Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States. The foreign policy of the world’s strongest country, in this account, resembled the conduct of a school yard bully who randomly assaults others, steals the lunch money of weaker students, and generally makes life unpleasant wherever he goes.

Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States. The foreign policy of the world’s strongest country, in this account, resembled the conduct of a school yard bully who randomly assaults others, steals the lunch money of weaker students, and generally makes life unpleasant wherever he goes.

Death was the “great leveler” amongst populations. Rich and poor alike were equally vulnerable Even diseases such as pneumonia could wipe out entire societies. The normal life span was about Cony years for the average man. Laing just “ground a person doom- The some fate awaited a son that had befallen his father years before

Death has many faces. all of them terrible and heart-breaking. Disease, famine. extreme weather. slavery. war, old age. The average Hebrew of that lime. or Gentile as well, could only hope for a life faint) free of setae tragedy. rase a family, and die quietly in old age. That was People back then acknowledged the reality of Death amidst the harshness of life. Today. our society simply ignores death until the final hour. and then we hurriedly keep n behind closed doors and out of sight It interferes with our “agendas of pleasure and progress” It is the “* 800 pound Gorilla” that we walk around and amid

The “Ancient World” was not fatalistic about Death ‘ They were realistic about at Death was pan of life. People had to kill livestock in order to survive. Today. we simply go to the grocery store or restaurant. Everything has been cleaned up and sanitized All on the menu.

As a result. obviously. Life takes on a meaning of mere existence. not of necessity. We deem ourselves to be above or beyond the laws of Nature and Survival. Until we get sick like Lazarus, then, we chest with our doctors. our insurance provider. and our last will in that order. Only as a last resort when all Hope is gone. do we turn to the Lord God in prayer

Are people afraid of Death? Or are they afraid of what happens after Death/ Life and Death are mortal enemies. Yet our Lord Jesus Christ had absolutely no problem walking in and out of both worlds, Still we fear Death because we see what it does to people in this world. And what it does to families who are left behind Only natural to be afraid

The tidy Bible. in the Book of Revelation. says that the last enemy to be destroyed will be Death It will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with Sin and the Devil.

Fitting, since all three appeared at first in the Garden of Eden in the beginning. This is a personal tragedy that you and I will all face alone one day. unless the Rapture comes first. Either way. you are going to stand before the living Lord God. When, that happens, Death will seem very small, Death is but for a moment. Eternity is forever.

Lazarus was brought back to life. hut he still had to eventually die again. and stand before the Lord God That is what happens after Death Either being comforted by the Lord God a being confronted by the Lord God. Yet nobody. even when we try to be ready, eat ever be ready Jesus Christ comes to us, holds our hands as we cross over. and all of sudden we are there with him. Didn’t hurt a tiny bit

How America Acts as the World’s Government… If America is a Goliath, it is a benign one. Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States.

When the Cold War ended, a question arose: What would succeed that great political, military, economic, and ideological conflict as the central issue in international relations? By the middle of the first decade of the twenty-first century, the question had been answered.

The enormous power and pervasive influence of the United States was universally acknowledged to be the defining feature of world affairs. In the eyes of many, American supremacy counted as a great misfortune.

The foreign policy of the world’s strongest country, in this account, resembled the conduct of a school yard bully who randomly assaults others, steals the lunch money of weaker students, and generally makes life unpleasant wherever he goes.

The United States was seen as the world’s Goliath. In some ways the United States in the early years of the twenty-first century does resemble the Philistine giant whom David, the son of Jesse. felled with a sling and a stone according to the Bible and thereby saved Israel.

Like Goliath, the United States surpasses all others in military might. And just as Goliath was, by virtue of his size and power, the logical candidate to represent his tribe in its confrontation with the people of Israel, so the United States has undertaken broad responsibilities that redound to the benefit of others. Although the United States looks like Goliath, however, in Important ways the world’s strongest power does not act like him. If America is a Goliath. it is a benign one. Unlike the case of Goliath, moreover, no David, or group of Davids, has stepped forward to confront the United States.

This post explains other countries’ acceptance of the American role in the world by painting a different and more benign picture of that role than the one implied by the comparison with Western civilization’s archetypal bully. As portrayed in the pages that follow, it has something in common with the sun’s relationship to the rest of the solar system. Both confer benefits on the entities with which they are in regular contact.

The sun keeps the planets in their orbits by the force of gravity and radiates the heat and light that make life possible on one of them. Similarly, the United States furnishes services to other countries, the same services, as it happens, that governments provide within sovereign states to the people they govern. The United States therefore functions as the world’s government.

David had the courage and showed lots of faith in God as well as the strength of character and heart. David never wavered at any point. David never backed down from his enemy. It is recorded that, “David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.” David ran to the battle, not away from it! David not only brought down the giant, but he brought courage to the entire army of Israel. This foolish little boy not only brought down the giant, but imparted to the army of Israel courage and strength.

First Samuel 17:45-47: “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hands.” Understand that David was filled with the Spirit of God, and what he said to Goliath that day in the valley of Elah was prophetic. Samuel had anointed David with oil, and the Spirit came upon David before he met Goliath in that valley. What David said to Goliath came true because his words were prophetic. Maybe it was the prophecy that was the motivator that helped David to meet Goliath and win.

First Samuel 17:45-47: “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hands.” Understand that David was filled with the Spirit of God, and what he said to Goliath that day in the valley of Elah was prophetic. Samuel had anointed David with oil, and the Spirit came upon David before he met Goliath in that valley. What David said to Goliath came true because his words were prophetic. Maybe it was the prophecy that was the motivator that helped David to meet Goliath and win.

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David and Goliath; The word gath comes from Hebrew and means “wine press.” In other words, Goliath is simply the boundless primary energies that are pressed out in the Mental Matter plane as the wine of lift. It is not surprising therefore that the location of this alleged town of Gath has never been determined, for it represents the primal plane where the elementary life force is pressed out for the use of self-aware consciousness

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