The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out from under the veil of secrecy because the collective consciousness of humankind warrants moving into higher states of evolution. The kundalini being the nuclear energy of the psycho physical system, when awakened stimulates the physical, vital, mental and spiritual senses of the human body.

The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out…

The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the meeting of the six chakras. It would be a hollow space, on the edges of which there would be a thousand nerves. Sahasrara, the consciousness chakra: When this opens, you become fully aware of pure consciousness as the sole reality and underlying substance of everything in the universe. Sahasrara . Therefore , to awaken the life principle or consciousness from Muladhara and let it merge in Sahasrara has been described as ‘ liberation ‘ by Vedanta

The seventh chakra is located in the pineal gland and is made up of the meeting of the six chakras.…

For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we need to do is search for it. The greatest spiritual power lies in Sahasrara and not in Ajna chakra. The Sanskrit translation of the word Sahasrara explains everything – “Thousand-Petal Lotus”. The yogi is finally free, because once the yogi’s worthy spirit has touched the subtle energy of Nirvana’s plane

For some, Sahasrara has been lost; for others it has always been here, all we need to do is search…

The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram that holds memories like other computers; this ram has a lot to do with us remembering who we really are. When Mary arrived she saw the angel sitting on the rolled stone and Amen was no longer inside. The angel in verse Matthew 26:32 where he went. Matthew 26:32 But after I am risen again. I will go before you into Galilee. Galilee comes from the word (gelila), meaning circuit, boundary or territory. The feminine noun (gulgoleth), meaning skull or head. The reason why the tomb was empty when Mary got there is symbolic that once the kundalini arrives, the Amen (Christ) that was in the tomb has now flooded the well-being of the individual. The energy in the fornix of the brain is called foramen. The impulse within has symbolically rolled away the stone allowing the crown psychological center to open as the chemicals are released from the pineal flooding the brain circuitry. Amen has risen is symbolic of the opening of the Crown chakra

The hippocampus associated with memory is the ram. Our brain is a computer with ram that holds memories like other…

Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in the ability to connect and unleash the powers of your subconscious.  Within the center of your heart lies another precious treasure: your soul and spiritual wisdom. When you go within and connect with your heart, you discover your truth and can unleash your power, abilities, and tap into your intuition, where you find an unlimited supply of all wisdom, knowledge, love, and truth

Within your mind lies the precious treasure: your subconscious mind. The real secret lies in the ability to connect and…

What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The answer can be found in one word —ego. Imagine what it would be like to live only in the kitchen of a I5-room house. The life-giving connection between heaven and earth is the cross, the world-axis on either side of which two gigantic vines spiral upwards. The work has a similar sense to that behind the Indian Kundalini and the two energy-spirals that twist around it in opposite directions

What keeps the normal human psyche from functioning at more than three to five percent of its potential capacity? The…

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored in the mini black hole of your pineal gland’s fractals, just as the head of the sphinx may have served in Egypt. You could consider that each chakra star gate is a mini black hole then. And when science announces this body genius, will there still be a need for religions, governments, banks, or taxes that control: energy creativity, information, your natural resources, or the spirit of your inner life?

Also allow that your pituitary gland acts as the decipherer and transmitter of your own unique channel of information stored…

Where several nadis join together, the conduit is larger, like a bigger fiber-optic cable. In the physical body, the main nerve conduit running from the brain down to the base of the spine is the spinal cord, a great bundle of nerve fibers that connects the highest centers in the brain to the entire body. In roughly the same location in the subtle body there is the main conduit of Kundalini, called the sushumna nadi, which runs from the head down to the base of the spine. The sushumna nadi is seen as not only the major channel the creative energy of consciousness flows through as it manifests the universe of personal experience; it is also the repository for all the past impressions left by our actions, both mental and physical. To become liberated or enlightened requires becoming free of those samskaras and the limited “I” awareness that creates them. This is the work of the awakened Kundalini. She does this in two ways. First, the Kundalini moves through the sushumna nadi “erasing,” if you will, the impressions stored there and releasing the energy bound up in them

Where several nadis join together, the conduit is larger, like a bigger fiber-optic cable. In the physical body, the main…

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest of cravings, actions and expectations. Meditation short-circuits this loop of head-banging by cooking the seeds in the fire of Kundalini Shakti until they no longer can be germinated. It happens in this way: The deepest samadhi is a purely selfless state. This inner ambiance of selflessness is completely devoid of selfish, egotistical cravings. The empirical self no longer feels needy of appropriation to fill up its emptiness. The individual lives in the world fulfilled by the ever-flowing fountain of inner love, spontaneous joy, and serene contentment. In this way, no mind is paid to the residual impressions that will wither, die, and never again bear fruit. Purpose has been attained, destiny has played out and free will has remembered the bliss of being

The mind (ego), with its desires and imaginary identity, feeds and nurtures these seeds that results in a bounteous harvest…

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It visualizes the purging of stored anger. Baring fiery emotion and extreme passion occurs before the rebirthing. That confrontation with a base nature is the true meaning of a baptism by fire. It is the moment the real self faces reality. Burning away conceptual thoughts cannot occur if the fire of emotion is stunted. Metaphors are flashlights beamed on inner life. The methods that make us human are twisted by misinformation and misdirection. It is a trick to keep reality at a safe distance

Our future is pre-printed in our imagination. To be immersed in a flood is a metaphor for cognitive cleansing. It…

Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your creations, then those in power such as religion, government, businesses, family, and friends, lock you into a consciousness that only results in everyone and everything outside of you becoming your master in what you will manifest for your reality.  This is what you are asleep to! What you don’t realize is that your human consciousness becomes owned and controlled by everyone around you as if you are a slave to them. These groups and more will keep you locked into repeating your creations over and over, all because of you are a slave to your belief patterns. You will do it by following their “will” and not your soul’s “will.”

Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your…

Awaken World Within. “Man has become so earthly and outward,” wrote Gichtel, a mystic of the 17th Century, “that he seeks afar, deep in the starry sky, in the higher eternity (as modern science is doing), for that which is quite near him, within the inner center of his Soul.” The more the Soul penetrates within itself, the nearer it approaches God, until it finally appears before the Holy Trinity, where it reaches the deeper and hidden knowledge

Awaken World Within. “Man has become so earthly and outward,” wrote Gichtel, a mystic of the 17th Century, “that he…

The Higher Power Within Us.  Once we accept the reality of a higher power that is channeled to us through our intuition, it becomes clear that many of our personal problems and the ills of the world are actually caused by not following our intuition. Our rational mind is like a computer — it processes the input it receives and calculates logical conclusions based on this information.  The intuitive mind, on the other hand, seems to have access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom — the universal mind. It is also able to sort out this information and supply us with exactly what we need, when we need it

The Higher Power Within Us.  Once we accept the reality of a higher power that is channeled to us through…

For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” The Nirvana refers to the transcendent state and it has 100 petals and is the end of the sushumna nadi. Sahasrara in sanskrit means 1000 lotus petals. These 1000 lotus petals could be connected to the 96 tattvas and these represents the original 96 cells at the base of the spine, which holds the blueprint for the individual’s life. 96 tattvas in base of the spine and the Nirvana state at the crown has 100 petals, so 96 tattvas and 100 petals (960) may refer to the thousends lotus petals opening of enlightment.

For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son…

Our 3D Self can lock us out of our soul gift capacities and anything that might elevate us beyond the body/mind reality. We are then blocked from reconnecting to Golden consciousness and remembering how powerful we actually are when we are expressing as our most authentic selves with an expanded consciousness. Third dimensional (3D) frequencies are of separation, isolation, competition, sense of survival and lack (scarcity). 3D is five sense reality processing (only what the body and mind can see is ‘real’), logic dominating, attachment to religious and other belief systems, with a focus on differences

Our 3D Self can lock us out of our soul gift capacities and anything that might elevate us beyond the…

FOUR STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS – EGO’S FAILURE. Man’s attachment to matter keeps the soul confined to the body prison and prevents it from finding freedom in God–in the realm of eternal Bliss. The fall of consciousness and our regression in awareness took place, a veil of darkness was constructed within our collective consciousness that acted to conceal the knowledge and power of the Universe from us for a time. We are kept within its boundaries to experience, expose and eventually exorcise the potentially destructive elements of our nature. The darkness of the Abyss reflects back to each of us the weaknesses and fears of our own egos. It is an illusory barrier that we compose by the fears we project, and on the other side lies our spiritual awareness that works to compel us forward and through (calling us forward)

FOUR STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS – EGO’S FAILURE. Man’s attachment to matter keeps the soul confined to the body prison and…

The soul thus transfigured becomes the light body. … feelings we build the rainbow bridge of light that unites our physical brain to our immortal self, the divine presence within us. Bridges were an important alchemical symbol of the conjunction of opposites. Bridges neutralizes opposites and its structures of duality. These bridges are the electromagnetic energy streams that weave a web of consciousness through the trilocular being of man. These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They are not destined to build a physical bridge over a body of water, but rather they will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. By taking our hands, they will gently lead us to a life engulfed in Christ consciousness

The soul thus transfigured becomes the light body. … feelings we build the rainbow bridge of light that unites our…

The Inner Cosmic Awakening of the Energy. Your mind is extremely powerful; learning how to control your mind is a gift from the cosmic. Everything is of energy. The cosmic electrifies energy to it’s highest level of frequency. Tesla always said, “He who controls the photons, controls the universe.”

The Inner Cosmic Awakening of the Energy. Your mind is extremely powerful; learning how to control your mind is a…

Cosmic Reawakening How to maximize the power of kundalini awakening. Just as your TV, radio, mobiles and other electronic devices detect frequencies and reproduce sound and images from afar instantly, you too start detecting vibrations and see profound visions from beyond this world. We must understand that Kundalini energy like Fire or Atomic Energy, if not harnessed properly, can burn or destroy us . And we know that every form of energy is both a friend and a monster capable of harming us. The energy of our radiant body starts with the spin of atoms within our cells and echoes into the ends of the universe. Kundalini is the latent, inactive, part of creation and prana is the dynamic aspect. Here, kundalini is the aspect of creation which contains all potential.

Cosmic Reawakening How to maximize the power of kundalini awakening. Just as your TV, radio, mobiles and other electronic devices…

The Legend of The Phoenix Bird.  In the alchemical context, the “noble Phoenix” is a symbol of rebirth and stands for the philosopher’s stone. The European alchemists claimed that the elixir was obtained by inverting the elements, such that the spiritual potential hidden inside the metals, and particularly inside gold, comes out in plain sight. Hence the Sages say: “Invert the elements, and you will find what you seek”. The Philosopher’s Stone, “a symbol for spiritual illumination and expanded consciousness.”

The Legend of The Phoenix Bird.  In the alchemical context, the “noble Phoenix” is a symbol of rebirth and stands…

CONSCIOUSNESS – The heart’s electric field Is 60 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field and its magnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than the brain’s Inner light is the kundalini. In most of us it’s only operating at 40 watts. In great saints and tantric masters, it functions at a thousand gigawatt amperage. anyone who calibrates over 700 can counterbalance the negative energy of over 700,000 people. If 1% of those who are awake come to satori (moments of enlightenment), knowing themselves as source even for the briefest of time, just 60,000 people, then it will shift the awakened ones

CONSCIOUSNESS – The heart’s electric field Is 60 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field and its magnetic field is 5,000…

When the Kundalini is freed, it rushes up to the brain through a hollow tube in the spinal cord called the “sushumna.” On its way to the brain: “The energy unlocks layer after layer of the mind and the yogi is freed from the bondage of his ordinary earthly identity and achieves `samadhi or complete union with the divine consciousness.” The Anointed One, a humble man, only through His Grace, was able to take the sword out and proclaim himself the rightful owner of the title of King. It was through him, the Anointed One, who was a channel for God to radiate His truth and Grace, that the other mighty men became unified and the Round Table became possible

When the Kundalini is freed, it rushes up to the brain through a hollow tube in the spinal cord called…

Carl Jung: “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” The Ego separates humans from God. Man can defeat it. “The ego is the main thing within us that is not God; it is the strongest barrier between ourselves and God. In simple terms, when we break down the ego, we become like God

Carl Jung: “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks…

The Secret Power Within You – The CONSCIOUS MIND is where all awareness commences making decisions and carrying them out, The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND holds tremendous power and sets in motion the higher forces without any doubt. The COSMIC MIND holds the secret pattern for all creation the third dimension where universal consciousness exists, Once you learn how to tap this vast cosmic memory you can enjoy unlimited freedom as this realm insists

The Secret Power Within You – The CONSCIOUS MIND is where all awareness commences making decisions and carrying them out,…

When you expand your mind, you go beyond consciousness and gain a greater sense of awareness. You are increasing your potential every time you do that, because you have the power to control those centimeters at the back of your brain that are creating your visual reality. Therefore the programming gets harder to impose itself. Then your mind starts to truly open up to new possibilities and way of life

When you expand your mind, you go beyond consciousness and gain a greater sense of awareness. You are increasing your…

The heart chakra is the pivotal point in our spiritual development. The love generated here is the most powerful energy on the face of the earth—absolutely the most powerful. And when that heart chakra is awakened, the love force gains enough momentum to open the channel between the heart and the head chakras, and eventually to the Sahasrara, the Thousand-Petaled Lotus above the head

The heart chakra is the pivotal point in our spiritual development. The love generated here is the most powerful energy…

The Unity of Heaven and Man: A New Interpretation . A master is one who can transcend time and space and reach consciousness. It is Samadhi. It is fusion. It means culmination i.e. reaching the highest point. When the mind loses its mental activities (ideas, thoughts, and impulses) and reflects the light within, this state (i.e. after fusion with the space behind the object or reaching the culmination, highest point) is called Samadhi

The Unity of Heaven and Man: A New Interpretation . A master is one who can transcend time and space…

The pineal gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary gland (situated at the base of the brain) must vibrate in unison. The only way this can happen is if they are set to the right frequency. The pineal gland is also known as the third eye and is the feminine earth energy. The pituitary gland (behind the physical eyes) on the other hand, is the masculine earth energy. The third eye opens when the two merge in the sacred marriage (mention in Book of Revelation). This third eye is then able to receive and transmit higher dimensional information, opening humans to multidimensional consciousness

The pineal gland actually functions as the portal for your inner vision. In order to activate the third eye and…

The interpretation of this truth given out by the Christ is as follows: When we become regenerated, the Life Force, symbolically known as the “river of life”, shall ascend from the lower being ( the “belly”) to the head, bringing illumination and lighting the “candle” of the “churches” described in Revelation. Thus, from the true Christian the “water of life” shall flow from his “belly”, bringing liberation from the cross of the body and making him a true “Master Mason”. The path will lead us on to the full awakening of the throat chakra (Baptism of our Lord). It follows on to the Ajna centre on the forehead (Transfiguration of our Lord) until we reach Golgotha -the place of the skull- at Easter, or the full awakening of the crown chakra, the true Crown of Thorns. It is only then that the Christ power -a power hidden within every human- is fully operative

The interpretation of this truth given out by the Christ is as follows: When we become regenerated, the Life Force,…

THE SEVEN POWERS OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION – As you close your heart, you lack forgiveness, compassion, tenderness and love because you have been completely taken over by your ego and caught in the ego’s rationalizations. And the ego is only interested in making you feel separate from others, unaware of the Light in your heart and closed to anything that may threaten it. It wants to keep you from the Light because Light represents the death of the ego. Distraction is one of its weapons. Drama is one of the distractions the ego uses to keep you in the dark, completely blinded to the truth of who you really are. And the more you fall into the drama, the more hurt you will feel so it becomes a vicious circle that is difficult to break through. There is no joy in the ego. Only suffering. You did not come to this Earth to nourish the ego. You came to transcend it.

THE SEVEN POWERS OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION – As you close your heart, you lack forgiveness, compassion, tenderness and love because…

When you’re only operating on lower dimensional frequencies, It’s easy to forget there’s a higher source of knowledge accessible from the mountaintop view. Even some of the most logical people can find themselves stuck on one station of perspective. It can be difficult to push past generally accepted positions or favorite stations. The scrambled brain waves of today, make the fight for one’s mind control of utmost importance. Blurred and blocked, a higher awareness has been relegated to the back of the line while your mistaken sense of self embraces your rather warped states of thought as who you really are.

When you’re only operating on lower dimensional frequencies, It’s easy to forget there’s a higher source of knowledge accessible from…

Love breaks down the ego’s walls of separateness. It reconnects you with your true self. Love awakens the soul. The power of totality, no matter whether we call it God-power or Buddha-power, is not somewhere “up there” or “out there.” The power is within each of us. Ego survives solely through attachment, like a virus, which cannot function independently from its host cell. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the ego has no life of its own. It is an illusion which keeps perpetuating itself through attachment to the individual and, by its various methods, tricking the individual into believing that he or she is the ego

Love breaks down the ego’s walls of separateness. It reconnects you with your true self. Love awakens the soul. The…

Light is not stuff, light is vibration. When mind is attuned into the Ultimate Reality , the mind vibrates with the same frequency as the Ultimate Reality. For the embryo of life dwells within our very being working in the very inner levels of our consciousness for the time of change is about to come. The divine birth has begun, bringing a change within us. A new dimension of consciousness arises within. The carnal world will recede into the background the divine consciousness imprisoned within now unfolds to reveal the divine splendor. The awakening of the spirit of mankind from bondage from the carnal world. The breakthrough has come

During the Confluence Age, when the energies of the soul are touched by God‟s energies, they are influenced to resonate…

Our function is to break the seven barriers; the seven seals to the realization. The seven seals that prevent the unfolding of truth are only one individual barrier. Jesus said basically, “All power and authority has been given to Me, now go because I give you that same rod of authority, and remember I am with you always” (see Matt. 28:18-20). He was saying, “I, the Breaker, am in you to help you break through! You have My scepter of power, authority, and grace. Now go break through! The Barrier-Breaker don’t focus on how big the barrier or problem is but rather how big God is and His promise to help us overcome. They stand on God’s Word and aren’t afraid to step out in what God has said. The Ego is a negative force that prevents the power Barrier-Breaker powers to grow and constantly suppress/oppress these energies into the low vibrational frequency state of the mind.

Our function is to break the seven barriers; the seven seals to the realization. The seven seals that prevent the…

STAYING POWERFUL – Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass consciousness , this awareness can touch everyone’s individual consciousness. Governments tell us what to do, marketing companies hound us, media pressures us, advertising aims to bend us to their needs, movie stars, films and books influence us, and people in power argue about what is right and wrong. Ignorance is but fear blocking reason and enlightenment. Mass consciousness is now generating great fear and hysteria, which is causing the physical manifestations of the weakness to increase upon planet Earth

STAYING POWERFUL – Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass…

When the human mind is on fire, it becomes a powerful weapon. A time will come when the warm breath of Cosmic Awareness will exhaust the dark sea of matter. When we are free of the restrictions of matter, and in the reflective light, we are alive in a refined copy of the physical body, but much more alive, sensitive and dynamic. When we are awake in this light, we can capture the true memory of nature and our motives, desires, and impulses. Opening heart and body to the earth expands us.

When the human mind is on fire, it becomes a powerful weapon. A time will come when the warm breath…

Our hearts have unlimited power also. It is very important to understand this, but of course we realize that the frequency of God’s heart and the frequencies of our hearts are very different. To transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart takes great time and effort. The true secret is that it takes time to transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart. The easiest way for you to do this is to consciously reach up to the soul. It is the soul level that will open the heart fully, for when you exist fully as your soul your heart will be completely open, your experience will be unbounded expansiveness.

Our hearts have unlimited power also. It is very important to understand this, but of course we realize that the…

When we are in heart coherence, we can access the “heart’s intelligence,” which HMI defines as: “The flow of awareness and insight that we experience once the mind and emotions are brought into balance and coherence through a self-initiated process. This form of intelligence is experienced as direct, intuitive knowing that manifests in thought and emotions that are beneficial for ourselves and others.” (The opposite, when it is not operating in an orderly manner, is heart incoherence). Threefold flame is in the heart

When we are in heart coherence, we can access the “heart’s intelligence,” which HMI defines as: “The flow of awareness…

If only we can shut down the constant, superficial ego-chatter of the left brain, we can gain access to blissful and expansive states of awareness. The left brain is our normal conscious mind (or limited ego self ), while the right brain has access to a far wider spectrum of consciousness. The left brain is designed for focusing, and when it is in balance with the right brain, it focuses helpfully on the positive, and on our goals and desires. But when it is out of balance, the left brain can stress and torture itself with anxiety, blame, guilt, negativity, worry, self-doubt, judgement, pretence, defensiveness and hurry-sickness — whereas our right hemisphere seems to be a doorway to states of inner peace, love, joy, compassion and authenticity. While the left brain is head-centred, our right brain is heart-centred. When the chattering mind becomes silent, we can listen to the heart

If only we can shut down the constant, superficial ego-chatter of the left brain, we can gain access to blissful…

Reconnect with your heart. As long as we are alive, it is never too late. We are free in each moment to choose the path of our heart, which never stops quietly whispering to us, urging us to follow it. The second key to successfully following our hearts is to learn how to deal with fear. Fear prevents people from reaching their fullest potential in life. “When the ego is in operation, it shuts down the heart centre, and when the heart centre is open and in control, it shuts down he  ego.” Then ego is mass consciounsess, the heart is shut down by the matrix of the this world

One of the greatest ways to overcome fear is by praying. Prayer gets our all-knowing, all-powerful God involved. When the…

Heart and Self-realization and Awaken the heart. The outer rebellion is going to be against outside conditioning and societies’ constant efforts for making humans into robots the conditioning includes people expectations, projections, judgments and impositions that is a constant effort into making the human being a head based clog in the machine of society

Heart and Self-realization and Awaken the heart. The outer rebellion is going to be against outside conditioning and societies’ constant…

Enlightenment to “Me,” which is the flowering of the Soul or individual evolution, reaches through itself, its ultimate expansion. It merges into the apperception of that which is beyond its ultimate frontiers, the Universal I AM. Here, the individual Me transcends itself into the Supreme Dimension beyond Unity and Separation. The word, superconscious, refers to both the highest frequency that human consciousness can reach and the God-spark, or point, where human consciousness merges and communes with Cosmic Consciousness

Enlightenment to “Me,” which is the flowering of the Soul or individual evolution, reaches through itself, its ultimate expansion. It…

Unlocking the Secrets to Your Spiritual Promotion and find Keys to the Deeper Life or Keys eternal Divinity. Spiriual information works like keys that can access everywhere

Unlocking the Secrets to Your Spiritual Promotion and find Keys to the Deeper Life or Keys eternal Divinity. Spiriual information…

Spiritual awakening – illumination and intuition. You must play, and those who not play will be played and fooled by this world.  The more awakened you become to your inner light, you will realize that intuition illumination , and spiritual enlightenment a are pure joy, pure creation, and play. Tavistock Institute controls the first and second level and prevent people from reaching the third level; illumination and intuition

Spiritual awakening – illumination and intuition. You must play, and those who not play will be played and fooled by…

The divine spark having been driven out in the forcefully manipulative and invasive process of genetic engineering. Like a diamond in mud, a divine spark hides within human inhabitants of this dark and ignorant world. Though man ‘ s purpose is to rekindle the divine spark that exists in him. The spark remains in a latent or a potential state—like a glowing ember needing to be fanned into flame

The divine spark having been driven out in the forcefully manipulative and invasive process of genetic engineering. Like a diamond…

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly secular and unites whole humanity. Kundalini is the basis of all spiritual practices. It knows no religion, region, race or colour…! It is the simplest liberal secular gateway to a happy life and spiritual salvation…! Christ was not afraid of anyone.  Therefore be not afraid of anyone that stands in opposition to the Authority of Christ . No wonder Jesus so often said, “Fear Not”, or “be not afraid.

Kundalini is awaiting you to carry you to your true spiritual home. Kundalini is wholly secular and unites whole humanity.…

The Power of the Kundalini – When the kundalini is awakened and fully risen, this center point “stretches out” and forms a three-dimensional yantra whose apex is at the crown of the head where illumined consciousness realizes the union of Sakti and Siva.  A new center presently dormant in the avenge man and woman has to be activated and a more powerful stream of psychic energy must rise into the head from the base of the spine to enable human consciousness to transcend the normal limits. This is the final phase of the present evolutionary impulse in man

The Power of the Kundalini – When the kundalini is awakened and fully risen, this center point “stretches out” and…

The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it. When the heart opens it will be the end for the ego-self. Therefore; Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment. Enlightment crosses the ego, so it creates a world and reality that constantly feeding the ego of man, and at same time keeping mankind tuned into low vibrational frequencies of fear. This keeping Humankind in a suppressed state within the Matrix

The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it. When the heart opens it will be the end for the…

Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the grand task of the previous incarnations. Indeed, the opening of the fontanel bone at the top of the brain) by the thing Kundalini is the opening of the egg’s shell: the new man, the new Adam is born. Healing comes through the Second Adam. Notice this passage of Scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:22: “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” The Greek word for “made” is zoopoieo and translates as “to revitalize” or ((make alive again.” The first Adam brought us death, but the last Adam (or second Christ) has resurrected us. We are all “born again.”

Kundalini – Opening for us the dimension of the spontaneous synthesis between the Finite and the Infinite, thus completing the…

Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. Their higher functions remain dormant until activated by the inflow of energy from the soul. The solar electromagnetic fire is also the PROMETHEUS mysterious, called THE ARCHEUS OF THE GREEKS. THE ARCHEUS, is trapped in the chakra COCCYGEOUS in the MULADHARA electromagnetic center and awake through the action of the HOLY LAW, which creates. The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher worlds. The literal meaning of the word apocalypse, derived from the Greek word apokalypsis, is “unveiling” or “revealing.”

Awaken the World Within – The pituitary and pineal glands—called “evolutionary sleepers” by one author’s—are our keys to the higher…

Kundalini Beyond the brain –  Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its physically oriented adolescent form, but Kundalini must use the brain/mind as developed in order to get beyond it. The true identification with the Self is only possible when the Kundalini is settled in the seventh chakra. The result of a fully awakened and developed kundalini is both perceptible changes in the organism and a new state of consciousness

Kundalini Beyond the brain –  Kundalini’s job is to lead us beyond the brain/mind, in its physically oriented adolescent form,…

In neuro-biological terms human potential is limitless and our subconscious mind knows it. Where does the subconscious mind get its information? From time to time, the kundalini nudges our subconscious. The flow of kundalini into the brain has been described by mystics as “ambrosia” and “nectar.” To put it simply, the hidden manna represents Jesus.  “The ‘second coming’ of Christ is a transformation of human consciousness, a shift from time to PRESENCE, from thinking to pure consciousness, not the arrival of some man or woman 

In neuro-biological terms human potential is limitless and our subconscious mind knows it. Where does the subconscious mind get its…

Why is it called “enlightened”? Because when you are enlightened you have Light; you have Light inside you, outside you and in the whole universe all is your Light. Your Light is even so great that it shines outside, that even some people can see the Light around you. Therefore you see Jesus, Buddha and the great Saints all had the Light around Them, a halo around Them. So this is what it means by being “enlightened.” So if you want to become a Master, you must have Light, you must be “enlightened,” that’s the first condition. Then you must know two kinds of “samadhi,” meaning deep rooted bliss within yourself. When you are in the real samadhi it offers you wisdom and bliss, and when you are out of samadhi you’ll give this bliss and wisdom to the world, to whoever needs you or comes near to you. Some Masters are deep in samadhi, and they don’t go out to teach the world; and some good disciples of good Masters can also be in samadhi when they are near the Master or when they meditate.

Why is it called “enlightened”? Because when you are enlightened you have Light; you have Light inside you, outside you…

The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult was sometimes called serpent because of its shape. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. When one meditates it causes the energy that Carl Jung called the Libido to rise. In Indian yoga, it’s called Kundalini. In Egypt, it’s called serpent power. We have seven main psychological energy centers called chakras in Indian yoga. Libido reaches the skull at the end of the 33 vertebrae. It is here where we begin to reach full self-awareness. The Third Eye opens, meaning one has the self-awareness that brings universal love. Superman is 33 when he comes into his full power (Christ consciousness)

The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult…

Awaken: To Expanded Consciousness. Becoming vertical in our energy flow is a way of accelerating our shift in consciousness. Verticality is a prerequisite for enlightenment. Carl Jung. in Psychological Commentary on Kundalini. said that “when you succeed in awakening the Kundalini. so that it starts to move out of its mere potentiality. you necessarily start a world which is totally different from our world. It is the world of eternity

Awaken: To Expanded Consciousness. Becoming vertical in our energy flow is a way of accelerating our shift in consciousness. Verticality…

How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should have the monopoly on power and industry, and this include the power of your own consciousness. Therefore the human ego-mind is tuned into a low vibrational frequency world, and mankind is cut off from be able to shifting their mass consciousness into a higher frequency.

How to expand your Consciousness, and Awakening your Transcendental Intelligence. Western countries thinking they should have the monopoly on power…