Alchemy reveals what is shrouded in mystery. It mirrors deep life processes, providing a symbolic language of perception for some and a vehicle through which to engage with mystery for others. In 1945, in Upper Egypt, a collection of 13 ancient codices was discovered

Alchemy reveals what is shrouded in mystery. It mirrors deep life processes, providing a symbolic language of perception for some…

One can´t reach Christ Consciouness without alchemy and meditation. Meditation activates transformation, and transformation is alchemy, and alchemy removes and purifies, and transmutes lead into gold. Meditation and alchemy enlightens and strenghtens the inner lamp-Christ Consciounsess. The letter is the Philosopher’s Stone which is the elixir to Immortality. It is symbolized as a substance that can turn lead to gold. The lead symbolizes man’s basic dense self. The Philosopher’s Stone is the knowledge to transform the basic self to awaken to Christhood. Gold symbolizes the Christhood of being Awake. Alchemy is the alchemical-spiritual process that activates the light within us

The Philosopher’s Stone is the Divine Name, in contact with which the soul in lead is transmuted into gold which…

The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance.  The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.

The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The…

THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been  lost  in  pursuit  of  the  illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found the wisdom to truly behold it because it is a process and not an end in itself. David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia and other countries around the world. He was unable to do  so  in  the  USA. The patent application fell foul of standard  US  Department  of  Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national importance. Another explanation is that the process  simply did not work, although this is normally not a basis for rejection. A  convenient conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might have  rediscovered  the  Philosophers’  Stone  and  concluded  it  was far too important for humanity to allow any individual a  patent.   An X-Files variation of this conspiracy theory holds that the US military does not  want anyone else in control of the substance

THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been  lost  in  pursuit  of  the  illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found…

Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.’ Early alchemists are best remembered for their attempts to transmute lead into gold. Over the centuries, the concept of alchemy has grown from its foundation in metallurgy to encompass psychological and spiritual transmutation. Dr. Carl Jung’s work, for example, focused on the alchemical transmutation of shadow into light, or the transformation of leaden aspects of the self into enlightened, golden aspects of the self

Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a…

At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating our DNA we gain greater access to our full potential. Humankind have been learned to believing that power is outside him and not within. The ego-self and mass consciousness with its feelings of dualism is really the biggest obstacle to our spiritual progress. The golden key to becoming conscious rather than merely maintaining horizontal growth is the willingness to open our hearts, no matter what it takes or what we may have to sacrifice. We may have to face fearsome tasks as we dig deep into ourselves. But through the use of alchemical tools, we can free ourselves from fear, and the result is that our hearts will open to our very own shining Philosopher’s Stone!

At present most humans only have about 3-5% of their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By activating…

The Book of Genesis, the Garden of Eden is actually a metaphor for the Supernal Triangle, or Divine Consciousness. The Creation of Adam and Eve is the creation of Duality. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, it is a symbolic depiction of Man’s falling from Divine consciousness into the Ego consciousness, the mind of Duality, where we are separated from the eternal bliss of the Unity of God

Fear had a much different purpose before. It actually was created as a function, not a state of being. This…