As long as we allow our kundalini to remain dormant, we are trapped thinking with the physical mind, with the kundalini acting as a mere battery and therefore we are easier to predict and control.  This is why this path is “forbidden” by those who have been made comfortable by you working for them to buy their products, spend their money, pay their taxes, and donate to their churches. Once you awaken your kundalini, you will see them for who they truly are, and they don’t want that! “The Christ” is someone with a fully awakened kundalini. They don’t want any more like him, to prove them as frauds, and ignorant fools. Which is why his true path to ascension has been concealed and his true message has been corrupted

As long as we allow our kundalini to remain dormant, we are trapped thinking with the physical mind, with the kundalini acting as a mere battery and therefore we are easier to predict and control.  This is why this path is “forbidden” by those who have been made comfortable by you working for them to buy their products, spend their money, pay their taxes, and donate to their churches. Once you awaken your kundalini, you will see them for who they truly are, and they don’t want that! “The Christ” is someone with a fully awakened kundalini. They don’t want any more like him, to prove them as frauds, and ignorant fools. Which is why his true path to ascension has been concealed and his true message has been corrupted.

We are all faced with overcoming death. Transcendence is learning how to become conscious beyond the physical world. This is a lesson which cannot be taught by any physical person. The physical consciousness is death. Learning how to let go of everything relating to the physical consciousness (worldly desires) is learning how to escape death.

The answers are already within you, you only need to get beyond the distractions of the physical self to focus and understand them Learn to connect your energy to the universal energy and everything will become clear…

Simply, you are eternal. You are just unconscious. What most perceive as “life” is in actuality unconsciousness (death). By learning to “let go” of physical consciousness (surrender), one learns how to wake up eternally by letting go of unconsciousness.

This is the knowledge given by the fruit of knowledge. The awakened kundalini.

During our physical lives, we are meant to awaken this dormant spiritual consciousness within each of us.

This is a process, which over time can overwrite the pre-programmed physical desires, such as, eat, sleep, fear, pain, make more (sex), find comfort. Those with a dormant kundalini, which is something we are each “born” into the physical world with, are easy to control or influence.

Only by working to awaken this force within us all through use of specific yogic, meditational, mind focusing practices can we gain liberation from physical desire. To have physical desire is to suffer. To allow the kundalini to unfold within your vessel and push the physical desire out of your vessel (body) is to be removed from suffering. All we have to do is learn how to let it go.

Our bodies come pre-programmed but that is not us.

We are the dormant kundalini which powers the body.

During our physical lives we are given an opportunity to awaken this eternal spirit within us, or seed of God’s consciousness.

As long as we allow our kundalini to remain dormant, we are trapped thinking with the physical mind, with the kundalini acting as a mere battery and therefore we are easier to predict and control.

This is why this path is “forbidden” by those who have been made comfortable by you working for them to buy their products, spend their money, pay their taxes, and donate to their churches.

Once you awaken your kundalini, you will see them for who they truly are, and they don’t want that!

Once you begin the path of feeding and nurturing this dormant spirit, within and focus your energy on its growth and awakening, you will have found the temple and kingdom within, and understand what it is to be “saved”.

“The Christ” is someone with a fully awakened kundalini. They don’t want any more like him, to prove them as frauds, and ignorant fools. Which is why his true path to ascension has been concealed and his true message has been corrupted.

We exist in a “world” which has been quarantined due to the existence of evil and selfishness. Many faiths refer to this evil as “the devil”, or “the serpent seed”, or “the defiant spirit”. Ultimately it is simply the “ego”, which exists in each and every one of us. Only once we have destroyed our egos, and purified (let go of physical desire) our spirits will we then be removed from quarantine. This is a path we must all walk on our own.

Imagine for a minute, with relaxed eyes, being within a shell, a large shell shaped like a body. In the beginning of your “awakening” you realize this is where you are and you’re small and located around the pelvis area of the shell. Naturally we begin to move upwards towards the head.

Moving upward, feel the unfolding of energy from within. As we focus and progress through the chakra gates up, we find the last gate to open, the thousand petal lotus, and the illusion of “death”. It is this very illusion that guards the door to immortality and enlightenment.

After overcoming the fear of death by surrendering to it, the final gate opens and a full transcendental awakening is achieved. A fully awakened one no longer thinks (suffers) with the physical mind and its limitations, rather the kundalini (“God’s child”) operates the body (pursuing the spiritual goal (divine will) free from distraction) in order to free others as it has been freed.

The only thing that matters to me, now that I have awakened, is to save your life. How will I save your life, you might ask? I will save you as God saved me, by showing you the truth. The truth is that we are all already “born” “dead” from birth.

We are all dead in this “world of the dead” because we are each born with a dormant kundalini, with the ego-consciousness in control. This “dormant” kundalini (the real you) is simply a seed of God’s consciousness. To an immortal being, unconsciousness, (or dormancy) is as dead as it gets. In this dormant state, we act as merely a battery which powers the body.

We are slaves to the body, as a battery is a slave to what it powers. The body (your vessel which you power) has its own preprogrammed insatiable physical desires (“sins”) which constantly distract our attention and constantly try to get us to expend our energy on pursuing its desires. Only by identifying those desires as they are can one become strong against their distractions.

Only once you’ve overcome the desires and influences “of the flesh”, can you learn to focus on your one true spiritual goal, fully awakening (spiritual consciousness= heaven), and then awakening others. The most important thing to remember is: to be physical is to be “dead”.

Only by overcoming the desire to remain physical, can one hope to overcome death. “Escape” “the World”, your “life” depends on it. We are all in “Heaven” right now; we are just unconscious of it. God (our spiritual father) wants us all to simply “wake up”. I have now passed on to you the key to unlocking the simple truth, what you choose to do with it is up to you.


1. What is “Heaven”? Heaven, Enlightenment, Nirvana, these are all different names to describe the same understanding. A final blessed state, free from ignorance, desire, and suffering. “Heaven” to a battery is to be free of that which drains its energy. “Heaven” is in actuality a state of full spiritual consciousness. It is to; exist without the body, in a state of pure transcendental consciousness.

2. What is “Hell”? Hell is spiritual unconsciousness. It is to be used as a battery to power the body with no spiritual will power to control it. To be trapped in a body controlled by the ego-consciousness. Ironically we choose to be in the unconscious (battery) state. It is a choice we are unaware of, yet we make it still because it is what the ego desires.

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