Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In the state of Oneness there is no duality, no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In Oneness there is no division in past, present and future because there is no separation. Illuminati using Hegel’s methods of thesis, antithesis, synthesis This is important to understand; The Illuminati foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity or division
Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In the state of Oneness there is no duality, no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In Oneness there is no division in past, present and future because there is no separation. Illuminati using Hegel’s methods of thesis, antithesis, synthesis This is important to understand; The Illuminati foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity or division
Illuminati have access to the sub consciousness part of humans. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity. The ONLY way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man’s mind and you control his body and all his actions
By stealing soul´s from God, he must break the soul´s connection to God, and through this implement mind control, and this leads to the total enslavement (One World Government)In Brave New World , he predicted a totalitarian state in which the dignity of the individual no longer existed .The goal of the Illuminati was from the beginning to overthrow ALL governments and nations, and what is the end game result of this; To control them all under the domination of their One World Government.
The Illuminati uses what is called Hegelian philosophy. A thesis is set up. An antithesis (the opposite of the thesis) is then set up, and then out of the conflict of the two comes the synthesis. Hegelian philosophy is really a fancy term for what the Illuminati were doing before the term was invented. To bring this all down to street terms, the Illuminati’s Mafia would send businessmen a letter demanding money and signed with the imprint of a black hand. (This was the thesis). If the demand wasn’t met then the business would be burned or the businessman hurt. Then the Mafia would introduce themselves as potential protectors for the businessman from the black hand extortioners (themselves). (This is the antithesis). And when the businessman begins paying the Mafia for protection that is the synthesis. The Illuminati are doing this tactic all over the world, and it certainly has almost everyone fooled.
Why does Illuminati use Hegel´s methods?
In the origin state of Divine Being there is no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In the state of Oneness there is no duality, no thesis, antithesis, synthesis. In Oneness there is no division in past, present and future because there is no separation. Illuminati using Hegel’s methods of thesis, antithesis, synthesis
This is important to understand; The Illuminati foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity or division
One of the ways the Illuminati remains in power is by squelching any attempts by other groups to unify and work together for the common good. This is done by fomenting conflicts among the factions of Earth through fragmentation of religions, language barriers and psychological manipulation. By introducing exclusive religions (“mine is the only path to salvation”), various humans will continue to fight, which will decrease their power to resist the Illuminati. This explains why the Illuminati operates with so much secrecy. It is the silent force behind the conflict, similar to the gloating face on the competing scientist when his colleague’s experiment goes awry. It is like the saboteur who sneaks into the lab in the middle of the night and destroys the new invention that would have put the competition out of business. By keeping the people ignorant, the Illuminati can continue its abuse of power.
The method the Illuminati use to control people is to put one side against the other, a theory devised by Hegel which says, “Thesis verses antithesis equals synthesis.” They create forces, knowing that EVERY FORCE HAS AN OPPOSITE COUNTERFORCE, and with unconscious humans, conflict between the two creates the synthesis, which is the new situation. The illuminati make themselves the synthesis. They create problems to be used for their own purposes. Everything is d The Illuminati practice is to say one thing and do another, because they know the public will accept the lies through laziness. The powers that be say to each other in secret meetings, “Keep them busy, busy, busy, back on the farm with other animals?’ The system of the world keeps you too busy to see what’s really going on in the world. In the article ‘Who Are The Illuminati?’ by Richard Stone, published by The Truth Seeker, it says, We are kept so busy with business (or busyness) that we do not understand or participate in the decisions and events that will crucially affect our future.
When a real power move is made it usually is done secretly and suddenly often with the pretense that nothing has happened. There is preparation for opposition, but conflict is often not necessary as most people have been trained to be so passive that they will probably not create an effective opposition!’ esigned so they can apply a divide and rule process, which is why they play groups off against each examples of front men in important positions. Opposing leaders are assassinated secretly and quietly in a way that simulates a natural death.
The media covers the lines of suspicion by false accusation and deception, and the Elite will cover their tracks with multiple assassinations if necessary. The favoured methods of assassination used by the ruling Elite are fake motor accidents, artificially induced heart attacks, and apparent suicides which weren’t real suicides, but created to appear as such.
Social engineering is used by the rulers behind the scenes to control the population. Social engineering requires and involves easily manipulated rabble, which you hear on the news, in music, movies, and print media. Almost everything is a form of conditioning, and everything in the mainstream is a tool used for social engineering.
Being lost in the world is a result of social engineering, along with almost all the ideas, beliefs, opinions, and perspectives of those who follow an Organized Religion, watch the mainstream media, or have spent many years being educated by the educational system of questions and answers. Those with special gifts, talents, and aptitudes are taken out of the mainstream structures, trained to serve the illuminati as part of their propaganda apparatus, and used for security and technical purposes. Societies which show any resistance will have their morals and manners mocked, and be beaten into submission. Everyone else will be controlled by the essential components of the strategy of the Illuminati, which is total control of the media, the educational systems, and fasion industries.
The reason there isn’t an open battle with the unseen rulers of the world is because the ruling Elite use various means for the subversion of societies and nations to conquer them from within by creating conflicts between and within groups.
The Illuminati create economic warfare with the goal of controlling the enemy’s economy after the conflict. They have economic power and express economic dominance, controlling almost all of the world’s economy. The unseen behind the scenes rulers of the earth are creating and developing a world government that we call the ‘new world order’ for various purposes, regardless of the consequences. They despise the middle class, and as circumstances spiral downward, a world leader with a cynical contempt for most of humanity will be announced.
Almost all of the developed nations of your world have central banks that form a network, or cartel, controlled by the Illuminati. Because up to 90% of the Illuminati are aligned with the ego (dark forces), the policies made by these central banks almost always benefit the elite group that controls most of the wealth and resources of the world. This wealth and power game has been going on for thousands of years, or actually, millions of years if you take into account players from other worlds. (In “Earth Changes and Beyond,” we went into great detail on the major influences from other star systems and their historical impact on humanity.) The souls who believe in domination and control maintain their illusion of such by convincing the masses that they are weak, helpless and powerless to make any real changes in the world. The financial and social systems designed by the bankers are intended to keep them in power and the masses powerless. Part of their “Divide and Conquer” strategy. Keeping us at odds with each other keeps us disempowered.
The so-called “powers that be” go to war for two main reasons: (fi to fulfill their “divide and conquer” agenda by pitting various forces against one another in order to prevent any one force from amassing enough power to defeat them; and (2) to profit enormously from the manufacture, sale and distribution of weapons of war and all the accoutrements that go with these weapons. The dark Illuminati are not concerned about taking sides in these wars. In fact, a careful review of history will reveal that the same few individuals and corporations have financed both sides in most major wars.
Virtually all of the wars that have occurred on Earth were orchestrated (engineered) by the dark Illuminati (or their precursors) for the above reasons. The standard modus operandi is to start with a real cause, such as border disputes, lack of resources, religious conflict, etc., and then foment the conflicts using media propaganda, economic manipulation, ideological tenets, and in some cases, planting “terrorists” and dissidents amidst the populace. Many of your authors have exposed this latter method of fomenting conflict, by outlining the various steps used to control the populace through warfare. The idea is quite simple: (0 create an “enemy” or opposing force; (2) offer a solution that involves consolidating power and control; and (3) convince the people that they are better off under the new system.
A major aspect of the awakening process on Earth involves the exposing of darkness in all of its many forms. Before illusion can be dispelled, it must be seen clearly in the bright light of awareness. This is why attempting to deny the darkness or pretending it does not exist, only serves to strengthen its sense of reality. Ultimately, illusions are only as real as the energy given to them. When you deny something, you are still giving it energy in the form of subconscious patterns of repression. When you fight it, you are coming from the belief that it is potentially as powerful as you. Do you not see, you are so powerful that you can create unlike the naturally harmonious structure of the Universe? The more you give your belief to the things of third density, the more real they will seem to you and the harder it will be to truly transcend them. Transcend means to go beyond. It does not mean to circumvent, deny, or rationalize. To transcend darkness, you merely expand your consciousness to include more and more of who you truly are — an amazingly powerful, creative Divine Being.
There is a cabal of secret societies on this planet that have been manipulating human events to lead to a one world government, to be controlled by them. This includes upper tiers of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Round Table, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, the Rosicrucian Order, and so forth. They presently control politics, finance, commerce, and the media. Their ultimate goal is to control the world. Those at the very top who control the secret cults have a common genetic bloodline that can be traced back to Sumer and Babylon. Their agenda includes establishing their bloodline into key posts of economic and political power.
“There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. This cult is patronized and protected by the highest level of government officials in the world. Its membership is composed of those in the power centers of government, industry, commerce, finance, and labor. It manipulates individuals in areas of important public influence—including the academic world and the mass media. The Secret Cult is a global fraternity of a political aristocracy whose purpose is to further the political policies of persons unknown” (from The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence by Victor Marchetti, former CIA operative). Powerful international bankers, such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, etc., are a central component of the secret cults. Their objective is to create and dominate a world monetary system, thereby gaining complete control over the economic and political aspects of the entire planet. Their plan revolves around central banks of the world, acting in concert, driven by secret agreements contrived among select elite private individuals. Stepping stones to this objective already exist with the formation of the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and so forth.
The secret cults started with the mystery schools of ancient Babylon, perhaps even long before that, and which are still with us today. The thirst for power and greed never ends. Secrecy is necessary to cover up their corruption. Misinformation is necessary to manipulate the masses. Conflict is necessary to create fear. War is necessary to justify the need for strong centralized rule. Follow the money. Connect the dots. There is no freedom in this world. We are being manipulated and enslaved by powerful elitists who meet secretly to make decisions that affect our personal lives and the fate of planet Earth.
Illuminati wish to establish the so-called New Order, which is: reducing the number of people who will live in designated areas, creation of a global state, ruled by an sovereign government of the world which will control everything; inoculation with identifiers, which will save all your personal information. Full control over daily life of mankind, including buying and selling. Illuminati influence in the affairs of mankind, this description is only an outline of the existence of such a philosophy and vision of the world.
No one can beat the Illuminati only by physical force, but only with spiritual knowledge that is beyond the 3 dimensional ego mind. We must transform our whole being and this done by an alchemical transformation or by raising our inner frequencies.
Almost all of the developed nations of your world have central banks that form a network, or cartel, controlled by the Illuminati. Because up to 90% of the Illuminati are aligned with the ego (dark forces), the policies made by these central banks almost always benefit the elite group that controls most of the wealth and resources of the world. This wealth and power game has been going on for thousands of years, or actually, millions of years if you take into account players from other worlds. (In “Earth Changes and Beyond,” we went into great detail on the major influences from other star systems and their historical impact on humanity.) The souls who believe in domination and control maintain their illusion of such by convincing the masses that they are weak, helpless and powerless to make any real changes in the world. The financial and social systems designed by the bankers are intended to keep them in power and the masses powerless.
To capture the soul they must create and feed a global negative magnetic energy field, because this captures the soul in the lower matrix or keeping its frequencies in low state of ego-mind.