is arrested or functionally disabled with any form of information, then the person is incapacitated.
A mental slave is someone who suspends his intellectual faculties and subjugates himself to the will, beliefs, and attitudes of another person or group. Mental slavery is the inability to view events, or one’s self, objectively. A mental slave will not apply his brain to evaluate what he is being told, to discover what is true and rational; mental slaves are in the habit of accepting and believing what is told to them, whether it makes sense or not. Often the mental slave does not even stop to ask himself whether what is being said makes sense or not; what is important is that my side said it.
Mental slavery is a situation whereby a person’s mind is either drifted to the wrong course, held still (motionless), or fed with poisonous (damaging) information. A mental slave is one who is mentally held captive with deceptive information or a person whose mind is held motionless.
Generally, mental slavery is primarily a result of misinformation, weird superstitions, unhealthy and standstill traditional beliefs and cultural practices, faulty and weak education, misuse of religion and maladministration of religious doctrines by untrained individuals, reverse modern-day colonialism (neo-colonialism), and summarily, any form of mind diversion that is intended for deceitful purposes.
The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology and cannot disconnect from it. Technology is always harnessed to a particular end. Technology is not neutral. We think it frees us. We are free to walk within the prescribed parameters of the app or website we inhabit. That is not freedom. That is an animal in a digital cage, nothing more. The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you…look beyond your immediate gratification to understand this. Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose. Technology reflects the Elite’s passions, capacities, and values. It is all about control and hypnotism. The One World Order Government is their dream to control everbodies life, mind and consciouness.
With One World Order follows One World Enslavement. The Reptilians working with double agendas, one is the outwardly and public lie they want everyone to believe in, and their own secret “illuminati” socities” agenda. Just a very few people at the top of the hierarchy of power structure knows the real plans, the rest is a form deception propagnda.
Their inner plan is not to create a world for 10 billion people, rather depopulate with; how knows what the numbers is to create a Earth in perfect balance is. The guiding stone reveals numbers so low as 500 millions.
The public reason is that people and nation must unite in their concept of “One World Government” to save the Planet, save the climate, unite against an evil Alien attacks and fight them together with the One World Government.
The Reptilians has always has their own agenda, how to divide and conquer, and how to rule and suppress all of the human race.
What they fear is;
If people get so much knowledge so they even growing above them in power
The fear people will connect more than today´s 6-8% of their total 100% of their brain power
They fear mass awakening for humankind
They must protect their Reptilians bloodlines
They have so much money, so know they want domination of planet Earth and they want your mind and consciousness
Greed of power and Empire building and expanding their terrority to include all the world, all the people, all the nation, al the governments, into One World Government ruled by Reptilians Bloodlines.
Identifying these people at the soul level and controlling and manipulating their thoughts and actions can only be accomplished by experts in genetics and mind control. The Reptilians are known to be masters of both. This influence can only be exercised from a higher dimension, especially as regards having a view outside of time, thus being able to create timely synchronicities and incidents. As lower fourth-dimensional, or astral, creatures, the Reptilians have that perspective. They use third-dimensional entities like the Greys, hybrids, and the protohuman Illuminati to do their dirty work. It requires too much energy for them to manifest in the third dimension.
Our ancient star gods were the same reptilians (i.e., Anunnaki) who have corrupted and manipulated Earths religions for thousands of years. They created the secret societies! Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
If we can focus on unveiling the secrets of mind control, human or alien instigated, we may regain our power back as a race, free from the false god, manipulated religious corruptions, or the shadow government-military-industrial complex.
Because the Intervention is being carried out by small groups of intervening forces, it must rely primarily upon deception and persuasion to achieve its goals. The Allies Briefings describe in detail how this is being accomplished and what we must do to stop it.
This extraterrestrial Intervention is being focused in four arenas:
• It is influencing individuals in positions of power and authority to cooperate with the Intervention through the promise of greater wealth, power & technology
• It is creating hidden establishments in the world from which the Intervention can exert its influence in the Mental Environment, seeking to make people everywhere open and compliant to its will through a “Pacification Program”
• It is manipulating our religious values and impulses in order to gain human allegiance to their cause
• It is taking people against their will, and often without their awareness, to support an interbreeding program designed to create a hybrid race and a new leadership who would be bonded to the “visitors.”
The reptilian vibrational connection to humanity is through the emotion of fear. If they can manipulate humanity into a state of fear , as they have , they make the vibrational connection which allows them to control the human psyche. They are also playing at home , you might say , because they are experts on the emotion of fear .
The reptilian influence
The reptilian entity is a key element of a belief system promoted by David Icke (1999). He draws huge audiences who come to hear how a particular spiritual metaphysics accounts for undesirable aspects of our society. Ward (2014) succinctly summarized Icke’s philosophy as follows.
[David Icke] argues that the universe is made up of “vibrational” energy. The world as we perceive it is just a holographic projection of this. Time is an illusion; there is no past and no future, only an infinite now. Humans are infinite awareness; we are consciousness (“All that there is, has been and ever can be”), but we are victims of a conspiracy. An inter-dimensionary race of beings called the Archons have hijacked our world and have stopped us from realising our true potential. Instead, they keep us trapped in “five sense reality”, feeding off the negative energy created by fear and hate. … A genetically modified human/Archon elite of shape-shifting reptilians manipulate global events to keep us in this state of fear. Only by waking up to the truth and filling our hearts with love can we defeat this Archontic influence.
Icke’s view is attractive because it offers an explanation of how many current political events have an external cause. He believes that non-terrestrial reptilians control humans in positions of power in order to harvest the maximum amount of negative energy from mainstream humanity. This low-vibration energy of consciousness is generated when humans experience emotions such as fear and sadness. Icke maintains that the reptilian influence can be negated with the power of love.
They are physical entities that are projecting into their own astral realm. Those projections in the astral realm are then abiding by your astral realm, connecting to the human astral realm. Thus they are able to influence, yes.” The reptilians exist in an astral realm that is vibrationally compatible with the human astral realm. There they interact directly with humans in the lower astral vibrations where human emotions such as fear are expressed.
“They do not have the same functioning integration process to the human race. They do not come through incarnation, they come through integration. One may be influenced by them. They influence others to think according to their process.” So the reptilians cannot use the incarnation process to create a hybrid consciousness. Instead, they influence human consciousness after birth in order to encourage fearful thought processes in the human.
How one could escape the reptilian influence in particular, they responded, “To raise vibration, to always show love means that there is no potential to be influenced.” That is, when we are in a state of love, we cannot be affected by lower-vibration influences. The analogy of a low-pass filter can help to understand why. Every being’s vibrational energy appears as if it passes through such a filter. The reptilian’s filter has a cut-off frequency that is lower than that of a human. So to avoid the reptilian influence, we should raise our vibration above the reptilian’s highest possible vibration.
The Illuminati and the reptilian strategy has always been to work in the shadows and therefore “They work in secret. The less attention that they draw to themselves, the more they can influence another.” When the reptilian scheme is no longer secret, perhaps it could be thwarted with the appropriate intention. For example, a meditator may actively ignore the reptilian influence mediated by the global mechanism. Success might be felt as an unusual lightness of being, suggesting a connection with a higher-vibration consciousness normally blocked by the reptilian mechanism.
The reptilians have a long history of influencing the human race. How long is not known, but they had opportunity since humans were placed on this planet. A global mechanism for connection encouraged the new humans to begin the formation of a collective consciousness. It was meant to facilitate the spiritual evolution of the human race. The mechanism was co-opted by the reptilians to potentiate fear in susceptible humans. The humans would then generate more of the low-vibration energy desired by the reptilians.
Humans have a well-known survival instinct, otherwise known as a fear of death. A healthy fear of death would seem to promote the survival of a species, and so it is often assumed to be encoded in an organism’s DNA. However, this assumption may not apply to the survival instinct. Perhaps the fear of death is continuously stimulated by the reptilian influence enabled by the inbuilt global mechanism.
Humans can simply raise their vibrational state to as high a level as possible so they are not affected by the low-vibration energy.
The Reptilians who will create a One World Government will connect the human brain and merging it with their super-mega-computer program or the global world brain, and this will protect them or their Reptilian Bloodline from possible mass awakening
The reptilian methodology is subtle and it requires that they remain hidden. “They work in secret. The less attention that they draw to themselves, the more they can influence another.” Ignoring people like David Icke unwittingly hides the reptilians’ true nature so they can continue to operate in secret.
The reptilians use a global mechanism in consciousness to stimulate low-vibration human emotions. These emotions are indirectly responsible for what humanity is doing to itself. When we are not aware of this process, we will not develop strategies to counteract it. Drawing attention to the methodology employed may prompt humans to escape the reptilians’ hold over humanity.
You have been closely monitored since the day you were born. And by now you have also been conditioned to be okay with that fact. You go through their schooling, and you are taught only what they want you to know. With this amazing knowledge, you become a paycheck-earning member of the workforce and begin making make-belief money so you can feed it back into the system, creating a perpetual cycle where you are always enslaved by the debts you owe.
Those who believe they have discovered this “secret to life” often keep it contained within occult fraternities, hoping to keep the vast majority of people ignorant of their supposed “truth” so they can keep others from becoming “enlightened” so they can more easily take advantage of them. This sort of spiritual supremacism often leads to Social Darwinism, which is the philosophy of the survival of the fittest. These people have no concern for their fellow man.
The Illuminati often use “double speak” to conceal their real agenda and present powerful propaganda to the masses who often blindly accept it as the truth without a second thought. The general public have been so dumbed down, they will believe anything their favorite political party tells them and are easily mislead by language and rhetoric that is meant to disguise the speaker’s true intentions. For example, the Department of Defense is really the Department of War, and that’s what it used to be called until the government changed its name in 1949.
The masses of humanity are as yet totally unaware of the spiritual realities that they now must consciously confront. They stand unknowingly at the threshold. Not even the events of this century so far have awakened them: for them physical life is always completely absorbing and usually exhausting. The masses in their blindness have become hopeless victims of a whole series of world disasters and today they stand bewildered and alarmed and ready to panic into any plausible policy of violence. It is the tragedy of the ordinary man that he never listens to the warnings of the prophets until doom is upon him, and then he is too terrified to listen and too stupefied to understand, and in any case too late. One would have thought that he would need no prophet to convince him that he is faced with world catastrophe and disaster. The problem is that the average person is unable to read the changing scenes of the times.
If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self—enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archontic Deception Strategy.
Throughout the course of history, there are a number of names for mind control that describe a common goal: to take over a person’s innermost thoughts and control his or her behaviors and actions. Brainwashing, coercion, thought reform, mental manipulation, psychological warfare, programming, conversion, gas lighting, indoctrination methods, psychic driving, crowd control: They all describe a method by which a person’s individual thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are disrupted, dismissed, and destroyed—even replaced with the thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions of someone else. whether designed to create the perfect assassin or super soldier, indoctrinate prisoners of war, recruit members into a cult or religious belief system, or control the consuming masses and direct their behaviors in accordance to the political whims of the day, mind control has been used extensively in our past, is in use today, and no doubt will be used in the future.
The Elite are presently working very hard at cultivating FEAR among the masses. They do this by staging, or broadcasting, natural or man made disasters, wars and pestilence around the world at regular intervals. FEAR keeps people ASLEEP. Someone who is ASLEEP has no FREE WILL. They are enslaved. FREE WILL is one of the fundamental laws of this universe. The Elite have broken that law by taking away the FREE WILL of billions of living beings in this planet.
Fear and illusion are synonymous. Fear has no reality whatsoever. Fear is that component of the illusion that says you can be destroyed somehow, or you can be harm or you can experience pain which is perceived to be all very real to the ego. The large part of the illusion lies in who you believe you are. In the perceptions of many lifetimes you believe you have a physical body that can be destroyed or can be hurt. You believe that you can be controlled. You believe that you can control others. There are a lot of beliefs that you have. Now, these beliefs say that you are in danger, and so the beliefs d say you are in danger translates to fear. Fear started expressing through emotions. Now fear began to express itself emotionally in many ways as the ego reacted to its perception of its experiences. Fear reacts in the emotion of happiness.
Mainstream media, highlighting the ways the global elites and these mainstream corporations and governments manipulate human consciousness through subliminal messages, symbolism, and false propaganda. The reason for this mind control—or conscious control, is to ensure that we don’t think for ourselves and to keep us in a low vibration consciousness level so that we keep turning to the media to solve our every issue and so that we fight to keep the status quo. They want us in a low vibrational state because it keeps us from raising our vibrations and becoming aware of who we are and our Divine gifts. It keeps the global elites in control by having us “freely” hand over our Divine power. It keeps the global elites in power. The global elites need us to be in a low vibrational state to keep the status quo. Those who seek to control the masses thrive of fear and use that fear to create that which they wish to see in the world.
The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. Therefore, mainstream news channels and media are doing the work for the global elites, which promotes fear, ego, negative public opinion, competition, hate, separation, and lower vibration mental states.
There’s kind of a race on. They had been aware that this awakening was coming and therefore they’ve been preparing for it. What we’re seeing now is a race between them locking everything down to the point where there’s no margin. You see this is why they want microchips. In the end, these few centimeters at the back of the brain are key. That’s because the micro-chipping is about the external, but the external manipulation of the sense of reality becomes created reality and that’s manifested by the brain.
Why are they telling us what they want and what’s coming in movies?
Surely, they don’t want us to know. They do it, because the more they’re feeding that information into the subconscious mind the more that is becoming the future reality of the subconscious mind which then becomes the manifested reality of the conscious mind. It’s like putting information into a computer and then pressing enter and it comes up on the screen.
What we are dealing with is a force hidden from human sight that understands how reality operates, how we interact with it, and how we create it. It is a set up in society through its control of science — not least through funding and peer pressure and all the other stuff that goes on. Through the media and what we bravely call education, which is keeping from people this understanding of reality.
Thus, if you know how “reality” works and know how you can manipulate people to perceive the reality you want is what is played behind the scenes. All the stuff they put in movies and television programs is far ahead of what they’re seeking to create. You know the reality that we’re experiencing here every day. You stand and look into the night sky and you see all those lights, all those planets and stars – billions of light years away. What you are seeing exists in that form only or in a few cubic centimeters at the back of your brain where the brain decodes information in electrical form through an illusory physical reality which is actually holographic.
So, if you want to bring down this whole conspiracy, to its real bottom line, it is about what controls those few centimeters at the back of your brain. That’s because if they do it by programming your sense of reality, you will perceive and thus manifest your individual and collective experience of what they have programmed you to decode and manifest. They’ve proven that humans are builders, designers, creators, so they simply program us to manufacture what they want for private gains and control — it’s all happening below our radar.
In fact, it goes much deeper than that.
When you expand your mind, you go beyond consciousness and gain a greater sense of awareness. You are increasing your potential every time you do that, because you have the power to control those centimeters at the back of your brain that are creating your visual reality. Therefore the programming gets harder to impose itself. Then your mind starts to truly open up to new possibilities and way of life. The globalists are programming the public, because they believe of possessing a spiritual influence to do this. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, they believe it — and they will not stop until they do it.
The globalist moving forward of their own inertia like a juggernaut.
“The reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.”
Through predictable programming in news and media people slowly accepts all ideas that is presented to them.
They’ manipulate the world’s misinformation, ‘they’ want to ‘feed us’ what their machines have in store. ‘They’ try to control what we eat, and ‘they’ try to control what we think. This globalized brethren is a virus that infects one’s consciousness. They want to infect our mind and body, so that they have ultimate control and dominion over the people and land masses. All ‘they’ need is for us to watch television. All ‘they’ need to do is control what you see and hear, thus control what you subconsciously think about. All the ruling imperial elite need to do is control your mind, using repetition and subliminal messaging to get their ideas across. ‘They’, this virus broadcasts oncoming’ head-colds’ with their propagating propagandas, setting the stage with their screens. ‘All the “Upper Class Occult Elite” need to do is advertise lies, catching your attention, to control what you find.” ‘They’ control the news of our history. These dictators and initiated owners of colonialism and disunity are a viral-self-destructive threat to mankind! They’ slow one down, they try their best to control one’s time.”
And again, it´s even goes much deeper than what you already have read here. Here is the next layer of that hidden knowledge.
People can upgrade their knowledge closer to Tavistock Institute level how the human mind and consciousness actually is working and how it is been manipulated and controlled.
The body is simply a biological computer that´s downloading a specific fredquency that you ecperience as yourself
The connection and the ability to be able to read and decode the energy field aroundit is virtually non-existent, and because of this we are literally experiencing about 3% of reality
The body is simply a biological computer that´s downloading a specific fredquency that you ecperience as yourself
The connection and the ability to be able to read and decode the energy field aroundit is virtually non-existent, and because of this we are literally experiencing about 3% of reality
Here is a text from Max Igan speech in a YouTube video “You better pay attention to this!”. This explains many key components how the brain, society, the world is ruled by fear based frequencies, and these fear based frequencies is what the Reptilians and Global Elite is using for Mind Control People, and this includes the psychological mass mind control used by Tavistock Institute.
Reality is much more complex than any judgment of right or wrong encourages you to believe when you really understand the ethical spiritual social economic and psychological forces that shape individuals.
You will see that people’s choices are not based on a desire to hurt, instead they are in accord with what they know, and what world views are available to them. Most are doing the best they can, given what information they’ve received, and what problems they are facing.
Everything that exists,, everything within all creation manifests through the harmonic vibration of light and sound.
Everything that exists is light and sound, everything that exist sis at its most basic form simply pure energy, and energy is the stuff that drives the universe itself.
All things are created from this energy. If you really get down to it and look at reality on a quantum level.
It’s all about different vibrational frequencies of light and sound. Everything, and it’s all connected because all is energy. What we experience in the reality that we live in is that everything is connected by energy and the energy permeates everything.
Much like the water permeates everything that exists within the ocean. You see we’re actually swimming in an ocean too folks it’s an ocean of energy.
We are quite literally moving through an ocean made of energy. That permeates absolutely everything and this is why everything is connected. This is why everything is one everything comes from a single source and this is how we are connected and it’s how we are also completely separate.
Now when you really begin to get a grasp on this and you really begin to figure out what’s going on here and you realize that the body is simply a biological computer that’s downloading a specific frequency that you experience as yourself.
You really begin to question why human consciousness is in such a disunited state. You begin to see how easy it would actually be to change reality.
And you have to also begin to question how we got into this disunited state.
We only have three percent of our dna active we’re only experiencing a very very small bandwidth of reality, and that most of our bodies shut down our pineal gland is completely inoperative.
When you really look at the entire human organism from an energetic perspective. It is something that is virtually inoperative. The higher senses are simply not functioning.
The connection and the ability to be able to read and decode the energy field around us is virtually non-existent. And because of this we are literally experiencing about three percent of reality.
If you had a car and it was operating to three percent of its capability. If you had a computer that was functioning on three percent of its processor power, able to access three percent of the internet and use three percent of its graphics. In both cases you would consider your machinery to be inoperative.
And yet what we have is human consciousness driving a vehicle that is in exactly this same inoperative state, but we don’t realize it’s happening because we don’t look at reality from the correct perspective.
What i’m attempting to convey here is the concept of the energetic universe, and energetic universe that functions entirely upon electrical stimuli.
And it’s the space itself that is real it’s the space that contains all of this energy. What we perceive to be blank empty space, it’s not empty at all.
It’s full it’s full of energy. And this energy is the real stuff of the universe, and all matter is simply divisions in space. It’s sections of energy that have coalesced to form matter based on perception.
This information is known very well by many indigenous tribes.
And this is why the elite went to such an extraordinary effort in order to wipe out these indigenous tribes, because they wish to hide this information.
And indeed most of what’s been done to suppress these indigenous cultures, and most of what’s been done within modern society through the application of our left brain education and our religious institutions has been to suppress this knowledge, to suppress this understanding of reality from people.
Because it’s a very empowering understandingand having this understanding helps people to think outside of the box, and thinking outside of the box is what will essentially free people from the matrix that they believe to be real.
The thing is what you find is that most indigenous cultures, still think with their whole brain.
They still view reality from both a left and a right brain perspective. Whereas most westernized people.
People that exist within modern society. Due to walking on flat ground and due to having square corners everywhere. And this this completely unnatural environment that they live in, and through the constant sensory bombardment that the left brain gets.
People are not even aware that they’re only using half their brain. They’re not even aware that a right brain perspective of reality even exists. But a right brain perspective of reality is what helps you read the energy around you.
It’s what helps you understand the workings of the universe and the workings of reality. And it’s what frees you from the matrix.
An interesting experiment you can try is to, rather than focus always upon the matter that exists around you. And the objects that exist around you try to pay some attention to the space between the objects that is created by the presence of the object.
We perceive it to be irrelevant to devote any attention to the spaces between objects.All we see are the objects and so we create a world that is full of these objects, but we don’t experience the real world because of it.
We don’t experience the energetic stuff that creates all of these objects we only experience the objects themselves. Simply due to the perception that we have, and the perspective do we look at things from and this is a perspective that we’ve been trained to look at things from through our left brain education system, and our religious systems arevery very good at preventing people from ever making these connections.
And looking within themselves because our religious institutions are all designed to cause people to put their attention and their expectation upon something which is external to themselves.
Rather than ever looking for salvation from within and there’s a big clue in that there’s a big clue as to why such an extraordinary amount of effort and such meticulous attention has been devoted to detail.
In order to prevent mankind from ever gaining this understanding and from ever looking within themselves.
Because it is within each of us that the answers to all of the problems we face ultimately lie.
When you really begin gaining a clear understanding of the fact that it is an energetic universe and that everything that happens in the universe happens electromagnetically.
You begin to see a little bit of why the human dilemma exists
You see essentially what has happened is because we have been cut off from our higher senses, and we are unable to read the energy field around us and we all need energy to survive.
We tend to extract that energy from each other. We set up systems and business systems and social systems and relationship systems whereby we are able to harvest energy from other people. We put ourselves in a position where we have a constant flow of energyfrom those around us.
Sometimes this can be quite beneficial and quite harmoniousand things can work out quite well, but it’s never truly where we should be, and very often it simply creates animosity and division.
People tend to have stuff with other people many people may wish to hurt those who have wronged them or profit from people around them and these sorts of things and this is all energy harvesting and they do this because they’re disconnected from source.
They simply don’t know how to tap into the energy field that’s all around us, and so they have to extract it from a more readily available source which is another person and that’s basically what we do.
And the reason this has become so prominent in modern society is because
I mean that’s all it really is folks.
⦁ Our education system is fear-based.
⦁ Our social structure is fear-based
⦁ Our corporate and business world is all fear-based
It’s all centered around a fear of shortage and the concept that themeaning of life is the one with the most stuff wins. And it’s all fear-based. It’s all fear-based and ego-based.
The way to fix all the problems that we face in the world is to remove fear from your consciousness.
And I believe that something that is very beneficial and very helpful in removing that fear, is to understand what reality is and how reality works.
Because I’ve found that by incorporating a right brain understanding into your perception of reality, you can literally change reality you can change your personal reality anyway. When i’ve attracted so many different things into my life and I´ve attracted so many different events and different people into my life simply through following the synchronicity in my life that becomes more apparent the more i open up my right brain and you find that reality wants to interact with you.
But you only want to interact with reality. And to try to put that a little bit clearer it’s like we feel that our input is all that matters. We don’t consider the input of reality itself.
And, all you find is you’re actually part of this ongoing dialogue between you and reality it’s like a conversation that’s going on between yourself and the universe. But you’re not listening. The universe is attempting to speak to you but you’re not listening.
It’s like you’re having a conversation with someone but you’re wearing earplugs and you can’t hear what’s being said to you, and you’re the one who’s doing all the talking. That’s kind of the way we interact with reality. We talk to each other, we might talk to our animals, but we don’t talk to the energy field around us. Well we do talk to it, but we don’t listen to what it says back to us. This is actually a language that you’re speaking because you’ve forgotten what the language is and you don’t have the highest senses active that are required to perceive this language and comprehend this language.
And just see one of the biggest obstacles to you ever accessing these higher senses and ever understanding this language is fear.
It’s the vibration that fear sets up within your body within your system, within your whole energy field. And this is why our entire society and everything about it, is all based on fear.
As I said it’s fear-based mind control, they control your mind so that you don’t perceive anything outside of a left brain reality. You don’t perceive anything outside of the five sense perception that you have of reality.
And the reason I attempt to explain the way reality functions and look at things electromagnetically and attempt to help people understand the electrical nature of the universe is because I believe that when you have this understanding and you finally comprehend what reality is and how it works – then fear just falls away from you. You’begin to see that there really is nothing to fear and that the only real problem is the vibration of fear itself. That’s the problem. (End of Max Igan text).
The most prevalent conscious fear is that of physical survival because the body is believed to be the primary reality of life. We fear death because we are unsure of what comes after it. The Inner Self was never born. It will never die or ever change. It can´t be created because it has always exist. Your inner soul knows you are eternal. You are formless in that part of yourself and have no boundaries. Without boundaries there is no birth, no death. What was born will die, what was never born, can never die. The soul seeks a inner immortality in consciousness that involves going beyond the form-based body and thought-based mind. The ego seeks to continue its worldly drives and ambitions by renewing the body. The soul seeks for true immortality beyond the body. The ego is rooted in the fear of death. The soul meanwhile is not afraid of death but only of ignorance or lack of awareness. If we learn to die every day to the ego. then our entire lives will be rooted in immortality. One can only know the immortal Self by dying to the mortal self and ego. One can only enter into the pure consciousness beyond death by letting go of the mind and its attachments in the field of time. Death, in fact, is an illusion, perhaps the greatest of all illusions, created by the ego. Luke 17:36 simply means that one has expanded in consciousness to the point they leave the belief system of the Mass Consciousness behind.
The One World Government is based on FEAR and FEAR is the driving force that creates a flase need of a One World Government ruled by a few selected Reptilians.
Which Government rules the world? The Shadow Government / Parallel Government / Secret Government / Permanent Government, or Illuminati and powers of The Tavistock Institute. Tavistock is part of the global shadow government. What is the “Deep State”? Part 9.
One of the key agencies as a conduit for secret instructions from Tavistock is the Ditchley Foundation, founded in 1957.
Committee 300 is another fron organization that carries out the master´s desires of the Illuminati.
Nikola Tesla said; Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.
As Nikola Tesla said, “The gift of mental power comes from the source of all creation, be it of divine being or whatever we choose to believe in. If we concentrate our minds into this divine source, we become in tune with its greater power.” Conscious awareness of this source is essential for all learning and tuning in.
Nikola Tesla adds; “We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other willful effort of the brain, is futile.
Holy Spirit, God, and Divine Being are different expressions of the experience of System 3. This is the state where the “finer fibers” that Tesla mentioned attune to the creative broadcast. It is the key to accessing higher creativity and the portal for profound inspiration. You don’t have to believe in a particular religion or spiritual path in order to access this state.
“There is no difference between the Creator and creation, just as there is no difference between the ocean and its waves.”
Buddha said that reality is but an illusion. If a highly evolved consciousness and machine can affect the physical world together, then we are still in the early stages of learning about the brain. The physical world and our conscious evolution are still evolving. As of now, we don’t know to what extent consciousness affects us or anything out there. Can a machine and brain become conscious and thus evolve to a higher level than us? If physical reality is an illusion, then is consciousness real? Or is consciousness how it all started? In fact, something conscious created this wonderful universe we experience with our eyes. That something gave us consciousness itself. Then we began to evolve as conscious human beings.
Consciousness is all around us. Anything we create with our mind is also conscious. The biology of our body communicates with the environment around it through the cells in the body. When we think, feel, and experience anything, our cells accelerate and communicate with other cells out in the environment via receptors. The energy in our body is created by the signals of the field of information. This field is what connects us consciously with our evolving conscious awareness.
Tavistock Institute knowledge about ego. mind, consciousness and how they through this deeper knowledge can manipulate ego, mind, consciousness and control the perception of humans through agendas, doctrines, hidden technologies, advanced knowledge about mind control and brainwashing.
People can upgrade their knowledge closer to Tavistock Institute level how the human mind and consciousness actually is working and how it is been manipulated and controlled.
The body is simply a biological computer that´s downloading a specific fredquency that you ecperience as yourself
The connection and the ability to be able to read and decode the energy field aroundit is virtually non-existent, and because of this we are literally experiencing about 3% of reality
The body is simply a biological computer that´s downloading a specific fredquency that you ecperience as yourself
The connection and the ability to be able to read and decode the energy field aroundit is virtually non-existent, and because of this we are literally experiencing about 3% of reality
This world makes it difficult to disconnect from fear, because the “Reptilian Bloodlines” has created and designed a society, culture and world based on fear and low vibrational frequencies. The fives senses is bombarded by fear based stimulated propaganda news every day through news, media and the movie industry.
As long they can keep the human mind suppressed into the lower matrix, then they can´t free themselves from the envoriment that traps and enslaves them into the lower physical reality and its Matrix.
Even the upcoming One World Government is based and designed out of fear and chaos. Because they have orchestrated the events of the world, it seems the world is in need of a better solution that exist now. The solution is the One World Government, but they who provides the solution is the one´s who created the problems to give them the power to implement a system that will enslave the whole world, into the hands of the few.
Tavistock Institute in linked to Hollywood, Bilderberger Group, Freemasons, Illuminati, The Military, Secret Service Agencies, Committee 300 and is closely affiliated with Stanford, MIT and NASA it is head-quartered in London and operates a six billion dollar a year network of foundations. Part 8
The Tavistock Institute is the premier brainwashing mind control institute in the world. Central bankers based in the City of London control the cartels that dominate the world and they have their own agendas. Tavistock is part of the global shadow government.
This might be tolerable if limitless wealth was all they wanted. But they also want limitless power: not just one-world dictatorship but total control over our minds and souls. Popular culture is engineered to brainwash each of us from cradle to grave. Trends and megatrends are manufactured, engineered by corporations.
Since its inception, the Club of Rome, on behalf of the Illuminati and the Tavistock Institute, has established a vast global network of national chapters, which wield influence over policy makers.
What the above narrative depicts, is an organized attempt by trea-sonous Illuminati front organizations to brain wash the global populace into accepting the destruction of national sovereignty, in preparation for the implementation of a totalitarian world government This is being accomplished by means of massive social engineering programs.
The Institute published an internal report in 1974 which revealed that environmentalist, New Age and various religious organizations are, in actuality, all part of a unified planned social engineering conspiracy. Six years later, at the request of the Institute’s director, Dr. Willis Harmon, key elements of the in house report were published in book form as The Aquarian Conspiracy, by Harmon protege Marilyn Ferguson. The last thing that the Illuminati desires is a populace which thinks for itself.
Dr Jose delgado stated; “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.’
In manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, “mass brainwashing.” This requires the building of duplicitous mind-control devices into wrongful government for which the subconscious mind understands as tyranny but the conscious mind cannot articulate.
This, “Building of duplicitous mind-control devices”; will become the digital global world brain humans is connected to and then will peopl eno longer be able to think for themselves, and instead been controlled and programmed by a super-mega-computer, and this will become the New God of this age.
It was necessary to digress from the subject of religious mind control in this narrative, in order to present the sheer magnitude of the on-going social engineering (global brain washing) project of the Illuminati.
Many religious cults are merely fronts for mind-control or occult activities. Such cults are structured in the form of concentric circles, the outer circles being restricted to conventional religious doctrines, the members of which serve as a front for the occult.
The Tavistock Institute and how it links into a spiders web of networks controlling the narrative and subverting opposition to The Global Action Plan of World Government.
Without government funding Tavistock appears to be independent and straddles the spheres of both academia and consultancy. Its range of disciplines include sociology, anthropology, psychoanalysis, psychology, economics, organizational behavior, and political science.
All the official rhetoric about the Tavistock Institute and how it aims to help people is rubbish. This institution is intimately tied into the global deep state control system. The real role of the institute is to manipulate public opinions for it’s masters. They have developed some of the most advanced techniques on the planet for mass mind manipulation.
This is extremely useful for its owners because they are able to control the minds of the populations and then their actions. Using the problem-reaction-solution method the manipulators of our minds can convince us to go to war, believe lies, buy poisonous and dangerous products and keep us terrified by drip-fed fear!
You get people to pay you to teach/brainwash them mass propaganda and then they go out to the community to spread your words. Genius!
With such powerful funding Tavistock could afford the best and the brightest. As an independent institute it is able to develop techniques which slot into the other global arms of its masters. Pulling the strings and pushing the limits of experimentation of mass brainwashing has given Tavistock significant weapons. These weapons are so pervasive in our media and education systems that it is hard to spot them if you don’t know what you are looking for.
This reminds me of Morpheus’ quote from The Matrix:
“Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch.”
Nikola Tesla said; Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
The deep state (loosely synonymous with the shadow government, or more rarely permanent government or permanent state is in contrast to the public structures which appear to be directing individual nation states. It is an intensely secretive, informal, fluid network of deep politicians whose deep state milieux effectively amplify their influence over national governments.
Deep state milieux, such as the (formerly very secret) Bilderberg group are organs of the deep state, places where deep state operatives can meet up, away from public scrutiny, and make plans. This is not to say that all visitors to such groups are members of, or even cognisant of, deep state operations; such groups also provide a place where potential members can be subject to evaluation.
The phrase “deep state” suggests an immediate parallel with nation state, which is not altogether misleading, at least historically, since these groups often evolved as secret cabals to control nation states. However, although originating in particular localities, deep state factions are highly interlocked in the 21st century deep politics. A 2010 paper by Peter Dale Scott refers to “A Supranational Deep State”, noting how their international integration effectively allows deep states to evade even the limited control national governments had in the early 20th century.
To preserve their power, they must not only stay in the shadows, but frustrate radical and progressive social change. Control of corporate media is essential to the effective operation of the deep state.
The Dark Geography of the Deep State … security state, the invisible government, the state within, the deep state, or the shadow government have become increasingly prevalent in discussions of national security.§
What is the Illuminati / New World Order?
There are differences and overlap in how these terms are used:
The Shadow Government / Parallel Government / Secret Government / Permanent Government
⦁ The Deep State
⦁ Military Industrial / Intelligence Complex (MIC)
⦁ The Cabal
⦁ The Elite / Illuminati
⦁ New World Order (NWO) / One World Government / Globalist Order / Globalist Agenda
⦁ The Committee of 300, Council of 13, The Round Table
To be sure you’re correctly interpreting reports from various sources, seek clarification on their intention. Here are some ways these terms may be used.
Shadow Government / Parallel Government / Permanent Government
⦁ The terms Shadow Government, Parallel Government and Permanent Government typically mean the same thing.
⦁ A large number of government agencies and closely-related organizations (listed below) which operate in secret, working behind the American government, without accountability to elected officials.
The Military Industrial / Intelligence Complex (MIC)
⦁ The MIC may refer to a subset of the Shadow Government or Deep State (as Shipp does below).
⦁ Or, it may be used as a synonym for the Shadow Government or Deep State.
Elite / Illuminati / New World Order (NWO)
⦁ The Elite, Illuminati, New World Order (NWO) and Globalist Agenda are typically used interchangeably.
⦁ Other terms that may refer either to the NWO as a whole or to some portion of it are The Committee of 300, Council of 13 or The Round Table.
⦁ They are described here.
The Deep State
⦁ The term Deep State is used widely by many sources. However, the term is used in a variety of ways, making it potentially confusing when comparing research.
⦁ Below we describe how Kevin Shipp differentiates the Deep State from the Shadow Government, with the Deep State being the control system that extends to the economy, military and congress.
⦁ Most sources who use the term Deep State, however, will mean — at minimum — all the organizations listed below.
⦁ Some sources use the term Deep State to mean the NWO. Based on Shipp’s comments about a globalist agenda, he appears to use it in that way. In such cases, the source may distinguish the Illuminati “bloodlines” from the NWO or may not refer to them.
The Cabal
⦁ Some use the term Cabal to mean the Deep State.
⦁ Some use it to refer to the NWO.
In common usage, the terms Shadow Government and Deep State are used interchangeably and usually refer to all of the groups noted below. Therefore, we summarize Shipp’s statements on both here (but below we keep his distinctions for more clarity based on his expertise).
⦁ The Shadow Government is made up of over a dozen large groups operating in secrecy and without accountability to elected officials.
⦁ These are not “political holdovers” from previous administrations. Both the Shadow Government and the Deep State are traced back to 1947.
⦁ Nor is this referring to the “hard-working civil servants,” the bureaucrats who keep the government running while the political appointees come and go. While civil servants (some of whom become whistleblowers) are of course entangled in these powerful groups, they are controlled by people working outside of public accountability.
⦁ “The currency of the Shadow Government is the power of secrecy, fear and intimidation.”
⦁ The Deep State is the power system operating behind the American government. It controls the economy, military and police, industry and business.
⦁ “The currency of the Deep State is money, power, and greed.”
Social Engineering the Masses is done partly through Hollywood movies, the Illuminati owns, control much of the industry, and the Illuminati created Hollywood.
Hollywood the New Religion Today, the most powerful sorcer-ers appeal to our reptilian brain and wield their wand through Hollywood. The film industry is inargu-ably the most prolific culture creator on the planet today. The ancient Druid magicians used the sacred branches of the holly tree to make their magic wands. Thought to have supernatural powers, the holly tree has been a symbol of death and resurrection, eternal life and fertility dating all the way back to Nimrod of Babylon. For many people, spiritual-ity has been usurped and replaced by Hollywood and this process has many examples throughout history.
Hollywood is a predictable programmer of the human mind.
All Tavistock foundation techniques have a single goal: to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the New World Order.
Its aim is is to manipulate society through social crisis. Times are being made to change according to a very carefully laid out Tavistock formula. It is generally seen as the nerve center for global manipulation and Hollywood is just one arm of that. Closely affiliated with Stanford, MIT and NASA it is head-quartered in London and operates a six billion dollar a year network of foundations. Ten major institutions are under its direct con-trol, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3,000 other study groups and think tanks which specialize in organizational behavior, political science, psycho-analysis, psychology and sociology. Tavistock’s pioneer work in behav-ioral science, along Freudian lines of “controlling humans”, established it as the world center of cultural ide-ology. Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques
Lewin’s book, Time Perspective and Moral, is eerie. He says to undermine a group you want to control, keep them uncertain about their status, vacillating between hope and fear, kindness and cruelty, intermixed with contradictory orders and information.
The British and Germans claimed dominance based on Theosophical ideas of Ariosophy, superiority based on their ancestral “root races.”
They employed Enochian Magick, in practice as an espionage tool and propellant for empiricism
They combined psychic methods with physical tools to create psychotronic weaponry. They used pseudo-scientific magick boxes that agents used to focus their minds power to influence people.
Conservative critics of Tavistock, such as the sensationalist, over-the-top author John Coleman, say its basic plan is to break down individual will and all that supports the individual such as nuclear family, ethnic identity, and church.
“Today the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 Billion a year network of Foundations
Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks which originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order
Tavistock Institute – Throughout the twentieth century, the Tavistock Institute has continued to engage in similar acts of public deception to promote a war mentality, a technique they later began to refer to as “mass brainwashing. The first director of Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, John Rawlings Reese, was instructed to perfect a system that would subvert and then control the thinking of human beings so that they could be channeled in any direction so desired by the Committee of 300. Part 7
Throughout the twentieth century, the Tavistock Institute has continued to engage in similar acts of public deception to promote a war mentality, a technique they later began to refer to as “mass brainwashing.” The following is an excerpt from Dr. Coleman’s 2006 book, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline
The aim of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is not to inform you of the controlling actions within our society, but to use scientific methods that are well known for discretely brainwashing the public. It is the core for mass indoctrination and global manipulation.
Their ultimate objective was to figure out the most effective ways to manipulate and control the mass consciousness.
Tavistock hired Dr. Sigmund Freud to start the ball rolling. Their ultimate objective was to figure out the most effective ways to manipulate and control the mass consciousness.
Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind control orientation.
Dr Jose delgado stated; “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.’
The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind-boggling. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react that way by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London
The first director of Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, John Rawlings Reese, was instructed to perfect a system that would subvert and then control the thinking of human beings so that they could be channeled in any direction so desired by the Committee of 300, an elite arm of the Illuminati. He sought to introduce an automated mentality into the bulk of the targeted population. The end result of Reese’s objectives were and remain, control of all human life; its destruction when deemed desirable, whether it be through mass genocide or mass slavery.
Taken from their own manual, Tavistock Institute mission is as follows:
“Our research has established that the simplest mode of gaining control of people is to keep them undisciplined, disorganized, confused and distracted by issues which are of relatively little import.”
“In addition to our less direct long-range penetration methods, this can be accomplished by a disengagement of mental activities and providing low quality programs of public education.”
“Our mode calls for emotional stimulus, increased use of amplifiers which induce self-indulgence, whether direct (television) or advertising.
“Of primary importance is the revision of history and law and thus shifting thinking from personal needs to fabricated outside priorities. The general rule is that there is profit in confusion, the greater the confusion, the greater the profit. One of the ways in which this can be accomplished is to create problems and then offer solutions.”
“Keep all groups so occupied with endless problems that they have no time to think clearly, and here, we rely on entertainment which should not reach beyond the mental capacity of a child in the sixth grade.”
“Technically, children must be ‘orphaned’ in day care centers under government control. With such an initial handicap, the lower-classes will have little hope of upward mobility away from their assigned positions in life.”
“The form of slavery we have in mind is essential for good social order, peace and tranquility.”
“The general public refuses to improve its own mentality. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and blight on the face of the earth.” “By measuring the economic habits by which the sheep try to run from their problems and escape from reality via the medium of ‘entertainment’, we can apply methods to predict the probable combination shocks (created events) which are necessary to bring about complete control and subjugation of the population by subverting the economy.”
“The sovereignty of the elite is threatened when the lower classes become informed and envious of the power and possessions of the class above them. As some of them become better educated, they seek to rise higher through a real knowledge of economics-energy. This presents a real threat to the sovereignty of the elite class.”
“It follows that the rise of the lower classes must be postponed long enough for the elite class to achieve energy (economic) dominance.” “It is essential to divide the people, keep the adults’ attention away from real issues and overcome their thinking with matters of relatively little importance. The young must be kept ignorant of mathematics, economics and history. “When government is able to seize private property without just compensation, it is certain that people are ripe for surrender and consenting to slavery and legal encroachment.”
Tavistock is governed by what it calls an invisible college. echoing antique occultist terminology and reminding one that British intelligence was founded by Freemasons and remains deeply Freemasonic to this day. The original use of the term “invisible college.” prior to the announced creation of Tavistock, was Reese’s reference to an informal association he had created of all the psychiatrists then working in the British military.
One of the most successful of Tavistock-offshoot organizations is what was originally known as the National Training Laboratories (NTL), and then the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, founded in 1947. The mission of the NTL is to give Lewin-inspired “group dynamics” sessions to leaders. Again, during group sessions “dissonance” or stress is introduced to destroy the individual’s previous beliefs, and then a new, group-oriented personality is coaxed forth. This is the primary technical method used by a myriad of Tavistock-influenced “sensitivity” groups like Alanon and Esalen. Since the 1950s. NTL has processed the majority of corporate leaders in its programs, while simultaneously running the same programs for various segments of the government. including the Navy. the Department of Education, and the State Department. None dare call it mind control.
One of NTL’s biggest customers since the 1950s has been the National Education Association, which is the largest organisation of teachers.
Eric Trist. the chairman of Tavistock’s governors, in 1963 described his and Tavistock’s work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of “social turbulence,” based upon the theories of Hegel, although again.
Emery. in reflection of Trist, also trumpets Hegel. He describes the first stage of the breakdown of society as being “superficiality,” in which previous societal values are questioned and discarded. He uses as an example of this the death of the Judeo-Christian paradigm. The next inevitable state is “segmentation,” in which societal institutions break down, resulting in a reversion to paranoid groups of individuals hostile to each other. The next stage in the breakdown of society would be the launching of a fascist movement akin to the Nazis.
The final and most disrupted state of society is termed disassociation, in which the individual becomes the entirety of society for himself, and is isolated from other members of the group. The dominant culture of the society becomes “fantasy and superstition.” According to Trist. the current “wired society” where the main interaction of the individual is with electronic media is only a metaphor for disassociation.
Sargent said, “Various types of beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.”
Out of the Tavistock conference also came Zbigniew Brzezinslci’s 1968 book The Technotronic Age, that posits an information society whose basis of competition is replaced by “amusement focus” based on “spectator spectacles (mass sports and TV) providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses… New forms of social control may be needed to limit the indiscriminate exercise by the individual of their new powers. The possibility of extensive chemical mind control… will call for a social definition of the common criteria of restraint as well as utilization.”
The last rule of the Guide-stones, “Be not a cancer on the earth — leave room for nature — leave room for nature” is particularly disturbing as it compares human life to cancer on earth. With this state of mind, it is easy to rationalize the extinction of nearly all of the world’s population.
Most of the other rules of the Guide-stones basically call for the creation of a world government, ruled by an “enlightened few”, who would regulate all aspects of human life, including faith, social duties, economy, etc. This idea is far from new, as it has been entertained by Mystery schools for centuries.
“Mind control; population control; propaganda to manipulate the world population toward collective socialistic dictatorship; de-programming traditional beliefs through trauma to reprogram people according to controller’s wishes; breaking down moral fabric; erasing individuality so people become team players; creating uniformity; and individualism as an obstacle to the New World Order, which wants a public that is predictable — one that is conditioned to do as told, without asking questions”.
The first Director General of UNESCO pushed for population reduction, and what Huxley called ‘a single culture for the world’; …
The concept of the non-governmental organization had its origins in the British Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
The Tavistock Institute is the focal point of all schemes to control the population by mass psychology methods
A Brief History of Control
The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning “hidden knowledge.” One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning “Enlightened Ones.” This was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a “New World Order.” The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race, te inwardly hidden purpose and underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
The Anglo Alliance
By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the primary geographic areas of Illuminati control. It then should be of little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research was established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study the “breaking point” of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism.
Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking place between England and Germany, most notably in the field of eugenics: the movement devoted to “improving” the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the two countries was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society which consisted of many high ranking officials in the Nazi party and British aristocracy.
MK-ULTRA was organized mass psychological warfare directed against civilians. Psychological warfare is done to foster disruption in such a way that makes it difficult for any individual to understand just how he or she is under attack. These tactics were developed to an art form by the British Tavistock Institute.
The Tavistock Institute is linked into many high-powered elitist groups and think tanks—Bilderberg group, the Stanford Institute, the Institute for Social Relations, the Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Tavistock Institute is linked to both Hollywood and The Bilderberger Group, and The Illuminati controls. owns and invented Hollywood, amd therefore The Tavistock Institute can implement world wide mind control teqniques and predictable programming in movies.
Fear, terror, traumas were heightened and seared into the minds of ordinary people by television, which had become a standard appliance in most homes.
Tavistock Institute, Mind Control, ELF, 5G, Phones, The Marconi Project, Star Wars Technology. Perhaps the most interesting of all missing and dead scientists conspiracy theories are those revolving around the 25 scientists and technicians of GEC-Marconi who died in a span of six years. This also includes a related 26th death of a journalist. Could these be related to the Stars Wars technology and this could be related to Nikola Tesla´s death as well and the missing papers. Part 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1
Perhaps the most interesting of all missing and dead scientists conspiracy theories are those revolving around the 25 scientists and technicians of GEC-Marconi who died in a span of six years. This also includes a related 26th death of journalist Moyle in 1990. What’s particularly interesting about the GEC-Marconi deaths is not only that the timing of the deaths, most died within a short time of completing a project or leaving the company, but also the fact that GEC-Marconi was working on the SDI system as well as other highly compartmentalized defense projects and GEC-Marconi was a major defense contractor to the Ministry of defense
Warped Space; Archietectural Anxiety in Digital Culture
Throughout the modern period, architectural space, or rather the idea of architectural space, has been seen in relation to a particular state of mind — anxiety. Many of us would admit that architecture makes us nervous. A recent series of programs on Australian national television which sought to enter “the mind of the architect” demonstrates that kind of nervousness as it haunts the popular conception of architecture.’
Are architects seeking to dominate our world, attempting to control our lives, introducing us to “new” ways of living that we have not asked for or do not want?
This kind of nervousness, of count, has its theoretical foundations and to a certain extent its explanations. in the propositions of Michel Foucault, whose “space as power” thesis first put forward in the early 1960s in his investigations into the hospital and the clinic, thence to be fully if crudely developed in Surveiller et punk in the mid-seventies, have had the effect of making us suspicious of any spatial manipulation exercised by institutions and by implication by the professional space planners they employ.
It was not accidental that Foucault’s indictment of architectural space as potentially “panoptical” in its alms and effects coincided with a movement inside architecture itself “against architecture” and for the notion of a collective or individual client as designer. This has become known as the “community design workshop movement.” Thus we have all become a little nervous of architects. Certainly the perceived failure of the grand modernist plan in the face of urban and suburban development over the last thirty years has not made us any more comfortable with “high design.”
Freemasons and the Illuminati is worshipping The Great Architect of The Univere
The Illuminati also appropriated the Masonic view of a supreme creative being, referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U.)
For human bodies to acquire more and more mechanical parts (we are all becoming cyborgs: Harraway, 1991; Czarniawska, 2011). Seeing the world as composed of hybrids is not yet a common way to talk about artifacts and technology in organization studies. The group (for example, Rice [1958] 1987) has already used the concept of socio-technical systems, but by presenting this notion, its members primarily wanted to say that the two separate systems, social and technical, do meet and mix in practice. Contingency theory, still alive in organization studies, began with a great curiosity about the couplings between technical systems and control systems – and create mind-controlled slaves) from the Illuminati Tavistock Group
The expressed intention of Weishaupt was to overthrow stable regimes by replacing all governments and religions with an oligarchic world order. The aim was to control the nations of the world through controlling the world media which was able to manipulate public opinion. It was realistic to believe that through the networking of the global body of Freemasonry it was possible to manipulate the financial markets and committees that govern all forms of trading between nations. The organisation would gain control of world power by wresting control of the proletariat away from feudal and national monarchies through fomenting and financing civil wars. Weishaupt realised that global rule was unlikely to be achieved in his lifetime but world-wide control could be achieved perhaps within the following generation of machinations. Over the generations feudal noblemen had acted as lords and judges of the people in their serfdom.
With the invention of television, the global center of intelligence gathering in Tavistock, (which controls Intelligence Agencies) decided that this new device (T.V.) would be the apparatus to control the minds of the masses. The rest is history. In the year 1900, thousands of people owned all newspapers and magazines. After the invention of radio and television, the potential for a large volume of ownership was greatly increased, if you coupled that with the thousands who already owned newspapers and magazines. But, it is surprising to discover that today, in the year 2012, the number of people owning all the major television, radio, newspaper and magazine outlets is less than 10 people. Even if you’re not a conspiracy theorist, you should be alarmed at just the idea that the potential of so few people to control the information available to the rest of us, could be absolutely controlled.
Today the Illuminati is the secret power that legislates beyond national boundaries manipulating world financial affairs. The Illuminati has enjoyed continuing success in fomenting revolution and overthrowing regimes for political (material) advantage. The overall objective has been accomplished largely implemented by pressure groups in even the most enlightened of Western nations, forcing through legislation that replaces well established benign practices. The Illuminati chose to suffuse religions by diminishing the differences between beliefs by highlighting what they shared in common. Traditional boundaries of contentious issues were to be marginalised and international laws would be changed to make it a criminal offence to incite religious hatred or to interfere in the religious or ethnic customs or legal affairs of others. The Illuminati may well have placed their own man in the Chair of St Peter or filled the Vatican with Masonic papists
The Illuminati founded the Vatican with money.
The Illuminati have accomplished their objective of controlling civilisation globally but their plans will come to nothing in opposing Almighty God.
As a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general public, evidence that the GM900 microwave network as used by Vodaphone and Telecom, is a major health hazard, has come to my attention. Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents entitled: Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries, show that microwave frequencies similar to those of the cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas: Blood. Cardiovascular System. Cells. Central Nervous System. Digestive System. Glands. Metabolism. Reproduction. Visual System. Internal Sound Perception. Equipment to test the frequency and intensity of microwave phones shows that they produce signals similar to microwave ovens. Two Vodaphone cellular phones were producing 100mW/cm2 and 50 mW/cm2 respectively.
INTELLIGENCE FORCES AND MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, confused, submissive zombies are being used in inner cities. Developed by the communists, microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates. These weapons transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves; at the flick of a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise found on Britain’s streets.
With the advent of new ELF detectors designed by the author’s research teams, the mass mind control of the metropolitan population can be proved. ELF signals are officially only found at nuclear submarine communication stations, so the researchers were shocked to find microwave and UHF, mind control signals in city centres, the author’s flat, being sent through mobile phones, the BT telephones and from the numerous transmitters that dot the country.
The massive increase in mobile phones has enabled the security forces to use this network of transmitters to beam mind control signals into the brains of anyone living near these transmitters. Microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves of the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour.
Microwave transmitters are therefore the perfect medium for the transmission of ELF signals to mind control the population. Researchers are of the opinion that the inner city riots of the early eighties forced the regime to deploy ELF mind control devices developed in the 1970s to turn the working class housing estates into total policing zones. In these zones, ELF transmitters turned the inhabitants into docile zombies.
So successful was this technology that it was expanded to cover all major towns. Mass mind control of the public to make them submissive and obey authority was expanded, hand-in-hand with the mobile phone network and military and police microwave transmitters. Now the entire London conurbation is covered by UHF and microwave carrying mind numbing ELF. Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one the leading psychiatric research establishments. The institute was researching into ways of mind controlling the population without them knowing.
Having found this specific brain rhythm for docile submissive, zombie-like behaviour, it was then recorded and used as the template for the ELF signal beamed on microwave transmitters. Britain was the first discoverer of microwave technology, used for radar.
Radiating this ELF frequency on microwave transmitters, cellphones, BT phones and by use of other transmitters, the inner city population can be behaviourally controlled.
Since ELF is not found naturally, and is only used for nuclear submarine communication, its presence proves mind control weapons are being used on the general public. The author also has access to scientific documents showing the devastating effects of ELF broadcast by microwave, UHF and VHF on humans.
It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into full scale production, and around thirty scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed `suicide’ under mysterious circumstances.
A vast catalogue of mind control frequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone frequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK for mind control and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887… Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer…
Contacting researchers in this field of enquiry, they all complain of microwave-like symptoms, headache, nausea, giddiness, eye damage, ear problems…
With such high-level manipulation of events it seems that microwave mind control is part of a secret policy which is being practised on the general public in this county. As part of a covert government policy of harassing and disabling critics, this means of attack is not covered by the law and highly deniable, the perfect intelligence device for civilian control. The author’s flat is targeted with a 900 MHz beam which seems to be designed to cause massive neurological damage and produce tumours.
The BT phone network has the potential to be used for docilisation of the public. A 30-40 MHz signal is carried by the phone. When the earpiece is placed against the head, bone conduction carries the ELF component into the brain of the phone user. A ELF signal which can effect behaviour or health is therefore passed into all BT phone users.
There are reports by military researchers that 1 mW/cm2 will cause swelling of nerve cells exposed to microwave. It is obvious that a total policing of the population by means of UHF, VHF, and microwave EM radiation, amongst others, is being used to keep the population in a docile and submissive mental state. Mental confusion can also be added to the signal for working class inner city areas to keep them docile and confused. A land of stultified zombies, who are mind controlled to make them docile and unable to think clearly. Subversives are habitually targeted with microwaves to drive them mad or make them fatally ill.
Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device.
It was found that when microwaves were used to fire these signals at victims’ brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology). It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each: mood, action and thought.
This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust…etc. Intelligence operatives in the regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets’ houses and beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims.
To aid them, they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims’ walls, so they can see the targets’ in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are regularly directed at the victims’ brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious of what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into GCHQ at Cheltenham, found one of these vans, with two spheres on its roof parked in his road. When he took the number plate and through contacts checked who owned it, he found it was an MOD van. Hopefully he has found the microwave weapon system before it has done him too much harm. These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi. When firing microwave beams through walls at one specific target, every material in the way of the microwave beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam.
The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted. The technology for this was very complex but eventually it was perfected.
Twenty five or more scientists and military personnel, associated with the Marconi project, then died in mysterious circumstances.
Intelligence personnel regularly kill people to keep them quiet. Maybe they killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret.
For if it were made public, the scandal would bring down the government. Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the streets.
⦁ 25 Marconi scientists was driven to suicide
⦁ UFO and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide
⦁ Targeted Individuals is driven to madness or suicide
UFO and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide. having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide.
Many intelligence and technical officers, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5.
If you look at the long list of military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves.
Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement.
External reinforcement of pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was found to be very effective. Intelligence chiefs are now in seventh heaven; if some one becomes a problem they get the ‘suicide mind control team’ parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himself.
This is very pleasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away – even if the victim was a highly placed politician or military man.
If the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad.
This is done by beaming the excitation potential of a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim’s brain.
This inter cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the targets’ brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise.
Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam.
Discrediting well known people who are causing problems for the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating procedure for the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry different types of madness and behavioural aberrations, encoded as ELF excitation potentials. This makes the troublesome high profile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them.
Public humiliation is the finest weapon the authorities have, to make harmless, a potential well known figure, who is causing trouble. If the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives off during a vicious bout of flu can be fired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms of flu, even though they have not caught the virus. Major Ed Dames, the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme. The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical confusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them fatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that effects their thinking, and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts.
Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a ‘hot spot’ by microwave transmitters, so the staff all suffer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage.
If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim’s brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive’s brain can be detected.
A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim’s brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking..
Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim’s brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find.
These experiments on behavioural modification is a result of mind control science….
To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country.
If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful. Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters.
Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired irritable
By firing at your chest a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given off by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so called heart attack. In this way, high profile leaders of political parties, who are prone to heart attacks, can be killed off -before they cause any trouble.
The large antennae that bracket the town could also be used. The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users.
It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interfere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours.
Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets of the motor cortex at the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set of frequencies in another part of the brain. This technique can be used to abduct people for secret government mind control experiments, under the guise of alien abduction.
This text is from; https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filing/1092223856297
Did 22 SDI Researchers really ALL Commit Suicide?
Are the scientists victims of a corrupt defense industry? Have they been espionage pawns? Are the deaths nothing more than an extraordinary coincidence? Guess.
Between 1982 and 1990 twenty-five British based GEC-Marconi scientists and engineers died in mysterious circumstances.
AUTO ACCIDENT–Professor Keith Bowden, 45, computer scientist, Essex University. In March 1982 Bowden’s car plunged off a bridge, into am abandoned rail yard. His death was listed as an accident.
MISSING PERSON–Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley, 49, defense expert, head of work-study unit at the Royal Military College of Science. Godley disappeared in April 1983. His father bequeathes him more than $60,000, with the proviso that he claim it be 1987. He never showed up and is presumed dead.
SHOTGUN BLAST–Roger Hill, 49, radar designer and draftsman, Marconi. In March 1985 Hill allegedly killed himself with a shotgun at the family home.
DEATH LEAP–Jonathan Walsh, 29, digital-communications expert assigned to British Telecom’s secret Martlesham Health research facility (and to GEC, Marconi’s parent firm). In November 1985 Walsh allegedly fell from his hotel room while working on a British Telecom project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa). He had expressed a fear for his life. Verdict: Still in question.
DEATH LEAP–Vimal Dajibhai, 24, computer-software engineer (worked on guidance system for Tigerfish torpedo), Marconi Underwater Systems. In August 1986 Dajibhai’s crumpled remains were found 240 feet below the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol. The death has not been listed as a suicide.
DECAPITATION–Ashaad Sharif, 26, computer analyst, Marconi Defense Systems. In October 1986, in Bristol, Sharif allegedly tied one end of a rope around a tree and the other end around his neck, then drove off in his car at high speed. Verdict: Suicide.
SUFFOCATION–Richard Pugh, computer consultant for the Ministry of Defense. In January 1987 Pugh was found dead, wrapped head-to- toe in rope that was tied four times around his neck. The coroner listed his death as an accident due to a sexual experiment gone awry.
ASPHYXIATION–John Brittan, Ministry of Defense tank batteries expert, Royal Military College of Science. In January 1987 Brittan was found dead in a parked car in his garage. The engine was still running. Verdict: Accidental death.
DRUG OVERDOSE–Victor Moore, 46, design engineer, Marconi Space Systems. In February 1987 Moore was found dead of a drug overdose. His death is listed as a suicide.
ASPHYXIATION–Peter Peapell, 46, scientist, Royal Military College of Science. In February 1987 Peapell was found dead beneath his car, his face near the tail pipe, in the garage of his Oxfordshire home. Death was due to carbon-monoxide poisoning, although test showed that the engine had been running only a short time. Foul play has not been ruled out.
ASPHYXIATION–Edwin Skeels, 43, engineer, Marconi. In February 1987 Skeels was found dead in his car, a victim of carbon-monoxide poisoning. A hose led from the exhaust pipe. His death is listed as a suicide.
AUTO ACCIDENT–David Sands, satellite projects manager, Eassams (a Marconi sister company). Although up for a promotion, in March 1987 Sands drove a car filled with gasoline cans into the brick wall of an abandoned cafe. He was killed instantly. Foul play has not been ruled out.
AUTO ACCIDENT–Stuart Gooding, 23, postgraduate research student, Royal Military College of Science. In April 1987 Gooding died in a mysterious car wreck in Cyprus while the College was holding military exercises on the island. Verdict: Accidental death.
AUTO ACCIDENT–George Kountis, experienced systems analyst at British Polytechnic. In April 1987 Kountis drowned after his BMW plunged into the Mersey River in Liverpool. His death is listed as a misadventure.
SUFFOCATION–Mark Wisner, 24, software engineer at Ministry of Defense experimental station for combat aircraft. In April 1987 Wisner was found dead in his home with a plastic bag over his head. At the inqust, his death was rules an accident due to a sexual experiment gone awry.
AUTO ACCIDENT–Michael Baker, 22, digital-communications expert, Plessey Defense Systems. In May 1987 Baker’s BMW crashed through a road barrier, killing the driver. Verdict: Misadventure.
HEART ATTACK–Frank Jennings, 60, electronic-weapons engineer for Plessey. In June 1987 Jennings allegedly dropped dead of a heart attack. No inquest was held.
DEATH LEAP–Russel Smith, 23, lab technician at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. In January 1988 Smith’s mangled body was found halfway down a cliff in Cornwall. Verdict: Suicide.
ASPHYXIATION–Trevor Knight, 52, computer engineer, Marconi Space and Defense Systems. In March 1988 Knight was found dead in his car, asphyxiated by fume from a hose attached to the tail pipe. The death was ruled a suicide.
ELECTROCUTION–John Ferry, 60, assistant marketing director for Marconi. In August 1988 Ferry was found dead in a company-owned apartment, the stripped leads of an electrical cord in his mouth. Foul play has not been ruled out.
ELECTROCUTION–Alistair Beckham, 50, software engineer, Plessey. In August 1988 Beckham’s lifeless body was found in the garden shed behind his house. Bare wires, which ran to a live main, were wrapped around his chest. Now suicide note was found, and police habe not ruled out foul play.
ASPHYXIATION–Andrew Hall, 33, engineering manager, British Aero- space. In September 1988 Hall was found dead in his car, asphyxiated by fumes from a hose that was attached to the tail pipe. Friends said he was well liked, had everything to live for. Verdict: Suicide.
Could there be some connection between these death´s and Nikola Tesla´s death 1943? It´s just a possible question, not a statement it is. Its more a reflection that it could be related.
Tesla was, an inventor of (among other things) alternate current, used today in every household. Although he is often nearly forgotten, Tesla holds over 700 patents- and those are just the ones he remembered to patent.
According to some cynics, the Supreme Court had awarded the patent to Tesla (a few months after his death) in order to avoid having to pay any royalties to the Marconi Corporation, which was suing the government for patents used during World War I.
Thomas Edison was Tesla’s greatest enemy. Edison died wealthy, Tesla died poor. It is unknown where and when exactly Edison became a Freemason. Tesla dies penniless with 700 patents. J.P Morgon stole Nikola Tesla´s inventions and technologies. Tesla was financially destoryed by Illuminati powers. The highest global elite controls the oil industry, suppresses alternative energy technology, especially free energy devices. Tesla gave us alternating current, hydroelectic dams, and a plan to provide the world with free energy. Just because of these ideas he was a enemy for the rulers of Illuminati.
J. P. Morgan originally funded Tesla because he needed his work for a telegraph design, among other things. When Tesla’s understudy Marconi took the ideas and claimed to invent the telegraph independently, that was enough for J. P. Morgan to demolish Tesla’s business and reputation..
Tesla wanted to give us an antenna system that would use the Earth’s energy grid to heat homes and run cars from an inexhaustible source. Despite his lab being mysteriously burned down in 1895, he persisted. Prior to the completion of his work on the free energy generator and prior to any patenting, all of his equip-ment, models, and inventions were destroyed. Nevertheless, he created a wireless electricity transfer system in 1902 at Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was going to offer it to the world wirelessly, so that all people needed was an antenna in their yard for access. Wireless energy could be transferred as easily as cell phones, a radio signal, or television is today.
Shortly before his death in 1943, he affirmed his humanitarian vision:
“Out of this war, the greatest since the beginning of history, a new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth. This new world shall not be a world of the downtrodden and humiliated, but of free men and free nations, equal in dignity and respect for man.”
Is it any wonder the energy cabal considered Nikola Tesla an enemy?
In 1924 Nikola Tesla claimed that he had invented a death ray capable of stopping an aeroplane in mid-flight. In the same year Grindell H. Mathews, a British scientist claimed to have invented a similar device, and T.F. Wall unsuccessfully applied for a patent on a death ray. For a while the trend in death rays subsided, as no definitive invention appeared, then in 1934 Tesla claimed a new one based on an entirely new principle of physics he claimed it could destroy 10,000 planes at distance of 250 miles. Each ray would require the construction of a $2 million power plant, located at high strategic points. A network of 12 such plants would protect the US from aerial invasion. He talked about his idea for a few years after, but no-one showed an interest. After his death, nothing was found in his papers.
New York City. January 7, 1943. Famed inventor Nikola Tesla dies of a heart attack on the thirty-third floor of the Hotel New Yorker. Within hours of his body being discovered, his nephew arrives at room 3327, and discovers Tesla’s remains, as well as his technical papers and notebooks, have already been removed. Speculation spreads that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had seized the items and quickly designated them “top secret.”
Before his death last year at 86, he had announced that he was on the verge of: I) inventing a death ray, 2) communicating with other planets.
Nikola Tesla was completely paranoid about someone trying to kill him, and as soon as he died, the government agents swooped in and confiscated all of his scientific papers. In a very short time, everything that he had been guarding with this life was gone.” – David Wilcock (Filmmaker), (Author, The Source Field Investigations), (The Synchronicity Key)
“The official story is that nothing of any great significance was found. It was just a lot of scientific papers and documents. However, there have been a lot of rumors over the years that the materials recovered was profoundly significant in terms of a lot of highly-advanced scientific concepts.”
Nikola Tesla not only officially electrified the world. His legacy includes groundbreaking work on electric railroads, fluorescent and neon lights, wireless radio communications, X-ray, remote control, turbine engines, speedometers, helicopters, and even torpedoes. By the time of his death, Tesla held nearly 700 worldwide patents.
The list of technologies that can be traced back to the drawing board of Nikola Tesla is endless. Modern humanoid robotics, solar and wind power, weather manipulation, drones and even planetary exploration vehicles. Getting as little as just two hours of sleep per day, the inventor’s sole purpose on Earth appeared to be geared toward one end – advancing technology for the future of the human race.
“When Tesla died, he had a trunk under his bed that was said to have contained inventions that would change the world: robotics, wireless energy transfer, earthquake machines. Of course, the corporations couldn’t allow that kind of disruption, so the trunk and all his papers disappeared. His inventions appeared later, when they could be profitable, under other people’s names. For instance, the idea behind wireless is now being credited to the actress Hedy Lamarr.
Hedy Lamarr spread spectrum technology Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (5555),
Hedy Lamarr’s idea is considered by many as the foundation for the modern wireless technologies used today, allowing a large number of signal transmitter and receiver de-vices to operate in the same radio spectrum, with no interference among each other’s sig-nals. Thus, a multiplicity of cell phones can operate simultaneously in a similar radio spectrum without bumping into one another, because each signal is broadcast over differ-ing patterns of microsecond frequency changes. Today, interlocking cells of radio signal coverage and spread spectrum technology often work together in wireless communication systems.
Hedy Lamarr never made a dime on her patent or invention. She was a actress
Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr, was also an avid inventor and the person behind advances in communication technology in the 1940s that led to today’s Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth.
Hedy Lamarr spread spectrum technology and… Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (5555),
Hedy Lamarr and Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (5555),
Spread spectrum was initially intended for military applications that required high security and reliability. Interestingly, however, some of the first developers of spread spectrum technology were not scientists or the military. The development of FHSS is in fact traditionally attributed to I ledy Lamarr, an actress, and George Antheil, a musician. During World War II, they developed an idea to remotely control torpedoes that later became known as FHSS. It is inherently difficult to jam spread spectrum transmission because transmissions are dis-tributed across a range of frequencies rather than a single frequency. This distribution makes it difficult to intercept and eavesdrop on a conversation. Spread spectrum has many other applica-tions other than Bluetooth. It is also used within cordless telephones for transmission between the telephone and the base as well as in cellular communications and computer networking.
Lamarr is granted a patent for a “ Secret Communication System
Best known as a glamorous film star during Hollywood’s golden age, Hedy Lamarr had a first-rate mind and was one of the developers of what later became known as spread spectrum technology. How she got interested in things technical is, however, not entirely clear. She retired from the movie scene 1950 at a age of 37 years old, and didn´t invent anything new from the age 37 to 87 yeats old. Doesn´t inventors always invent something new, and specially when they have time.
More recently, spread spectrum has been A found ideal for interleaving (multiplexing) many messages simultaneously, thus becoming a more efficient transmitting method than ordinary single-frequency techniques and making it the basis of Inter-net and cell phone traffic. Despite these applications, neither inventor profited because their 1942 patent expired decades before the modern wireless boom. Lamarr’s film career began to dwindle after the war, and in the 1950s she retired from making movies.
The first description of a frequency switching method can be found in 1900 when Nikola Testa (1856-1943) submitted a patent for a radio-controlled submarine Therein, he described a method that was particularly resistant to radio interference. It was approved in 1903. His patents outline the first frequency hopping method as well as frequency multiplexing and — also worthy of mention —contain the first description of a logical circuit based on an electronic and switching-based element.
In fact, the Tesla magnifying transmitter was the first in the world powerful enough to create ELF resonance in the earth-ionosphere wave guide.
Tesla and ELF and wireless communiation
The Strategic Defense Initiative or ‘ Star Wars ‘ missile defense system was based on Tesla ‘ s death ray technology .
Star Wars scientist
British Star Wars Scientists? Fifty-year-old Alistair Beckham was a successful British aerospace- projects engineer. Led by a reluctant Galen Erso, the Death Star scientists seek to fuse kyber-crystal shards into larger structures and use those crystals to amplify energy into a stable beam powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. There have been events in the past were sensationalized and/or dismissed as false conspiracies that still seem as if there may well be more behind them than meets the eye.One of these is the fact that between 1982 and 1988, well over 20 scientists who worked for the British company GEC-Marconi all died after having worked on Strategic Defense Initiative program.The SDI program, also known as “Star Wars”
It has not be any connection between these 25 science who died and Tesla death, but it could laso have some connection when Tesla died and all his papers dissapeared, and Tesla´s yechnology was known as “Star Wars”.
If all of them was elimated becaus ethey have knowledge about the system they have beem working with, and could hey even elimated Tesla to get to his papers and inventions before some other get is hands on his inventions.
Tavistock Institute and their mission and agenda in this world, Part 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1
The reptilian bloodlines have hoarded knowledge from the past and kept it in secret societies so they can in this way control the past by substituting a false history and knowledge and bestow it upon the people. In the past, this was harder as people were more connected to the spirit of the Earth. Today this Earthly connection is spiritually bankrupt. This world makes people spiritually bankrupt.
The white man has dominated the whole world, and it is the reptilian bloodline which controls the whole hierarchy of power. At the top of the pyramid is the third eyei. The bodies of people in positions of power are controlled by reptiles residing in the lower fourth dimension. Again, only clairvoyant and spiritually gifted people can see this.
The main objective of the Illuminati is a “one world government” where they can serve as the rulers and everyone else is considered to be nothing more than a slave for labor.
The bible describes them as the “fallen angels” that interbred with the daughters of men here on Earth to create the “Nefilim” who were the giants that walked the Earth. (Genesis 6:4) They were also referred to as the “Watchers.” Thus, they were the result of hybridization between reptilians and humans. They are, according to the Bible, believed to be the ascendants of extraterrestrial rulers, leaders and warriors who lived here before the great flood. Interestingly enough their progeny are still here to this very day seeking to control the Earth.
Ultimately, the Illuminati would like to eliminate any type of caste system where people are able to achieve a certain level of existence thereby creating one ruling class with everyone else as the lower class. This way, they can control economies, major industries, the media, religions and all other aspects of human existence. It is even believed by some that they are seeking to reduce the world’s population to roughly 500 million people through pestilence, and disease which is not too far fetched although this would greatly contradict their plan to make the entire population working class slaves.
Nevertheless, world domination has been their aim for thousands of years and it was never meant to be accomplished in a single generation but rather it was to be the culmination of years of control and manipulation that was to be reached over several generations. They have hidden behind the scenes of history for a very long time beginning with the “Brotherhood of the Snake,” a secret society dating back to ancient Sumer.
According to Icke, this group is controlled by the reptilians and is the core center of today’s global secret society network. It was from this original Brotherhood that Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian’s, The Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and many more orders were established. One of their primary goals is to keep spiritual knowledge away from the masses because to them, it is to be shared only by a select few.
This esoteric and powerful information is only exchanged among the initiated. This is to ensure that the selected few (which is almost always the ruling families), can reach the goals they decide for themselves and for others. This select few has since become the power elite and has ruled over mankind unsuspectingly for thousands of years.
Many of them are related by bloodlines going back thousands and thousands of years and they are very careful at keeping those bloodlines as pure as possible from generation to generation. Therefore, the continuing “Generative” process is represented by the letter “G” in the Masonic symbol. The involvement in this clandestine organization is so far reaching that many people cannot bring themselves to accept just how powerful they really are.
The very mention of this group causes people to immediately shut down from fear and skepticism. Many people cannot bring themselves to accept the fact that practically all world affairs are orchestrated by a select few and more importantly that this elite group of individuals does not have the well being of the people in mind.
They’re very heinous in that they created the different religions and sects and cults so we would be too busy worshipping false gods rather than being concerned about their dealings. They established the churches and put themselves in charge in order to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. It’s no mystery that practically all the wars throughout history have been steeped in religion.
The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so as not to create another world war. But what we find here is a typical example of how the Illuminati work. They use a tactic that David Icke calls “problem-reaction-solution,” where first they create the “problem” by starting a war which in turn brings about a certain “reaction” from the population, who is now in need of a “solution.” So they create a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations (UN) bringing us one step closer to their agenda and a One World Government.
Yet since the creation of the UN this world has seen 258 major conflicts more than any known wars on this planet prior to this point, now just why is that? Well most of these wars have been fought in countries who have never had major conflicts before then suddenly the Western Major Powers are invited to step in and intervene and we are always told that this intervention is to control peace in these countries.
Since the very beginning of all civilizations, there has always been a ruling class that has sought to have dominion over the masses. They feel it is their birthright to rule and lord over the people. The Illuminati believe we are sheep in need of a Shepherd. This mindset has caused them to treat the masses like nothing more than gullible and ignorant “Sheeple” that will never wake up and realize that we’ve been duped into believing in false propaganda and outlandish lies. Now is the time for all of us to understand once and for all who is behind this intricate plan of deception and world domination.
In order to carry out their plans and schemes, the Global Elite devises organizations and societies which assist them in fulfilling their common interests. These include such groups as the Bilderberg Group, and The ‘Committee of 300’ (also called the “Olympians”).
The upper levels of the Illuminati pyramid include secretive committees with names such as the council of 3, the council of 5, the Council of 7, the Council of 9, the Council of 13, the council of 33, the Grand Druid council, the committee of 300 (also called the “Olympians”) and the Committee of 500 amongst others. I read parts of a book by Dr John Coleman entitled ‘Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.’ Dr. Coleman identified the major players in the Illuminati and carefully detailed the Illuminati’s agenda of supposed worldwide domination and control.
On page t61 of his book he summarised the intent and purpose of the Com mittee of 300as follows:- ‘A One World Government and one -unit monetary system. under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchrists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.
In this One World entity, the population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until I billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined remain as the total world population.
There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.
The system will be on the basis of a welfare state: those who are obedient and subservient to the one World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.’ Since it seemed I had all the time in the world on the plane. I read an article by Ken Adachi entitled ‘the New World Order an overview’ which claims that the New World Order global orchestrators manifest their agenda through the skillful manipulation of human emotions, especially fear.
The article further alleged that in the past centuries. this group has apparently repeatedly utilized a technique author David Icke characterized a book called ‘the Biggest Secret’ as problem, reaction, and solution in which Illuminati strategists create the problem- by funding, assembling, and training an “opposition” group to stimulate turmoil in an established political power (sovereign country, region, continent, etc.) that they wish to impinge upon and thus create opposing factions in a conflict that the Illuminati themselves maneuvered into existence.
Man’s original blueprint for how a society and the world should be managed was drawn in ancient Babylon when the occult elite organized the first worldwide political, economic, and religious system. An essential secret of “Mystery, Babylon”—long kept hidden from the masses—is that it is a control system designed to corral about 99 percent of humanity into a global class of debt slaves who live exclusively to serve the interests of the elite 1 percent. However, for “Mystery, Babylon” to function properly, the 99 percent must not realize that they are in effect slaves to the occult ruling class.
Beginning in ancient Babylon—the birthplace of the world’s mystery religions—the elite established a template by which they could control people, government, and economics through occult power, a debt-based economic system, and the worship of Lucifer. The occult elite view themselves as “god-kings.” The term “Illuminati bloodlines” refers to the belief that certain families born thousands of years ago are genetically descended from entities who visited Earth from outer space or another dimension, but whom the Bible describes as fallen angels.
Huxley concluded that the planet was already becoming like the dystopian fictional world he wrote of in Brave New World—a world literature classic about an “unequal, technologically advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order.” Huxley wrote, “Under a scientific dictator education will really work—with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”
What Huxley meant was that with truly effective, scientific mind control, the elite could program the masses to be, in effect, their political, economic, and spiritual slaves, and they wouldn’t consciously know this. A correct understanding of the biblical account of “Mystery, Babylon” shows it to be an occult dictatorship, or scientific dictatorship, that rules the masses. The two terms are interchangeable because the ancient super civilizations like Babylon viewed science, magic, technology, and mathematics as all one thing. That’s why Sir Arthur C. Clarke, a futurist and author of the classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, said, “Magic’s just science that we don’t understand yet.” Clarke wasn’t trying to be clever; he knew that at the highest level of human understanding we are only dealing with one system—the unseen one beyond what we call reality.
“The Committee of 300, although in existence for 150 years, did not take on its present form until around 1897,” Coleman wrote. “It was always given to issuing orders through other fronts, such as its Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). When it was decided that a super-body would control European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created the Club of Rome and then NATO… The power exercised by these important personages and the corporations, television stations, newspapers, insurance companies, and banks they represent, match in size and strength.
⦁ RIIA was founded 1920, and founded Tavistock Institute
⦁ Tavistock Institute 1946, Organizational Psychology & Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was established (1946–1947).
⦁ Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of leading psychiatric research establishments. The institute was researching strategies of control which could be inflicted on the populace without their awareness.
⦁ Other prominent Tavistock-related mind-bending operations include the Human Ecology Fund (part of the MK-ULTRA infrastructure. Mk Ultra programming started 1954
⦁ In 1932 Tavistock was put under the directorship of the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin was a founder of the National Training Laboratories and director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic, and—an odd qualification for a psychiatrist.
⦁ Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing, applying the results of repeated trauma and torture in mind control to society at large. If terror can be induced on a widespread basis into a society. Lewin has stated, then society reverts to a tabula rasa, a blank slate, a situation where control can easily be instituted from an exterior point.
⦁ Tavistock is simply a front group for the psychological imposition of the New World Order on the planet, and its main philosophic tool is the Hegelian dialectic framed in the terms of Lewin.
⦁ Tavistock, born from the collaboration of the international monied elite, military intelligence, and the materialistic psychiatric community, refers to its self-admitted “military” orientation as Operation Phoenix—again, a Freemasonic symbol.
⦁ One is reminded of the Freemasonic legend ” Ordo Ab Chao,” Order Out of Chaos, which could just as easily describe the Tavistock method of destroying a target subject, or a target population, prior to reprogramming; the Tavistock modus operandi.
Put it another way: By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control.
Tavistock Institute was founded 1946/47, but already in 1932 Tavistock was put under the directorship of the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin was a founder of the National Training Laboratories and director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic
Eric Trist. the chairman of Tavistock’s governors, in 1963 described his and Tavistock’s work on mass brainwashing, delineating in detail his theory of “social turbulence.” based upon the theories of Hegel. although again, Trist is far more quick to cite Lewin. Trist postulated that the administering of a series of traumatizing shocks upon a society would destabilize it. lowering the overall character of the society’s reasoning. Trist suggested that by late 1963 the world had moved into a condition of “permanent social turbulence” that would serve to usher in a new condition of society, a new paradigm. and a new possibility for remaking the face of the planet. The nature of the permanent social turbulence that Trist foresaw is further defined in a book published in 1975 by one of Trist’s associates, Fred Emery. The book. Futures We Are In. likens the condition of current day society to the violent punk welfare state of Anthony Burgess’ novel. A Clockwork Orange, written in the 1960s. Emery, in reflection of Trist, also trumpets Hegel. He describes the first stage of the breakdown of society as being “superficiality,” in which previous societal values are questioned and discarded. He uses as an example of this the death of the Judeo-Christian paradigm. The next inevitable state is “segmentation.” in which societal institutions break down, resulting in a reversion to paranoid groups of individuals hostile to each other. The next stage in the breakdown of society would be the launching of a fascist movement akin to the Nazis.
The final and most disrupted state of society is termed disassociation, in which the individual becomes the entirety of society for himself, and is isolated from other members of the group. The dominant culture of the society becomes “fantasy and superstition.” According to Trist, the current “wired society” where the main interaction of the individual is with electronic media is only a metaphor for disassociation.
These psychological and technological methods wil be the base for create the One World Government.
Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. Our existing institutions will be supplanted by pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them. “This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a Technotronic Era, a dictatorship leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical mind control and genetic tinkering with man.
Gingrich is in fact another Trojan horse whose mentor is the “futurist” Alvin Toffler. Toffler’s book The Third Wave describes the current technocratic takeover of the world, the acquisition of virtually all wealth by a tiny elite, and the relegation of the vast majority of the populace to a Third World foraging in the garbage heaps of the rich.
As psychological warfare became more sophisticated, and the intelligence services at once more creative and more demanding, new techniques were developed and virtually codified. All of these techniques share an ontological purpose: to manipulate perceptions and to re-create reality. Once that Pandora’s box was open, there was no closing it again. The temptation was too great. For those who wanted to play God, there was the next best thing: one could play with the elements of creation in such a way that magical transformations would take place.
Mind control traces its origins to religious institutional use by priesthoods. Techniques of mind control developed in our western culture were field-tested by the Jesuits, certain Vatican groups, and various mystery religions, secret societies and Masonic organizations.
The Council.” This Council’s goal was “to control not only our government, but foreign governments as well” with an ultimate goal of “a one world government, where you and I are to work in varying levels—as controlled slaves or, as they say, ‘worker bees.’” Taylor’s references to “The Council” connect it to other, more specific indi-viduals, institutions, and concepts that surface repeatedly in mind-control conspiracy theories. One of these is the Tavistock Institute
Agents of the world’s elite have been long engaged in a war on the populace of Earth. Greed is the motiva-tion for this war, a greed so pervasive that it encom-passes the planet and all of the beings on it, but in recent times a philosophy has been used to justify that greed. It is the philosophy of mass control, that ultimately aims at dictating every aspect of human life—even remolding man’s perception of reality and himself. Although the lust for control can be discerned since the beginning of recorded history.
The Tavistock Institute is the Mother of All mind control organizations
The first director of Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, John Rawlings Reese, was instructed to perfect a system that would subvert and then control the thinking of human beings so that they could be channeled in any direction so desired by the Committee of 300, an elite arm of the Illuminati. He sought to introduce an automated mentality into the bulk of the targeted population. The end result of Reese’s objectives were and remain, control of all human life; its destruction when deemed desirable, whether it be through mass genocide or mass slavery.
Taken from their own manual, Tavistock Institute mission is as follows:
“Our research has established that the simplest mode of gaining control of people is to keep them undisciplined, disorganized, confused and distracted by issues which are of relatively little import.”
“In addition to our less direct long-range penetration methods, this can be accomplished by a disengagement of mental activities and providing low quality programs of public education.”
“Our mode calls for emotional stimulus, increased use of amplifiers which induce self-indulgence, whether direct (television) or advertising.
“Of primary importance is the revision of history and law and thus shifting thinking from personal needs to fabricated outside priorities. The general rule is that there is profit in confusion, the greater the confusion, the greater the profit. One of the ways in which this can be accomplished is to create problems and then offer solutions.”
“Keep all groups so occupied with endless problems that they have no time to think clearly, and here, we rely on entertainment which should not reach beyond the mental capacity of a child in the sixth grade.”
“Technically, children must be ‘orphaned’ in day care centers under government control. With such an initial handicap, the lower-classes will have little hope of upward mobility away from their assigned positions in life.”
“The form of slavery we have in mind is essential for good social order, peace and tranquility.”
“The general public refuses to improve its own mentality. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and blight on the face of the earth.” “By measuring the economic habits by which the sheep try to run from their problems and escape from reality via the medium of ‘entertainment’, we can apply methods to predict the probable combination shocks (created events) which are necessary to bring about complete control and subjugation of the population by subverting the economy.”
“The sovereignty of the elite is threatened when the lower classes become informed and envious of the power and possessions of the class above them. As some of them become better educated, they seek to rise higher through a real knowledge of economics-energy. This presents a real threat to the sovereignty of the elite class.”
“It follows that the rise of the lower classes must be postponed long enough for the elite class to achieve energy (economic) dominance.” “It is essential to divide the people, keep the adults’ attention away from real issues and overcome their thinking with matters of relatively little importance. The young must be kept ignorant of mathematics, economics and history. “When government is able to seize private property without just compensation, it is certain that people are ripe for surrender and consenting to slavery and legal encroachment.”
From military intelligence, and its inception Tavistock was intended as a coordinating center for planetary social control using “psychological shock troops,” a term coined by Reese. These shock troops in white lab coats have fanned out across the planet, infiltrating organizations in order to implement policies deemed productive by the organization’s strategists. At core Tavistock consists of Freemasonic intelligence agents collaborating with the hydra heads of world psychiatry to achieve two goals:
(1) A one world order where the nation state has been abolished and a single totalitarian control center established.
(2) The simultaneous psychological control of the world or, using their term, “societry.” Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind control orientation.’
Lewin’s theory was the origin and definition of the concept of Future Shock, written by Tavistock-associated Alvin Toffler, although Toffler promotes the idea that current cultural deconstruction and leveling is an accident. It is not.
This Tavistock signature approach, this “Future Shock” deprogramming of the subject to a vegetative state through torture and trauma, for subsequent reprogramming—is the recurring methodology for world mind control as well as cultural programming in the 20th century. Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute, reported to have been at the time working in the MKULTRA mind control program, in his 1957 book Battle for the Mind.
A key thrust of Tavistock has been accomplished by the National Training Laboratories, sponsoring group “encounter” or “sensitivity” programs involved in breaking down an individual’s personality and reconstructing it along lines agree-able to the group—a microcosmic intervention intended to gradually bring about the macrocosm of the New World Order.
The Seats of Real Power
For all the speculation on the NWO, it may no longer matter which countries are involved, as real power already appears to be cross-border and lies far beyond the grasp of any democratic principles. It is asserted that the key decisions which affect our lives, in the West at least, were long ago farmed out to a series of high-level think tanks and quangos. These are attended by known politicians, royalty, media moguls and corporate leaders, but their meetings are closed to the public and the resulting resolutions passed down to selected parliaments to give an illusory sense of democracy. The prime examples are usually said to include the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committe 300, and Tavistock Institute to just mention some of all of them. Many of these network of secret groups, as Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Committe 300 are conduits for instructions to the Tavistock network.
All Tavistock foundation techniques have a single goal – to break down the psychological strength the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order.
The Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is based on this principle to make the targeted helpless
Coleman says it is no fiction. The Illuminati, aka the “Committee of 300”, have a very broad agenda. Coleman breaks down their “Targets” into 21 bullet points. It begins with the destruction of “national identity and national pride”, as well as “the Christian religion”, and ends with the establishment of a “New World Order” backed by the IMF, UN and World Court. To achieve this goal, mind control will be used to help achieve drastic population reductions.
Devised by the Tavistock Institute, this programme is known as the “Aquarian Conspiracy”. This totalitarian agenda culminates in the Illuminati “taking control of the world and planetary domination.
Tavistock hired Dr. Sigmund Freud to start the ball rolling. Their ultimate objective was to figure out the most effective ways to manipulate and control the mass consciousness. The research of Hess, the Third Reich and Tavistock merely broke the ground. By the time the separate conspiratorial factions united themselves as the Liquid Conspiracy, mind control had already established itself as a prerequisite to global control. Part 4, 3, 2, and 1
The Inner Temple granted to the City of London is the New Jerusalem. It’s based on the system of slavery brought back from Jerusalem by the Templars. The ones in the outer temple are the goyyim and get thrown the teachings of exoteric religion, a made up story that Jesus Christ is the only savior there ever was that kept the masses ignorant and enslaved in the Outer Temple. Although they have tentacles all over the earth, three very small Roman corporate-controlled city states run the show: Washington DC is the war and military mechanism; the City of London deals with the finances of the whole planet through the Bank of England and Federal Reserve; and Vatican City deals with our spirits, the poisoning of people’s minds, and scientific propaganda.
The Illuminati controls the Vatican, City of London and Washington D.C. They therefore controls the world finances, the military complex, and the spirit. And the Tavistock Institute is the whole “nerve center” for mind control and mass brainwashing. Tavistock Institute is the mother for all existing mind control organizations. Tavistock Institute may be the hidden force in creation of the Global World Brain. This Global World Brain will become th Police State of the Mind or the new Fascist State of Mind.
Tavistock, the world’s premier brainwashing institute, was unwittingly following in the steps of magicians.
At the end of the war, Nazi psychiatrists were rescued from Germany under the supervision of Montagu Norman and John Rawlings Rees, a doctor at the psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute.’ MK-Ultra, begun in the 1950s, developed from the behavior control research project coordinated by the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the CIA, and other British, American, Canadian and United Nations agencies. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Round Table’s RIIA, the Tavistock Clinic, whose members referred to themselves as an “invisible college,” became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II.’
The biggest problem in determining the extent of mind control programs comes from the extreme secrecy and destruction of files. No information is available on any newer mind control techniques. It is a small step from mind control of an individual to mind control of the masses. The Nazis were masters at crowd control through propaganda. Recently, several unconfirmed stories have appeared suggesting the government may be using microwaves to control the masses.
Cybernetics evolved out of the intersection of mathematics and engineering in military research in World War II.” The goal of the Cybernetics Group was to develop a science that makes it possible to predict and control human behavior.
Cybernetics first emerged as psychiatry, but spread to other fields such as robotics, engineering, biological computing, management, politics, spirituality, entertainment, the arts, theater and architecture and education.
The work of John Rawlings Rees was continued by other Tavistock operatives such as Dr Kurt Lewin as Tavistock developed ever more sophisticated techniques for the individual and mass control of the human mind .
Tavistock hired Dr. Sigmund Freud to start the ball rolling. Their ultimate objective was to figure out the most effective ways to manipulate and control the mass consciousness.
Tavistock concerns itself mainly with mass mind control. Social psychologists had discovered that persons in groups are far easier to influence, because the group setting brings out mental behaviors that an individual on his own does not manifest. Then, Tavistock realized it could ‘create the environment’ in which the people may show those behaviors! For instance, it can, by ordinary terrorist tactics, make a nation ‘go mad.’ Less dramatically, one can interfere with the brain by overwhelming it with constant changes: when confused, one’s decision-making center calls it quits. The key is to know the mind’s natural processes, especially non-rational ones.
The research of Hess, the Third Reich and Tavistock merely broke the ground. By the time the separate conspiratorial factions united themselves as the Liquid Conspiracy, mind control had already established itself as a prerequisite to global control.
“The cold war was a cover to maintain the arms race,” Kilder explained; In the 1950s every aspect of the arms race was maintained by the conspiracy. Its purpose was to continue the expedient progression of technology. When all of this power rests in the hands of one order, it is but a matter of time before every last one of us becomes its slave.
Mind manipulation and brainwashing will also be used on people useful to the Global Elite to ‘encourage’ them to see the world in the required manner.” The Tavistock nexus has grown far and wide and links into the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg network.
Aldous Huxley a novelist, occultist, and former intelligence agent
Freud was a member of Freemasons in Vienna.
Tavistock concerns itself mainly with mass mind control.
During the 1930s, Tavistock adopted Freud’s psychoanalysis as a means for expanding such capabilities; Freud spent his last years with Tavistock, bequeathing his psychoanalytical association to their control, and leaving his daughter, Anna, to be associated with the clinic for the remainder of her life’s work. Individual psychoanalysis is an expensive proposition, and thus not suited to mass-brainwashing practice. So, work on so-called “group theory,” such as that of Dr. Kurt Lewin and his associates, was called into play, and blended with psychoanalysis, to elaborate a practice of “group analysis.” The doctrine was reduced to a few simple principles, to the effect that sociology students and similar “lay ther-apists” could be deployed to conduct such exercises. Tavistock concentrated on perfecting techniques for inducing psychotic states, exploring ways in which victims could be molded either as what we call “programmed” agents today, or simply to act in a predictable way when turned loose in society. LSD-25 was developed as a synthetic form of ergotamine, for such purposes.
Media (Radio, TV, Advertisement. nusic, movies)
Mind Control
Social Enginnering
Fear Programming
Predictable programming
Syntethic telepathy
Voice to skull technology
Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS)
Electro Magnetic Frequency (ELF)
Quiet Wars Weapons
Mk Ultra Programming
Tavistock Institute In manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, “mass brainwashing.” This requires the building of duplicitous mind-control devices into wrongful government for which the subconscious mind understands as tyranny but the conscious mind cannot articulate.
The name Tavistock is associated with human relations and psychiatry (see statue of Freud in front of Tavistock Institute). Charles Dickens (who had written of “pencils of light,” which is similar to the term “points of light”) moved to Tavistock House in October 1951.
In 1920, the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology (TIMP) was founded. It was involved in psychotherapy, and psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic wanted to apply their findings to the general public in the form of certain social service programs.
John Rawlings Rees (who would be a co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health in 1948) was Deputy Director of Tavistock at this time (he would become Director in 1932). Rees developed the “Tavistock Method,” which induces and controls stress via what Rees called “psychologically controlled environments” in order to make people give up firmly held beliefs under “peer pressure.”
In 1930, TIMP had been involved with the second biennial Conference on Mental Health, where psychiatrist J.R. Lord advocated challenging old values, saying “the aim should be to control not only nature, but human nature.” And he spoke of the “necessity to disarm the mind.”
In 1935, Harvard psychologist (1930-1967) Gordon Allport co-authored THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RADIO with Hadley Cantril. Allport would be a leading agent for the Tavistock Institute, and Cantril in 1937 would be a member of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Office of Radio Research at Princeton University established to study the influence of radio on different groups of listeners. In 1940, Cantril would author THE INVASION FROM MARS: A STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PANIC regarding the radio broadcast of H.G. Wells’ THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. Tavistock senior staffer, Fred Emery, would later (HUMAN RELATIONS, Vol. 12, No. 3, August 1959) begin his article on “Working Hypotheses on the Psychology of Television” with the words: “The psychological after-effects of television are of considerable interest to the would-be social engineer.”
In 1945, Rockefeller Foundation medical director Alan Gregg was touring various institutions that had been involved in war medicine to see if any group would commit to undertake the kind of social psychiatry that had been developed by the Army during wartime (e.g., cultural psychiatry for the analysis of the enemy mentality), and see if it could be relevant for the civilian society (on April 11, 1933, Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason assured trustees that in their program, “the Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control,… the control of human behavior”). This led to a Rockefeller grant that resulted in the birth of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock would join with Kurt Lewin’s Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University of Michigan the next year to begin publication of the international journal, HUMAN RELATIONS, relating theory to pracice.
The year after Tavistock and the RCGD began publishing HUMAN RELATIONS, the journal (Vol. II, No. 3, 1949), published “Some Principles of Mass Persuasion” by Dorwin Cartwright who helped establish the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. In this article, Cartwright reveals: “It is conceivable that one persuasive person could, through the use of mass media, bend the world’s population to his will.” The article goes on to describe “the modification of cognitive structure in individuals by means of mass media” and how “a person can be induced to do voluntarily something that he would otherwise not do.” The article also provides “a list of essential requirements for the success of any campaign of mass persuasion.”
In 1964, Fred Emery, who would be a senior member of Tavistock, wrote “Theories of Social Turbulence” which he explained more fully in FUTURES WE ARE IN (1975). According to this theory, individuals or societies faced with a series of crises will attempt to reduce the tension by adaptation and eventually psychological retreat as if anesthetized (similar to Pavlov’s “protective inhibition response”). This can lead to social disintegration, which Emery called “segmentation.”
In 1970, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) of the NEA published TO NURTURE HUMANENESS: COMMITMENT FOR THE ’70s, in which Sidney Jourard (Fellow at the Tavistock Clinic and former president of the Association for Humanist Psychology), wrote: “We are in a time of revolt…. The new society will be a fascist state or it will be pluralistic and humanistic.” The primary characteristic of the fascist state is increasing control over people’s lives by government in league with corporations. Sound like today?
In the 1990s, the Tavistock Institute not only began a new journal titled EVALUATION in 1995, but the Institute and the European Commission also worked on a feasibility study to research the effect of using “Smart Cards” in competence accreditation. The project involved assessing and validating students’ skills, with information placed on personal skills Smart Cards which “become real passports to employment.” The implication, of course, is that without this “real passport,” one will not be employed.
Welcome to the Tavistock psychologically conditioned feudal fascist state of the future, under the power elite’s planned World Socialist Government! This will lead to what Daniel 8:23-25 foretold: “And in the latter time… a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up… and shall destroy the mighty and holy people… and by peace shall destroy many….”
How is it possible that the “holy people” will be destroyed? It’s because today many so-called Christians are sitting on their posteriors while the “religion” of secular humanism has been taught in public schools for over four decades. Values are being taught in public schools based upon situation ethics without reference to God as moral authority. This is a primary tenet of secular humanism (see the first and second HUMANIST MANIFESTO), which was declared a “religion”.
The problem is, both political organizations seemed to have the same agenda: groom us all away from constitutional clarity, seeking their “protection” as we all cower in our living rooms as mind-slaves.
According to some reputable researchers, Sigmund Freud was Tavistock’s first director, followed by his daughter, who apparently still runs the facility. It was used to program the postwar leaders of Germany’s government, churches, schools, corporations, etc., from among the POWs who were easy to manipulate.
Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.ll.
Tavistock was under SIS. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control.
During World War II, the Tavistock Institute combined with the medical sciences division of the Rockefeller Foundation for esoteric experiments with mind-altering drugs.
Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute
In manner that became a highly sophisticated organization to manipulate and create public opinion, what is commonly termed, “mass brainwashing.” This requires the building of duplicitous mind-control devices into wrongful government for which the subconscious mind understands as tyranny but the conscious mind cannot articulate.
During the course of its evolvement, Tavistock expanded in size and ambition in 1937.
“Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing applying the results of repeated trauma and torture [of individuals] in mind control to society at large.” “If terror can be induced on a widespread basis into a society, Lewin has stated, then society reverts to a tabula rasa, a blank slate, a situation where control can easily be instituted from an external point.”
“Put another way: By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control. Lewin maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to an ‘early childhood situation.’ He termed this societal chaos ‘fluidity.’”
History of Western civilization, was that its determining culture has always been the rise and decline of grand imperial dynasties. At the very point that these dynasties — the “thousand year Reich” of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Roman Empire, and the British Empire — succeed in imposing their rule over the entire face of the earth, they tend to decline.
Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of foreign intelligence during World War I and the spiritual grandfather of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Ferguson accurately sees the counterculture as the realization of what Wells called The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. The “Open Conspiracy,” Wells wrote, “will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases, wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common object toward which they are all moving . . . In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible government.”
What Ferguson left out is that Wells called his conspiracy a “one-world brain” which would function as ” a police of the mind.” Such books as the Open Conspiracy were for the priesthood itself. But Wells’s popular writings (Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and so forth), and those of his proteges Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm), were written as “mass appeal” organizing documents on behalf of one-world order. Only in the United States are these “science fiction classics” taught in grade school as attacks against fascism.
Agent John Coleman says, “When it was decided that a super-body would control European affairs, the RITA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO.
Malthusian organization with an agenda for genocide, the Club of Rome, established at a meeting of 30 individuals from ten countries. In 1972, they published their manifesto on the Predicament of Mankind under the title, Limits to Growth, which showed that Earth could not sustain the current population expansion in the age of depleting natural resources. The final objective is the collapse of the world economy, even with their version of `unlimited’ resources, which includes zero technological advancement in science, or development of revolutionary new technologies. If you break through the Babylonian verbal confusion, their 1992 report, The Global Revolution: A report by the Club of Rome Council leaves little room for doubt as to their real agenda: “In search for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” They concluded with the following, “The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”
Tavistock, a progressive society, was founded in London in 1920; the Tavistock Clinic opened in 1920. It always had secret ties to Freemasonry. Its aims include social control, information control; and control of the hidden information environment. Practically, his means it has control mechanisms in academia, multimedia, intelligence, and medicine especially pharmaceuticals. Tavistock is part of the global shadow government.
Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.
We assume large corporations have economic objectives. But we don’t expect them to have a secret social and occult agenda as well. For example, we don’t expect them to engineer arrested development and family breakdown. We don’t expect them to use pop culture to foster alienation and dysfunction. But evidence suggests Tavistock and its sister organizations do exactly that. With advanced psychology, the “programming” of the unconscious mind through popular culture, movies, television and even comic books
Central bankers based in the City of London control the cartels that dominate the world and they have their own agendas. They finagled the right to print money based on our credit and quite naturally used this advantage to buy everything worth having. This might be tolerable if limitless wealth was all they wanted. But they also want limitless power: not just one-world dictatorship but total control over our minds and souls. Popular culture is engineered to brainwash each of us from cradle to grave. Trends and megatrends are manufactured, engineered by corporations.
Society evolves slowly toward “social efficiency” all by itself; society under stress, however, evolves much faster! Thus the deliberate creation of crisis is an important tool of evolutionary socialists. Does that help you understand the global drama a little better, or well-publicized doomsday scenarios?
The rulers of some of these organizations are interest in psychiatric genetics, which “applied to psychiatry the concepts of eugenics (otherwise known as race purification, race hygiene, or race betterment).
The ultimate goal of Illuminati sub-groups such as the Institute Tavistock and the Black Rose Society, in conducting such massive mind control.
“At every crossway on the road that leads to the future, tradition has placed against each of us, ten thousand men to guard the past.”
The Tavistock Institute – The aim of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is not to inform you of the controlling actions within our society, but to use scientific methods that are well known for discretely brainwashing the public. It is the core for mass indoctrination and global manipulation.
What is the purpose of these behaviour modifications? It is to bring about forced changes to our way of life, without our agreement and without ever realizing what is happening to us. The ultimate goal being “the complete extirpation of mankind’s inner sense of identity, the tearing out of mankind’s innermost soul, and the placement, in the vacant space, of an artificial, synthetic pseudo-soul.” However, in order to change mankind’s behaviour away from industrial production into spiritualism and to bring us wilfully into the world of post-industrial era zero growth and zero progress, one must force first a change in mankind’s `self-image,’ its fundamental conception of what we are. Thus, the image of man appropriate to that new era must be sought, synthesized and then wired into mankind’s brain. As Professor John McMurtry wrote in his 2001 opening address at the Science for Peace Forum held at the University of Toronto, “totality of rule is not the only parameter of totalitarianism. Limitlessness of power also proceeds from an omnipresent Center.” In the new totalitarian movement, “this omnipresent directive force” : communicates through behaviour modification and identity change — the dominant nodes of the interlocked system. Psychological terror is not the essence, “but the punctuation mark of the new totalitarianism’s meaning. The money-and-consumption command channel is the secret of the movement’s success because it avoids responsibility for its failures.
Psychological terror is not the essence, “but the punctuation mark of the new totalitarianism’s meaning. The money-and-consumption command channel is the secret of the movement’s success because it avoids responsibility for its failures. Wall Street prescribed market failures to provide for societies are, instead, always attributed to transcendental forces of the invisible hand” punishing these societies for alleged sins against “market laws.” Thus as catastrophes increasingly befall the majority of the world, the victims are blamed for their new deprivation, misery and oppression.
This is a far more effective mode of rule than jackboot terror, which is more overt, but it exposes the system to another form of resistance. To keep the majority in a continual state of inner anxiety works because people are made too busy securing or competing for their own survival to co-operate in mounting an effective response.
This too, has Tavistock’s signature all over it. “In the past decade, the entire population of the globe has been kept permanently off-balance with one financial meltdown and transnational trade fiat after another emptying national coffers and overriding rights of domestic self-determination.
Populations have been so overwhelmed by the moving juggernaut of economic and environmental crises that a rule of universal insecurity has rendered social majorities paralysed by a low-intensity terror — the necessary condition for any totalitarian movement to continue its advance, because keeping its subjects perpetually off balance is its modus operandi.
“In previous periods of history we have seen draconian measures put through at the national level but we have never seen such an assault on peoples’ rights and democratic standards. Each new measure, viewed on its own, may seem an aberration but a whole host of changes as pan on an ongoing continuum constitutes a shift’ towards total enslavement. Total power is a supra terrestrial correlative of global power, which can conceive of no limit to itself. There are many challenges for us to overcome. When presented with all the facts, when the evidence is neatly laid out on the table, when the conspirators have been unmasked and defrocked and their deeds shown for all the world to see, still, the ordinary citizen screams conspiracy, refusing to believe that such a monstrous, mind-boggling collusion is real… Until, it is too late. Be warned!
We are at the crossroads. And the roads we take will now terminate whether we will live in the XXI century as nation state republics or subjugated, culled and a dehumanized crop of slaves. Dear reader, the situation is extremely grave. We are fighting a combined effort of some of the most brilliant people in history who scheme against us for the purposes of possessing us. But the human will is immortal. Tyrants have killed millions and yet people fought and eventually won their freedom. Freedom stirs the human heart and fear stills it. Amidst the deafening cacophony of patriotic silence, insurgent voices command attention. Immortality has its moral basis in truth and incorruptibility. It deserves to be given all the support that it can get. It deserves to be fought and died for.
Throughout the twentieth century, the Tavistock has continued to engage in similar acts of public deception to promote a war mentality, a technique they later began to refer to as “mass brainwashing.” The following is an excerpt from Dr. Coleman’s 2006 book, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline.
The aim of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is not to inform you of the controlling actions within our society, but to use scientific methods that are well known for discretely brainwashing the public. It is the core for mass indoctrination and global manipulation.
Of course, there is a direct chain of command in which the Committee of 300 dictates orders to the Tavistock Institute in much the same manner that they dictate to corporations that own the major news and entertainment outlets around the globe. Through their various executive arms of control, they determine—with few exceptions—which movies get produced, which celebrities rise to superstardom.
When we read our current headlines or watch the news broadcasts that are produced by the mainstream networks, what we’re often getting is the equivalent of Institute Tavistock propaganda, the objective of which is to keep us in never-ending states of anxiety, division, and uncertainty. Clearly, the globalists benefit from our involvement in wars—to the extent that they have, on multiple occasions, funded both sides of a conflict to ensure that no resolution is reached —and so it continues. When we are at war, the elites are the financial benefactors. They also understand that war is the single most effective way to fundamentally change societies.
“When we are at war, the elites are the financial benefactors.”
Yet since the creation of the UN this world has seen 258 major conflicts more than any known wars on this planet prior to this point, now just why is that? Well most of these wars have been fought in countries who have never had major conflicts before then suddenly the Western Major Powers are invited to step in and intervene and we are always told that this intervention is to control peace in these countries.
Their ultimate objective is to dominate the globe and enslave humanity through subversion, social engineering, and mind control.
Their thinking is not to be confused with the views of the elites today. Nor should it be applied to their current agenda. They clearly do not want the people of the world to live in peace. They do not want the vast majority of people to live at all. Let’s be clear. They want war and a lot of it. They want depopulation and the forced enslavement of those who remain. They want the New World Order, which represents totalitarianism in its most brutal form.
A hidden strategy behind these many wars could be that the nation lending money and through depths they later can take control of their banks and resources. This strategy is been used on people´s individual levels. so why should they not use same methods on teh national levels. Man-made global disasters could work in same way; they ledning money b them who creates the mess in the world.
Fear is control, and out of chaos comes order. Kilder believed that the primary purpose for the apocalyptic visions which seemingly now rule the airwaves was for psychological manipulation of the Tavistock Institute variety.
The Tavistock Institute – The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in 1921 to study the “ breaking point ” of humans.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study the “ breaking point ” of humans .
The Tavistock Institute So where do we get our cultural symbols? Today it has been refined into the modern science of the mass manipulation of public opinion. Few people have heard of some-thing called “the mother of all think tanks—the Tavistock Institute. This is the world’s premier firm in brain-washing and social engineering.
Tavistock is a globally-active council that has in-fluenced just about every social and political movement of note through-out much of the world for the past fifty years. Without the Institute there would have been no world wars.
Its aim was to manipulate spociety through social crisis. Times are being made to change according to a very carefully laid out Tavistock formula. It is generally seen as the nerve center for global manipulation and Hollywood is just one arm of that. Closely affiliated with Stanford, MIT and NASA it is head-quartered in London and operates a six billion dollar a year network of foundations.
The movie industry is controlled and owned by the Illuminati, and they invented the movie industry, so much of new mind controlling devices can be used as predictable programming in movies. It´s same people, organization and secret socities behind all these mind controlling concepts.
Ten major institutions are under its direct con-trol, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3,000 other study groups and think tanks which specialize in organizational behavior, political science, psycho-analysis, psychology and sociology. Tavistock’s pioneer work in behav-ioral science, along Freudian lines of “controlling humans”, established it as the world center of cultural ideology. Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques.
All Tavistock foundation techniques have a single goal: to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the New World Order.
The Universities, The Church, The Government, The Media
Role: We Fool you and Befuddle your thinking so you cannot make right decisions and threaten the ruler’s control. But we are watched and censored by the Intelligence services. They control our ‘Fate.’
They fool you and befuddle your thinking, because someone who doesn’t know the truth cannot make the right decisions. Thus, if we feed you false facts and theories you can never challenge the status quo because you have all the wrong ideas in your head. All your decisions will be wrong ones because they will be based on false information. As an example, Science is a lie. Just like the history books are lies written by the victors. The theories of science are the secretions of insane minds who are unaware that their brains are very poor machines for understanding the world around us. Even the ancient Greek philosopher, Monimus the Cynic realised that everything we see is an impression. The Buddhists regard the human mind as ‘deluded.’ But, because the Scientists do not even question the part their mind’s play in the process of scientific discovery, they believe everything they see and think is real.
The ‘New World Order’ has used the developments of science, not to free people but to enslave them in a web of deceit and electronic surveillance that no one can comprehend. They have turned a philosophy intended to free mankind into its gaoler and oppressor.
The theory of evolution for example, is a lie designed to stop people believing in God. If they don’t believe in God and a higher meaning; a celestial protector, they are less likely to rebel and more likely to blindly accept what the Government tells them. Why?
Because if they believe in God, they have an all-powerful celestial supporter who is defending them. Consequently, they have no fear of evil and stand up to the government. The church goes along with it, because all the church hierarchy is controlled through their vices by the intelligence services.
The scientists desire to create genetic freaks of nature or implant electronic devices to turn humans into machines omits the element of randomness. So, the scientist’s nightmare Huxonian ‘genetically perfect’ humans will become extinct because nature will make them barren since they will not be able to advance genetically. They will die out because their own genes will destroy them.
But what are the goals of this secret elite group? We know the ultimate goal is world domination and total control, but how do they plan to achieve such a worldwide coup?
Their game plan has many tentacles that are far reaching and all encompassing, but even more importantly.. “they” have been…and continue to be, patient.
These individuals already have all the money anyone could ever dream of having, but money is not enough. They want global control of the people…enough said.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning “Enlightened Ones.” This was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a “New World Order.” The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
It then should be of little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research was established in 1882,. The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in 1921 to study the “breaking point” of humans. Kurt Lewin, a psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and multi-generational occultism.