Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became the cherished goal to awaken the Master Builder and “Rebuild Solomon’s Temple,” which is a metaphor for transmuting the human body into an immortal temple of God through the power of the Kundalini. The Ark of the Covenant is between the cherubim and the pineal gland is between the cerebrums of the brain. It is often referred to as the house of the soul
Bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. Within these lodges it became...
Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.” The true battle between good and evil—between our lower and higher natures—happens within. When our higher centers are fully awakened, the energies of divine love will flow through us from the spiritual kingdom to the subhuman worlds. When the spiritual and physical worlds are united, the “new heaven and a new earth,” mentioned in Revelation, will be revealed
Crown chakra – The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.”...
We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher conscious mind demands a more powerful line of communication. Compare it to more sophisticated fiber optic cables that increase the carrying capacity for data and information to be communicated all over the world. We have that technology now within our computer and phone systems. These advanced systems require better grounding fields; and thus, as they change, so do we
We are shifting in sync with the Earth’s magnetic grid and are moving into a stronger magnetic configuration. The higher...
KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening of Kundalini, which symbolizes the Serpent Power without the lengthy meditation and the years of spiritual training. The serpent is normally asleep while man is awake to the outside world, and is coiled up around the axis of the body. According to the Tantric texts, Kundalini is a mysterious psycho-spiritual force, a conceptual and practical mainstay of Tantra, which originally served as a road map to awaken the Kundalini power. If it is uncoiled and raised to the thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head known as the seventh chakra, which represents spiritual unfolding, it obliterates the sense of individuation and floods the body with divine nectar, the Kula-amrita, thus allowing you to have inexplicable beatific state of experience. When Kundalini begins to ascend through the chakras, it brings increasing powers into play, until it reaches the highest point of total awareness and realization. To awaken and uncoil it is to break the ontological plane and attain the sacred center or enlightenment
KUNDALINI COURSE OF ACTION – This powerful formula was based on the Tantric Pranaya-ma (yogic breathing), aiming for spontaneous awakening...
And so the battle continues. The worldly people around us say that the most important aspect is survival, and to assure it one must be streetwise, powerful, and cunning. But if we were to look at it from the heart chakra’s viewpoint, we would see that with greater awareness we would not be influenced by the power of the lower chakras and the survival forces of the mind. Literally, this is a battle in which we can truly lose ourselves. It’s as if we are being forced to make a choice without being aware of it—do we go with survival and power or do we choose the more subtle feelings and knowings?
And so the battle continues. The worldly people around us say that the most important aspect is survival, and to...
Chogyam Trungpa put it simply when he said, “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” In other words, enlightenment is the end of the ego. The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it. Once enlightenment meant to bring the light of insight that liberates the self from suffering and death through the experience of anatta or no-self. Liberation means freedom from the suffering of uncontrollably recurring rebirth (samsara ) and its causes, while enlightenment brings the ability to help others gain similar freedom
Chogyam Trungpa put it simply when he said, “Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.” In other words, enlightenment is the end...
BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and the attainment of enlightenment. The platinum body is available through the seventh seal and chakra, the location of the pineal gland. The platinum body is best activated from the divine pathway, but it can be awakened after the seals are set on the power pathway. In fact, the Bible says that Christians will be persecuted by the Antichrist during the great tribulation.
BEYOND. THE. SEVEN. SEALS. Seventh seal. This seal is associated with the crown of the head, the pituitary gland, and...
The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of the Self. Its goal is to move forward along the trajectory of our unfolding lives, to help us manifest the theme “from fragmentation to wholeness” so that we can actualize our full potential. It is the first psychology (because it includes the work of Carl Jung) that explains the client’s process as being a hero’s or heroine’s journey, an inner awakening or pilgrimage back to our spiritual source. This journey has been known throughout history by many names: The Tao, The Way of the Christ, enlightenment, the shamanic journey, kundalini awakening, the middle path, the Royal Road, the path of Initiation, the hero’s journey, or simple ‘going home,’ to name only a few
The psyche is huge, our total self. Transpersonal Psychology is attempting to bring back a respect for the wholeness of...
The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes deeper understanding of the end of duality that approaches. The cross shows two opposite energies coming from two different directions. The center, where those energies meet, represents illumination. It is in the center, where opposites meet, that the divine spark begins, for divinity and unity are the same. (It is the clash of opposites that creates the divine spark. We will speak more of this when we speak about the Divine Couple.) The symbol of the cross illustrates how opposites meet in the center and spark illumination. The end of duality is represented by the coming together of polar opposites at the center of the cross
The symbol of the cross, which many have long misunderstood, is a symbol that promotes deeper understanding of the end...
Planet Pluto is excluded as a planet in same way the Pineal Gland is enclosed. The human pineal gland is small in same way the dwarf planet Pluto is. The pineal gland is powerful because of its third eye psychic properties. Pluto is associated with the Sixth or Third Eye chakra, the energy point located at the center of the forehead, which is where we consciously direct our will
Planet Pluto is excluded as a planet in same way the Pineal Gland is enclosed. The human pineal gland is...
Learn How to Expand Your Mind. Mind Power is potentially omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. It rises to the sky, to infinity, to eternity, even in the average man. Nothing can bar its way. It penetrates steel as well as space; it crosses the Time-Space barrier, and Time is not more. (Rev. 10:6). Dr. Gustav Stromberg said: “The only thing I can imagine that is behind Matter, or that is more fundamental than Matter is Mind. Mind is probably the button of everything” (Soul of the Universe.)
Learn How to Expand Your Mind. Mind Power is potentially omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. It rises to the sky, to...
The French philosopher Bergson held the view that ultimate reality is a “vital impulse” (elan vital) that can be captured only by intuition. The essence of reality is change and it cannot be known by reason. (This position placed Bergson squarely in opposition to the Illuminati and Freemasonry idea of reaso
The French philosopher Bergson held the view that ultimate reality is a “vital impulse” (elan vital) that can be captured...
Activate Your Power for Enlightenment and The Ascension of the Sacred Fire
Activate Your Power for Enlightenment and The Ascension of the Sacred Fire Since every human being is a Microcosm of...
The whole object of meditation is to raise the kundalini, that spark of the great primal energy lying dormant in man. It is the dormant divine energy in all humans. Awakening of the kundalini is man’s spiritual birth. Only an awakened kundalini makes meditation successful. Without this inner light man cannot evolve. When the kundalini ultimately reaches the brain through all the centres, everything vanishes and man perceives nothing but the One Existence. Nothing else exists. He is the One Existence. No more a slave, he is a transformed being.
Man’s existence cannot be limited to awareness (consciousness) and memory, instinct or habit (subconsciousness). Meditation reveals to man the superconscious...