David And Goliath: There is nothing too big for God. David proved it on that day when he faced Goliath. His story will live on. God wants his people to understand that you may have a Goliath in your life, but the same God that helped David is the same God that is waiting to help you. There is no mountain he cannot move on your behalf. Ask and he will give you the courage and confidence you need to face your Goliath. Your Goliath may laugh at you and think you are less than he or she. Nevertheless, in the name of Jesus, you have the victory!

David And Goliath: There is nothing too big for God. David proved it on that day when he faced Goliath. His story will live on. God wants his people to understand that you may have a Goliath in your life, but the same God that helped David is the same God that is waiting to help you. There is no mountain he cannot move on your behalf. Ask and he will give you the courage and confidence you need to face your Goliath. Your Goliath may laugh at you and think you are less than he or she. Nevertheless, in the name of Jesus, you have the victory!

David killing Goliath are metaphors for destruction of the all seeing eye or the pineal gland.

The battle between David and Goliath is a great summary of this end-time battle of Armageddon.

The battle of Armageddon is critical for the kingdom of God. In fact, Goliath, in his boastful statements to David and the armies of Israel, prophesied exactly what will be at stake in this battle. We quote the very words of Goliath, who spoke on behalf of the future Antichrist:

“Choose a man and have him come down to me. If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us.” Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.” (1 Samuel 17:8-10)

And indeed, God will choose the man Christ Jesus, the rejected but precious cornerstone (1 Peter 2:4), represented in those days by the stone that was selected by David and thrown at the giant Goliath (1 Samuel 17:49), and will have him come down from heaven to the earth to fight the Antichrist and his invading armies in response to the boastful statement made by the Philistine Goliath thousands of years ago.

You see, David sees things through the eyes of faith. David sees things as God sees them. David sees that Goliath is not so much defying the armies of Israel as he is defying the God of the armies of Israel. David knows that God has promised to defeat the enemies of his people. It does not matter how big the enemy is, because David has faith and not fear. David responds as God Intends him to. David believes God.

David also understood that true faith always drives a person to act. “Always”. You see, faith that lies dormant, faith that does not extend itself is not faith. In James 2:26 we read that faith without works is dead. Faith that is lifeless is no faith at all. Faith by its very definition propels us from the sidelines into the midst of battle. Sometimes when we are called to step out in faith, we are still within our comfort zone.

The story of David and Goliath is one of the best-known stories in the entire Bible. David was the youngest in his family and a sheepherder for his father, Jesse. He came to the battle with food for his brothers and saw Goliath blaspheming the name of God. David soon found himself face to face with this giant of a man. We all know the story. David kills Goliath, and the rest of Israel fights the Philistines and wins a great battle. But before David meets Goliath, something happens with the future king of Israel and the prophet Samuel that brings prophecy into the story.

  1. First Samuel 16:13: “Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him [David] in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up and went to Ramah.”
  2. First Samuel 17:34-36: “And David said unto Saul, thy servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.”
  3. First Samuel 17:45-47: “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hands.”

Understand that David was filled with the Spirit of God, and what he said to Goliath that day in the valley of Elah was prophetic. Samuel had anointed David with oil, and the Spirit came upon David before he met Goliath in that valley. What David said to Goliath came true because his words were prophetic. Maybe it was the prophecy that was the motivator that helped David to meet Goliath and win.

What is empire? The privilege to punish and to enjoy: To feel our pow’r in making others fear it; To taste of Pleasure’s cup till we grow giddy, think ourselves immortal! This is empire!

Babylon’s pleasures and power are derived from human suffering, the conquest of peoples, the “undone,” “outcast people” who are com-modified for colonial exploitation. Herein lies a powerful lesson for the emergent imperial imaginary of Great Britain.

1 Samuel 17.[1a, 4-11, 19-23) Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span’ (v.4)

Most of us have experienced the feeling of being insignificant when we have compared ourselves to someone whom we judge to be wonderful or imposing or great, and we think, ‘I can never be like that person’, or ‘I can never achieve that greatness’.

Our hearts are filled with fear or awe, mixed with a feeling of weakness, perhaps even helplessness.

The people who witnessed Goliath’s daily challenge were filled with fear and helplessness. David, however, rose to that challenge and resolved to stand up for what he believed in. This could have easily led to his death and the enslavement of his people.

When David went to meet Goliath in battle, all present would have seen a heavily armoured giant, a hero of many battles, facing ‘just a boy’ with no military experience whatsoever; they saw only the appearance of the combatants and, based on their appearance alone, everyone would have felt sure that this could only result in David’s death.

We do this too — we judge ourselves all too often in a shallow way, not appreciating the abilities that God has given us, including the power of our faith and the immense power of the Holy Spirit.

When we face a big challenge in our lives, remember that we are not facing this challenge alone, and let’s make sure that we know that God has equipped us for those times when we must carry our own cross.

According to this approach, through his death and resurrection, Christ has confronted and disarmed the host of hostile forces which collectively held us in captivity.

The cross and resurrection represent a dramatic act of divine liberation, in which God delivers his people from captivity to hostile powers, as he once delivered his people Israel from bondage in Egypt.

We were held in bondage by the fear of death. We were imprisoned by sin. We were trapped by the power of the devil. With great skill, these writers built up a coherent picture of the human dilemma. Human beings are held prisoner by hostile forces, and are unable to break free unaided.

Being born into a prison risen from nothing but you no clue Given unto you this test that’s the best for you to do who Challenged to a duel created it you perfecting my soul born Strong enough but stronger a soldier in this my body is worn Seeking guidance in my tolerance to handle light some candles Giants are tall to all I’ve broken these things with no sandals Sometimes I feel like I’m GOD just ready to change this don’t miss Our lives go all angles angels are all around us remember this Waking up the GOD within for the new chapter to begin in – A new consciousness where Ego is no more living with a 1st place ribbon Close your eyes and take a long good deep breathe This is a battle of David and Goliath.

Someone was required who would break into their prison, and set them free. Someone from outside the human situation would have to enter into our predicament, and liberate us.

Someone would have to cut the bonds which held us captive. Time and time again, the same theme is restated: we are trapped in our situation, and our only hope lies in liberation from outside.

It was clear to them that Christ had defeated death, sin, and the devil. Just as David killed Goliath with his own weapons, so Christ defeated sin with its weapon — death. Through an apparent defeat, victory was gained over a host of hidden forces which tyrannized humanity.

The imagery of a child one day liberating the human race appears in many mythologies. The biblical story of David and Goliath is actually a metaphorical description of this situation where the whole army of humanity is besieged by the monstrous, all-pervading and all-powerful hold that denial has on the world, which the ‘nine feet tall’ giant Goliath represents, when David, who is ‘only a boy’, `come[s] against you [Goliath] in the name of the Lord Almighty [in the form of Integrative Meaning-accepting, denial-free, unresigned thinking]’ ‘and kill[s] him’, allowing everyone to celebrate their liberation ‘with singing and dancing’ (1 Sam. 17-18).

Yes, in the mythology of Don Quixote (in par. 67), a human-condition-avoiding, resigned human was always going to be ‘unhorsed’ when it came to slaying the `outrageous giant’ of ignorance-of-the-fact-of-our-species’-fundamental-goodness, which in that story is symbolised by a huge windmill.

The truth is that in the end, strength of soul, not strength of body, has always been the best killer of giants. Of course, in addition to the story of David and Goliath, the Bible contains Isaiah’s description of how ‘a little child will lead them [humanity]’ to the state where the concepts of ‘evil’ and ‘good’ —and, in the process, where the more corrupted and the more innocent will be reconciled; to where, he says, the ‘wolf will live with the lamb’ (Isa. 11:6).

David and Goliath, and the victory of the humble and the meek, who shall inherit the earth. You cannot serve both God and mammon.

God chooses the most unexpected tools to accomplish His purposes, for example choosing men for war based on them drinking water like dogs (Judges 7:5). You will be surprised God chooses to use the people we least expect Him to use, like a boy David against Goliath (1 Samuel 17); a man found hiding and who himself thought himself unworthy like Gideon (Judges 6:11-15).

Physical people are just vessels being used by the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light to establish the rival kingdoms on this earth. As a believer, you ought to know you can’t serve both kingdoms. Choose wisely by counting the eternal cost, for that’s the cost that ultimately matters.

David acknowledged God. He made it clear that without God, he was nothing and only God was his source of strength. David had an intimate relationship with God. Just read the book of Psalms and you will see how he shared his love and struggles with his Maker.

Who do you run to in times of trouble?
Who do you say can supply all your needs?

There is nothing too big for God. David proved it on that day when he faced Goliath. His story will live on. God wants his people to understand that you may have a Goliath in your life, but the same God that helped David is the same God that is waiting to help you. There is no mountain he cannot move on your behalf. Ask and he will give you the courage and confidence you need to face your Goliath.

Your Goliath may laugh at you and think you are less than he or she. Nevertheless, in the name of Jesus, you have the victory!

Your Goliath may laugh at you and think you are less than he or she. Nevertheless, in the name of Jesus, you have the victory!

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Understand this, David’s faith was not in the five smooth stones he gathered, but his faith was in “the name of-Lord.” At the Lord’s name, Goliath, the giant, fell down, dead, I mean dead! When David put the name of the Lord into his slingshot, the Lord moved into the stones and he knocked Goliath down with death! Don’t, I meant don’t, touch “God’s anointed for God is a man of war! Exodus 15:3: The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name

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