How Does the Matrix Differ from Reality? The Matrix is set up to benefit only those few at the top of the pyramid. All exploitation, greed, and life-negating expressions are allowed, while life-affirming expressions are downplayed or even actively discouraged. Those at the top would have you believe that this world is the only world possible
Excluding, for the moment, the heroes—Morpheus, Trinity, eventually Neo, and the rest of their crew—and the machines, no one in the Matrix shares our God’s-eye perspective. In everyday life as well, as far as we know, reality is simply there. When we watch the film, we identify with the heroes in part because we are repulsed by the idea that human beings are enslaved and deceived.2 It is easy to find these two elements at work in The Matrix in part because we think of enslavement and deception as things that are done to some people by others; one group of people enslaves another, or one person or group deceives others. In the film, it is the machines that are the agents of slavery and deception, and almost all of the humans are victims. But how does the Matrix, and the situation of the ordinary people within it differ from reality and the people within it (i.e., us)?
Let’s begin with enslavement. We are forced to do many things in ordinary reality: we must eat, drink, and sleep—on penalty of death. Also, no matter what we do, we shall eventually, within a fairly predictable time frame, die; we cannot stay alive forever, or even for a couple of hundred years. We can’t travel back and forth in time, can’t fly to other planets by flapping our arms. The list could go on and on, and these are simply limits to which we are subject in virtue of the laws of nature. In other words, compared with some easily imaginable possibilities, we are severely constrained, in a type of bondage, though ordinarily most of us don’t think of it as such.
Writers, artists, philosophers, and theologians over the centuries of course have been keenly aware of these limitations, examined many forms of human bondage, and offered various types of suggestions as to how to free ourselves. Human beings have longed to break out of this reality, to transcend the imposed limitations on their physical being. Moreover, we should be clear that these limitations are imposed on us. We simply find ourselves in this condition, with these rules: we all die within approximately ioo years. It has nothing to do with our voluntary choices, our wishes, or our judgments about what ought to be the case.
The second aspect of the moral background of The Matrix is deception. Human beings are being actively deceived by the designers of the Matrix into believing things about reality that are not true. Deception offends many people, except perhaps for committed subjectivists, since many people believe that they want to know, or at least have the right to know, the truth, even if it is terrible. For one person or a group of people purposefully to keep others in the dark about some truth is to diminish the respect and authority of those people; it is to act patronizingly and paternalistically. In such situations, a few people decide which truths others can handle, and which they can’t. Although this happens routinely—consider the rela-tionship between those who govern and those who are governed—many people bristle at this idea and want the scope of such filtering of the truth to be severely limited.
The idea that reality is tricky and tries to hide its nature from us is very old, even without, as in Homer’s case, any gods acting as agents of deception. For example, the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus (c. 540-c. 48o s.c.) writes (fr. 53), “an unapparent connection is stronger than an apparent one,” and (fr. 123) “nature/the real constitution [of things) [phinn] loves to hide itself.”
Mankind is controlled completely on the living Earth as much as in between lives. It requires fantastic confront to find out exactly what we have to face between lives. This is serious business.
The movie’s premise is not too far from the truth, a truth that is initially frightening in its scope and implications. We are in the Matrix, an artificial world that enslaves and exploits us for our energy.
The Matrix is set up to benefit only those few at the top of the pyramid. All exploitation, greed, and life-negating expressions are allowed, while life-affirming expressions are downplayed or even actively discouraged. Those at the top would have you believe that this world is the only world possible; they would have you believe that humans are naturally violent and destructive.
But these are only convenient lies designed to support the Matrix, while disempowering the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The world of the Matrix is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. It is an alternative “reality” or timeline that runs alongside of several other parallel timelines, some more destructive, and others more benign.
We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power—in fact, you have the power to create worlds.
The Matrix uses your innate creative power to sustain a world that doesn’t benefit you. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate us; we are its subjects as long as we remain ignorant of our own power.
- People don´r realize they are enslaved
- People don´r realize they living within a matrix or a mind-prison
- People don´t realize they are in a state of spiritual sleep
- People don´t realize that they are kept in a state of ignorance and illusions is part of this.
- People don´t realize that mass consciousness is not their own thoughts, its a program ruled by the Reptilians, Illuminati and organizations as Tavistock Institute
- People don´t realize there is forces that has and constant working for; The Controllers hijacked the concept of God. Then they put themselves at the top of a hierarchy of beliefs that they imposed on the collective—and conquered man.
- People don´t realize that same Controllers of this world, is also they who create all mess on Earth and man-made disasters, and their ulimate goal is the end of ultimate total enslavement of mankind through the creation of a One World Government. The Mind Prison is the creation of the digital global world brain. Then does super-mega- computer make all thinking for humans after they merging with the machines intelligence or artificial intelligence.
Once we are fully conscious beings the Matrix has no more control over us; it requires unconscious participants for its victims. A new, amazing future is arriving. We are all facing a decision: we can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom.
The movie, The Matrix came very close to revealing an astounding truth: that we are under the thumb of a set of beings that have set themselves up as our masters and exploit our energy as fuel for their system. But instead of machines, the real controllers of humanity are beings that exist on a different level of reality. Typically, the Controllers of mankind have allowed the truth to be told under the thin disguise of a movie. Even with the truth openly confessed under the guise of fiction, these beings profit off our ignorance and innocence while they continue their programs of propaganda and exploitation.
A belief is simply an inherited thought—one did not originate with you. The sum of all your beliefs is your social conditioning. The current social conditioning is supported by a core belief in a “concrete reality” that denies that there is anything outside the bubble of beliefs that contain us. This belief denies that we have any influence on—or responsibility for—the world that we experience. There are personal beliefs and social beliefs, or agreements.
When a social belief reaches a collective level, it turns into a symbol or an icon, which has the power to transmit an idea without words. When a belief is long lasting, it turns into an archetype, which is essentially just a belief-symbol with a long history, a continuity of meaning assigned to it by many people over many years. What we experience as reality is a rich mix of beliefs, symbols, and archetypes. Beliefs become alive as we charge them with emotion. A belief is just an idea-construct—something that has no reality or form in the material world.
A belief is not a thing, unless you make it so. The ability to create matter (reality) from energy (your consciousness) makes you a god, which is what you really are—a god creating your reality. We were raised with a belief in separation and inequality, and so we forgot our innate creative freedoms and responsibilities. Thus we became victims of a system that tells us that all power is outside us. This system has convinced the average man that he is not responsible for himself or for his world.
The Matrix is a holographic dream-reality fueled by the sum of all our collective beliefs. It is like an upside-down pyramid balanced upon a single grain of sand. The false reality system of the Matrix is built upon one central concept—if this idea is no longer accepted by the consciousness of the collective that supports it, the whole structure collapses. Together, all the beliefs form the structure that feeds the Matrix. The Matrix relies upon the unquestioning agreement of the masses. Without our adherence to this social agreement, the Matrix dissolves.
It stands to reason that anyone who wants to be free must question all their beliefs, even their most cherished ones. The cornerstone of this entire edifice—the artificial holographic reality system of the Matrix—is based upon one primary concept, and it is a whopper.
The Controllers hijacked the concept of God. Then they put themselves at the top of a hierarchy of beliefs that they imposed on the collective—and conquered man.
Thus began a program of mind control or soul enslavementmaintained by the Reptilians, The Illuminati, and the “ Archons ” ( rulers ) which involved keeping mankind distracted by material problems and concerns , imprisoned by its own fear of death.