The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx, near the Triveni.  Then, the Kundalini awakens. The igneous serpent of our magical powers emerges from the membranous pocket where it was enclosed and rises through the spinal canal toward the chalice (the brain).  Certain nerve filaments that connect the seven chakras, or sympathetic plexus, with the spinal column, branch out from the medullar canal. The sacred fire activates the seven magnetic centers

The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in…

The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The bitterness in the belly (the solar-plexus chakra, seat of the desire body) is the alchemical sign of the transmutation of human desire into God desire — a prerequisite for all who would reenter the Mystery School

The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The bitterness…

The Key to the Great Secret. King Arthur was a hero the same as Jesus. Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table were just different facets of his own personality, the same as the Apostles were for Jesus. Lancelot was Arthur’s soul, Guinevere his spirit. Arthur, the purified ego, realized he had to die so they could live, united together as one. The sword in the stone is a direct reference to the secret spiritual process, you must pull the sword from your own stone to start the process. Your soul loves your ego unconditionally, warts and all, but your ego does not even know of your soul’s existence, “there is no other god but me”. You will have to introduce them because this is the basis of the greatest eternal love story ever told, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo and Juliet, Arthur and Guinevere. Unfortunately, your ego, in its ignorance, keeps your soul imprisoned at a basic level and will not allow it to develop into the person that you potentially are because it is afraid of the unknown

The Key to the Great Secret. King Arthur was a hero the same as Jesus. Arthur’s Knights of the Round…

From the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head, Divinity descends to the Ajna chakra, located in the centre of the brain, behind the junction of the eyebrows. Here the soul makes its entry into the physical body through the negative pole, the medulla oblongata, of the ajna chakra. It is here that the individual soul has come into existence, distinct from God

From the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head, Divinity descends to the Ajna chakra, located in the centre…

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations need to be positive. To maintain peace on the planet 51% have to be in agreement and expressing vibration of peace in their own lives and consciousness. When 51% of our projections are vibrating at a higher frequency, the other 49% is instantly absorbed into the higher vibration and the electron vibrates at that higher frequency. Once our thought forms and consciousness, our trust and our vision align at 51% we reach critical mass and nothing can stop our vision materializing. In western society we are bombarded by negative media and news, however much of the earth’s population does not have access to the media of the west, so the 51% required for the leap may not be as hard as we may think. The flow of time keeps us bound to this 3rd dimensional planetary experience. We are all experiencing that time is flowing at a faster and faster rate, as more and more light is bombarding the planet. So things are speeding up

To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations need to be positive. To…

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment of the coveted Philosopher’s Stone, described in ancient alchemical texts. Halligan showed how the raising of Kundalini to the crown chakra at the top of the head essentially equates with alchemical “conjunctio”, the mystical marriage of opposites in any spiritual journey which makes union with the Divine a subjective reality, where the Self is fully formed. “A conjunctio metaphorically creates the Philosopher’s Stone, the Self, unity with the Divine. Therefore, for many Jungians the experience of Kundalini awakening is the Eastern version of individuation [coming into Self-hood].”¨

Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment…

The battle of Armageddon in Book of Revelation – Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and your inner Christ consciousness. Hence Apocalypsis means a taking away of a veil (as when a statue is said to be unveiled), and thus bringing into view that which had been before hidden as by a veil. The veil of ignorance. The word apocalypse comes from the Greek prefix apo and the verb kaluptein. The verb kaluptein, from which the name of Calypso is derived, means “to hide,” “to conceal,” or “to veil.” The privative prefix apo, when joined to a verb, marks “away” or “off.” The word apokaluptein therefore means “to do away with” or “to take off that which” “hides,” “conceals,” or “veils.” Following from this philological development thus: the word apokaluptein, and consequently apocalypse, means “to unveil,” “to disclose,” and hence “to reveal.” In this sense, apocalypse means “revelation.”

The battle of Armageddon in Book of Revelation – Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and…

The Pluto Initiation – We should study the Pluto vibration closely, for this power planet can be our liberator and Spiritual Protector. We must use his energies carefully and cooperate with his forceful rays. When Pluto is used properly, his energy can instill direction and the willpower to accomplish great things. Pluto has the power to transform humanity into something new and wonderful. Pluto represents the salvation of mankind, the spiritual and evolutionary advancement of humanity. Pluto and Bible Scriptures. Pluto and Norse myths. Planet Pluto and evolution (Omega Point). Pluto is associated with the Sixth or Third Eye chakra. Pluto rules transmutation, transformation and regeneration. It is the process of renewal, of new pathways, and the planet which rules the process of Alchemy

The Pluto Initiation – We should study the Pluto vibration closely, for this power planet can be our liberator and…

The Superman is one who has gone beyond good and evil (beyond the state of duality),” who has shaken off from his nature and character elements that are human. To be unaffected by the collective mindset and unconscious behavior, the programming that turns people into compliance automatons within the social trance, we must become masters in our own houses. Then we can create the hidden stone within us. The stone that is not a stone but a state of consciousness, the Buddhahood or Christhood. Alchemy and meditation is the central key.

The Superman is one who has gone beyond good and evil (beyond the state of duality),” who has shaken off…