Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini.  The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul

Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini.  The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul.

The true Mason is a builder a; his task it is to build up his body, soul, and spirit, a holy temple, acceptable to God. Hence he cannot afford to be idle, his bounden duty it is to work. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, saith the grand Master, do it with thy might, with all thy might, for if it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.

Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini.

You have energy shooting down through your spinal column into your crown chakra, enlightening you at certain places, at certain times, or during your deep meditations, but you were not able to maintain this. Ascended masters are able to maintain. So that is the difference between a master and a person who is on the path.

With Kundalini , our feminine snake , raised within us and our inner being cleansed , we are ready to receive our true essence.

While in the average man only thirty-one vertebrae are active, in the spiritually awakened the two dormant vertebrae at the base of the spine are vitalized by the Kundalini fire. As a matter of fact, so-called esoteric exercises given for spiritual enfoldment are of practically no use unless given in connection with certain other exercises which are im-parted from mouth to ear for the purpose of awakening the caudal-equina. The awakening of the thirty-three pairs of spinal nerves marks the true Thirty-third degree Mason, and the true Yogi.

Occultists, knowing that within the Delphic cave of each man’s heart is that imperishable tablet on which is engraved the experiences of the innumerable transformations which have taken place since the dawn of the First Day of Brahma, adjure their students to “look within” for knowledge, for on this tablet or Book of the Recording Angels, as it is called in the Bible, is engraved all the wisdom of the ages.

We have four brains. The cerebrum is the God brain. The cerebellum is the “man” brain which is connected to the lower mind. The third brain is the medulla oblangata, which is responsible for involuntary actions such as breathing. The fourth brain is the solar plexus which has to do with the lower mind, greed, animalistic behaviour, etc.

When the oil returns back up the body, the frequency rises and the vibration increases. By the time it reaches the 33rd vertebrae it is crucified as the pneumo-gastric nerve “crosses” over and connects to the pineal and pituitary glands. That oil of the Christ lights up the optic thalamus gland which is otherwise known as “the light of the world,” at the point of “crucifixion.” Then it stays in limbo (dead so to speak) for 3 days like how Jesus died at the age of 33. This takes place at the 33rd vertebrae.

The sacred oil is now transmuted into this new substance of the Christ within and then arrives at the very top, the crown and touches the optic thalamus, which is esoterically known as the third eye. It is here where it is exploded into a thousand lights, and pure consciousness, enlightenment is reached. The ancient Egyptians called this the light of the world, as they understood its power. It feels like one is glowing and radiant. Everything in the body that was asleep is now totally awake. It’s an incredible experience that is truly indescribable.

The sacred oil is now transmuted into this new substance of the Christ within and then arrives at the very top, the crown and touches the optic thalamus, which is esoterically known as the third eye. It is here where it is exploded into a thousand lights, and pure consciousness, enlightenment is reached. The ancient Egyptians called this the light of the world, as they understood its power. It feels like one is glowing and radiant. Everything in the body that was asleep is now totally awake. It’s an incredible experience that is truly indescribable.

The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul.

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Who can awaken kundalini? Why awaken kundalini?

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