The series of chakras and the Kundalini power by which we ascend the chakras give the blueprint for post-biological development. The chakras are chain-linked, as in earlier development. Theoretically, when a person develops the capacities inherent in one stage, the accumulated energy breaks through and he or she is moved on to the next stage, the next chakra. As in physical development, preliminary bonding back and forth takes place as each chakra sparks the previous one while it also prepares for the opening of the next. The development of Kundalini involves a reorganization of our total brain systems from bottom to top, following the same evolutionary stages of biological development but shifting us from that biological orientation to a non-biological, or spiritual, one

The series of chakras and the Kundalini power by which we ascend the chakras give the blueprint for post-biological development. The chakras are chain-linked, as in earlier development. Theoretically, when a person develops the capacities inherent in one stage, the accumulated energy breaks through and he or she is moved on to the next stage, the next chakra. As in physical development, preliminary bonding back and forth takes place as each chakra sparks the previous one while it also prepares for the opening of the next. The development of Kundalini involves a reorganization of our total brain systems from bottom to top, following the same evolutionary stages of biological development but shifting us from that biological orientation to a non-biological, or spiritual, one.

How do we awaken her power? Or what do we do if she has already awakened by accident?

Awareness: Kundalini The awakening of Kundalini energy begins as soon as you step on to your spiritual path. The spiritual path is the journey you take to become more conscious of the love that exists within and around you, so oneness can be experienced.

The Kundalini energy can begin with pulsing sensations at the base of the spine and then extend to electric surges that move through the spine and body. When this occurs, the central core of the body opens, and this allows the Kundalini energy to flow through and awaken the chakras.

Cathartic experiences generate from every Kundalini awakening; whether from a small pulse to a massive surge, the kundalini is designed to break through old patterns stored inside the body.

As it does, it charges and empowers the sexual energy, and encourages it to keep traveling up through the body. Kundalini energy seeks total liberation from the maya, a Sanskrit word that describes the material world as an illusion.

Kundalini energy helps you transcend physical desire and illusion so you can truly experience love.

In nature’s economy, our physical Shakti’s sexual energy is the basis of our subtle Kundalini Shakti. Just as our subtle sensory system must have a physical system for expression.

Kundalini must have its physical counterpart. Through development, however, our subtle system develops its own “body and can eventually break free of the physical body. In the same way, at a certain point in its development.

Kundalini breaks free of her initial dependence on her twin, sexuality. Kundalini is said to lie dormant at the base of the spine until its proper time for development.

We should remember here that the spine is a vital part of the reptilian brain system. Kundalini unfolds in seven developmental stages, which are represented as points along the spine and our head. with the final stage at the top of the skull.

The development of Kundalini involves a reorganization of our total brain systems from bottom to top, following the same evolutionary stages of biological development but shifting us from that biological orientation to a non-biological, or spiritual, one.

These points along the spine are called chakras, from the Sanskrit word for wheel. The chakras are major energy centers or nerve plexes. ranging from the lowest, most physical energies on up to the highest point of consciousness, our union with the Self.

The chakras are the subtle counterparts of actual physical neural centers of the spine, governing and controlling the various parts of our body. The chakras represent the rungs of our spiritual development and are subtle systems which, though they lie in the body, are not of it.

They are, in effect, the wave complements underlying their physical counterparts. Each chakra is like a resistance point in electricity and must be pierced by a development of that aspect of subtle energy in order for the Kundalini power to move us on to the next stage of development.

Under ideal conditions, where a proper bonding and guidance are provided, the chakras unfold in sequential order. Based on evidence of post-adolescent brain shifts that continue past the adolescent period, the chakras are designed to unfold on the same three-and-a-half-to-four-year cycle found in child development.

The series of chakras and the Kundalini power by which we ascend the chakras give the blueprint for post-biological development. The chakras are chain-linked, as in earlier development.

Theoretically, when a person develops the capacities inherent in one stage, the accumulated energy breaks through and he or she is moved on to the next stage, the next chakra. As in physical development, preliminary bonding back and forth takes place as each chakra sparks the previous one while it also prepares for the opening of the next.

In actuality, at least when a Kundalini reawakening occurs later in life, a great deal of skipping about takes place, and simultaneous work on all centers might go on.

Kundalini is the subtle equivalent of the same intelligent force found driving us from the time of physical birth. As with that first, physical Shakti, which is modeled by the mother.

Kundalini can only be developed when awakened and guided by the proper stimulus and nurturing, which means a teacher who has developed his or her own Kundalini under proper guidance.

If awakened without proper guidance, which does sometimes happen, and with no nurturing by discipline or following the proper model, the power can be destructive, as we find in recent medical studies.

A passage in the Gnostic Gospels states: if that which is within you is brought out of you, it will save you.

If it is not brought out of you. it will destroy you.” Unguided, or guided by a misguided teacher. the power can cause grief.

Without a model acting as stimulus the power is unorganized, the circuitry of stimulus-response is incomplete, and the energy upsets the physical neural circuitry. As with all development, our post-biological development is totally dependent on its role model.

The now-familiar formula still holds: Blueprint within plus model without equals functional structure. Using the simplest, most commonly available descriptions, the seven chakras are. in order:

 (1) physical.

 (2) sexual.

 (3) will and volition.

(4) emotion.

(5) time-space creation.

(6) intelligence.

 (7) realization, or enlightenment, full maturation. In our body these subtle energy points are located along the spine successively:

(1) physical, at the base of the spine,

(2) sexual, right above the genitals,

(3) will, slightly below the navel.

(4) emotion, on the right side of our physical head,

(5) time-space, in the throat area,

(6) intelligence, between the eyebrows,

 (7) intuition-realization, at the crown of the skull.

The first two chakras are physically oriented and translate into our awareness through the reptilian brain.

The next two are relational and translate through our mammalian brain. The next two are related to intellect and intelligence, and translate through the new brain.

The final chakra, enlightenment, stands alone and has no correlation in any particular brain part.

One must, in effect, break out of the system and leave the biological in order to be integrated into that final state.

Kundalini emerges out of the physical chakra when that chakra is completed. Completion of the physical chakra takes place in the general period of puberty. The physical chakra represents in effect, the entire biological development taking place in the first fifteen years or so. Kundalini and its sexual twin await the completion of this physical stage for their emergence on

An animal kundalini rises until the astral plane (the plane of the emotions and dreams).

A human kundalini naturally rises until the mental plane (level of thoughts and conceptual thinking).

When you consciously wake up your kundalini, you attempt to break through beyond the natural limits of the mental plane and break through the causal (upper mental plane) and the buddhic plane.

After that, you connect with the nirvanic level of existence.

This is why the rising of your kundalini is associated with an enlightenment process.

You literally take your original raw source of kundalini energy and let it rise through the chakras until it pierces through your crown. This is what is symbolically called enlightenment. This break through allows the descent of fresh universal energy into your being.

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