The theory of Kundalini is as follows. When these ions strike the base of the spine, they release interatomic energy there, just as free electrons do when they hit the nuclei of atoms and cause atomic fission. When activated, speeds up the spiritual transformation of the brain, astral brain, and consciousness, so that the realization of one’s union with the Divine is more rapidly possible
The theory of Kundalini is as follows. When these ions strike the base of the spine, they release interatomic energy there, just as free electrons do when they hit the nuclei of atoms and cause atomic fission. When activated, speeds up the spiritual transformation of the brain, astral brain, and consciousness, so that the realization of one’s union with the Divine is more rapidly possible.
Kundalini is held to be the mechanism, a kind of biological, psychological, spiritual force, which, when activated, speeds up the spiritual transformation of the brain, astral brain, and consciousness, so that the realization of one’s union with the Divine is more rapidly possible.
Secret Yogi methods of rejuvenation through awakening a mysterious power at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini or the Serpent Fire, and causing it to ascend to the brain, which it energizes and vitalizes.
The Great Secret of all occult teachings is concerned with a mysteriou. force at the base of the spine and the methods of awakening it and causing it to ascend up the spinal canal to the brain, which it electrifies and vivifies, endowing this organ with superior powers and extended consciousness.
This is a fount of energy present in all persons but awakened and brought from a latent to a dynamic state only in those who applied the proper techniques that make this possible. The arousing of this secret power that regenerates and rejuve-nates the body and revitalizes the brain is designated in the East as the Awakening of Kundalini.
Only a few people are aware of the secret to awaken it and utilize its power.
The theory of Kundalini is as follows. When these ions strike the base of the spine, they release interatomic energy there, just as free electrons do when they hit the nuclei of atoms and cause atomic fission.
The interatomic energy thus released at the base of the spine is called by yogis Kundalini, After it is thus awakened, through certain practices, this newly awakened electrical energy is forced through the tiny opening at the base of the spinal canal and then made to ascend up through its center to the third cerebral ventricle of the brain, irradiating and charging the entire brain with electrical energy. This is called the Ascent of Kundalini.
In other words, Kundalini is interatomic energy that is awakened by dissociation of atoms at the base of the spine through the alternately descending currents of electircally charged ions that flow down each side of the spine during alternate yoga breathing, which ascends up through the spinal canal, electrifying the spinal nerves and associated sympathetic nerve plexuses and endocrine glands (collectively known as “shakras”) as they flow up to the brain which they then electrify and make more radioactive.
When the Kundalini Force enter the spinal canal, it renders the etheric fluid therein more radioactive and causes it to ascend up to the third cerebral ventricle, where the cerebro-spinal fluid is supposed to be formed, activitating the pituitary and pineal glands which adjoin it.
In the living brain, the pineal gland is phosphorescent and glows with a radiant light. This is the “brain glow,” or phosphorescent radiation that the brain emits, studied by the eminent physiological Crile.
When the Kundalini Force ascends to the brain and electrifies it, this brain glow and the phosphor-escence of the pineal gland are vastly increased. The pineal gland has the structure of a vestigial atrophied eye that was once functional and contains photo-sensitive cells that respond to ordinarily invisible ultra-violet rays.
When the pineal gland is vivified by the ascending Kundalini Force and com-mences to function as an inner eye, these photo-sensitive cells commence to receive visual impressions in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum and beyond, covering a band of light radiations to which the human eye is normally insen-sitive and blind.
This is the physiological basis of clairvoyance of four-dimensional vision. When this capacity is awakened, one can look into the fourth dimention and overcome the barrier that space ordinarily imposes on the sense of vision, being able to view other planets of distant stars and to function in one’s stellar body inhabiting such planets.
This is the goal of Yoga-namely, the dissociation of consciousness from the earthly brain so that it may function in the brain of the stellar body.
The Magnus Opus, or the Great Work, of the alchemists was the transmutation of man’s creative energy from the animal to the superhuman level by bringing it from the pelvis to the brain.
This energy is Kundalini, or the Serpent Fire, In an interesting book, “Thecrophia Practica,” by Johann Gichel, a pupil of Jacob Boehme, we find an interesting picture which shows the body of a man with the Serpent Fire coiled up at the base of the spine in the shape of a dragon and the different centers or chakras indicated as the parts of the body through which this serpent fire had to pass in its upward passage.
This upward and inward turning of the creating energy in man, which in its lower manifesta-tions goes outward and downard in the form of sexual activity, is the Magnus Opus or Divine Transmutation which was the goal of the true alchemist.
Kundalini is Cosmic Life Energy in the human body, which lies latent within the nuclei of all cells. Through its slow release, this energy releases the fire of life.
By yogic practices, this cosmic energy is concentrated first within the spinal canal and then in the brain, which is what is meant by the awakening and ascent of Kundalini.
When yogis are able to live for months under the ground without breathing, it is Kundalini that keeps them alive. When the Serpent Fire is released, it burns up all the dross of the body, immortali-zing the cells as it purifies them.
Kundalini is latent interatomic energy existing locked in the nuclei of all atoms which compose the nuclei of the cells of the body. It is really interatomic energy, and its source is cosmic radiation.
Since this tremendous power, once awakened and placed under voluntary con-trol, which it is the object of Yoga to achieve, can be used destructively as well as constructively, initiates who possess knowledge how to do so guard their secret jealously, lest it fall into the hands of the unworthy who may misuse it.
The focus of theta activity at the front of the head and top of the head, both in the midline, suggest that structures deep within the brain, possibly the limbic system, are being activated.
The limbic system is responsible for many aspects of our subjective experiences, such as emotion and mood, so it is no surprise that meditation, which is traditionally associated with blissful states, might involve this part of the brain.
Finally, in speculation, the two areas of theta activity coincidentally correspond to the two main chakras in the brain, according to yogic tradition.
The forehead chakra called “agnya” or “third eye” is located in the centre of the forehead while the chakra at the top of the head, is called “sahasrara” or “crown chakra” and is traditionally associated with the limbic system. “What a great thing it would be if we in our busy lives could restore into ourselves each day for at least a couple of hours and prepare our minds to listen to the voice of the great silence.
The divine radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves ready to listen to it, but it is impossible to listen without silence.”
As the Kundalini reaches the brain and the chakras within it, mental tensions are neutralized. An inner state of mental calm is established.