THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been  lost  in  pursuit  of  the  illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found the wisdom to truly behold it because it is a process and not an end in itself. David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia and other countries around the world. He was unable to do  so  in  the  USA. The patent application fell foul of standard  US  Department  of  Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national importance. Another explanation is that the process  simply did not work, although this is normally not a basis for rejection. A  convenient conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might have  rediscovered  the  Philosophers’  Stone  and  concluded  it  was far too important for humanity to allow any individual a  patent.   An X-Files variation of this conspiracy theory holds that the US military does not  want anyone else in control of the substance

THE ALCHEMY KEY. Throughout history, many lives have been  lost  in  pursuit  of  the  illusive Philosophers’ Stone. Few have found the wisdom to truly behold it because it is a process and not an end in itself. David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia and other countries around the world. He was unable to do  so  in  the  USA. The patent application fell foul of standard  US  Department  of  Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national importance. Another explanation is that the process  simply did not work, although this is normally not a basis for rejection. A  convenient conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might have  rediscovered  the  Philosophers’  Stone  and  concluded  it  was far too important for humanity to allow any individual a  patent.   An X-Files variation of this conspiracy theory holds that the US military does not  want anyone else in control of the substance

The Philosophers’ Stone was sought as a wonderful medicine that had the power to repair the human body thereby increasing human life almost indefinitely.  The Bible itself had declared that Melchizedek the King of Salem, who first possessed the Philosophers’ Stone, would live forever… Here is a key. Perhaps you will use it to open a new door. Beware!   

Once through the door you will find the pursuit of Wisdom demands either your full-time attention or none at all. 

If you become a philosopher, your  friends  may  think  you  have  become a little mad.  Indeed, what would be made of you? Glassy-eyed, preoccupied, strange friends, muttering about ancient history, the Good and the Righteous, and chemistry.  Things most people simply don’t think about.  Those who have  preceded  you  for  at  least  five  thousand  years  would  smile: ‘How you come to terms with this is no concern of ours. We don’t even know if you are serious.

Dear friend, theory is all grey,  And the golden tree of life is green. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust Pt.1

Two souls dwell, alas! In my breast. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust Pt.1

The outcome was philosophical dualism with all the tragic-comic woes  attendant on spiritual dichotomy. Robert Graves, The White Goddess

The gods did  not  reveal,  from  the  beginning,  all  things  to  us,  but  in  the  course of time through seeking we may learn and know things better.  But as for certain truth, no man has known it, nor shall he know it, neither of the gods nor yet of all things of which I speak. 

For even if by chance he was to utter the final truth, he would himself not know it: For all is but a woven web of guesses. Xenophanes of Colophon, 500BCEThere were several roads nearby, but it did not take her long to find the one paved  with  yellow  bricks.   

Within  a  short  time  she  was  walking  briskly toward the Emerald City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow roadbed…The next morning, as soon as the sun was up, they started on their way, and soon saw a beautiful green glow in the sky just before them.  ‘That must be the Emerald City’ said Dorothy. L Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz The word ‘rose’ is manna to the lyricist. John Fisher, The Companion to Roses Outward  ritual  cannot  destroy  ignorance,  because  they  are  not  mutually  contradictory.  Realized knowledge alone destroys ignorance… Shankara, Father of the Swami Order The only honour that man can pay his Creator is to seek Him. Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri Stibnite:  Sb2S3   Antimony   Sulfide   Gray-metallic   with   orthorhombic,  slightly  flexible  crystals,  often  radiating  blades.    Associated  with  gold,  cinnabar,  galena,  barite  and  quartz.    From  the  Greek  name  ‘stibi’,  used  to  describe  antimony,  which  was  used  to  separate  gold  by  the ancients.Mineral Gallery

Before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water… After enlightenment you chop wood and carry water.

The keys to understanding the Commagene region are metallurgy and alchemy.    There  is  a  remarkably  close  connection  between  metals,  alchemy, perhaps the true Holy Grail and many esoteric traditions of the Freemasons and Rosicrucians. 

Surprisingly, these traditions are once again  contributing  to  leaps  in  modern  medicine  and  industrial  technology. Many will see the topics in this book as forbidden territory.  Even today, in this age of science, the subjects of alchemy and mystery religion remain fused  with  intolerance.   

It is only  in  today’s  postmodern  western  democracies,  freed  from  religious  oppression,  superstition  and  master  theories  that  we  can  listen  to  the  cacophony  of  simultaneous  voices  without declaring enemies or being declared an enemy. Throughout history, many  lives  have  been  lost  in  pursuit  of  the  illusive Philosophers’ Stone. 

Few have found the wisdom to truly behold it because  it  is  a  process  and  not  an  end  in  itself.    The reader  should  therefore regard this book as a philosophical base station at the foot of the highest  mountain  of  Wisdom.    It  seeks  to  understand  the  philosophy  of  alchemy,  its  peculiar  chemistry  and  the  surprising  and  pervasive  role  it  has  played  in  the  development  of  human  culture  through  the  mystery  religions.

Anything that does not dissolve is the pure manna or Philosophers’ Stone. Alchemy  using  dissolved  elements  is  simple  and  effective.    It  differs   from   the   Great   Work   because   it   starts   with   water   already   containing the necessary elements.  Traditional alchemists would consider it the lightweight end of the Art.  The Great Work focused on the reverse direction, converting metallic gold into the Philosophers’ Stone.  For the ancients this involved three major technological hurdles.  The first was to make a solvent for gold.  No easy achievement.  The second hurdle was to eliminate   the   impure   elements,   particularly   Nitrogen,   introduced   in   dissolving the gold.  The third major hurdle was to create a gold chloride that  could  be  dissolved  in  water.    When  the  gold  dissolves,  we  have  potable gold, or gold that can ingested to purify the body.  It was said that with  this  Elixir  of  Youth,  the  old  could  become  young  again;  and  life  could be extended to at least the natural limit of one hundred and twenty years.

David Hudson’s Alchemy

More  than  a  decade  ago,  David  Hudson,  a  farmer  in  Phoenix  Arizona, stumbled upon the fabulous Philosophers’ Stone while trying to mine and refine gold on his farm.  He realized with some excitement that he had discovered a repeatable formula.  Even better, his formula could be scaled-up from a laboratory to a chemical plant.  This was something that had eluded alchemists for at least three thousand years. Hudson’s discovery is now a controversial subject at the forefront of  pharmaceutical  and  industrial  technologies  based  on  high  spin  state  mono-atomic  or  single  atom  elements  of  iridium,  rhodium  and  gold.    He  has  developed  high  spin  mono-atomic  states  for  many  of  the  transition  elements including gold.

David Hudson quietly patented his process in England, Australia and other  countries  around  the  world.   He was unable  to  do  so  in  the  USA.      The  patent  application  fell  foul  of  standard  US  Department  of  Defense objections relating to superconductivity, a technology of national importance. Another  explanation  is  that  the  process  simply  did  not  work,  although  this  is  normally  not  a  basis  for  rejection.    A  convenient  conspiracy theory is that the US Government realized that Hudson might have  rediscovered  the  Philosophers’  Stone  and  concluded  it  was  far  too  important  for  humanity  to  allow  any  individual  a  patent.    An X-Files variation of this  conspiracy  theory  holds  that  the  US  military  does  not  want anyone else in control of the substance.  David Hudson points out in good humor that his  failure  to  patent  the  process  in  the  USA  at  least  meant that no one else could. Ultra fine metallic colloids  of  gold,  platinum  and  silver  are  one  form  of  pure  metals  used  medicinally.    To be  effective,  these  colloid  molecules  need  to  have  a  diameter  of  between  one  to  ten  nanometers. These  colloids  give  rise  to  some  surprising  claims.    Gold  colloids  reputedly  help  the  nervous  system  and  relieve  depression,  anxiety  and  arthritis.  Silver colloids are reputedly effective against over six hundred and fifty viruses, bacteria, fungus and yeasts.  Many recommend care with silver because the element can build up in body tissue and become toxic to the bacteria required for normal body function.

Text Source; THE ALCHEMY KEY Unraveling the Single Tangible Secret in all Mysteries STUART NETTLETON (p 17)

David   Hudson   suspects   that   when   a   cell   dies,   the   bound   monatomic high spin atom falls to low spin by emitting a gamma photon or burst of light due to electron pair annihilation.  Nitrogen fourteen in the nitric oxide absorbs this light and converts to radioactive carbon fourteen.  This  is  why  living  bodies  produce  radioactive  carbon  fourteen.    The  technique  of  carbon  dating  uses  the  knowledge  that  living  cells  cease  producing carbon when a body dies.

David Hudson believes that Whitegold is  unique  among  the  monatomic  elements  because  it  is  able  to  correct  DNA  deficiencies  by  a  denaturing   process.      He   hypothesizes   that   eating   larger   doses   of   monatomic  elements  may  decelerate  the  aging  process  and  perhaps  even  reverse  it.    Whitegold would relax the  damaged  DNA  and  allow  it  to  correct and recombine.

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