There is a universal power that allows our conscious mind to tap into our subconscious mind that is tied into a universal energy or power. Why is it people can’t see or understand the mysteries of our universe, but accept what scientists tell us about it? Why is it such a problem for people to acknowledge and accept the existence of a universal power? I’ll refer to this entity as a universal power, universal energy, universal consciousness, or even a universal spirit.

There is a universal power that allows our conscious mind to tap into our subconscious mind that is tied into a universal energy or power. Why is it people can’t see or understand the mysteries of our universe, but accept what scientists tell us about it? Why is it such a problem for people to acknowledge and accept the existence of a universal power? I’ll refer to this entity as a universal power, universal energy, universal consciousness, or even a universal spirit.

There is a universal power that allows our conscious mind to tap into our subconscious mind that is tied into a universal energy or power.

Why is it people can’t see or understand the mysteries of our universe, but accept what scientists tell us about it? Why is it such a problem for people to acknowledge and accept the existence of a universal power? I’ll refer to this entity as a universal power, universal energy, universal consciousness, or even a universal spirit.

“Since the beginning of mankind, among every people, there have emerged individuals known variously as seers, mystics, sha-man, prophets, oracles, psychics, etc. These individuals possess the ability to consciously tap into this record, called variously the Matrix, the Akachic Record, the Universal Mind, Universal Consciousness, etc., and to access bits of information from it. That information is then filtered through the personal experience of the seer and the cultural history and belief system of the people. It then becomes a part of the evolving worldview or paradigm of that folk.

Our left and right cerebrum hemispheres (which constitute our mind-brain) collectively know much more than we consciously realize. We are not aware of all that we know due to the constricting, censoring role of our left hemisphere which dampens significant portions of our inherent body-knowing capabilities. The main purpose of enlightenment is to awaken what has sometimes been regarded as your third eye to tap into the latent knowledge and power of your inner mind-brain.

The final step toward enlightenment is to unlock your [first-person] inner awareness and sublimate your [third-person] gatekeeper. Enlightenment, as it’s used here, is the process of expanding your consciousness beyond its pre-sent limits and achieving a greater state of awareness. This is brought about by developing a more open, beginner’s mind. A state of enlightenment will help you to differentiate reality from the illusion your third-person internal gatekeeper presents to your conscious mind. The more you are able to attain this state, the more readily you will be able to tune into the information that is available to you. When you reach this state, you will have taken the final step towards gaining the ability to ordain your reality as if your desired future was preordained.

To get beyond these multifaceted gate-keeping roles developed within and performed mainly by your left hemisphere, you must learn to sidestep your inhibitions and steadfastly peel away the many layers of false-self that you constructed within your left cerebrum to meet the needs of your Id while protecting your inner being from being revealed as it truly is.

If you diligently perform this introspective exercise, you will get beyond your numerous veils and become acquainted with the inner self that you keep hidden from others and from your own conscious awareness. With practice you will soon gain the ability to reject all notions of your censoring, judgmental, logic-dominated left hemi-sphere, boost your mind’s eye and discover your true essence.

Remember, every version of you that others see is your bhavana, an outer mask fashioned by your left hemisphere. Your essence is none of these. In point of fact, your inner self is nothing you can articulate because the act of describing is an act of creating.

To reach a stage of enlightenment you must trust that you are only being judged by your pure inner self, and that you will only be able to get to your inner being by expunging the myriad boundaries that the relentless entrainment influences of society have imposed upon you since infancy. To recognize and reach your core being, you will effectively go through a regression.

As you progress through your id-dis covering regression, keep always in mind that your dominant left hemisphere will persistently cling to the superficial versions of your con-structed self (in Freud’s terms, your Ego and Superego).

To get beyond these erected barriers, you must continually reject your responses while steadfastly focusing inwardly on your deeper, wiser, body-knowing self. You must learn to recognize the manifestations of your  Ego and Superego to bypass them and reconnect with your original Id. Let me clarify and emphasize that the prescribed exercise is not in any way intended to eliminate your bhavana; i.e., your left-brained outer shells. You developed them for valid reasons, and they likely have significant on-going value, such as helping you fit into an endless number of social settings.

Your Nature and the [acquired] Nurture aspects of your being are inextricably interconnected. Your nature is the inner manifestation of you. It is a product of your DNA and human lineage; it harbors your natural wants, needs, and predilections. Your innate nature element wants comfort; it naturally eschews discomfort. It wants satiation; it disdains hunger and thirst. It wants love; it abhors abandonment. It wants safety; it avoids danger, and so forth. Conversely, your nurture side is mainly your personal left-brained creation. You constructed it to deal with the fulfillment of your natural needs and the challenges of living in a complex society. It harbors your acquired traits and forms your personality; it serves as the external version of you. I submit that your nurture elements are a subconscious response to fulfill the needs of your nature within the enormous complexities of society: Your personality, outlook, demeanor etc., along with your acquired wisdom and adaptation are entirely motivated by serving the innate needs of your nature [my extended meaning of Freud’s ID.

Humans have the ability to tap into the collective consciousness that apparently exists where humans are concerned as well. Just another expression of our oneness on some level unseen. We are consistently interacting with this pool of consciousness.

The ability to tap into that pool of consciousness that is available to all of us. The divining rods or the pendulum are a tool that bypass the 5 senses that limit us to only that information that the 5 senses gather. Some people are better at it than others, but I think we are all capable of it. And using the pendulum is another tool to tap into the pool of our collective knowledge that knows all.

The concept of a Universal Mind is simply exploring a different dimension of God’s existence. It involves having a more spiritual perspective that incorporates human thinking with the incredible mind we all possess that has God-given powers.

We have been told that God knows everything—past, present, and future. It sounds to me like the mind of God is universal, and since a part of him exists in all of us anyway, this molecular thread that connects us to God gives us access to the greatness of his mind. I am not suggesting that we have the ability to read God’s mind. I am suggesting that the universal DNA-like molecular substance that exists in all life form and connects us to God, gives us the ability to tap into the power of God’s Universal Mind. Tapping into the Universal Mind gives us the ability to create whatever we can conceive in our minds. In other words, our thoughts are the beginnings of everything we create in our lives.

We have to know and believe that an incredible power that is bigger and grander than anything we can imagine is working in, around, and for us. We have to know that this power has never failed, and will never fail in helping us resolve our own personal circumstances. This is the Universal Mind of God. Whatever screw-ups you may have encountered, it is not too late to reverse your situation by taking advantage of the hidden power within you.

It matters not the color of your skin, and makes no difference whether you are poverty stricken, wealthy, unschooled, or Ivy League educated. Whatever your individual need, the power of God’s Universal Mind that lies within you will respond to your call for help. But, you have to call upon it and believe that it will respond to your call. By now you may be asking why so few have tapped into the Universal Mind’s bottomless potential.

The answer is simple. The Universal Mind has been dismissed as New Age thinking, and within some religious circles it has been referred to as blasphemy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Accepting the existence of the Universal Mind is not denying the existence of God. It simply asks you to stop backing God into a pigeon hole and be open to the suggestion that he exists in and around us in ways we have never really explored. The truth is, no one has seen God or really knows the depth and width of his might and power. Therefore, focusing on only a portion of God’s presumed likeness (sitting on a throne in heaven) is limiting our ability to really experience his greatness—only the tip of the iceberg. The concept of a Universal Mind is simply exploring a different dimension of God’s existence. It involves having a more spiritual perspective that incorporates human thinking with the incredible mind we all possess that has God-given Dowers.

The part of us that is connected to God (our mind) is threefold. Our mind is a triplicity: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the super conscious/subliminal mind. The conscious mind relies on the five physical senses, and many of us rely solely on this portion of our mind for reasoning and rationalizing.

The remaining two portions of the mind, subconscious and super conscious, are only accessible by way of the conscious mind. In other words, you can get to the subconscious and super conscious mind, but you will have to work with your conscious mind.

The conscious mind has to be trained and disciplined, infused with faith, and free from fear and doubt in order to have a positive effect on the subconscious mind. In the words of Robert Collier: “You cannot expect results from the subconscious when your conscious mind is full of fear or worry, or when it does not know what it wants.

“In his book, “Three Magic Words,” Uell S. Andersen suggested that the subconscious mind does not reason inductively. It cannot arrive at a conclusion or law by knowing a circumstance. Instead, it reasons deductively—whatever premise (thought) is given to it becomes law and is created into reality. Andersen believed that the subconscious mind worked on the thoughts sent to it by the conscious mind to a logical conclusion.

The Ministry of Universal Wisdom taught a form of pantheism informed by a concept of Universal Mind. According to this system of belief, God is interpreted as ‘the Mind Force’ that expanded out and created all things through the process of his own thought. In Van Tassel’s words, ‘God is the infinity of an endless electrical universe that thought atoms, solar systems and galaxies into being. Humans are thought forms of God’s creation of individual life forms.’

After the creation, God entered a period of rest when Universal Mind became neutral, or static, waiting for individuals to activate it. In this way, ‘each person is a center of activity in the static mind of God’. Van Tassel taught that all individuals have the ability to tap into this Universal Mind and thereby be in harmony (‘resonance’) with the creative power of the cosmos, because they are in fact a physical manifestation of this power with the ability to ‘command, select to improve, or maintain [their] dominion’. Moreover, this harmonious relationship with the Universal Mind facilitates evolutionary progress.

We have been told that God knows everything—past, present, and future. It sounds to me like the mind of God is universal, and since a part of him exists in all of us anyway, this molecular thread that connects us to God gives us access to the greatness of his mind. I am not suggesting that we have the ability to read God’s mind. I am suggesting that the universal DNA-like molecular substance that exists in all life form and connects us to God, gives us the ability to tap into the power of God’s Universal Mind. Tapping into the Universal Mind gives us the ability to create whatever we can conceive in our minds. In other words, our thoughts are the beginnings of everything we create in our lives.

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