To create a quantum shift in the consciousness of the masses, 51% of our creations need to be positive. To maintain peace on the planet 51% have to be in agreement and expressing vibration of peace in their own lives and consciousness. When 51% of our projections are vibrating at a higher frequency, the other 49% is instantly absorbed into the higher vibration and the electron vibrates at that higher frequency. Once our thought forms and consciousness, our trust and our vision align at 51% we reach critical mass and nothing can stop our vision materializing. In western society we are bombarded by negative media and news, however much of the earth’s population does not have access to the media of the west, so the 51% required for the leap may not be as hard as we may think. The flow of time keeps us bound to this 3rd dimensional planetary experience. We are all experiencing that time is flowing at a faster and faster rate, as more and more light is bombarding the planet. So things are speeding up.
So the heartbeat or frequency of the earth is climbing higher and higher. We live within that frequency. The frequency of our consciousness is directly affected by the change in resonance of our earth, which is being recorded during this moment in evolution.
Simply put, our thoughts are immediately affected by the increasing heartbeat of the earth. Our human brains vibrate to the heartbeat of the earth. If this heartbeat is increasing, our brains will be stimulated by these new frequencies. Is this making sense to you? If you sit in a room that is playing beautiful music, the energy you feel will resonate to that energy. If you sit in a room that is playing a horror movie with screams of death in the air, you will feel the difference in energy being put out. If our planet is reaching a higher frequency resonation than it has previously experienced, the truth can be observed as plain as day: Our planet is undergoing a revolution, evolving from a lower vibrating frequency to a higher one. This is being proven scientifically. Even our planet is trying to “get high”!!!
One of the reasons were here, is to keep raising our level of consciousness until we reach that level of God …
That means our thoughts, beliefs, words and emotions influence our own as well as others’ vibrations to react and change to higher or lower frequencies. The lower the vibrations, the more dark, dense, fearful and heavy. The higher the vibrations, the more light, pure, loving and spiritual. Similar vibrations create mass consciousness.
Mass consciousness is like a huge cloud that fills up with the vibrations of similar thoughts and expressions until it becomes so full that it must spill out into the physical world. The result and impact in one’s life and on our planet is either negative or positive with the intensity being reflective of the type and density of vibrations. So paying close attention to the way we think, feel, behave and react empowers us to re-create our personal reality by choice, thus affecting a change in ourselves and in mass consciousness.
The old world paradigms of separation, egotistical power and control through fear and violence are of very low vibrations.
The heavy density of these lowest vibrations has had a stronghold in our world for centuries and appears now to be reaching a planetary climax. We see it escalating in so many areas. This climax urgently summons the universal call for planetary and personal transformation from the release of fear and separation.
If enough humans reach a certain level of vibration, it has the effect of pulling those of a lesser vibration up. Humanity will not be allowed to destroy themselves or hold the planet back again. Therefore, if you don’t reach the saturation level, each and every human being will be given the choice to stay or leave the planet. It is an absolute truth that the earth will be moving into the higher vibration, and those unable to survive that shift because of their lower frequency will be taken to a new place to continue their growth at their own pace without interfering with the earth’s evolution or their fellow human beings’ right to live in peace.”
In western society we are bombarded by negative media and news, however much of the earth’s population does not have access to the media of the west, so the 51% required for the leap may not be as hard as we may think. The flow of time keeps us bound to this 3rd dimensional planetary experience. We are all experiencing that time is flowing at a faster and faster rate, as more and more light is bombarding the planet. So things are speeding up.