We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The only way for someone to win is for someone else to lose because there is only so much of this shrinking pie to go around.’ Thus, the feeding frenzy has begun in earnest! It is somewhat strange that the word “oil” is not central in the national dialogue on. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen. The USA cannot continue to survive as a superpower if it loses control of. Middle East oil. Those are the stakes on the table. That is the (not so) hidden agenda.

In Robertson’s novel , the United Nations is mentioned just once, as a kind of relic that failed to deliver the new world order The Antichrist will not draw all men to him, but he will have enough power and control over world affairs and economies that he can mandate to all whether they like it or not. After a while, the Antichrist returns to the earth, disguised as an angel of peace. “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. The Antichrist will be the head of the United Nations.

The most logical question about a one world leader is, Do you really think that the earth will fall behind one man? The answer to that is no! The Antichrist will not draw all men to him, but he will have enough power and control over world affairs and economies that he can mandate to all whether they like it or not.

The United Nations is an organization that has, in the past twenty years, begun to exert its influence around the world by assembling cohesive coalitions of nations and bringing its judgments against wayward governments by the use of such multinational coalitions. The longer this practice continues, the closer we come to a one-world government. If the Antichrist were to assume control of the United Nations, he will have an already established body that has the rudimentary elements of controls and coercion that he requires. The secretary-general of the United Nations is the man at the helm of that organization. The office of the secretary-general of the United Nations is not filled by a world vote, but by a vote of the United Nations membership. The Antichrist does not have to fool the people of earth; he only has to convince a small body of politicians.

After a while, the Antichrist returns to the earth, disguised as an angel of peace. “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. The Antichrist will be the head of the United Nations. making possible the return of Jesus Christ. The Antichrist would need “nations” to rule over. Lindsey identified supranational organizations like the United Nations with the Antichrist, who would use them in his run-up to power.

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations.

The U.N. will play a major role in the rise of the Antichrist in another way. The world will feel much less threatened by a one-world system because we have been lulled to sleep by the non-threatening United Nations. If the world had not grown up with the benign, often inept, U.N., it may be that the one-world system necessary for the Antichrist would have never been possible.

The purpose of the U.N. is to promote peace. It may sound contradictory that the Antichrist, whose very description sounds evil, would benefit from an organization devoted to peace in a world trying to put an end to war. But, like most dictators, the Antichrist will appear at first to be brilliant and compassionate, just what the world needs. This does not mean that the U.N. or the idea of a one-world system is evil in itself. Only that it will make it possible for one man to sway the entire world.

Antichrist most likely will be a future American president, riding a “white horse” as a hero to leadership of the future United Nations.

Antichrist will eventually rule the United Nations from the “city that sits on seven hills” the Seven Hills of Rome.

Antichrist will eventually rule the United Nations from the “city that sits on seven hills” the Seven Hills of Rome.

Returning to the deeds of Antichrist, we read that: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Daniel 8:25). This most powerful occultist, will cause the craft of Satan to prosper. The Luciferians will prosper, controlling all governments and courts. Satan will be worshipped in the Vatican. The Luciferian agenda of the United Nations will be blatant. The Antichrist will use peace and the New World Order to destroy many. He will rebel against the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and shall declare himself defender of the true New Age reli-gion. Under the disguise of Peace & Safety he shall destroy many millions of people.

Returning to the deeds of Antichrist, we read that: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” (Daniel 8:25). This most powerful occultist, will cause the craft of Satan to prosper. The Luciferians will prosper, controlling all governments and courts. Satan will be worshipped in the Vatican. The Luciferian agenda of the United Nations will be blatant. The Antichrist will use peace and the New World Order to destroy many. He will rebel against the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and shall declare himself defender of the true New Age reli-gion. Under the disguise of Peace & Safety he shall destroy many millions of people.

We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The only way for someone to win is for someone else to lose because there is only so much of this shrinking pie to go around.’ Thus, the feeding frenzy has begun in earnest! It is somewhat strange that the word “oil” is not central in the national dialogue on. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen. The USA cannot continue to survive as a superpower if it loses control of. Middle East oil. Those are the stakes on the table. That is the (not so) hidden agenda. Political discourse ‘that misses this central issue is nothing more than empty rhetoric.

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We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen. The USA cannot continue to survive as a superpower if it loses control of Middle East oil. Those are the stakes on the table. So, that’s one government, one military, one economy and one cashless currency. Further, since Israel will need protection, it makes sense for the UN HQ to relocate to Jerusalem from NYC? It’s also suggested the Pope will move to Jerusalem from the Vatican. Jerusalem will be the new capital of the NWO?

Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say. H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man, was secretly a member British Intelligence, Committee of 300, a Mason, and a Fabian. He was very familiar with the globalists’ One-World agenda

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