THE SEVEN POWERS OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION – As you close your heart, you lack forgiveness, compassion, tenderness and love because you have been completely taken over by your ego and caught in the ego’s rationalizations. And the ego is only interested in making you feel separate from others, unaware of the Light in your heart and closed to anything that may threaten it. It wants to keep you from the Light because Light represents the death of the ego. Distraction is one of its weapons. Drama is one of the distractions the ego uses to keep you in the dark, completely blinded to the truth of who you really are. And the more you fall into the drama, the more hurt you will feel so it becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to break through. There is no joy in the ego. Only suffering. You did not come to this Earth to nourish the ego. You came to transcend it.

THE SEVEN POWERS OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION – As you close your heart, you lack forgiveness, compassion, tenderness and love because you have been completely taken over by your ego and caught in the ego’s rationalizations. And the ego is only interested in making you feel separate from others, unaware of the Light in your heart and closed to anything that may threaten it. It wants to keep you from the Light because Light represents the death of the ego. Distraction is one of its weapons. Drama is one of the distractions the ego uses to keep you in the dark, completely blinded to the truth of who you really are. And the more you fall into the drama, the more hurt you will feel so it becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to break through. There is no joy in the ego. Only suffering. You did not come to this Earth to nourish the ego. You came to transcend it.

The Power of the Heart

Humanity is situated at a crucial time now as we enter a new planetary cycle. This vitalizing cycle is bringing in a potent Light that allows us to move beyond our physical selves and become who we truly are: a part of the All. Many beings of Light have come to Earth to guide and help us to attain God-realization. To know God, to realize that we are one with the Creator, we need to awaken to the fact that this realization is the true purpose of life. God-realization and its accompanying shift in consciousness is accomplished through the spiritual heart.

Energetically, our spiritual heart is located in the center of the chest. It is a beautiful, swirling energy mass that when awakened can extend beyond your chest. It has infinite layers and as these layers unfurl, the heart has the potential of stretching out infinitely. The more developed it is, the higher the frequencies at which the heart vibrates. In the higher frequencies, the heart vibrates at the same frequencies as the Earth, making it possible to connect to the elemental energies easily. When the heart opens, it vibrates at the frequency of the spiritual planes and facilitates our connection with the higher realms.

Bliss is a state of consciousness in which we experience the Creator’s Love directly. We do this by expanding and elevating our vibrations—the frequency of our energy—to reach the vibratory level of our higher self. Our higher self is that part of ourselves that remains connected to the Creator and, when we align to our higher self we are able to have God-awareness experiences that bring us bliss and lead us on the path to enlightenment.

Unfortunately, we have lived most of our lives within our minds and emotions and we have lost the capacity to enter into our hearts. This is why in most human beings, the heart remains clouded by emotions and the constant activity of the mind. Once we awaken, open and connect our heart to the Creator’s infinite Love, we are able to raise our consciousness and experience bliss.

Once you live within the peace, love and joy of your heart, your life changes. Not only does the quality of your life improve, but everything around you becomes positive and joyful. As you live in the peace and joy of your heart, you develop the tendency to think and act positively, not according to your limited perceptions but according to the real truth that exists within your heart. As you dwell in your open heart, you reject whatever is negative in your life, including negative relationships, negative habits and other adverse circumstances. You begin to fulfill your mission of being of service and bringing love and light to those who have not yet opened their hearts. When your heart opens it radiates a beautiful frequency of love and healing that affects all those around you.

When you awaken, open and live in your heart all the time, you exist within the real peace and joy that are there and you relate to others with compassion and love. This is an enormous accomplishment in every aspect of your life. The authentic spiritual path brings about a shift in consciousness that allows you to be aware that you are One with the Creator, one with everyone, with all existence. And you understand, finally, that it is through the heart that we bring healing and love to all beings. By activating and opening your heart, you make this shift in consciousness possible.

You have spent countless lifetimes searching for your true purpose so that you can fulfill your ultimate destiny. It is in your heart that you can realize with absolute certainty whether you are fulfilling your purpose in life or not. Only from your heart can you realize what you were meant to do. When you awaken and open your heart, you realize that:

• You are not a separate being, isolated from others and the world.

• The true nature of reality is accessible through your heart.

• You are capable of living and experiencing different levels of reality.

• Enlightenment is possible in your lifetime.

The spiritual heart is the key to awakening to Union with the Creator. It is located at the center of your chest and it is the nonphysical center of love and compassion within the core of the self. Your spirit, a spark of the Creator, resides within your heart. Your heart contains your divinity and it is your infinite connection to Oneness. This is where all truth, wisdom and the essence of pure love dwell. Spiritual understanding is attainable through the spiritual heart and it allows you to open to the realization that everything you need to progress is in your heart. It is in the heart that you not only find answers to your most fundamental questions, but you inhabit the peace, joy and love that are permanently there. When you open your heart you realize that everything in existence collapses into the Love, for life is all about Love. Living within the Love, living within its peace and joy, loving unconditionally and having compassion for others is the path to the true happiness that is not dependent on external situations and other persons. The heart is your key to self-realization. It is through the heart that we can bring in the high frequencies of Light needed for enlightenment.

Within the spiritual heart is the heart chakra which powers the spiritual heart by bringing in the vital energies that revitalize it3 and removes the negative energies that interfere with its functioning. In the deepest level of the spiritual heart is the sacred space of the heart which is not really a space, but an expression of the profound depths of the heart. As you work with the heart and open it more and more to the Love that is there, you will submerge yourself in its depths. The depths of the heart are endless and its openness, infinite.

The Ego

A new Light is flowing to Earth for the purpose of awakening and opening our hearts to the Love of the Creator. The heart is the key, the crucial connection between our selves and our Source. In this center of truth and wisdom we can find answers to any questions. However, most human beings are dominated by the ego and by the ego’s most powerful instruments, the mind and emotions. The domination of the ego blocks our ability to listen to our hearts. While the ego exerts its dominion, the spiritual heart remains closed in most people and we are unable to access its wisdom and truth.

There are many references to the ego in the Bible. In the language of biblical times we recognize the serpent in the Garden of Eden as the ego and Jesus’ final days in a physical body represented the difficult task of destroying the ego. As Jesus faced the ultimate destruction of his physical selfhood, he declared: “I have overcome the world.”

The crucifixion itself was the final act of relinquishing the ego and resurrecting as the true self: One with the Creator.

The Poisoned Arrow of the Ego

One of the most distinct challenges in our path to enlightenment is the barrier created by our ego that does not allow us to remember who we are. The ego is that part of ourselves that deludes us into believing that we are separate from the Creator, from others and from the rest of reality. The ego’s only interest is to keep itself alive and well by driving us further away from Union with the Creator. Union causes the dissolution of the ego and the ego will do anything to avoid its own destruction.

Every instant of your short life, remember who you are and why you are here. You are not here to resolve the problem of existence. Philosophers have been trying to do that for millennia without success. You are here to attain the liberation of your spirit, enlightenment, union with the Creator. The constant quest for answers to questions that, ultimately, will not bring you to enlightenment is a function of your ego, which will only try to distract you from your true goal in life. Let all those questions go. They are important only to the mind, an instrument of the ego.

When your heart is at peace in the awareness that you are Light, that you are Love, these questions will no longer have a hold on you and you will be free to surrender to the Light and Love. Allow the poisoned arrow of the ego to be removed without useless questions. Pull the poisoned arrow out yourself and feel the joy of awakening to the truth of who you really are.

When your heart is at peace in the awareness that you are Light, that you are Love, these questions will no longer have a hold on you and you will be free to surrender to the Light and Love. Allow the poisoned arrow of the ego to be removed without useless questions. Pull the poisoned arrow out yourself and feel the joy of awakening to the truth of who you really are.


Besides reflection on useless questions, the ego uses drama to maintain us firmly entrenched in the world of illusion and separation.

The Light, which is the Creator’s Love, is everywhere and available to you as long as you open your heart to receive its magnificent Presence. This Light can fill you every instant and bring joy and a deep understanding to your heart. It can bring you fully into the moment, especially when you fill yourself with this Light and radiate it to others.

But when your heart is closed, the Light cannot enter because you have shut off the connection. You close your connection to the Light when your heart tightens with emotions and you retreat into drama. Emotions are always negative. They include hatred, frustration, impatience, envy, sadness, anger and other negativities that emerge from your emotional heart in the solar plexus area (below the heart in the pit of the stomach). Feelings on the other hand arise in the spiritual heart at the center of your chest and they are always positive.

The heart is filled with happiness, peace, love. compassion, joy and tenderness. In the spiritual life we aspire to exist within the feelings of our heart and not allow the negativity of our emotions to drain us, including the drama that so easity pervades our days. Drama is the act of failing into emotions and allowing these emotions to rule you. Drama is one of the quickest and most efficient ways of shutting down your connection to the Light. of severing your connection with the Creator’s love. For as long as you remain in the drama your heart is closed, you cannot bring in the Light and you cannot be in the moment. As a result. you cannot experience the divine Presence.

Drama is an instrument of the ego that convinces you that other people’s negative actions (or what your ego perceives as negative actions) or your emotional reactions to people and situations are so important that you permit the emotions that arise from these experiences to dominate your life. Drama is when you allow yourself to be overcome with the emotions of frustration, anger, bitterness, sorrow and so forth and you let yourself be pulled into the experience until the emotion takes over. You may even have the paradoxical satisfaction of being a victim of other people’s actions towards you, such as when someone says or does something that hurts your feelings, and you feel justified in hanging on to your hurt. Or when a situation occurs, such as having a flat tire and being late for work, that allows you to cling to the anger you have been harboring against your husband because he didn’t take the car in for maintenance. And you believe that you are the victim of others, that it is others who hurt, anger and disappoint you. At that moment when you fall into the drama of the situation, you relinquish your responsibility for holding onto the emotion and blame others for your unhappiness.

As you close your heart, you lack forgiveness, compassion, tenderness and love because you have been completely taken over by your ego and caught in the ego’s rationalizations. And the ego is only interested in making you feel separate from others, unaware of the Light in your heart and closed to anything that may threaten it. It wants to keep you from the Light because Light represents the death of the ego. Distraction is one of its weapons. Drama is one of the distractions the ego uses to keep you in the dark, completely blinded to the truth of who you really are. And the more you fall into the drama, the more hurt you will feel so it becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to break through. There is no joy in the ego. Only suffering. You did not come to this Earth to nourish the ego. You came to transcend it.

You are not separate from others and, if you are on a spiritual path do not expect to make much spiritual progress by isolating yourself. In this era of cooperation, it is more important than ever to work with others to help make this a better world for all sentient beings, including the Planet herself. The ego is master of separation and if you feel separate from others, you will feel separate from the Creator and all Creation. This sense of separation is what causes most of the ills of the world, from war to planned famine. The best way to overcome this sense of separation is to look into the eyes of everyone you encounter, whether in the office or the shopping mall, and see the spark of the Creator that is there. It is the same spark that is in your heart. Open your heart to the Creator’s Love and feel that Love in your whole self. Experience the peace of being in the Love, the joy of radiating the Light. It is an effective weapon against ego domination.

Falling into the drama, on the other hand, strengthens your ego, closes your heart and does not allow you to bring in the Light. You close yourself to the Creator’s Love. Yet every moment, every instant, you can make a choice. Either you allow yourself to fall into the ego world of drama or you let everything be as it is, understanding that all our experiences are lessons, and you dwell in the magnificent Presence of the Creator’s Love.

It is your choice.

Doubt is a product of the ego and it is rooted in fear. When people have experiences that transcend the bounds of our physical/material world, they fear. They fear that what they are seeing is somehow bad and will harm them. They fear that what they are seeing is not really there and that there is something wrong with them. They fear that if others knew what they were experiencing, they would judge them harshly. These are just some of the fears that the ego brings up in an effort to keep people tightly entrenched in the physical realm. Yet, there is a spiritual realm that lies beyond the physical plane that is vibrant, beautiful, profound and deeply satisfying to our souls. The physical world that we are so accustomed to is a faded reflection of the non-physical realms. The non-physical realms exist and are open to exploration by you at any moment, as long as you let go of the fear and the doubt.

Once you begin a spiritual practice, such as daily meditation, prayer and self-healing, you will start to experience subtle energies and will often begin to see/hear/sense/perceive what lies beyond the physical realms. This may manifest as seeing brilliant colors around people, hearing beautiful music or words, knowing when things are going to happen, and many other non-physical experiences. When this occurs, it is important to acknowledge what you see, hear, sense or perceive and accept that you are having spiritual experiences that are valuable and positive. If you begin to doubt your spiritual experiences, the doubt and fear in your heart closes you to further exposure to the spiritual realms. As these valuable events cease, you lose an asset that can propel you toward rapid spiritual growth.

You are born with the beautiful gift of the imagination that allows you to experience the higher realms and connect to more elevated dimensions. It is a gift that entitles you to co-create with God a world of beauty and peace. The imagination lets you envision what is not here in the physical realm, but that exists in other realities. Through the imagination, you see the world as it should be. This powerful tool offers you the connection that you need to propel yourself to the world of spirit and creation. The imagination is a gift given to you by the Creator to further your destiny as a visionary and co-creator.

This is your original and ultimate mission to co-create with God a world of beauty and peace. The imagination offers you a vision of this possible world.

Rather than allowing your doubts to flourish and take hold, acknowledge and accept your spiritual experiences as the reality that they are. Our physical world is not the true realm of existence. The spiritual realm is what is true and real. The more you can experience the truth of this realm, the more you will grow spiritually.

The spiritual heart is where we attain the realization that we are One with the Creator.

The emotional heart, located in the solar plexus area at the pit of the stomach, is the realm of the ego. All emotions such as sorrow, anger, fear, hatred and jealousy arise from this energy center. Contrary to feelings, which are invariably positive, emotions are always negative. Humanity is now at a critical juncture in which mass enlightenment is possible. For this reason and as part of an evolutionary leap, the emotional heart and the solar plexus chakra that is inside it are programmed for extinction. This is why in the discussion on chakras that follows, the solar plexus chakra is not included as one of the major chakras. Rather than strengthen this ego center, it is best to accelerate its evolutionary process and allow it to fade away. Strengthening the spiritual heart and activating the emergent chakras, in the heart area will allow human beings to be ruled by unconditional love and compassion rather than by the ego and its instruments, the mind and emotions.

We are infinite beings, divine particles of God that are loved and never separated or abandoned. This is not a mere illusion; to the contrary, the religious teachings used to control the masses have been delusional and detrimental to true spiritual enlightenment. This is not an easy time for those who are sleeping. The time has come to claim our true identity: Who We Really Are, and Why Are We Here? This is truly a new age in which we have more spiritual freedom, and clearer awareness and discernment within Self. Enlightenment cannot be controlled by any religious authority anymore; we are witnessing an individual spiritual awakening without restrictions.

The Sacred Heart Frequency

Initiation and transmission into the Heart Resonance frequency

The seven levels of the third eye

1. Illusion. The truth is that there is only love and light for that is God’s essence and therefore your own. Anything that tries to tell you of separation, war, hurt, superiority or lack of love is illusion. Angels of light are part of the oneness and only whisper oneness and love. You can, however, encounter temptations on the spiritual path which try to induce you to feel different or better than another. This illusion will stay with you until you embrace love again. Then you have passed the test of this chamber.

2. Mental healing. This is about focussing and directing your thoughts towards a person or situation with healing intention. You use the power of your third eye.

3. Telepathy. This is the ability to tune in to all the frequencies of humans, spiritual beings and angelic forces, so that you receive their communications on all levels.

4. Creation. You use the power of your thoughts and visions to create and manifest.

5. Clairvoyance. This is clear seeing with the inner eye.

6. Abundance. Moving beyond, as you give so you receive, you now have a knowing of divine abundance and are ready to accept it.

7. Claircogniscence. This is all knowing, or gnosis.

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