The Illuminati yearns for money to be the electric drive that governs your life: something you cannot phantom living without. Thus, an invisible war has been waged on the population. Debt is the gun being used. Interest is its ammunition. Their ultimate goal is to turn society into a completely cashless society by transforming all paper money into computerized digits on a computer screen (i.e. credit and debit.)

The Illuminati yearns for money to be the electric drive that governs your life: something you cannot phantom living without. Thus, an invisible war has been waged on the population. Debt is the gun being used. Interest is its ammunition. Their ultimate goal is to turn society into a completely cashless society by transforming all paper money into computerized digits on a computer screen (i.e. credit and debit.)

Economic crisis very often leads to the rise of a dictator. Illuminati’s plan with the rise of their dictator, the Illuminated One (i.e. the Christian’s Antichrist) is to explode the present day monetary system. And from the disorder it would create, they plan to bring about their New Order.

The Illuminati yearns for money to be the electric drive that governs your life: something you cannot phantom living without. Thus, an invisible war has been waged on the population. Debt is the gun being used. Interest is its ammunition. Their ultimate goal is to turn society into a completely cashless society by transforming all paper money into computerized digits on a computer screen (i.e. credit and debit.)

Once paper money is obsolete, and the only currency in use is computerized money; then they will compel society to attach their Social Security Number’s and Zip Codes to their finances, making every transaction monitor-able by the Super Computer (AI) “that no man might buy or sell, except he that has the mark.” For full discussion on artificial intelligence (AI),

“The Worship of AI.” Eventually, all financial history will be put in a bio-chip and placed in the right hand or the forehead of people (cf. Revelations 13:16). Therefore, society’s love of money (their desire not to be detached from it) will be the final nail in the coffin of coming under the complete control of the Illuminati. It will be told to the masses that modern technology has brought forth the wisdom to eliminate losing money and credit cards, and having them stolen or duplicated. Therefore, the bio-chip implant for most will be a mark of convenience.

To refuse the mark will result in being cut off from your finances (i.e. your flow of energy) and from society at large. If anyone goes against this New Super Illuminated Government that is on its way; they will be turned off by a push of a button on the computer: freezing all assets, which will make it difficult to survive in a computerized world. Refusing to cooperate with the New Super Government will also result in wearing a stigma: a rebel, one that is radical against the New World Order (i.e. a terrorist against the new Global Government.) In doing all this, the human race will be totally controlled if we do not change our thinking.

A secular agenda Will allow the Antichrist to create a one-world government through the efforts of secret societies and occult organizations like the United Nations and the Federal Reserve Board. In this, God is not found wanting, even though His fallible believers — with their mistranslations of signs and portents — certainly are. The refusal of Christ to intervene in our affairs is the result of human error, a failure on the part of His congregation to read correctly God’s predicted time of arrival and to abandon assumptions that, if not premature, are incorrect.

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Same Illuminati people will run the One World Government, a world in the hands of a very few people. One without the other is an imbalance. This is why people say, “Oh don’t talk to me about the conspiracy, it’s negative.” No, knowledge is never negative, ignorance is negative. That’s not about ignoring or not wanting to hear negative stuff. It’s about escapism from what was really going on. Your will to change and improve as an individual has to be stronger than the will of the globalists to control you in order to free yourself from their invisible force of manipulation

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