This world don´t create Master´s, it has created a world where they make themselves to Master´s and the masses to slaves. Your divine spark is made up of the same light as that of the universe. The light is within you, and you are in it. The light is you, and you are the light! In the same way, your divine essence lies within, just as your essence lies in your divinity. They are one and the same. When you are identifying with your divine essence, you are connected to all that is within and without, because you are at one with the universe and the universe Is one with you. When you are fulfilled by your desire, you know what it is to have peace, joy, and freedom. You are the creator of your own life. Your own innate blueprint is your individual code that is stored in your DNA. Even your DNA is connected with your divine essence, while it is not a pan of it. Forces on Earth trying to block Earth´s ascension and keep mankind enslaved

This world don´t create Master´s, it has created a world where they make themselves to Master´s and the masses to slaves. Your divine spark is made up of the same light as that of the universe. The light is within you, and you are in it. The light is you, and you are the light! In the same way, your divine essence lies within, just as your essence lies in your divinity. They are one and the same. When you are identifying with your divine essence, you are connected to all that is within and without, because you are at one with the universe and the universe Is one with you. When you are fulfilled by your desire, you know what it is to have peace, joy, and freedom. You are the creator of your own life. Your own innate blueprint is your individual code that is stored in your DNA. Even your DNA is connected with your divine essence, while it is not a pan of it. Forces on Earth trying to block Earth´s ascension and keep mankind enslaved.

This world don´t create Master´s, it has created a world where they make themselves to Master´s and the masses to slaves.

The word, Master does not refer to a specific person. This is the state of spiritual awareness. As an individual you cannot see beyond your understanding. And as you are, you cannot envision a maser. This is the reason the masters appear from time to time to manifest that state of awareness. Thus, in response to time and plate. manifests the light absolute and the path laid down by the chain of matters. In no way does a master present any new God. Also, he does not change the way.

Instead, he presents the old wine in a new bottle. Man cannot see beyond the physical appearances, therefore. you need to feel the undercurrent of consciousness behind name and form. Take any master for instance; he presents truth according to the time and the needs. So if you can see behind the visible, you will get the sante taste or fragrance. It is like the sea water, whose taste never changes.

Master is the taste of the unknown. He is the glimpse of what is within each one of us. And what is possible for all of us. His very presence creates an atmosphere. And this presence enables us to experience love, awareness, and compassion to take the jump ourselves. A master is the bridge. a guide towards our own inner master. A master is a door. A gesture of the unknown! A beacon light! But not a person at all! He is an open door through which you can come into the vastness of the existence. A master is a voice from the wilderness. A master is an invitation. A master is at the most an occasion. Seeing into the master, feeling empathy with the master, feeling love for the master, you are assured.

You can take a jump into the unknown. Every day the master invites us to take this jump. The Master assures us that each moment is an opportunity for growth. Ile assures us that each man is a man of bright prospects, because each man has Cod within 31 his ultimate flowering. The master assures you that he has experienced the moments of inner joy, love, and trust. One can trust only when you are ready to go into insecurity. If you are ready to sail your boat without any map into the unknown! Trust is immense courage. Because only a courageous person can say yes! In the beginning, trust is a feeling.

However, in the final flowering, it is being. If you can trust, something will always happen and will help you to grow. You will be provided for. Whatsoever is needed at a particular time will certainly be provided. Such is the beauty of trust. Thus, by and by, you learn the ways of how existence goes on providing and caring for you.

A real master will not try to convince you of the truth, but he will definitely persuade you towards it. A master can only help you in removing the obstacles so that meditation happens!

It is through the intuitive – mind that the good non out – flowings emerge , are manifested and are realised . Fortunate it is that intuition is not momentary for if the enlightenment which comes by intuition were momentary the wise would lose their “wiseness” which they do not.

Whatever the external catalyst, they are the ways consciousness calls attention back to itself and launches the “I” toward “transformation,” or “self-realization” or “enlightenment.” Within the dream the spiritual path arises as the way out of suffering and toward freedom.

This is the crucial turning point in spiritual life, when you become aware of that pull, when you feel the opening of the heart or the stirrings of a vaguely familiar knowing. If you are willing to follow and give it your full attention, the individual consciousness may fix itself into a homing orbit, impelled by desire and drawn by grace. And if you are so blessed, you may see that the push and pull are one and the same force, and in that realization individual effort dissolves into the effortless flow of the totality.

So we get “on the path.” It is thrilling, comforting, exhilarating. You are on the heroic journey home. You have sighted the goal and are moving toward it. It is a righteous feeling. The “I” is now a seeker, a spiritual person. We are no longer wandering around lost in the wilderness. We begin to live on purpose with intention and direction. We clarify and simplify our lives. We discover the rich, fascinating treasure house of world philosophies, spiritual traditions, methods and practices that promise us clarity, bliss, freedom.

We are turned on by teachers, preachers and sages, led and misled by charla-tans and fools. You study, you learn the practices and techniques, become fluent in the languages of spirit, acquire the ritual paraphernalia, the clothes and emblems of the ever burgeoning tribe of seekers. You meditate, pray, breathe, practice yoga, raise the kundalini, balance the energy, heal, dance, drum, study your chart and cast the hexagram, stare deeply into each other’s eyes. And indeed it does bring comforts, glimpses of illumination, tastes of peace and happiness.

 Divine Self, and many beings of light to express your true, authentic Self

Your understanding becomes a likeness of the thing that is understood as you move closer towards your divine essence. According to Aquinas, the human soul needs a higher intellect by which it can be guided in reaching understanding. Your higher consciousness is what guides you in accessing your divine essence. Your higher consciousness is linked with the soul part of your being human. Your intellect cannot understand the infinite in actuality, but only in potentiality. Your intellect will always have the potentiality for understanding more. The true light of God enlightens you as a universal cause, from which your human soul derives a particular power.

Your divine spark is made up of the same light as that of the universe. The light is within you, and you are in it. The light is you, and you are the light! In the same way, your divine essence lies within, just as your essence lies in your divinity. They are one and the same. When you are identifying with your divine essence, you are connected to all that is within and without, because you are at one with the universe and the universe Is one with you. When you are fulfilled by your desire, you know what it is to have peace, joy, and freedom. You are the creator of your own life.

Your own innate blueprint is your individual code that is stored in your DNA. Even your DNA is connected with your divine essence, while it is not a pan of it. When you tune into your divinity, your connection positively impacts the body, stemming from your thoughts and way of being. Your thought patterns can also act as keys that can unlock the sacred codes of your DNA. As the frequency of your thoughts and emotions rises in vibration, so does your way of being on a physical level. Your vibration, when raised, can activate your DNA even further in ways you have not experienced up to now.

As your DNA activates, it can mutate into higher levels of being. Now it is known that your DNA is influenced by electromagnetic fields, and this includes thoughts. Expressing your divine essence is the key to your DNA activation. You resonate at a higher frequency in vibration when you are attuned with your divine self. At this higher vibration, your experience changes as you can see more of all that is.

Now you understand at a deeper level how the universe operates and how you can manifest all the abundance, Joy, and happiness you desire. This is your birthright. You are a magnificent being, much more so than you realize. You really have the power to manifest your true desire in physical form, for this is your mission in realizing the vision of your desire.

The higher your vibration, the easier it is for you to manifest what you desire into your life. Your divinity is at one with your authentic self, and only by going inward can you bring out what you truly want in life to fulfil you soul purpose.

The key is to go through your authentic self, where you can become at one with your divine essence. Your authentic self is the doorway to your divine essence. Keep your spirit high by radiating love (unconditional) and light. Keep your thoughts enlightened and in line with your own truth instead of outside appearances. No matter what is taking place on the outside, remain calm, collected, and serene with access to your own true power in this way.

You can see through the calm waters of a pond with clarity only when there are no ripples. You can see with clarity when you remain steadfast in your divine essence. This allows you grace and ease through life as you continue to express your truth and so be at one with your authentic self.

At birth, this knowledge of your essential nature is forgotten. It can be recollected during life through your bodily experiences of your senses interacting with the environment. Even though you may think you are a human being that has a few occasional spiritual experiences, you are actually spirit having a human experience. Your essence is the core of who you are in your heart.

This divine essence is your birthright. It is where your power emanates from, and it is linked to the field of quantum possibilities. This is your authentic self. You are much more than you think you are. You have more power inside than you may realize.

Through the conditioning of human life, you have forgotten who you really are. Remembering is a journey in itself that results in the layers of conditioning being removed. At the centre is your divinity. Once you become aware of this aspect of You, know that you have more power in co-creating what you want in your life.

Becoming your Ecstatic Divine Self is not earned or strived for . . . it is naturally present when you surrender into being. Being fully aligned with all that you are is a non-doing. In stillness we become present to the infinite energy and power of our true eternal being that is always freely available within us. Divine Presence is the constant truth of who we are and being that Presence is always available under all conditions and at all times.

We are eternally as our Creator created us to be, nothing can threaten our perfection. The only threat that ever exists is the innocently mistaken fear within our own mind. When all the veils of illusion within our mind disappear, the presence of who we truly are naturally appears. When all the masks that hide the truth of our perfect holiness disappear, our unchanging and constant Divine Self is naturally revealed.

In the stillness and silence of the undoing we discover the greatest treasure, the light of our own consciousness, the sacred divine inner substance that is who we truly are. We can access the deep spring of wisdom within and experience our divine beingness in every instant and for all eternity.

The most powerful experience in the entire universe is experiencing the ecstatic light of our own divine awareness. When we experience our true Self, we experience the infinite love of God within us. Being your Divine Self is being everywhere and nowhere in the same moment. Your Divine Self, or true nature, is being eternal peace, bliss, and love.

Our unchanging true Divine Self is available in every moment, regardless of the inevitable ebb and flow of external circumstances within the dream illusion. When we are in touch with our true Self, our present moment experience is the same regardless of whether we are walking down a road, flying across space on a roller coaster, watching a sunset, or watching the grass grow.

When we are being Self our ecstasy is independent of the outer fluctuations of physical life, and that unchanging presence is available constantly, eternally, and unconditionally to all. When we become Self we no longer look to external circumstances to alter our state of mind, we simply become present to the inner divine aliveness in all circumstances and connect with the eternal, ecstatic presence that is our truest nature, our divine essence.

Being Self is our most natural way of being . . . it is changeless, infinite, and eternal. Any aspect of who you believe you are that isn’t eternal, is not who you truly are. Self is the pure, unconditioned, natural state or your being. Being Self is alert awareness of the magnificent, infinite, eternal force that is who you are … being Self is being one with God and all that is. Who you are is pure consciousness, light, love, and innocence … your magnificence is unfathomable!

Your true nature is eternal enlightenment, and you can always merge with the fullness of who you arc. Your light is always extending itself and always available . . . who you truly are can never stop existing. You may be unaware and out of alignment with your authentic Self, yet nothing can threaten the reality of who you truly are as God created you.

Our ego splits off from our eternal essence, our true and authentic self.

Spiritual precautionary is our higher perception in which is linked to the core of our being, that in which is beyond our ego consciousness, that deep within the matrix of true conscious essence. The essence is light conscious, light in which is the divine conscious of the Great Divine matrix we call God. For it is here where all divine wisdom, guidance, and our spiritual existence exist. It is here, the light inspires us to seek a higher purpose, inspiring us in many ways. Leading us to a goal in which we help awaken us to the cosmic true of our being, our role in this life dream, and inspire those who are lost and need guidance to find their true inner self, and lose their ego and seek to know their God is all that exist. Know that all that one does to our planted and the natural world, we are not just doing to our selves, nor our kin beings in Nature, but God.

At the core, is the true angelic being in which we are, the conscious light in which in fluencies our experiences in many way. But the divine is not easily known, it has to give clues of it’s exist by projecting them into the ego conscious in which is the one who is dreaming the experiences as an separate entity in which has no clue it is only part of the dream.

And like a seed, ego ghostly self is rooted into our body. While it exist in body, it must wire it self and channeling energy in and out of the body in order to experience it’s external world as something real. A real that is nothing more than perception of the dreamer, it is not the real reality.

Only the divine higher conscious self knows the real, and it is willing to reveal that in it’s spiritual perception. And it is this spiritual perception that heighten our physical sensory. Sensory that are nothing more that energy, energy in which has a conscious of their own. And the higher we are spiritual in mind, the more pure we are in state of being.

The more spiritual we are in being, the higher are our spiritual energies. The higher our spiritual energies, the stronger our spiritual perceptions and healing capacities. While we exist as an ego being, we perceive with an ego perception. As long we exist as an ego being, we exist within this dream-like reality full of suffering. A dream the we perceive as something we can sense and do us harm. While we exist in this dream of suffering, we have to eat, drink, and breathe. Other wise we starve, and starving is suffering. So we have to rely one our primitive instinct in order to survive life’s hashish lessons in order to live. At the same time, we need a more keen senses in order to perceive that is beyond our selves.

So our spirit heightens our animalistic senses in order to survival life’s harsh experiences. Therefore our spiritual perceptionary serves as our higher instincts. But we live between the light and the dark, and it is that we can not see is why our heighten instincts serves as a higher purpose. So we also have to survive spiritually just as well physically, other wise we suffer by the dark influence in which can mislead us to the lighted path, and inflict us with torment in our selves and experiences.

Influences that has no power of our divine conscious, but work their way into our ego. By influences telepathically, and manifestation into some divine being, beings in which can easily fool our spiritual perceptions, but they can not deceive our higher conscious, and it is our higher conscious is inspiring us to seek.

Human beings on Earth are free to choose. When we follow the mind, our reality is limited and distorted. We count happiness and fulfilment according to materialistic and social values: we believe that possessions can make us happy; we follow trends; we think that meaningful relationships are based on receiving; we insist on having a socially accepted lifestyle even if it does not bring us happiness; follow a religion/political party/social belief and actively supporting fear, separation and duality. If you follow the heart and block artificiality and materialism, it may seem at first that your life is falling apart but in reality it is the conditioning that is falling apart. When you continue to follow the wisdom of your heart, you start to understand our true-self.

The heart centre does not fight the mind but simply creates possibilities for growth beyond it. Our society and its institutions do not encourage us to follow our heart wisdom because this offers us freedom and empowerment.

The social system, which is a projection of fear and limitation, wants us to be sleeping continuously. The ideas of predictability and rigidly structured life-patterns which are the building materials of our society, rule our individual as well as the collective consciousness.

We are brainwashed from young age to ignore our most precious gift: our divinity.

Therefore when we express the need to wake up and become our divine self, the majority of people around us not only do not understand but they feel threatened by us.

Our society has a mechanism to deal with people who are awakening: it labels them as crazy and isolates them.

This way the awakened individual goes underground to avoid ridicule and personality assassination leaving the rest of the population who want to continue their mechanical existence, to go safely back to sleep. It is clear that we are all one, we all have a heart centre which is the home of our divine spark.

Our spiritual path is very real and it is our life purpose. When you follow your heart you can escape the mind-prison and enter the eternal oneness. A great deal of this ability to open the heart lies inthe ability to make a full and conscious connection withthe soul.

The veils of illusion – has for so long have blocked access to the true light of our inner celestial sun. As increasing amounts of cosmic light pour into the earth’s atmosphere, our spiritual vision, divine spark, and inner hearts are being called to consciousness, to gently guide us back to our true home — to the divine experience of magical and blissful highest good living, each and every day. The illusory veils that have long separated us from conscious connection with Creator Source, Source energy, and Source flow – are thinning and clearing now at rapid energetic rates. And the truth of our divine, infinitely expansive, and eternal Source light is emerging once more, to rise and brilliantly shine for all to see.

If you are going to believe in your new future with all of your heart, it had better be open and activated.

You don’t have to have a degree in the field of science or theology to understand your energetic self. Simply having an awareness that your heart and thoughts need to stay in unison creates a positive energy field. This finer frequency of love emits a wave of vibration into the universe of love. If your mind, body, and soul are in three different directions, you’re sending out distorted waves into the atmosphere. It doesn’t actually reach our consciousness, as our vibration is of the purest frequency of love omnipresent vibrational energy.

Everyone can access the greatest power of love, as we are all connected to the same bright thinking source. Home is where the heart is. To be centered is to be enlightened. Look within your mind, look within the core of your being. Search inside yourself. In the center of the mind, the pineal gland regulates the frequencies of the unconsciousness.

The people of Earth have to believe that they are gods who carry the divine seed. They will ascend to a higher vibrational frequency if they accept their own divinity and allow love and light to go through them.

Forces on Earth trying to block Earth´s ascension and keep mankind enslaved.

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Ego, mass consciousness, negative fear programming, the human body bio-computer, FEAR keeps people ASLEEP, predictable lifestyle, transhumanism and technocracy creates mechanized and automatized beings more like predictable machines that can be programmed to do want the global controllers want´s, the more the computers thinking for humans the less brain awareness humans need to use and this is loss of will and creativity, The autopilot state of the mind is what prevents the third eye of intuition from be activated. The ego and intellect is the opposite to intuition, and may even be the enemy within because it prevents anything from be changed and evolved. The ego, intellect and autopilot prevents the third eye of intuition from opening.  Low vibrational frequencies controls all this progress of the human mind and humans even welcome this reality.

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