When we’re in a state of fear, our alpha bridge disappears (this is the bridge between left and right brain hemisphere).When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The belief system is a very convenient tool for those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emotional bondage. The Controllers who set themselves up as the gods of man have been siphoning off the creative energy of humans for eons. Beliefs are very creative. Beliefs call up the power of consciousness to transfer a potential held in the quantum soup of the implicate—unexpressed potential—over to the side of expressed consciousness—manifestation into form. Beliefs are very creative

The inner power of divine theta brain waves and lifting the veil of ignorance and fear

Lifting the Veil of Duality makes a simple, effective method to bring any hidden fears or resistance to the forefront of your awareness. It has the codes of natural law imbued in the written words and the space between them.

The Greek word for revelation is Apokalupsis, or Apocalypse, which means to “reveal” or “unveil” that which is hidden.

“For the time is at hand.” The word Time in the Greek is the word Kaheeros meaning a special time or a set time.

It is our ignorance of the true nature of the Self that gives rise to false views about it. But when we learn how to reduce unnecessary and wasteful mental activity, and make the mind still and peaceful, the insight will dawn that there is a deeper dimension of self that transcends the limitations of body, mind, time and space. It is like the falling away of veils, or the dissolving of clouds that hide an inner sun. When the clouds part, the sun shines through, and when we learn to saturate our mind and feelings in the liberating ideas about the deeper Self within, there will be a clearing of some of the long-cherished self-images that prevent us from enjoying the true glory and infinity of our own being.

The Left Brain is wired for the waking material world, and his Right Brain for the sleeping astral world (Dreamtime).


Mental stimulation causes vibration, and Theta is the perfect, natural healing stimulator-vibration. It’s what leads to total brain harmonisation, for you need use of all the brain speeds. Theta uses Alpha as the bridge between Beta analytical left brain, and the higher self right brain — Beta’s faster vibratory speed is not conducive to direct access of Theta-bliss experiencing, and this most untapped natural dimension just needs to be activated to become established in consciousness. Once practice commences the metamorphosis into Theta also commences.

The influence of Beta only begins to lift— total dominance of left brain ceases and enlightenment, or expansion of conscious mind, begins. It soon becomes apparent that the non-direct experiencing of Theta’s healing nature in the mind and body — in conjunction with sufficient production of SOD as mentioned earlier—is the major contributing factor with regard to disease, ill-health and dysfunctional personality.

A clash of lower self functioning versus your soul’s desire for evolution — the intentions of the higher self Theta versus lower self ignorance, kept active through “Beta knowing” only. Remember, egotism is false, soul knowing is authentic. With direct knowing intuitive life commences. A lifestyle which expresses congruently with the Universal Mind, with evolution, with the spiritual principles of soul, unity awareness and healing; these are your soul’s nobler intentions.

The nobler intelligence, being transcendental, reflects right action more powerfully, naturally on the screen of life.

Theta consciousness is to have pure cosmic wisdom available at your point of use of mind. In biblical terms, Theta awareness is the “mystical marriage”: consummation of the individual soul with the super soul— left brain to right, from head to heart; it represents Divine consciousness.

And this “marriage” of head with heart is triggered by the brain oscillating at between 4 and 7 cps. Other benefits of Theta are that while the normal sleep state of mostly Alpha facilitates healing, these waves, however, are at the minimum level required for any noticeable healing. Theta brain waves, on the other hand, are significantly greater than ordinary sleep and are truly the genesis of all “healing” miracles — the Godly dimension of your soul is revealed.


If you then drop an even bigger pebble into the lake – go deeper into consciousness, deeper into silence, the ripples caused by the first pebble would be subsumed into the second, larger ripples. These second, deeper wavescome about consequent of regular daily meditation. They represent deeper capacity of available brain power – thus bringing more intelligence into your daily life and into the marketplace.

Transcendence is the natural outcome of constantly entering into Theta expanded awareness and deep silence, and its only when you come out of meditation that the benefits of transcendence are witnessed and become known in the world. Maximum intelligence is then available for use through all the different brain states.

As the nervous system’s capacity to withstand more intense ‘bliss-waves; so too the brain’s capacity to maintain pure, Theta, subjective influence while still engaged in Beta, the conscious mind. A more integrated, cosmic personality is available to serve the universe, evolution, in your creative endeavours.

Personal coping skills such as tolerance, compassion, patience, understanding and listening ability all become more noticeably present – they become your natural personhood. This has the effect of easing tensions by awakening coherence in the particular area or environment in which you’re ”operatings. With this capacity of coherence-creating, your organisational brain power has more far-reaching potential for more advanced concepts to enter your awareness, greater paradigms of understanding and vision to become manifest reality.

Through Theta truly do you perceive cosmically, do your far-seeing. creative, organisational endeavours expand to perceive the once impossible to comprehend dream. The cosmic entrepreneur is born. The multi bliss-petaled lotus aspect of your spirit is blossomed.


It is generally accepted that you use only about one-fifth of your total brain capacity. Referred to as the “unconscious mind” or the “non-conscious” aspect of brain, this unexplored continent of consciousness is the most neglected natural resource on the planet — an unexplored vastness of unlimited soul power. Isn’t it appalling that so many people go through life settling for the one-fifth quality of health, happiness and prosperity, remaining oblivious to the reserves of innate creative abundance, natural enthusiasm, of capabilities and possibilities? Accepting instead, through indifference and non-awareness, to remain hostage to indoctrinated ignorance and non-serving beliefs, to remain prisoners in the mono-functioning, Beta brain speed; relying instead on the latest media, corporate or senses “fix” for manipulative stimulation, for a morsel of unnatural  happiness.

Happiness is an inside job; true happiness is generated from within consciousness. But so many seem content to wallow in the mire of their own self-pity, in the superstition of their beliefs, in the status quo of their predicament, seemingly content to follow the tribal beat of previous generational soul-sleepers. Blindly following the culture of ‘born-into’ family religion or political party.

Blindly following the latest “visioner”, leader-idol, pop star or sporting hero, anyone who compels us to place the awareness outside of ourselves. We do this also to compensate for the frustration of not being able to access happiness directly from within. We do it also to camouflage our fear of direct inner happiness, fear of personal success and fear of possible failing- at anything. To substitute for this fear, we allow some other person, thing or event be the reason for our happy or unhappy state.

Accreditation is apportioned to outside influence, some ”out there’ phenomenon to pitch our belief or non-belief in. An waiting to surface when conditions seem appropriate, to justify the unhappiness in one’s life.

We become drawn to a collection of fictitious, glamorous, transient situations, hitching our weaknesses of soul to the most appealing neon lights, without regard for one’s personal moral compass or spiritual potential. Many also remain afraid of exploring the unknown, of stepping into the guiding sunshine of personal soul-light, no matter from which creed it flows. In other words, many are afraid of abandoning fixed beliefs and attitudes irrespective of their happiness or contentment, choosing instead to remain content in the fear of what change may bring.

Settling for someone else’s version of “our life to avoid personal responsibility. Settling for an other-induced worldview or societal cul-de-sac, where conscience-appeasing is easier to perform than risk knowing something new or adventurous.

A follow-the-crowd mentality without ever daring to sample that which is authentic and actually at hand within: self-empowerment capacity. The four-fifths of unclaimed Theta potential – the realm of cosmic law, of higher states of consciousness, of soul liberation, creativity and inner happiness. Strange as it may sound, but the greatest cures or miracles in Lourdes and such places are not so much the physical cures but the spiritual cures: the non-intentional coming upon Theta through an intense, mental calmness in happy expectation. An unconditional, one hundred per cent surrendering to the invisible, which, by cosmic law, causes an inner vibration, thus activating Theta in the brain.

This intense abandonment to the present moment, or higher power, in expectation. causes Theta connection, it signals faith to the subjective mind, the soul. However, always remember that it’s the calm of the lake – the stillness created in the mind -which allows the ripples, caused by the pebble, the vibrational mantra sound, or metronomic oscillation. including intense abandonment to a Higher Power, to become experiential.

As brain oscillations lower, healing levels rise. Bliss becomes an active healing force in the body, or the soul giving birth to its nature. The bliss-source is activated from deep within the consciousness, within the soul.

Ultimately all healing is sourced through your vibrating Theta. Healing does not come to you but through you: through that lake of calmed mind, the conduit of Theta consciousness. There’s no such thing as chance: where there iseffect there must always be cause. So when you consider the law of cause and effect – of action and reaction – then the analogy of the pebble in the lake fits perfectly: the vibrational mantra, or word-sound, being the pebble, being the cause, and the ensuing ripples, bliss, the effect.

Theta brain functioning is the way of evolution and the intended way for mankind — it’s your natural frequency for positive, purposeful living. Conforming to the mass delusion, to others’ whimsical opinions, even “professionals”, particularly on spiritual matters, is a total waste of time and potential. A professional’s accredited degree is not the benchmark of enlightenment. With Theta though, you can genuinely feel qualified by your own conscious union with the all-knowing cosmic force. “Union” is a coming home to universality, to your true cosmic identity, from where you don’t have to relinquish your essence, your soul values to be valued.

Mankind’s dominion lies within awakening to Theta vibration, and our conscious connection with Infinity. Man is an eternal awareness, a forever consciousness. Man/woman, in essence, is not the vessel which houses awareness; the outer body skin is not the limit of your being. Man/woman in essence is the transcendent “experiences”, existence itself, not the experience, and Theta, when activated, facilitates direct experiences status.

Man thinks with the conscious mind, Beta brain waves, but it’s the intellect which decides — discriminates favourably or unfavourably, approves or disapproves — in situations.

This is why the intellect needs to be resolute. Theta brings about this resolute intellect — the capacity to make profound and powerful decisions, decisions which are filtered through consciousness-based knowledge: understanding formulated of divine nature. Understanding that can change not only your own life but the entire planet.

A synthesis of direct knowing by way of the brain vibrating at between 4 and 7 cps — scale of your evolution being the only differential factor. It takes a little longer, after the dawn, for the midday sun to be overhead. It’s the “asleep” intellect which apportions value-perception, personal worth, in what you allow yourself to have and to aspire to. Worth and scale are similar, they’re perceived in proportion to depth of awareness, of raised consciousness, of Theta being, and this is why patience is vital when setting out on this journey of enlightenment, of soul awakening. Beta perception — conscious mind — transmutes reality into illusion by comparing past situations or imagined future in order to label your present: good, bad, beautiful, ugly, pleasant or unfriendly, and the same “labelling” is true for people.

The brain itself, even when awakened, is not the intelligence but the organ through which connection with higher states of consciousness is made. The brain, when developed in Theta, facilitates cosmic consciousness — that through which the Transcendent reflects, for perfect evolution to take form, for the will of God to be known at individual awareness level.

By choosing to change your mind state to facilitate cosmic functioning, you become a leader of life— a prophet in action. You become the divine template of unconditional love throughout societies and nations. Your silent, vibrating core will touch the hearts and minds of many who you may never actually encounter personally, but your spirit will know for you, through your own experiential love.

Your method and language to vehicle this enlightenment into the world may differ culturally, but the underlying message will always be the same — unconditional love giving. Love is the contagion which you identify with positively no matter what part of the planet you’re from; a functioning whole, love is the connective force which joins humanity.

Whenever there is a decline in divine consciousness, in love evolution, divine incarnations will always come on the earth to reignite the spiritual flame, re-affirm the purpose of life, of evolution; they — you and me — become as “light leaders”, — just as many before us have — in the area of perfection through love, so that cosmic law and order is restored. Theta represents this law and order, not as a belief system, but as an actual cognising self-awareness. But do not confuse perfection through love with perfectionism, which is of ego — left-brain personality.

The first law of this physical universe, or any universe, inner or outer, is order. Metaphysically speaking, when we say “universe” —meaning unity of diversity — we are of course referring to our own inner universe of consciousness — the all-embracing, unifying, cosmic field residing deep in the psyche of each of us. There is a field of unity, of intelligence underlying all of creation and also within all beings. Nothing in existence can function without the input of this intelligence. There is no second power: nothing can randomly exist outside of this cosmic law, this unifying order — this intelligence is the supreme authority of all that is, was, and ever will be. Regular Theta meditation establishes the intellect in this cosmic order — it establishes the brain in transcendental, unity consciousness. The Almighty, being transcendental, lies beyond relative existence — beyond time, space and causation, beyond even the subtlest level of the five senses.

Theta awareness, being divine, establishes the mind in this unity with the Almighty: establishes divine order in the mind and in our lives. Theta cultures the mind to perceive transcendentally: transcend this relative existence to become the transcendent awareness. When realised, it establishes the psyche — the soul— in that which pervades all of creation, a physiology of cosmic stature vibrating harmony, healing and happiness wherever our presence is.


From these insights into total brain functioning you can see that Theta meditation, and its subsequent cosmic activity, is more than just sitting down for twenty minutes and zoning out, a chance maybe to nod off, or an occasion to re-think the worries of the day.

The practice is about knowing through unknowing. A chance of redeeming ownership of the master key, the It which fits the locks of all doors, all situations —- particularly the door to the transcendent and to transforming your life. When the jigsaw piece, which previously was not recognised or accepted, even by yourself, now fits” beautifully in your heart. It’s now welcomed with open arms — especially your own.

Natural equilibrium is restored, not only in your own immediate affairs, but also the extended environment. Your emanating brain coherence initiates harmony into the general environment. Just imagine the worldwide benefits if we were all functioning from such awareness, and, which is achievable.

Concentration is the master key to all success and concentration comes through meditation, and it is through meditation one can access the the divine theta state.

The subconscious opens and its stored data is accessed in the lower alpha and upper theta frequency ranges. As the brainwaves deepen into the lower theta and delta frequencies, the unconscious also opens and its more primal data is likewise accessible. Precision rescripting of limiting dualistic data stored in the subconscious and unconscious can then be accomplished through the use of positive, non-dual subliminal affirmations, resulting in the progressive development of constancy in expanded states of consciousness awareness.

When you see a bright white light in your brain, or a tunnel, you know you are in theta and can quickly reprogram the brain for health and wholeness.

The whole brain is greater than the sum of its parts, and the brain is a constantly interacting system within itself. The whole brain is greater than the sum of its parts, where the whole is the internal and  infinite world and the parts is the finite and external world.

This work of new connections building new parthways, it´s healing the evolutionary brain, unite opposite energies to oneness, breaking up the design or concept of duality (parts) and rearrange its parts into wholeness, and through synthesis it expand the limit consciousness to unlimited cosmic consciousness, and through this process more and more new dna strands is been activated from the slumbering state of consciousness.

Alpha and Theta waves – is generally considered to be a super-learning state, as this is when the brain is most receptive, most easily programmed. Getting to that state requires into a relaxed position or meditation.

Theta is the state in which “super learning” takes place.

Training your brain to generate Theta activity for a few minutes each day has enormous benefits, including boosting the immune system.

Researchers have discovered that people who enter the “theta state” acquire super-receptivity to new information.

Psychologists and neurologists now believe the mind uses this ‘Theta Window’ for psychological and physiological programming.

A new horizon is opened up to us when we understand this matter, when we perceive that a timeless existence, that is, an eternal existence, may be attained by the inward regulation of thought.

The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him

It is the relaxed body-mind state, and strong belief in one’s power that leads to superlearning and super achievements.

Theta waves also unlock the door to the unconscious mind and may produce spiritual bliss during meditation.

The meaning of unlock the door to the unconscious mind also means veil going down and one can experience present time and now through the “Alpha State”.

The alpha state is also associated with creativity and receptive ‘super-learning’, where the brain learns at a faster and deeper level than it does in beta. In fact it is very easy to absorb and store information when in a relaxed alpha state. More serotonin is released, aiding in regulation of learning, moods and restfulness. Most meditation and healing methods utilise an alpha brain wave for relaxation, transformation and attaining deeper states of awareness.

Theta is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, so by learning to use a conscious, waking theta brain wave, we can access and influence the powerful subconscious part of ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds.

This is a significant factor behind the powerful effect of hypnosis, and the primary reason it works for conditions most people find difficult to resolve through their own conscious means. while in the theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, transformation (such as cognitive re-appraisal) and growth.

In this state, the parasympathetic nervous system response is more stable and the ability to overcome bias may be greatly improved.” This is also the brain wave in which our minds can connect to the ‘divine’ or super-conscious Self to access greater insights and transcendental states.

The art of meditation teaches that it is not only possible to control our thoughts, but to learn to transcend them completely. Through meditation we can bring our unruly minds under control. By mastering our own minds we immediately attain a new level of empowerment. Not only does this liberate us from feelings of failure or inability, it brings peace of mind and enables us to achieve our greatest potential.

Spending 15 minutes quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment makes us more relaxed and effective decision makers. Meditation techniques adjust our physiology in ways that directly reduce stress.

Slowing down brain wave activity and adjusting brain chemistry increases serotonin levels, positively influencing mood and behaviour, and switches on endorphins, easing the nervous system and improving healing responses.

In fact it is proven that meditation stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, creating significant positive physiological and emotional changes. Stress, on the other hand, activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an ongoing flow of cortisol into the blood stream,’ diminishing immune system function and inhibiting neurogenesis.

Chronic stress causes the body to adopt a defensive mode and also results in perceptual, cognitive and emotional impairment. To change this we must be able to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows for renewal.

By activating the parasympathetic nervous system through meditation, you feel warmer, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop, and your breathing slows down and gets deeper. You also engage your immune system to its fullest capability.

Your body rebuilds itself neurologically and you become healthier and more open to new ideas, emotions, people and situations (especially if they are different). You also become more open to learning, adaptation and change.

There is a great power in one-pointed concentration.

Our energy becomes focussed and harnessed rather than dissipated. With concentration we can do more in less time, and do it more efficiently and with better results. Through meditation we gradually improve our powers of concentration, which can be used positively in every area of our lives. Increased brain wave coherence is also developed. Greater communication between the two brain hemispheres increases one’s perceptual ability and motor performance, supports the growth of higher intelligence, and slows down mental aging.

Through meditation we gain a new perspective on life, untainted by our own egoistic perspective. We also transcend our fears, which for the most part are unsubstantiated and pointless. By gaining a more awakened awareness about the true nature of life and ourselves, we attain a greater sense of power, freedom and release from our own imaginary limitations. If we enter the meditative state often enough this will then be the new state of consciousness.

Actualising Theta allows your inner and outer environment be perceived on the level of present moment consciousness — the goal of earth life, the most rewarding, sensual experience. Of the four brain speeds Theta is the only level which facilitates transcendental bliss and deep inner peace. But in order for Theta to be experienced, Alpha is the bridge which facilitates the effects and benefits of Theta.

Theta needs Alpha to carry the codes, carry the healing waves throughout the body, but particularly to the conscious mind to achieve calm, balance and perspective. Theta is natural, for you go through the four brain speeds while sleeping. But it’s while you’re awake that the brain needs to become familiar with its full range of speed possibilities, and with regular, properly practiced mantra meditation such becomes your everyday state.

Accessing Theta also means accessing the subconscious, the conditioned mind which many people are slaves to, for “repair” work. It’s how you can re-programme the fear-driven mind: how you can influence change in your fixed thought patterns at the subjective level, how you can affect change in your lifestyle, habits and worldview.

The veil of ignorance holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA software programming and the coding structure of the DNA to actively integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to activate aspects of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or partition. This partition is also what holds you in third-dimensional linear time (time as a past-present-future loop) and creates major restrictions to knowing yourself.

In order to stay healthy, one must keep the meridian channels clear so the chi/prana (love) energy can flow unobstructed. One must also keep the chakras clear so that the body-computer can connect to other dimensions of reality and higher frequencies of information. When fear is the prevailing paradigm, the body-computer (the droplet) is shut off from infinite consciousness (the ocean). Fear constricts consciousness and love expands it.

Through meditation and positive sound frequencies can been channeled to activate your DNA by accelerating the bodies fine neuro-transmitters to travel to areas of the brain, the pineal and pituitary gland which help open the third eye, crown chakra, and the chakra above the crown center. Within our cerebrospinal fluid are tiny piezo-electric crystals which are encoded with tiny modules of liquid light intelligence that carry this information to all our cells, especially when they are activated through conscious intent, sound and light. When these piezo-electric crystals are activated either through specific sound healing frequencies, light, or through meditation, these intelligent codes of light begin to release and nourish all the cells in the body, (much like a bio-computer) helping to stabilize new levels of DNA activation which not only accelerates healing, but prepares the physical vehicle (body) for ascension.

If we want to raise our vibration, we need to prevent fear from controlling our state of being. When we find ourselves in a state of fear, we need to have a way to release fear. Learning to release fear is important because most people regularly experience fear in different forms, inducing seemingly challenging, difficult, and emotional situations that are not real but imagined. These fears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenetic grids of our awareness, of our active consciousness. It is also our collective consciousness that induces fears. This is how we create the vicious circle of fear in our lives.

Fear has numerous faces and has been engrained into our systems in countless ways. Fear is reflected in our beliefs, emotions, and the collective consciousness grids. It is locked in our energy bodies, organs, and cells, and it is an inherent part of our minds. This means that stepping out of fear is a process that requires time, diligence, perseverance, willingness, and a clear intent to never give up, even though the process might at times be incredibly frustrating. We will never step into a new consciousness if we are not willing to undertake this path. And we will never make a real connection with the Sidhe. The process of stepping out of fear has three major steps: connecting with your heart (divine essence), connecting with the frontal lobes of your brain, and the stimulation of the frontal part of your amygdala.

Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Both intellect and ego using fear- based programs and concepts to gain control of humankind.

Its though meditation one learn to go beyond the intellect and ego that binds the mind to its limitation in the three dimensional world, and to the concepts of the left brain and the beta brain wave reality. Intuition (meditation) removes the knot of ignorance and its darkness. Instinct is considered by some to be the enemy of intelligence, and intellect to be the opponent of intuition.

Its through meditation one understand that; One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. Its through meditation one understand that; the robotized, automatized, mechanized mind is what hides the other realities, dimensions and the real Self in robotized “darkness of ignorance”.

The brain is divided into three parts- the “CORE” or the sub-conscious mind, the “left hemisphere” and the “right hemisphere”. The left hemisphere controls logic and reasoning and is filled with fear.

Left-brain dominance is very common in modem times, and it allows you to be easily dominated by outside forces. Belief defines something that doesn’t actually exist yet. A belief is a very creative thing; it is a strong, practiced thought—one that you either think over and over again, or one that you accept without question.

When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.

The limitations of the unnatural separation of right brain from left renders us disempowered and irresponsible at the same time. The belief system is a very convenient tool for those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emotional bondage. The Controllers who set themselves up as the gods of man have been siphoning off the creative energy of humans for eons. Beliefs are very creative. Beliefs call up the power of consciousness to transfer a potential held in the quantum soup of the implicate—unexpressed potential—over to the side of expressed consciousness—manifestation into form. Beliefs are very creative.

The left brain provides the “programming” for the “core” which does what needs to be done. The power of right hemisphere is infinite. The normal resting state of the brain is a silent current of thoughts, images, and memories that emerges spontaneously from within. You become more aware of spontaneous wandering of the mind, when you meditate. This default activity of the brain probably connects various experiences and emotional residues, puts them into perspective and lays them to rest.

The brain is an electrochemical organ using electrochemical energy to function. Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brain waves. Brain waves during meditation actually do change!

Through meditation one learn the ability to  (lowering, stilling, quitening, emptying  brain waves) and redirect one´s brain energy—shifting one´s mind state into optimal patterns where one become more receptive to new learning. The “theta state” acquire super-receptivity to new information, and the super-learning ability comes through the inutitive mind, which has the ability to instantly access information in the Alpha State of Consciousness in the present “now”.

The theta brain wave is sought after most with meditators and mystics, mainly because, with the right conditions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.

When the right and left brain is balanced one is able to connect up more easilyto obtain information. When your´re centered and balanced, your energy will start expanding; it´ll start going up your spine again, then it expands out of the body , but including the body, into the experience that we tend to call bliss.

That release, that sequence of release is from the body and the emotions to the mind, is what we found people needed to master in order to truly release the brainwaves in our training so that the two hemispheres of the brain begin to synchronize. You move down through states of relaxation into the alpha state of creativity and to the theta state of deep meditation and intuition. When you do that, literally portals in your consciousness open up to where you not only identify intellectually with a boundless state beyond your body, but you can actually begin to explore those states while being in a healthy body.

The higher life is seeking to become incarnated in us the opening to the light, where spiritual forces can make a movement of redemption of mankind. Therefore, let us yield ourselves to life and experience that greater life stirring within us. That greater life has transformed our carnal nature and made us blossom like a rose that we may have perfect liberty of life by having true awareness of the indwelling of a higher life. The inner voice, the ever presence of a new life. Being the upper strata of divine consciousness.

The upper strata of our mind is our higher mind. When man enters the universal mind, he sees all things in the universe in harmony with the light of the eternity. All of mankind has a divine spark, which is the true light of eternity within them that is lying dormant, unexpressed, and imprisoned. The imprisoned divine nucleus awaits birth that the divine mind may open up from within mankind. Mankind will then enter the age of enlightenment, which will arise from within them. The hidden splendor imprisoned within will unfold, bringing liberty to mankind, creatures, and creation. The breakthrough will come, that ever-expanding divine consciousness.

When a person is merged in Divine, all powers, all knowledge, all wisdom, all perfection which are termed divine, shine forth.

Theta has been identified as the gateway to learning and memory.

The Alpha state is the gateway to the subconsciousness mind and opens up a channel of communication with your antenna through meditation.

Meditation is the key entrance into matriarchal nonlinear realities, the way of shifting at will from linear to nonlinear states. The Alpha state is the vibrational portal into universal information.

When we’re in a state of fear, our alpha bridge disappears (this is the bridge between left and right brain hemisphere).

The Corpus Callosum is known as the Antahkarana, or Rainbow Bridge, and represents the bridge of consciousness that each must build between his own mind and soul and the universal mind and soul. It symbolizes realization of oneness with the universe.

Fear frequencies, low vibrational energies, fear programming make the alpha bridge to disappear and the third eye reacts in same way; it will be closed.

The rainbow bridge can be build through meditation and through the “theta” brain waves. Theta brain waves healing the brain from evolutionary fear programs, healing the amygdala, and when this process starts it starts to enmit light into the depths of the subconsciousness structures. The third will then slowly opens and unused brain parts is been activated and new pathways is been build when fear not make the alpha bridge in the corpus caallosum to disappears.

When the alpha bridge is down, beta brain waves dominate and concepts of duality controls this world. It results in; It builds two worlds out of one. This other world is The matrix, the dreamworld that is mention in “The Matrix”.

The Alpha state is one which time and space barriers become fluid, and intuition as also psychic functioning become possible.

 The Alpha state represents the now

The Alpha state represent the “Creator” state

When you are in a present-time now experience such as amusement, laughter or play, the filter is neutralized. It has no negative past or future concerns. no doubts or fears to draw upon.

When you observe in present-time, the veil is neutralized. allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function: to open your awareness of the multidimensional consciousness from where you have come. Here the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pineal gland and seventh and eighth chakras become more engaged. the ninth. tenth and eleventh chakras become accessible.

Here, with the use of higher-vibrational Light and colour vibrations, the coarse tissue of the corpus callosum will be altered into a softer electrochemical gel, allowing the right and left hemispheres of the brain to function as originally Intended. In full communication with each other.

Corpus callosum is the point of union between the subjective and objective, and corpus callosum is a “bridge” in which the waking consciousness and the dream consciousness come together. It provides an opening for the inpouring of knowledge from on-high.

As you work with the inner energy this will raise your vibration and wire your eternal nature into the lens of your life, you will focus on the energy centers of the pineal gland and a master cell at the base of your spine.

The pineal gland is the physical body’s command center and has direct connection to the nucleus of every cell. Because this gland communicates simultaneously with each and every cell, any change in the pineal gland can be broadcast to every cell in the body. You will also work with the master cell at the base of the spine.

When we tune in to these higher frequencies, we have access to a different kind of light—a frequency faster than visible light—and all of a sudden we are activating a greater intelligence within us. Now, because the pineal gland is activated, we can pick up higher frequencies, which in turn produces a change in chemistry.

The higher the frequency we pick up, the more it alters our chemistry—which means the more visual, hallucinogenic, and higher-energy experiences we have. The crystals in our pineal gland, acting like a cosmic antenna, are the doorway to these higher vibrational realms of light and information. This is how we have internal experiences that are more real than our external ones.

These pineal metabolite chemicals your body produces fit into the same receptor sites as serotonin and melatonin, but they carry a very different chemical message from a realm beyond sensory-based material reality. As a result, the brain is now primed for a mystical experience, opening the door to other dimensions and moving the individual from a space-time reality to a time-space reality.

Since all frequency carries a message and that message is a change in chemistry, once the pineal gland gets activated and you start experiencing and processing these higher frequencies, energies, and elevated levels of consciousness, they often present themselves as complex, changing geometric patterns usually perceived in the mind’s eye. This is good—this is information.

When you have these mystical experiences, because your nervous system is so coherent, it’s able to tune in to these super coherent messages. in the darkness of the void, the pineal gland becomes the vortex for these very organized patterns and packets of information, and as you place your attention on them, just like a kaleidoscope they constantly change and evolve.

When the seventh center is quickened, the man is able by passing through it to leave his body in full consciousness, and also to return to it without the usual break, so that his consciousness will be continuous through night and day.

When the Theta and the Delta brain wave patterns are sustained not only does the veil go down between the conscious and subconscious mind allowing reprogramming of the whole bio-system in a more effective way, but we also begin to tap into other realms of reality.

The meaning of the veil go down means the veil is been neutralized and therefore can then experience the present now.

When you observe in present-time, the veil is neutralized. allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function

When the veil is neutralized one is then beyond time and space reality, duality, ego perception and have through intuition and the present “now” awareness access to instant information.

When you observe in present-time, the veil is neutralized. allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function

To go beyond limited understanding and unravel the all-pervasive consciousness is to realise our perfection. As man’s mental perceptions get finer and finer his understanding of the true reality will improve to gradually unveil to him the One Reality behind all things.

Theta meditation entrainment — that of “direct knowing” — is also the process by which the brain can be introduced to recovery genes, to natural happiness, to spiritual patterns, to cosmically functioning behaviour.

Theta experiencing represents being cosmically fused, it represents connectedness, transcendence. Theta, and particularly low Theta, is the ability to “know” expanded deep silence as “bliss”.

Theta expands the mind, brings about integration and total knowledge awareness — “knowingness” at your point of intellect use. A level of functioning which enables your mental functioning to know greater levels of intelligence, coherence, to function naturally in accordance with the laws of nature, which is cosmic law.

During practice, the brain becomes familiar with transcendence, with “no time”, with bliss. In this level of awareness there is no stress, no anxiety, no ageing — no fear of death.

Theta, being cosmic, is the frequency to higher states of consciousness.

Theta is state changing, making “heaven” a reality now. It cultures the brain chemistry to function holistically, to function at the apex of your total potential. It’s the functioning frequency you must come upon, vibrate through, to gain attunement with your true nature, the kingdom of heaven: the level state to which you are driven intuitively, and into which you eventually transform — we all get to go home.

Theta is direct, conscious contact with the Higher Self, your soul— the means of knowing your true state, of becoming cosmically conscious.

As spiritual beings, Theta brain waves are mankind’s imperative. Our priority at this time in evolution is to move on from the fixation of Beta left brain — finite mind; to bypass high Alpha as another long period stopping station, and to function only, as a global family, from Theta intuitiveness.

This is a “must do” if we’re to be saved from the out-of-control “monster” the logical mind is morphing into.

Theta enables the brain and spirit to be awakened from the psyche sleep of high oscillatory Beta/Gamma brain speed, from the soul-deadening, limitation-ridden, finite mind. We need to consciously activate immortality and move forward on our “no choice” evolutionary path. We need to become transformed, entrained to spirit existence, from finite thinking to infinite awareness.

That we each commence the Theta imperative of the soul’s journey and purpose, to initiate the blueprint potential for each of us; the specific evolution we’re each encoded to be on; the work we’re each wired to perform here on earth in order to evolve beyond the apprenticeship of the five senses: development in Theta and even Delta.

Mass consciousness is the left brain “mind prison” or the left brain beta brain wave reality. Beta brain waves is like ocean of waves that forms reality. Through self-realization it is possible to change the subconsciousness programming of brain waves and shift from center of gravity from the subjective ego to the Soul itself and to the very center of gravity within the Soul’s consciousness. Once the center of gravity shifts to the Soul knowledge and intuition no longer is controlled through the left-brain intellect, and one achieve levels of the superconsciousness or supermind. Superconsciousness does not emerge from the intellect but manifests through other faculties that are more subtle and sensitive, such as the intuition that lives in the soul and spirit.

The Superman is one whose centre of gravity is shifted from the domain of Ignorance to the domain of Truth. He is in possession of a divine Principle— the Supermind – that is illumined by the Supermind which is a pure principle of integral Truth-vision and sovereign Truth-effectuation. This is the central key and work with meditation; to release the bounds from the “knot of ignorance”. Gravity is bound to the lower self (ego) and its state of ignorance. Teaching saying; Deep sleep is the knot of ignorance; when it is removed through meditation, we can discover our true nature and eternal peace.

The Higher Mind is more developed than our ordinary mind but it is not powerful enough to sweep out all the obstacles of ignorance to realise the Gnostic or the Superconscience. The Higher Mind facilitates a first change and an ascent towards the higher consciousness as much a descent to prepare an integration of the being into a greater Force of Consciousness and Knowledge.

Meditation is the highway to this state of perfect enlightment and meditation is the route to super- consciousness. The power and science of meditation is not just yoga, it is through meditation one can build a whole new brain and may even create a new world in the future.

It is actually through meditation one building a new superhighway of the brain and it through meditation one connects all parts of the brain to a higher state of consciousness, and its through meditation one find the real Self and become self-realized.

The spiritual building process of meditation is to build by lowering, stilling, quieting the beta brain waves. The brain is building new pathways to unused brain parts of the brain when the beta brain is been stilled and lowered and this create access to new knowledge, and with it follows higher levels of intuition. The ego is building in the outer world, and the spiritual self is building within the inner world. Meditation is invisible inner spiritual work and the “higher” results of it take several of years of practice. So meditation is both a method of joy and relaxing, but also a spiritual invisible process of building new pathways in the brain through meditation. In the end meditation is also the path of salvation.

Insights (meditation) removes darkness and illuminates. Insights (meditation) manifests in the multitude of light. Insight (meditation) opens the third eye and travels through the Crown of the head. Insights (meditation) reveals the path to salvation. It brings cosmic visions. Insights (meditation) removes gravitational force of the earthly matter from the human kind and elevates the human kind to a higher platform. Reality is a panorama of infinite possibilities projecting out from the center of pure consciousness. Consciousness creates realities, and they do on different vibrational frequencies in many dimensions.

I.K. Taimni interprets this as meaning that Udana (fifth chakra) is obviously connected with gravitational pull of the earth on the body, and by controlling this particular prana it is possible to neutralise this pull. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The psychic body has no weight, and, therefore, gravitational forces cannot work on it.

Its though meditation one learn to go beyond the intellect and ego that binds the mind to its limitation in the three dimensional world, and to the concepts of the left brain and the beta brain wave reality. Intuition (meditation) removes the knot of ignorance and its darkness. Instinct is considered by some to be the enemy of intelligence, and intellect to be the opponent of intuition.

Its through meditation one understand that; One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. Its through meditation one understand that; the robotized, automatized, mechanized mind is what hides the other realities, dimensions and the real Self in robotized “darkness of ignorance”.

When we are forced into the left-brain by our conditioning, we find ourselves in an artificial world, like the unconscious residents of the Matrix. We are outside creation, separated by our beliefs from the natural world. The unconscious nature of our beliefs forces us to view nature as separate from ourselves; we can no longer see how we affect what we experience.

The limitations of the unnatural separation of right brain from left renders us disempowered and irresponsible at the same time. The belief system is a very convenient tool for those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emotional bondage.

“The cure is in your hidden mind.” Notice these wise words, “The cure is in your hidden mind”. In fact, for over 6,000 years, the Indians knew it, and practice Ayuveda until today. This is a form of mind and body teaching. To be able to restore the whole body-energy system one need to connect to the inner-movement of vibrations.

The ‘vibration’, ‘inner-movement, or any similar word for any culture is fundamentally meant as frequency. The only invisible thing in our bodies that moves is our energy. To be able to use this energy (the mind power), our brains need to work at the right frequency — namely Alpha, Theta and Delta. It is like the engine of a car using the correct spark-plugs to generate energy that moves the wheels.

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