U.S money-democracy can be described as, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” The United States isn’t a democracy — and was never intended to be. The head of the Illuminatis Rothchilds (originally Bauers from Germany). Rockefeller (originally Roggenfelders from Germany). Rothschild’s don’t come from the Royal blood lines but from the family Bauer. U.S is ruled by a “Deep State” or a “shadow government. NATO is not just a military alliance, NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. Over the next forty years for the most part NATO went its own way. Round Table founder said: “I believe that until the world comes to its senses you should declare war with those who are trying to boycott your manufactures.”

U.S money-democracy can be described as, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” The United States isn’t a democracy — and was never intended to be. The head of the Illuminatis Rothchilds (originally Bauers from Germany). Rockefeller (originally Roggenfelders from Germany). Rothschild’s don’t come from the Royal blood lines but from the family Bauer. U.S is ruled by a “Deep State” or a “shadow government. NATO is not just a military alliance, NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. Over the next forty years for the most part NATO went its own way. Round Table founder said: “I believe that until the world comes to its senses you should declare war with those who are trying to boycott your manufactures.”

AMERICA has never been a democracy and has the power to influnce the whole world with it´s anti-democratic money-agendas

The word democracy does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, or in any state constitutions, or in any state constitutions.

U.S money-democracy can be described as, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

U.S is ruled by a “Deep State” or a “shadow government.

The United States isn’t a democracy — and was never intended to be. United States has always been a laboratory and experiment station for political scientists, of both amateur and professional standing.

The shadow government that operates behind the scenes, manipulating things.

The identity of a shadow government, which has been sitting in America’s driver’s seat for the last couple of centuries. Not only do they have no political allegiance, and controls both democrats and conservatives, this small group has been instrumental in allowing America to become one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world no longer a government by free opinion and the vote of the majority.

Together, these historical leaders paint a pretty dire picture of our democracy, saying that the US is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people” and this “invisible government is the true ruling power in our country.”‘

By name, this shadow regime retains the coveted position as America’s preeminent organizing principle, its bully pulpit, and its rallying point for the master control. They sit in the driver’s seat of the US economy playing God to hundreds of millions of Americans.

This shadow government has become the de facto model for US business, finance, government, and economic policies, harnessing vast “human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”

This regime has no political allegiance and controls both sides of the aisle, running the government for their own selfish purposes, greed, and skullduggery.

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot observed the same veil of deception. In his book, The Invisible Government, he wrote,

“The leadership of the invisible government doubtless rests in the hands of a sinister … few.” Regarding the majority of members he stated, “Many, if not most, of these are status-seekers.” But warned, “The ultimate aim” of the CFR, “however, well-intentioned its prominent and powerful members may be” is “to create a one-world socialist system.”

When you see the word socialism think tyrannical dictatorship, dominated by the big corporations and international banks.

“A number of individuals are apparently invited into the CFR simply because they have a distinguished name or other enhancing qualities,” stated Perloff. He continued, they] join without endorsing or even knowing the Councils habitual viewpoint.”

“However,” he said, “The membership’s great majority … have been chronically pro-socialist and pro-globalist.” Professor Sutton recognized, “most members of the CFR have no knowledge of this diabolical plan. But there is an inner core within the CFR that … promotes it.”

Operating under the disguise of love for country, they “[seize] our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” These elite groups hold the handle of the economic dagger and everybody else is holding onto the blade.

The slightest movement would inflict some traumatic political and economic wounds.

The foreboding gloom is that America “[has] come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men [and women].

Considering that the capitalist ruling class represents only 2 percent of the entire United States population, yet they wield an influence on the economy and society far beyond their numbers. Often disguised as “special interest groups,” they strive to perpetuate their agenda by passing on assets, lifestyles, values, and social networks from one generation to the next.

They lead the charge in investment decisions, which ultimately impact millions of people in the niche of the working class. There is no such thing as political affiliations written in the books of the ruling class. The only hue that ultimately is of value in their eyes is the tint of currencies and coins.

They contribute special interest money to political parties that support their agenda.

They “sneeze” and politicians on Capitol Hill say “God bless you.” T

Their fingerprints are all over the markets, the polls, the media, and the modern technology. It is not beyond their reach to sabotage websites, manipulate polls, and fabricate crises, to which they offer solutions, in order to influence the thinking of other classes.

Democracy is not up for sale in America. It has been sold, bought, and paid for by the ruling class.

It now belongs to them and the rest of us, three hundred and forty million strong, according to Patrick Ness’s book, “Just live here.”

In September 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act requiring colonists in America to pay tax on every page of printed paper, cards and even dice they used.

Forming the Illuminati as a Jewish crypto-Freemasonry —as vehicles to expand his banking business into populations he was otherwise blocked from.

If America is a democracy it does not fit this particular definition. It never has fit because “the people” has been exclusionary since the nation was founded in 1787. Women, unpropertied White males, Native Americans, enslaved Blacks and many free Blacks, were disenfranchised in the early years of the new nation founded by those who complained to Parliament back in London.

The New World Order scheme accelerating in America and throughout the world was said to trace back to Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the House of Rothschild in Frankfurt. He sought a plan for ruling the world by means of money. In 1776, he obtained his desired plan. which detailed the Secret Order of the New World rooted in a master race concept.

The House of Rothschild, whose members were said to be Satanists, planted the seed of an aggressive global banking cartel that over the next few decades took root in several European capitals.

This European banking cartel used its wealth to manipulate the internal and international governmental affairs of the countries it occupied, and it later spread its sinister influence into America.

A Rothschild descendent was instrumental in setting up the Federal Reserve, America’s privately owned central bank.

In America, they successfully joined their strategies to the Rockefeller dynasty. among others, creating a more formidable force. Elite globalists used the people’s post-World War I anti-war sentiments as a pretext to form the League of Nations, supposedly to prevent such a bloodbath from ever happening again. In reality, the League of Nations was to provide the framework for building a world government.

Sensing the threat to national sovereignty, several nations, including America. refused to join. To maneuver around this setback in America, British intelligence—assisted by John D. Rockefeller—set up the Council on Foreign Relations.

CFR’s stated goal was to abolish all nation states in favor of a one-world government administered by a small elite group. It still serves as the ruling elite’s promotional arm in America, and some call it the “shadow government.”

The elite understood that collectivizing America and bringing it into the New World Order must advance slowly and incrementally; otherwise, the people would reject it. After World War II, world government made an enormous advance through the establishment of the United Nations.

America backed the effort this time, establishing the UN headquarters in New York on land donated by Rockefeller. Among other things, the UN would carry out the streamlining of governments, laws, and rules internationally.

America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12).

The US President receives his orders from Chatham House in the UK. A think tank. Linked to the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

The Tavistock Institute was founded in 1921, by British intelligence and psychiatry, and was funded by the Royal Institute for International Affairs. The Tavistock Clinic/institute for mass-mind-control was originally funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in the early 1900s.

The illuminati are a criminal super secret group who have been in control of the world for awhile. This is why the U.S. Presidential elections are ALWAYS rigged even before the first ballot is cast. The whole ‘major election’ voting system is rigged to keep control of the people in our so-called democratic societies.

The enemies are within our own government. Benjamin Disraeli said, “The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public.” The illuminati own Hollywood, the film industry, and the few companies that own everything.

This subject is a complex issue. I choose to believe William Cooper’s interpretation of the unseen rulers of the world. The late William Cooper said, “Well, nobody’s really a bad guy. You gotta understand these guys aren’t doing this because they’re evil or they think that they’re bad.

They’re doing it because they actually believe that it’s the best for all humanity. But their assumption is wrong. Anything that has to be manipulated, anything that has to be brought about by lies and deceit is inherently wrong in its premise to begin with. So, they’re fooling themselves.

They believe that the rest of us are so stupid that we’re just like cattle, and that’s what they call us, and that they’re the only ones with truly mature minds, and that they’ve got to bring the rest of us under total and complete control so that they can run the world the way they want to, and they actually believe that there’s going to be a Utopia because of what they bring about.”

The US President receives his orders from Chatham House in the UK. A think tank. Linked to the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

The illuminati are a criminal super secret group who have been in control of the world for awhile. This is why the U.S. Presidential elections are ALWAYS rigged even before the first ballot is cast. The whole ‘major election’ voting system is rigged to keep control of the people in our so-called democratic societies.

The Rockefellers and Rothschild also own the Medical profession, Encyclopedia Britannica, (some even think they have some control over the voting machine software companies). Let’s visit some of the history behind the Rockefeller Empire.

The citizens of America do not actually elect the President it is a priviledge and honor to vote but the Committee of 300 runs this government. The Committee of 300 runs the whole world, socialism and slaverism. The Rothchilds, by the Committee of 300 also controlling the top Banking organizations in the World.

The National Security Agency was created in a large part by the Paperclip Nazis serving on its panels and advisory boards. The NSA in conjunction with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) spawned its muscle to establish the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Rothschild and Council of foreign relations, CFR owns the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NSA, US Federal Reserve Bank and all the power centers in USA.

The Tavistock Clinic/institute for mass-mind-control was originally funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in the early 1900s

The Rockefeller influence and authority now runs the top Civil Service bureaucracy, thereby transcending the administrations of mere republicans and Democrats. Having a big stake in an internationalist foreign policy, the Rockefellers always make sure that the Secretary of State and the Director of the (CIA) Central Intelligence Agency are ” Their boys”. Marshall, Acheson, Dulles, Herter, Rusk, and Kissinger [at the time of writing in 1976] have all laboured to turn the backward Soviet Union into a creditable power to force the great merger, while at the same time fighting wars to make the world safe for Standard Oil. The C.I.A. has served as the State Department’s and Standard Oil’s enforcement arm, destroying genuine anti-communist movements around the world…The CIA was created and staffed by Rockefeller relative Allen Dulles.”

The Bilderberg Group was created in 1952 by a man named Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernard was an employee of the Rothschilds. Prince Bernard ran Royal Dutch Shell. Shell Oil. One of the richest oil companies in the world. The Rothschilds were the principal stockholders.

“American foreign policy has meant billions of dollars for the Rockefellers. It has been paid for in many cases by the blood of our soldiers and in every case by the sweat of our taxpayers.”

“In his ‘Reminiscences’ John D. Rockefeller informs us: ‘One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department in Washington. Our ambassadors, ministers and consuls have aided to push our way into new markets to the utmost corners of the world.'”

“American foreign policy has meant billions of dollars for the Rockefellers. It has been paid for in many cases by the blood of our soldiers and in every case by the sweat of our taxpayers.”

Rhodes first put his vision of imperial unity to paper on 2 June 1877 in his handwritten testimony, the so-called “Confession of Faith”. In the Confession, Rhodes stated he had concluded that his chosen calling in life was not marriage, travel or the accumulation of wealth, but to make himself useful to his country. Expressing his belief in the inherent racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons, Rhodes argued that only the British should rule the world:

“contend that we are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. fiat fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable of human beings; what an alteration there would be in them if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence… Added to which the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wan.”

To this end, Rhodes put forward his own vision of an expanded British Empire that would be achieved by the formation of a secret society:

“Why should we not form a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. What a dream, and yet it is probable, it is possible.”

Rabbi Menachem Man Bacharach (b. ca. 1395). The living Schwab—Klaus Schwab, and the living Rothschild Sir Evelyn de Rothschild have a common grandfather 15 generations ago: Rabbi Menachem Man Bacharach (b. ca. 1395). His grandsons included Uri (Freibesch) Bacharach (ca. 1450-) (confirmed by Victor Rothschild albeit he hid the core “Bacharach” name and Rabbi Abraham Bacharach (ca. 1540-1505).

Rabbi Abraham’s son was Rabbi Schmill Schwab. Therefore, all subsequent Schwabs have common Bacharach/Rothschild blood. The Rothschild name is fabricated to hide their Bacharach rabbinical blood. It did not appear in the Bacharach blood line until 1802 when Mayer Amschel Rothschild chose it arbitrarily, dubiously named after the house he lived in. Rothschild’s don’t come from the Royal blood lines but from the family Bauer.

The genealogists at Ancestry, My Heritage, WikiTree, Geni are hiding the Schwab-Rothschild-Bacharach blood ties with “private” redactions. Ancestry.com is owned by The Blackstone Group, Stephen A. Schwarzman, British Pilgrims Society, co- founded by Lords Lionel & Walter Rothschild. (February 20, 2022)—Klaus Schwab’s blood relationship to the Rothschilds (real name Bacharach) reaches back to the 13th century. According to numerous Schwab ancestries, his original ancestor was Ulrich Schwab, Commander of the Knights Hospitallers (1298-1315), and first Count of Nemerow (Germany)

To reiterate, in 1298, Klaus’ earliest ancestor was Count Sir Ulrich Schwab. He was the first Count of Nemerow and was elevated to a knight commander of the Knights Hospitallers (Order of St. John). Ulrich Schwab was elevated to commander after the Hospitallers in the 3rd Crusade had lost their headquarters in Acre (now Israel) in 1291.

Today, the Hospitallers operate in Rome as the usury-dependent Knights of Malta in cooperation with the Vatican Bank and under the control of The Bank of England (British Pilgrims Society).

The Illuminati Rothchilds are Jesuits. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General. If there’s a crash you can lose your money but the Jesuit will never lose his money. You see, the Rothschild’s are the bankers of the Vatican.The Vatican is the headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschild’s control the Vatican. The Jesuit controlled SMOM has a permanent observer status at the UN. Who created the CFR which created the UN?

SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta). Banking is said to have been created by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with headquarters in Switzerland, London, New York, and Dubai and controlled by the House of Rothschild.

Remember the whole banking system is fully controlled by the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA and has been for eons. Switzerland is their Banking HQ.

Owner of The Central Bank of Germany 1838 Amshall Rothschild and head of the Illuminatis (originally Bauers from Germany). Rockefeller (originally Roggenfelders from Germany) family, Frankfurt.

His descendants would become oil billionaires and politicians under the name “ Rockefeller . ” Typical of some Germans of the time , the Roggenfelders had almost no pride in being German due on one hand to their country’s sorry history …

Let us _ _ _ see the roles the Rockefeller/Rothschild cousins play in the ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US as well: Peter Kershaw in “Economic Solutions” and Larry Burkett in “The Coming Economic Earthquake” have named the private owners of the United States Federal Reserve system established in 1913 (under Benjamin Strong, the Reserve System was brought into interlocking relations with the Bank of England and the Bank of France and Reserve Governors and the heads of European central banks brought on the Great Depression of 1929-31) as:

1) The Rockefeller Family – New York 2) The Rothschild Family – London 3) The Rothschild Family – Berlin 4) The Lazard Brothers – Paris 5) Israel Seiff – Italy 6) Kuhn-Loeb Company – Germany 7) The Warburgs – Amsterdam Representative of the Rothschild Family in France 8) The Warburgs – Hamburg Representative of the Rothschild Family in Germany 9) Lehman Brothers – New York 10) Goldman & Sachs – New York. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York,

Today, the Hospitallers operate in Rome as the usury-dependent Knights of Malta in cooperation with the Vatican Bank and under the control of The Bank of England (British Pilgrims Society).

This secret society (Round Table Groups) would have “its members in every part of the British Empire”, including in the schools and universities to select new members and in the Colonial legislatures, where they would °advocate the closer union of England and colonies, to crush all disloyalty and every movement for the severance of our Empire”. He also envisaged this secret society owning ”portions of the press, for the press rules the mind of the people”. In addition, the use of the Jesuit’s membership oath dictated secrecy. The oaths of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and Rhodes Scholars are similar to that of the Jesuits.

Rhodes’s motivation for creating his own secret society stemmed from his disappointment and contempt for Freemasonry, which he had recently joined. His disdain for the Craft had been almost immediate, demonstrated at his induction banquet in June 1877 where, as a new life member for the Apollo Chapter of the Masonic Order, Rhodes scandalized his brethren by casually revealing the mystic cult secrets of the 33 Degree Rite.

In his Confession, Rhodes denigrated the Freemasons as an essentially pointless organization whose members “devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end”.

However, this was not a blanket rejection of secret societies, as he expressed his admiration for the Jesuits whom he believed had achieved much despite their “bad cause” and “bad leaders”.

Elements of Rhodes’s Confession were incorporated into his wills, of which eight were produced over the years as his fortune and ambitions increased but his cardiovascular problems worsened, reminding the Colossus that his time in this world was short.

His second will of 19 September 1877, for example, was produced following a “heart attack” he had suffered in August of that year. Although it had only two executors, that document clarified Rhodes’s essential vision of establishing a “Secret Society” devoted to “the extension of British rule throughout the world”, including the “ultimate recovery of the United States as an integral part of the British Empire”.

This would culminate in: “…consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity.”

This Anglo-American arrangement thus became one of the central components of his envisaged supranational enterprise, if not an obsession. Rhodes often blamed King George III for the loss of the American colonies and once lamented to Stead that “if we had not lost America… the peace of the world [would have been] secured for all Eternity!” The postscript to his will of September 1893, for example, expressed his belief that the merger of Britain and the United States would “take the government of the whole world”, leading to the “cessation of all wars and one language throughout the world”.

Quite simply. Rhodes did not believe that free trade in itself would benefit Britain unless there were some political action to support it, preferably in the form of imperial expansion and consolidation.

‘Being Free Trader,” he was to write to Stead. “I believe that until the world comes to its senses you should declare war with those who are trying to boycott your manufactures.”

NATO is not just a military alliance, actually NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money.

Although the UN inevitably was present at NATO’s creation in 1949, over the next forty years for the most part NATO went its own way.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” Tragically the leaders of the NATO countries do love war and the arms profits from warfare. Clearly, they are very well organized. To thinking people, the current expansion of NATO is eroding the minds of politicians while infusing fear into the minds of real people.

NATO presence is an unwanted danger to the EU project of active togetherness. To the EU states committed to genuine peacekeeping NATO is an affront. It represents the economic and hegemonic need of American regimes in Washington to continue the occupation of Europe with troops and weapons, including nuclear. Instead, the US should be disarming, and investing in the poverty of its own people, dealing with its economic collapse and adjusting to the pain of a declining empire facing its demise. To most EU members, committed to socialism-light and the use of revenue for the social wellbeing of citizens, NATO has become a redundant, extravagant and unwelcome military toy that gobbles up human and financial resources to no positive end.

Today NATO is a much more dangerous thug, very violent in manner with questionable purpose but financed and backstopped by an empire in demise. NATO understands its own aggression as a device to encircle the world with military capacity, gift the arms manufacturing corporations amongst its member states with permanent demand and openly threaten states it deems to have potential for competitive leadership.

NATO has demonstrated it can no longer be trusted as a peacekeeping entity by the UN. Genuine humanitarian intervention, or R2P as it is known, can never again be entrusted to NATO forces.

The danger to global equilibrium is a growing NATO being expanded further by American and British ambitions into a monster military force of world proportions, way beyond any Atlantic or European alliance. NATO expansion, intrusive military hardware, such as cyber technology/ interference and the murderous capacity of drones is threatening North/ South peace. The creeping slime of NATO expansion into Asia, the attempt to surround Russia, China and others can only end badly for the billions of human beings involved.

NATO as it expands today is absolutely not what the world of struggling economies and deprived populations require. It is nothing, but a negative force. It is undermining an already fragile United Nations. NATO has not been appointed policeman for the globe. It is self-serving, lacks integrity, has demonstrated its leadership cannot be trusted and creates nothing positive. It only yields destruction and human poverty, insecurity and misery. NATO must be abolished!

NATO as it expands today is absolutely not what the world of struggling economies and deprived populations require. It is nothing, but a negative force. It is undermining an already fragile United Nations. NATO has not been appointed policeman for the globe. It is self-serving, lacks integrity, has demonstrated its leadership cannot be trusted and creates nothing positive. It only yields destruction and human poverty, insecurity and misery. NATO must be abolished!He had been particularly taken by South African politician Jan Hendrik Hormeyes proposal. lint raised at the 1887 Colonial Conference. of an Empire-wide two-percent tariff against foreign goods.

“The politics of the next hundred years are going to be tariffs and nothing else.”

Rhodes proclaimed while Prime Minister of the Cape Colony. In his letter to Stead, Rhodes identified the only possible solution:

“You might finish the [tariff] war by union with America and universal peace. I mean after a hundred years and a secret society organized like [St Ignatius] Loyola’s [founder of the Jesuits].”

In pursuing this course. Rhodes was in many respects one of the first true modem heirs to Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati (see Chapter 5). A Professor of Law at the University of Ingolstadt and a former a Jesuit priest, Weishaupt created the Illuminati in 1776 to achieve his radical, utopian goal of transforming society. He envisaged a woad devoid of “princes and nations”. in which the human race would “become one family”.

Rhodes’s similarities with Weishaupt are threefold:

First, he came to the lame conclusion at Weishattpt that centring his own teem today for the purposes of changing elite opinion was the only meats to ensure that his goals could be achieved

Second, he was similarly unimpressed by the Freemasom and the Jesuits, ye he copied their method(

FinallY, This ultimate goal was asentially the same as Weishaupt,. in that be sought to orate a world orde in which peace would prevail as divisions would be ovrreome by a global civilization. albeit an Anglo-Saxon one.

It has been reported, though, that the Rothschilds were deeply involved with political Zionism—the movement to give Jews their own homeland—Israel—in the Middle East. Well, when you look into it you can see that Israel is essentially a creation of the Rothschilds.

Everybody knows about the Balfour Declaration—when, in 1917, Alfred Balfour, the Prime Minister of England, wrote a letter that said “Yes, we have no problem with a Jewish state in the Middle East.” what most people don’t understand is that letter was originally a response to Lord Rothschild who had said, “You don’t mind if we set up a state in the Middle East?” The Balfour declaration is basically where Israel came from. And then, also, it was the Rothschilds who created the first pipeline and the first central bank in Israel, and, in fact, the Rothschilds have been called the grandfather of Israel.

Anybody has a right to disagree with political Zionism and not be labeled an anti-Semite. A bigot or an anti-Semite is a closed-minded, ignorant, moronic person who is prejudiced against people simply on the basis of their religion, or race, or ethnicity. Anybody, though, has a right to disagree with Zionism. Or the ways of international banking. Yes. They’re two different things. And not all Jews are Zionists. And not all Zionists are Jews. It’s two different things.

If you make the statement “Italians dominate the Mafia,” you’re not making an anti-Italian statement. Any sensible person knows that the great overwhelming majority of Italians have nothing to do with the Mafia. if you make the statement “International banking is corrupt and the Rothschilds dominate international banking,” you’re not making an anti-Semitic statement. The great overwhelming majority of Jews have nothing to do with the Rothschilds. Yes, I agree.

So, so-called conspiracy theorists say that it’s a group of international bankers—the Rothschilds and their associates, along with the organizations that they create—the Round Table Groups, the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations—that want to control a world government. Critics of that say that’s nonsense, that’s not true. But former Arizona senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican Party’s 1964 presidential nominee, once wrote, “Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders.

The bankers want it that way. We recognize in a hazy sort of way that the Rothschilds and the Warburgs of Europe, and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, Schiff, Lehman, and Rockefeller possess and control vast wealth. How they acquire this vast financial power and employ it is a mystery to most of us. . . .

International bankers make money by extending credit to governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the larger the interest returned to the lenders. The national banks of Europe are actually owned and controlled by private interests.” . . . So Barry Goldwater, himself, was saying that these international bankers manipulate the world economy and politics from behind the scenes and the public isn’t really aware of that. Well, most people don’t even understand how modern money works. They think money represents something real and it does not, anymore. It’s not on the gold standard. For example, if you want a mortgage on your house, you tell the bank, “I want a mortgage on my house,” and, so, they create an account for you and debit it for the $200,000 or whatever the house is going to cost. They just type $200,000 into a computer and say, “Now you have this money and you have to pay it back plus interest.”

Yes, they create money out of nothing. They say this is what you owe, and then you pay and you pay and you pay and yet they just created this money out of thin air.

That’s fractional reserve banking. Throughout the years the banking industry has lobbied governments and politicians to make fractional reserve banking legal. Through fractional reserve banking, a bank is allowed to lend out more money than it has in its reserves. If a bank has, say, 10 billion dollars it’s allowed to lend out ten times as much-100 billion dollars. The bank is allowed to create 90 billion dollars out of thin air and lend that out and charge interest on it. . . The bank just types a number into a computer or writes a number on a check and that becomes money. Yes. The theory is that all the depositors aren’t going to withdraw their $10 billion all at once so the banks will always have enough to repay the depositors. And, so, they create more money than they actually have.

Do you believe there’s an agenda to have a North American Union—to have the United States, Canada, and Mexico merge into one union —and the Council on foreign Relations is behind that? Oh. absolutely. Again they talk about this openly—about creating a North American Union. The problem for them is that they were moving right along with that plan until—with the advent of the Internet—more and more people became aware of this plan and so there’s been more and more foot dragging and it’s caused them a problem.

Yes. But, hey, if you want to see what the ultimate game plan is. go back and read a book that was written in 1948 by a British Fabian socialist by the name of Eric Arthur Blair. He didn’t use that name, though. He used a pen name. George Orwell.

George Orwell. Go back and read 1984 and you’ll find what the plan is, which is to divide the world into three socialist blocks and then pit them off against each other alternately for maximum profit and control. And this is what they’re working on.

Orwell was from England. Did Orwell write about that because he knew about the Round Table Groups? He had some inside information about what the men of the Round Table Groups were thinking and planning? Yes, I think so. He was not part of the British aristocracy but he had very close contacts. He was a member of the Fabian socialists. And I think, yeah, I think he knew what the game plan was.

So when Orwell was writing 1984, he wasn’t just imagining a fictional story. He was writing about what he knew the most powerful men in the world—the men of England’s Round Table Groups—were planning. Exactly. And when you look and see what’s happening—Winston Smith, the protagonist of 1934, you know, he said you couldn’t even talk above a whisper without Big Brother listening in. And think about the surveillance that’s going on today. The NSA being able to monitor our emails and phone calls. The ubiquitous video cameras surveilling everybody. And we now have appliances—TV sets-I believe It was Sony—they even warned. “Don’t say anything you don’t want out because it’s two way and they’re broadcasting back whatever’s said in your living room.”

The aim of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is not to inform you of the controlling actions within our society, but to use scientific methods that are well known for discretely brainwashing the public. It is the core for mass indoctrination and global manipulation.

Huxley stated, (in a speech for Tavistock Group, California medical school, in 1961), ‘There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution’.

One ot the most dishonest and destructive media organizations to ever exist, however, was originally funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in the early 1900s and is known as the Tavistock Institute on Human Relations. Its original purpose was to generate propaganda that would convince the British people to support an invasion of Germany prior to WWW I.

⦁ The Rothschild’s control the Vatican
⦁ The Rothschild’s controls the Black Pope
⦁ The White Pope is a Jesuit controlled by Black Pope
⦁ Rothschild’s are the bankers of the Vatican.
⦁ Banking is said to have been created by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with headquarters in Switzerland, London, New York, and Dubai
⦁ The US President receives his orders from Chatham House in the UK. A think tank. Linked to the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
⦁ America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12).
⦁ The Tavistock Institute was founded in 1921, by British intelligence and psychiatry, and was funded by the Royal Institute for International Affairs.
⦁ The Tavistock Clinic/institute for mass-mind-control was originally funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in the early 1900s
⦁ The citizens of America do not actually elect the President it is a priviledge and honor to vote but the Committee of 300 runs this government. The Committee of 300 runs the whole world, socialism and slaverism. The Rothchilds, by the Committee of 300 also controlling the top Banking organizations in the World.

If you find joy and inspiration from reading my posts, you are welcome to support me financially. Just click on the link below. Thamks and love! You should give shape to your future, not the banksters.


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