The field is there, Contact with it releases power. “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are not ready to mutate beyond the lower, robot circuits. One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. The Epsilon – Lambda – Gamma brain waves

The field is there, Contact with it releases power. “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are…

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions.  Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the frontal lobes of the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the infinite potential, or power on hold of the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and utilise our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom

The frontal lobes at the top of the brain is connected to deeper brain regions.  Current research has revealed a…

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance of the other three.  SQ represents our drive for meaning and connection with the infinite. SQ has ‘wired’ us to become the people we are and gives us the potential for further ‘rewiring’ — for growth and transformation, for further evolution of our human potential

Magic of kundalini – SQ is the central and the most fundamental of all four intelligences because it becomes the…

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and future, ability to read other people’s thoughts, as well as many occult powers, depending upon the Chakra one is meditating on. The aspirant, however, does not stop at this, for although he posses all these occult powers, he brushes them aside, aspiring to the highest degree of knowledge : the realisation of the supreme -self, the ultimate truth. Once the aspirant has achieved the ability to direct the Kundalini by the power of concentration to the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara (the seat of pure consciousness), and has united himself be it, he has attained the true goal of meditation; the state of superconsciousness or Samadhi. It is the stage of confluence of the supreme Lord Shiva and his source of energy : Shakti.Sahasrara means “thousandfold.” The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, it is the center of divine union, integration, and spiritual enlightenment

When the Kundalini power is awakened various supernatural faculties may be acquired, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, knowledge of past and…

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created by the superimposition of two circles representing the two opposites. Jesus, the ‘anointed’ and christed one’ symbolized by the fish, is sometimes shown inside the ru symbol, the portal between this world and the next, revealing that the shaman is ‘the Way’ and therefore the door or gateway: for Ru meant “doorway” or “secret entrance” — and Christ is also “The Way”. Christ, like the Ru, is the entrance to the Spiritual world, the guide of the modern initiate.’

Vesica Piscis Known to the Egyptians as the ru, or ‘gateway’, the vesica piscis symbol is the almond-shaped figure created…

The master cell held in the pineal gland, upon receiving the higher frequency information, activates all other cellular behaviors. As we move through our transformational work and are able to receive and metabolize the higher frequencies, this also changes our physical DNA

At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating…

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept of the Second Adam. That Kundalini in man is typically dormant normally. Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the grand task of the previous incarnations. Indeed, the opening of the fontanel bone at the top of the brain) by the thing Kundalini is the opening of the egg’s shell: the new man, the new Adam is born. Redemption time occurs when the Kundalini pierces the fontanel bone at the top of the brain

That aspect of Kundalini as well that is resident in the human physical frame, would be resonant with the concept…

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body, and the Seven Seals represent the seven major nerve centers of the body. It involves taking a cosmic wire that sits at the base of your spine (called the Kundalini) and running that wire through each aligned chakra, pushing the wire through your crown chakra, and grounding the energy that flows down into you into the earth below you.

BOOK WITH SEVEN SEALS – Kundalini Yoga teaches all about the Book with Seven Seals. The book represents man’s body,…

What is the universal consciousness, where is it and who can find it and what is the universal Word and what can you do with this creative power source? The Word has the ability to forever ascend from one body to another throughout the universe of universes. Thus it is forever ascending and resurrecting itself without doing this, for it is the one universal body of the universe without being a body at all. It is forever dying without dying, and forever being born without being born. It forever sacrifices itself without doing it

What is the universal consciousness, where is it and who can find it and what is the universal Word and…

Meditation is the key to make it happen, a new dawn of consciousness, awareness intelligence love civilization freedom bliss ecstasy zest of life harmony balance just one universal consciousness. The laboratory of CERN through colliding particle they discover a new particle that humanity call it the particle of God. This Boson Higs particle is present in all other 108 particle that we know

Meditation is the key to make it happen, a new dawn of consciousness, awareness intelligence love civilization freedom bliss ecstasy…