The ego discovers that it is not the unchallenged master. The ego fears the reality of life and the Master.…
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the Sahasrara or Crown chakra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated, and a new pattern of consciousness is born. The flow of kundalini into the brain has been described by mystics as “ambrosia” and “nectar or manna from Heaven
Kundalini is the Guardian of human evolution and the Key to the Mystery of Existence. Once Kundalini enters into the…
When the Pineal gland is normal and stimulated by the Serpentine Fire, it becomes the Inner Eye of the Brain, the All-Seeing Eye of the Masters, the Light of the World Within. Ye are the light of the world. The light of the body is the (All-Seeing) Eye. If thine Eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light (Mat. 5:14 ; 6:22). BRAIN POWER – The top secret of the Masters was their discovery of HOW TO INCREASE BRAIN POWER. Modern men may think all this is new. The evidence shows that the Ancient Masters discovered these things thousands of years ago. While we are only beginning to learn that man has these Brain Powers, the Masters knew how to develop and use them, and performed what seemed to be miracles
When the Pineal gland is normal and stimulated by the Serpentine Fire, it becomes the Inner Eye of the Brain,…
SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions. Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity. Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World
SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social…
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The Bible describes God as “a consuming fire”, so it is not surprising that fire often appears as a symbol of God’s presence. There is only one answer to this question: Lightbearers must determine to put the capstone on the pyramid of civilization. Lightbearers must raise up the All-Seeing Eye of God. If you are one of the components of the capstone, you must know this: that to enter that capstone and be a cell in that All-Seeing Eye of God, raising up the ensign of God in the people, you must have overcome your dweller and seen to it that it is bound
The power of sacred fire, and Christ or Buddha Consciousness and threefold flame in the Heart of Man. The Bible…
Kundalini is the higher evolutionary force hidden within you that has the ability to unfold your spiritual potential. Awakening kundalini energy can be experienced as the awakening of the treasure within. It is your most Creative potential waiting to be discovered by your heart. It is the source of your truth and energy, and the universal consciousness within you. The awakening of kundalini energy is the process of your own awakening and liberation
Kundalini is the higher evolutionary force hidden within you that has the ability to unfold your spiritual potential. Awakening kundalini…
Rising from chakra to chakra, the Kundalini Fire awakens each of them in turn, endowing a person with supernormal forces inherent in the corresponding chakra. In the area of the brain, Kundalini must merge with the highest chakra – Sahasrara – the center of cosmic Consciousness, thereby transforming and transmuting a person into a cosmic Being. When the kundalini reaches the last and highest center, sahasrara chakra (thousand-petaled lotus) in the brain, he be-comes perfectly detached from his body and mind and his soul is freed from all limitations caused by time and space
Rising from chakra to chakra, the Kundalini Fire awakens each of them in turn, endowing a person with supernormal forces…
A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that that which you seek is somehow above you or outside of you. It is the reason why the mind is never satisfied and the body is never satiated. It is constantly assuming that its salvation will be from “above” in some form. What an ironic paradox, then, when this is flipped onto its head 180 degrees–literally! Everything each of you, on a soul and spirit level, truly desires originates beneath you. It is beneath your feet, a deep and lasting connecting to a current that raises up through your body. A sense of power, vitality and well-being–all of these have their roots underground
A great majority of you have been conditioned to believe that that which you seek is somehow above you or…
As You Seek so Shall You Find. There is a wonderful new movie out now called “The Secret”, which you can view on line, which shows how the entire creative process is based on the power of thought. The movie explains in graphic detail why we will most certainly always get back what we expect. We will always see our beliefs reflected back to us in the quantum mirror of atoms and events ! Jesus taught this principle of creation when he said, “It is done unto you according to your belief. It is your faith that makes you whole. If you have enough faith you can even move mountains
As You Seek so Shall You Find. There is a wonderful new movie out now called “The Secret”, which you…
Baptism by Fire – This baptism by fire and the Holy Spirit would purify any soul which received it, reunite it with its spirit, and end its bondage to the material world. We believe that within all of us lie DNA strands, dormant or hidden, which will be activated by divine agency as a result of our dedicated individual striving to reach a higher plane of consciousness, using the nous upon which Mary is so insistent in her gospel (‘Where the nous is, there lies the treasure.’).
Baptism by Fire – This baptism by fire and the Holy Spirit would purify any soul which received it, reunite…
Kundali-power is in the nature of illumination. It first illuminates appropriate objects and then they are absorbed into it. When everything is absorbed, Kundalini as Supreme and splendorous power remains, and this power is all consciousness. This is not mental consciousness, as mind is fully absorbed into it. It is mind-transcendent consciousness —Kundalini-consciousness. When Kundalini comes to the sahasrara,-samadhi takes place
Kundali-power is in the nature of illumination. It first illuminates appropriate objects and then they are absorbed into it. When…
CONSCIOUSNESS – A thousand-petaled lotus symbolizes this transcendental union with the infinite intelligence of the universe. The Sahasrara is formless and with form, yet untouched by form, beyond form. It is everything, and it is nothing. The CNS is composed of brain and spinal chord. More than 100 billion neurons are housed in CNS. Here we find the affinity between the 100 billion neurons and the “Sahasrara Chakra”, the thousand petals lotus at the top of the head, which is the highest consciousness center as described by ancient Yogis on the path of Kundalini.
CONSCIOUSNESS – A thousand-petaled lotus symbolizes this transcendental union with the infinite intelligence of the universe. The Sahasrara is formless…
To get into the transcendental state in meditation, this serpent power has to reach the brain, piercing all the plexuses (sacrum, lumbar, thoracic and cervical). Then it enters the ventricles of the brain (sahasrara chakra) and settles down there. When the serpent power becomes concentrated in the ventricles of a person’s brain, the velocity of the electrons present in the cerebrospinal fluid and around the brain accelerates, giving a pleasurable sensation to the sadhak. This produces a state of thoughtless mind where a sadhak experiences bliss and he wants to continue in this state of mind for a prolonged period. This is called samadhi – the transcendental state
To get into the transcendental state in meditation, this serpent power has to reach the brain, piercing all the plexuses…
When our energy is limited and connected to your limitations, we know it as the ego. When your energy is universal, we call it Kundalini. This opposite force is similar to the action and energy of a rocket. When a rocket takes off, there is a tremendous thrust of energy downward which shoots the rocket high into space. This is the force of the root chakra. When you look at the seventh-chakra mandala, you will see that the petals are both “transmitters” of kundalini energy into the universal consciousness and at the same time “receivers” of universal energy into your personal body. This is how it should be. Two into one
When our energy is limited and connected to your limitations, we know it as the ego. When your energy is…
Eventually, as kundalini becomes stable in the topmost chakra in the crown of the head, the practitioner experiences union oneness with all things. Over time, this experience begins to permeate the activity of the outgoing senses, allowing the experience of uninterrupted unity consciousness
Eventually, as kundalini becomes stable in the topmost chakra in the crown of the head, the practitioner experiences union oneness…
The aim of Kundalini Yoga is not transformation of consciousness , it is a kind of liberation of the consciousness imprisoned in Nature into the freedom of the spirit. Jesus is crucified at the age of 33 at Golgotha (place of the skull); this is an allegory that once we reach the stage of the opening of the Third Eye, we must sacrifice old thinking to ascend from the Third Eye chakra to the crown chakra also called heaven. In the story after Jesus was crucified, He then ascended into heaven. This is the symbolism of passing into higher consciousness. It is the serpent power that rises up the spine through the Kundalini (central nervous system) to the brain in the place of Golgotha, also known as our skull. This is the alchemical path to illumination
The aim of Kundalini Yoga is not transformation of consciousness , it is a kind of liberation of the consciousness…
Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths. The seventh chakra does not, strictly speaking, belong to the system per se; rather it is the place where consciousness comes in on the transcendental level and, therefore, it is often included in the chakra system. The ancient texts stated that if the energy force has flowed freely and opened the blockages on its way, then the energy is free to leave from the crown of the head and unite with the divine. It seems as if this energy almost jumps off the crown of the head in the joy of union with the divine
Kundalini: The Energy of the Depths. The seventh chakra does not, strictly speaking, belong to the system per se; rather…
The Journey To Enlightenment. Kundalini is basically a healing force. Everyone has some amount of kundalini flowing through them. At least 90 percent of a person’s kundalini energy “sleeps” in the kundalini chakra below the basic chakra until it is awakened spontaneously or deliberately. ” When the kundalini has traversed the entire sushumna channel and reaches the last chakra as a result of a successful Yoga practice, one experiences liberation
The Journey To Enlightenment. Kundalini is basically a healing force. Everyone has some amount of kundalini flowing through them. At…
A cloud of ignorance hovers over our lives, our affairs, our thinking and being. This cloud is heavier and darker than ever before in the history of mankind. It arises from education, conditioning, and imitation, and is maintained by holding on to the past, to our imaginings and self-deception. Our minds are implanted with ideas, concepts, and information, inseminated with opinions, ideologies, and theories, and impregnated with cravings, desires, and needs by electronic, vocal, subliminal, and other means — a process that is happening faster and more insidiously than ever before
A cloud of ignorance hovers over our lives, our affairs, our thinking and being. This cloud is heavier and darker…
The rising red kundalini as stretching beyond the top of the head, or the seventh chakra, up into the ninth chakra. From there, this energy enables you to fully access the spiritual points, a set of twenty chakra-like energies that work in the same way as the chakras except with higher energies such as faith, wisdom, and love. After looping through and capturing the essence of these spiritual energies, the now extremely potent kundalini reenters the system through the tenth chakra. There it rests, assisting the man in being grounded and practical in reference to his daily life and spiritual goals
The rising red kundalini as stretching beyond the top of the head, or the seventh chakra, up into the ninth…
AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – After the Kundalini serpent had completed its ascension to the top of the “tree,” the Templar Knight would be full of its Holy Spirit power and a true Human Holy Grail. Then, with his abundant Serpent Power a Templar Knight could heal himself and others, and he could also transmit some of his own power into a new Knight through the vehicle of touch
AWAKENING THE INNER POTENTIAL – After the Kundalini serpent had completed its ascension to the top of the “tree,” the…
The Crown Chakra isn’t the end for Kundalini. The awakened kundalini makes mortal men into gods. All the religions of the world, all the myths and legends that speak of the hero’s quest, all the traditions that hope for the philosopher’s stone, every magician’s dream, every aesthetic practice in the world, all are for one thing: to tap the incredible reservoir of energy locked up at the base of the spinal column. Man’s only real quest, his only question, becomes: How to awaken kundalini? Emerson also describes this imperceptible yet all-sustaining source: “The Over-Soul … is a stream whose source is hidden.
The Crown Chakra isn’t the end for Kundalini. The awakened kundalini makes mortal men into gods. All the religions of…
When the Kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head , “ the individual self merges in the universal Self. Kundalini is our latent spiritual potential, depicted as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine. This latent force is awakened by Kundalini Yoga as a psychic nerve energy. Its purpose is to raise consciousness, ascending via the chakras to the crown, connecting to the Infinite and realizing Samadhi (enlightenment).
When the Kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head , “ the individual self merges…
At the top of the body, above the head, there is the lotus with a thousand petals, shining like the light of heaven: it is the giver of liberation. Its secret name is Kailasa, the mountain where Shiva dwells. He who knows this secret place is freed from samsara.
At the top of the body, above the head, there is the lotus with a thousand petals, shining like the…
Back to Eden – To move beyond Self-Ignorance and World-Ignorance, our mind has to realise its limitations and break the walls of ego-consciousness. The fifth skandha acts as a kind of watchdog, an ultimate defender of our ego, analogous to what we called in junior high school a “hall monitor,” of the first four skandhas (simular to the five first chakras)
Back to Eden – To move beyond Self-Ignorance and World-Ignorance, our mind has to realise its limitations and break the…