Great miracles happen as the Kundalini rises to each of the Chakras (energy centers). The centers of regeneration, the pineal and pituitary glands in the head represent the spiritual mystic marriage.When these gland starts vibrating unizon and with at same frequency a new portal (third eye) will be open.

Great miracles happen as the Kundalini rises to each of the Chakras (energy centers). The centers of regeneration, the pineal and pituitary glands in the head represent the spiritual mystic marriage.When these gland starts vibrating unizon and with at same frequency a new portal (third eye) will be open.

A hidden source of energy within the human body, which when activated gives the person super-human powers.

In the Tantric tradition, the laboratory of alchemy is strictly inside the body, and they believed Fermentation took place when the serpentine power of kundalini reached the throat area and activated the thyroid thymus glands. Called the Gateway to Liberation.

Since everything is vibration, the usual distinction between body and mind is insufficient.

The heavens and the earth within are symbolized by the ” marriage of the sun and the moon

The centers of regeneration, the pineal and pituitary glands in the head represent the spiritual mystic marriage.

If the focus is on the highest good and the highest achieve-ment possible, the whole tone and vibration of the person is gradually raised—that is to say that all the atoms in body, emotions and mind are stepped up to ever higher rates of vibration. This is the process of transmutation. Eventually the glands and centres all up the spine are transmuted to the extent that the whole spine contains a living circulating stream of power entirely interacting.

The aspiration of prayer and meditation which is instigated in the centres in the head acts as a magnet to the forces in the spinal channel, drawing them upwards They anise at the top of the spine, where is the medulla oblongata.

The Rainbow Bridge is being built near this junction. Here the union of spirit and matter takes place, as we have already noted.

The forces coming up the spinal channel from the spinal centres stimulate the Pituitary body into increased action and vibration; whilst the spiritual forces drawn down through the Rainbow Bridge from the highest centre above the head (known as the Thousand Petalled Lotus) stimulate the Pineal (male spiritual) gland into action.

When this takes place, the ‘marriage’ is achieved between spirit and matter, and the ‘Son’ (spiritual conscious-ness—the Christ Child) emerges into being, in the form of the THIRD EYE.

Much has been written about the fires which lie dormant in the lower spinal centres, fires and forces known by the ancient name of the `Kundalini’s In a developing human being these eventually rise up the spine from centre to centre, finally reaching the domain of the Pituitary body and the Pineal gland. The Kundalini expresses real electric fire, although subtle. This fire burns away any dross or impurity in its path.

If his integrity and his surrender is complete the time will come for the Kundalini fires to rise safely, stimulating the action between Pineal and Pituitary, so that the THIRD EYE successfully opens, and the wonderful access to the spiritual world takes place. This glorious admittance consciously into the ‘presence of God’ becomes a permanent state of being. It gives health, power and initiative, because the recipient has prepared him-self to receive and to keep it.

When, however, the Rainbow Bridge has been well built, through service, meditation, and surrender of the self, the experiences which come are coherent, constructive and produc-tive of inspired action.

When these gland starts vibrating unizon and with at same frequency a new portal (third eye) will be open.

Related themes include the alchemical marriage of Sol and Luna, the balancing of the kundalini energies of Ida and Pingala, or the Gnostic marriage of the transcendent divine with Sophia.

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Ignite your spirit/soul and ignite your inner Life Force

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