‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience

‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.

By controlling our perception of reality they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell, in a constant state of bewilderment and fear, unwitting slaves to unseen  controllers /masters. Many of humans spiritual elements were deliberately turned off in our ancient history because there was a struggle to control this aspect of a human being. When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix.

We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. As long as we allow the archon-controlled powers to suppress our vibration using fear tactics, we will have great difficulty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure fire way to shut down our vortex of creation and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibration is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands of the new world order desired by the archons. The Archons wanted take the free man and make him slave to them forever, and limiting their access to the divine connection, and therefore keep souls enslaved to their principles of the world.

When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.

Despite this bleak picture of the cosmos, some gnostics still held that there is a mixing of the light from God, or beyond, with the darkness of these imprisoned realms.

Within this framework, then, humans are prisoners. Humans are considered to be composed of flesh, soul, and spirit’s seems to use soul and spirit interchangeably. The body and soul are the result of the cosmic powers/gods who imbue them with the passions and appetites of the lower spheres and are therefore subjected to the created prison. The spirit, on the other hand, is seen as having fallen from the beyond and is held captive by the body and its liberation, its awakening, only comes via knowledge.” This spirit is sometimes seen as the presence of an inner “Self,” that is “the transcendent and true subject of salvation.

‘Salvation is viewed as a reuniting with this part of ones self.” However, while trapped, this spirit longs for freedom for it is understood to be slumbering in matter; to be asleep.” “‘Ignorance’ is:’ therefore, “the essence of mundane existence.”” It is an ignorance of one’s spirit about itself and about the transcendent God” because of this slumbering. This spirit is also considered to be battled for by the various forces of creation.” Hence, God’s true “Life” is seen as being trapped inside the body,” as well as within this cosmic prison, while the body is seen as being totally impure and not to be trusted along with the rest of the material and lower realms?

Spiritual empowerment is the personal awakening to its power. We have all the opportunity to awaken to the reality that we are spiritual beings in a biological body. Humans is a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. The body likes to be in control (through five senses) and the spirit has to be awakened to its power. That is the process of becoming aware that we are more than humans with bodies. Once we become aware, we start a process of transformation that requires us to set up our sights on the intention of heightened awareness.

Sometime is the evolutionary history Earth was throught these unseen spiritual powers, authorities, principalities made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A of native human species through genetic manipulation and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Therefore, everything that was unnecessary for survival was disconnected. Man was left just with a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template of the 2 dna strand of the carbon-body of humans.

The 2 dna strand hold the genetic codes for our physical evolution. But there is another part of our DNA structure that has to do with the spiritual component of the human being, one that science has not presently considered. If one is persuaded that the human being consists of a soul imbedded within a biological body, then it should logically follow that the genetic links within each individual would also contain spiritual information. And if this is so what has become of it?

Many of these spiritual elements were deliberately turned off in our ancient history because there was a struggle to control this aspect of a human being. Very dark energy extraterrestrial forces, who were also genetic engineers, desired to keep the development of humankind firmly under their control. They achieved this through the use of genetic manipulation to produce fear and domination. This event occurred over 200,000 years ago, when the human DNA molecule was breached. When these dark forces unravelled and reprogrammed our DNA, they were able to shut down and isolate many of its strands. Our human DNA was reduced to only a double helix.

Each cell is part of the body’s hard drive, the official memory source. When conditions in the environment change, the D.N.A. mutates so the body-computer can compensate for survival. When we drug our bodies with pollutants, the information processing unit (the brain) and the hard drive (the cells) become corrupted, much like a computer that has been affected with a virus program. The virus slows down the flow of information and energy, and when this happens, disease occurs.

The Ego´s own Alchemy is Fear, Ego survives solely through attachment and fear is the bounding link of attachment and control, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self.

This veil of ignorance holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA software programming and the coding structure of the DNA to actively integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to activate aspects of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or partition. This partition is also what holds you in third-dimensional linear time (time as a past-present-future loop) and creates major restrictions to knowing yourself.

As long as we allow the archon-controlled powers to suppress our vibration using fear tactics, we will have great difficulty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure fire way to shut down our vortex of creation and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibration is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands of the new world order desired by the archons.

Of course the answer to fear is to raise our vibration by not being afraid of anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex of creation and see our power as infinite consciousness, all fear (and the archons promoting it) will dissipate and the world will change.

Archons are known to focus their attention on complete control of entire planets through processes of manipulation of the minds of the inhabitants. The archons gain power through our fear, but they do not have more spiritual power than a human who vibrates on the frequency of love. Moreover, according to the scriptures, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear is tormenting. He who fears is not made perfect in love.

The main point is to just work on yourself, find your own connection and have confidence. Yes the Human mind over time, as it has been conditioned, has be conditioned to give you doubt, that is part of the Archon trait which was also given to the Human body computer, this is distraction. Anything with distraction and hierarchy is an illusion and is not coming from a place of love and serviced, it is a distraction.

Within the human being too a sharp distinction is drawn between body and spirit. Each person has a divine spark (pneuma), which comes from the divine world of light and has fallen into this world. The Archons try with all their might to keep these sparks imprisoned on earth and in humans, so as to prevent them from ascending to the divinity, of which they were originally a part. The divine spark or inner person is asleep, but must awaken and be liberated by means of knowledge (gnosis) both concerning God and humanity and its world. This knowledge is gained when an envoy from the world of light manages to get past the Archons to wake up the inner person and give him or her gnosis.

The soul is held captive by matter and placed under the tyranny of outside cosmic forces alien to its true life. Yet it contained a divine spark, and by “knowledge” (gnosis) might free itself and win its way back to the sphere from which it came. Release comes through “self-knowledge” (hence the name, gnosis) and an awakening to the real meaning and dimension of life.

This “salvation” was attained by intellectual illumination, assisted by abstinence and asceticism. Hence, the gnostic literature is punctuated with calls to become self-aware and arouse oneself from sleep. Ignorance is a form of sleep or slumbering state. So the Archons don´t want humankind to awaken from this ignorance by opening the “third eye” of intuition. The third eye dissolves ignorance and the state of duality and ego, and the outcome is then “Oneness”.

Man is composed of flesh, soul, and spirit. The body and soul are creations designed to hold captive the spirit, which is a spark of the divine substance from the highest God. The spirit embedded in body and soul is unconscious of itself, asleep, deadened by the poison of the world. While asleep, the spirit reincarnates from one human life to the next. Only the proper knowledge can awaken and liberate the divine spark. The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the spirit, the “inner man,” from the prison of the world and his return to his native realm of light.

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