The serpent is more than a symbol of the force of gravity which draws us back to Earth; it can also represent the ascending Earth force, the Kundalini. And although the initial goal in Kundalini yoga is to raise this force to the crown chakra, the second and complementary phase entails letting the nectar thus produced flow back down through the entire body, to the base of the spine and the soles of the feet. So in addition to symbolizing the elemental Earth force, the serpent also stands for the rising and falling energy currents on the axis mundi, the Tree of Life which both separates and unites Heaven and Earth, source and manifestation, and which, in terms of the microcosm, is the human spine
The serpent is more than a symbol of the force of gravity which draws us back to Earth; it can also represent the ascending Earth force, the Kundalini. And although the initial goal in Kundalini yoga is to raise this force to the crown chakra, the second and complementary phase entails letting the nectar thus produced flow back down through the entire body, to the base of the spine and the soles of the feet. So in addition to symbolizing the elemental Earth force, the serpent also stands for the rising and falling energy currents on the axis mundi, the Tree of Life which both separates and unites Heaven and Earth, source and manifestation, and which, in terms of the microcosm, is the human spine
“The guru awakens the kundalini force. And this brings a surge of love for the guru. The awakening of love is grace, because it is beyond your control and feels like the greatest gift you could possibly receive. Bhakti arrives unbidden, mysteriously.
Life energy which has been imprisoned for a long time in a place too low for it becomes filled with negative emotions, with fear and anger; the aspect of the psyche which is forced to stare death in the face becomes filled with the powers of death, simply as a survival mechanism. This is what happens to the emotional body while one’s higher psyche is soaring through the sky: the emotions become charged with transpersonal violence.
Ganesha is immortal. In him lies the seed of omniscience, and the most subtle mysteries of the universe are known to him, including the mysteries related to our mind, karma, and the cycle of birth and death. The rays of light emanating from him enable us to comprehend our deeply rooted karmic impressions and discover how to attain freedom from the binding forces of our mind. Only then are the obstacles emerging from its unlit corners fully destroyed. Hence he is called Vighnesha, “the lord who removes obstacles.” Like fire, Ganesha consumes anything in his path with his enormous appetite. He is pleased with any offering we make to him with love—he gladly accepts our problems and concerns and swallows them, granting us freedom once and for all. No force other than Ganesha is capable of consuming our ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion, and fear of death. That is also why he is called Vighnesha, “the lord who removes obstacles.”
The scriptures identify Ganesha with the sacred sound Om, and the shape of his trunk resembles the word written in Sanskrit. Because Om is the source of all mantras, repeating any mantra is tantamount to meditating on Ganesha. All sounds, words, and mantras in their dormant form rest in the muladhara chakra, where Ganesha resides. The most subtle, vibrationless state of sound in the muladhara chakra is called “para.” At the behest of Ganesha, who presides over gravitational energy, a stirring arises in the muladhara chakra that can be detected only intuitively. This vibrationless vibration can be felt when it reaches the navel center; when it reaches the heart center, it assimilates the power of thinking; and it becomes audible when it reaches the throat center. Ganesha oversees this entire process. Without his assistance and guidance we can neither gain access to the muladhara center nor receive the ensuing revelation. That is why Ganesha is said to be the gatekeeper at the palace of the Divine Mother.
Though Ganesha’s feet are quite small, he outruns all the forces of the universe because he pervades everything, he is already everywhere. Without moving, the lord of gravitational energy makes everything move. With his enormous body and tiny feet Ganesha dances to the song of the Divine Mother, and exhilarated by his movements, She joins in. Then, as mother and son perform their cosmic dance, all the arts and sciences spring forth. Unable to contain the divine ecstasy, the sages emerge from their absorption in Ganesha and assume their roles as our guides. This cosmic dance symbolizes the process of kundalini awakening. The forces of darkness can cast their spell of slumber on us only as long as we are outside the pale of this dance. Thus Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is the one who awakens the divine force in the form of kundalini shakti. He blesses us with shaktipata (the bestowing of divine energy). It is he who sends a sat guru (a true master) into our lives, and through his grace the forces of love, compassion, self-motivation, self-confidence, and determination unfold. Thus the scriptures assert that the door to the Divine Mother’s palace opens when Ganesha is pleased.
When your kundalini is awakened, you know you have broken the chain of further births. The rule of “fixed destiny” does not apply to yogis, who are the ones gone beyond the force of gravitation.
It is only the power of kundalini that can pierce these subtle centers (chakras) and reach the Crown chakra
Our ego splits off from our eternal essence, our true and authentic self.
The word, Master does not refer to a specific person. This is the state of spiritual awareness
This world don´t create Master´s, it has created a world where they make themselves to Master´s and the masses to slaves. The word, Master does not refer to a specific person. This is the state of spiritual awareness. As an individual you cannot see beyond your understanding. And as you are, you cannot envision a master. This is the reason the masters appear from time to time to manifest that state of awareness.
Since the ego is nothing but a concept, other concepts can appear to be threats to it. Mass consciousness is the concept of the collective ego and others who want´s to break free from the lower mind and concept of duality then appears to be a threath of change.
Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your creations, then those in power such as religion, government, businesses, family, and friends, lock you into a consciousness that only results in everyone and everything outside of you becoming your master in what you will manifest for your reality.
This is what you are asleep to! What you don’t realize is that your human consciousness becomes owned and controlled by everyone around you as if you are a slave to them. These groups and more will keep you locked into repeating your creations over and over, all because of you are a slave to your belief patterns. You will do it by following their “will” and not your soul’s “will.”