AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy, perhaps more so than most people; this may be due to the much-advertised dissolution of the American nuclear family with its associated emphasis on the individual over the group. At the same time, they expect perfect transparency in their government. It has been the (sometimes pointless) secrecy of American government institutions that has contributed to the paranoia and cynicism of the conspiracy theorists

AMERICANS LIVE WITH A BASIC DILEMMA. They place a high value on their personal privacy, perhaps more so than most…

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil war were money war’s started by the international bankers of Europe, in an effort to gain control of America money systems. There is a powerful force today. They are an unseen government behind the scenes, who dictate and control our governments today. These men stay behind the scenes, and they use their financial influence in political life. These men are the international bankers. These men now control the governments of the world. The reason for their secrecy becomes clear when you consider their major goals, which is to establish a one world government, consisting of a world economy, and a world religion. You can see the beast, and the religious whore rising up to rule this world system today

Rothschild’s control most of the Uranium world-wide. The revolutionary war of 1776, and the war of 1812, and the civil…

William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he died to reveal. The late William Cooper said, “Let me make one thing perfectly clear here. I’m not into mysterious things, or witchcraft, or disappearing ships, or anything like that. My only purpose, and the only reason I even began to do any of this is because that sometime in the near future we’re all in danger of losing our personal freedoms and becoming somebody’s slave in the New World Order, and that’s the only thing I care about

William Cooper was killed by the illuminati for speaking the truth. Therefore, we should listen more closely to what he…

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of the Masonic Order. They wanted to get rich off of new inventions and not give anything to the public that was free. Because of their selfishness, they were instrumental in breaking Tesla, both publicly and financially. He died a poor man. What Tesla was undoubtedly unaware of was that these same elite men took his technology underground and began using it for their clandestine projects. With free energy sources in the palm of their hands, these men, whose plan was to control the world, could go about their secret business without governmental or public awareness. The elite Brotherhood knew Tesla’s technology possessed the capability their Order needed to exercise power over the masses. Tesla had already proven to them the energy’s capacity to be used as a mind control tactic. He had shown these men that the powers of electricity directly affected the electromagnetic fields and, in turn, produced altered states of consciousness within humans

Why was numbers 369 so important for Tesla? These elite men were all members of the Masonic Order. They wanted…

The illuminati go by the name Council of Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies in the world. Their main goal is to CONTROL the world and it’s people through a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT where they are in FULL-control. The Masonic Secret Society along with other World Power Elites with their goals for Global 1 World Order is no longer a secret

The illuminati go by the name Council of Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies…

The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him. The Controllers use beliefs as a way to separate you from “infinity.” Infinity is a wonderful word that “stops the mind”—the left-brain, while conveying the idea of a limitless state. The Controllers are trying to get you to live exclusively in your limited left-brain. This forces separation because it requires you to put yourself outside of all that is—outside the reality of your own creation. The left-brain is good for data storage; cataloguing, definitions, limitations, history; it is time-based, it’s linear. It is very limited in its scope, but it is good at doing certain things. Setting up a system that emphases left-brain thinking while marginalizing right-brain professions and self-realization techniques (such as psychic healing, tarot, and astrology), is an ideal way to get you to separate from nature, and to make you distrust your intuition. The left-brain-dominant system of the Matrix separates you from the “silent knowledge” of your right brain—the part of you that can receive the messages from the “spiritual”—your higher self. Through the natural flow of intuition, your higher self can inform you, guide you, and allow you to experience life in a state of bliss

The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him. The Controllers use beliefs as a way…

The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is the fact that each human is a divine spirit operating a physical body and is capable of creating matter, energy, space and time out of nothing. They are gods in their own right! We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods of our own universes, but now we are fallen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw off our chains. We’ve only been given inhibitions. No one has allowed us to know our true potentialities. We’ve been oppressed and mind controlled by alien beings for the purpose of making us unknowing slaves. We are entertained and defrauded by television each day while the alien agenda relentlessly unfolds

The greatest, most diabolical secret on the planet, that any self respecting serpent would die for rather than divulge is…

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group. (The American writer and historian Christopher Lasch has dealt extensively with these Billionaires’ Clubs’ in his book ‘The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy’).

The “deep state” and the “shadow government”, is operated and controlled by satanic white supremacists. . In the USA this…

Pawns in the Game – Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romances, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the like of which has never been written before. It is the story of how different groups or atheistic-materialistic men have played in an international chess tournament to decide which group would win ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world

Pawns in the Game – Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romances, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the…

The Central Banks established by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in NO WAY similar to the neighborhood banks that we all use to manage our money. The agents of the Jesuits created the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR]. The CFR would control the Empire’s finance, government, industry, religion, education, and press. No one could he elected to the Presidency of the United States without  the Council’s consent

The Central Banks established by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in NO WAY similar to the neighborhood banks that…

This ‘global showdown’. The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. … A global elite? The Battle of Seattle shocked and awakened the world. Most of the major newspapers and TV stations headlined the Battle of Seattle event. David had just defeated Goliath. The world was informed about how activists had just shut down a global organization that many showed was more important and powerful than the United Nations itself.

This ‘global showdown’. The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world’s Government in the twenty-first century. … A…

The capitalism that fueled America’s unrivaled economic growth began to take over your democracy. David vs. Goliath means capitalism. Today the United States has become the goliath of brutality, the goliath of imperialism and capitalism. When politicians feel impelled to manipulate the economy, it is done with the force of a Goliath, not the artistry of a piano tuner

The capitalism that fueled America’s unrivaled economic growth began to take over your democracy. David vs. Goliath means capitalism. Today…

Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the primary momentum creating events on the global stage. The Golden Age will unfold naturally as the mass consciousness shifts from fear-based into love and trust-based ascendancy. When people are truly in tune with their hearts there will be a paradigm shift in mass consciousness. The collective heart will be activated and it will influence reality. At present collective fear, pulsating and active, is weaving the tapestry of reality. The personal fears of individuals on both sides of the fence, across borders, feed the collective fear

Fear has become the dominate energy projected through the mass consciousness, and fear is the primary momentum creating events on…

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created to set in place the agenda of the global elites—to put the plans into action but without the true leaders being seen or known. They are the puppets of the system, having their strings pulled. The Global Elite, are simply a group of people who realized what the true nature of our Universe was, eliminated everyone else who knew this information, and used the information to harness the power (chi, ability to do) of the uninformed masses. The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. If transhumanism and technocracy is growing humans will be treated as machines and not humans, and as consequence; computers do not have a free will. They are meant to be manipulated and programmed. Machines cannot become like humans, but humans can become like machines. They will be manipulated and programmed in same way machines and robots is been programmed; to follow the instructions. This is lost of the free will they think is their free will

Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created to set in place the…

The Money Maffia. The original draft of the Federal Reserve System began at a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in late 1910. In 1913, the bankers were up to their tricks again, and they passed the Federal Reserve Act as the result of a secret meeting at Jekyll Island. “The seven men who attended the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, where the Federal Reserve System was conceived, represented an estimated onefourth of the total wealth of the entire world.” Documents from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting discovered at the estate of a deceased member show they were planning the European Union and a central currency back in the 1950s, decades before the EU was formed and their new Euro currency introduced. The documents came from the personal files of former Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell which had been stored at a local University after his death. They are marked “Personal and strictly confidential,” and “Not for publication either in whole or in part,” and were made available to the BBC during an investigation in 2003

The Money Maffia. The original draft of the Federal Reserve System began at a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in…

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres. Communication courses through conferences and supercarriers who channel concepts between spheres. Content comes from public intellectuals. Their glue is like-mindedness. Their strength is patience. Their method is piecemeal social engineering. Their scalpel is the shock doctrine. Their final success is ensured by the ratchet. This is all employed in obeisance to the agenda: one money, one world, one order

The Media and Educators, the Elite’s Indoctrinators – Thus the global elite’s true typology: a structure of floating, intersecting spheres.…

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In short, today we are under the DICTATORSHIP of the ILLUMINATI’S “UNITED NATIONS. Page after page addresses-controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild

The UN is an Illuminati institution and will impose One World Government on us. Then it will outlaw Christianity. In…

The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began a program of secrecy and deceit that involved feeding a lot of propaganda to the humans. The Illuminati will be able to use a war of this magnitude as an excuse to suspend many liberties and freedoms, thereby increasing Illuminati control over Earth, and out this creates their One World Government. The only way for the humans to be freed from the grip of the Illuminati is for true spiritual teachings to be made available to the masses

The Illuminati knew it would have to gain control of this technology to keep the humans in line. Thus began…

The Federal Reserve and federal income tax on labor are nothing more than an instrument to transfer money from the American people to the Fabian socialists’ international investment bankers. In other words, the American people are funding the Fabian Society one-world government police-state control grid. Tesla gave us alternating current, hydroelectric dams, and a plan to provide the world with free energy. But to the cabal, free energy could not be allowed, and eventually Tesla was financially destroyed by these powerful men. Although J. P. Morgan died one of the wealthiest Americans, he was a mere lieutenant to the Rothschilds. Tesla died broke

The Federal Reserve and federal income tax on labor are nothing more than an instrument to transfer money from the…

The Illuminati describe Democracy as a tool toward their diabolical end. The text continues to describe a principle of control known as “ordo ab chao” which translates into “order from chaos.” They use discord and conflicting ideology to divide and confuse. Where there is confusion there is susceptibility. Leading up to our Civil War, it is alleged that the Rothschild family had representatives stir up tensions between the North and South. When war broke out, the Rothschild Banks loaned money to both sides. From London, Grant’s troops were funded. From Paris the Grays under General Lee found their funding

“The Knights of Malta comprise what is perhaps the most exclusive club on earth,” Sovereign Military Order of Malta enjoys…

Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, andit will fall again. West is marked by the anglo-saxon ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing. Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sacrifice honesty for profit , if necessary.  Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions.  Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits

Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, andit will…

The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza. “Unbridled capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving in order to receive, of exploitation without looking at the person”. “The results of such attitudes can be seen in the crisis we are now living through.”

The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza. “Unbridled capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, of giving…

According to The Conspiracy Zone, the illuminati have said about us: “They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have, for they are not of us. The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves. When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.”

According to The Conspiracy Zone, the illuminati have said about us: “They will be helpless to do anything for they…

The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies. The word Illuminati has been the source of much controversy and confusion because there are two Illuminati agendas the hidden powers of the shadow government and the true God’s army.  Both are the Illuminati, because one carries the light of God and the other carries the light of Lucifer. One group is attempting to promote spiritual freedom while the other wants to enslave mankind. One promotes a spiritual awakening while the other suppresses any information from entering the public spectrum. These two armies the knights of light and the knights of darkness — often cross paths, even inside their own organizations, institutions and religions. Specifically Illuminati also known as the dark cabal, among others, these are the dark energies at work of humanity. There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are in trouble.

The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies. The word Illuminati has been the source of much…

The selfish capitalist looking for people to do the work they need to have done, for as little money as possible. Employers gain and , from a wage perspective , workers lose – by the convention of paying lower wages. Capitalism has no moral. These are systems that are rooted in destroying human lives and exploiting people. And that they have to realize the pawn that they have become in this game of capitalism. … Many don’t even realize that they are capitalists. The worker is thus a pawn in the game of competition and profit maximization that the bourgeoisie inevitably must play. Many are naive pawns in a game without realizing that they are pawns , that there is a game being played, and still less, how it is beeing played

The selfish capitalist looking for people to do the work they need to have done, for as little money as…

“The apex of the systems was to be the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.” Mentioning Cecil Rhodes, Quigley wrote, “What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in his will left his fortune to form a secret society which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society continues to exist to this day. . . . It holds secret meetings. This group is, as I shall show, one of the most important historical facts of the twentieth century.” Quigley was saying that the Round Table Groups that Rhodes founded in the 1800s still existed in the 1970s and were still trying to move the world to a world system or world government.

“The apex of the systems was to be the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned…

This world leading mankind further and further away from the Divine God, and they programming the herd mentality to welcome a One World Government. This is leading the “herd” or the “cheap” into a total and ultimate enslavement

This world leading mankind further and further away from the Divine God, and they programming the herd mentality to welcome…

The Illuminati own both horses in the race, so to speak or they control both sides of the game. The Illuminati are breeding their own leaders, of more than one race. They did want to eliminate anyone who would oppose them. The master-slave dialectic goes on every single day in our contemporary world. Every day, the Old World Order remain the masters, and the rest of us remain their slaves. Why? Because we do not have the guts to overthrow them. Make no mistake, the world economy will temporarily collapse if the OWO are overthrown. 

The Illuminati own both horses in the race, so to speak or they control both sides of the game. The…

Coincidentally, the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York was originally donated by the Rockefeller family which happens to be the prime instigators for global control. Don’t you find it a little strange that an organization which was established to help promote world peace and government is being funded by the Rockefeller family which happens to be one of the major families responsible for seeking a One-World government? Whenever someone mention the idea of a New World Order, many people immediately think “conspiracy.” They believe this idea to be something fabricated by paranoid people seeking some type of attention. However, this New World Order is not just a conspiracy, but a real world reality. It is not some “theory” as the powers that be would have us believe. In fact, it’s not a conspiracy at all rather it’s an agenda, and anybody willing enough to unplug from the delusional “matrix” can see the evidence all around them

Coincidentally, the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York was originally donated by the Rockefeller family which happens to be…

Let it [the Illuminati] never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. One must speak sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, so that our real purpose should remain impenetrable to our inferiors. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon

Let it [the Illuminati] never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and…

WHEN IS A BANK NOT A BANK? Rothschild, formed the International Revolutionary force called the Illuminati. There are only three countries on the planet that do not have a Rothschild owned or controlled central bank. Illuminati, loves war, or they love money and power and don´t care if is through wars, and therefore often initiated by them. It cannot live without war. Debt is its only value. Debt turns the illuminati into billionaires. Their tactics are diabolical.

WHEN IS A BANK NOT A BANK? Rothschild, formed the International Revolutionary force called the Illuminati. There are only three…

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In the state of Oneness there is no duality, no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In Oneness there is no division in past, present and future because there is no separation. Illuminati using Hegel’s methods of thesis, antithesis, synthesis This is important to understand; The Illuminati foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity or division 

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing…

The present-day Illuminati is a tangible, though largely unconscious, outpicturing of the guilt held in the minds and hearts of each individual in the world. If you look at history, you will see a thread running through every significant era — the rising and falling of civilizations. There have been many civilizations that have risen to a pinnacle of achievement, only to be brought down by corruption and greed. The present civilization is once again at the pinnacle and is just as surely falling prey to corruption and greed as the dozen or so civilizations that preceded it. The Illuminati is the reflection of guilt within the mass consciousness of the people of Earth. Every time the people have risen up, they have been crushed by the “powers that be.” Every time the powers that be have appeared to come into balance with the people, guilt has entered unconsciously and eroded the fabric of society. This was true in Pan, Lemuria and Atlantis, and it is true today. 

The present-day Illuminati is a tangible, though largely unconscious, outpicturing of the guilt held in the minds and hearts of…

Ultimately, the Illuminati would like to eliminate any type of caste system where people are able to achieve a certain level of existence thereby creating one ruling class with everyone else as the lower class. This way, they can control economies, major industries, the media, religions and all other aspects of human existence. It is even believed by some that they are seeking to reduce the world’s population to roughly 500 million people through pestilence, and disease which is not too far fetched although this would greatly contradict their plan to make the entire population working class slaves. Nevertheless, world domination has been their aim for thousands of years and it was never meant to be accomplished in a single generation but rather it was to be the culmination of years of control and manipulation that was to be reached over several generations 

The main objective of the Illuminati is a “one world government” where they can serve as the rulers and everyone…

Inside the Illuminati – A man named John Robison, a science professor (called natural philosophy back then), living in Scotland published a lengthy book about the Illuminati in 1798 titled Proofs of a Conspiracy, which was one of the first books written in English about the organization. Before writing his book, he was actually asked to join them, but after looking into the group he realized he didn’t want to have anything to do with them and then decided to write his book hoping to expose them. In Proofs of a Conspiracy, he also included English translations of many of the confiscated Illuminati papers. Robison wrote 

Inside the Illuminati – A man named John Robison, a science professor (called natural philosophy back then), living in Scotland…

The illuminati go by the name Council on Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies in the world. Their mail goal is to CONTROL the world and it’s people through a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT where they are in FULL-control. In the British museum library in London England is a letter that says: We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheist and shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all it’s horror will show dearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil

The illuminati go by the name Council on Foreign Relations. the illuminati is one of the most powerful secret societies…

The men of the Iluminati always keep their work secret from the outer ring. This way they could use the influential power and finances to accomplish what is called the Novus Ordo seclorum, the new secular order or new world order. Paganism is the mystical religion that first emerged in ancient Babylon thousands of years ago. But what has paganism got to do with Free Masonry? The ritual and theology of Free Masonry really originated from Egyptian paganism and the reason for this is as we find in 1717, the rituals and theology were formalized, brought together and formed the grand lodge in England and throughout Europe at that time all having slightly different tactices

The men of the Iluminati always keep their work secret from the outer ring. This way they could use the…

We are in such a state of social confusion and despair we have difficulty understanding the alternative. This directly results from overexposure to this illusion. When you do not understand the world, you begin to fill in the void with your illusions. Otherwise known as idealism. This is another psychological tool of yet a more revered force. The Antichrist! As we become more prone to accept this system, we allow the Antichrist system to enter our lives unnoticed. The Antichrist is the theory of destruction we create in our misinterpretation of who we are in relationship to a collapsing world and the one true God, entertaining the illusion that the world revolves around humanist values and selfish ideals 

We are in such a state of social confusion and despair we have difficulty understanding the alternative. This directly results…

Illuminati Master Plan — How They Control Politics and the Public Mind To Dominate The World? This is the main source of revolution, a false one, not a grass roots revolution. Most of the false revolutions are driven by evil, the same evil that drives the power elite. It is very rare to have a grassroots, honest revolution. By itself a single party system will fall over, but if you take the two party systems and you lean them up against each other like an arch. It keeps the parties together and it makes a stable platform on which they can build their hierarchical New World Order system

Illuminati Master Plan — How They Control Politics and the Public Mind To Dominate The World? This is the main…

The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies: Conspiracy. There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are in trouble. They want people to basically believe that they are powerless. When we see this giant build-up of police/state control is a good indicator that the system is desperately trying to get humanity back on the reservation. The prime reason for this massive imposition and escalation of the Orwellian state globally is that they’re trying to get more power

The End of Illuminati – The Losing Power of Secret Societies: Conspiracy. There’s a huge awakening and the globalists are…

Same Illuminati people will run the One World Government, a world in the hands of a very few people. One without the other is an imbalance. This is why people say, “Oh don’t talk to me about the conspiracy, it’s negative.” No, knowledge is never negative, ignorance is negative. That’s not about ignoring or not wanting to hear negative stuff. It’s about escapism from what was really going on. Your will to change and improve as an individual has to be stronger than the will of the globalists to control you in order to free yourself from their invisible force of manipulation

Same Illuminati people will run the One World Government, a world in the hands of a very few people. One…

The Illuminati yearns for money to be the electric drive that governs your life: something you cannot phantom living without. Thus, an invisible war has been waged on the population. Debt is the gun being used. Interest is its ammunition. Their ultimate goal is to turn society into a completely cashless society by transforming all paper money into computerized digits on a computer screen (i.e. credit and debit.)

The Illuminati yearns for money to be the electric drive that governs your life: something you cannot phantom living without.…

How did the Illuminati change the people minds and thus were allowed to create their Central Bank in 1913? The Illumine did it through a technique called, the “Hegelian Dialectic.” But some, in referring to this technique use its Latin terms, “Ordo Chao,” which is to say “order out of chaos.” The technique refers to secretly creating a chaotic situation, then presenting the solution (i.e. the order.) In 1907, six years prior to the creation of their Federal Reserve Bank, an incident was created to change public opinion about central banks

How did the Illuminati change the people minds and thus were allowed to create their Central Bank in 1913? The…

We’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power rather than provide a real opportunity for all people to thrive. By exposing this agenda, strategically challenging deceptive systems such as central banks and fiat currency and coming up with new ways to organize and cooperate, we can render obsolete this destructive agenda and liberate our planet, plus unleash our true human potential

We’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power rather than provide a real opportunity…

The Illuminati were not gods, but acts as they are superior to the human race. Jacob Frank told Adam Weishopt to found the Bavarian Illuminati. Rothschilds were already established in power and wealth at this time. Weishsopt was financed by the Rothschilds to form the Illuminati, but the instruction came from Frank

The Illuminati were not gods, but acts as they are superior to the human race. Jacob Frank told Adam Weishopt…

The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place. It can turn again in the same direction, but can never be reversed. Policies enacted under the shock doctrine remain long after the emergency that enabled them. The trend is persistently toward more state power, more taxation, and less liberty. Shock doctrine is an ideal tool for what philosopher Karl Popper called piecemeal engineering.

The shock doctrine is a ratchet; it turns in one direction, then locks in place. It can turn again in…

Why does Illuminati use Hegel´s methods? In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In the state of Oneness there is no duality, no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In Oneness there is no division in past, present and future because there is no separation. Illuminati using Hegel’s methods of thesis, antithesis, synthesis This is important to understand; The Illuminati foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity or division

Why does Illuminati use Hegel´s methods? In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In…

Illuminati and Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must be implemented in small stages over decades to avoid backlash. The left brain manages our affairs in the world. It creates the ego, defines the individual as a unique entity. The right brain, the heart-mind, has the opposite influence, unifying rather than separating. The Illuminati create economic warfare with the goal of controlling the enemy’s economy after the conflict. They have economic power and express economic dominance, controlling almost all of the world’s economy.

Illuminati and Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must…

Illuminati and Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must be implemented in small stages over decades to avoid backlash. The left brain manages our affairs in the world. It creates the ego, defines the individual as a unique entity. The right brain, the heart-mind, has the opposite influence, unifying rather than separating. The Illuminati create economic warfare with the goal of controlling the enemy’s economy after the conflict. They have economic power and express economic dominance, controlling almost all of the world’s economy

Illuminati and Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must…

The Federal Reserve was created as a result of the Rothschild- Rockefeller-Morgan alliance, which was called the money power. Lindbergh stated on the House floor in December 1913 that the Fed would be used to manipulate the stock market, and that inflation would be created whenever the trust wanted inflation. The Bank of international settlements (BIS) was formed one year after the economic crash 1929. Same people who planned the economic crash 1929 controls BIS. BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve was created as a result of the Rothschild- Rockefeller-Morgan alliance, which was called the money power. Lindbergh…

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dominant. One of its 1921 founders, Edward Mandell House, was Woodrow Wilson’s chief advisor and rumored at the time to be the nation’s real power from 1913 to 1921.0n his watch, the Federal Reserve Act passed in December 1913, giving money creation power to bankers, and the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified in February, creating the federal income tax to provide a revenue stream to pay for government debt service

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dominant. One of its 1921 founders, Edward Mandell House, was Woodrow Wilson’s chief…

Why does Illuminati use Hegel´s methods? The so-called “powers that be” go to war for two main reasons: (first to fulfill their “divide and conquer” agenda by pitting various forces against one another in order to prevent any one force from amassing enough power to defeat them; and (2) to profit enormously from the manufacture, sale and distribution of weapons of war and all the accoutrements that go with these weapons. The dark Illuminati are not concerned about taking sides in these wars. In fact, a careful review of history will reveal that the same few individuals and corporations have financed both sides in most major wars.

Why does Illuminati use Hegel´s methods? The so-called “powers that be” go to war for two main reasons: (to fulfill…

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis) is then set up, and then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. Hegelian philosophy is really a fancy term for what the Illuminati were doing before the term was invented. To bring this all down to street terms, the Illuminati’s Mafia (or NATO) would send businessmen a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black hand. (This was the thesis). If the demand wasn’t met then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt. Then the Mafia (or NATO) would introduce themselves as potential protectors for the businessman from the black hand extortioners (themselves). (This is the antithesis). And when the businessman begins paying the Mafia (or NATO) for protection that is the synthesis. The Illuminati are doing this tactic all over the world, and it certainly has almost everyone fooled

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis)…

Two checks for several thousand pounds each were made out to Karl Marx by Nathan Rothschild. They were once on display at the British Museum, which received them from Baron Ferdinand Rothschild’s donated collection. Recall that Baron Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, known as a Knight of Malta, is believed to be the real Architect of the Bavarian Illuminati, and had enlisted Weishaupt to do his bidding

Two checks for several thousand pounds each were made out to Karl Marx by Nathan Rothschild. They were once on…

The Illuminati consists of many powerful groups. The Bilderberg Group is one of those top-secret organizations. They meet in secrecy and under heavy security. In their membership are the most powerful people in the world. Royalty, government officials, and world bankers all plot against humanity for their own greed and power. They delegate to other groups—like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Freemasons, and so on—to bring about their plan for a New World Order

The Illuminati consists of many powerful groups. The Bilderberg Group is one of those top-secret organizations. They meet in secrecy…

A man named John Robison, a science professor (called natural philosophy back then), living in Scotland published a lengthy book about the Illuminati in 1798 titled Proofs of a Conspiracy, which was one of the first books written in English about the organization. Before writing his book, he was actually asked to join them, but after looking into the group he realized he didn’t want to have anything to do with them and then decided to write his book hoping to expose them. In Proofs of a Conspiracy, he also included English translations of many of the confiscated Illuminati papers

A man named John Robison, a science professor (called natural philosophy back then), living in Scotland published a lengthy book…

The method the Illuminati use to control people is to put one side against the other, a theory devised by Hegel which says, “Thesis verses antithesis equals synthesis.” They create forces, knowing that EVERY FORCE HAS AN OPPOSITE COUNTERFORCE, and with unconscious humans, conflict between the two creates the synthesis, which is the new situation.  The illuminati make themselves the synthesis. They create problems to be used for their own purposes. Everything is designed so they can apply a divide and rule process, which is why they play groups off against each other. They inserted immigrant groups into countries to divide and rule the people.

The method the Illuminati use to control people is to put one side against the other, a theory devised by…

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives

Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing…

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis) is then set up, and then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. Hegelian philosophy is really a fancy term for what the Illuminati were doing before the term was invented. To bring this all down to street terms, the Illuminati’s Mafia would send businessmen a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black hand. (This was the thesis). If the demand wasn’t met then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt. Then the Mafia would introduce themselves as potential protectors for the businessman from the black hand extortioners (themselves). (This is the antithesis). And when the businessman begins paying the Mafia for protection that is the synthesis. The Illuminati are doing this tactic all over the world, and it certainly has almost everyone fooled

The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis)…

Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his key Illuminati organizations, including the Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the United Lions Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the Rothschild family

Page after page addresses controlled media, newspapers and parapsycho-logical methods of indoctrinating civilian populations. Helsing supplies membership lists of his…

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who are the grandmasters. Of the Empire. The banks would rule the schools. And money would rule the truth. Materialism would rule spirituality. And disaster would rule hope. The goal is to keep humankind tuned, trapped within the five-senses reality because the five senses mind can´t comprehend the action and methods they using to mind control the masses, and this keeps humankind trapped within a world of constant programming.

The UN is gradually becoming the center of a New World Religion. The Illuminati. Who are the grandmasters. Of the…

Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible monster we face, we need to understand the modus operandi of the detractors who seek to enslave the human race. As master warfare strategist Sun Tzu noted: “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles!’ The identity and origins of this elite “cabal”

Who are these modern day “feudal lords (Illuminati)?” In order to understand the mostly invisible monster we face, we need…

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican…

The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has many levels and many titles: at the highest levels the inner core refer to themselves as “The Priesthood of Amen:’ At the next level down there are those who refer to themselves as the “Lucifer Web.” Other names used are: The Black Nobility, The Moriah Conquering Wind), or The Brotherhood

The corrupt Old World Order of Illuminati, referred to “The Establishment:’ The Establishment Illuminati has many levels and many titles:…

The Origins of the Illuminati, 1770 – the Architect of the Illuminati? “The Secret Govern-ment” and others have called it “The High Cabal,” and it is a group of people, a very elite group of non-elected, self-appointed people who guide the evolution of policy from behind the scene

The Origins of the Illuminati, 1770 – the Architect of the Illuminati? “The Secret Govern-ment” and others have called it…

The Illuminati Question! These keepers of ancient secrets, these “illuminated ones,” know the ancient spells and technologies to manipulate humanity and control the world

The Illuminati Question! These keepers of ancient secrets, these “illuminated ones,” know the ancient spells and technologies to manipulate humanity…

The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war. Illuminati and all other secret societies of the dark cabal knows just how close we are to a victory that is to restore all to full consciousness

The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war.…

Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, and it will fall again. West is marked by the anglo-saxon ‘money-making’ materialism. Crass materialism , dishonest government and business , shady dealing. Materialism leads to ” factorizing education , ” teachers become automatons , and students , manufactured productions. They would sacrifice honesty for profit , if necessary. Profit motive is stronger than moral convictions. Definition of honesty versus dishonesty , and the lie is accepted – if it increases profits

Inhuman profit – profit maximization – this zeal for profit becomes a case of “affluenza”. Babylon fell once, and it…

What is Mammon? Why Babylon will fall again? Capitalism and particularly neo-liberal capitalism — where the free market becomes the arbiter of policy and where business and bankers become the important dictators of policy rather than policies being based on the needs of the poor or even the majority of people —is just such an organized system of greed, where the rich get richer, where unfettered and corrupt bank leaders still claim bonuses whilst they plunge the world into recession

What is Mammon? Why Babylon will fall again? Capitalism and particularly neo-liberal capitalism — where the free market becomes the…

The World Economy for every country has been ruled and controlled by a crooked dealer. This dealer is the invention of U.S Federal Reserve Bank. The world economy is been manipulated by this crooked dealer to make more money and make others to loose their savings by orchestrated crashes. People should be happy if this corooked dealer losing it´s worldcontrol

The World Economy for every country has been ruled and controlled by a crooked dealer. This dealer is the invention…

A website called ‘The Conspiracy Zone’ claims they’ve received information from the Illuminati, where the Global Elite say

A website called ‘The Conspiracy Zone’ claims they’ve received information from the Illuminati, where the Global Elite say Predictive programming…

The aim of Kundalini Yoga is not transformation of consciousness , it is a kind of liberation of the consciousness imprisoned in Nature into the freedom of the spirit.

The aim of Kundalini Yoga is not transformation of consciousness , it is a kind of liberation of the consciousness…

The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war. Illuminati and all other secret societies of the dark cabal knows just how close we are to a victory that is to restore all to full consciousness.

The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war.…

The Council on Foreign Relations being the “shadow government” that controls America. When we look at the roots of the United Nations being the CFR, and the founders of the CFR, being the creators of the Federal Reserve, who were all in league with satanic groups.

The Council on Foreign Relations being the “shadow government” that controls America. When we look at the roots of the…

THE ILLUMINATI – The Worlds Most Dangerous Secret Society. Amschel Mayor James Rothschild essentially confessed in a magazine article to joining an occult group in Colorado and spoke about the shining eye above the pyramid’s one-dollar bill. His occult group was part of the Lucifer Organization bent on nothing less than ruling the world.

THE ILLUMINATI – The Worlds Most Dangerous Secret Society. Amschel Mayor James Rothschild essentially confessed in a magazine article to…

United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over die young republic of the United States since its very inception. This power was the financial power of England, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. The fact was that in 1910, the United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so it is today

United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to…

UNITED NATIONS, THE FEDERAL BANK RESERVE is A rigged game. The bankers risk nothing in the game; they just collect their percentage and ‘win it all. Our real life situation is MUCH WORSE than any poker game. In a poker game, none [are] forced to go into debt, and anyone can quit at any time and keep whatever he still has

UNITED NATIONS, THE FEDERAL BANK RESERVE is A rigged game. The bankers risk nothing in the game; they just collect…

In Las Vegas, all games are rigged to pay the owner a percentage, and they take in millions. The Federal Reserve bankers’ ‘game’ is also rigged, and it pays off in billions!” The founder´s of the FED introduced a crooked dealer (the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM) into an honest poker game.

In Las Vegas, all games are rigged to pay the owner a percentage, and they take in millions. The Federal…

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is a Roman Catholic organization based in Rome with around 13,000 members worldwide. No one and nothing else in known human history compares to their record of calculated genocide.The Vatican, as it is now, is the incarnation of hell itself. There can be no doubt of that.

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta is a Roman Catholic organization…

Trilateral Commission is a partner of the Bilderberg Group in activities designed to facilitate achieving the long-term agenda and objectives of the Illuminati and Committee of 300 network. Most Masons themselves are unaware that Scottish Rite Masonry has nothing to do with Scotland whatsoever, its French! The French word Ecossais sounded like the word Scottish

Trilateral Commission is a partner of the Bilderberg Group in activities designed to facilitate achieving the long-term agenda and objectives…

Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside a mystery, so to say. H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man, was secretly a member British Intelligence, Committee of 300, a Mason, and a Fabian. He was very familiar with the globalists’ One-World agenda

Since Masonry is itself a secret society, the Illuminati was a secret society within a secret society, a mystery inside…

We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The only way for someone to win is for someone else to lose because there is only so much of this shrinking pie to go around.’ Thus, the feeding frenzy has begun in earnest! It is somewhat strange that the word “oil” is not central in the national dialogue on. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen. The USA cannot continue to survive as a superpower if it loses control of. Middle East oil. Those are the stakes on the table. That is the (not so) hidden agenda.

In Robertson’s novel , the United Nations is mentioned just once, as a kind of relic that failed to deliver…

We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen. The USA cannot continue to survive as a superpower if it loses control of Middle East oil. Those are the stakes on the table. So, that’s one government, one military, one economy and one cashless currency. Further, since Israel will need protection, it makes sense for the UN HQ to relocate to Jerusalem from NYC? It’s also suggested the Pope will move to Jerusalem from the Vatican. Jerusalem will be the new capital of the NWO?

We are looking at the world’s monstrous zero sum game. The USA cannot and will not allow that to happen.…

The Bank of international settlements (BIS) was formed one year after the economic crash 1929. Same people who planned the economic crash 1929 controls BIS. BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve. The BIS was formed by the Federal Reserve banks—which sought to expand their control of financial systems to a global scale. Some writers, such as Carroll Quigley, have theorized that the BIS was part of an international plan to create a world system of financial control held in private hands to dominate the political system of each country and the world economy itself

The Bank of international settlements (BIS) was formed one year after the economic crash 1929. Same people who planned the…

The Illuminati was not the only secret society that was said to have influenced the UN’s sordid history. Another was the Knights of Malta. The Germans never started World War I. The vatican started WW1. Rothschild’s who own PG&E, and formed the central banking system are Freemasons, the illuminati. Rothchilds controls the Vatican, Rothchild formed Israel, Rothchilds controls the Black Pope and he controls the White Pope. Rothchilds even controls Pentagon. The Vatican and United Nations want to eliminate individual rights.

The Illuminati was not the only secret society that was said to have influenced the UN’s sordid history. Another was…

The world is fooled and has been robbed and placed undercover in the biggest conspiracy that’ll ever take place in our time. Today, Great Britain has a major hold over the United States. The Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) collects taxes from the American people for the English aristocracy. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations and secret societies. The Vatican is one executive arm of the New World Order. Another arm is tax havens – they are used by the City of London’s major international banks, corporations and insurance groups.

The world is fooled and has been robbed and placed undercover in the biggest conspiracy that’ll ever take place in…

The last five Secretary-generals of N.A.T.O. have all been Bilderberg members. The CIA helped smuggle the heroin out of Laos on its own airline, Air America. The Rockefellers were instrumental in creating the CIA and the FBI to protect their money-business. The United Nations and NATO are Illuminati fronts dedicated to world domination

The last five Secretary-generals of N.A.T.O. have all been Bilderberg members. The CIA helped smuggle the heroin out of Laos…

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican New World Order”; the United Nations which is “a corrupt organization. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations

UN as Cover for War Profiteers – “By peace shall destroy many.” Daniel 8:25. “the economic arms of the Vatican…

All the “think tank” organizations that promote war, as well as the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization, were the creations of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds or Morgans. The Money Maffia, WAR IS BIG BUSINESS. Simply stated, war is big business. Perhaps the military industrial complex is the biggest industry ever developed in history. The elite who continue to meet behind closed doors will always push for wider wars

All the “think tank” organizations that promote war, as well as the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization,…

How did the Rothchilds outsmart the Congress to take control of America’s banking and money system in 1913? Did the international bankers planned the economic crash 1929? How did they do this? Is the Illuminati behind all this? Why was Churchill just so ‘happened’ to be in America at the time, and why was he the guest of honour at a bizarre celebration attended by over 40 ‘bankers and master plungers’ of Wall Street in October 29, 1929?

How did the Rothchilds outsmart the Congress to take control of America’s banking and money system in 1913? Did the…

The Gog—Magog procession in London, celebrating the giants who were supposedly the city’s founding fathers. The real names of the two giants are Gogmagog and Corineus. In Britain and Ireland, Gog and Madog are remembered as giants; they are associated with oak-trees and celebrated as the guardians of the City of London

The Gog—Magog procession in London, celebrating the giants who were supposedly the city’s founding fathers. The real names of the…

Babylon must fall sang Peter Tosh… “The ‘Federal Reserve Bank,’ … is allied with the Bilderberg group, which is composed of the world’s biggest moneychangers—led by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.” The naming of this bank was another tactic of semantic deception; there is no reserve, and it’s not federal. The world is fooled and has been robbed and placed undercover in the biggest conspiracy that’ll ever take place in our time.

Babylon must fall sang Peter Tosh… “The ‘Federal Reserve Bank,’ … is allied with the Bilderberg group, which is composed…

The Federal Reserve is nothing less than a criminal organization run primarily by foreign interests and families. Rothschild interests not only control the USA directly through the Federal Reserve Bank, they also control the most lethal (American- Pentagon) military fighting force in the World.

The Federal Reserve is nothing less than a criminal organization run primarily by foreign interests and families. Rothschild interests not…

Many historians today know that Great Britain financed both sides of the Revolutionary War, but few are filling to talk about it. Today, Great Britain has a major hold over the United States. The Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) collects taxes from the American people for the English aristocracy. The C.I.A., F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission), F.B.I., and N.A.S.A. are all organizations run by the United Nations and secret societies. The U.S. government only holds shares of stock in these groups, and that is why no government today has any power over the global elite, the Illuminati.

United Kingdom changed the name of his branch from Saxe-Coburg Gotha to Windsor in 1917, due to anti-German sentiment in…

Who or what constitutes the Crown? When did the City of London become a corporation? Why does City of London (the worlds most influencial finance district) have an annual parade centered around two giants called Gog and Magog? Why do we have a thing that is spoken worldwide called the “English Language”. Was it invented in Scotland, or Wales . . . No . . .so where did this language come from then?

Who or what constitutes the Crown? When did the City of London become a corporation? Why does City of London…

Gog and Magog from the Old British Empire – The Gog—Magog procession in London, celebrating the giants who were supposedly the city’s founding fathers. The real names of the two giants are Gogmagog and Corineus

Gog and Magog from the Old British Empire – The Gog—Magog procession in London, celebrating the giants who were supposedly…

In a book on Vatican treasures, The Vatican Billions, Avro Manhattan noted, “The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The Vatican City is controlled by Rothchilds who control City of London, and both are connected to Washington D.C.

In a book on Vatican treasures, The Vatican Billions, Avro Manhattan noted, “The Catholic church is the biggest financial power,…

The City of London is an 800 year old corporation that controls finance and philosophy for an entity called the Crown. The Directorate of the Crown, whoever they are, have no loyalty to any nation. This secretive Cabal is represented by the dominant political institutions around the world. Western society has been subverted, democracy is a form of social control and the mass media and education are forms of indoctrination.

The City of London is an 800 year old corporation that controls finance and philosophy for an entity called the…

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a kind of security structure able to operate outside the law. Washington D.C., the City of London and Vatican City being the three City States of the world, which all operate outside of the laws of the countries in which they reside.

The concept of the ‘ deep state ‘ is used frequently to refer to a kind of security structure able…

Gog and Magog from the Old British Empire – The City of London holds an annual parade centered around two giants called Gog and Magog, heralding them as guardians of London. Brutus, who was the first inhabitant of Britannia now being England. founded it and named it New Troy). Today not many people know that London was once called New Troy.

Gog and Magog from the Old British Empire – The City of London holds an annual parade centered around two…

On October 29, 1929, the evening of the ‘crash’, Churchill was guest of honour at a bizarre celebration attended by over 40 ‘bankers and master plungers’ of Wall Street, at the Fifth Avenue mansion of 33 Degree Freemason, Bernard Baruch. The Great Crash signalled the beginning of the 10-year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries. Bohemian Grove attendee, Herbert Hoover took the blame, and 32 Degree Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 32nd President to in-debt the US to the Black Nobility families. And it all happened from one little street where Churchill was present

On October 29, 1929, the evening of the ‘crash’, Churchill was guest of honour at a bizarre celebration attended by…

Prince of Darkness – Somewhere in Europe, a brilliant man is working behind the scenes to gain a position of absolute power over the emerging New World Order

Prince of Darkness – Somewhere in Europe, a brilliant man is working behind the scenes to gain a position of…

Pawns in the Game – In 1826 Captain Wm. Morgan decided it was his duty to inform other Masons and the general public what the TRUTH is regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans and intended purpose. The reader must remember that the International Bankers of to-day, like the Money-Changers of Christ’s day, are only tools or agents of the Illuminati.

Pawns in the Game – In 1826 Captain Wm. Morgan decided it was his duty to inform other Masons and…

The leaders of the Illuminati have divided the people of the world into two main camps. They used Kings and Queens; Bishops and Knights; and the masses of the world’s population, as pieces in their games. As far as England is concerned, in only four years, 1694 to 1698, the national debt was increased from one to sixteen million pounds sterling. This debt accumulated because of wars.

The leaders of the Illuminati have divided the people of the world into two main camps. They used Kings and…

The Rockefeller’s alone, who displayed great eagerness for the US to enter World War One on the British side, made in excess of $200,000,000 from that conflict, and in just one afternoon during the war. The bankers made forty billion dollars profit out of their transactions in World War Two.

The Rockefeller’s alone, who displayed great eagerness for the US to enter World War One on the British side, made…

The government is run by a cabal of devil-worshipping cannibals. Commander William Guy Carr states in his remarkable book, ‘Pawns In The Game,’ “every major war since the American Revolutionary War of 1775 has been started, nurtured and financed on both sides by the International Banking Cabal.” When a government fears the people, there is liberty and freedom, but when the people fear government, their is bondage and oppression.

The government is run by a cabal of devil-worshipping cannibals. Commander William Guy Carr states in his remarkable book, ‘Pawns…

Like Rome – the imperial model for this modem-day British Empire – it is doomed to fail. Is London falling. If understood fully by the population—if the smoke and mirrors magic show stops—the elite are doomed. Having killed God, the random “free market” is alleged to reign over and determine the affairs of human beings.

Like Rome – the imperial model for this modem-day British Empire – it is doomed to fail. Is London falling.…

The Deep State is a Master of Manipulation – The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities. The Deep State supposedly controls state policy behind the scenes, while the democratically-elected process and elected officials are merely figureheads. … Deep State has since come to mean any “shadow government” operating behind the scenes of a democracy. If true, this would mean that the democratic process is a facade.

The Deep State is a Master of Manipulation – The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched…

Why does America has a Visible State and the Invisible State, and why does the unelected people in the Shadow Government (the Deep State) has so much power so they decides who becomes the next Preseident? The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, The Deep State is a Master of Manipulation, The Deep State in the military-intelligence establishment secretly manipulating government policy.

Why does America has a Visible State and the Invisible State, and why does the unelected people in the Shadow…

How USA uses the EVIL WAR strategy to Manipulate the World? : US War Business strategy exposed. America weaponizes “democracy” and ethics to advance and benefit it’s own pockets.

How USA uses the EVIL WAR strategy to Manipulate the World? : US War Business strategy exposed. America weaponizes “democracy”…

Historically it is said that the United Nations was created after the lessons learned from World War II to prevent another World War from happening. That is not true. The truth is WWII was carried out in order to convince the global population that we had to come together under a global umbrella of laws to remain safe. That is what WWII was about, the New World Order. That is what every war is about. Every county’s central bank drives its country to war through a “False Flag Operation”

Historically it is said that the United Nations was created after the lessons learned from World War II to prevent…

The United States of America is a corporation, ruled by the British Crown and the Vatican. The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same people who owned the Virginia Company, because the United States of America is the Virginia Company! This company was donated to the Vatican. Why is there two operant Governments in United States and why does United Kingdom also have two operant Crowns in England, and why or how are these related and connected to each other, and why does our world has a White Pope and Black Pope?

The United States of America is a corporation, ruled by the British Crown and the Vatican. The UNITED STATES of…

In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the `Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to the shadow government — government within the government — that is hiding behind a vast number of organisations, multinational corporations and think tanks, of which some of the most powerful are the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum and the highly secretive Bilderberg Group.

In the USA this elite is known as the ‘Deep State’, the `Swamp’ and the ‘Cabal’. The names refer to…

Nimrod’s tower fell, as did Alexander’s, Cyrus’s, Napoleon’s, Hitler’s…They all fall, and the European Union is next. The recent European elections are the next place to watch for the death of globalism. The EU ‘is the institute of the plutocratic world-elite’ controlled by the Deep State of U.S. Elites were more invested in “EUtopia” than their peoples. The EU is one step for the One World Government. The Deep State has ring-fenced the EU.

Nimrod’s tower fell, as did Alexander’s, Cyrus’s, Napoleon’s, Hitler’s…They all fall, and the European Union is next. The recent European…

TRUTH HAS FALLEN AND TAKEN LIBERTY WITH IT – The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government

TRUTH HAS FALLEN AND TAKEN LIBERTY WITH IT – The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise…

The Deep State of U.S has used EU as their muppets to do their willing and bidings. The Pyramid of Illuminati may begun cracking when more and more people awakening. One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, if wedig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies that the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth’.

`The Deep State of U.S has used EU as their muppets to do their willing and bidings. The Pyramid of…

The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations in a grand scheme of one-world government. The Federal Reserve System was created on December 23, 1913, WWI began on 28 July 1914. Now with all the mechanisms in place [Central bank, Income Tax] all that was needed was an excuse for the government to go into debt and low and behold in 1914 ‘World War One” began and after the US became involved in 1917 under circumstances that were gravely suspicious to say the least [Read the book by Colin Simpson “The Lusitania”], our national debt grew from one billion to 25 billion dollars overnight.

The Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations in a grand scheme of one-world government. The Federal Reserve System…

TRUTH HAS FALLEN AND TAKEN LIBERTY WITH IT – The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government. Presently, Europe is run by the irresponsible elite of bureaucrats that are the shadow government, instructed by the deep state New World Order architects whose roots are mired in the foundation of the Illuminati and Freemasons — and again, we know who the driving force behind these secret clubs is

TRUTH HAS FALLEN AND TAKEN LIBERTY WITH IT – The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise…

Why is Economics so Complicated? The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not reveal it.” And I wonder why that is. Are “money barons” trying to hide something?

Why is Economics so Complicated? The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity…

All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order’. Quote by David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN in 1994 In 1773, Mayer summoned 12 wealthy men to Frankfurt, Germany and asked them to ‘pool’ their resources, and then presented the 25 point plan that would enable them to gain control of the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the whole world. Here is Rothchilds 25 point plan for the NEW WORLD ORDER and their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order’. Quote by David…

A ruling power elite does indeed control the U.S. government behind the scenes [The Invisible Government]. In 1913, these money barons intentionally created an income tax to protect the interest on their notes and they were then in a position to promote wars and open new markets whenever they desired to seek more profit. With these multinational banks loaning money to the Federal Reserve, and our income tax providing a means to repay the debt, the Invisible Money Baron’s nonprofit foundations are able to escape tax — making it a “sorehead deal” for this closely knit clique.

A ruling power elite does indeed control the U.S. government behind the scenes [The Invisible Government]. In 1913, these money…

What next? “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers” President Thomas Jefferson. who. apparently, didn’t trust banks or new yams. We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” -David Rockefeller at a UN Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept. 23m, 1994

What next? “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers”…

Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource base needed to support their world domination. In other words, there is not enough reality to support their money illusion any more. That is why the mafia controlled Western economic and financial systems are slowly imploding. The collapse of their global debt slavery regime is accelerating. The economic, political and social concerns we struggle with today are the result of a plan that was systematically put into practice as of 1776, with the founding of the Order of the Illuminati

Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Western countries no longer have the industrial or resource…

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court! And propagation of Western Civilization is coming to a halt. Not propagation of the species homo sapiens, but propagation of civilization. Until the sheep of the world awaken, we are falling headlong toward world totalitarianism under the name democracy. U.S money democracy is like A Wolf in Cheep Clothing”. It pretends to act as world democracy (the cheep), but actually is ruled by the “Deep State or the “Shadow Government (the Wolf).

History is as dead as God, who was killed by the United States Supreme Court! And propagation of Western Civilization…

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not just a military alliance. NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. Is Western politics CORRUPT TO THE CORE? Although the UN inevitably was present at NATO’s creation in 1949, over the next forty years for the most part NATO went its own way.

Who took the initiative to form NATO? NATO is not just a military alliance. NATO is a military force of…

SURVIVING THE DEEP STATE – The Bilderberg Group was created in 1952 by a man named Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernard was an employee of the Rothschilds. Prince Bernard ran Royal Dutch Shell. Shell Oil. One of the richest oil companies in the world. The Rothschilds were the principal stockholders. Orwell was from England. Did Orwell write about that because he knew about the Round Table Groups? So when Orwell was writing 1984, he wasn’t just imagining a fictional story. He was writing about what he knew the most powerful men in the world—the men of England’s Round Table Groups—were planning

SURVIVING THE DEEP STATE – The Bilderberg Group was created in 1952 by a man named Prince Bernard of the…

`Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money’—Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s

`Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them,…

A group of Illuminati wise men took the plans laid out at the Hotel Majestic meetings and formed the CFR. The “ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour with the beast” are ten individuals who are here now but have yet to take the role set for them from the beginning of time. These ten individuals are members of two fascist organizations known as the Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The House of Rothschild was up in arms with their follow elites; managing the creation of the New World Order

A group of Illuminati wise men took the plans laid out at the Hotel Majestic meetings and formed the CFR.…

The Four Sisters? The Banks Are Never Satisfied! Those who hold the money in the world of men hold the power: “He who has the gold makes the rules”. Vast amounts of gold disappeared from Fort Knox after World War II, and more gold disappeared just before the WTC towers came down. Democracy is an illusion; Plutocracy is the current truth. The symbol of the dollar is $ which is similar to the symbol for Saturn S+T or the staff of Mercury. Could there be a connection in these symbols?

The Four Sisters? The Banks Are Never Satisfied! Those who hold the money in the world of men hold the…

Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. The Committee of 300 has long ago perfected plans to destabilize civilization. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law.

Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. The…

U.S money-democracy can be described as, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” The United States isn’t a democracy — and was never intended to be. The head of the Illuminatis Rothchilds (originally Bauers from Germany). Rockefeller (originally Roggenfelders from Germany). Rothschild’s don’t come from the Royal blood lines but from the family Bauer. U.S is ruled by a “Deep State” or a “shadow government. NATO is not just a military alliance, NATO is a military force of Rothschild and Rockefeller families. NATO was created to protect their interests and to protect their wealth and money. Over the next forty years for the most part NATO went its own way. Round Table founder said: “I believe that until the world comes to its senses you should declare war with those who are trying to boycott your manufactures.”

U.S money-democracy can be described as, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.”…

The Book of Nahum is the seventh book of the 12 minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Learn how this may describe Germany as the Super state of EU, The Roman Catholic church of Revelation, this combine of the last Roman Empire (NATO), European flag and coins shows us that the woman (Roman Catholic Church) truly rides the beast of EU. Roman Catholic laymen who from the beginning were behind the formation and today continue to push the growth of the EU” and “[t]he Pope himself is the key to the EU”.

The Book of Nahum is the seventh book of the 12 minor prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Learn how this…

Who is in control of Area-51? – The Rothschild and Council of foreign relations, CFR owns the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, NSA, US Federal Reserve Bank and all the power centers in USA. The Council on Foreign Relations is a independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher based in New York, N.Y. Founded in 1921. They are behind the NWO and THE “HIDDEN” DEEP STATE, and they want to create a One World Government for YOU.

Who is in control of Area-51? – The Rothschild and Council of foreign relations, CFR owns the CIA, FBI, Pentagon,…

Do Humans Have a Future? Whose Future? The capitalist class also has the deep state—made up of the CFR and related organizations. To begin with, nobody can be president without the approval of the shadow government CFR since The CIA is where the CFR will make their first call. Capitalism’s main driving force is the imperative of production and exchange for profit. “Expand or die” are the watchwords of this anti-ecological system. Capitalism is therefore a cancerous system, an angel of death, a death for all prepared by the fragmentation and destruction of ecosystems

Do Humans Have a Future? Whose Future? The capitalist class also has the deep state—made up of the CFR and…

AMERICA IS THE ONLY END-TIME NATION THAT FITS THE DESCRIPTION OF BABYLON IN ISAIAH 18, 47; JEREMIAH 50-51; AND REVELATION 18. Huxley stated, (in a speech for Tavistock Group, California medical school, in 1961), ‘There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution’.


The seat of the beast or Antichrist. This European Union is a complicated entity. In case you are thinking we just went looking for a possible description of NATO, remember that Bible prophecy shows that at the time of the end there would be a strong Papacy, a strong United States, and European powers that would be willing to give power over to the Papacy. Doesn’t that sound familiar? This third and final conflict during the time of the end could happen anytime. Scripture offers no time prophecy about when it will happen. But if we have our eyes open, we can sense what’s approaching.

The seat of the beast or Antichrist. This European Union is a complicated entity. In case you are thinking we…

The Illuminati-cult controls directly or indirectly the word banking system, petroleum, pharmeceuticals and food production, and all mainstream media (basically the “whole enchillada”). Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals [emphasis in original] its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it [the Mason] calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.”

The Illuminati-cult controls directly or indirectly the word banking system, petroleum, pharmeceuticals and food production, and all mainstream media (basically…

In 1666 there was a great fire of London’ The fire burnt down the Mithas temple and the first bank of England was built on top of it. You must realise too that Rothschild agents are like cockroaches crawling around your home. These cockroaches crawl all over Europe, they are everywhere. The Rothschild created the World Conservation Bank, which is designed to transfer debts from third world countries to their bank and in return, those countries would give them the World Conservation Bank. This is designed so that the Rothschild can gain control of the third world

In 1666 there was a great fire of London’ The fire burnt down the Mithas temple and the first bank…

The Illuminati Rothchilds are Jesuits. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General. If there’s a crash you can lose your money but the Jesuit will never lose his money. You see, the Rothschild’s are the bankers of the Vatican.The Vatican is the headquarters of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschild’s control the Vatican. The Jesuit controlled SMOM has a permanent observer status at the UN. Who created the CFR which created the UN?

The Illuminati Rothchilds are Jesuits. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the…

So-called stable Western democracies have all conformed to what is, in practice, a One-Party System. The Coming Iluminati World Government: Tragedy and Hope – The PsyWar technique that they use is to keep us all far too busy and fascinated as passive spectators of this whirlwind of events taking place every day in the world. This ensures that almost no one ever thinks of looking elsewhere for suitable explanations to today’s grave crises, because that would then enable us to identify, not so much the effects and shocking results of many of these political decisions and covert actions, but rather their real and concrete originators, organizers and objectives, which would go counter to their advantage.

So-called stable Western democracies have all conformed to what is, in practice, a One-Party System. The Coming Iluminati World Government:…

Banking is said to have been created by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with headquarters in Switzerland. The US President receives his orders from Chatham House in the UK. A think tank. Linked to the Royal Institute of International Affairs.The Tavistock Institute was founded in 1921, by British intelligence and psychiatry, and was funded by the Royal Institute for International Affairs. The Tavistock Clinic/institute for mass-mind-control was originally funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in the early 1900s. America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12).

Banking is said to have been created by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with headquarters in Switzerland. The US…

Prophecies revealed events. United States; it will be destroyed shortly after the crash of the dollar, America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12), Global merchants will no longer be able to sell their goods to America, All foreign reserve holdings of U.S. currency will become instantly worthless, as no world bank will accept American dollars

Prophecies revealed events. United States; it will be destroyed shortly after the crash of the dollar, America has a mother…

Many prophets, prophecies revealed events about the fall or destruction of Babylon – America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18). America has a mother nation: Great Britain (Jeremiah 50:12), is a daughter nation (Isaiah 47:1,5; Jeremiah 50:42, 51:33). `The end of Babylon’ – The present world order is built upon the leadership and dominance of the United States; it will be destroyed shortly after the crash of the dollar, and then the New World Order will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

Many prophets, prophecies revealed events about the fall or destruction of Babylon – America Is Babylon the Great (Revelation 18).…

Numerous sources have claimed that Adolph Hitler’s real father was a Rothschild and this assertion is not off the wall. Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, as well as Rothschild Brothers’ financial empire. Rothschild is Illuminati’s grip on world economy neatly set up so when their already planned crisis happens, they will be in the driver’s seat to bring a New Order to a world ravaged by chaos they initiated

Numerous sources have claimed that Adolph Hitler’s real father was a Rothschild and this assertion is not off the wall.…

The citizens of America do not actually elect the President it is a priviledge and honor to vote but the Committee of 300 runs this government. The Committee of 300 runs the whole world, socialism and slaverism. The Rothchilds, by the Committee of 300 also controlling the top Banking organizations in the World. The U.S.A. is the Modern Day Babylon and the Catholic Church is the Ancient Mystery Religion who is part of the Illuminati

The citizens of America do not actually elect the President it is a priviledge and honor to vote but the…

The Jesuit General is the absolute, complete. and total dictator and autocrat of the Order. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Jesuit Order also controls the highest degrees or capstone of Freemasonry. The lower have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General

The Jesuit General is the absolute, complete. and total dictator and autocrat of the Order. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit…

Why is ´the Black Pope so powerful, when most of people never heard of him before! The ‘Black Pope could have ordered the attack on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001. John F Kennedy said: For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.’

Why is ´the Black Pope so powerful, when most of people never heard of him before! The ‘Black Pope could…

This will totally change your wiev about the Rothchilds, Rockefeller Illuminati, The Fedreral Reserve Bank, and you will understand why the Jesuits want to keep this operation secret from you

This will totally change your wiev about the Rothchilds, Rockefeller Illuminati, The Fedreral Reserve Bank, and you will understand why…

The Emergence of Atheism — a Godless Kingdom, The Jesuit Order in America controls everything. The Illuminati used Atheism, through Napoleon and the French government, to bring down Papal Rome

The Emergence of Atheism — a Godless Kingdom, The Jesuit Order in America controls everything. The Illuminati used Atheism, through…

The aim of Illuminati and Weishaput founded by the Rothchild. Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that eventually every nation would be willing to surrender its national sovereignty to a world government. “On June 7, 1982, the United States and the Vatican, in ‘one of the great secret alliances of all time,’ had agreed to undertake a clandestine campaign to hasten the dissolution of the Communist empire.

The aim of Illuminati and Weishaput founded by the Rothchild. Pike, developed a plan for three world wars so that…

The power elite continue to reign and laugh at your ignorance. In the same light, we are programmed to focus on other issues unrelated to god so the higher-power of our will is diminishing. You have just witnessed another aspect of the “Battle of Armageddon” and how your mental and spiritual attributes can be deprived right in front of your face.

The power elite continue to reign and laugh at your ignorance. In the same light, we are programmed to focus…