To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. The star-studded universe is nothing more than a symbol of what goes on in the psyche’s pineal gland; thus, the mythos of the Big Bang explosion teaches physicists how the material world (originally abstract thoughts) concretized into physical form. The Cross with the Rose in the center is symbolic of how the Roman Catholic Church builds is structures. The center is where the Rose symbolizes the CROSSING intersecting the transept and also intersects the apse and nave.
To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. The star-studded universe is nothing more than a symbol of what goes on in the psyche’s pineal gland; thus, the mythos of the Big Bang explosion teaches physicists how the material world (originally abstract thoughts) concretized into physical form. The Cross with the Rose in the center is symbolic of how the Roman Catholic Church builds is structures. The center is where the Rose symbolizes the CROSSING intersecting the transept and also intersects the apse and nave.
To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. When the Christed seed crossed the nerve at Golgotha, the veil of the temple was rent and there was an earthquake, and the dead came forth, i. e. the generative cells of the body were quickened or regenerated. The crucifixion or crossing of the life seed gives power to vibrate the pineal gland at a rate that causes the Optic Thalmus to fill the “whole body with light,” and send its vibration out along the optic nerve to the physical eye, and thus heal the blind.
The pineal gland looks just like a pine cone, and why would it be there? There you have already two important symbols, Christ as the symbol for life in all matter, and the pine cone revealing the pineal gland as our spiritual stargate. Not only is the universal energy capable to communicate with itself, but we are inherently connected to this divine force with the way our body functions
The Big Bang is a psychic phantasmagoria mythos explosion that has taught physicists how the universe was created and how all four nuclear forces constellate into countless galaxies each containing billions of stars, planets, moons, etc. The star-studded universe is nothing more than a symbol of what goes on in the psyche’s pineal gland; thus, the mythos of the Big Bang explosion teaches physicists how the material world (originally abstract thoughts) concretized into physical form.
The pentagram star symbolizing the Golden Ratio that symbolizes QOPH’s p gematria value one-hundred and eight-six (186), which is the transposition of the Golden Ratio 0.618. The Magician has the symbol of the Rosy Cross on his chest. The Cross with the Rose in the center is symbolic of how the Roman Catholic Church builds is structures. The center is where the Rose symbolizes the CROSSING intersecting the transept and also intersects the apse and nave.
It is quite obvious that the Rose representing the round table symbolizing, in the Crossing, the unanimity of all four Major Arcana.
The Rosy Cross on the chest has the rose at the heart’s level, which points to the psyche’s instinctual desires that formulate the psyche’s raison d’être. Ego-consciousness transubstantiating into the state of Christ consciousness is harmoniously in sync with the unconscious mind, which is located in the Crossing (Pineal Gland) symbolized as the Sun (ego-consciousness) transformed into Ezekiel’s Merkabah: the flaming sun. Ezekiel’s Merkabah symbolizes Christ consciousness (pineal gland) radiating out like the Big Bang exploding creating creation via the four elements: four nuclear forces.
The key to the kundalini raising is said to bring the kundalini energy up to the pineal gland. You could think of this in a couple of ways. You could think of the serpent eating the mystical fruit. You could also think of this concept as a serpent eating its own tail. The mystical fruit is the seed of the tree that when energized causes the whole tree to become illuminated. You could think of the mystical fruit as the switch that sends power into the central twelve path acupuncture system. So as the energy ascends up the spine, a vision of a horizontally rotating disc might be seen. At the last stop, or the seventh level the disk would appear to stop. The stop would only seem to be less than a second. Why is this? It would take time for the pineal gland to become saturated / charged with energy.
The upper brain is the Word and it furnishes all that man contains, or is. Jesus was not a Savior until he was Christed of John in the Jordan. Then he became the “Beloved Son.”
Why was the baptism necessary? Because there are two fish, one was Jesus the Carpenter, the man. The other, the Christed Jesus, the Son of God. The Christ substance gave the electric or magnetic power to the seed to cross the nerves at Galgotha without disintegrating or dying.
To crucify, means to add to or increase a thousand fold. When electric wires are crossed, they set on fire all inflammable substances near them. When the Christed seed crossed the nerve at Galgotha, the vail of the temple was rent and there was an earthquake, and the dead came forth, i.e. the generative cells of the body were quickened or regenerated.
The crucifixion or crossing of the life-seed gives power to vibrate the pineal gland at a rate that causes the “light of the chamber” to fill the “whole body with light” and send its vibration out along the optic nerve to the physical eye and thus heal the blind.
Let us hark back to the Nile : Pharaoh means a ruler or a tyrant or sex desire. Israel means blood, children of Israel, molecules of the blood, but more particularly refers to the thirteen monthly seeds born in 365 days.
The origin of words and their application vary widely. Thus the origin of twelve is circle or completeness, or without break or sin; that is complete. All operations that produce something may be called twelve, being complete in order to produce, the product is therefore thirteen. Thus all machines or factories symbol twelve and the product thirteen.
There are twelve functions of the human body and the seed, or psycho-physical germ, born in the solar plexus every 281/2 days makes thirteen. So then there are thirteen moons in 365 days. The pneumo gastric nerve, vagus nerve, that comes down from cerebellum across (a cross) the medulla oblongata branches out at the lungs (pneumo) and at the stomach (gastric), and is called “The Tree of Life” (thirteen letters) , also pneumo gastric (thirteen letters) .
There are twelve mineral salts in the blood and blood itself the product thirteen.
Moses, Joshua, Jesus, Christ and all the characters of the scriptures are symbols of the psycho-physical seed that is born in, or out of the solar “manger” in the center of the body, fed by the delicate nerves that branch from the “Straight and narrow way” the pneumo-gastric nerve (or vagus nerve), so-called because there are so many wandering branch nerves called the branches of the “Tree of Life.”
Out of this receptacle or manger a seed is born every 28A2 days, or thirteen every 365 days. The birth (“first born” or born first), occurs in the life of each male or female, when the moon enters the sign, each month, that the sun was in at the birth of the individual.
Twelve symbols a circle, in Hebrew, meaning complete. The product of twelve is thirteen. Gallilee is a circle. The Sea of Gallilee, circle of water, or fluid, hence circulation of the blood and fluids of the body. So Jacob may be applied to the body.
Rachael means Ewe, or Mary, Eve or the manger (solar plexus) where Mary and Jesus were found. There is no ” in the Hebrew alphabet, hence no double “. So V is the letter, or double V hence EVE or EWE i.e. Rachael. The solar plexus is symboled by many names in the Bible, all female, whether they refer to a man or a woman, because it gives birth to the seed. This wondrous redeeming seed is exactly the same in male and female and plays no part in generation, but is the “Plan of Salvation” whereby the child “born in sin” may be redeemed and saved. Thus, “In my Kingdom (regeneration) there is no marrying,” etc.
For key to Benjamin, the 13th, the entire chapter, Genesis 35th, should be studied carefully in the light of the new revelations.
Sixth verse, 35th chapter: “So Jacob came to Luz, the same is Bethel” (or Beth-lehem), house of bread, the solar plexus. “He built there an altar (same as “manger” or plexus, womb) and called the place “El-beth-el,” (God’s house of God) because there God was revealed, etc.
Sixteenth verse: “And they journeyed from Bethel and there was some distance to come to Eprath (fruit, posterity, Bethlehem, seed).
Here Rachael “had hard labor” and gave birth to Ben-oni and died. Ben-oni means “child of my sorrow,” but Jacob called him Ben-Ja-min, “Son of my right hand.”
Sixteenth to twentieth verse: “And Rachael died and was buried in the way to Ephrath (the same is Bethlehem). “And Jacob set up a pillar upon her grave; “The same is the pillar of Rachael’s grave unto this day.” The solar plexus, chamber or manger is the pillar.
The death of Rachel, the mother, simply means that thirteen completes the number of seeds born during the thirteen moon months.
Ptah described this act as a journey from the physical to transcend into the afterlife by opening up a rusty valve in our pineal gland. Our soul is attached to the pineal gland through a little stargate and when fully activated, your body and soul are said to have come together and you gain the ability to command physical matter as well as dematerializing, bilocating and flying; all the abilities the Egyptian gods themselves were proclaimed to have.
This full activation is the trigger for ascension, gaining access to the higher dimensions whilst getting a huge upgrade in genetics. The Ankh’s ‘Knot of Isis’ represented through the female genitalia in the top of the symbol is also a direct interpretation of the physical form of the pineal gland itself! Interestingly enough, as Christ consciousness became that of the classic cross later on in our timeline, that part of the symbol has been withdrawn. Maybe this is a sign that modern Christianity doesn’t want us to awaken through these pineal gland activations.
Some people believe the term Homo sapiens means “to think” and is a cognate of mind, which refers to when the humanlike beings first started to have rational thoughts; while other people believe it means “earth-dweller.” Quite frankly, I believe that both are correct, and this will become clearer as this series of books progresses and as we delve deeper into the meaning of the word mind, as humans actually have more than one mind.
To add even more to the confusion, the King James Bible, as a rule, simply cut out the words she or her, and even the word woman, when King James ordered the Catholic Bible rewritten. What we must keep in mind is that not only did King James remove most of the she and her pronouns from the new Bible, but he also uncapitalized the words He and Him unless they were used in reference to God or Jesus. This made it so that people thought that only men could attain powerful positions and communicate with God.
There is no end for how deep the soul seeker can go in his journey for spiritual knowledge. Lets go deeper in the structures of the brain…
like the naos (n), itself set within an all-stone structure. We have here, without too much exaggeration, the Greek equivalent of the Judaic HOLY OF HOLIES. In a Christian church, the altar corresponds to the Holy of Holies. No Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox church can be consecrated without placing a relic, often the bone of a saint, within the altar stone. On the proprioceptive hypothesis, all such stone structures describe the bones of the skull, of which there are twenty-two. The roof of the stone Hall of the Mysteries (the teksterion) at Eleusis, the place where the Hierophant revealed the Hera, “secret things,” was supported by twenty-two Ionic pillars.• The Holy of Holies might therefore describe some location deep within the brain. There arc two major candi-dates: the pituitary gland and the pineal body; both have long been associated with mystical practice in Hinduism. The pituitary body lies within a deep depression of the wing-shaped sphenoid bone called the sella turcica. In front of the sella turcica is the olivary body, shaped, as its name suggests, like an olive (figure 30). The entire complex is behind the gasserian ganglion, hence between the eyes and on the line of the frontal suture. Recall Athena’s gift of the olive tree to the Athenians in her contest with Poseidon. The pineal body is located under the fornix—Latin for “vault”—a structure of the midbrain described in anatomy texts as having four pillars. Both the fomix and the pineal body are closely hemmed in from above by the optic thalamus. Thalamus means “wedding chamber” in Greek, and we have seen that salryama can be translated as “communion,” yoga as “union” or “junction,” both of which comport well with the image of a wedding.
The aroma of wine figures prominently in Greek wedding myths—especially the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis and the Battle of the Centaurs and Lapiths, the latter episode provoked when the centaurs (horse men) smell the wine and become intoxicated—so it is not without interest that a slender nerve fiber called an olfactory fasciculus reaches under the vault of the fomix from the inner root of the olfactory tract.
The esoteric vault survives in silk baldachins draped above the altars of early Christian churches. Note that the fornix is not bone but lamellar white matter, and the pineal body is wrapped overhead by the velum interpositum, a delicate membrane that could easily be likened to silk.
A dome is an architec-turally sophisticated vault. An enduring element of Christian churches, the dome has its origins in early catacomb drawings showing baldachin-like canopies attached to four wooden staffs and placed over the heads of The Christ or the Holy Family? A splendid example is Bemini’s great bronze baldachin over the high altar of Saint Peter’s and directly under the dome of the cathedral. Because the earliest churches were domeless basilicas, the evolution of the dome may be explained as a vast elaboration of the altar canopies.
The dome of the church above its cruciform floor plan recapitulates the baldachin that shelters the altar crucifix, and both designs describe the cranium above the cross formed by the brows and the frontal suture. Gothic cathedrals are the culmination of traditions of church building going back to the earliest basilicas and can be appreciated fully only from within the nave.
Medieval master builders achieved an articulated, luminous architecture that hypnotized the senses and hurled them like shot arrows from the rose window on the facade, fulgurating like the ajna cakra it describes in stained glass, to the altar, above which is a dome.
At Eleusis, site of the holiest mysteries of antiquity, maidens carried the hiera in cylindrical chests called cistx; the same are shown on the heads of the caryatids on the Stoa of the Maidens of the Erechtheum. The decorations on the cistx are similar in many respects to the decorations on Ionic and Corinthian capitals, particularly in the use of trifurcated wheat stalks and rosettes.
A literal contiguity exists between the cistus and the head, an example of a principle of contiguity: the cistus is the head. Ignatius of Antioch, in aid of scorning the gaudy religious parades of pagans, exhorts Ephesian Christians that “you are all pilgrims in the same great procession, bearing your God and your shrine and your Christ and your sacred treasures on your shoulders,” in other words, their heads.
Another symbol for the meeting of these three nadis is the Christian cross, where ida is balanced with pingala. The left side of the cross is ida, the right side is pingala, and the vertical line is sushumna, which continues upward to sahasrara. The three lines meet in ajna chakra, the egoless state, where you die (are crucified) to your old self.