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The power to defeat Goliath is within our own psyches as it was within David’s. That power is a power of certainty. The champion inside us is activated by certainty. In David’s story it was literally a sling that served as his weapon of consciousness. For all of us this is just a metaphor—each of us possesses our own sling, the weapon of our mission on Earth. David is pictured as arriving at the Israelite camp bringing bread (symbolic of the life force) and cheese (congealing substances) to his seven brothers (the seven Involutionary planes leading into matter). David volunteers to confront Goliath—the aware consciousness willingly takes up the challenge of mastering primordial powers to self-define as matter

The power to defeat Goliath is within our own psyches as it was within David’s. That power is a power of certainty. The champion inside us is activated by certainty. In David’s story it was literally a sling that served as his weapon of consciousness. For all of us this is just a metaphor—each of us possesses our own sling, the weapon of our mission on Earth. David is pictured as arriving at the Israelite camp bringing bread (symbolic of the life force) and cheese (congealing substances) to his seven brothers (the seven Involutionary planes leading into matter). David volunteers to confront Goliath—the aware consciousness willingly takes up the challenge of mastering primordial powers to self-define as matter.

Men have been terribly cut off from consciousness of their own “Goliaths” who have either been cursed to remain in the deeper layers of the psychic pool, or kept contained in a personal and cultural cage. We get a sense of this from a dream of a man in his mid-twenties whose complaint was that he lacked energy in his outer life.

The power to defeat Goliath is within our own psyches as it was within David’s. That power is a power of certainty. The champion inside us is activated by certainty.

In David’s story it was literally a sling that served as his weapon of consciousness. For all of us this is just a metaphor—each of us possesses our own sling, the weapon of our mission on Earth.

The story of David and Goliath shows us the allegory of the Being seeking its own domain; is the heroic act of those who choose to take control over their destiny…

…When David threw the rock onto the forehead of the giant, we must consider who the giant is, because he is the one that subjugated the son of God and the biggest and hardest thing to defeat in men is their Ego. However, when exposed to The Light, his armor breaks, and it disappears and dies. The rock thrown into the forehead of Goliath represents yourself, it is the Inner Being that guides you and opens the doors to contemplate the eternal life to discover the truth. The base of the spiritual vision is located in the forehead.

Once you are tuned with the higher spheres, you are able to listen to the music that emerges from them, and that is the eternal music that the Initiated can listen and transmit through his perception by poetry, paint, music itself, the dance and the rest of the fine arts that are the manifestation of The Being when in contact with the eternal source that we call God. In one psalm, this ecstasy praise that has been in contact with the Supreme Conscience is mentioned.

David and Goliath are Yourself; you only have to be aware of it and try to defeat that great adversary. After defeating it, at the end of the battle, the reward is great, you will be crowned in the peak of your life reaching the divine grace of freedom, ending the returning journey to this earthly valley in the conditions you are now in. “When crowned, a whole kingdom shall be given to you.”…

Once someone has an experience of this kind, lets its own divine essence flow, making its people follow him wherever he goes, because in his words he has the sacred fire pronounced with the Holy Breath which is the origin of all that it is, has been and will be, making him a King of Kings, because he has reached the conscience of The Being.

The character of David, as mentioned, is inaugurated out of the Gemini lessons for he personifies the will of the Life Principle to express itself universally out of the primordial energy by creating energy patterns we speak of as matter.

The two books of Samuel give David’s circuitous path to the throne in abundant detail, masking with its pseudo-chronological presentation the movement of the Life Principle through the prephysical planes of development. That the character of David is a personification of the Life Principle exercising creative authority with universal will, which is part of the Mental Matter, is alluded to early in the story with David confronting the “giant” named Goliath, derived from the Hebrew word golyath.

“Giants” commonly personify the boundless primordial energy planes in myths. When David is brought in to confront the giant, the Israelite forces (elementary particles) are said to have stood immobile before Goliath for the typical 40 days (the four primordial planes).

David is pictured as arriving at the Israelite camp bringing bread (symbolic of the life force) and cheese (congealing substances) to his seven brothers (the seven Involutionary planes leading into matter). David volunteers to confront Goliath—the aware consciousness willingly takes up the challenge of mastering primordial powers to self-define as matter.

When Goliath met with David, the giant allegedly wore bronze armor that weighed around 150 pounds, carried a massive spear, and “with a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders.” (Samuel 17:6)

The myth is crafted with dramatic power, claiming that the enslavement of thousands of Israelites by the Philistines was to be determined by this single combat. It is symbolic also that David, who is pictured as not old enough for military service, is alleged to have slain the giant with a single blow to the center of the forehead (implying Mental Matter) with a stone (symbolic of dense matter) hurled with a slingshot.

In mythic accounts, bronze and brass always represent Mental Matter, so Goliath’s armor represents the power of Mental Matter. The weight is given as 150 pounds, which adds to six, and six is the number of accomplishment or purpose—as Creation accomplished by God in six days.

Goliath is also described carrying a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders, and shoulders and arms are the anatomical symbols of Gemini. So the preadolescent David, symbolizing the Life Principle at the plane of Mental Matter, must engage and master that energy plane that is personified with Goliath.

Another telling clue is that Goliath was said to have come from Gath. The word gath comes from Hebrew and means “wine press.”

In other words, Goliath is simply the boundless primary energies that are pressed out in the Mental Matter plane as the wine of life. It is not surprising therefore that the location of this alleged town of Gath has never been determined, for it represents the primal plane where the elementary life force is pressed out for the use of self-aware consciousness.

The story of David’s life therefore moves from Mental Matter through Astral Matter to the close of Etheric Matter. This is why David is said to have “died” in his 70th year (seventh involutionary plane) from falling down a flight of stairs on a Sabbath (seventh day), all being symbolic of the descent into dense matter, the seventh plane.

WITHOUT A SWORD Goliath, the Philistine, was powerful like mass conscious, which may scare us and tell us to go with the (mass) flow, even lull us into believing that mass conscious is right. This happened many times in history as a world-wide belief. Yet, what will happen, when we increase our awareness of Oneness and overcome mass conscious?

David is subconscious aspect Goliath is conscious aspect.

The famous biblical story of Goliath’s defeat became a commonplace in the ref-ormers’ collective consciousness as a reflection of their own struggle!’ The simple shepherd defeats the proud and blasphemous giant, which in turn saves the chosen people of Israel from the Philistines. In this schema, David represents the reformers, and Goliath symbolizes the Roman Catholic Church, whose leader (chef or head) is the Pope. Theological, symbolic, metaphorical, and polemical interpretations of the David and Goliath story are at work in Coignac’s and Des Masures’s tragedies.

The battle and ultimate slaying of Goliath are the main subjects of the tragedies, as their titles indicate. David will defeat Goliath only if God wants him to do so.

Mental Gate Theory The heart has a gate. The subconscious nucleic mind has gates, the conscious cytoplasmic mind has gates, the brain has gates, and the body has gates. The five senses are bidirectional gates of the body; they send and receive impulses to and from the external environment and the brain.

The brain-mind interface is also a bidirectional gate that receives incoming impulses from the body through the brain into the conscious cytoplasmic mind and sends out impulses from the conscious cytoplasmic mind to the body through the brain. Thousands of impulses flow through the mind daily, but which of these impulses determines a man’s action? To explain how the mental gates are controlled, I propose the Mental Gate Theory, which states that:

“When two or more conflicting impulses arrive at the mind gate simultaneously or are competing for attention in the conscious nucleic mind, the impulse with the stronger emotion or drive will always have the right of way”.

Eve’s drive to experience the pleasure of the fruit was stronger than her impulse to obey God’s instruction, which resulted in her eating the fruit (Genesis 3: 6). The drive behind Esau’s uncontrolled appetite and desire for immediate gratification was stronger than the value he had for his birthright, he went for the bread and pottage of lentils (Genesis 25: 32). David’s trust in his God exceeded the threat of death from Goliath, he confronted the giant (1Samuel 17: 37; 45- 47).

Eve’s drive to experience the pleasure of the fruit was stronger than her impulse to obey God’s instruction, which resulted in her eating the fruit (Genesis 3: 6). The drive behind Esau’s uncontrolled appetite and desire for immediate gratification was stronger than the value he had for his birthright, he went for the bread and pottage of lentils (Genesis 25: 32). David’s trust in his God exceeded the threat of death from Goliath, he confronted the giant (1Samuel 17: 37; 45- 47).

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