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Meditation is the key to make it happen, a new dawn of consciousness, awareness intelligence love civilization freedom bliss ecstasy zest of life harmony balance just one universal consciousness. The laboratory of CERN through colliding particle they discover a new particle that humanity call it the particle of God. This Boson Higs particle is present in all other 108 particle that we know

Meditation is the key to make it happen, a new dawn of consciousness, awareness intelligence love civilization freedom bliss ecstasy zest of life harmony balance just one universal consciousness. The laboratory of CERN through colliding particle they discover a new particle that humanity call it the particle of God. This Boson Higs particle is present in all other 108 particle that we know.

The universal consciousness is infinite you cannot define it with labels or adjectives are all partial manmade no interpretation of the little men unconscious can define consciousness are all partial to  the unconscious asleep state that the little men is in ,consciousness is a fundamental law intrinsic to  the universal body expand everywhere and nowhere in particular within the universal body is just  an intrinsic energy field sacred holy divine neutral of the universal body modern physic say that all  universe is just energy Plunk state that whole universe is just consciousness in fact consciousness is  a pulsation of creativity never stop pulsating a split second since it come into be at the big bang  event consciousness is a pulsation of intelligence love the very core and source of intelligence love

is a pulsation of sacred holy divine inner Quality such as bliss freedom ecstasy zest of life peace  silence the path the way to be one intrinsic with consciousness is meditation but meditation can be  any activity that bring you into a stage of no mind into your inner being is meditation such as love  playing music singing dancing painting sculpting singing dancing running tennis and your inner  being witness consciousness minor like Quality is the bridge link from the known to the unknown  mystery of universal consciousness awareness eternity itself the core source of the mystery of the  universal body meaning no begin no end eternal life eternal light that is why the terms  enlightenment enlightened and is nobody monopoly the inner eternal journey is for everyone  neutral to Gender color race age to be one intrinsic with your inner being consciousness awareness  eternity itself no begin no end eternal life eternal light enlightenment.

Satoyama means living in harmony with the nature and consciousness ,but in the world civilization never happen is only a good idea dream talking, a world without weapons wars military religions politicians is a civilize world .Me I will never accept the tradition of war as something to carry on Today the balance equilibrium between nations is keep by the weapons .the nation that as the most deadly weapons is the strongest .this is the law of the jungle ashamed .

The equilibrium the balance as to be keep by consciousness intelligence meditation, and the weapons abolish completely. The new men live through is inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality universal consciousness awareness into the core source of eternity meaning no begin no end eternal life eternal light that is why the terms enlightenment enlightened live through meditation intelligence.

Nations have to be functional and the weapons of all kind abolish deactivate. Is an urgent priority for humanity the deactivation of all nuclear weapons chemical weapons hydrogen bomb atomic bomb conventional weapons and all the weapons generally stop building them are you insane weapons are death device meant to kill other human being a crime against humanity. and devolve the resources which account to 50 per cent of each nation, is a big share, to the world generally where there is need primary. This game of the wars as gone on for too long thousands of years, we can excuse the primitive unconscious asleep men, but we have evolved so much that today with the intelligence of the planet we don’t need to fight wars any more. The tradition of war and building weapons for money hungry people is over forever, the new man will not keep on this ugly unconscious barbarous childish stupid tradition, never, the balance between the nations as to be keep by intelligence peace consciousness awareness, the law of the jungle that the strongest prevail is good for the animals, human being can measure them self through intelligence awareness .

The evolution on consciousness awareness is urgent. for we are running out of time.

Awareness should win the race, universal consciousness should win the race meditation silence, otherwise the old men unconscious asleep is ready for a total destruction through deadly weapons, or other disaster of eco system or through deadly virus .In my understand the collective unconscious and individual unconscious of humanity of human being is over loaded a saturation is in the unconscious of humanity, the stim is evaporating up, and men is in agony, frustration, desperation, that all as fail, and in this status of restless agony is ready for a global suicide, because if life has been such a failure misery so ugly, why go on living, so the old men is ready to die in is ignorance misery in is unconscious state.

Are we living in a process of global suicide, pr planning for a global new dawn of universal consciousness awareness a new age of peace meditation universal consciousness awareness awakening. of celebration affirmation of life, dance, love, an era of enlightenment hood generally in the world, is possible an individual effort to create a consciousness awareness within each human being, each one as to be decisive into his own inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality consciousness awareness.

Believe the deception of humanity 

Believe is for the ignorant, believe in God, believe in religions, believe in politicians, people believe because they don’t know, when you don’t know you believe is a mask for your ignorance to cover your ignorance you believe. When you know believe stop , when you know direct by experience believe is discarded ,when through meditation you enter in your interiority and you encounter your original inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality simultaneous universal consciousness awareness you merge in the mystery of the divine core source of eternity meaning no begin no end

eternal life eternal light that is why the terms enlightenment enlightened, believe disappear it turn up on itself twisted into trust take over because you know you have experience the divine your inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality nobody can tell you lie anymore. Nobody like to feel that is ignorant, so the mask of believe all the organize old religion don’t know even the A B C of God, but they pretend to stand as mediator from the known to the unknown, and this is the disaster of humanity .

Human being an organic unity is miniature universe and is animate by the same law of the universe universal consciousness a fundamental law intrinsic to the universal body energy field sacred holy divine consciousness is a pulsation of creativity that has never stop pulsating a split second consciousness is a pulsation of love intelligence freedom a pulsation of sacred holy divine inner quality such as bliss ecstasy peace silence zest of life a pulsation of light waves flowing intrinsic into

the universal body for everyone to be one in mystical union oneness the bridge the link that connected you to universal consciousness is your inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality from the known to the unknown mystery of consciousness awareness into the core source of eternity itself meaning no begin no end eternal life eternal light that is why the terms enlightenment enlightened eternity is an open relativity not absolute at all just an opening endless eternity means his inner freedom from all and everything time space forms duality of mind dialectics of opposite

complementary the real freedom just freedom eternity is the core and source of love intelligence beyond duality of mind dialectics of opposite complementary unconditional eternity is infinite bliss ecstasy silence peace zest of life here at home into eternity you will awake from unconscious asleep and various hypnosis here at home happen unfold enlightenment happen unfold immortality resurrection the resurrection is a subtle mysterious inner experience inner journey a conscious alchemy not material not physical not grass but a conscious alchemy from unconscious to inner being to consciousness awareness into the core source of eternity meaning no begin no end eternal life

eternal light where one day when you leave your body your universal consciousness if totally refine annihilate for a new begin you in essence quality fragrance data of intelligence which are incorporeal that why they survive death annihilate into eternity you formless will assume an universal body and be alive formless flowing through in essence through as the core of universal consciousness expand everywhere and nowhere in particular into the universe you will be intrinsic into all forms of the universe and living being forever and ever.

Objective science dissecting objective matter discover that matter only appear as matter in the final analysis is empty void nothingness. And more in the last year in the laboratory of CERN through colliding particle they discover a new particle that humanity call it the particle of God. The Higs particle is present in all other 108 particle that we know. All other particle have a individuality .the Boson Higs particle is diffuse present in all other 108 particle as the quality that confer mass matter to all particles atoms strings and keep them together the Boson is the quality that confer mass matter to the all universe and keep it together without the Boson the all universe living being included disintegrate instant.

God is waiting to be whole again. The unity consciousness of universal Love and Peace, with God particle free from all layers of mental conditioning, is unity of God particles and the picture of our lord complete in all of us.

Now in the world of inner science is thousands of years that emptiness nothingness is known as the core source of all existence out of emptiness nothingness all the alchemy play of inner law of the universe .and the universal consciousness also is thousands of years that is known as the fundamental law intrinsic into the universal body a pulsation of sacred holy creativity that has never stop pulsating a split second .

Objective science as reach to it emptiness nothingness the source through the micro dissecting the infinitesimal micro, the inner science as reach to it thousands of years ago through the macro annihilating the soul inner being into the macro Cosmo.

There is no discordance they come together in a love affair in harmony. Same when the mystic say go in bring your attention to your inner being core, center. singularity deep within now we know that we have to apply the obscure matter, that is wrong to call it obscure. is just unknown matter . that is the quality gravitational energy field that pull deeper together to bring sculpt things together, kind of gravity diffuse expand in the universe like a great painter that paint the universe .shape the planets the stars galaxies. in the same way it brings deep within our energy light consciousness, into the singularity of our core inner being.

Our core is a pool of gravity like the center of any planet, and when the light consciousness reaches the center our inner being it activates a magnetism is an analogy it activate our witness consciousness mirror like quality, that protect as not from solar explosion, but from ego, mind unconscious, thought emotion are like radio waves in the ear.

The discovers of the new Boson Higs particle that hold the all universe together the boson confer mass matter to particles atoms strings confer mass matter to the all universal body without the Boson the all universal body forms living being included will disintegrate instant , in the mystical world we call it universal consciousness, the universal consciousness that is a pulsation of creativity that has never stop pulsating a split second since the big bang when it come into be is a pulsation of love intelligence freedom a pulsation of sacred holy divine inner quality such as bliss peace silence ecstasy zest of life celebration compassion a pulsation of light waves the universal consciousness is a sacred holy divine energy field as physic say that the all universe is just energy Plunk state that all is

consciousness in the final analysis consciousness is always in relation to a subject or object when the subject or object are dispose it annihilate into non being body incorporeal it turn up on itself twisted into unfocused relation less awareness that is just I am ness bliss light universal consciousness is call like that because as still relation of the subject of the universal body itself ,so the Boson particle as

the relation of the 108 particle that we know is present in them as the quality element that confer mass matter to all of them and keep them together, and so is relate . One more step and we are into non being body incorporeal where all relations annihilate disappear into the core source of eternity ( begin less endless) eternal life eternal light that is why the term enlightenment eternity as no more relation is just formless awareness diffuse everywhere and nowhere in particular into the infinity of eternity where time space forms duality of mind dialectics of opposite complementary completely annihilate eternity his an open relativity not absolute at all just opening endless, the bridge to be one intrinsic whit it is Meditation your inner being witness consciousness minor like quality that is the bridge link from the known to the unknown mystery of universal consciousness awareness eternity the source core a human being organic unity in essence is eternity itself immortal enlightened of course beyond transcendental to the unconscious asleep that is in that is an impossible task almost is meditation the alchemy that make a human being organic unity one intrinsic whit it eternity eternal immortal enlightened forever.

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