The interpretation of this truth given out by the Christ is as follows: When we become regenerated, the Life Force, symbolically known as the “river of life”, shall ascend from the lower being ( the “belly”) to the head, bringing illumination and lighting the “candle” of the “churches” described in Revelation. Thus, from the true Christian the “water of life” shall flow from his “belly”, bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. The path will lead us on to the full awakening of the throat chakra (Baptism of our Lord). It follows on to the Ajna centre on the forehead (Transfiguration of our Lord) until we reach Golgotha -the place of the skull- at Easter, or the full awakening of the crown chakra, the true Crown of Thorns. It is only then that the Christ power -a power hidden within every human- is fully operative

The interpretation of this truth given out by the Christ is as follows: When we become regenerated, the Life Force, symbolically known as the “river of life”, shall ascend from the lower being ( the “belly”) to the head, bringing illumination and lighting the “candle” of the “churches” described in Revelation. Thus, from the true Christian the “water of life” shall flow from his “belly”, bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. The path will lead us on to the full awakening of the throat chakra (Baptism of our Lord). It follows on to the Ajna centre on the forehead (Transfiguration of our Lord) until we reach Golgotha -the place of the skull- at Easter, or the full awakening of the crown chakra, the true Crown of Thorns. It is only then that the Christ power -a power hidden within every human- is fully operative.

The six water pots symbolize the six ventricles of the brain. The servants represent different faculties within us. which the heart or emotional nature (represented by Jesus’ mother) commands to obey the Christ Within. The governor of the feast symbolizes the mind. The water used is the “water of life”, which is transformed from the lower use to the higher use as the “wine of life”. This change is from the “water” of generation to the “wine” of regeneration.

Wine is a mingled product and it is the mingling of the vibrations of the pineal gland and pituitary body which produces this spiritual “wine”.

Therefore this wedding feast signifies the -marriage” of the mind and the heart or the alchemical “wedding” within, in which clairvoyance or spiritual sight is produced. Jesus told the Jews that if they destroyed the temple he would raise it up in three days.

They thought He was referring to their place of worship. He meant that after three days (when the panorama of life is transferred to the higher vehicles after the death of the physical body). the Spirit will then raise up the “temple” or vehicle which has now become a spiritual -temple” instead of the physical which was destroyed. The real “temple” the spiritual “temple”, cannot be harmed by our enemies.

Christ makes the statement to Nicodemus that, “Unless a man be born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven”. This has been interpreted many ways. The most important esoteric interpretation pertains to rebirth. wherein the Ego or Spirit incarnates in one body after another at intervals of approximately a thousand years, until it has learned all the lessons of life.

Thus, it is plainly seen that unless a man be born again many times. he will not be qualified to enter into the kingdom of heaven. When an individual learns all of life’s lessons, he becomes “a pillar in the house of God” and “comes in” and “goes out” no more. When an Ego has learned life’s lessons it is no longer necessary to be born of woman. It will have reached such an advanced stage of evolution that it will possess the ability to perpetuate its physical body.

The story of the pool in Bethesda is an interesting one. There was a pool in Bethesda having five “porches”. At intervals an angel came and troubled the water.

The first person who stepped into the water after the angel had stirred it was made whole of whatever disease afflicted him. There was a certain man who had a disease of thirty-eight years, but was never able to be the first one to step into the pool. Someone else always got into the water before him. Christ cured the man and told him to go his way and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon him. The five porches of the pool represent the five physical senses, through which contacts with the physical world are made and our emotions aroused as a result of these contacts.

Therefore, they are represented as five “porches” leading CO the “pool” of the emotions. since it is through the five senses that the emotions are aroused. The angel who stirred the water is a higher spiritual force, which, while it is in our emotional nature, or when we have raised ourselves to this force emotionally. will cure any and all diseases.

Thus, while our “pool of Bethesda” (within) is being troubled. or is in this higher vibration, our diseases gradually disappear. But the man in the story could not get into the water soon enough. He had flashes of the higher emotional activity, but before he could derive any benefit from them. a physical emotion (another man) would step in before him or would usurp the place of the high emotion. This is the condition of the majority of us. We have a beautiful and lofty thought. but it does not last a second before a lower or material one has taken its place. and we have sunk back to our original position of waiting until another “angel” comes.

However. when the Christ contacts us. He will cure our sins. He tells us. however, that if we do not cease committing the sin that caused the disease or limitation in the first place. it will come again upon us. This is one of God’s laws. the Law of Cause and Effect. It decrees that we must reap as we sow. To be spiritual does not mean that we will always have health, etc. To maintain proper conditions always, we must always walk in harmony with the laws of God.

Consequently, in a sense, whenever we eat or drink, we are eating and drinking the “body” and “blood” of Christ, since His life is in the food. We wish to explain the statement, at this time, that we are all made of “dust”.

We are not literally made of dust. However, as the mineral elements in the soil nourish the plants and we eat the plants in order to live, our atoms are renewed in this way indirectly by the minerals of the soil. Thus it might be said, in one sense, that we are made of, or maintained by, “dust” or the mineral kingdom. “He that believeth on me—out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”.

The interpretation of this truth given out by the Christ is as follows: When we become regenerated, the Life Force, symbolically known as the “river of life”, shall ascend from the lower being ( the “belly”) to the head, bringing illumination and lighting the “candle” of the “churches” described in Revelation. Thus, from the true Christian the “water of life” shall flow from his “belly”, bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”

Christ is born in Bethlehem. Bethlehem meanshouse of bread , ” and it was there that the living bread from heaven came to dwell in human flesh .

In Bible terminology the solar plexus also means manger, cave, Bethlehm, for it is in the centre of this plexus of nerves g r 1 that we find the thimble-shaped cavity or depression from which issues forth the redeemer of the Adam man. In a dual sense it is the “house of bread,” as it is the place where the divine bread or seed is formed, and it lies directly back of the house of material bread, the stomach. Man shall not live by live by bread alone). but by every WORD (seed ) that cometh from the mouth of God.  Jesus was born in Bethlehem (the manger or the belly or the Solar plexus).

The path will lead us on to the full awakening of the throat chakra (Baptism of our Lord). It follows on to the Ajna centre on the forehead (Transfiguration of our Lord) until we reach Golgotha -the place of the skull- at Easter, or the full awakening of the crown chakra, the true Crown of Thorns. It is only then that the Christ power -a power hidden within every human- is fully operative. Only then can we say that the individual has become entirely human.

The Divine Marriage The church falsely teaches that the Divine Marriage means the union of the Lamb (Jesus) with the church.  What the Masters symbolized as “the marriage of the Lamb,” was the exaltation of the spiritual element by the union of the Golden Force passing up from the creative centers to the Pituitary and on to the Pineal, as stated under the Two Witnesses in these words:

When (the Pituitary is) energized by the rising solar force of the generative centers, its pulsating aura presents a swaying motion, like a plummet, until the forces impinges on the Pineal, the All-Seeing Eye, impregnating it with the golden force and activating the spiritual faculties. The Pineal was symbolized as the Lamb, and the Pituitary was the bride, the Lamb’s wife (Rev. 19:7; 21:9).

The Divine Marriage was the activation of the Pineal by the Pituitary as a result of a peculiar stimulation by the Golden Oil that is raised up from the sacral plexus. This produces a harmonization of the negative and positive powers of the body, by the means of which equilibrium is attained. In the Red Dragon, under Temptation, we stated that:

“To them (man and woman in the garden) was revealed the mystery of universal equilibrium, and they themselves were the symbol and expression of that equilibrium.”

But that equilibrium was lost when man and woman sank to animality by virtue of propagation on the animal level. When that equilibrium is regained, it produces reciprocal action between the lower and the higher elements that promotes higher development on every plane of being.

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The THOUSAND PETALS OF SAHASRARA Sahasrara chakra Sahasrara chakra is represented visually as a lotus. Kundalini rushing to the Sahasrara chakra and opening the brain centre at the top of the brain is the first step towards enlightenment. Liberation means that one does not have to take birth again on the planet called Earth and is free to roam in the astral and causal realms

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