Learn more about how the Alta Major Chakra back in  the neck in programmed. What we are dealing with is a force hidden from human sight that understands how reality operates, how we interact with it, and how we create it. It is a set up in society through its control of science — not least through funding and peer pressure and all the other stuff that goes on. Through the media and what we bravely call education, which is keeping from people this understanding of reality (Part 3 of 3)

Learn more about how the Alta Major Chakra back in  the neck in programmed. What we are dealing with is a force hidden from human sight that understands how reality operates, how we interact with it, and how we create it. It is a set up in society through its control of science — not least through funding and peer pressure and all the other stuff that goes on. Through the media and what we bravely call education, which is keeping from people this understanding of reality (Part 3 of 3)

The place has a name in yoga. It’s called the alta major chakra, one of the 72 minor or cosmic energy centers, this one located at the base of the skull and the back of the neck. The so-called reptilian brain. It has nothing to do with reptiles.

The point is we are being programmed for the desired totalitarian future. Not one we wish, one they crave. The more blindly accustomed people are to their intended result, the more quickly and efficiently it will be adopted. The world facing a major cataclysm of some sort, a favorite theme, gives the climate change fear programme and global economic ‘solution’ tremendous impetus, for example.

“The preparation of humanity for the New Age involves psychological and physical warfare in the form of spectacular crimes and events that, filtered through the illuminised media, have a ritual occult and initiatory effect on the populace.” (Robert Livingstone)

There’s kind of a race on. They had been aware that this awakening was coming and therefore they’ve been preparing for it. What we’re seeing now is a race between them locking everything down to the point where there’s no margin. You see this is why they want microchips. In the end, these few centimeters at the back of the brain are key. That’s because the micro-chipping is about the external, but the external manipulation of the sense of reality becomes created reality and that’s manifested by the brain.

Why are they telling us what they want and what’s coming in movies?

Surely, they don’t want us to know. They do it, because the more they’re feeding that information into the subconscious mind the more that is becoming the future reality of the subconscious mind which then becomes the manifested reality of the conscious mind. It’s like putting information into a computer and then pressing enter and it comes up on the screen.

What we are dealing with is a force hidden from human sight that understands how reality operates, how we interact with it, and how we create it. It is a set up in society through its control of science — not least through funding and peer pressure and all the other stuff that goes on. Through the media and what we bravely call education, which is keeping from people this understanding of reality.

Thus, if you know how “reality” works and know how you can manipulate people to perceive the reality you want is what is played behind the scenes. All the stuff they put in movies and television programs is far ahead of what they’re seeking to create. You know the reality that we’re experiencing here every day. You stand and look into the night sky and you see all those lights, all those planets and stars – billions of light years away.

What you are seeing exists in that form only or in a few cubic centimeters at the back of your brain where the brain decodes information in electrical form through an illusory physical reality which is actually holographic.

So, if you want to bring down this whole conspiracy, to its real bottom line, it is about what controls those few centimeters at the back of your brain.

This part of the brain is the Alta Major Chakra is located at the base of the skull and the back of the neck. The so-called reptilian brain. It has nothing to do with reptiles.

That’s because if they do it by programming your sense of reality, you will perceive and thus manifest your individual and collective experience of what they have programmed you to decode and manifest. They’ve proven that humans are builders, designers, creators, so they simply program us to manufacture what they want for private gains and control — it’s all happening below our radar.

In fact, it goes much deeper than that.

When you expand your mind, you go beyond consciousness and gain a greater sense of awareness. You are increasing your potential every time you do that, because you have the power to control those centimeters at the back of your brain that are creating your visual reality.

Therefore the programming gets harder to impose itself. Then your mind starts to truly open up to new possibilities and way of life. The globalists are programming the public, because they believe of possessing a spiritual influence to do this. Regardless of whether it’s true or not, they believe it — and they will not stop until they do it.

“To maintain a position of superior power one must maintain an illusion that all others are inferior and subservient to oneself. It is important to create a maze of illusion in religious stories so that all others are fooled into believing that they are inferior and unworthy of being equal individuals. As it becomes in the heavens so shall it be on earth.”

A fully awake population is the last thing you need if you want to control them. They have kept humankind in a state slumberness and ignorance, so they just have access to 6-8% of their brain capacity, and the fear a fully awaken population or if they could activate all 100% of their brain capacity.

⦁ The division between the house servants and the slave progeny of the master who believed themselves to be above everyone else. The divisions, orchestrated by the white masters, gave new meaning to the term divide and conquer

⦁ To maintain a position of superior power one must maintain an illusion that all others are inferior and subservient to oneself. It is important to create a maze of illusion in religious stories so that all others are fooled into believing that they are inferior and unworthy of being equal individuals. As it becomes in the heavens so shall it be on earth.

⦁ Darwin´s evolutionary theory was based on the facts to create a illusion of a master race and the slaves (the masses)

The reptilians have enslaved the human race to do their biddings over the millennia. They are said to control the world governments and thrive on wars, to provide their sustenance. In a way we do not understand. This race has reportedly derailed the humans from their original evolutionary directive, with their enslavement tactics.

Illuminati-reptilians need us; our soul matrix is what they need to survive. We don’t know why exactly, but we believe it is the only reason they are here. For whatever reason humanities soul matrix is why they are here and what they need to survive.” The best way the Illuminati-reptilians to secure their existence is to a create a Global World Brain and a One World Government.

Mankind is controlled completely on the living Earth as much as in between lives. It requires fantastic confront to find out exactly what we have to face between lives.

We have been under this alien reptilian rule for the last ten thousand years. As our technology grows, the reptilians keep giving more of their technology to the government and military to institute complete global mind control.

Reptilians based religions is based on FEAR. This result they are the force behind the repression of human populations in this galaxy, instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies on planets with human populations.

The Illuminati Systems and other institutions are based upon symbols. Everywhere we look we see a symbol of a business or institution, which can be their logo or insignia.

The Illuminati System is based on hierarchies and pyramid structures.

The system is based on mind control. At the very core of Icke’s system is the notion that the world is covertly controlled by a race of reptilian entities.

The Illuminati system is based on technology

The Illuminati systems using colors, symbols and presented fronts, or created ideas.

These is connected to our five senses.

All of these systems want others to recognize who they are without even having to say or print words, but simply see their symbols of (mind) control.

The aphorism of powerful occult bloodlines has always been “order out of chaos” because they are in the business.

Our Illuminati-reptilian ancestors operated almost entirely by routines , and the reptilian parts of our own brains and still operate largely that way.

A theory; Once on Earth, the Illuminati’s knew that humanity would rise up against them if they were discovered. Therefore, they disguised themselves working in the shadows (as secret meeting with the Bilderberger Group), and Illuminati is known to hide behind other names (as the Freemasons)

They use these individuals to create political and economic chaos so that they may feed on the fear and anxiety that surround wars, revolutions, and economic depressions. But Icke’s theory is ultimately hopeful: if people can understand their potential to transcend this reality and to recognize their oneness with the universe, then the Reptilians will be over-thrown. This revolution will usher in an age of freedom, harmony, and spiritual growth for all mankind. David Icke’s claims act as an attack on the modern world and the power structures that give it shape, while also espousing a type of millenarianism.

Network television increases activity in the reptile brain, which is unable to tell the difference between reality and simulated reality. To the reptile brain, the simulated reality of television looks real, so it’s real. On a conscious level the reptile mind doesn’t know that the daily news is only a staged theatrical presentation. The created scenes put together by media manipulators cause physiological reactions like the heart beating faster or a shift in one’s emotions. I’m not referring to the traffic reports, weather updates, crime reports, etc., just the programming aspect. The little bit of real information that comes through news programs is designed to make you trust the whole media presentation. The totality of each new PROGRAM is designed to manipulate you on a conscious and unconscious level.

The effect of habitual television is powerful because the mass mind control operates on the deepest level of human response. The programming is unconscious, which is how media manipulators can make us feel how they want us to feel (if we keep watching TV). The reptile brain allows us to survive as biological beings, but leaves us open to propaganda techniques. Television activates the reptile mind (activity in the lower brain regions), leaving one open to the manipulations of television programmers.

The manipulators behind the media tap into your emotions and use them to control you. The news distorts information to move you in certain directions. The mass mind control through network television is usually undetected and takes place in the subconscious. Why sit in front of the TV and listen to a liar every day?

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