A one-world government

William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he died to reveal. The late William Cooper said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. I’m not into mysterious things, or witchcraft, or disappearing ships, or anything like that. My only purpose, and the only reason I even began to do any of this is because that sometime in the near future we’re all in danger of losing our personal freedoms and becoming somebody’s slave in the New World Order, and that’s the only thing I care about

William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he died to reveal. The late William Cooper said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. I’m not into mysterious things, or witchcraft, or disappearing ships, or anything like that. My only purpose, and the only reason I even began to do any of this is because that sometime in the near future we’re all in danger of losing our personal freedoms and becoming somebody’s slave in the New World Order, and that’s the only thing I care about

The Illuminati began as a secret society under the direction of Jesuit priests. Later, a council of five men, one for each of the points on the pentagram, formed what was called The Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria. They were high order Luciferian Freemasons, thoroughly immersed in mysticism and eastern mental disciplines, seeking to develop the superpowers of the mind. Their alleged plan and purpose is world domination for their lord—which is the fallen Lucifer.

The Illuminati are alleged to be the primary motivational forces forcing the global governance, a one-world religion, and centralized control of the world’s economic systems. Organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the International Criminal Court are seen as tentacles of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati are the driving force behind the brainwashing of the mindless masses, blatant mind control, manipulation of beliefs, scientific dumbing-down of society, chemical poisoning of food, water and air (globally known cancers like aluminum salts [chem-trails], aspartame, sodium fluoride, melamine, etc.); also, the Illuminati are revealed to have total and complete control over all the mainstream media of the modern world, all the information, all the food, all the money, most of the world’s military forces. The Illuminati’s power vehicles are the big banks, and the manipulation of all the money and wealth of the planet.

The Rothschild’s currently own and control 165 central banks, …

 The Illuminati have a private board of elite, interlocking delegates who control the world’s major banks. They create inflations, recessions, depressions, and manipulate the world markets, supporting certain leaders and coups and undermining others to achieve their overall goals. The goal behind the Illuminati conspiracy is to create and then manage crises that will eventually convince the masses that globalism, with its centralized economic control and one-world religious ethic, are the necessary solution to the world’s woes.

This structure, usually known as The New World Order, will of course be ruled by the Illuminati. There are many end times prophecies in the Bible that are interpreted by most to point to an end times one-world government, one-world monetary system, and one-world religion. Many Bible prophecy interpreters see this “New World Order” as being controlled by the antichrist, the end-times false messiah. However all believers in Christ should remember this: God has sovereignly allowed all these developments, and they are not outside of His overall plan. God is in control, not the Illuminati.

William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he died to reveal. The late William Cooper said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. I’m not into mysterious things, or witchcraft, or disappearing ships, or anything like that. My only purpose, and the only reason I even began to do any of this is because that sometime in the near future we’re all in danger of losing our personal freedoms and becoming somebody’s slave in the New World Order, and that’s the only thing I care about. That’s the only thing I’m fighting, and that’s the only reason I’m doing any of this.” William Cooper warned about brainwashing and mind control. He talked about operational programs designed to control every human alive 24 hours a day. The masses don’t listen to these types of messages and warnings because they’re too busy being brainwashed by Hollywood. William Cooper said, “As I said before, if you begin to study the developments in operational programs of brainwashing and mind control, you’ll find that what they can do is absolutely incredible, will blow your mind, and will teach you that right now, the possibility of total control over every human being on the face of this earth for every 24 hours of their lives is a distinct possibility in the very near future.” Even now, 95% of the population are victims of the brainwashing and mass mind control of the corporate media establishment, organized religion, and network television.

William Cooper said, “Well, nobody’s really a bad guy. You gotta understand these guys aren’t doing this because they’re evil or they think that they’re bad. They’re doing it because they actually believe that it’s the best for all humanity. But their assumption is wrong. Anything that has to be manipulated, anything that has to be brought about by lies and deceit is inherently wrong in its premise to begin with. So, they’re fooling themselves. They believe that the rest of us are so stupid that we’re just like cattle, and that’s what they call us, and that they’re the only ones with truly mature minds, and that they’ve got to bring the rest of us under total and complete control so that they can run the world the way they want to, and they actually believe that there’s going to be a going Utopia because of what they bring about.”

Since religious to eventually achieve a totally overview of the history of brainwashing is only one facet of the Illuminati’s goal -controlled global populace, a brief control is presented in order to aquatint mind the reader with the principal conspiratorial persons and subversive organizations who have participated in this evil undertaking.

The Serpent Cult harnesses our spiritual power and they somehow feed off it and use it against us. They do this by creating our physical reality through collective mind control. To control our reality they need to control our thoughts. If they control our thoughts, then they also control our actions. This is true, they not only control your physical life here on this planet, the planet you call Earth, they also control your thoughts, therefore your soul, when you leave the physical body.

When the Serpent Cult controls our thoughts, they can easily rule our world. If they stop controlling our thoughts then our natural intuition, our spiritual awareness, would simply return. We would become natural again, spiritually free, instead of the spiritual prisoners we are now.

Collective spiritual awareness will raise us as high as we want to go, far above the reach and the control of the Serpent Cult.

The reptilians were controlling minds. Also, they shaped the pyramid by their levitation. The pyramid represents their strength, and their control over the ancient world.

“When the gods [Anunnaki], like men, bore the work and suffered the toil — the toil of the gods was great, the work was heavy, the distress was much.” So with genetic manipulation they created a new race in their own image as reported in Genesis of the Bible. The genes given to man were inhibited in a conscious effort to prevent any competition from the new human race. According to Genesis 3:5, the very first order of

When the half breeds turned out to be smarter than was expected, they had to be dumbed down with television disinformation, drugs, psychiatry, religion, inefficient educational institutions, corrupted language systems, false sciences, destructive technologies, and corrupt political systems. With the advent of the machine age and a plentiful supply of oil for energy, mankind had more discretionary time and affluence.

The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self-respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is the fact that each human is a divine spirit operating a physical body and is capable of creating matter, energy, space and time out of nothing. They are gods in their own right!

We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods of our own universes, but now we are fallen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw off our chains. We’ve only been given inhibitions. No one has allowed us to know our true potentialities. We’ve been oppressed and mind controlled by alien beings for the purpose of making us unknowing slaves. We are entertained and defrauded by television each day while the alien agenda relentlessly unfolds.

When word gets out that we’ve been mind controlled, oppressed, held down and used by a reptilian race to further their own nefarious purposes, mankind will break out of his chains. It will be endgame for the reptilians. That’s why the reptiles know that this secret must never see the light of day on planet Earth. That’s also why every human must discover this secret and make it known to every other human. Together we can undo the mental blocks to our individual memories and use existing technologies to get out from under the oppression of the reptilians.


Modernly, the reptilians, whose life span exceeds 3,000 years, have been busy behind the scenes directing a few men to bring the nations of earth to their knees and set up a one world totalitarian government to accomplish the reptilian agenda.

According to possibly the oldest writings known to man is the Babylonian story behind the origin of Homo Sapien man. Before Homo Sapiens, there were other hominids on the planet. Having been genetically bred to serve the Anunnaki as slaves, they set themselves up over us as overlords and gods. These “fake” gods AND goddesses were NOT benevolent. They saw us only as cattle… commodities to be preyed upon, used and consumed. They are the ones responsible for the creation of all religions that exist in the world today.

The Anunnaki do not need the consent of humans to carry on their projects, and/or to coordinate mutual operations. They had, and still have full control over us from the dawn of the creation of the primitive humans. We function, think, act and react according to what they have installed in our “Intellect program”, genes, DNA, and “Mental Conduit”. They created us genetically.

The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self-respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is the fact that each human is a divine spirit operating a physical body and is capable of creating matter, energy, space and time out of nothing. They are gods in their own right! We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods of our own universes, but now we are fallen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw off our chains.

Being relatively few in number the Anunnaki – An, Lucifer or Satan and his demons, the extraterrestrials invaders of the planet need the Illuminati as a front for them to carry out their agenda for the creation of a planetary dictatorship with us humans as a type of micro-chipped robotic mind controlled slave population. These reptilians have been working to regain control of the planet they believe is theirs. Sumerian tablets dating back to around 3500BC tell of the arrival of the Annunnaki who interbred with Earth races to create bloodlines through which to manipulate the world while appearing to be human.

This new era, has already started with the forced reengineering of our planet and us humans. ChemTrails are not only changing the environment we live in, but are changing us from the inside out. Planetary re-engineering goes beyond controlling the weather. The people behind geo-engineering are after the human race. Transhumanism. —Laura Eisenhower

Transhumanist intend to replace all natural laws with their own set of rules which will make it easier to control it all. It is nothing more than an agenda to destroy humanity and human nature. It seeks to devolve and enslave humans in a way that will be irreversible. —Dr. Louis Miranda

“It is fantasy to suggest that the accelerating development and deployment of technologies that taken together are considered to be A.I. will be  stopped or limited, either by regulation or even by national legislation:. AI I far more dangerous than nuclear weapon. It can destroy mankind without any bombs.

Full human control of high-energy weapons would serve not only to reduce war but also destroy At systems if necessary. That is to say, even if human beings must develop AI, they must also keep a hand on it. They have to retain for themselves the right and the ability to use weapons, and ensure that AI cannot control and operate weapon systems. Otherwise, the final days of humankind might not be science fiction anymore.

Musk believes that full artificial intelligence, which he says is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons,..he argues that we do not want people to make atomic bombs, and we should treat AI just as seriously.

Dying means entering the ocean of becoming. The overhuman knows how to live and how to die. The transhumanist does not know how to live and so neither how to die. If we accept two types of human nature, one identified with our body and limiting and the other identified with our mind and will and breaking any limits, we will end up in a dualist conception of man. If we refuse the dualistic thinking and accept limitations as something that gives us identity and values and opens possibilities, we will come out of the transhumanist thinking.

We should accept that we can do a lot of things because there are many things that we cannot do. There are many things which are not under our control and that is why we value them (love, health, happiness, friendship, experiences, etc.).

The problem with transhumanists is that they see just one part of the picture which suits them and is in compliance with their perspective. There should be enough freedom and space for those who decide not to enhance their bodies in the way transhumanists want them to (Hauskeller 2016). We also should not forget that the power we gain through new technologies will be their power which can be lost and so we will be more dependent on them. It will not be our power; it will be just borrowed.

Every increase in power increases vulnerability at the same time, be it vulnerability of some part of mankind or vulnerability of all the mankind in relation to technology. And the values that once stood at the beginning of new technologies would become controllable at the end as the designers would be able to decide what kind of conscience they will produce.

Man’s flesh, the garbage left behind by the “old nature”, provides plenty of opportunities to tempt and war against the “spirit man”. The flesh is a deadly enemy which is capable of temporarily defeating a man and keeps him from pleasing God with a holy life-style. One of the strategic reasons the flesh is such a deceptive enemy is that it blends into man’s personality type. The flesh is intertwined with our mind, will and emotions. Before you were saved, it was the control center for your daily decisions. Now that you are a child of God, it attempts to deceive you into thinking it is alive and well, but the reality is, it’s dead.

Mind Control is the Nuclear Weapon that the devil uses in Spiritual Warfare because of the destructive capabilities it has.

The Bible says, in 2nd Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, this simply means that humanistic attempts are futile in spiritual warfare. We cannot defeat the devil with bombs and guns, but the weapons of the word of God will defeat the devil every time. The weapons are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

There are tons of places you can put them. Stop being a victim of the New World Order and their attempts at mind control, and destroy mankind with their disease causing poison chemtrails and high tech silent weapons.

Hi, I’m Peter Horttanainen

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