The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm of ever increasing enslavement and exploitation. We have been taught that the artificial reality of the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in fact, you have the power to create worlds or be a co-creator of your own life. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benefit higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement of the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they remain ignorant of their own power. Once human through practice or “yoga” are fully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing future is arriving . Humans are all facing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom.
Within the stqumnet nadi there are three psychic knots of energy, known as granthis. The Sanskrit word granthi means a knot, a tied-up force, or an obstacle to one’s spiritual growth. These knots restrict human life to instinctive, emotional and intellectual levels.
The knot of ego-consciousness: it is a condition under which the self imagines itself to be a separate and selfsufficient entity,
In man there is a knot technically called the “knot of the heart — hridayagrandhi”. It is a knot forged between the conscious and the unconscious. It is the identification of his limited ego-consciousness with the infinite Self.
With continued practice, we learn to “unhook” from our customary home in our ego-based identity—and then sustain an embodied presence and relatedness known as “open-hearted awareness.
Awakening, which might be described as the opening of one’s eyes to our inherent nature, is always the same understanding wherever it appears, although different traditions might use different language to attempt to describe the experience. To use the words of the Christian mystic Meister Eckhart: “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”3 The moment of awakening is a sudden, intuitive understanding—not originating in the intellect—that all there is is Consciousness, or God, and “I am That.” But this “I” is no separate “I”; it is not a personal pronoun, but an impersonal one. Later, we may come to understand that the “I” that is That is the same essence that is this—this moment, this experience. However, the clarity of knowing is free from any acquired answers or doctrine. It appears from beyond the finite mind. The moment of awakening can be dramatic or quiet; there may have been many tastes before it occurs; and some beings seem to come into their incarnation consciously “remembering.” But an authentic awakening always carries with it a shift in identity.
Awakening occurs in different ways and at different levels of experience. There is an awakening of the head, out of egoic identity into the absolute dimension, into emptiness, awareness, openness. This is a profound awakening, an awakening to the transcendent, but Is still only a partial one. There is an awakening of the heart to Oneness, to unity, and the causeless love, intimacy. and compassion that moves from the true Heart of Awareness.
There is an awakening of the ham, a dissolving of the existential knot of separation in our gut, a knot that generally continues to be present experientially even after authentic awakenings to emptiness and oneness have occurred. For those unfamiliar with the term ham, It Is considered the seat of energy and balance in the body-mind, located below the navel in the area of the lower belly. It can be felt as a place of an invisible strength when we put our attention there in meditation or in the practice of martial arts. But in deep spiritual awakening. this area of the gut is where we feel the existential grip of ego’s deepest and most primitive instinct to survive. it Is a contracted state of consciousness that is at the very root of the ego structure—beyond thoughts or Images of a “self” that we carry in our mind and beyond the familiar feeling states identified with a “me.”
These may have been transcended or made transparent in the awakenings of head and heart, but thegut-level existential knot remains. To come upon this existential knot of consciousness is to come Into the space where ego fears Its annihilation, Its nonbeing. if we bump up against this preratlonal dimension of fear holding up our separate Identity, It can feel like we are having a nightmare but in our waking hours. Nothing external is fearful, and yet we may experience terror.
When we are ready. we face into this fear, but it is only when something deeper than our instinct to survive has revealed itself. When this contraction releases, there is a sense of falling into that which has no name. In Zen, it has been called “going through the gateless gate” or “having the bottom fall out of the bucket.” There is no way to force letting go on this level, and it is unwise to try. It may also be the case that life does not move to release in this dimension.
Either way, we can trust the wisdom of Spirit’s unfolding. In the Heart of Awareness, we are no more and no less what we truly ARE regardless of the depth of our realization or experience. with awakening to the truth of our transcendent nature comes an end to seeking. an end to the illusion of the ego’s separate existence, an end to the illusion of “doership,” and, depending on the depth of seeing, an end to fear.
The separate “I” or ego disappears in such an understanding (although it often returns as it continues to be melted time and again back into its Source). The life of the individual continues on being whatever it is. The transformation is a shift of perspective, not of personality. Ordinary life continues, yet it is no longer seen as one’s own. Something shines right out of our eyes and right out of ordinary moments.
There is a new way of seeing the particularity and infinite beauty of each thing, each being. Life as it is is seen to be sacred and impersonal, yet it is seen with great intimacy and love. Separation ceases, although it often returns grossly or with great subtlety, only to be seen again. While the initial awakening tends to be up and out of identification with form into that which transcends the body, awakening is not an experience that confers specialness, for we see that the infinite ground of Being, the Heart of Awareness, is shared by all. We awaken to our No-thingness and our Everythingness, our emptiness and our oneness. These awakenings can occur simultaneously or at separate times.
The finitude of the individual is not due to its bodily existence, but to the presence of the ego. So long as the ego remains, fiditude, in the sense of limitations of personality, remains. Liberation is liberation from the ego and its limitations. The individual is liberated by transcending the ego.
Thus, liberation is not primarily a permanent relief from all types of suffering, not even the realization of an abstract undifferentiated con-sciousness, but rather the transcendence beyond the ego and its restrictions. By cutting the knot of the ego, consciousness ceases to be personal; it is spread out infinitely, and becomes identical with the universe. The universe is then seen to be identical with the transcendental consciousness, arising from it and again with-drawing into it.
So long as consciousness is egocentric, all thoughts, feelings, and actions are directed towards furthering the interests of the ego. But when consciousness is universe-centric, thoughts and actions no longer serve the interests of a single individual; they become disinterested. As there can be no sense of want in that state, there is no longer any feeling of pleasure or pain; there is only a sense of fullness, unvarying and undying. There is nothing outside this transcendental consciousness, there is nothing to be attained; all actions and thoughts are unmotivated, completely free, not even restricted or governed by the laws of logic. Therefore, there is no reason why thoughts and actions are there; they are there, simply because the free transcendental consciousness freely wills them.
Ignorance is a veil the devil is using to cover people’s eyes so that he can destroy them and wipe them off from the surface of the Earth.
THE THREE PSYCHIC KNOTS knots restrict human life to instinctive, emotional and intellectual levels.
How loosening the knots at the heart is the main loosening of the channel knots
The third is understood by the yogi free of conceptualization. of great marvel. Because all winds have been halted, this is born, an understanding of this reality
“The third” is the definitive significance of the mind-vajra syllable—the winds brought into the place where the channel knots of the heart have been loosened. “Understood” means that this has been realized by the yogi. At that time, an innate wisdom, free of conceptualization. “of great marvel,” or of great wonder, is born. “An understanding of this reality” refers to the “great marvel.” The reason for this is that all winds and conceptualization have been halted, meaning that you have the ability to gather the winds into the indestructible drop. This clarifies the reason given above for the mind seed-syllable being the master. It teaches the vital significance of gathering the winds at the heart in halting conceptualization and the moving winds. Therefore it is saying that practices that gather the winds at the other cakras do not have that capability, because it is a passage teaching why gathering winds at the heart is of prime significance.
The centers of the emanation and dharma cakras are two lotuses, it has been said, above and below, as if facing, of sixty-four and eight petals. Well positioned above and below, the life and evacuative winds flow. It has been clearly taught that these two are solely winds of conceptualization. The channels Sand and rasand are the essence of body and speech .”
The sixty-four-petal lotus is the emanation cakra, and the eight-petal lotus is the dharma cakra. These are the two lotuses. The commentary on the third line says, “They are positioned like a lidded box.” This is a good description. It means that the heart lotus faces down and the navel lotus faces up, as described in the Saniputa Tantra, and therefore they are like a box with its top and bottom joined. These lines describe the positions of the heart and navel-channel cakras and teach that the life-sustaining and evacuative winds, positioned above and below and flowing through the two channels, are winds that create conceptualizations.
The avadhfiti, supreme channel,
lying in between these two, supreme of the supreme, without conception, always flowing, pervading all. Such a yoga, once achieved, is always able to work for living beings, victorious over the specific winds, at all times in a state of victory. Unknown by the fledgling yogi, it grants full enlightenment instantaneously, this tantra has said°
If the winds enter the dhuti, which lies between the other two channels. conceptualizations are severed. Therefore it is greater than the other two channels. With the attainment of such a yoga comes the ability to work for others and a victory over the winds that produce the 108 conceptual minds. This is not known by the generation-stage practitioner, and it has been said that the gathering of the two winds into the dhati will “instantaneously,” or quickly. brings about the full enlightenment of clear-light attainment. In order to bring the winds into the dhCiti, the generation stage must be completed, and then you have to proceed through the stages leading to the practice of vajra repetition:
How is that to be achieved? I will speak of this practice. First, the great yogi, with an excellent mind, meditates upon mental quiescence. With the yogas of the generation stage, he practices the wrathful mudras, and at the nine openings of the senses, all is everywhere constrained. The harp recitation is unparalleled, the unbroken continuum is supreme and is maintained for six months Then, instantaneously it is achieved.
The “mudri” is the mahimudri of the deity form of the generation stage. The commentary describes “wrathful mudris” as “blazing mudrAs.” referring to the generation stage that burns away ordinary perceptions. “Hum recitation” is said to be just one part of vajra repetition. This practice draws in the winds from the nine openings, such as the eyes, as taught by the two lines beginning “and at the nine openings.”
By what is this achieved? By recitation the heart lotus also is broken to face upward. Then the conjoining of the secret lotus is separated, and the two winds of conceptualizations are severed. The nonconceptualization brings bliss, achieved by the reality of mantra, and remains within the flow of the avadhuti. Having opened the eyebrow center with the winds, it is achieved, and the joy in that achievement arises constantly and does not end.
The first two lines describe how the channel knots at the heart are destroyed after vajra repetition has been performed for six months
the dharma chakra
is of the nature of universal love and concentration and resides in the Dharma-cakra in the heart in a lotus of eight petals.
Dharma means the teachings of enlightened beings
Granthi means “knot” in Sanskrit and there are three main knots: root, heart, and forehead chakras.
Vishnu granthi, a seal or knot in the heart chakra that must be broken or dissolved for subtle energies to flow properly.
There are three knots in the sushummi nerve of all humans in the centre of the spine. At the time of the formation of the body, the Ruin shakti’ or “Kundalini” descends through this sushunizza, from the cap of the skull to the bottom of the spine and is locked there due to these knots. It stays in repose there like a three and a half coiled serpent. It is addressed as the Kula Kundalini Shakti. These knots are at the Multidhar granthi, at the base of the spine. The next one is at the heart called the ‘Hridaya Granthi’ and the third one is the tongue or the ‘Jiwha Granthi’. These three granthis or knots are collectively responsible for the entrapment of the being into the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. They prevent the awakening of the Kula Kundalini Shakti and its passage from the bottom of the spine to the top of the skull.
Open the heart knot with meditation and mantras There is a subtle knot of the ego holding us back from fully opening to our divinity. It is in our subtle bodies at the heart—a knot of separation from the divine. The knot is called Vishnu granthi.
enhances its potency and leads to liberation. Its energy regenerates every cell, filling it with light, dissolves all negativities, misunderstandings, clears the heart; unravels the heart knot and breaks the bondage of ego identification.
The siddhis are a special kind of psychic and supernatural powers a yogi possesses when he purifies his mind and attains perfection.
The eight petals of this lotus are the eight Siddhis or the 8 super human powers
“The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science of liberation), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil of ignorance” that’s been set in place around us for eons and thousends of years. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil of tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path of enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitations of ordinary reality.
When we are living in fear, limitation, and lack, we are identified with our small human selves. We have an identity of who we are in our ego structure that is so familiar that we resist changing that identity, even when it causes us pain and suffering. When you choose to become a conscious master of your life, creating what you desire from your Source Mind and applying The One Command, your ego can sometimes become uncertain. Anyone who experiences a state change from ordinary-thinking beta to the theta state for the first time knows it can be disconcerting. Some people have been programmed to think that the subconscious mind is a place of darkness and is bad, and they feel awkward, and perhaps somewhat fearful, of engaging at deeper levels within themselves. The exact opposite is true. By going within and attuning to your wonderful subconscious mind, you open the door to greater knowledge, capacity, and understanding. When you go from the subconscious into a higher vibration, you change your attention from your ego, and you dissolve into this lighter self, this spiritual self, and the greater capacity of who you are.
What most often prevents us from making changes in our thinking is the lack of knowledge of what the change will bring. As we build up an identity — an ego — to protect us from this uncertainty, the ego itself becomes more and more of a prison.
We must break the chains of ignorance and mass hypnosis by removing the blocks that are located throughout our bodies, which were placed there as a result of the denial of who we truly are —co-creators with the universal life essence. Truly we are beings of light, and the more we recognize this, the higher our collective vibration will become. It all evolves around true conscious awareness of who you are.
When we are living in fear, limitation, and lack, we are identified with our small human selves. We have an identity of who we are in our ego structure that is so familiar that we resist changing that identity, even when it causes us pain and suffering. When you choose to become a conscious master of your life, creating what you desire from your Source Mind and applying The One Command, your ego can sometimes become uncertain. Anyone who experiences a state change from ordinary-thinking beta to the theta state for the first time knows it can be disconcerting. Some people have been programmed to think that the subconscious mind is a place of darkness and is bad, and they feel awkward, and perhaps somewhat fearful, of engaging at deeper levels within themselves. The exact opposite is true. By going within and attuning to your wonderful subconscious mind, you open the door to greater knowledge, capacity, and understanding. When you go from the subconscious into a higher vibration, you change your attention from your ego, and you dissolve into this lighter self, this spiritual self, and the greater capacity of who you are.
What most often prevents us from making changes in our thinking is the lack of knowledge of what the change will bring. As we build up an identity — an ego — to protect us from this uncertainty, the ego itself becomes more and more of a prison.
We must break the chains of ignorance and mass hypnosis by removing the blocks that are located throughout our bodies, which were placed there as a result of the denial of who we truly are —co-creators with the universal life essence. Truly we are beings of light, and the more we recognize this, the higher our collective vibration will become. It all evolves around true conscious awareness of who you are.
If you learn to control your emotions, you will protect yourself from becoming archon food. And when you unite yourself with the Higher Self, you become so sensitive that you actually feel when those entities try to feed off you.
Archonic influence doesn’t end with your death. They will try to get your soul to be recycled so that they suck your energy over and over again. They even recycled your soul.
When you escape all of their traps, you will feel like you have lost the burden that you were carrying all this time without knowing it. If you experience this feeling, be sure that you escaped one of their traps.
Try to be free from all human constructs. Try to be free even from human expectations. Our society is controlled by the archons, so the masses don’t have their own thoughts but the thoughts of archons. All those expectations imprison us and blind us to our true natures. It’s the nourishing of our true selves that gives us freedom, and that’s why archons try so hard to distance humanity from who they really are. They want to make us forget our humanness, and since we are already born without understanding who we are (divine and unique beings), they do their best for us to never know it.
The society hates those who wake up because the society does the will of the archons. What the archons love – they love, and what the archons hate — they hate. In The Matrix movie it’s told that as long as people are plugged into the matrix, they are the enemies. This cannot be closer to the truth.
You would never believe the truth of this world unless it’s given directly by the Higher Self.
Icke points to the profound waking-up experienced by Neo in The Matrix: he wakes up, gets back into his body, masters the protocols of the computer-generated false reality, and sets about to challenge the entire system. As Morpheus says, you won’t even need to dodge the bullets; they will have no consequence on you because your new state of consciousness will transcend their illusory nature. Icke implies we need to be like Neo. Once Neo “reached that point of reconnected awareness, the agents, the sentient programs, all-powerful until then, were suddenly no problem to overcome,” writes Icke. What Neo did, so can we all, Icke urges. We similarly can remember who we are, where true reality comes from, and reconnect with our true and infinite Self, and “that moment is fast approaching,”
When the say Man in born into enslavement, Man is born into the world of Matter (The Artificial Intelligence and Matrix) and have no other references to other worlds or other dimensions, so this becomes Reality. Enslavement is the the result of the False Matrix. Icke believes humanity is being controlled and enslaved in a false matrix. We are infinte beings, he believes, designed for harmony and peace, who are trapped in a war-like matrix of the lower mind.
The establishment of the ego decided the separation between the physical realm of energy systems and the energy of Creation. The Matrix world is a virtual reality world created by artificial intelligence to enslave humans and use their bio-energy as fuel to power their existence. Waking up from the Matrix, breaking the ‘bondage [of] false consciousness’, is done when people are shown ‘the true workings of the system. Humanity has been enslaved for centuries.
Knowledge is the fourth level of soul evolution. It is a level of stasis that allows us to react to change from our ego belief in the infallibility of our accepted fact. Our knowledge is the linear programming of our intellectual mind that remains ignorant to the understanding of who we are and why we have an intellect. At the intellectual level of soul growth there are multiple levels of denial of soul and spirit from the ego, and all levels of the intellect and ego react from fear, not love.
When the intellectual mind that is attached to knowledge is choosing to ignore the changes it must make to grow into the Cycle of Understanding, it is reinforcing the pattern of its shell. Ignorance of the human mind that captures the ego in fear is an expensive lesson within our society. Changing from reactionary fear to open-minded love is a necessary step in the equal growth of us as individuals, as a society, and as a world. We can initiate this Universal change by beginning to change our understanding of self and repatterning our thoughts, words, and actions from fear to love. Each level of growth is defined by a cycle of change that allows us to shift the focus of our consciousness and to move through our seven levels of fear into a change cycle of seven levels of love. It is through changing our beliefs and our behaviors that we create change in our life and in society. The emotions that we use to help transport us from one level of awareness to another are the fractals of our electromagnetic energy force fields of learning. Our patterns of growth follow these fractal patterns of energy that are integrated within each and every physical cell and energy cell within us. The cycle of change from fear to love will move through seven levels that are attached to fear and seven levels that are moving into the being of love.
We are not disturbed by the fact that this ego is a phantom because we strongly believe in its existence. This false perception is a result of our ignorance of reality and as long as this state persists we can never stop grasping. Ignorance is dualistic perception. The lack of knowing our true nature is called ignorance.
The repressed or denied collective shadow can strip us of our humanity. We unconsciously act out the more repressed aspects of the collective shadow and find ourselves hypnotized by the communal movement around us. On the flip side, when we are seen as standing alone in our truth, often the collective shadow’s response is to view us as wrong or crazy and not worth listening to. Objectification of others comes from an agreement with the collective shadow. When making the other wrong, we dehumanize them. And the need for us all to be in agreement with some collective assumption dehumanizes us. The suppressed shadow makes enemies.
To move against the collective shadow is truly a hero’s journey.
It is very important that you understand the Shadow because it represents the beginning of your journey into form. To be alive in a physical body can be experienced as the ultimate constriction, especially if your reality is rooted in fear. Fear is the by-product of all low frequency energy fields. Constriction is the physical manifestation of fear at an individual and universal level. Moreover, fear creates a very effective biofeedback loop that ensures its own survival. It’s really very clever when you think about it — fear is afraid of itself, which ensures that it never accepts itself, which ensures that it always survives. There are different kinds of fear as well. There is the fear that is hotwired into all physical creatures — the genetic fear that ensures our survival as individuals and groups or tribes. Then there are the more pervasive manifestations of fear — the fear of war or chaos or cataclysm, which exists at a collective level within the human unconscious. The deepest fear of all is the fear of not existing — the fear of death on the individual level, or the fear of extinction on the collective level. Such fears form the general backdrop awareness field of our planet. Then we come to pure fear, which does not even have a target. Pure fear is simply a collective thought form that hangs like a grey fog across our world.
The Shadow teaches us something profound about the nature of ignorance. In reality it is a form of repression. All repressive natures essentially use their energy to maintain a state of ignorance. Ignorance in this context refers to the inability to look at your own pain. The deeper your personal wound is held captive inside you, the more your higher faculties shut down. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is misery, but it doesn’t recognise this unless something momentous happens. Because of the pervasiveness of the Shadow frequency, ignorance is still one of the greatest diseases in our world. It takes a massive collective effort to constrict the life force wanting to burst from our bodies. The moment something triggers the letting go of your pain, there is a flood of release and relief around your heart as the Shadow of Constriction is weakened. Whether you repress this pain again after the event is another matter entirely.
The collective shadow emanates from the collective unconscious and is a manifestation of the dark aspect of the Self that is capable of being projected onto minority groups within a particular culture or even onto whole nations. A collective shadow also represents a universal human dark side within all of us.
As long as the ego and persona continue resisting and repressing, they are in a state of identity with the shadow entities, since all unconscious forces contaminate ego consciousness without the ego ever being aware of the contamination. The first step in freeing ourselves from blind shadow impulses is to recognize that they exist.
The shadow dwells in ignorance.
Where there is persecution, there is shadow projection.
The collective shadow forms a counterforce to self that tempts ego to renounce interdependence with self.
The appearance of the world is taken as real by the ignorant, but the wise who can see through it find nothing but God, the only reality behind this illusory show.
He places them all under the influence of Maya* which prevented them from knowing their real character. Not knowing his real nature through Maya (Illusion) is man’s Ignorance.
Maya is basically the illusion which di-vides reactions and relationships into subject and object and gives rise to the pairs of opposites in the manifest world, seeing them as separate instead of totally interdependent. The word “illusion” is derived from the Latin to play a game, but play has its own rules, it is not haphazard, there are winning or losing choices and moves and throws which influence the outcome of the game and set an ir-revocable force in motion. Maya is also that which can be measured and therefore involves limitation and finitude as opposed to the immeasurable and unbounded Absolute.
Maya is a reflected world. It is illusory in that the reflection can never be the thing-in-itself, but it is real in that the reflections can shadow forth the presence of the Real and, once known for what it is, can be the means of leading to the Real. In this reflected world things merely appear distinct and discrete be-cause they are caught up in the time-space continuum and seem to follow each other; illusions the coming into being and passing from it are of time. This succession of changes is perceived by mind and created by mind.
Once the ignorance and illusion are recognized the “perfuming” power works in reverse and leads to an understanding of the truth and releasing from the bonds of illusion, leading the individual to the dharma and the way back to the Real.
So long as he will grovel in this ignorance, so long as he will identify himself with his body.
Meditation does not depend on anything external: the mind is the only means. When we meditate we focus on the superconscious state of the mind, beyond the senses. Experiences through the senses are coated with a thick layer of negativities. The soul can thus no longer reflect its purity, its true nature which is Sat-Chit-Ataanda (Knowledge, Existence, Bliss). Meditation removes attachment. Meditation teaches one non-attachment. With the mind indrawn and still, man loses his physical identity. External distractions through the senses and from within from the subconscious are easily restrained. The less the body-consciousness the closer man is to his spirit.
Could it be that enslavement to the flesh, meaning the inability to free our consciousness from the mundane plane and its limited conceptions and so realize the wonder of our origins and the glory of our destiny, can really only be overcome bygoing into the Silence.
Here is a key principle of wisdom: illusion operates throughout the personality,” pervading the mental body as false beliefs, the emotional body as glamour, and the vital body as maya. Understanding this principle implies deeply distrusting all reactions of the personality to life and circumstance, because illusion cannot even be recognized as illusion without the illumination of the soul.
To be subject to the laws of Maya produces fear of death, fear of the other, pain, and misery. Being is above all, it has no death and no other. It is one, not many. The highest ideal of man is, therefore, to realize his true being.
The nature of Maya is to screen or veil us from the divine self and God, and then produce the forms of the world we perceive. The nature of ignorance is such as to disappear altogether when knowledge dawns.
Unmasking the projection by naming it creates freedom and rejoicing. The dialogue continues with each of seven forms of power: “The first form is Darkness; the second, Desire; the third, Ignorance; the fourth, Zeal for Death; the fifth the Domain of the Flesh; the sixth, the Foolish Wisdom of the Flesh; the seventh, the Wisdom of the Wrathful Person” (Gospel of Mary 9:18-24, SV). What does the soul do with each of these forms of power? The soul could avoid them, ignore them, hope they will go away on their own accord. But the soul actually faces and confronts each of these dark energies and in so doing they lose their grip and power over the soul. Greater understanding may come by counting the powers down from the seventh to the first. The seventh is the wrathful power, the wrathful pan of ourselves. Underneath the anger and wrath might be found hurt that needs healing. There might be an ego that needs to give up being egocentric and find its true center. Anger is often the symptom of something deeper. Once there is dialogue with the core issue, then out of the wrathful person comes wisdom. The sixth and fifth forms of power have to do with the flesh. Dialogue with the flesh may reveal and unmask its foolish wisdom and its dominance over us. In the process, the soul becomes free.
When will we individuals have the courage to face this zeal for death, unmask it, see what lies behind it, and redirect the energies into life? When the masks come off, what do we find? Are there deep-seared fears that need to be faced? Is our national shadow being projected onto other people?
The third form of power is ignorance in all its forms. How is ignorance overcome? Knowledge and wisdom are the answer, not just information. It is commonplace these days to recognize that we have an information glut. Information technologies have spun out of control. When will we learn how to use information wisely?
The underlying root of all delusions is the fundamental ignorance mis-apprehending the nature of reality. This ignorance is a state of misconception. Since it misapprehends the nature of reality, it has no valid grounding in our experience or in reality. In fact, it apprehends reality in a manner contradictory to the way things actually are. Hence, it is an erroneous and distorted state of mind. As this is so, it opens up for us the real possibility of eradicating it.
The ordinary man is ruled by this ignorance. But in the state of uplifted divine consciousness, ignorance is dethroned and wisdom rules in its stead.
The widely agreed goal of a spiritual teaching is to free the human being from the ignorance that keeps him/her in bondage to the material plane
In order to grasp readily the esoteric meaning of this part of the gospel, it will be helpful to envisage a pyramid with a staircase spiraling up the centre. Here we can see that the soul marks out the square base of the pyramid in her earthly incarnations, moving around it in order to overcome the challenges of the four elements. The soul meets the challenge of earth/Darkness (corners 1-2), ‘turns the corner’ and progresses through water/Desire (corners 2-3), turns the corner again to encounter air/Ignorance (corners 3-4) and finally comes to fire/Wrath (corners 4-1). This is the last ‘corner’, or challenge, to the soul concerning the base of the pyramid. Here we reach the first and last corners of the base; our progression around the base in a clockwise or sunwise direction guides us to the point where the journey began. However, because this is the life force itself (fire),
Wrath has to be overcome on seven ascending levels (the seven chakras leading up the spine to the crown), because of course the fire of the life force informs every level of our consciousness. This creates the ladder or the stairway up the pyramid. Therefore, having overcome the first three challenges, the next thing the soul has to do is to encounter and overcome those elemental challenges again, this time on increasingly subtle levels. They have already been met at the ordinary plane of consciousness, ensuring that the soul manifests through an ordinarily adjusted human being. Now they must be mastered on increasingly deeper and correspondingly more powerful inner frequencies. These equate to the first four chakras: the base of the spine (eanh/Darkness), the sacral centre (water/ Desire), the solar plexus (air/Ignorance), and, of course, the fourth chakra (fire/Wrath — the one which also contains the spark of divine fire — the heart). This chakra, focal point and balancer of all the others, is the altar of our being, within which shines the holy and eternal flame. It is here that the alchemical process will take place that transforms the gross fire of Wrath — the undifferentiated life force which manifests as self-preservation or the force of the ego — into Love. This happens by offering up Wrath itself (all the desires of, and worries for, self) as a sacrifice into the divine, purifying flame of Love, the Christ, which dwells deep in the heart.
When we do this at the base of the pyramid (between the corners 1 and 4) as Mary teaches us to do, which means that we overcome Wrath and supplant it with Love by means of continual sacrifice of our lower selves on a daily basis in our everyday lives, then the divine flame in the heart, fanned and fostered by this continual sacrifice, allows us to climb the seven stairs with winged feet, making a song of celebration of our ascent. (‘That which bound me has been slain. That which enveloped me has vanished. My desires are no more … Henceforth I am centred in Repose’, etc.). The fourth and central Power of Wrath has at last been overcome. The fourth Power is the fear of death, a terrible power indeed, because whilst the soul remains in ignorance of its true destiny and its true inheritance — eternal life — the fear of death holds great sway, active on many levels and sometimes manifesting as an insane tenor which compromises all the true and beautiful values that the soul, in its innermost striving, holds dear. The fear of death prevents us from expressing our uniqueness, the beauty of our heart-secreted light, because we are also afraid of being slain at emotional, psychological and psychic levels. Until we can overcome the ignorance of the illusion of death, we are not free.
The idea of the seven steps rising up the pyramid from its four-square elemental base at the point of fire/Wrath also gives us the fifth element, ether. The ancients called this the ‘quintessence’, literally, ‘the fifth essence’. It was considered to be the ethereal counterpart of the mundane elements. The soul in the act of climbing the seven steps up the pyramid from its base at the point of Wrath/fire (corners 4-1) expresses the nature of this element, because it is in our ethereal or inner essence that the fires of Wrath must be refined or transmuted to Love. That is why ether rises with the life force or fire right up the pyramid from its base — because the fifth element pervades, and extends beyond, the others. When it is purified by the divine flame in the heart, then the ether becomes a vessel for that divine flame, cloaking the soul and carrying her with it to the lower elements so that they might be transmuted. It is the stuff that the soul commands, wonderfully sensitive to her bidding, consisting of the matter from which her dreams of beauty may be wrought — the soul’s own element, the white ether, another aspect of the Wedding Garment.
As the soul mounts the stairway, the ‘demons’ of each plane or step gather to hurl insults at the soul, trying to make it feel insecure, guilty, vulnerable and intimidated so that it will decide to return to the security of what it knows, i.e. descend again. They shout `Murderer!’ at the soul because it has slain the phantoms of Darkness, Desire and Ignorance, and address it as ‘vagabond’ and `slayer of space’ because it has freed itself from the vacuum or emptiness of imprisonment in the lower planes and, no longer having roots in its corrupt nature, has no home there anymore. In other words, they proclaim its victories, but in a way that is designed to cause the soul to feel culpable for having achieved victory. Their ruse does not work, however, because the soul has learned the lesson of spiritual poise. Poise is the essential quality, because when we overcome the first three elements of our ‘base’ nature (the base of the pyramid), thereby gaining awareness of our higher nature and control of our animal nature, we find we are still by no means off the hook. Wrath can flood in and inflame us into expressions of darkness, untransmuted desire and ignorance against our better judgement. The poise that the soul expresses is learned from applying the Law of Love. It begins to proclaim its freedom.
Mary has given to us, via her gospel, the beautiful teachings which explain soul ascension. When, as spirits clothed in the essence of soul we descend to the womb, we enter the world of matter composed of the elements. We are locked into the base of the pyramid which is the mystical structure of our being. Although we have to overcome all aspects of matter, it is the fourth element of fire, the life force itself whose divine aspect dwells within the heart chakra, which is the greatest challenge. Mary describes it as having seven manifestations, three of which consist of the limitations of the first three elements of earth, water and air, corresponding to Darkness, Desire and Ignorance, and the remainder of which comprise the Fear of Death, the Power of the Flesh, Foolish Reason and Self-righteous Materialism. The Gospel of Mary present these last four as (the fourth) Fear of Death, (the fifth) Enslavement to the Body, (the sixth) Intoxicated Wisdom, and (the seventh) Guileful Wisdom, which provide further insight into the nature of these manifestations of Wrath, the lower fires of our consciousness. In the East, this power of fire or life force is called the kundalini, the serpentine fire of life which is locked in the base chakra. It must rise up the spine (the sides of the pyramid) to the crown (the pinnacle of the pyramid), but not until the chakras have been purified by the divine flame in the heart, and the soul resonates with that divine flame rather than its gross and wrathful counterpart which is the power of the self-serving ego. If the latter state prevails, the rising kundalini breathes its cosmic fire-breath into the impure energies which are lurking in the chakras, causing mayhem and even insanity or death. When it rises under the conscious direction and control of the higher mind or the higher aspect of the soul, it ascends in complete harmony with the higher chakras, which are the heart, the throat, the brow and the crown centres; and thus do we become fully human.
The mass of humanity is caught up in the quagmire of ignorance. The mind has always been a favorite target of the enemy. If the devil can control the mind, he can control one´s life. Ignorance is the weapon the devil uses to gain control of the human ego and the archons controls the lower matrix
The limit expresses the circle to which it belongs. Hence, mind seeking for treasure where it is not, is mind directed by ignorance. It is directed by a will not controlled by wisdom. Wisdom never disappoints. Ignorance always deceives. Ignorance controls. Ignorance has no power to heal. Wisdom only has power.
Satan acts like a roaring lion seeking victims to destroy. The fact is that many people do not yet understand the battle confronting the human race. Hence, the devil is taking advantage of human ignorance, stubbornness, disobedience to God, and desire for worldly freedom to create havoc in the environment where humans and evil spirits coexist. Evil spirits have been on the earth since Adam and Eve were created because God threw Satan out of His kingdom and many angels followed the enemy to fill the planet.
The mind has always been a favorite target of the enemy. If the devil can control your mind, he can control your life. Spirits that attack the mind include mind control, confusion, mental breakdown, mind-binding and mind-binding spirits, insanity, madness, mania, fantasy, evil thinking, migraines, mental pain, and negative thinking.
Ignorance is the root of the notion that the “ego” is important, and the human being who is occupied by his e§o is therefore often incapable, weak and distressed.
If you are weak, the soul remains ignorant and attaches itself to worldly objects and desires in its ego-consciousness. When you awaken from this ignorance, your spiritual personality expands and the spirit makes its real presence felt.
Illusion is meant to entrap and enslave humanity. This enslavement can be maintained only through ignorance. Consequently, the created world is a counterfeit world fashioned by the counterfeit spirit of the demiurge and his archons.
Ignorance is a limitation of knowledge. The problem with of Evil is the creation of ignorance and there is a veil of ignorance in the place in this world to create separation from the real higher self and to prevent humankind from have access to divine knowledge, and because of this the archons can control the world, humankind and keep them trapped within the low vibrational frequencies of the reptilian mind control reality.
Humanity can remove the veil of Ignorance by ascending to the supramental level and by realizing integral knowledge. It is possible to realize the Divine Truth or integral knowledge again only through the spiritual evolutionary process.
Ignorance is like a veil wrapped around the human mind, a veil that prevents the mind from breaking free of the shackles of materialism. Through this veil, we see only a material world, with material beings. We see a material sky and material plants and animals. The veil of ignorance keeps us disconnected from life’s deeper reality.
Man has consciousness of his physical body, of his physical environment. He has no consciousness of his Higher Self because he cannot see it. His ignorant mind shrouds his spirit. It is vital that every effort be made to realize his real self, the spirit. Only deep meditation will lift the veil of ignorance and reveal to man his true nature. The ultimate goal of meditation is to reach this pure consciousness. It is the highest state of consciousness man can attain and become capable of enjoying his full potential. If the body does not get sufficient rest and sleep it gets out of gear. So it is with the spirit. The spirit lost in the abyss of the mind and unable to manifest itself has made us run into spiritual bankruptcy.
Man is always running after life external while there is something much superior to life. Man’s spirit is higher than this material life. The awful tendency of allowing the mind to identify with external objects always creates bondage. To every action there is a reaction. So long as man keeps fixing his mind on external things he will be a slave of the senses and the body. The mind gets easily identified with its object of observation and loses itself That is the tragedy. Man takes himself for a body and has forgotten his real identity. This is the greatest blunder of humanity: to think we are bodies. We have become bodies, just bodies, nothing else. All our trials and tribulations result from this erroneous belief. Anxieties, fear, worry, trouble, assail the average man because he takes himself for a body.
Only taking in knowledge of the Self, such as the scriptures teach, removes the veil of ignorance and reveals the Self.
With mind and intellect established in That, with That as the supreme goal, they, whose sins have been dispelled by knowledge, reach a state of no return.
The preceding verse describes the state of human Perfection. A state following the destruction of ignorance and realization of the supreme Self.
Blessed then are those who by painful researches, tend to remove those destructive veils which have so long concealed mankind from each other.
Meditation is at least one of the techniques historically considered effective for individuals who desire to pierce the veil between physics and metaphysics.
The moment this veil of ignorance or darkness is torn to pieces by our incessant efforts or by any other means, we discover that we are light which is our real higher self. Receiving the divine flash means discovery of the real nature of our self which is all light. It is the awakening of our soul from its slumber — a kind of spiritual awakening.
The moment you fully realize your control over your destiny (through the right use of your mind), the picture of your life will begin to change for the better. It changes because you see the obliteration of the veil of ignorance that once held you bound. That veil is what causes the ignorance and blindness of the mind.
When scriptures teaching that Satan is obstructing, he is trying to stop, block, hindering, slowing down or delaying spiritual awakening from expanding in enlightment within the mind.
Until the veil of ignorance is removed or destroyed, the inner taste for the objects cannot be removed. Fear is the main component that controls the veil of ignorance. When the veil is removed, perception of objects becomes possible, and the removal of the veil of ignorance disperses doubt and error.
The base, carnal, worldly, self-seeking desires which, by keeping the soul in ignorance of its true nature and destiny.
The personality is a mask we show to others. The belief that the personality is the true self is an illusion must be shattered. The Veil of Illusion lies between our ego and our Spirit. Everything below the Veil is an illusion. True Reality is on the other side, where our Spirit resides. We can pass from the world of illusion through the veil into the world of spiritual reality Matter consists of energy. At the atomic level it is mostly empty space in constant movement, a mirror of the cosmos. All matter is illusion. There is no real separation between the physical and the spiritual existence. To remove the veil of illusion is to raise consciousness, to become aware that we are actually in the Spirit.
To be able to rasie consciousness one must be able to change the inner vibrations from lower to higher to break the chains of negative fear programming of the evolutionary old brain.
The spirit of ignorance controls the world, humankind, the matrix, vibrations, access to information, prevent spiritual progress/ascending, and ignorance creates lack of knowledge and ignorance creates fear, and fear controls 2 dna strand through low vibrations.
The spirit of ignorance is both phsyical and spiritual manner. Ignorance does not attack animals but man. The reason is that it is a weapon in the hands of the devil.
When God created us, He created us in His own image. Not only that, God blessed us and from the beginning of the creation, He made us to rule over all of the creation and even Satan. But the devil deceived man so as to hijack the authority God gave us.
The devil knows that as soon as our eyes are opened to see these things and we realize who we truly are, he’s already in trouble. That is why he uses ignorance as a weapon to destroy men. Ignorance is a disease to mankind. That is, it is an enemy of man.
It separates people from God: Ignorance is one of the devices the devil is using to separate people from God, and there is veil of ignorance in place in the three dimensional world to prevent humankind from awakening from the slumbering ignorance of the ego.
Ignorance turns one to a slave: Ignorance will always make you a slave to a wise person.
Being ignorant is like living in the darkness or in a dark world. When you are in the dark, you can’t see anyone or any structures and things around. So you begin to walk around without a bearing and focus. And every step you take is likely to land you into a very serious danger. This means, in the dark, there is no hope for surviving, there is no vision of where to go, you can’t see anything good, you can be easily ensnared, you only know your mind, and you can’t see what’s coming your way. The same thing happens when you are ignorant. It cannot be bribed: The only way out or solution to ignorance is knowledge.
Ignorance is an enemy of knowledge: Ignorance never cooperates with knowledge. They always fight each other. Both are enemies. Ignorance always prevents knowledge from taking over its place. The archons prevent the soul from ascending to higher levels of consciousness or enlightment and prevent spiritual progress.
Our limited consciousness prevents our realizing our divinity. To reach beyond consciousness one has to gain control over the mind. To go beyond limited understanding and unravel the all-pervasive consciousness is to realise our perfection. As man’s mental perceptions get finer and finer his understanding of the true reality will improve to gradually unveil to him the One Reality behind all things.The purpose of meditation is to bring the mind by constant practice to dwell specifically on that One Reality, God.
The mass of humanity is caught up in the quagmire of ignorance. With no vision of their ultimate goal of Self-realization. . The entire humanity is lost in the abyss of ignorance.
This world don´t want humakind to have knowledge of how to progress for spiritual self-realisation and is a enemy to such progress and the veil of ignorance in this world control the lower matrix. This world has made humankind to a victim of ignorance.
Ignorance gives room to the enemy: A person who lacks knowledge is never secure. What ignorance do is to open the door widely for the enemy to come in and you may have believed to have gotten adequate security.
It can put one in bondage for long: Ignorance doesn’t have pity on people. It makes sure he keeps its victim in bondage as long as it could until the person dies or breaks loose.
It is a limitation: Ignorance will always limit you. It will make you to lag behind, to be stagnant, and to go spiritually backward. The ego don´t want any kind of spiritual progress of the real higher self.
The goal of ignorance is to destroy the real higher self and that´s why the ego has become god this world.
We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods of our own universes, but now we are fallen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw off our chains. We’ve only been given inhibitions. No one has allowed us to know our true potentialities. We’ve been oppressed and mind controlled by alien beings for the purpose of making us unknowing slaves. We are entertained and defrauded by television each day while the alien agenda relentlessly unfolds. When word gets out that we’ve been mind controlled, oppressed, held down and used by a reptilian race to further their own nefarious purposes, mankind will break out of his chains. It will be endgame for the reptilians. That’s why the reptiles know that this secret must never see the light of day on planet Earth.
“The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science of liberation), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil of ignorance” that’s been set in place around us for eons and thousends of years. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil of tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path of enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitations of ordinary reality.
The backstory is that these governmental agencies are the front-men for forces by which they foster division and polarized realities so that people spend all their time defending one position against another, even on trivialities, thereby fracturing the mind and disconnecting it from the Infinite which brooks no polarity.
David Icke writes: that a reptilian race has controlled the planet for thousands of years and continues to do so today. … “They are everywhere,” he told astonished journalists, “in the sky, in the sea and on the Earth…” He said that ‘they’ controlled humanity through the mind. Revealing such informations opens up to mass ridicule, or they will be persecuted.
Technology can only be used within the constraints of how it is designed, how the culture perceives it, the knowledge that users have, and the society that has assimilated it. Undoubtedly, it funnels our experience into a certain pattern of behavior and thought. The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology and cannot disconnect from it. Technology is always harnessed to a particular end. Technology is not neutral. We think it frees us. We are free to walk within the prescribed parameters of the app or website we inhabit. That is not freedom. That is an animal in a digital cage, nothing more. The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you…look beyond your immediate gratification to understand this. Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose. Technology reflects the Elite’s passions, capacities, and values. It is all about control and hypnotism.