Kundalini beyond seventh chakra – When the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, you open, we begin to travel in the sub-upper floors of the fourth dimension. With the opening of the seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of the Third Eye, consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us we gradually become apparent. The opening of the crown chakra expands perception in the fifth dimension where there is no polarity

Kundalini beyond seventh chakra – When the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, you open, we begin to travel in the sub-upper floors of the fourth dimension. With the opening of the seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of the Third Eye, consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us we gradually become apparent. The opening of the crown chakra expands perception in the fifth dimension where there is no polarity.

When kundalini shakti passes beyond Agya chakra, both duality and ego cease to exist.

Kundalini becomes free from the bondage of the karmas beyond five elements. Here, the Kundalini (shakti) unites with the Shiva and this reunion creates half male and half female energy (the enlightened one). This enlightened energy arises up to Sahasrara (crown) Chakra as a single energy. Before reaching Sahasrara Chakra this energy travels through golata, lalata and lalana chakras (situated inside the brain), where it is converted into Amrita, which from Sahasrara trickles downwards and permeates the entire body with the supreme bliss.

Once kundalini is free from all bondage, it can travel up and down (upper chakras or lower chakras), without getting affected. Job of the kundalini shakti is realization of supreme consciousness by taking the form of the Goddess.

The six important chakras are positioned horizontally within the astral spine (sushumna nadi). They are transformers for the main dynamo of energy, the seventh and highest chakra, the sahasrara chakra (1,000-petalled lotus), located in the upper brain and beyond. This crown chakra is often illustrated in portraits of saints and Jesus, the Christ, as a halo of bright light around and over the head, indicating illumination and liberation of consciousness. The chakras are also referred to metaphorically in the yoga scriptures as lotuses, their rays of energy forming the petals. Each chakra has a certain number of petals. In the ordinary person whose mind is operating in the lower centres or planes of consciousness, these petals are turned downwards, their rays of energy flowing out toward the senses.

Kundalini’s Forms and Powers The ancients say that when kundalini travels into the void region (sahasrara), she remains only momentarily, then returns to muladhara (root chakra). Only by consistent practice does divine union become permanent. When Shakti unites with Paramashiva in sahasrara, the perfected siddha (adept) becomes jivan mkt( (liberated soul), dwelling in eternal bliss, possessing all powers. As kundalini travels through the chakras, she exhibits various forms:

I. In root chakra (muladhara), she is Kula (root, lineage, dynasty) Kundalini. Here she rests in samadhi (transcendence) as svayambhu linga. She is a nonentity, as if asleep.

  1. When awakened, she is termed Vahni (fire) Kundalini, deep red in color as she moves from muladhara to the heart chakra (anahata).
  2. In anahata, she becomes Surya (Sun) Kundalini of brilliant vermilion color as she moves to the bottom of third eye chakra (ajna).
  3. In ajna, she is called Chandra (Moon) Kundalini, white and nectarous as she travels to nirvana chakra.
  4. In sahasrara, she becomes Turya (fourth state) Kundalini—samadhi, beyond the three states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Here she is the nature of pure consciousness, experienced in samprajnata samadhi.

As kundalini pierces each of the chakras in turn, she absorbs the principle (tat-tva), element (uahabhuta), and sense object (anmatra) associated with each chakra. In the root muladhara, she absorbs the earth element and odor. In pelvic svadhishthana, she absorbs water and flavor. In solar plexus manipura, she absorbs fire and form. In heart anahata, she absorbs air and touch. In throat vishuddha, she absorbs ether and sound. In third eye ajna, she absorbs mantis (lower mind). In mamas chakra, she absorbs chitta (sensory mind). In indu she absorbs buddhi (intellect). In nirvana chakra, she absorbs dhi (higher mind) and ahanthara (ego). After nirvana chakra, Chandra (moon) Kundalini passes through the visarga power-bridge to the triangle lying in the nectarous moon region of gum chakra. From there she travels into the luminous triangle within the moon region in the center of sahasrara chakra. Here Chandra Kundalini becomes Turya Kundalini, only realizable in samadhi.

• Kundalini first coils around supreme bindu, absorbing supreme bindu.
• Kundalini then coils around supreme nada, absorbing supreme nada.
• Kundalini’s third coil is around Shakti, which she then absorbs.
• Kundalini coils halfway around Shiva, whom she unites with and absorbs.
• Kundalini is then without coils and is absorbed into Paramashiva. This is the final stage of asamprajnata samadhi—the supreme absorption.

Sahasrara Attainments

“Men, as soon as they discover this most secret place, become free from rebirths in this universe. By the practice of this Yoga, he gets the power of creating or destroying the creation, this aggregate of elements. When the mind is steadily fixed at this place, which is the residence of the Great Swan and is called Kailas, then that Yogi, devoid of diseases and subduing all accidents, lives for a great age, free from death.” —Siva Samhita.

The material world relates to the lower chakras (First to Third) and occasionally the Fourth. The Seventh Chakra accesses energies beyond the everyday world. These higher vibratory rates are ever-present everywhere, but we are unable to sustain our consciousness of them until we can relate to the vibratory rate of each of our seven chakras. Vibratory rates are communicable and until you can manage your energetic space you will be disturbed The people clos-est to you will affect you most: people with lower rates will pull you down, while people with higher rates will uplift you.

This is the full expansion of consciousness into matter and its dissolution back into the noumenal realm of pure consciousness … This is the Egyptian Bennu Bird : the Bird of Eternal Return i.e. a recurrent cycle of birth and death .

The crown chakra governs not only the brain’s control of the entire nervous system, but also the control of our Higher Self of all our physical incarnation. Once the crown chakra is open, we can become aware of our true “brain” that exists beyond the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions.

Our ability to perceive the physical life from the higher perspective, allows us to get an access to our multidimensional consciousness. While we are in that state multidimensional, we have the ability to see the countless shapes of our existence in the many plans and different realities. The crown chakra governs the Cosmic Consciousness that is our connection to the spiritual wisdom, aspirations and knowledge of the Truth. From this perspective, we see ourselves as a spark of consciousness that creates everything and, paradoxically, “it is” Everything.

Since the crown chakra represents our unity with life, we feel a sense of isolation from “God” and by humanity if the bond with our father is insufficient. Since the crown chakra represents our multidimensional consciousness, when we open our reality is no longer limited to the third and fourth dimension.

When the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, you open, we begin to travel in the sub-upper floors of the fourth dimension. With the opening of the seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of the Third Eye, consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us we gradually become apparent. The opening of the crown chakra expands perception in the fifth dimension where there is no polarity.

When the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, you open, we begin to travel in the sub-upper floors of the fourth dimension. With the opening of the seventh chakra, and the subsequent activation of the Third Eye, consciousness can now enter the fifth dimension. It is then that the many realities around and within us we gradually become apparent. The opening of the crown chakra expands perception in the fifth dimension where there is no polarity.

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