When the divine spark is released in an individual, he no longer tolerates the condition of slavery, no longer mires himself in trivia and meaningless pursuits to pass the time. Above all things, the Old World Order fear what would happen if their manufactured mastery were challenged by legions of those who had found their higher selves and lost their fear. The spirit of the tower of Babel is a one world government, economic and religious system (occult driven), which is opposed to God and all that He represents. If you were to read page after page of the structure of the European Union, eventually the two interesting words of “Acquis Communautaire” would seize your attention. This is a French word that candidly means “control.”
When the divine spark is released in an individual, he no longer tolerates the condition of slavery, no longer mires himself in trivia and meaningless pursuits to pass the time. Above all things, the Old World Order fear what would happen if their manufactured mastery were challenged by legions of those who had found their higher selves and lost their fear. The spirit of the tower of Babel is a one world government, economic and religious system (occult driven), which is opposed to God and all that He represents. If you were to read page after page of the structure of the European Union, eventually the two interesting words of “Acquis Communautaire” would seize your attention. This is a French word that candidly means “control.”
Too many people retreat into their micro-worlds of petty comforts where they pose no threat to the establishment, and that’s exactly what the establishment desire — our compliance and obedience, our refusal to stand up to them. The game of the establishment is nothing new. It was explicitly set out in Machiavelli’s The Prince, which baldly states the unscrupulous principles of how those with power should hold onto it. Lying, cheating, brutality, cruelty, pitilessness, inspiring fear and terror, breaking solemn oaths, hypocrisy, greed, bribery and corruption, extermination of rivals, making pacts with your enemies only to break them when it suits you, are all advocated as necessary tools.
The The Reptilians, Old World Order, The Illuminati were the thousands of years ago and they are the masters now.
They don´t want to implement a New World, but re-create the ancient order of living in a New package. Inside the package is the whish to make Lucifer to God of this world. The Secular New World Order (restoring their old world order). So what is represented as “New” World Order (means to restoring their ancient old world order).
It has been Lucifer’s plan from ancient times to gradually unite this entire world into a One World Government that would reject its Creator and worship Lucifer instead. Rulers who are losing their grip on world power and feel they have to seize dictatorial control from their own people to feel secure.
A former Roman Emperor noted in his book ‘Meditations’ regarding the way the Universe functions; “The lower orders serve the higher and the higher orders look after one another.” Thus, in an analogous way, the ‘New World Order’ is said to have a pyramidal structure with the exploited ordinary people at the bottom and at the top is the Illuminati and the Masonic Orders. As indeed it always has been from the very dawn of humanity.
The past is where mankind is headed with the tower of Babel, and all that it represents, as the blueprint.
The spirit of the tower of Babel is a one world government, economic and religious system (occult driven), which is opposed to God and all that He represents. The followers of such a system have pledged their allegiance directly or indirectly to Lucifer.
Let’s see how the governments of the world are accepting and engaging in such practices. The phrase “New World Order” has been echoed over and over again in the past and present by the world’s elite, and has been gaining ground in today’s world as an agreeable global objective.
To be honest, the concept of a New World Order is nothing new. What most do not realize is that it is not a New World Order, but simply an Old World Order revisited.
After the previous information and explanation given you about the tower of Babel and what it represents, this should make you note the seriousness of the matter.
In case you missed it and it slipped under your mental radar, I will write what you just read another way. The European Union Parliament (the building itself), has been built in the recognized and acceptable image of the ancient UNFINISHED tower of Babel. What is the purpose of having someone design and construct a building when once it is completed, it has the final look of being incomplete? The purpose is to ultimately carry out the same ominous agenda of Nimrod’s original plan, for a one world government and religious system. If you were to read page after page of the structure of the European Union, eventually the two interesting words of “Acquis Communautaire” would seize your attention. This is a French word that candidly means “control.”